MITCHUM CASE REOPENED LA District Attorney Checks Possible 'Frame-Up' in Case Lot Angeles, Btpt. 28 WV-Wi Robert Mitchum'i marijuana arrest framed? The diatrict attorney'! office says it is investigating "reporti" that Mitchum and bit actreu Lila Leeds may have been victims of Hollywood's purported extortion ring. H. Leo Stanley, chief inveitl- gator for the diatrict attorney, queitioned Miss Leeds aa JSreBM lor Jane Russell raided the beauteous blonde's Laurel canyon cottage a year ago. Also arrested in the raid but later freed was dancer Vicki Evans. "2 Personality Scores' Miss Leeds told Stanley: "I was putting up Vicki's hair and I was smoking a marijuana cigarette. Why didn't the cops, who were outside watching, as I found out later, pinch me then? "They didn't. They waited un til Mitchum got there." Stanley said legitimacy of the arrests is not questioned, but his office is interested in reports they were "engineered." The knowledge about the ex tortion ring was given to the grand Jury in a memorandum by Paul Behrmann, ex - actor's agent. In testimony, he labeled Miss Leeds and Miss Evans as 'prostitute extortionists," a charge which Miss Leeds has denied "unequivocally." Miss Leeds told Stanley she once hired Behrmann as her agent but broke the contract af ter six months. Formerly Mitchum's agent, Behrmann is in jail without bail pending appeal on a conviction of bilking 110,000 from another client. Mitchum's testimony in Behr- mann's trial strengthened the state's case. Carmen Miranda On Trial Separation Hollywood, Sept. 28 VO Car men Miranda and Dave Sebas tian, film producer, are under taking a trial separation. They announced Monday through studio representatives that the amicable separation is due to a "diversity of interests' and xpreased hope that a recon ciliation eould be effected. The Brailllan ac tress and her 40-year-old hus band ware wed here March 17, 1947. Neither had been married before. London, Sept. 28 W.PJ British critics today hailed Jane Rus sell's singing vaudeville act as a triumph of personality rather than talent Miss Russell calmed an unruly audience with low cut evening gown, a Mae Westian smile and several songs in a pleasantly throaty but otherwise undistin guished voice at the Prince's theatre Monday night. The audience was unruly from that start. Just before her act, It shouted one comedian off the stage. After Miss Russell finished her singing, there was a moment of tension. Then the house began to eheer and she was a hit. Typical of morning newspa per comment was the Daily Mail, which described Miss Rus sell as a modest girl. The Dally Express said she gave this coun try of shortages a "double ra tion" of entertainment. Records show that George Washington bought $200 worth of ice cream in 1790. Ask Approval Of Point Four Washington, Sept. 28 IIP) Un dersecretary of State Webb to day urged congress to approve President Truman's "point four" aid program for backward areas in the Interests of world se curity." "Democracy Is most secure where economic conditions are sound," Webb told the house foreign affairs committee. The state department official appeared before the committee as the first of a parade of ad ministration witnesses who are expected to ask congress to act on the program before adjourn ment. With republican opposi tion mounting, there seemed lit tle likelihood that this will hap pen. The program calls for $43, 000,000 to start 18 kinds of Im provement projects in the world's underdeveloped coun tries. The aim is an eventual boost in living standards. In his prepared remarks, Webb said that ever since Mr. Truman mentioned the idea of such a program as a major point in his inaugural address, it "has arous ed great interest, great enthus iasm and great hope throughout the world. "As originators of the propos al, we in the United States are being looked to for constructive leadership in carrying it for ward," he added. i vj Truman Woos Women's Voles Washington, Sept. 18 VP) President Truman declared Tuesday that those who de nounce his "fair deal" program as "alien or dangerous" are "just about 160 years behind the times." The chief executive sought new women recruits for the democratic party with a campaign-like promise to press for ward with housing, educational aid, expanded social security and labor objectives of the 1948 platform. He asked the women of the country to "look beneath the la bels to see the facts" an dnot to be "misled by political slogans." He said women's interest in government "goes far beyond job holding or partisanship." He spoke via radio from the White House on "Democratic Women's Day" on a broadcast with Mrs. India Edwards, di rector of the women's division of the democratic national com mittee. The president said the demo cratic party offered the women a program of "practical measures." Church Groups Meet Hopewell There were 14 members of the Hopewell Unit ed Brethren church at the monthly meeting of Women'sMis- Milt Murphy, Ernest Budke and Walt Zwick have left on a moose hunting trip, which will take them into British Columbia. They expect to be gone about 10 days. Some of the party made the trip last year with much success. Moose Hunters Leave Dayton Russell Coburn, JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 175 N. High FAMOUS ETONIC SHOES double weather sealed! waterproof, vulcanized leather soles and sole teams! They keep your feel dry! JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 175 N. High NEXT WASH DAY . . . DO YOUR WASH THE EASY WAY Take Advantage of HOGG BROS. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION OFFER! HOGG BROS. wants you to try this time saving Easy Spin drier right in your own home . , . with your own family wash. There is no cost . . . and no obli gation. Just pick up the phone and call 3-9148 and a Hogg Bros, repre sentative will Install the machine for one - day free trial any day yon chose. Next wash day, do your wash the EASY way. OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P. M. VIUXMETTt TALUT'I LEABIRC APniAICI lOHt rillltltlt SALEM OREGON CITY J Immediate Delivery 115 So. Commercial Friendly Credit Dial 3-9148 New Ambassador Ellis O. Briggs (above), of Maine, nom inated several months ago by President Truman as Ambas sador to Czechoslokavia, has been confirmed by senate. CALLOUSES To rwlwv painful callous, burn ing or tendcrneM on bottom of feet and remove oaIIoumm get these thin, toothing, cut blotting pda. FERTILIZER We offer the following fertilizers . . . Ammonium Nitrate Sulphate of Ammonia 11-48 Ammonium-Phosphate 16-20 Ammonium-Phosphate 18 Superphosphate 46 Superphosphate Cyanimid-Murate of Potash-Boron Mixed fertilisers all grades We do custom mixing of fertilizers to meet any requirements. W00DBURN FEED & SUPPLY CO. Phone Main 147 Woodburn, Oregon Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 194917 sionary society held at the par sonage in the Wheatland dis trict. Mrs. Owen N. Pears, eon ducted the devotions and was lesson leader. The Hopewell United Breth ren Ladies Aid held the opening meeting following harvest vaca tion at the church all day Wednesday. SAVE 30 UP TO Ntw Reduced Rates On Your Auto Insurance! HQ AO. MILMAOM OR tVUNBSS VSS VPCHARGM $1270 UAIIIITY INtURANCI Ss.MOSIMM s4Mr miry II. KM rr.a.rrr .. Crrftt I.e. 6 Moilttl Plm If iie-rcurrln9 roller f "On th. Soot" Claimi Servic. National Standard PotlcJ "Tht Wttfl Umdlnt Auto Cmrrier" FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE Similar Savings m all farai Collision Insurance BILL OSKO 466 Court St. Phone 3-5661 The new FORD TEEH at its finest The new "feel" that's making Ford history . . . tb "feel" that has nearly 1,000,000 '49 Ford owners raving ... the "feel" of that lower, level "Mid Ship" Hide on new "Hydra-Coil" and "Para-Flex" Springs . . . th. "feel" of 100 "horse" V-8 power and OS "horse" Six power . . . . th. "feel" of 35 easier-acting "Magic Action" Brakes ... all these are even finer with Ford a automatic Ovsrdrire. l0f Tb. touch of your toe on the gas pedal puts you into automatic Overdrive. Presto! Your engine apeed drops 30. Yet your road speed remains unchanged. Your car's doing 60 m.p.h., for example, while your engine's doing only 35. By cutting engine revolutions 30, Ford Overdrive saves up to 15 in gas and oil 15c of .very gas dollar of highway driving! This saving, plus the extra long life of your Ford's engine, adds up to smoothness and power that pays its own way. Take the wheel ... try the new Ford "Feel" ... at your Ford Dealer's Overdrive gives your Ford quieter, smoother power than you ever imagined! And automatic "step-down" gives yoa quick passing power when you need it. You feel bright and' fresh even after long trips. Try Ford Overdrive at your Ford Dealer's and order your Ford now. OMnsrist mi mMtrwoH fcras Valley Motor Co. Center at N. Liberty St. Salem ENTER FORD'S $100,000 CAB-SAFETY CONTEST SEE US FOR ENTRY BLANKS