'1 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Qrv, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949 HER N MY OFFICE . MB. 3Ptft. IS TV CODE OF RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE k eoNoeo baby sitter V WtONISDAY P.AA. KSLM KGW K0C0 IKOIN juo u By AP Nswitofuras (Chapter S) Jay stripped oil hat and shirt and hurriedly wasnea in a Dasin 01 oald water. He Dut on a clean shirt. cautiously opened the door, and peered Into ttia hallway. It wu mpty, and Jay hurriedly went to ward Um book door. Ha knew Joe. Joe liked to drink, and If he'd been tn Aihbury rery long he'd be known in the saloons. Mb strolled over to a bar and he bartender grinned at the sight of aim, . "Say, where you been keepin1 yourself lately? Ain't seen you In a month of Sundays." Been down home," Jay said brieL- JT. "Visiting the lolks. How's things twan going?" "All right, I reckon. I saw Ellen on the street a little while ago with her ma and pa. You going back to ridin' for Randan?" Eo her name was Ellen Randall Xnowintc her name helped a lot. Jay snugged. "Quien sabe? A man has to make a living some how. Seen Jim around?" "Jim who?" "Swlnnerton." he said. "Oh, Jim. Sure, He's around aome place. Tried his office?" He went to the end of the bar Jront laa the street wall and peered out He turned. "I expect you'll find him In his office. I see the front door open." He came back and put a glass on the bar, reaching lor a bottle behind him. "Same thing?" he asked, and poured without waiting for an an swer, it was straigm rye, one Hun dred proof, without a chaser. "Sure thine." nodded Jay. It looked as though he were going o have a hard time filling his brother's shoes until he got this mess straightened out. Joe was . a hard drinker and Jay didn't care much for the stuff. But he was tired from the long ride and the fiery liquor was wel come. He crossed the street and made his way along the boardwalk to the open door or a small one-story building with two windows on the front wall, one on either side of the open door. Lettered on one were the words: James Swlnnerton, At torn ey-at-Law. Jay went in. The place was de serted except for the man who sat back of the desk going over somr papers. He was in his thirties, blond and well built, and clenn-shaven The pencil dropped from his hand. He rose slowly. "Good heavens!" was all he said for the moment. "It's impossible!" he said. "It Just can't be! And yet I know it must be. You're Jay Allison, aren't you?" Jay nodded, waiting. "Where's Joe?" he finally asked. Swlnnerton got up and closed the front door. "I haven't got much time," Jay said impatiently. "I got in on the tTBln Just a little while ago. Took a room at the Ford and the next thing I know a red-haired girl grab bed me and started hugging me." The lawyer laughed. "That's Ellen Randall. She and Joe are engaged to be married." "I know that," grunted Jay. "She told me that much. I'm supposed to go over and eat supper with them as soon as I finish bathing and shaving. So I haven't got much time. I want to know their names, what I'm supposed to do. where Joe is and what's up. Where's Joe and whers do you fit In?" Swlnnerton smiled and leaned back in his ohslr, "Last week Joe ftot himself badly shot up. We've jot him hid out." "What's your part of the deal?" Jay shot back. "My dear fellow," the other laugh ad, "I'm Joe's lawyer. He got into bit of trouble with a man named Peg Smith. Whatmver it was, he tried to draw a gun en Joe, and Joe blocked the draw with one hand and laid Peg's scalp open with a gun barrel. I defended him in court and got him off with a fine. Last week a rider I never saw before came aft er me In the night. Joe wanted to se me. I found him hid out In a camp. He's badly wounded, but he'll Mve ' now a n gel snot? He was supposed to be home the past month with the folks." Swlnnerton shrugged. "I can let IT I sweetens breath 1 R2839 WILLIAM HOBSON you have the facts. A couple of months ago Joe and Ellen Ran day fell In love. Old Mike, her father, hit the roof on account of Joe's drinking and making love to the girls at dances and getting into fights. He sent Jo to a sum mar me camp far to the north to get him away from XUen for a while and let them cool off. But Joe got sore and threw in with Brad Morden's gang of horse thieves who are running stolen stock through this section of the coun try. He helped them slip through at night. Then he said he was going home for a while, and Joined them in some raids Instead. "Well, last week they stopped by Randall's place to pick up a few of his thoroughbred Morgans. Old Mike is crazy about his blooded stuff and keeps them under guard at night. Joe got shot but got away. He sent for me. He said that if he didn't show up at the ranch on time he was already two weeks overdue Mike and the girl might get suspicious. He asked me to send that telegram to get you up here in a hurry, I sent it and youre here. "In other words," Jay Allison said slowly. "I'm to take over his Job and make love to his girl until he gets well enough to go back to stealing horses Irom his bass. The answer is that joe can go to blazes. You tell him I said so. I never minded his wlldness and drinking, but I'll have no part in any such mess. (To Be Continued) One Icud tack 2910 HnUK.hnlri HfllMr. , uirt KlnhAn. wise aprons pretty and practical, so easy to make from a minimum of material I No. 3910 has the sturdy halter styling. No. 3088 highlights shell shape pockets. (Two separate No. 3086 Is out In one size, 1 yd. 36-ln. No. 1910 Is out in sizes small, medium, large. Medium, 1 yd. 35-ln. Just out! The rALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 160 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat-' wii designs ior an ages. Remem ber, it's Kmnrt. In w vnur mm nA save money. Order your copy now, ...... , n a mvn Wlbll Name. AHdrexx and fltvl. NnmK State Size desired. AHHt-MX nnnltal tn,n,l KKA Wl- uK.n. vuuilIKi, UDJ raiS SiOn St., 8an Francisco , Calif. PATTKHV V d,bm One-Yard Apron Only one yard of material Is required to make this very good looking one-piece apron. Waistline darts are the secret of the perfect fit and gay rlc rac makes mis a nattering kitchen charmer Pattern Envelope No. R2839 con sists of tissue pattern, material re quirements, complete sewing and untuning directions. To obtain this pattern, send JOc In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sons num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal. S28 Mission Street. San Fran- I Cisco . Calif. 1Vr?iiMOUM' 'an O gS,''' "' '"'r' '-- -J-' no! I ASSURE YOU THEY WJLiSSfi VbL, ,OC rtLCjO GET 7 rU.""" O'm I 6UT WHY SHOULD TH' &OMS HCWE YOU T HJVXV TURN PROM THEIR OWN f;if, OOTA FEW TOBLE3 H TH' MfiKKS ROUND (PA , R M-H TH' aUtiGLE- SPNO MONEY I EVER TASTED ( J REVOLTING CULINARY MESSES TO Sf3l MADE- WEVE GOT B FROM THF FEW SAMPLE fl u U TO EAT HERE? THEY CAN ( ANY OP THEIR I "1 V3UR DELECTABLE PRODUCTWNS-' -, TH PLACE SOttUBUED I FISH WHARF I CUSTOMERS- j T . - - . , .. w , . -S CEHTAIMLV MOPE WILBUR RUO.KEEP MEXALLVOU CARE ARE 4 LErAVIMS FORHO BED SO WC T I ENJOYS UIS COLLEGE J POSTED ON TUenUOSE DIVIDEKIO CHEOtS' COLLEGE IW-ft CAN GET AN S I O i HT I CTV (CAREER j " MUBBLE BATH rZ2zrS f THE M0RN1MG,A-EARLV START aJ " w " vt i sd&mwi mi gr?L xzzj muwss kex I -L KJ ( u L THAT, WE VJONT ?TH' CHEAP, FW1tLIA,( OUR POVERTY-STRICKEN. HATCS SO MUCH-) RtFINED PEOPLE. SO Dtrr'RUNT )M US PORE. 1 f- HAFTA LIVE IN THIS 1 OLE THINGS WE. ) K3QORANT; OLE FRIENDS ) AN' EAT ALL -TH' TVPE WHICH WHEN WE GITS SflJlV MIZZUBLE.FLEA- J UOVtS SO WEU.T X WHOM IS DEAREFt TO- KINDS O' RICH V DESPISES US - ' THS.T '1-K-a T fiV riT"' '?-a"jT. II 1 Ib.'J- - FOODS, WHICH AND WHICH Wt -..( Jf L ?i-r.SMK' r-'L TjMV V rrstLri N will give us hates worsen n y uw by V . p-f NATCHEJH.YT TUMMICK jS- POISON.":' jtf 'W i Xf7Shl-Hir. I- wmat'sa V mv asthma L . J j the air " rj,vy t u - . IJcountwair mutt v f T -II Imm AS I CAIO BEFORE, I HAVE f- J A Jt WHICH I THOUSHT I T-t COUtP HANDLE ALONE , BUT - I NOW I CAN S6 IU. HAVS TO v I TJ3T rti ENusr ths help of yaj all. i bot vve hap a tip that yeilow cat a S rrrml, 3 -rfli kf S PINT F TRANSF6I?" Jn ' feLMfe m LjMLm "71 I niT I I ou put tviE eess in the"N h,on thedot.ancs) 1 1 -. I II ev lrPtN U UJ v BASKET, PUSH IT DOWN. I -n-IEV AREN'T " x' f I Q MV LATEST INVENTION-T) SET tW DTaL ANORETIRE JUST AS OU LI K.E 'EAA, UMS" ifrl?SZ,Z?5)W AN AUTOMATIC EGG TL THE BEUL NAME'S NOT 'VQjl TWiSJS 0 BOILER THAT WORKS ) RlN&S. OBSERVE 'i7 ( A OONALO OUC! ' S, -v ajfrT' N LIKE A POPJP TOASTER I . u 'j L Jj - ' . . . i i t 1 ' ' r x . 1 i 1 i . ,,,..,,,..., v sr-: : i niwiuiKM-''- GIRL". .. ViPRINJ.lETINELON AT,?!?"J "lT' VVWU'RE MUChM OVER TO 0ELIVER THC 'f!iV Tj COMwTnvSSS HCAMEHEREAiA- iNOwlcENE FOR , jrrBFTACv?moFnKA''C PAINTING TOMAftT I 1 T' ' T r . S ts yr tEPjJ T .ERM TO SHAW MtJOS J,E.r4 TO SHAKft HAU&S I I UsfcaTO SHAKftXtfWDS Q' (m wiTrt A PcWeRfjl ssi pi w(Tn a powerful snip with Aow?PjtreBiP . fsjTiRft ceuase 1 S6nt esrn'ae couacst i Sent entiWou) 1 sgMilin'" POR A LONG TIME NOW, OUR PEWVBTMENt HAS KNOWN THAT A VAST NUMBER OP PEARLS HAVE WE PlDNT KNOW BLTT WE HAt? A LND WAS A BEEN SMU66LEP ASHORE HOW OR PROM WHERE, TIP THAT VFLLOW CAT POINT OF TKANSFEW. WITH A SO. .WHEN WE HEARP THAT MR. TATE'S VACHT WAS CQMIN6 DOWN HERE, I WAS A9Sf6NED TO THE CREW AS A SEAMAN SO I COULD HAVE A LOOK'S EE NOW I AM CONVINCED THAT WE'RE ON THE RI6HT TRACK, ANP THAT WE'RE PEALIN6 WELUOR(3AN)ZE7 &ANP lS B-Bor-B S..k lanvr Newt Scnit af TtmM B-asr-B Bsash TM Mil T.a Mis TIA T B Maileal Cacattll Mailctl CacfciaU Bit Rtarr Sir Starr Carta la Tim Cartala Ttaa N If Ntws Null Cwt In AtBMst CIm EI4 Cite KM Whit'i tbt Nftoit I That Bff trmm Varrv Hkav Lrnn Mvrrr 9b Slntlra Klritan Newa af Iba WarU GlIdsralatTc GIlderilMta Ntwi HiUal MatU Htarr Marian Haanr Hartaa Dlftrlrt Attaraar Diftiiet Altaraar lUa Lawti Jr. ! Lcal Ntwt Ntwt Hailt m Haraa t Past Pinal Tex WtlllaaM Tax Willi. i latraatlsiftl Alrrt tat Mcrvan Orea. lat Morita Orrh. Newt Wax Wax Wax Mima Mima Mima Off THURSDAY 6 A,M. Moraine nnaelal Hodxa PaAva Tlmikaanar Nawa March Tlaa Ptrm Time Nawi Parn. Tlma Ntwi OK Bonn Braakfait Oant Old Sanaa Breakfast Ganf Newi Ton Tradei Sam Hare Bartaln Cannter Smooth Mnale Maale Smooth Mailt Sona ef Plonrcrt Jack Boreh Morning Special Sate Bldera N W Newt The Second Cap Qaii Clab The Second Can Paiter'i Call Hometewnera Bldera of Sara Newa Ntwi Vincent Lanei Bonnie Walker fora Lawton rTllaa Orranalltita Dick Rarmea Walti Btranado Pair Llattnlnc Ladlta Pint Doable ar Nothlnc Ladlea Plrat Doable ar Nothing Qaeen far a Dar Todar't Children Queen for a p UiM of World Top TradH Utt Beantlfnl Newa Ntwi N W Newt Pepper Teanv Bab Iberlr Happlneit Tell T'r Nolabhor Backttava Wife Harrer Harding Dallai Orran Bererlea torenaa Janet Bing Since Widder Brown Ararnat the Storm A Gl'l Marrlei Agalnit the Storm Psrtla Paect Life Maale Plata Bill Muale Pront Page Parretl Bar It With Mnale Welcome Traveler Say It With Mntlc Welrome Traveler Newa M"T David Kaaa Lore and Learn Pnlten Lewie Jr. Woman's Seeiet Hemingway Bead af Life j Behind Slorr Tropic Rchoet Carmen Cava II era Sunny Side I DIAL U8TING8: KEX. Wedneiday P.M. :M. Saalrrel Cagoi 5:M). Sky Klnxi 6:00, Kecp- Inr UP With Bportat 6:15, Home Edition Newai :, Modern Kamaneaai 1:0. Head line Edition) 1:15, Elmer Davie; 1:110. Hei nle and Hit Bandt S:M, Lone Bangeri :W. Stare In the Nlibti S:M, Steel Pier Oreh.l :M, One for the Bookt 10:09, Bleh fleld Reporter) 1S:15, Intermearo; 10:80, Concert Heart 11:10, Memoa to Tomorrow i 11:09, Xtra Henri 1:00, Sign Off. Tharaday A.M. :00, Early Blrdt 1:M. Nowtt 1:15. Band Boat 1:MI, Haaen Show; 1:45, Time Tempott B:1K. Martin Agranikyi 8:90, Kobe Man. nerai R:5, Start Slngt 9:00, Breakfait Clnbt 10:M. Newit 10:15, Stan ar Today) AO, Tropleanai 1:45, Melody Pramen ado; 11:00, Ted Malonei 11:15. Galen Draktl 11 :M, Mv Tree Story t lt:00, Bet ty Crocker) 11:15, Newot 11:M, Baukhaga Talklnai 1:00, North western era i 1:0, Kay Sara 4:00, Weat) 1:M, Breabfait In Holly woa; x:u, Eaey Acesi t:45, Meet the Menjeait 1:00, Temple Staff Invited Hubbard Arion Temple No. 24, Pythian Sisters, held the first meeting of the fall with a large number of members pres ent. Resolutions to be brought before Grand Temple session to ACROSS i. Searches T. Partake IS. Return 14. Cylindrical 15. High prleat 16. Divided 18. Open vesiel II. Short for a man's nam 41. Redact! 42. Symbol for lead 44. Pallid 4C Expression of Inaulrv 11. Rip 4T. Touns homo lu. F.rvDtlan deity n not SO. Boundary 64. Fin 111 lb. Ata awiT it. Cloned tightly lift. Discount (1. Withdraw DOWN 1. Defray In adv&nco I. Tell S. SheepIIkO zi. i ne awaeiaop 23. S.1416 24. Deputy 27. Pronoun 28. Italian rtTor SO. Heir 12. Famout murdarar 14. City to luUr 35. Ttstea 28. Leave ' r ' I4 1 ' WJ I l? " V x m m WmbWa 33 mmWw 5r 11 1 r fmmr Hi si W I I l I ' I l I l I AP NvifMfrti ROOM AND BOARD WITH ALLTWE HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT OF PUFLE IWERS AWAY ON VACATION wt ARE IN A DILEA AS TO MEALS ' NOW AH I CAN COOK fO. yCV CHAPS - BUT MV CULINARY TALENT RUNS TO THfe EVOTlC CUISINE OF THE MALAV STRAITS AND IND' LIKE, AH- Knax MannlM unii aaaw Cbat B ma liar Nawa Eaeaaa Etcaaa Blag Craaar Blni; Cratbr Pat O'Brlea Bnrnt and Barna aaa Allan fatlcal Jaihaal Bvalra Knlfbt Sptrk MobmIi Track 14M Track 14M Track 14M Track W Track 14M Track 14M Newt Kitty CarlnU Hallrwaad Mailt HaUvwaad .Malta Lawall Tbaniaa Jack Bnltb Sbaw Dr. Cbrlatlan Dr. Cbrlitlan Prank Baa Prank ln Baa lata CTab II Prank Raea Prank Bact Muila Ton Want Meilt Ystt Want 08tar Pinal a WarM on, Iba Alrfla Orehailra Koctarna Naatnrna Naetaraa Nactarna Orebaatrn Traaanrr Ban Nawt SlfB Off 811 en TO 4:45 P.M. Newi KOIN Block KOIN Black KOIN Black KOCO Black KOCO Bitch Tax BHter KOIN Klaek Newa Newt Newt b SptrU Top O Morning Top O' Morning Prod Back Haven af Boat Conaamar Newi Haven af Beit Weitarn Melodlet Nawa Grand Slam Koieaarr iChreb In Wlldwd Time for Melody Time fr Melody Stan Sing Wendy Warrat) Anat Jennr Helen Trent Oar Gal Bandar John Cb. Thoaat N W Newt Memorable Mml Tane Tlma SB Kara Big Bitter Ma Parklna Tonne Dr. Malatsg Galdlag Light Mailt Mart Mttile Mart tnd Mra. Bar Ion Perry Maien Norab Drake Brighter Day Jan Garber Vocal Varieties Hollrwood Maale Hollywood Mailt Newi Came Get It Brlgb, A Light Art Baker Headline Newa Ted Dale Freeenti Mae't Mac't Mae't Mac't Melodlet Malodlea Melodlet Melodlet Barnyard Polllea Garry Moara Garry Moara Newspaper Newipaper Meet the Mlaaaa Meet the Miiaae Tnnefally Yeara Mac'i Mac't Mae't Mae't Melodlet Melodlet Melodlet Malodlea Mac'a Mac't Mae't Mac'a Melodlet Melodlet Melodlea Malodlea Newa Arthur Godfrey Artbar Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Movie Tlma blloiopher Bvert Can Ba Beanttrnl Arthnr Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Cart Maiaey Edw. B. Marrav 1190; KOAC. 6N Bhrthni Bnh I BbrUM Baaah Hint Crahi Batlnau Wtwa Caadia Llibl t lltar Nawa Traalcaas KOAC Wedneiday P.M. 5:00, On tba Vp Beat) B:H, S50 Spartt Clab i S:00. News; 6:11, Dinner Melodies i 6:10, Headline! In Chemistry! 6:45, Quest tor 1:00, Parmer's Union t 1:15, Kvonlne P'im Roan 8:00, Public Health Serlaai 1:15, Artistry In Claaelca; S:80, Veteran's New- Revlewt 8:45, Logger't Fire Weather Foreeaiti 0:00, Music That Endure i 0:41, Evening Medltatlonai 11:00. Sign Off. lAAr Tharaday A.M. 11:00, Newt) X VaMa 10:15, Itpcclally far Women) 11;B0, Coneert Hall; 11:00, Newt) 11:18. "foan Farm Haan 1:00, Blda 'Em Cow boy i 1:16, Variety Timet 1:10, Melody I.anet 1:60, Cavalcade af Drataai 1:18, Memory Book or Mailt) t:4S, Eicnrolena In Scieneet 1:00, Newai 1:11, Mnale of the Masterit 4:00. Interloeben Coneert, rise Paekagot 1:10, BHde ami Groom i Ladlea Ba Seated) 4:80, Add-a-Llne, be held in Portland Oct. 10, were read and the representa tive, Mrs. Jess Fallen was in structed at to the wishes of tha Temple. Arion staff has been invited to give the Memorial service at Grand Temple and practice was held after meeting. HlAnARAfllAntCU lOIWlNUMI I N U IUI A H ONlO HE P0 Q A I l t tBi olalEnE a w n a l aFIe dHrRw p e o m e r ed era i dd a Tie ffiHUlTnA t Akailf o n kWlfA 8 O R AflA W E a i hUt o r a nLTh w Solution of Ycs'tsrday's Pusila 4. F.iiit i. FortnrlT I. PrMlpttous T. Chief oat or I. Pronoun I. Southern conateltatlo IS. Steep IU Bverlaotlnst French 1L Sober 17. Bucket St. Tha man who could eat no fat 21. Excited 2S. Lively damoa 2S. Greek latter 2. Horao feed SI. Typo roeaaur it. Turk lib H.ino n. Wynelf 35. Toung trot 3K. Stick 57. location II. Ran away to marry 40. Ridicule 41. Pronounce) holy 4ft. Anoint 47. Grant 41. Perennial plant II. Steal . Femtnlno name 58. ConvtneS 57. Typo of teetrto currentl aoor. 18 By Gent Aherr WAIT. DONT so into rr- RECALL "iOuR. KITCHEN SKILL OF TWO YEARS AGO. AND IT WAS A ROUTINE OF RCE.AND 47 WAYS OF SPOILING IT