I f L Red Plane Looks Over Happily Handcuffed Mrs. Madeline Holland, full-time desk sergeant of Clark Township police department near Pahway, N. J., tries handcuffs for size on wrist of her bridegroom-to-be, part time patrolman Edward Faede. The 51-year-old widow issues orders to Faede while he is on duty. The couple are to be married next Saturday. She is a civil service designated desk clerk. (AP Wirephoto) Anchorage, Alaska. Sept. 27 Pi A Northwest Airlines plane was "escorted" for several min utes last Saturday by a Russian fighter plane while flying over the northern Kuriles, a passen ger told the Anchorage Times. The newspaper said yesterday J its informant was Bruce Aichi- son, Tokyo attorney and a di rector of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce American club. Aichison said the fighter plane shot up from a huge air port on an island in the north ern Kuriles. It flew alongside the NWA plane for several min utes, looking it over carefully, but making no effort to change its course. (In Tokyo, I. A. Groe. the NWA Haneda airport station manager, said similar experi ences have been reported "per haps five or six times in the last 18 months" by pilots. He said he presumed they were Russian craft on dawn patrol along the Kuriles.) Military sources said unoffi cially that Aichison probably saw the Paramushiro airfield, and added that it would be nor mal procedure for a Russian fighter to look over any strange plane that came near. . Margaret Truman to Sing on Radio Dec. 20 New York. Sept. 27 iAi Mar garet Truman has been booked as guest soloist on an Ameri can Broadcasting company pro gram, "Carnegie Hall." on De cember 20 her first New York professional singing appearance. The announcement of the broadcast, made yesterday, said it will be Miss Truman's only radio appearance in 1949. She is starting on a concert tour of 27 cities next monlh. Never Wins or Loses, But Does Good Community Job Smallest azencv receivine Community Chest funds to carry on its work, yet an agency doing a fine piece of work is the Legal Aid Clinic. The clinic, which has headquarters in the Willamette Univer sity Law School building, never wins or loses a case. That isn't its purpose. It is organized wf Bive advice and legal aid to Iron Lung Keeps Youth Breathing Portable respirator equipment on display here to support a fund drive for an iron lung kept 12-year-old John Reinwald alive here until an iron lung could be rushed from Portland. His con dition this morning was de scribed by attendants at Salem Memorial hospital as serious. The lad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Rc.nwald of Salem, was stricken with polio Saturday. He was kept breathing for sev eral hours by the portable rci pirator equipment on display in support of a campaign to raise funds for the purchase of an iron lung for Salem. The youth had been ill since last Tuesday but not seriously until Saturday. Then Salem po lio officials ordered an iron lung from Multnomah county chapter of the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis. The portable unit on display in a downtown Salem window, was lent by the Salem Eagles lodge, which is sparking the S4.000 fund drive for an iron lung. Young Reinwalu's was the ISth polio case reported in Mar ion county this year, but offi cials said there was no cause for general alarm. It was the eighth case treated at Salem Memorial hospital since mid summer, when the Marion coun ty chapter of tht polio founda tion sponsored installation of physiotherapy equipment at the hospital and special training of local doctors and nurses. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 19493 HARD OF HEARING You've Waited (or This! HERE IT IS! persons una Die to pay ior ine services of an attorney. It was about a year and a half ago that the legal aid clinic first began its work, as a volun teer project. A year ago it was placed under the Community Chest and even now its budget Is small with only $300 asked this year. In the past year, starting In October, 1948, the clinic has handled 78 cases. Seventy-three of these are closed and five are still open. In these cases money is not used for fees to those working on the case. The only expenditures are for necessary stationery and emergency court fees. All types of cases are handled by the clinic the only stipula tion is that the person assisted must not be able to afford to hire his own legal assistance. Cases range from rent, general contracts, defense of attachment to settling of occasional marital cases. The organization behind the clinic Is of great proportions, in cluding from 25 to 30 Willam ette law students and their pro fessor, Charles Jens. They also have assistance from the Marion County Bar association, which when a case must be taken to court assigns one of its members to handle it. In this event court costs and filing fees are usually paid by the person Involved, ex cept in extreme cases when the clinic carries the whole cost of the case. In handling the case the process followed by the clinic is to first establish the status of the person (most of those seek ing aid are referred to the clinic direct by one of the agencies of the Community Chest or by the Marion County Welfare commis sion). When it has been established that the person Is without funds and needs legal assistance, a case history Is started with Willam ette law students assigned to in vestigate. After the case has been prepared and all the in formation or witnesses located the case is discussed with Prof. Jens. After this the Marion County Bar association takes over if it is a court case. Service Station Hit By Damaging fire . . Damage estimated at about $4000 was done by fire at the Retread Tire Service station, 200 Lana avenue, Monday after noon. It was believed started by fumes from rubber solvent catch ing fire. H. C. Hanson, owner of the plant, was working in a rear room and was almost trapped by the flames. The building was a total loss. It was insured. The equipment, considerably dam aged, was not insured. Four fire trucks were at the scene. Harvard's team scored 765 points in 14 games during the 1886 season. NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! vf'U if The Phanto mold combined witjj the Beltone Hearing Aid assures you of unsurpassed bearing quality tor both tone and rolume. But best of all, even your friends won't notice that you are wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to see this newest hearing improvement and convince yourself that now for the first time you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean- while, fill out coupon for tree book. IV ' MONO-P y liooej Hoy ft keeping J MONO-PAC ONI-UN1T HIADINS AIO James N. Toft AND ASSOCIATES 228 Oregon Bldg. - Salem, Ore. BRINGS TO SALEM Dob America's World Famous Fine China You May Purchase One Piece or a Complete Set BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED A Small Down Payment and a Little Each Week or Month on Anything in the - Store, including Livesley Building 390 State St. Diamonds Watches Silverware China Glass Jewelry Salem, Oregon The salary of the President of the United States originally was $25,000 a year. It wasn't raised until Grant's second term, in 1875, when it became $50. 000. ' It was raised to $75,000 in 1900. MAYFLOWER Milk and Cream Homogeniied Milk 1 OX Milk 5 Milk. Cottage Cheese Cheddar Cheese Butter Ice Cream AT YOUR STOKE r AT YOUR DOOR Phone 39205 Schlesinger & Co.- A 3.K ions at advertised in Harpers Baiaar ONLY AT SCHLESINGER & CO. CAN YOU FIND ROTHMOOR IN SALEM! fashion's new favorite.., our beaver-collared ROTHMOOR The new fashion look is the fitted and furred look. Here's our favorite example of it. Vl'aiitline-defining coat with silky sheared beaver collar . . . designed to look imall-shouldered yet fit easily over suits (the secret's a special Rothmoor design!). Pure wool broad cloth, completely wool interlined. Schlesinger & Co. 'Schlesinger & Co.- Exclusive at Schlesinger I Co. u " 'J 4t 4 Black and Autumn color nds of tuck around the sirt with d graceful panel down tht back add interest to this dress in Vulgera crept ...the jewelry nechjint enhanced by a sparging necklace Schlesinger & Co: 409 Court Salem II m Mm 1 V ours exclusively Printzess designs such smart fashions in... Half-Sizes Youll be so delighted with oar collection of Printiess half. size. They're so right for yon because they're expertly scaled to fit ynu perfectly. And like all Printse fashions, they are tailored by skilled craftsmen, of fins quality fabric. YmiH agree, Printseas quality and raliie are truly outstanding. Our done. Sixes Uplift. Schlesinger & Co. 409 Court Salem