8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949 Wedding Is Sunday Event The marriage of Mri. Betty Montgomery Blackburn, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mont gomery, to Thomas J. Riches, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches, was solemnized Sunday afternoon at a simple service at tht Ben Lomand park home of the bridegroom's parents. The service took place at 1:30 o'clock with the Rev. Wesley Turner officiating, the couple standing before the fireplace which was banked with an ar rangement of American Beauty and orchard colored chrysanthe mums combined with burgundy cockscombs. The bride wore a dove gray suit with navy blue accessories. She carried a white Bible and a nosegay of pink roses and white humboldti bonvardia. Miss Martha Montgomery sister's only attendant and Rob ert Riches stood with his broth er as best man. A reception for members of the immediate family followed the ceremony. Mrs. R. A. Mont gomery, Jr., poured and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck cut the bride's cake. The table centerpiece was of white, orchid and maroon chrysanthemums flanked by white tapers. The couple will make their home in Salem and have a house in Orchard Heights. Mr. Riches is with Western Paper Convert ing company. Rainbows Install Woodburn Evergreen assem bly No. 12, Order of the Rain bow for Girls, will hold open installation of officers Wednes day evening. Sept 28, at 8 p.m in the Masonic temple when Miss Patricia Houseweart will be installed as worthy adviser. Miss Betty Jo DeHaan, the re tiring worthy adviser, will be the installing officer and will be assisted by Miss Jackie Ber key as installing marshal, Miss Hazel Hermanson as installing chaplain, Miss Frances Mills as installing recorder, Mrs. Edythe Ticknor as installing musician and little Virginia Lee Erwert as gift bearer. Woodburn chap ter of DeMolay will put on the crowning ceremony. Parents and friends of the girls, and all Masons and mem bers of the Eastern Star are in vited to attend. LEAVING Monday for an ex tended stay in Pasadena, Calif, were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches. During their absence, tlicir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck, are to occupy their Ben Lomand Park residence. Golden Wedding Sunday Event, Silverton The golden wed ding observance of Attorney F. E. Sylvester and Mrs. Sylvester was a delightful affair at the Mill street home Sunday after noon. White baskets of Hawaii an antherum of soft green and bronze featured the decorative scheme. The flowers were sent from the islands by the eldest daughter of the couple, Mrs. C J. Bushnell (Miriam). In general charge of arrange ments was Mrs. A. J. McCannel who was. assisted about the rooms by Mrs. 1. L. Stewart, Mrs. C. E. Anderson, Miss Shir ley Sylvester, daughter of the honored couple, and her friend, Miss Ethel Allen, tiie latter two both of Eugene. Mrs. W. Dale Lamar arranged a basket of golden chrysanthe mums to center the gift table was' her prescnted Dy Miss Fave Sparke ui oaiem. vm me entrance nan table were deep red roses given by Dr. F. N. Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, and on the buffet were roses, gif of the Earl Spencers. On the serving table and the buffet were filmy lace covers over green satin. Golden lighted tapers centered the buf fet and the table, flanking long bouquet arrangements. Pouring for the first hour were Mrs. Ronald Asboe and Mrs. Clinton Weiby, the second hour were Mrs. S. A. Gay and Mrs. Flora Thompson-Enders of Salem, and during the last hour, Mrs. Clay Allen and Mrs Harry Riches. Assisting in asking the guests in serving were Mrs. W. Dale Lamar and Mrs. W. P. Scarth In charge of the guest book were Mrs. E. A. Finlay and Mrs Harrison Fisher; and at the door were Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs, T. R. Hobart. Introduced as spe cial guests were Mr. and Mrs Everett Haycroft and Mrs. Beu lah Hudgins all of Washington, DC, where Haycroft is attorney tor the federal trades commis sion. He is a nephew of Sylves ter. Other guests included Mrs. Mary Riley, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson, Mrs. Orville Totland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skaife, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrlan Loe, Mr. and Mrs. fc.. A. Kern, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Taylor, Rev. and Mrs. Ben F. Browning, I. B. Alfred, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Lamar, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, Mr.- and Mrs. W. P. Scarth. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hobart, Mrs. Pearl Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mellbye. Mr. and Mrs. Claig L. Clark, Mrs. George Hubbs, of Salem were Mrs. A. H. Sparks and Miss Fay Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Al len, Mrs. Burns Renwick, Mrs. MEETING Wednesday is the February-August circle of the of the Jason Lee Methodist church, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Emma Tharp, 1902 North Sth. GUESTS HERE for Sunday and for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown were Mrs. Gertrude Beevers and son, Donald, of Portland. Mrs. Bee vers moved back to Portland from San Diego. 1 i. y K IMiss Hott ; Wed Saturday ic The marriage of Miss Shirley Ann Hott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hott, 488 North Liberty street, Salem, to David ' R, Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'I George F. Kelly of Portland, . ,was solemnized Saturday after noon. I he service took place at 4 o'clock in the First Im manuel Lutheran church, Port land, the Rev. Carl Sodergren officiating. The bride wore a white satin gown, the lace yoke outlined with tiny seed pearls and the skirt extending into a long train. The three-quarter length veil was lace-edged and was held In place with a satin and seed pearl crown. There was1 an overveil over the face. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of pure white gladio- uses with purple orchid in the center, and white satin streamers. Mrs. Leone Keil was matron of honor. She wore pink taffeta with deep rose colored gladi oluses in her hair. Her bou quet was of pale pink gladio luses. Jack L. Learner was best man. Ushering were Raymond Keil and Lawrence Mittchoff. For her daughter's weding. Mrs. Hott wore a black and white Jersey dress with corsage of red roses and gardenias, and the bridegroom's mother wore a gray print dress, also a corsage of gardenias and red roses. A reception followed the serv ice. Mrs, Jack L. Learner took charge of the gifts. Mrs. Carl : f. Engagement Told Announcement was made last week of the engagement of Miss Catherine Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cooper, to Herbert Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bauer. No wedding date has been set. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Lorena Sanders, Mrs. R. A. Mc Clanathan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tomison, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Finlay, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cra mer, Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Keber of Mt. Angel, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. Helen Burrier, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Jackson, A. Huddles ton, Dr. and Mrs. F. N. John ston, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Taylor and Deanna and Larry. The Sylvesters were married at Centerville, S. Dakota and made their residence for several years in Madella, Minn., and since 1927, have made their home in Silverton where Mr. Sylvester has practiced his pro fession of law and managed two real estate firms. The couple have two daugh ters, Mrs. Bushnell of Honolulu, T.H., and Miss Shirley Sylvester of Eugene. Mrs. Sylvester was charming in an all white formal with sil ver trim and a lavender single orchid corsage. FAVORITE OF MILLIONS St. Joseph Aspirin is aipirin at Its best. So fast, pure. World's largest seller at 10c. Get fORCHItnaru I Se needs. ea take. Amaranths Visit Old Peoples Home Several from Salem joined the group of the grand court of Oregon, Order of Amaranth, in visiting the Masonic old people's home at Forest Grove, Sunday. Going from Salem were Mrs. James B. Manning, grand royal matron, and Mr. Manning; Mrs. William Wilson, royal matron of Hanna Rosa court, and Mr. Wilson; Mrs. Lyle McCauley, royal matron for the new Cher ry court here, and Mr. McCau ley; and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slentz and family. There were 23 grand officers at the event, and 17 of the 19 courts in the state were repre sented. Fifteen royal matrons served the tea, assisted by the grand representatives. Each of the 90 residents at the home was presented with a gift. mm9 WICKS ,.V VapoRub Now...to relieve distresswithout dosing, rub on. tLJ " t v- fa it' hav ii, Stocking by MOJUD In Fathlon Harmony Colon 125 -165 At Salem Vi Mil North of Underpass AVING (of ENTER Stores MID WEEK MEAT SALE 4 West Salem At Foot of Bridge NEW HOURS: First Class Journeymen behind the Meat Cases from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. This it for your shopping pleasure. BEEF ROAST 33i Young Tender Beef SHORT RIBS 19c T- BONES 65c Round STEAK 65c Pure Ground BEEF 39i VEAL ROAST 35c VEAL STEW 21c ib. All Veal CHOPS 55i VEAL ROUND 69c Regular Price Is 84c This Is a Buy! GRADE A LAMBS CHOPS 51c "stew" 35c A Few Fresh Froien FRYERS Port Ready Ib. . . . 45c Li i Christine The yS Jci ird hi lid I THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION Consult Christine . . '. have her create a per sonalized hair style for you! Uoque d3eautu c oom3 "LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE RED VALENTINE" 341 State Street Salem, Oregon Luzier's Cosmetics Phone 3-5654 Carkon end Mrs. Robert Turn er served. For her going away costume the bride wore a cocoa brown dress with matching accessories and a gold pin presented as a gift by the bridegroom. Following a trip to San Fran cisco the couple will be at home at 1920 N.W. 26th, apartment 205, Portland, after October 1. . . THE ALL-DAY sewing meet ing for Disabled American Vet erans auxiliary will be Thurs day at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn, 1405 Fir street, a no host luncheon to be served at noon. Mrs. Stuart Johns is sew ing chairman. A BRAND NEW), GRAND NEW TREAT BOR0ENS COTTAGE CHEESE FRUIT SALAP ! LUSCIOUS FRUITS VJffH CREAMY 1 BOROBNS COTTA65 CHEESE.' 3 Juicy blti ! pear, poctiM, chtrrin, pifitappl miicd with prtttv winning ftordtn't Cottag Ch. Rtody to gebblt up at quick at you con imeck your Hp. Aik for Bordtn'i Cottogt Chooso Fruit Salad of your gfoee-r! nowl Ow.tfM.1W Mm Oft . ft TSordens J LI HUMID iJI tOTTAGE CHEESE If FRUIT SALAD DOES IT AGAIN! IN KEEPING WITH OUR POLICY OF BRINGING TO YOU THE FINEST MERCHANDISE FIRST, WE INTRODUCE TO YOU SOMETHING NEW IN SLACKS FEATURING THE NEW FABRIC SENSATION . . . D t M"4"l"M CHECK .THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES DURABLE 14-OZ. GABARDINE SLEEK EYE-APPEAL OF FINEST VIRGIN WOOL GABARDINE STA-PLEAT SADDLE STITCHING CONTINUOUS WAISTBAND i OFF-SET POCKETS Gas oral (ass 1 Jlk Wrinkle it . . . Crush it . . . it REMEMBERS and returns to its original shape J BUY BISHOP'S AND BUY THE BEST AT ONLY 8.95 Sizes 28-42 iiin GROCERY DEPARTMENT HUNTS 2 for 25c CATSUP 13c RED DOT COFFEE : 36c PRODUCE DEPARTMENT No. 2 50lb.sk. SPUDS 89c Kay's 460 Stat Street