fife g TEf SOlD fi,AKS Of THf MT,U Recreation Director Finds Spanish Galleon's Silver Miami, Fl., Sept. 28 ) A recreation director whose hobby ii underwater photography hi told how he found a group of olid silver ban In the wreckage of a Spanish galleon In the Florida keys. Arthur McKee, city recreation director of Homestead, Fla., re- covered the bars on Memorial day while photographing old cannon. McKee would not divulge the number of ingots recovered but there were at least three and he admitted "many more than that." Trains Crash Head-on On this gentla curve of the Des chutes river gorge In Oregon two freight trains collided head on in darkness. This was the scene 21 cars wrecked, several spilling down the steep canyon but stopping short of the swift river. Three crewmen were killed in the two loco motives, aeen lying on slope where lumber cascaded down to water. (AP Wirephoto) DRIVES 26 MILES FOR PLAY ( Truman Goes Back Stage To See Churchill's Daughter Washington, Sept. 28 W President Truman went backstage Monday night to pay a call on Winston Churchill's daughter. Mr. Truman made the visit during an Intermission of the play "The Philadelphia Story" In which Sarah Churchil'., daughter of the former British prime minister, starred. "How Is your father?" the President asked as he shook hands with the actress. Miss Churchill said her fa mous father was feeling fine and added, "Thank you for coming." The President and Mrs. Tru man drove 26 miles to see the play at the Olney theatre in Maryland. Other notables on hand for the occasion included Vice President Barkley, Associate Justice Tom Clark of the su preme court. Attorney General McGrath, members of congress and several from the diplomatic corps. It was after midnight before the Trumans returned to Blair House. After the play, they dropped in at the Olney House to shake hands with the cast of the play at a brief reception. The performance was a spe cial benefit for the Washington hospital committee of the Amer ican Theatre Wing. Refuses Reply To Spy Hunters Washington, Sept. 28 For mer Atomic Scientist Irving Da vid Fox refused Tuesday to tell house spy hunters whether he has been a communist. He was questioned at the reopening of the house un-American activi ties committee investigation into wartime atomic espionage by Russia. Now a student and teaching assistant at the University of California at Berkeley, Fox tea tlfied that for more than three years he worked In the univer sity's radiation laboratory which did part of the work on the atom bomb. Counsel Frank Tavenner told Fox it has been "reported" to the committee that he was a member of the communist party and of a communist cell at the radiation laboratory. On grounds he might incrimi nate himself, Fox refused to answer questions on whether he belonged to the party or the cell. Tavenner remarked that the hearings have become of "ex treme importance" in view of President Truman's announce ment last Friday that Russia has set off an atomic explosion. f A 'NORMAL ABNORMALITY' Says Memory Lapses Are No Cause for Worry Chicago JJD There's no need to think you're cracking up if you have occasional lapses of memory or catch yourself mutter ing aloud. Chances are you're merely displaying a "normal abnormality," according to Edward A. McFaul, former Northwestern University lecturer. . . . . a tvnle.1 norm.l hnormalitv 1 lne 01 capacity. cited by McFaul Is that of sud den mood changes without ap parent reason. "All of us are subject to emo tional ups and downs." h ex plained. "The more intelligent you are, the more frequently you will experience the swings from bottom to top, or vice ver sa, and baek again. Don't let them get you. They are a nor mal abnormality." Other signs which cause peo ple needlessly to think they are (lipping are memory lapses, talking to oneself, disillusion ment and discontent. In normal doses, none of these things Is causa tor worry, McFaul ton tends. McFaul listed "good" and "bad" fears. Good fear protect people at times of danger, such as when threatened by a bear, a person can run faster. But bad fears "prevent a hu man being from flowering in The feeling of inferiority is a bad fear, McFaul said. But a lit tle bit is normal and all right since It prompts a person "to do something about it." "Let's stand and look at each other," he said. "Then we will learn that our abnormalities are normal, and we will recognise the brotherhood that comes from seeing ourselves and them In us." $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4Ht, Real Estate Loau Farm or City Personal and Ante Loans State Finanrt Co. HI i. Hlfh U Lie. I-Jld M-I1I Tbi sniw.rt to vtrrday huurtnc" By SID BOISE QUESTION: A short time ago, my husband decided to build an extra store room in the basement. He went to the gar age to get his box of tools which he hadn't used for- sev eral weeks. The tool box was gone and we have no idea who took it or even Just when it disappeared. We had no burglary insurance but I won dered if any insurance compa ny would have paid the loss anyway since we were unable to state exactly when the tools were taken. ANSWER: Most Residential Theft policies include a Mys terious Disappearance clause which would cover the loss you describe. Under this clause. Insured articles which disappear unaccountably are presumed stolen and the In surance eompany settles the loss. If you'll address your own insurance questions to this of fice, we'll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind, m n. cbirh phB miii JatavrMMthtf OminI f AatHti Ce't, . ... Enjoy ths whiskey that's Barbecue or banquet. Old Sunny Brook brand belongs I Enjoy Hi rich, mellow Kentucky tatto, IN rare smoothness. Aik lor Old Sunny Brook today. Kentucky Whiskey ' -A Blend Sri. lOOS rot THIS WATCHMAN on iviir tomi $030 $960 jLt. 3 qt. NATIONAL DIITIlllll nODUCtl COM.. NIW TOtK 14 MOOS UJCljrUCNIUt tAl iHIITl "It was less than a hundred," he added. Dr. Alexander Wetmore, sec retary of the Smithsonian insti tution in Washington, said the ingots of silver bore authentic Spanish markings and were "more than 200 years old." The institution purchased one weighing 70 pounds and offered to buy another for $1000. but McKee wouldn't sell. McKee dis played one bar weighing 60 pounds and another of 80 pounds. ALWAYS A WISE BUY The wreckage was found off. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday. Sept. JR. 1949 11 laiimiiuii Rey, iivm mun vuuin of the village of Tavenier. Mc Kee could not Identify the vessel. Now on Display NEW STOCK of UNPA1NTED FURNITURE R. D. W00DR0W CO. GIL WARD, Prop. 450 Cantor St. So. on Fuel BillaJf. STORM 5ASU SALEM 1225 Cross CONSERVE FI'EL! A most practical means is by installing Storm Sash for every door and window opening. Costs little at our saving prices: but helps substantially in reducing heat loss. Reduced fuel consumption will produce money savings year after year, not to mention the comfort and health bene fits your family will en-Joy. WOODWORKING CO. Cabinets - Frames Ph. J-59S3 UUD 70 SMFRmCfSCO ON WE PLUS TAX New thai the Slimmer tourist season is over, apace ia easier to get on the new streamliner Shasta Daylight, which has carried capacity loarlR daily since iU inauguration July 10. We invite you to try this new luxury dayliner on your next trip to San Francisco and see for your self why it has created such a sensation. It leave Portland in the morning, arrives in San Francisco that evening. Through big "Skyview Picture Windows" you'll see the spectacular scenery of the Shasta Route now mantled with autumnal colons. Brand new from stem to stem, the Shasta Day light has 9 chair cars with adjustable neat, cushioned in foam rubber, diner, coffee shop, tavern car, parlor observation, with many innovations for your comfort and pleasure. All chair car seat are reserved, but there is no charge for the reservation, . FAST DAILY SCHEDULE Iv PORTLAND ' 7:45 A.M. Lv SALEM 9:00 A.M. Iv ALBANY I9:3i A.M. . Iv EUGENE 10:16 A.M. k Lv KLAMATH FALLS lu Ar SAN FRANCISCO IMS r.NL GOING TO LOS ANGELES? -The Shasta Daylight connect with the Owl at Martinez, arriving at Los Angeles 10:55 next morning. pfy The friendly Southern Pacific Jl Jy C. A. Larson, Agent PHONI 3-9244 I r 9 V v 0 n r y nil y iyi . u Great Value ts (milt Into every beautiful inch of the new Plymouth. For the positive proof compart! Pirt ibis ormteat Plymouth erer hullt ap aoainet the other ears ieotiira for feature, dollar lor dollar, mile lor mile I I-ook at all mVm ol the leading low-prWed cars. Plymouth and onJy Plymouth has the famous Air Pillow Ride now smoother than over. The new, more powerful Plymouth engine hat s compression ralio of. 7 to 1 low-priced ear "A" baa 6.8 to 1 - low-priced ear "B" hat 6.6 to 1. You get greater performonM be cause Plymouth's higher compression squeeses more power out of every drop of gas. And Plvmoulh is the only on of "all three" with the sensational new chrome com pression ring that arf.t thousands of miltt to the life of the engine. Plymouth is the onlv Inw prired car with the spectacular nw double ssfrty feature Snjrty Him W hrfhu ith Snfr Cunril HvJraulit firahrx. Palcnlcd retaining humps hold the tire straight on ihf rim in the eent of a blow out. Powerful hrakes give quirk, safe, arm rate stops, w ithout grabbing or biting. Thee are just some of the reasons why the new Plymouth is the car that likes to he com pared not jul to olhrr low-priced cars nut even to cars mating hundreds nf dollars more! Visit vour Plymouth dealer who will be glad to arrange a demonstration drive. 7 Ma tfdmll Sim. tknew Ma mm Mi imi tMar Hrf (Mr SHIMl tt tttrt Mi twearv Of 32 quality features found In high-priced cart tho now Plymouth hat 21 low-prlod car "A" hat IS ... low-priced tar "I" hat 4. That's why tho Plymouth today mere than ever before Is the few-errcecf car most like fiiah-erfeeW earsf DRIVE THE NEW PLYMOUTH -AND LET THE RIDE DECIDE I CHUVUfl COCSOUTIO. MM( I