Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 27, 1949, Page 21, Image 21

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50 JOUT Old 0D. Utb IL JUDCttOO
41 DeSOTO Convertible. All " trie es
iraa. i PUi- 1100 da. Sn Gerald
Hall. Eat Salem fir Station. 4331
semi. Job 10 with truck. 2350 N.
Church. qui
lt)l MtRCUBV Sedan, 10.000 miles. ' Ont
owner car. Radio, heater, overdrive.
CMh price Hint. Phone 3-9010. q231
Elsner Motors to Buy
4K ClltV. Ihk too truck, lUt new. Hiih
torque motor, deluxe cab; ontr 8000
roil. Lou la Zlalltukl, Rt. 1, Bok 349,
Salem. Ul houae W, ot Hazel Green
School. tj231"
IMS DELUXE Chev. Club Cpe. Perfect
condition. R.4H. 11945. 1800 N. 33rd.
ltc PONTIAC with '36 Chevrolet motor.
$75. See at 010 Mill St. q;jo
131 Pat ft round Road Pbooa 1-0414
CAB ACCESSORIES tlraj A tubes at coil
price. First coma first aerved as thU 1
a close-out aale. Dealera welcomed- R
D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. q
Eisner Motors Fine Cars
JIKW PLY. coupe, I17S. Oood cond. Ph.
J-5098 after 4:00. q231'
4t C1IEV. Aero aedan. fully equlpt. Good
cond., clean. Rt. 3, Box 81, Dallu. Glenn
Mehl, ml. 8 W. of Dalla on Liberty
Rd. q333
4 CHEK motorcycle 1700 mile, wind
shield. Below half price. t0 N. Liberty
after P al. 230
1940 WHIZZES. 8100. 3060 N.18th. qa331'
1919 CH-SHMAN Airborne motor scooter
Buddy aeat it windshield. Used only 3
months. I!50. Ph. 2-0275. qa234
COOP TRACTOR 1 year old, driven leu
than 100 motor houra. Rex Klnuey,
Rt. 1, Stay ton. 4Vi miles east of
' Stayton on N. Santlam highway. qb230
$ CASH $
$25 to $500
TO 1300
Come Id or phono
Hollywood Finance Co.
1930 Fairgrounds Road '
Next Door to Bank
No Parkins problems
Phone 87032 Lie N M369-8391
Floyd Kenyon, Mkr
8pecl Rates and Terms
Cm Larger Loans
Loni and Short Tim
t3t South Commercial St. Phone 3-8101
8 to 40 Years and No Commission
Leo N. Childs, Inc.
344 State St. Phone 3-3061
Lie. 8-133 end U-328
138 S. Commercial St. Te J1J1 f
m end 6
YOUR OWN TERMS ot repayment within
reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts
and Second Mortgages.
201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163 r
182 S. Church
Parking a Plenty
Ph 3-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-184
1 add your obligations
2 pay them off In a lump sum with
a loan from Personal
S then make Just one reasonable
payment each month
$25 to $500 on Auto Up to
$300 on Salary, Furniture
Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a
loan solves a problem, phone or come
in today.
Personal Finance Co.
of Salem
818 State. Rm. 126 Ph. 3-3464
A. R. Allen, Mgr. Lit. B-122-M-166
TRAILER 2-wheel, 7 ft. bed. Steel frame
and tongue, good tiros. Tel. 3-4877. 137.50
DEER HUNTER: The perfect trailer com
plete to the last detail. Ph. 3-5355. t232
1RAILER SPACE. 110 per mo. with all
conveniences. South side of Paulus can
nery. Wra. Roth, 1740 Oxford. Ph. S-88R5.
SLEEPING trailer. New Innersprlne mat
tress. Excellent tires, 3130 or trade. Ph.
3-9772 or see 1807 Lee. j t232
BUNTING TRAILER. Aluminum covered
with lights mattress, hitch, etc.
600x16 wheels. Tires In excellent condi
tion. 1396 8. 13th. Ph. 2-6905. t232
NEW t7WHEELED all metal trailer.
Rack and canvas cover. Reasonable.
1335 Lea St. t334
All Metal Trailer
AH modern, spun glass Insulated, 27-ft.
tandem equipped with toilet and show
er Used 8 months. Like new. Price re
duced for quick sale. Sleeps 8. 5085
Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6279. t230
LEA VI NO for Nebraska Sept. 30. Want two
riders. Contact 2-4700. Call evenings
after6. tt3l
gUII.OR WISHES to return to San Dletto
Will share expense and drive car. 1780
FBtrerounos k. n. h-oooj. xiu
All makes QMd me chines sold, rented
repaired Roen 488 Court Pbone 341773
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aerrlcf
new appliance. Vioce's Ciectrle Phone
Free estimate Ttaoeins eccepteo on
39239 137 8 Liberty St
awnmower iharpenln and repairing
Dextera Ph 86B33 r
a ut honied Warranty Repair Station
for all makes of Aute Radios Morrow
Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6935
Towint service day phone l-KM (flam
1-1804 nr center
Mike Panek, 378 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-S161
Brake and wheel aligning specialists.
0233 1
Brirk block work of all kinds.
perlenoed, competent masons. Call
Davidson Bros., Ph. 3-8347. 0256
Remodel, repair that home now. Terms
No down payment Phons 1-4650. 0
Alt Bros. Also housM raised. New foun
dations. Phone 2-3909. o342'
Dean Roblnaoa. Ph. 3-6537 er 1-4308
Bulldo:ni. leveling, road o'ds., clear
falrview Ave. Ph, 1-3146, Salem, mil
Carpenter work. New,
repair. Ph. 3-2093.
In tarn delivery of Dew RCA tub
rtiUter 41 makes told, rented, rt
pa rd Roea 456 Court Ph 8-J77I
For tfiprrt guaranteed aatlifsctlon new
or repair of foundation, aide walks,
driveways, patios, curbs, wells, etc Call
3-4830. o
furnace chimneys vacuum
Eru-'ey 7T1 S 21st. Ph. 1-7178.
Alt., dress making. Good used clothes
for sale. 360 State St. Rm. 37. o244
Vlnce'a Electric for electrical wiring,
contracting, repairing, 137 ). Liberty
Moth Exterminator Service
Lee Cross. 1355 Pearl. o233
Sreithauoti for flowers Dial 3-9179 o
hel. stove St dleel oil. Ph. 3-3186.
Shall Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor.
Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount
ed. Ph. 286G3 United Producta Co. 3037
Portland Rd. Reasonable price. o233'
Watkliu Co
1717 Center
John Man vllle. Phone 3-3748.
Expert musical tntrument repair. All
work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU
SIC CO.. Ph. 3-4641. 0244
Window Cleaning
Janitor Service Floor Waitni
Buildings Factories Homes
Estlmatei Without Ob tuition
Ph Salem 3-9133 o
t Doerfler It Hons, Ornamentals. 150
N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1S21
DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef
ferson St. Phone 23452.
Sharpened, guaranteed service New
power and hand mowers. Call Harry
W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l St. 0233'
At you: door lawnmower sharpening
Dexter the iswnmuwer man Ph 36833
Capita) Bedding Phone 3-4069
Banjo, ei
Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin,
. 1523 Court SU Ph. 3-7569.
Desk chairs, flies and tiling supplies.
tafes, duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps typewriter stands, brief cues
" "re wire Recorders. Roen 458 Court
service all type of burners. Ph
J2. United Products Co. 3031 Port
nd Rd. Work guaranteed. o233
Jlfstrom's are equipped
painting Phone 9-2493
t do TOUt
ITxpert Paperhanglng and painting.
J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est.
Jerry Johnson. Ph. 34631.
Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti
mate Ph 3-9513, 857 Shipping. o240
Hutcheoo Paint Store
Fisher. 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-301S. 0232'
Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavating. Walling Sand
Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9249.
Valley Sand St Gravel Co Silt, aand
Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel Aj cats
Tractor scoop At trucks for dirt moving
Ph office 24002, res. 87146 0
Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603, 1293 M 5th.
Electrle Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent
Razor 4harp Steel Cutting Blades
Clean Sewers or Drains Septle Tsnkf
Cleaned Re as Ph 9-6337 or 8-1468
K. F. Harriet. Septic tanks cleared.
Electric machine service on ewe? and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8 h
St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o249
Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned.
Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079
Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 1-9488, 2-5327
Vacuum Pumplnc, no mileage charge.
Call us collect. Todd's Beptlc Tank
Service, 254S State St. Phone 2-0734. o
New Home sewing machine sales. We
repair all makes. Kins wood Elec- 1091
Edaewater. Ph. 35589. o231
Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms.
All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. 3-7671.
All makes repaired, free estimates
S.nier Sewing Uach!no Co, 130 No
Commercial Ph. 1-3512. o
Smith Oorona, Remington Royal, Under
wood portables All makes used machine
Repairs and rent Roen. 450 Court, o
".oca! At Distance Transfer, storage
Burnet oils, coal A briquets Trucks tc
Portland dally Agent for Beklna House
hold goods mo red to anywhsre In OS
eu Uanada Larmer Transfer it Storage
Ph 3-3131 o'
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order ot
reflnUhed Reloholdl Lewis 2-1039
Elmer The BUndmen. Ph. 37321.
Pred Wymore. Rt. 2, Bos 317. Ph. 2-5133
Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 2-3965
Washable Rotter Uade to order. 1 Day
Del Rslnhoidt & Lewis Ph 33831. o
Acme V.lndow Cleaners Windows, wails
woodwork cleaned Floors Cleaned.
waied and polished Ph 1-1337 It:
uoun. unsooe. cuibsrteoa tod Mather
AUlns Cross.
Ph. 3-1474 or 1-1172.
wt 8am P'jel Co. Ph 2-4031.
to DO liS
ajj" l.O.O J meu every Wrt
Dead t y aignt Vltitors wei
Alruworth Lodge No. 201, AT.
& A.M. Tues,, Sept. 27. M M
Degree. 7:30 p.m. 230
A Klnewood No J04, A.F. St A M
West Salem. E A. Degree Sept.
28th, 7:30 p.m. 229
Medical experiments with
malaria and yellow (ever pa
tients led to the first American
patent (or an ice-making ma
( Chine.
1 yz.-K :1
Refreshing Leo Sign of the Hollywood Lions club, located in
a triangle at the intersection of North Cottage street and
Fairgrounds road, shown in the process of being redecorated
by . Scott, sign and pictorial painter. The rugged mane was
done in dark brown, the body in a tawny color. Two coats
were required to redecorate Leo.
Court Reverses
Power to Reduce Damages
The Oregon supreme court said
to reduce jury verdicts in damage suits in which it is up to the
jury to decide the amount of damages.
And the immediate result of this far-reaching decision was that
a Portland girl collected $10,000 damages for a bruised leg and a
bruised wrist. Her injuries were
not even bad enough to force her
to lose a day's work at the ship
yards. The decision, which is the op
posite of a 1933 supreme court
decision, holds that the high
court can't reduce damage ver
dicts in such cases as suits lor
personal Injury, assault and bat
tery, breach of promise, aliena
tion of affections, and other such
cases where the jury decides
how much the injured party was
The girl who brought the case,
and thus threw Oregon's legal
profession into a tizzy, is Lor
raine Van Lorn. She went to
the music hall, a public dance
hall owned by Paul Schneider-
man, to see a friend.
Lorraine said Schneiderman's
son kicked her out of the place
and had her taken to the police
station for disorderly conduct.
Lorraine soon was reelased.
Then she sued Schneiderman
for assault and battery, and got
$10,000 in Circuit Judge Alfred
P. Dobson's court.
Schneiderman appealed on
grounds that the damages were
excessive, but he didn't contest
the fact that the verdict was in
Lorraine's favor.
Today's decision by Chief Jus
tice Hall S. Lusk upheld Judge
Alfred P. Dobson.
The decision means that the
court, in such cases, can either
uphold them, or order a new
Other court decisions today:
Ermale C. Morru, ippell.nt. V,. Webb
Pltzwater. App.,1 from Linn county.
Suit for lnjurlra In ,uto accident. Opln
ion by Justice Arthur D. May. Judae Vic
tor OUIver, reversed and new trial or
Brazil Balrd. appellant, vs. wiltner Boy
. Appeal from Multnomah county. Suit
for damages for Injuries In auto acci
dent. Opinion by Justice J. O. Ballcy.
Judaea James R. Bain, affirmed.
Aschenbrenner W. U.
Weekend Manager
Stanley Aschenbrenner. a
junior of Spokane, Wash., and
a graduate of Grants Pass high,
was named homecoming man
ager Monday afternoon by fel
low students at Willamette uni
versity. Aschenbrenner is a major in
philosophy, president of the
Wesley Fellowship and is at
tending Willamette on a national
Methodist church scholarship.
Homecoming is scheduled for
the weekend of October 29
with a football game between
Willamette and Lewis St Clark
the featured event.
underslsned, bv sn order of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon
County Probate Department, made and
entered on the 22nd dsy of September.
1949, was given authority to sell at private
sale certain real property, hereinafter de
scribed, belonging to the Estate of JULIA
M. KELLEY. deceased. I will proceed to
sell said property to the hit hast bidder
from and after October 19, 1949. The
terms or the sale will be: cash, lawful
money of the United 8tets. ten per cent
of the bid payable at the time of salt and
the balance upon confirmation by sssd
Court. All persons Interested in the pur
cha of said property can obtain Infor
mation renardint same from the under
signed at 1452 Hickory Street. Salem, Ore
gon, or his attorneys.
The property to be sold Is located at
1173 North Fourth Street. Salem, Oreson,
and is described as follows:
That part of Block Fifteen M3 In
the original tomn of North Sslem,
Marlon County. Oregon, 'see Volume
1 Pace 34, Record of Town Plats for
as Id county and state, more particu
larly djcrlbed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the East
line of said Block Fifteen MS) of
North Salem. Marion County, Oregon,
said point being 32 ' feet Southerly
from the Northetwt corner of said
block, and running thence Southerly
along the East line of aald block 4100
feet: thence Westerly parallel to the
South line of aald block, 122 test to
the East line of the alley running
North and South through aald block;
thence Northerly alont the East line
of said alley, 41 04 feet; thence East
erly parallel to the South Una of said
block. 123's feet to the place of be
ginning. Oeorge t Slack
Admr. eta. of the frtste of
JULIA M KELLEY, deceased.
Attorneva for t rt Fa tit
11 North Liberty Street
iem Oregon
I Sept. 17, Oct. , 11. ft IS. 1H
1 mvfmf'"M
Itself in
Tuesday it doesn't have power
Completed from report's of Salem dealera
lor the guidance ef Capital Journal
Readers. (Revised daily).
Retail Feed Price:
Eff Manh $4.95.
Rabbit Pellets 84.30.
Dairy Feed 13.70.
Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color
ed hens 21-22c; grade A Leghorn hens.
is-ivc; grade a colored iryers. three lbs.
and up, 31-33C. Orade A old roosters. 15c
Buying Prices Extra large AA, 68c;
la rue AA. 67c: lame A. fij-BSc: Medium AA.
56c; medium A. 64-58c; pullets, 37 -40c.
51'iC lb.; loaf. 53Vac.
Wholesale Prices Eire; wholesale prices
B-7c above these prices: above grade A
Keneralty quoted at 71c; medium, 63c.
Premium 64-6BC No. 1. 63c: No. 2. 67-
59c; ibuying prices!.
nutter Wholesale grade A. 7c: re
call 72c.
Portland Grain
Portland. Ore., Sept. 27 (At Cash grain:
Oats No. 2 98 lb white 54.50; barley No.
2 45 lb BW 82.50.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.1TH:
soft white (no rex) J.lTi; white club
Hard red winter: Ordinary a.lT'i: 10
per cent 2,17; 11 per cent 2.10; 12 per
cent 2.21.
Today's ear receipts: Wheat 113: barley
45; flour 7; corn 3; oats 2; millfeed 20.
Symphony Group
Plans for Concerts
Salem Symphony society
board met last evening at the
home of Mrs. George Schwarz
to talk over possibilities of
bringing the Portland Sympho
ny orchestra here for concerts,
also to discuss problems con
fronting the symphony, and how
Salem music followers may as
Phil Hart, manager of the
Portland Symphony, was at the
meeting to discuss the situation
with the local group.
Final decision on bringing the
orchestra here for concerts will
be announced following another
board meeting Thursday eve
ning at the Schwarz home
Charles Heltzel is president of
the Salem Symphony society.
Lawson McCall is announced as
a new member of the society
Silverfon at Top
In Blood Donations
Silverton is right up at the
top when it comes to donating
blood for the Portland regional
blood center doing as well or
better than Salem.
A total of 88 pints of blood
was donated when the mobile
unit operated at Silverton, Mon
day. Total number of persons
coming in for the donations was
The unit was set up at Eugene
Field school.
C. B. Anderson, blood donor
recruitment committee chairman
in the Silverton area and a mem
ber of the board of directors for
Marlon county chapter of the
Red Cross, was in charge of ar
rangements (or the Silverton
Next stop of the mobile unit
in Salem will be October 11, and
on October 21, the unit will be
in operation at Woodburn.
Poultry Slaughter
Operators Warned
Poultry slauRhter operators
were warned by the state agri
culture department today to
clean and disinfect their chick
en crates to prevent the spread
of the dreaded Newcastle disease.
The department said there
have been recent outbreaks of
the disease in some broiler plants.
There have been 40 outbreaks
since the disease was first re
ported in Oregon in April, 1947.
An isolated mast or chimney
150 feet tall Is likely to be
struck by lightning once year,
on the average, in many parts
of the world.
Some Wheat Up
To Seasonal High
Chicago, Sept. 27 W Some
deliveries of wheat touched new
seasonal highs at the board of
trade today. The December,
March and May contracts reach
ed new highs all up around 2
Anticipation of new flour bus-;
iness, combined with the an
nouncement of a 10 cent advance
in family flour effective tomor-;
row, induced buying. The cashj
market was also a factor in the
advance. Spot traders called the
market around a cent higher.
At the finish wheat was IV,
to 21, higher than yesterday's
close, December S2.16,-'-'4.
Corn was to 13 higher, De
cember Sl.18'8-!,. Oats were
to 2 cents higher, December
67 la. Rye was 2 to 2 Mi higher,
December $1.45 V, -45. Soybeans
were 1 1 to 3 cents higher, No
vember $2.27li-27. Lard was 2
to 8 cents a hundredweight low
er, October $11.00.
talrtn Livestock Market
i By Vllev "acklng Cnmnsnv
Lambs 318.00 to 119 00
feeder lambs 12.00 to 116.00
;o to 4 oo
Cutter cows IS 0 to f 10.50
Pat dairy cows 19.30 to 111.50
Bulls til 00 10 115 00
Calves, good '300-450 lbs.) 116.00 to 116 OP
Veal 1150-300 lbs.) top ....318.00 to 120.00
Portland Eastifdr Market
Corn sales were steady around $1 a
flve-dozen ear pack on the Portland
Eastslde Farmers' Wholesale Produce Mar
ket today.
Local tomatoes sold under 90 cents per
16-18 lb flat.
Zuchlni flats sold around 90 cents, a
few quoted at 91.
Beans were quoted earlr at 10-11 cents.
Bunched onions brought 65 cents a
dozen and below.
Concord trapes brouiht 90 cents end
below for best lidded lugs.
Spinach was quotable to $1.50 per box.
Portland Produce
Butterfat Tentative, subject to Imme
diate change. Premium quality maximum
35 to l percent aciaity aeuverea in
Portland A3 -66c lb., 92 score 61-84C lb., 90
score, 67-60C. 89 score, 5Sc. Valley routes
and country points 2c less than first.
Butter wnoiesaie run duik cudcs w
wholesalers: grade 93 score, 62 cents; A
92 score 61c ; B 90 score, 59c lb., C 89
score, 56c. Above prices are strictly
Cheese Selling price to Portland whole
sale: Oregon singles 39-40c; Oregon ft
loaf 42-43c: triplets VM less than
sin irlcs.
Eggs (Te Wholesalers) A grade laris.
6Sl2-66Vac; A medium, 65-S8lc; grade
B large, 56,-58,7; small A grade, ezvac.
Portland Dairy Market
Butter price to retailers: ureae aa
prints e?c; A A carton 8c: A prlnta
87c. A cartons 68c; B prints 84c.
Egga Prices to retailers: Orade AA
large 74c dot.; certified A large, 69c; A
large 68c; AA medium. 61c; certified A.
medium, 60c; A medium, 59c, A small
43c. cartons 2c additional.
Cheese Price to retailers: porn ana
Oregon Binaries 39-42c: Orenon loaf. 5-
1b. loafs 44,-s-45c lb.; triplets, l"a cents less
than singles. Premium brands, singles,
Sl'ie lb.: loaf, M'iC.
Live Chickens No. 1 quality POB
plants. No. 1 broilers under 2" lbs. 2&-26c
irvers s'i-j ids.. h-joc; j-t ids., jic;
roasters 4 lbs. and over. 31e lb., fowl,
Leghorns 4 lbs. and under, 17-19c, over 4
zoc; colored lowi an weignis, die,
ronnters. all weinhts 18-lBc.
Rabbits Average to growers, live whites.
4-3 IDS., IB -JVC ID. ; 3-D (OS., 10-IOC ID..
colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does,
8-12c: dressed fryers to butchers, 50-53C.
Country-Killed Meats
veal, top quality, 30-3ZC id.; oiner
trrades according to weight and quality
with poor or heavier 30-25C.
Hons; Light blockers. 32 -33c; sows z-
Lambs: Top quality, springers, 3-3ic;
mutton, 10-12c
Beef: Good cows, 22-330 lb.; eanners
itters. 20-22c.
Freth Dreued Meats
(Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.i:
Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs.. 143-46;
commercial. $35-41; utility. 231-34.
Cows Commercial. 133-35; utility, 137-
31; canners-cutlers, 124-26.
Beef Cuts (Oood Steers) : Hind quarters.
$55-57; rounds, I52-55; full loins, trimmed,
$73-77; triangles. 131-33; square churks.
139-41; ribs, 152-55; lorequanera, sji-jb.
Veal and calf: Good, I38-Jg; commercial,
132-36: utility, (26-30.
Lambs: uood-ciioice spring lamos, i
46: commercial, (36-43: utility, 133-35.
Mutton: Good, 70 IDs. down, glo-iB.
Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs., 159-62,
shoulders 18 lbs. down, $40-42; spare-
ribs, 147-49: carcasses. $33-34; mixed
weights S3 per cwt. lower.
Portland Miscellaneous
Pa scar a Bark Dry 13 "jc lb., green 4c lb.
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades.
45c lb.
Mohair 25c lb. on 12-month growth,
Hides Calves, 30e lb., according to
weiirht. kins 25c lb., beef Il-I2c lb., bulls
fl -7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less.
7u (juotauens
Walnuts Pranquettes. first quality Jum
bo. 34.7c; large. 33.7c: medium, 27.3c;
second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c;
medium. 26.2c; baby, 23. 2c; soft shell, first
quality large. 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec
ond quality large,; meaium, . ic,
baby 22.2c.
Filberts Jumbo, 20c lb.; large, lie;
medium, 16c; small, 13c.
Portland Livestock
Portland. Ore., Sept. 27 aim Livestock:
Cattle aalable 200: holdovers 800: calves
salable 50. Holdovers lamely cows but
includes a few loads steers mostly late
arrivals Monday. Pew early sales steady
with Monday's close or around 60 cents
below last week's. Some bid off more.
Pew low medium grass steers 19 00 to 31.50,
extreme top Monday 27.50 for around
three hesd good steers, carlot top 26 00.
Few common and medium beef heifers
14 00 to 19 00: canner and cutter cows
slow. Odd heads su-sdy at mostly 11.00 to
11.50. One good heavy sausage bull up
to 17.75. Most common light medium good
bulls 14 00 to 16 00. medium veslerg 16 00
to 20 00. Oood grades salable around 21.00
In 93 OA nr abnve.
Hoss salable 125. Market 25c lower. Oood
and choice 180-230 lbs. 21.50: few 150-160
lbs. 19.00 to 19.50: good 330-500 lb. aows
18 00. A few good and choice feeder pigs
20 00 to 23 00.
Sheep salable 900: holdover 500. Mar
ket opening slow, asking steady with Mon
day's late market or around 21.00 for
sood and choice lots Oood few shorn
feeders 17.00; good ew salable 8.00-8-50.
Chicago Livestock
Cnlcsio, frpt. 27 'P 'USDA Salable
hois 9.500: rather alow, mostly steady on
butchers: weights under 190 lb scarce and
strong; sows fully steady; top 20.25 for
sever at lot choice 230-260 lb: bulk of run
good and choice 300-220 lb 19 50-20.00: 160
190 lb 18 25-19 25. few 150-170 lb 16 50
18 00; good and choice sows under 280 lb.
18 25-19 35; 875-425 lb 17 25-18 2$. 450
550 lb 11.50-17 00; odd head heavier at
IS 00.
Aalso:e cattle $500: salable calves 800:
generally alow but mostly steady; choice
ateers and heifers scsroe, fully steady:
top 34 00 for load choice to prime 1.400
lb steers: most huh good and choice fed
steers and yesrllnss 31. 50-32 50: medium
to everase.good grades 19 00-28 00; load
common 935 lb grassrs 17.00; few choice lb fed heifers 29 75: most good and
choice hsiftre 25 00-29 00: good cows 17 00
18 )0. bulg common and medium cows
14 00-16 35: rennets and cutters 11.50
14 00; medium and good sausage bulls
17 25-19 O0. bulk medium and good veal
era 34 00-27.00; top 38 00 on choice veal
era: Insd good 150 lb Canadian stock steer
calve 23.00.
Salable sheep 2,000; slaughter lambs
steady; top 33 35; paid for choice Wash
instans: eood to choice native lambs
22 25-33 00. cull and rommnn 1 5 00-19 00;
' ws strone: t loads closely sorted
.choir vvdtiintr,n tM IQ.OOi most aa
J uve, ewes I.M dowk
,(-..... ' 1
iininrtni ' ti'i -.''.r-tn'1
Aitcimata oi Lras.i ana rue A nut,e zo-ion irucK and
trailer careened out of control down the Ridge route near
Grapevine, Calif., leaving a trail of wreckage and fire before
carrying two persons to flaming death in canyon 150 feet
below. A cafe, bar, service station, post office and six un
occupied automobiles were damaged. (AP Wirephoto)
Stocks Level-off
After Decline
New York, Sept. 27 ) The
stock market levelled off today
after prices dropped fractions to
around a point.
In late trading selected issues
showed signs of coming back.
Most of the damage was done
the morning when a shor
burst of selling flattened price.
Turnover was at the rate of1
nnn..n i innnnn ..v.-.-,.- f t,o
around 1,100,000 shares for the
full Session,
Growing signs that steel labor
and management negotiations
were getting nowhere fast in
current contracts talks tended to
frighten off buying support.
Also lower were U. S. Steel,
General Motors, Chrysler, U. S.
Rubber, Sears Roebuck, Ameri
can Can, International l-'aper,
Standard Oil (NJ) and Gulf
Lockheed was fairly active at
a higher price.
(By the Associated Pr-ss)
American Can
Am Pow St Lt
Am Tel b Tel
Bendlx Aviation
Beth Steel
Boeing Airplane
Calif Packing
Canadian Pacific
Case J 1
Comwlth A Sou
Cons Vultee
Continental Can
Crown Zellerbach
Curtiss Wright
Douglas Aircraft
Dupont de Nem
General Electric
General Food
General Motors
Goodyear Tire
Int Harvester
int Paper
Llbby McN & L
Long Bell 'A"
Montgomery Ward
Nash Kelvlnator
Nat Dairy
NY Central
Northern Pacific
Pac Am Pish
Pa Gas b Elec
Pa Tel Tel
Penney J C
Radio Corp
Rayonler Ptd
Reynolds Metal
, 6tH
. 11',
. 7'
, 60
. 52 s
, 16'S
, 12S
. 33S
, 99
. 3S
, 27 V
Safeway Stores
Sears Roebuck
Southern Pacific '
Standard Oil Co
Studebaker Corp
Sunshine Mining 1
Union OH Cal
Union Parlflc
United Airlines
U 8 Steel
Warner Hroa Pic
Woolworth ,
Salem Hottest Spot
In West Monday
Belated summer made a sud
den sweep in on Salem Monday,
the mercury zooming up to B5
degrees for the warmest Septem
ber 26 on record here. It was
not the high mark of the sea
son for Salem, however, the
thermometers having registered
96 degrees twice before this
summer, once In July, the other
time on September 3.
United Press reports stated
Salem had the Orcgon-Washing-
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When your skin is Irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crazy with
itching torture, try Sanitnne
Ointment. Itching stops prompt
ly. Smarting disappears imme
diately. Sanltone Ointment Is
also wonderful for itching fept
cracks between toes and Ath
lete's foot.
For Sale
Wllletl's Capital I)ru(r Store
State at Liberty Phone 3-3118
I a symptom, not a dL.eajt.
Rectal Ailments Am
the Underlying Factor
Hemorrhoids and othrr colon
ailments must be corrected.
No lAn nf Time
No Hnapilaliralion
Free Descriptive Booklet
Naluro Rectal Specialist
1114 (enter tit. . alem. (Ire
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,
, 'Jj;
ton temperature record for the
Forecast is for continued fair irol meeting here this morning,
weather tonight and Wednesday i went to Portland for two speech
with more warm temperatures es.
and low humidity
The mean temperature Mon
day was 70 degrees, or 11 above
normal for the day.
Anna M. Edward.
Anna M. Edwards, lata resident of Med
rord. at a local hospital, September 29 at
the ate of 99 rears. Survived br three
When a sliort'sons, both of Medford, and Set. Kuaene
e.awaro.9 oi Aiouquerque. n.h.; and two
daughters. Mrs. Elsie of Rellln..
nam- Wash., and Mrs. Carrie Pines of
wiute fine, ualir. Shipment ha been
' . , UpdI)r(, br oweii-Edwerde
chapel for service, and Interment.
Dayton c. w.ik.r
Davton C. Walker, late resident of 395
20th St.. a tPortland. September 24.
Survived by sLsters. Mrs. Nona Clark and
Mrs. Minnie B. Sperry, both of Salem, and
Delia Skeen of Monmouth; nieces.
Mrs. Zoa Hamman and Mrs. Gladys
Eileen Res of Klllsboro: nephews. Warren
A. Sperry. Glenn E. Walker and Kenneth
Clark, all or Salem, and Harry W. Good of
Donald: and 10 (treat nieces. Services will
be held at the W. T. Rlicdon chapel Wed
nesday, September 38. at 1:30 p.m. with
Interment in Belcrest Memorial park. Rev.
Lloyd G. Uecker will officiate.
John Marr
John Marr, late resident of 1215 North
19th street, at a local hospital. Monday.
September 26. at the sue of 82 years. Hus
band of Mrs. Johanna Marr of Salem:
father of Mrs. Carl Fischer of Mon
mouth, John O. Marr of Salem, James
Marr of New York City. Charles Marr of
Portland and Edward P. Marr of Tilla
mook. Also survived by seven grandchil
dren and four great grandchildren. Serv
ices will be held Wednesday. September
28, at 3 p.m. at the Golden chapel at Sf5
South Commercial street, with Rev. Earl
11. F.irker olllclnting. Interment In the
City View cemetry.
Larry Dean Scott
Lnrry Dean Scott, late resident at
5060 Newberg dr., September 26 at the
aa of 2 '.j years. Surviving are the par
ents, Mr. snd Mrs. Colin Scott, Salem; a
brother, Gall Scott, Salem; grandparents,
Mr. and Mis. Frr.nk Bains and Mrs. Eve
lyn Scott, all of Snlem; and several aunts
nnd uncles. Service will be held Wednes
day, September 38, at 3 p.m. at the
Cloush-Bnrrick clinpcl with the Rev,
George Eads officiating. Interment In Bel
crest Memorial. Wenlcr Johnnen
Leo Wesley Johnson, late resident of
Llllitvaup. at 1 local hospital, Sep
tember 27. Survived by his wife, Mrs.
Myrtle Johnson of Lllliwaup, Wash.: two
sons, Wesley M. Johnson and Howard B.
Johnson, both or Lllliwaup; and a brother.
Sari M. Johnson, Salrm. Shipment was
made to Tacoma, Wash., by dough-Bar-rick
company for services and Interment.
Mrs. Mae Heed
Mrs. Mie Kced. late resident of 130
Abrams Ave., at a local hospital, Sep
tember 27. Surviving are three daughters,
Mr.. Clara Craig and Mrs. Eva Hoe an,
both of .Salem, and Mrs. Llllie Rushton
of Portland. Announcement of services
Inter by Cloutth-Rnrrlck company.
Doctors Find Body Odor
On 13 Parts of Body
r "m
Soap with purifying ingredient
gets ikin cleaner,
givei all-over protection.
It's true-thouch few people real
ize this unpleasant fact! Body
odor is not confined to the under
arms. To gunrd popularity you
must (five 13 pari of your body
top protection.
Popularity is priceless. Don't ever lose it!
The cleaner you Ret every part
of your skin, doctors know, the
safer you are from "B O." (body
odor). And by comparing daily
baths with different soaps they
found one soap-Lifebuoy Health
Soap-gets skin cleaner, topi
I ICCDITHV CeU Slua CLntf ...S.or"B.0."
LirEDUUI "No Otbei Lt.Jinf Soap Cm
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949 21
Governor Making
Speeches in Portland
Governor Douglas McKay, aft
er presiding at the board of con-
At noon, he was to appear be
fore the Portland Junior Cham
ber of Commerce to introduce Lt.
Gen. Ira C. Eaker, U. S. Air
Force, retired.
Tonight he will talke to th
Oregon Republican Women!
Mrs. Leckett Carlson
Lebanon Mrs. Locket t Cartson M,
died Sept. 24 at her home. 484 West her
man street. Born Dec. 26, 1880. she had
lived in Oregon 42 years, the last 32 hav
ing been spent In Lebanon. She was mar
ried to James Tolbert In 1902 In Tennes
see. He died In 1925. She married Charle
Carbon In 1928 at Shedd. He survives.
Services were held Tuesday at the Howe
Huston chapel with Rev. Btrlver offic
iating. Burial In the Masonic cemetery.
The Women's Relief Corps of which she
was a past president, held graveside
services. Beside her widower, she Is sur-vlve-d
by a daughter, Mrs. Flora Ashlock,
Waterloo: three stepsons. Albert and Vic
tor Carlson of Lebanon, and Carl Carl
son of Brownsville: step-daughters, Olive
Sylvester, St. Louts; Josle Knuths, Shedd,
and Ruby Solvog, Portland; sisters. Lore,
Hutchlns. Eugene, Tillle Winters and Lou
Patten, Ooshen: Sally Orchard. Spring
field. Belle Miller. Lebanon and Ella Ed
wards. Lacomb: brother. R. C. Gamble.
Springfield: one grandson and one great
t. Angel Prank Walker, 54, past com
mander of the Mt. Angel Legion post,
died suddenly at the veterans' hospital
Portland Monday afternoon. He was
born in Mennomlnee. Wis. May 7, 1894 and
with his family located on Howell Prairie
In 1904, later moving to Mt. Angel. He
was married to Tillle Hammer in 1930 and
two of their children survive with the
widow. The sons are Lloyd Francis and
Cyril Walker, both ot Mt. Ansel; two
grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Prank
Klrsch. St. Pnul and Mrs. Elisabeth
Selfer, In California. Announcements lat
er from the Unger funeral home.
Now She Shops
"Cash and Cain"
Without Painful BackacheT
When disorder of kidney function perrjiht:
poisonous matter to remain In your blood. 1
may cause nam; ins backache, rheumatic pains,
leg pains, loss of Pep and energy, getting- up
nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes,
headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty
passattea with smarting and burning some,
times shows there is something wrong with
your kidneys or bladder.
Don't waitl Aak your druggist for Doan'a
Fills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully
by millions for over B0 yesra. Doan'a giv
happy relief and will help the 16 miles of
kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from
pour blood. Get Doaa's fills.
"B. O." as no other leading soap"
can. It protects popularity beat!
Lifebuoy's purifying ingredi
ent makes it mora effective)
against the "invisible dirt" that
brings on"B.O." Lifebuoy guarda
all 13 trouble spots where body
odor occurs.
Get that clean, clean Lifebuoy
feelingl Buy big NEW bath sire
Lifebuoy at your store today.
So nild m GOOD for your skia!
Lifebuoy is milder ... wonderful
for delicate complexions! Enjoy
the rich white lather from Life
buoy's coconut oil. Make frienda
with Lifebuoy today! Another fins
yrvductaf Lwer Brother Company,
-xiiBwiwm''vji''- aiiaavaHaMipewMpHaBnBHiHaaaHi