Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 27, 1949, Page 22, Image 22

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    22 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949
Husband Held in Wife's Plane Death J. A. Guay. (right)
30-year-old Quebec Jeweler, was held as a material witness at
Quebec, Que., in connection with the death of his wife, Mrs.
Guay, 28 (left) and 22 other persons who died in the crash of
n airliner on September 9. Guay faces charges of using his
"mystery woman" girl friend to plant a dynamite-laden
package aboard the plane. (AP Wirephoto)
Flier to Try
For New Record
Cherry Point, N.C. Sept. 27
Lieutenant Colonel Marion fc.
Carl. USMC. Oregon man and
former holder of the world's
peed record, will attempt to set
a new long distance speed rec
ord at the completion of the
Portland, Oregon Aviation
Week exposition.
Lt. Col. Carl, who took a new
marine Grumman "Panther" to
Portland for a static display
during the week-long show, will
make the speed run from Sioux
Tails, South Dakota, to Cherry
Point, N.C, on October 3, 1949,
with a full operational load
aboard the F9F.
Carl, number one fighter pi
lot in the Marine Corps today,
will fly at 25,000 feet, weather
permitting, and hopes to aver
age a ground speed of over 500
miles per hour for the 1200 mile
If weather conditions prevent
the speed run on October 3, the
flight will be scheduled for the
following day.
Lt. Col. Carl, 32, set the
world's official aircraft speed
record of 650.8 miles per hour
In 1947 when he hurled the
Douglas Skystrcak over the Mu
roc, Calif, course.
No Muscle Rustling
For Britain Burlesque
London, Sept. 27 (P) Offi
cials of London's famed Wind
mill burlesque house said two
American-born blondes will
move into star parts there next
month. But, they stressed,
American bumps and grinds are
The Lord Chamberlain's of
fice, which keeps an eye on bur
lesque and other shows, says the
girls ean show their bodies ab
solutely all they like provided
they stand stock-still.
"Remember," they aaid, "we've
till got the old no-wiggle rule
In Britain."
The newcomers to Britain's
nude attractions are Louisville
born Annette Gibson, 18, and
Bae Berry, 22, of Pawtucket, R.I.
In an Interview, taffy-blond
Rae said: "British audiences
have Just about all the nudity
they like right now. They seem
to go for plenty of ballet-type
tuff and that's what I'm here
to give 'em."
- CL.
Admitted Killer Mrs. Mar
guerita Pitre, 41, under guard
in her apartment in Quebec
City, Ontario, is reported to
have admitted to police that
she placed a bomb aboard the
airliner which exploded in
midair near Quebec City, kill
ing 23 persons, including the
unwanted wife of Jewelry
Salesman J. Albert Guay.
Guay was charged with his
wife's murder. Police said
that Mrs. Pitre was one of
Guay's two mistresses. (Acme
GAR Veteran Evicted;
Dog Brings Objection
Los Angeles, Sept. 27 (U.R)
William Magee, 103 -year-old
Civil War veteran, trudged five
blocks today in search of a new
home where the landlord won't
object to ltzey, "one of the best
dogs in the country."
Magee is one of the last two
members of the Grand Army of
the Republic in southern Cali
fornia. He is being evicted be
cause his landlady needi his
modest apartment.
"We don't need anything spe
cial," the spry veteran said,
"just one bedroom, living room
and a landlord who won't ob
ject to ltzey."
Reds Start Big
Canton Drive
Clinton, Sept. 27 The
Chinese communists hurled
three armies into Kwangtung
province today. It was the long
expected big-scale drive for
Canton, the nationalist refugee
The Red force 75,000 strong,
if at full strength surged in
from Kiagsi province in a 50
mile thrust that carried within
uu miles oi wanton ana confront
ed this uneasy capital with its
greatest threat of the civil war.
The Reds struck after weeks
of probing national defenses.
Official dispatches said the
Red 10th, Uth and 16th armies
took off from Lugnan in south
western Kwangsi. In this area,
140 miles northeast of Canton,
the communists have been build
ing up their Invasion force for
The great part of the Red
troops already had reached the
vicinity of Hsinfeng, 90 miles
northeast of Canton, the official
reports said.
From the hard pressed island
seaport of Amoy dispatches had
only bad news for the govern
ment. They reported the loss of sev
eral points in mainland areas
near the best port still remaining
in nationalist hands. These in
cluded Tsimei, 12 miles north of
(In Shanghai, the communist
press announced the end of re
sistance in Hingsia in the far
northwest with the province ac
cepting Red peace terms.)
White fir lumber Is non-resinous,
fine textured and odorless
when dry.
Now on Display
R. D. W00DR0W CO.
450 Center St.
i re wig
M iiNi " """fcfez: "
j .1 iliWUil..
evMflAt Cm! P 94
Save oil with above-grateline firing
Whirling Vans Same turn obon itx trawlint. covering lh hearth and
weeping the side wills of the furnace. Radiant heal rrwiratei the .
furnace with full kitenaty in Mm. manner as heat from a coal fire, for
which eoal furnace are dnigned. By contrast conventional burners
tcraaat heat down m the ashpit, mmin important heating surface.
The Vorm ecu mort htat out of the
same amount of oil. h. uiH nn to M: m
3Y E A R S I fu1 b'" in Ihousandi of home.
Trt D1V I Trouble free... all moving parti are mitaide
I LI r A T I Ih. nirnam or hniler nrnt.'tf fmm Ankn.
heat. Worry free . . . Iron Fireman aulomaiie
eontrole provide pracine, economic refuta
tion of day and night temperature.
Knfnr trne Pirni
comfort NlrtV ni
Ear lor h the nr
Hunt wr.
Prince Shoots Himself,
Brooding on Separation
New York, Sept. 27 uf Prince Alexander Hohenlohe, who had
been brooding over a separation from his wife, shot himself Sun
day night in a suicide attempt, police said.
The member of a once leading German and Austrian noble fam
ily was reported in critical condition today at City hospital with
a bullet wound in the chest
The shot collapsed one lung.
A police guard was posted at
the bedside of the 30-year-old
Hohenlohe. He was arrested on
a charge of illegal possession of
the pistol he used and of an
other found in his apartment
in suburban White Plains, N.Y
The couple were married in
Paris in October, 1939
The prince was assigned to
the Polish embassy in Washing
ton as an adjutant to the mili
tary auacne, ana became an
American citizen several years
Hohenlohe separated last ago.
spring from his wife, the former
Boyce Thompson Schulze. She
is the daughter of a former wife
of Anthony J. Drexel Biddle,
Jr., ex-ambassador to Poland.
The prince's estranged wife
and her mother hurried to the
hospital when informed of the
shooting. Later they were per
mitted to talk with him.
Police reported that Hohen
lohe telephoned Sunday night
to his lawyer and friend, Francis
P. Garvan, telling him he intend
ed to shoot himself and giving
instructions about a sealed note
in the lawyer's possession.
Garvan tried to dissuade Ho
henlohe and, failing, picked up
policeman and a doctor and
sped in a taxicab to his client's
apartment. There they found
Hohenlohe lying on the floor
with a .38-calibre revolver be
side him.
A note was found in the apart
ment, but police did not dis
close its contents.
Hohcnlohe's wife, 27, has
been living in New York recent
ly and their two small children
have been living with relatives
The wife known to friends
as "Princess Peggy" is a talent
ed artist and a granddaughter
of the late Cql. William Boyce
Ihompson, philanthropist, bank
er and mining specialist.
node by the . I
Th stain mak$ th difference In DYAN
SHINE Stain Paste Polish. It actually ttaint
rich true color Into the leather, toning scuffs
and faded spots to the real shoe color I
DYANSHINE Keeps brown shoes brown. Keeps
black shoes black... and gives a hard, bril
liant shine, too. Double action . ; double
value. Easy to use. And thriftyl At food, drug,
variety stores. Barton Mfg. Co St. Louis 1 5.
Of Potato Salad
Of Brown Beam
and that's just a starter at
where you get
for 99C
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5:00 P.M.-8.-30 P.M.
Every Day Except Sunday
(little folks under 10,
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Don't Miss
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Our special buy saves you dollars Here's quality
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All in superb quality 100 reprocessed wool
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Soma hoods! Rayon lined, warmly interlined.
Skipper blue, green, wine. Sizes from 3 to 6X.
155 N. Liberty
Phone 3-3191
3A 1 rQk 7lm
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You'd expect to pay as
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Who ays you hove to Invest in expensive links to wear
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Phone 2-6882