i U, I I I II III T ' ,-rJ-g -7- C' "" " 1 -1 u.. iPfJ ami. . J J 53 Low Cost Housing This Pittsburgh policeman was astound ed when he found Anthony Mangold, 48, living in a metal locker six feet long and 20 Inches square but listened to the explanation. Mangold lost his job, saH he bought the locker to cut expenses. It's equipped with a gasoline stove, assorted clothes, and boasts running water when It rains, that is. (Acme Telephoto) New Sheridan School Unit Said Finest in Yamhill t Sheridan Planned as one of the most modern school plants in Yamhill county, the school district will ask for bids next month The ultimate school will be located on a 14-acre site in south west Sheridan and will contain 18 classrooms, kindergarten, health unit, administrative unit, library, teachers' lounge, multi purpose room, kitchen and food- itorage rooms, gymnasium, dressing and shower facilities and a boiler room. According to plans, corridors within classroom units will be lighted with a continuius pre fabricated skylight and are double-loaded with classrooms on each side and will have bi laterally lighted rooms. Inside walls of classrooms will borrow light with a strip of glass re flecting and borrowing from the continuous corridor skylight. All exterior windows will be pre-glazed metal sash. Construction of the building will be of wood frame with the use of brick veneer at entrance ways. The exterior finish will be a combination of brick and cedar siding. Floors will be con crete slab with asphalt tile floor covering. The roof will be cov ered with a built-up composition roofing with an inch of fiber glass rigid thermal insulation mopped into place between lay ers of roofing. v , Other features include dry wall construction on the interior with plywood treated naturally. Insulation tile will be used on ceilings. Incandescent concen trie ringed lighting fixtures will be used and a low-pressure steam heating system and oil burner installed. The first unit, for which a $105,000 bond issue has been sold, will include six class rooms, multi-purpose room with stage, administrative unit with health room, service unit, boiler room and toilet facilities. Tin Pan Alley Stars Fete Guy Lombardo New York, Sept. 28 (P A group of famous figures in Tin Pan Alley and the band business headed by Irving Berlin assem bled Monday night in the Hotel Roosevelt to help Guy Lombar do celebrate his 25th anniver sary in the band business. In addition to a gigantic birth day cake from which Berlin cut the first slice, Lombardo was presented with a gold-plated record. On one side of the record was "Auld Lang Syne" and on the opposite side were recorded ver bal greetings from Berlin, Paul Whiteman, Gene Buck, former president of the American So ciety of Composers, Authors and TEN YEARS TO DO IT IN Ex-Fighter Pilot, 30, Sets Out to Make First Million By JOHN ROSENBl'RG New York. Sept. 28 tu George I. Stanford, handsome 30- year-old ex-fighter pilot, set out today to earn (1,000,000 before he's 40 and preserve a family tradition. He expected at least 25,000 American housewives and factory girls to help him. 4 Stanford revealed that both his father and grandfather starting from scratch each earned $1,000,000 before their 40th birthdays. "I'm next," he said. "But even though it's going to be tough, I'm not worried. I've got the answer." Stanford has a scheme to sell imported French perfumes on a door-to-door basis, the first time such a venture has ever been at tempted. The plan, he said, would en able the average American wo man to enjoy the world's most sought after perfumes for as little as $3 an ounce. In con trast to the $2ft to $50 an ounce charged in leading stores. I'm now hiring housewives and factory girls to sell the per fume in their spare time, he said. "I pay them one third of their earnings. I will also give any salesgirl who sells $2,500 worth of perfume a two-week trip to Paris aboard the Isle de France." Stanford says he's tested the plan in the area of Southport Publishers, anc? others. Lombardo's band still Includ es eight of the nine players who began with him 25 years ago In Cleveland, O. The Lombardo band has al ways been a family affair. On its 25th anniversary, the band included three brothers and a brother-in-law. Conn., his home town. Stanford, a Yale man, had an other brain child that gave him a start on his million. He man ufactured a bath salt advertised to put its users to sleep. But it didn't always work ne said, "and it aidn t sell as well as expected.'" Stanford said he discovered the source of his perfume while celebrating his liberation from German prison camp in Paris, Albany Area Removed From Rent Control Rent control hj been remov ed from the Albany area by Housing Expediter Tighe E Woods, according to a United Press dispatch from Washing ton, DC. Some time ago Gov ernor McKay, acting on the rec ommendation of the Albany city council, approved decontrol of rents in that city and forwarded his recommendation to Woods. at the end of World War II. He claimed it is tops in quality. "I knew there was nothing American women wanted more than a bottle of French per fume." he said. "I'm convinced that if I can bring it to them at prices they can afford, I can make a million before I am 40." Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Wednesday. Sept. 28. 1949 13 f7 fcot 'f JfrW Our fall DRESSES fake COMOLtUM wrfh tie Wonderful wear layer I It's absolutely amazing the amount of household traffic Gold Seal Congoleum can take without showing wear and tear! lis wear layer of heat-toughened paint and bak.ed enamel is equal in thickness to 8 coats of the best floor paint applied by hand! This special fea ture, plus the gayest array of pat terns and colors in years, makes Congoleum far and away Ameri ca's favorite budget-priced floor covering! See it in rugs or by the vnrd at vnti r dealer's today. Look, too, for the famous , Gold Seal money-back guarantee! o 1949, Congoleum' Nairn lncH Kearny, N. i. rasa mm 50 Drtwy illht an taffetas . . . tat al (KtwrainM. IUf!r II M to MM. Maw! y.ar .hale t enlj 10.00 pltldi. Just right fr whool r itrMl ww! Wm 11.11 to U.M kOATS 25 Fll wool fleece shorties In the an iu mops; sour iasn- lon bay of the season! 29.85, your for only. Were 19" 15 Donegal tweeds coats in all of your favorite fall colors. Tops ffOt In quality. Regularly I9.H. 7 V Select yours at only M I 11 All-Stata raincoats. Tour choice In top quality gabardint. Regularly Its, yours at this low 10" aalt price of I A Sl'ITS AND COATS 9.95 2500 the little french shop 115 N. HIGH The U. S. population Increased 28 per cent between 1924 and 1849. ' ' fHA- N 1 1 J k1 home WORK Flea M plenty of dean, odorless, safe beat . . . warmth where you want it, when yon need it! Thermador Portable Electric Heaters are backed by the famous Thermador name which standi for high est qnality, longest service. Now on dis play . . make jroar selection today! THtkMADOH LONOrtLLA Solve your tpot-beating problems; no aaore chilly corners! Conserves space; light, portable, easy-to-store; operates economically from 115 volts. dies) $9.95 TNTRMAOOft HtAT fAN For all-orer warmth in winter, cooling circulation in summer! Compact, beautifully designed, sale; feature economical operation from II vol a AC t ihmwh tuemcM. m. M- wt mmui n. eu. V c I n R&rw r I SSSSl mTUIlssslsP S'"WNJ asseav PRESENTS . . . THE LARGEST SELECTION OF DAVENOS IN A WIDE VAR IETY OF COVERS FROM TAPESTRIES TO MOHAIR FRIEZES . . DOUBLE DUTY - ARMLESS DAVENO COVERED IN TAPES TRIES COMFORT BY DAY OR BY NIGHT - DEEP RESILIENT SPRINGS - LARGE BEDDING COMPARTMENT - A $5450 VALUE assssssWaVa Ppaaaeaar m - ly '49 .50 on, Also Sold on Easy Terms Lawson Style DA VEN0 COMFORT-BEAUTY EXTRA ROOM $6450 $7450 $8250 Quality Tapestriei High Grade Velourt Hard Wearing Rich Frietes Also Sold on Easy Terms IN ADDITION:-WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL DAVENOS - DI VAN ETTES AND SECTIONAL DAVENOS IN SOLID COLORS - TWO-TONE EN- SEMBLES - NEW UPHOLSTERED ARM DIVANS WITH MATCHING CHAIRS - THE NEW BOLTAFLEX COVERS - NEW MAGIC FOAM STUDIO LOUNGE WITH FULL DEPTH LATEX SEAT AND BACK AND DOUBLE DECK SPRING CON STRUCTION BASE. 340 Court St. Salem, Ore. Phone 2-2493