Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 28, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949
Rattlesnakes Get Play
In First Circus in Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska VP) The first circus in Alaska history gave
hundreds of wide-eyed little Eskimos their first rides on a merry-go-round
and their first glimpses of such strange creatures as
monkeys and an African sun bear.
A long caravan of brightly-painted trucks and trailers rolled
Into Anchorage after a d,uuu-
mile trip from Cutbank, Mont.
Pacific Northwest Shows, own
ed by John and Dolly Beck,
Oregon City, Ore., struck out for
the Yukon Territory and Alaska
in August.
The show carried 42 enter
tainers, six monkeys, three rat
tlesnakes, a spotted leopard, a
Mexican wildcat, a trained mule
act and the sun bear.
"My wife and I had been plan
ning this trip for three years,"
Beck said. "It'i sort of a vaca
tion for all dl us.
"We had a wonderful trip
north our only trouble was loss
of one small trailer when a
hitch broke and four blowouts."
Beck said when the show roll
ed into Whitehorse, Y.T., the
amazed citizens refused to let
them pass through until they
played an engagement.
"We made a five-day stand in
that little burg and packed the
tent every day," Beck said.
"Most of those people must have
seen the show every day."
Biggest attractions were the
rattlesnakes, Beck said. There
is no such think as a snake, even
of the garden variety, in the
Yukon or Alaska, and most
native-born northerners never
have seen one.
"A bunch of natives traveled
300 miles to Whitehorse to see
our show," Beck said. "We felt
kind of flattered until we dis
covered they came only to see
the snakes."
The three travel-weary rat
tlers died between Whitehorse
and Anchorage, but the other
animals seemed to enjoy the
trip, he said.
"If I had known what an at
traction the snakes are up here,
I would have brought a dozen,"
he said.
James W. Goodsell
Demo Finance Chief
Portland, Sept. 28 ( The
Democratic National commitee
has named James W. Goodsell
its financial director for Oregon.
The appointment was announ
ced today by National Chairman
William M. Boyle, Jr., in tele
grams to party leaders here.
Goodsell, former Astoria
newspaperman, has been execu
tive secretary of the Oregon
Democratic party for the past
six months. He will continue
to hold that position.
Be sure it's
Be sure
with C H
to all
Ford and
for the next lj days
T, mm huh and to prow , w$'r offering an EXTRA SPECIAL
ALLOWANCE to all Omelet, Ford, and Plymouth owntrt vho become ownert
new UltRUlRY w tint thoutandt call thi btt buy on Ike road today!
So before you decide on any car at any price it trtW pay you to gt( our EXTRA
SPECIAL ALLOWANCE offer on your Chevrolet, Ford, or Plymouth! W$
con promise you trill be mighty glad you did! But hurry!
Hurry! Drive in today!
430 N. Commercial St.
Porter Promoted
Highway Dept.
Roderick L. Porter of 7205
S.E. 19th avenue, Portland is be
ing promoted to the post of as
sistant right-of-way engineer
with the state highway depart
ment in the legal department at
Salem, the highway personnel
department announced today.
Porter has been employed as
senior resident engineer with
the highway department in
As assistant to Forrest Coop
er, right-of-way engineer. Por
ter will aid in supervision of
right-of-way agents In the nego
tiation and acquisition of prop
erty for use by the highway de
partment. Porter, a graduate in civil en
gineering from Oregon State
college, has been with the high
way department since 1932.
J. D. Walker, now employed
as assistant right-of-way engin
eer, is being transferred to the
post of assistant division engin
eer In Salem.
WCTU Convention Calls
Woodburn Rev. Mrs. Rosel
la Douglas, pastor of the Free
Methodist church, left Tuesday
for Prineville where she will at
tend the state W.C.T.U. conven
tion as representative of the
Woodburn union.
Reforestation Bill
Cleared for Action
Washington, Sept. 28 W
The rules committee cleared for
house action today a bill setting
up a lS-year program of refor
estation and rp vegetation of fed
eral timber and range lands.
Already approved by the sen
ate, the bill authorizes added
appropriations for reforestation
increasing gradually to $10,000,
000 a year by 1955. It authorizes
up to $3,000,000 a year for reve
getation of grazing lands.
Current appropriations for
this work are $1,300,000 a year
for reforestation, and about
$800,000 for reseeding range-
land administered by the forest
Clark Opens Store
Lebanon Opening of a new
toy shop and children's toggery
was announced this week by
Clifford Clark. The business is
located at 78 East Sherman In
the location formerly occupied
by Clark's furniture store. As- (
sociated with Clark in the busi-'
nesi Is Woodrow Ano, former
merchandiser from Chicago.
We Wish to Announce
Burt A. Lucas & Co.
Salem, Ore.
285 N. Lancaster Drive
Ph. 33941
Pilgrim Sportswear
For Your Leisure Hours . . . Save Money on This Comfortable
Cotton Poplin Sport Shirt
J ' -Jf mum fabric
Medium weight cotton poplin, tailored for your lei
sure comfort. Stitchless collar. Vat-dyed, 6 solid
colors, matching plastic buttons. Sanforized, maxi-
shrinkage 1. Four sizes.
Pilgrim Rib-Knit
Coat Sweater
Worsted rib knit weaving
fits the body line comfor
tably and warm, keeps the
sweater in shape. Made of
sturdy yarns for long wear.
Rich solid colors of navy,
brown or oxford. Go well
for work or' dress. Sizes
36 to 46.
Pilgrim Buffalo
Check Shirts
KX Heovyweight Wool
Preshrunk maximum fab
ric shrinkage 3. You'll
wear it for sports . . , for
all around cool weather
comfort! Handsome regular
shirt styling with two but
ton flap pockets. Visit
Sears today . . . buy sever
al and save! Collar sizes:
14 V4 to 17.
Men's Flannelette
Pilgrim Pajamas
Middy or Coat Style)
3 lM
Wool Outdoor Socks
1 2 Inchtt of warm, all-wool comfort to
gray, red or white. Long wearing
reinforced heel and toet ribbed
op. Even dies 11 to 12.
Heavyweight flannel e 1 1 e
makes these pajamas plen
ty warm for the coldest
nights. Notched collar coat
style or middy (pullover)
models. Sanforized . . .
maximum shrinkage 1.
Blazer stripes. Fast colors.
Sizes A-B-C-D. -
Pilgrim Beacon
Robe For Comfort
Molds, Sstapoci foAB9w
Pilgrim "G audio"
Typ Pafamat
Brightly trimmed edonl Warm
knit cotton with snug fitting wrists,
anklets, all-around elastic waist.
.4 sizes.
When Its long wearing
good looks at a low econ
omy price, see these snug
Pilgrim beacon blanket
cloth robes at Sears todayl
They come In soft maroon
and blue colors. Come in
today, select yours in
small, med., large sizes.
Sporty Pilgrim Socks
for Style and Wear
J pr. for J 39
Gay Woshfost Colors
Here's bright argyle-pattern Pilgrim socks in gay pat
terns for business or casual wear. They're washfast too.
Put 'em in with white clothes, the colors won't run. Made
of 4-ply mercerized cotton in slack length with sure
stay elastic tops. Sizes: 10 to 12. Visit Sears todayl
Cotton Sweat Shirt
Here'i tHe worm ebiorbenf comfort
yew went at e laving! Heavyweight
eetton iHver gray wsotihkf bl mal
tedium, lergf extra large
Shop 'till 9:00 P.M.
Shop in Air
Conditioned Comfort
'Sztfjwa gjjfl 550 North Capitol St. Phone 3-9191