Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 27, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
wm. m mn mmm urn in 1 1 n i r rr
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949
Chairmen in
OSC Mothers
Club Named
Chairman for the various com
mitted lor the new year's work
were appointed at the fall's first
meeting of the Oregon State Col
lege Mothers club Monday aft
ernoon. The group met at Mayflower
hall, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, br.,
presiding as president. Mrs.
Wilson named the following
Finance Mrs. A. E. Ullman.
Social Mrs. R. C. Blaxall. Pot-
lucks Mrs. H. H. Henry. Mem
bership Mrs. Ernest Walker.
Program Mrs. W. G. Burris.
Telephone Mrs. H. C. Pearson.
Publicity Mrs. Elmore Hill.
Hospitality Mrs. Fred Gahls
dorf. Plans were made for a no-host
dinner to be served the evening
of October 24 in the Four Cor
ners Community hall, starting at
6:30 o'clock. The event is for
all OSC parents with special in
vitation to parents of new stu
dents at the college.
The club also is to sponsor a
rummage sale October 8, 7 and 8
at the Argo hotel and those hav
ing articles are asked to con
tact Mrs. A. E. Ullman, chairman,
at 3S205.
Past presidents of the club
were introduced at yesterday's
meeting. Those there were Mrs
H. G. Smith, Mrs. John Carkin,
Mrs. Oscar L. Paulson, Mrs. Don
ald H. Upjohn, Mrs. Carl Em
mons, Mrs. Elmore Hill. Mrs.
G. A. Reeher, Mrs. George Croi-
san and Mrs. L. O. Arens, the
other three past presidents, were
not at the meeting.
Tea was served by the past
presidents, Mrs. Smith and Mrs.
Carkin in charge.
Brooklyn Visitor
Is Entertained
Mrs. Ilona Edwards, Willam
ette university graduate, recent
ly arrived from Brooklyn, N.Y.,
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Batson.
A group of Mrs. Edwards'
friends gathered at her parents'
home to honor her. Those pre
sent were: Mrs. Vivian Miller,
Miss Margaret Forsythe, Mrs.
Rosalie Dumbeck, Mrs. Doris
Lee Cooksey, Mrs. Christine
Medinger, Mrs. Shirley Harm,
Mrs. Audrey Starck, Mrs. Dawn
Shreve, Miss Peggy Gabriel,
Mrs. Lois Genna, Mrs. Ilona Ed
wards and her parents.
Mrs. Batson entertained sev
eral frients In honor of her
daughter. Those present were:
Mrs. Caroline Cernik, Mrs. Hor
tense Kreft, Mrs. Grace Saund
ers, Mrs. Ada Brimley, Mrs.
Maude Lilly, Mrs. Ann Frad,
Mrs. Garrett Templeton, Miss
Jean Templeton, Mrs. Fanny
Bard, Mrs. Myrtle McWillis, Mrs.
Rebecca Bramble, Mrs. Ann
Cadwell, Mrs. Hoffton Kratte
bol, Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Bat
son. Mrs. Edwards and her daugh
ter spent the week-end in Port
land visiting friends. On Sept
ember 28 they are leaving for
Los Angeles where Ihey will be
entertained for a week by Miss
Barbara Hathaway, former Wil
lamette university student. On
the way back to Salem they will
stop over a week In Oakland
and San Francisco to visit with
Miss Mnrcia Yocom, and Mrs
Ruth McGuire and other for
mer Salem friends.
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Women j
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Miss Murgarile L. Hail
Scout Worker
Here Two Days
Miss Margarite E. Hall, mem
bcr of the program division of
the national Girl Scout organ
ization, will be in Salem Wed
nesday and Thursday of this
week to give a program develop
ment institute for scout workers
of this area.
The event will be in the
Chamber of Commerce from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
At present. Miss Hall is an
adviser on the intermediate pro
gram at the Girl Scouts national
Miss Hall received her MSS
degree from the Richmond
School of Social Work of Wil
liam and Mary college, Rich
mond, Va. She also attended
Marjorie Webster school in
Washington, D.C. In addition
to nine years of local profession
al Girl Scouting in Washington
and Richmond, she has done so
clnl work for the YWCA and
William Byrd Community house
in Richmond.
The purpose of this workshop
is to help leaders of brownie,
intermediate and senior troops
become more proficient in the
leadership of girls. It offers an
opportunity for leaders to ob
tain more experience in pro
gram skills in relation to the
troop program. The workshop
will Include exploration of ac
tivities for girls of different
ages; methods of discovering,
stimulating and developing
girls' interests; use of consult
ants and community resources;
and current trends in the pro
gram. Federation Board
Victor Point Mrs. W. F.
Krenz entertained Friday at a
1 o'clock luncheon for the com
mittee chairman of the county
Federation of Women's clubs In
her Victor Point home.
Plans were made for the fall
federation meeting to be held
Friday, October 28 In Aurora.
Present were Mrs. Robert
Hutcheon, Salem Woman's club;
Mrs. Marjorie Fontaine, Jeffer
son Woman's club; Mrs. Ronald
Seeger. Liberty Woman' club;
Mrs. Delmar Davidson, Chil-
drens Farm Home; Mrs. Charles
Norton, Swegle Woman's club
Mrs. Carmen McDonald, Metis-
ma Woman's club; Mrs. Ray
mond Branch, Mehama; Mrs
David Looney, Salem; Mrs. El
mer Hubbard, Silver Cliff j Mrs.
W. F. Kreni.
Mrs. Edwards will then re
turn to Brooklyn, N. Y., where
she has been residing for the
past four years and is a case
worker with the American Red
i Dinner for
Mrs. Beakey
Among affairs honoring Mrs.
John S. Beakey before her de
parture for Tucson, Arizona, to
spend the winter will be the din
ner for members of the board of
the Soroptimist club on Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Beakey is second vice
president of the Salem Soropti
mist club. The dinner will be
at the home of the president,
Mrs. Glenn McCormick, those
attending including the board
members, Mrs. Beakey, Mrs. H.
G. Maison, Mrs. Donald J. Rein-
-ke, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Leo
Johnson, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy,
Mrs. Ethel Lau, Miss Irene de-
Lisle, Mrs. Abner K. Kline and
the hostess.
OES Chapter's
Homecoming Set
Annual homecoming and ad
vance night for Salem chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, were an
nounced for Saturday evening.
October 8, when the group met
this past Saturday evening. The
October 8 event will be preced
ed by a no-host dinner at 6:30
At last Saturday's meeting,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roloff
were Initiated. Visitors at the
meeting included Mr. and Mrs.
William Rice of Lima, Ohio,
Mrs. Leslie P. Speakman of
Houston, Pa., and Mrs. James
P. Houston of Cannonsburg, Pa.
Announcement was made for
all members to attend the insti
tution of the new Job's Daugh
ters bethel next Saturday eve
ning, October 1, the Salem chap
ter being sponsor, for the new
group. In addition to ceremo
nies of being instituted, there
will be initiation and installa
tion, the event to be in the
Masonic temple.
On the committee for last
Saturday's chapter meeting were
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wriston, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter White, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Colgan, Mr. and
Mrs. Hal DeSart, Mrs. Melvin
Gallaspy, refreshments; Mrs.
Vern Hasbrook and Mrs. Paul
Shafer, decorations.
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fehlen of
Stayton, announce the engage
ment of their daughter. Miss
Bonita Louise Fehlen, to Jack
Arnold Kauffman, son of Mrs.
Viva Kauffman of Stayton.
The wedding date has been set
for October 8, 1949.
BORN Sunday at Silverton
hospital was a daughter, An
drea Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Max
McMillin (Janet Byrd). Also
welcoming the little girl are two
older sisters, Marcia Ann and
Roberta Louise. Grandparents
are Mrs. Prince W. Byrd of Sa
lem and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc
Millin of Tucson, Ariz.
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ovtrlay of solid silver at table
touch poant.
Attend Banquet
Several Salem folk went to
Albany last evening for the ban
quet and program honoring Mrs.
J. R. Farrington, president of the
National Federation of Women's
Republican clubs. The Affair
was at the Albany hotel.
Going from here were Judge
and Mrs. Grant Murphy, Mrs. R.
L. Wright, Mrs. Lloyd DcGroote,
Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. Flor
ence Ames, Mrs. Bertha Junk
Darby, Herman Lanke, Frank A.
Doerflor, Mrs. C. E. Roblin,
Mrs. O. K. Beal, Miss Alt.
Phillips, Mrs. David Looney,
Mrs. Helen McLeod, Mrs. M. M.
Toastmistress Club
To Meet Thursday
The Salem Toastmistress club
will hold its regular bi-monthly
meeting at the Golden Pheas
ant, Thursday, Sept. 29 at 6
Hostess will be Miss Myrtle
Weathcrolt and the toastmis
tress, Mrs. J. M. Hartley. Table
topics will be handled by Miss
Kaxine H e r i n g e r. Speakers
scheduled for the evening are
Miss Ada Ross, Mrs. Marion
Wooden, Mrs. Sue Booch, Miss
Marguerite Gleeson and Mrs.
Edward White. Evaluator will
be Mrs.- Marion Curry and Mrs.
George Beane will be timekeep-
Daughters of America's "Star of
the Sea" troop met to fit uni
forms Saturday afternoon. A
troop scrapbook was started and
plans were made to sell the
Catholic Digest.
Arrangements were made for
the troop to serve at installation
next Sunday and to attend the
holy hour.
Miss Charmaine Roguski will
entertain next Saturday at her
home on Bellcvue street.
Popular Records
on RCA Victor
shall. go siiie
One ths Taran Tellona
Dennis Day
The Meadowa or Heaven
Perry Como
The Knock Sons
Tommy Dortejr
Let'i Take an old Fashioned Walk
rerry Como
See Our Complete Catalogue on the
Nrw RCA Victor 45 RFM'a
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High 2-8632
A pattern to beautiful you'll want
to linger over every det ail of its deeply
curved floral beauty ... its
perfectly balanced and proportioned
"Flowhne contour". Then make
your own wish come true make
Evening Star" yours "for keeps"!
ii tit in mine uiwumti
rWp-carvcd brauty dfiinl C
to be correct "for kem" Extn V A 1
Alumnae List
New Officers
New officers were chosen at
the meeting of Delta Zeta alum
nae last evening. Mrs. Bjarne
tricksen and Mrs. B. L. Bradley
were hostesses for the meeting
at the home of the former.
Mrs. Arthur Lewis was elect
ed president; Miss Maxine Paul
sen, treasurer; Miss Mildred
Deischer, editor; Mrs. W. H. Fos
ter, Panhellcnic representative.
Next meeting was scheduled
for October 18 at the home of
Mrs. Charles F. Feike. Mrs.
John Williams, mother of Mrs.
Ericksen, was a special guest at
the meeting.
Alumnae attending were Mrs.
Floyd Bowers, Mrs. E. A. Carle-
ton, Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. Al
bert Depenbrock, Miss Mildred
Deischer, Mrs. Charles Derthick,
Mrs. A. H. Farghar, Mrs. Charles
F. Feike, Mrs. W. H. Foster,
Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, Mrs.
Hugh Morrow, Mrs. Norman
Paulson, Miss Prudence Paulsen,
Miss Maxine Paulsen, Mrs. Vir
gil Sexton, Mrs. Gene Spaniol
of Stayton, Mrs. Harold Smed
ley. Miss Delores Hultman, Mrs.
Bradley and Mrs. Ericksen.
3 4iM. j
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Women of Rotary
Fall Luncheon; Committees Named
Forty - eight members and
guests attended the fall's first
meeting and luncheon for the
Women of Rotary, Monday, at
the Golden Pheasant.
Ardo Tarem of the YMCA
staff was guest speaker to tell
of Estonia and displaced persons
camps. In addition to Mr. Tarem
other guests included Mrs. G. A.
Luibeck, Mrs. Reynolds Allen,
Mrs. Claude A. Miller, and Roth
Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, presi
dent of the group, announced
standing committees for the year
as follows:
Program Mrs. P. H. Brydon.
Luncheon Mrs. K. H. Pickens.
Attendanc e Mrs. Gardner
Knapp. Social Mrs. L. O. Ar
ens. Membership Mrs. Charles
Fowler and Mrs. Harley Bosler.
Fellowship Mrs. Arthur Jones,
Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. Abner
K. Kline and Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague. Girl Scouts Mrs. Paul
Bale and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding.
Welfare Mrs. Harry B. John
son, Mrs. R. B. Lesher and Mrs.
Homer Smith, Jr. Officers with
Mrs. Cooley to make up the
board are: Mrs. Clay Cochran,
vice president; Mrs. Horace Mil
ler, secretary; Mrs. Chester
Pickens, treasurer; Mrs. Rob
, fcfcl w. tf
Meet for First
ert Sprague, Mrs. Ernest Crock
att and Mrs. Floyd Bressler.
Large tuberous begonias in
various shades decorated the
luncheon table. Members at
tending included: Mrs. Harley
Bosler. Mrs. C. M. Bird, Mrs.
K. H. Pickens, Mrs. E. T. Pierce,
Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. Walter
Minier, Mrs. Joe Dodd, Mrs. Rob
ert Sprague, Mrs. Paul Bale,
Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. A.
F. Marcus, Mrs. Harry B. John
son, Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. F.
S. Anunsen, Mrs. Leon W. Glea
son, Mrs. M. C. Findley, Mrs.
Arthur D. Hay, Mrs. Frank
Crawford, Mrs. P. H. Brydon,
Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs
Charles Fowler, Mrs. Floyd Bres
sler, Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mrs.
Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Abner K
Kline, Mrs. Ernest Crockatt,
Mrs. E. S. Fortner, Mrs. Ellis
Von Eschen, Mrs. Homer Smith,
Jr., Mrs. O. F. Franklin, Mrs.
George H. Grabenhorst, Mrs. C.
B. McCullough, Mrs. George L.
Arbuckle, Mrs. Arnold Davis,
Mrs. R. W. Kelly, Mrs. W. W
Moore, Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mrs.
Roy Harland, Mrs. Chester Pick
ens, Mrs. Thomas Roen, Mrs.
Leonard Thompson, Mrs. C A.
Kells, Mrs. R. B. Lesher.
Croup Asked
For Coffee
Mrs. LeRoy Scragg, who is
lining for New York Citv for
two months visit, was honored
at an informal coffee given
Tuesday morning by Mrs. Far
i.. Mncan and Mrs. Howard
Sargent at the Mogan residence.
Guests invited were Mrs.
Scragg, Mrs. Alfred Quiring,
Mr. . Norman Shaw and her
mother, Mrs. Gilbert Thelander,
visitor from Great raus, Moni.j
Mrs. Kenneth Beany, Mrs. win
iam Sullivan. Mrs. J. H. Ritche
and the two hostesses.
i fa VINT. Sunaav on a trio
east were Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Ashby, who plan to De gone
about six weeks. They are mak-ino-
the. trio bv car They plan
to stop in Chicago to visit Mrs.
Ashby s relatives, tnen in r uis
burgh with his relatives, also in
Washington, D.C, to visit Mr.
Ashby's sister, Mrs. Raymond
Archibald (Gertrude Ashby),
formerly of Salem. They are re
turning west by the southern
THE WOMEN'S Catholic Or
Hoi Of Foresters is meeting this
evening at 8 o'clock in the Sa
lem Woman s club house. ,
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