Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 27, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    Style Revue
I Successful
Climaxing a leriei of fashion
shows marking the early fall
was the successful one present
ed by the Salem Woman's club
Monday afternoon at the group's
clubhouse. More than 17S at
tended the event. Proceeds will
go to the club's General Federa
tion of Women's Clubs conven
tion fund. Mrs. Grant C. Rogers
and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk headed
the committee as co-chairmen
for the event.
All types of new fall attire
dresses, suits, blouses, hats, fur
coats and as a finale a beautiful
bridal gown, featured the array
of fashions presented by Sally's
and Schlesmger s.
Setting off the parade of
styles were the arrangements of
varied fall blooms, both on the
stage and around the rooms.
Forty tables were served des
sert, 23 tables remaining for
cards following the style revue.
The special prizes, donated by
Sally s and Schlesinger s, went
to Mrs. William Johnston and
Mrs. W. W. Harder. Mrs. Bert
A. Walker had charge of the
card prizes which went to Mrs.
P. C. Harland, Mrs. Roy Houck,
Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Ray
Sanford, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg,
Mrs. Paul H. Hauser and Mrs.
(Charles Heiserman.
. . .
HOME from three weeks in
California are Mr. and Mrs.
Harlan A. Judd, They went first
to San Francisco, Mr. Judd be
ing there for one week, Mrs.
Judd for two weeks. Mr. Judd
went on to Coronado for two
weeks training in active army
duty, Mrs. Judd joining him
there for the last week. They
went into Mexico for a day be
fore motoring home.
RETURNING Monday eve
ning from a two-day motor trip
to Port Angeles, Wash., were
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Winkler.
Today's Menu
(By tha Auoclilad Frui)
Company Fare
Vegetable Juice Cocktail
Celery and Cream Cheese Whirls
Fried Chicken Hominy Grits
Hot Biscuits
Banana Chiffon Square Bevera
Banana Chiffon Square
Banana Chiffon Square
Ingredients: 1 cup plus 2 ta
blespoons sifted cake flour, lVi
teaspoons double - acting baking
powder, 14 teaspoon salt, Vt
cup salad (not olive) oil, 2 egg
yolks, 3 tablespoons cold wa
ter, Vi cup sieved very ripe
bananas (1 to lVt large or 2
small), Vi teaspoon vanilla, Vi
cup egg whites (4), V teaspoon
cream of tartar.
Method: Mix and sift the cake
flour, baking powder, and salt
into a medium-size mixing
bowl. Make a well in the center
and add salad oil, egg yolk, wa
ter, sieved bananas, and vanilla.
Beat with a spoon until there
are no lumpy flour particles.
Put the egg whites and cream of
tartar into a large mixing bowl
and beat until the whites form
very stiff peaks that stand
straight up when beater is slow
ly withdrawn. (If bowl is tip
ped whites should not slide.)
Pour the egg yolk mixture slow
ly over the egg whites, gently
folding in with a rubber spatula
or large spoon until Just blend
ed and no White streaks or blobs
remain. Do not stir. Pour into
an ungreased 8-inch square cake
pan and bake 30 minutes in a
slow (325 F) oven, or until the
top springs back when lightly
touched with fingertips. Turn
Wedding September 20
Stayton The Immaculate
Conception Catholic church was
the scene of a wedding Tues
day, September 20, at 9 o'clock
in the morning when Miss Joan
Frost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Frost of Stayton. was mar
ried to Lawrence Silbernagel,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sil-
bernabel of Scio. Rev. Math
Jonas officiated in the double
ring ceremony.
Baskets of white, orchid and
pink asters and fern decorated
the altar. Wedding music was
nlavAH hv Mica .Tnunhlna Dronl
at the organ, and she accompa
nied Mrs. Lawrence Smith and
upsidedown at once, place cor
ners of pan on two inverted
custard cups or similar objects,
so cake will hang free of table.
When cold loosen sides from pan
with spatula, and hit edge sharp
ly on table, so cake will slide
Note: Slice cake in two layers,
if desired, cutting through dia
gonally with saw-edged knife
and fill with a custard filling
made from the two remaining
eggyolks; frost with confection
ers' frosting.
Mrs. Lawrenca Pietrok who
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride was gowned in
white slipper satin, fashioned
with full skirt and short train.
The fingertip veil was held in
place by a bandeau of pearls.
The bride carried a bouquet of
red roses which was centered by
gardenias. The bride wore a
gold cross which belonged to her
grandmother, Mrs. Kate Bur
ger, Waterloo, la., who was pres
ent at the wedding.
Miss Charlene Frost was her
sisters maid of honor. Her
gown was of yellow taffeta and
she wore a large matching hat.
She carried a bouquet of pink
Miss Betty Ann Silbernagel.
sister of the bridegroom, and
Miss Marguerite Frost, sister of
the bride, were bridesmaids
Their gowns were fashioned like
that of the honor maid, in or
chid taffeta and they also wore
large matching hats and carried
pink asters.
Bennie Silbernagel was best
man for his brother, and Leon
ard Gisler and Gerald Silber
nagel, were ushers.
In the afternoon a reception
was held in the parish hall. Mrs.
Leo Frost, a cousin of the bride,
cut the wedding cake, and Mrs.
Sylvester SilbernaRcl, aunt of
the bridegroom, cut the ices.
Mrs. Henry Thomas poured and
Miss Marcella Silbernagel pre
sided at the punch bowl. Both
are sisters of the bridegroom.
Miss Helen Gisler, cousin of the
bridegroom, was in charge of
the guest book.
The couple left on a wedding
trip which will take them to
California and into Mexico, by
Mill City United in marriage
Saturday were Mrs. Ann Dawes
and Dr. David J. Ferguson, both
of Mill City. The marriage cere
monies took place in the Port
land Presbyterian church with
only close relatives attending.
The couple returned to Mill City
following the ceremony, Dr.
Ferguson being in the pulpit
Sunday morning in the Presby
terian church where he has serv
er as minister for the past five
years. The couple are well
known in this vicinity, the bride
having been a resident here for
more than 20 years. Dr. Fer-
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 19499
guson came to Mill City from
the Astoria and Albany
The couple will make their
home in Mill City where Dr.
Ferguson plans to resume his
ministry. j
DAYTON Marie E. Burgess
of Portland was wed to James C.
Patton of Dayton at a quiet
ceremony in the home of her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Uetz of Portland,
at noon on September 12. Rev.
Mr. Allen of the Presbyterian
church in Portland officiated.
Following the ceremony a wed
ding dinner was served by her
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Patton will
make their home here. On Fri
day evening members of tha
Pioneer church gave them a
automobile. For traveling, the
bride wore a dark green suit
with black accessories and a
gardenia corsage. Upon their
return they will make their
home on a farm at Jordan.
Guest night Wednesdays
Tommy Kizziah and his West
Coast Ramblers Dance to
a swell band.
Give You That ADDED
Protection from Fire
and Theft!
Salem Night Patrol
Night Patrol of Business and
Residential Districts
Also Escort Service
2581 Cherrv Ave. Ph. 1-8170
1764 Market St. Ph. S-4M2
Playing Cards 1.95
Score Pads ......25
Rule Books 25-$l
Time's Getting Short . . . PLANT
Every Bulb a Flower
10 for 05c
Pride of Harlem
Golden Harvest
Wm. Copeland
Hurry in! Get your top size and quality Holland bulbs
at Sears savings now, while you can still plant them for
lovely spring blooms. Full-color cards in our special bulb
displayer unit to help you with your color and variety
selection. Lome in today!
Choice of 4 Colors
6 99c
. . t jr. I Ui ilk orow.
From Holiano s oi
ers' Oueen or me pinr.,
. . j- -ii himmer-
blues or reas u.. - -
ing beauty! Hurry in now, buy
at :ears iuw h1
. .a ! OA m
Chinese uny. . ""-" -
Snowflake Lily . 4 45 c
Bearded Iris.-- h 30C
1 IF
:r 171
Plantina Gu'tAm
Yours for the
asking, compli
ments of Scars
and Holland
Bulb Growers
Ranunculus Bulbs
Sturdy Cross Country Booms
Fine Freesias Bulbs
Heolthy Cross Country Quality
Packogt of 12 59c
of is 79c
Daffodil Bulbs
'Attroctive King Mired Vonety
10 for 1.19
Daintily ealorod Mim ara fraj.aor. iMfiM rSt af rad, Mima, al.k, Shimlaa, mw kwaRnaw ar yaw aar.
yt tough anavah M wMimad, mU aranaa daan la yaw yard aait Jvly. ytt arit.d law al Start. Whaa
diirwlat. Oal yaw poet a) 12 tadayl 100 aM far fall plootma. cvf. aka a d.liohtl.l Indoor klaaa.
Plenty of Free Parking Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort at Sears
SEiUU 550 N. Capitol - Phone 3-9191
.,i.mwi "M 'i. iiiiiiaHiMiii,.wiiii..iM i "" """IT " MSI 1
iJp VT:.V i f rT i ,
i - Yi 7.) h -L mi in :;-
' T- -a. ''"s.
Zl'lZ """"" -M).Hyi,i. ,
f 8r itiM
1 w
..cmam. r-JM.M-i. .
aringly new, Alexander-Smith's Barbizon isthe
first broadloom to give you the serene beauty
of self-tone shadow pattern, in luxurious deep
piled carpet. For Barbi.on's gentle pattern is
created, not with yarns of different hues, but
with yarns of different textures. The plume-and-scroll
design is soft, plushy, high-piled.
The background is loomed of twisted yarns,
dyed the same subtle shade. And the design is
sculptured, to heighten the bas-relief effect.
Sec how gracefully Barbizon blends with both
traditional and modern furnishings. Feel its
luxurious texture. Choose from five lovely
shades green, grey, beige, blue and rose.
Order it for wall-to-wall carpeting, or cut and
bound as a rug for jour room. 10.95 sq. yd.
We Maintain a Large Parking Lot South of
the Store For Your Convenience
While Shopping at Hamilton's