If! Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949 m,; ..mm . t av , area. 1 iUllfPPC PmtPCf Yankee players join Manafer Casey i uiinco nuioi stengel (left) and Catcher Raiph Houk (rear) in protest of Plate Umpire Bill Grieve (left fore ground) decision calling Johnny Pesky safe at home on close play in eighth inning at Yankee Stadium, N. Y. Umpire Charley Berry is in center. Players are Cliff Mapes (in Jacket), Coach Jim Turner (foreground) Yogi Berra (right) and Bobby Brown (rear, right). Grieve said he intended to report Maprs' remark: "How much did you bet on the game," to American league President Will Harridge. (AP Wirephoto) 'Ordinary' Dog Wins $30,000 in Purses Lineups Listed For Cardinal-JV Clqsh Wednesday Salem high's Junior varsity football squad make their ini tial debut Wednesday night when they take on the Sacred Heart academy Cardinals under the lights at Leslie field at 7 30. The game will be Sacred Heart's first home game of the season. Coaches Father John O' Callaghan of Sacred Heart and "n ronhv. Jayvee coach, have announced their probable line up: . I4AI-RF.D Hi:ART 8AI.KM l.'lm rnll.ran LB Mae Webb 'Don Mock Lr John Condrri Paul R:ltv 13 Ron Ltthln Vrrn Danlrli C Marvin Lanftlano will keep on racing through the coming winter season in Florida. The s:ar racing dog is Just "Shorty" around the kennels Like racehorses, most of the hounds have two names, one for their friends and one they race under. "Shorty is still sound and there should be a lot of racing left in him,'" says Sutherland. "He's just an ordinary looking dog, isn't he? But he has head on him, this fellow. He's always relaxed, too always in control. That's why he finishes up there so often." Beachcomber never seems to go state. itner. He stays on a racing diet practically the year around. This calls for 2Vt pounds of chow daily ground horse- meat and prepared foods, plus all sorts of vitamins. He has won about $30,000 In purses and Sutherland figures his stud fees will bring in fully as mueh more. "I once turned down $18,000 for Shorty," says Sutherland. "I guess I was crazy and I know the other guy was, but I just couldn't let old Shorty go; Dick rrMtr BO) rom Momktr KT Clark Erkar RK Don Zcnier QB Prank Schlatatar H Dm Brrf Bob Thletaon Al Healon Brurt Burnt John Gundran Vrrn Kllen Oarjr Urulns University Alleys t'alteel Hbifl Allenmenl Hi Rowland 330. KanejUi 4SI, Eviiw 40V Bobrrtjon 41T. Moiilmnn 330. Alexander'! Jewelry t Johnon 411, Mock ass, uerrm as. Turmr 333, Brockholf 300 Flank Contractor. Silwr 319. lianK 400, Oairtaon 423, Bennett 410, Hchroeder 441. Ktndall't tint Ml n-tone zw, Httd 21. SchtlDiiD 37. Whltmort 400, Swiruon S?1. RlacUni'i Krnnrls (ft-HU 337. Keriu 340. PeaM 323, Rcinriard 379, 8nylrr 391. 334. Rcnnrr 114. UpMort IT. Xmqab til Anlla Ibcpt tl) UcDanittU 4641, Lmro 434, Ciuitr III. ThonpMD 4M. Dvtr 472. Gd HithMlnf Olnty 411. Duncan 379, J one 465. Olbb 460, Oar- bartno 494 H,ii indlrldual tarn Oarbarlno Jli. Huh IrwJi vidua 1 Mriea Oarbarlno 494. Hub Want Milaa Anttft Snop 2334. WraCANTILl LIAGL'B NO. t Ptarack CUantra (II Kflly 437, Saw yer 418, C. Sawyer 443. Alfxander 477, P. Balatrom 628. Terminal It Ca. t Souia 545, McDonald 476. Waaton 463, TJironeberry 414, Santea 446. Burkland Lumber Co. Ill Wbb 411, Burkland 501, Brink 461, D. Burkland 456, H. Webb 492. Halem Heating flhett Metal (Oj UwU 367. Moorman 359, Ola dow 309, Knlellnk 419. Ivan 436. Standard Ittatlana (I) Purdr 471. Knutn 406. Rddmi 336. Weren 362, KopUchke 437. Mack Llnd Maaanrr It) Morton IIS. Orar 401. Polk 174, WlUoo II Lind 461. Malaa Cbotroa la ilea- () Malm 416 Werner 461, Kant 411, D. Werner 149. R. Kara 179. KeaalastoB Matd ) Reevaa 537. Col burn 443, JtabolB 151, CrUawtU 331. Oracorr 176. H!ih Individual V. Oratory 134, Rem InttoD Rand. Hlvh Individual aeriaa V. Oreiory 676. Remloctoo Rand. Hin team atrtea Rtmloitoa Rand 1039. Hialeah Florida's oldest and largest horse track again has been assigned Jan. 17 to March 3 for its 40-day racing period next winter. i The Syracuse-Colgate football battle booked for Nov. 19 will OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hi! a Sept n C M a m. I 39 p.m. Sept If 7 23 a.m. I'll BIB. apt IS 31 e m. 7:53 p. Oct. t Oct 1 Oct. I 47 am. 9 01 p m. 10:43 a.m. 10:14 p m. 1134 a.m. 11:01 p.m. Low 11:11 an t'53 .i 13 4S p.n 3:11 p.B 1:11 I.D 1:30 p a 4:34 p.n 100 a.n 6:39 p.n i. -0 3 l 1.3 be the 50th contest in the series which began In 1891. WANTED Piano accordion player for western and popular dance band. Top wages, Pref. younr man. Must belong to A F. of M. or join. Don't apply if you can't "cut the mustard." Don't phone, write. JOE LANE Gen. Del., Salem. Permanent Journal Want Ads Pav By LOUDON KELLY AP Newsfeattires Denver Hc'i Just an ordinary looking dog even his owner ayi that. But this is Beachcomber, the champion of all the dogs that have raced over greyhound tracks. He has won more races than any dog that ever lived 79 vic tories since his first outing in a regular race In 1947. This is counting the first 28 days of the Inaugural meeting at Den ver's spanking new Mile High kennel clubtrack. Beachcomber almost didn't get to race at all. On March 10, 1947. a few hours before his first out ing In a betting race, a fire swept the kennels in Florida. Six dogs perished, but nine others were saved. One was Beach comber. That night he racked up victory No. 1. In addition to his 79 wins, the ehamp has run second 34 times and third 18. hi 1B4 races he has finished out of the money only 28 times. The champion of the rabbit chasers is a brindle, his satiny yellowish-red hide striped with black. He's turning grey at the muzzle and getting old as rac ing dogs go. He will be four in November and greyhounds don't race in fast company much after they turn four. However, his owner, Paul Sutherland, thinks Beachcomber 9 Are YOU Mr. 4 x 4 Solid eltlitn , . . te.ua re with the world WHERRIE TAILORING COM PANY will HI Ta Is a mart aall ar top coat Pure virgin wool fabric fluid IA3.59 la I14.M Topcoate $41.00 164. M SUNDIN the Tailor THIS IS IT! GRAND OPENING OF THE SALEM ICE ARENA SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 1st 8 P.M. Phone 3-6868 610 N. Capitol Refresh ... Add Zest To The Hour jfjk for it tilher way . . . both ttaiit-marks mean Iht same thing, lOltllO VNDII AUTNOI1IT OP TNI COCA.COIA COrANT if COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF SALEM, SALEM, OREGON 0 '. Can Cala t T mtmsK SEASON STARR SATURDAY Get Ready for That Deer Now! BUY A C0LOSIPOT q) 29 95 Shop Until 9:00 p.m. Friday Night II: MS CfllJjPIT tM- MM M T PlentY f Free PAY ONLY 10.00 DOWN Sears Easy Terms (Usual carrying charge) REGULARLY PRICED 9.3 CUBIC FOOT SIZE! HOLDS 372-LBS. OF FOODS NO INSTALLATION COSTS! Thousands have proved the wisdom of freezing their own food with Coldspot for Coldspot freezers cost you less per cubic foot in ori ginal cost, are less expensive to operate! NOW you will agree that this is the time to buy during this great appliance sale. Check the features compare the price buy Coldspot! Sold exclusively by Sears. 12.7 Cu. Ft. Size! COLDSPOT FREEZER 329-95 Pay 10.00 Down On Seari Easy Terms The price is less per cubic foot than smaller sizes so you actually save more because you can store more food at les cost! A deluxe model that has every convenience feature. All steel cabinet with porcelain interior of seamless construction. See it and Save at Sears. 18.5 Cu. Ft. Size COLDSPOT FREEZER 3 995 Pay 10.00 Down On Sears Easy Terms Store 740-lbs. for greatest economy. Check the deluxe features, the operating economy and the ease in use of Coldspot then note the special low price! Don't delay these special prices are for this sale only! So hurry to Sears! HUNTING SEASON 'WM OPENS I W 1 V OCTOBER 1st Parking &aZrmnyiiaw?taU- Sm condition Comhrt 550 N. Capital Sf. Phone 3-9191 r-