20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADYIRTIIINOl Per UM l&e Per Lint I time 40e Per Line time 60c Per liint I month 12.00 Outside of Salem 15o per lint per day. Mln. loci t time mlD. 30c tlm mln. 11.30. No Refund READERS Id Local New Col OnlT: Per Line 0 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MAKE AN offer, muit tell. New 3 BR. horn. With Bendlx. Oo 3 blk. South on old 89E from 13th Bt. Junction, and Dlekion'i Mkt. To Idlewood Dr. 4th hQUBfl left. Ph. 33 J It. 2 32 tOVELT 3 bdrm. bom. North on 99 to 3140 Carlton Way. 233 f A500, WORTH much mors. Mod. 3 Bdrm., tut. heat, att. garage, near bui At chooli, easy term. Ph. 36189. a230 IMM. POSSESSION Out of tat owner hrt to tell prac tically new home, 6 lie. rm., hdwd. fir, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rma. Unfln, upatalra. Stairway In. B www ay, att. tar. Lae. lot. city water. Low down payment. FHA terms. Salem Height dlat. 585 Ewald, S. off 99 E. a231 MUST LEAVE BY OCTOBER 1ST 1250 WILL buy my 11494 equity In 1 year old 3 BR home, pi ante red, hdwd. firs., 542 Bliler Ave. MapletolAddition. 333 MOD.", RM. houae with dinette, 3 bed rm., completely redecorated, flm. family orchard. Approximate 1 acre. Immediate poueaaion. Vk block to achool, 3 bl. to Salem and Oerval hi -achool bui. Sm. down payment, bal. 140 mo. Call ner val 2073 eve, or writ P.O. Box 243, Oerval. a2J2 RDRM. HOME, fine location. Hiut sell. Price 14750. Call 2-3888. a230 FOR SALE: Beautiful mod. eiec. heated home, furnished, ha lovely bdrm. and dining rm.et. elec. range, refrlg.: gar age, chlckenhouae, tree ti shrubs, Inc 1 acre of land clos to town. Only 16900. MT. ANGEL LAND CO. Mt. Angel, Oregon 230 BY OWNER I room ranch type home, two years old. Hdwd. fir., 1st. att., garage with utility room, nice lawn and walnut trees, lot 75x223. FHA loan, (43.50 per mo. Will accept good '48 or '49 house trailer on part down payment. Call 3-3797 or 3-8223. a 3 BEDROOMS Safe location for young children, cmiet secluded. Basement, Oil furnace. Fire place. Tree of all kind. Owner will consider any fair offer. 3360 S. Comm'l. St. Phone 2-5996. a230 TODAY'S BEST BUYS About acre, lust off Pacific high way north 12 mile: a very neat small house: good poultry house: fine well and masonry pump house: garaae; good variety fruits and nuts: nice yard. Out of state owner. See It and make offer. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North Hiah St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 3-4591-2-6606 a231a BY OWNER: 24 BR. house on creek. Fireplace, garage, ga.1 furnace, sa ranae included. 1670081400 down. 175 Bio, Ph. Salem 3-4851, 6 to 10 P.m. a237 $4950 $500 Down S bdrm. newly decorated home. Base ment, sawdust burner, garage. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State, Rm. Ph. 3-9301. a230 $5250 1 bedrooms, unf. upsUIrs, large comb. LR & DR. kit, bnth, utility. Bush achool district. Only 11400 down. See us If you are looklnir for ensy term. ENGLEWOOD The price of IB350 make thla one of the best buys In town. Hdwd. floors thruout. Fireplace, automatic forced air hpat. 3 bedrooms, large attached gar af, fenced yard. Do not wait too long before seeing thl house. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years tn Salem 350 N. HlRh St. Ph. 2-4129. a231 WEST SALEM 4 BR, dbl. plumb., all elec, 1 car gar.. Inside utility, sale or trade, income prop erty. Phone 2-9907 or write Box 418 Capital Journal. a231 S7830 Excellent new home. Two nice bod rooms. Lovely kitchen. Beautiful hdwd. firs, thruout. All electric. At tached garaae. Small dwn. pymt. 67!HMi Just completed. 5 rm. home with attached garase. Ntra mitet dist rlrt in town. Hdwd. fir., auto heat, 1600 down. flUflO Nearly new B rm. home with hdwd. firs., full cmnt. basement. Double garage. Make offer for down pay m?nt. Lot, car, amall cash amt., etc. Balance FHA. 14950 Older type plastered 9 bdrm. home In good district In town. Corner lot. Oarase, 1500 down, $50 per month. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552. Eve. 2-8651 230 CHEAP Move In and complete. Rake ahake ex terior, 3 bdrm., att. gar, HA. good soil. Price I30.S0. IM)0 down. C. W. Reeve Realtor US S. Com'l. Ph. J-4S90. Bve. J-UMB a231 Market St. Property 1 fine lots. Well mada 3 bdrm. house. Extra rm, in basemrnt. Fireplace. 19500. Nice Country Home 1 A comfortable 3 bdrm, home. Border lnke. Plenty of family fruit. 19250. B. Isherwood. Realtor 3007 N. Capitol. Office Ph. 3-38R3 Eve. 2-2147 or 3-8836. 2jl 4 ROOM HOUSE. 3 year old, 67 H." Good. Turner. Oregon. 3.1I BYOWNER Two 3-bdrm. homes. Auto-oll; one north, one south. Lnree rooms. plast ered, hdwd. floors. Phone 2-821. a232 Looking for a Home? We hava new 3 ft 3 bed rm. homes al most anywhere In or near Salem. Good prices ft term. On II u. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 30849 Eve3-5280 a23t tn.lMNf. Late built triplet north. Elect heat, lara elnt. Income 1110 plu 3-HR apt. for owner. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS IAS 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Evas. MtSM n.VKt. 10 ACRE N.E. wilh attractive amall 2-HR home. Garaae. Lane poultry house Ideal to aubdivlde. Call O, V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 151 . Hlah St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. l.?n 3.U $510. LATE built 1-BR home. Elect"" heat. Attached garage. Lara lot In well Im proved dial. Cull O V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 151 S High St. Ph. 1-4131. Ives. 3-5206 t!32 ll.WXt DOWN. Duplex located at 6.o" Ship Pirn SI No I Bus, aone. Has 5 room duan phis Iwo room ai't. up. Full con crete brrir.ent Room for bin bid 1o fare Falraroiind Rd Full Price 111.500. Cull O V Hume ailh STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 I. High St. Ph. 3-4131 Kve. 3-ing tJJ2 BY OWNFR New modern S-bedronm house, Floor Iurna. gtrgg. 14600. 3330 Hyde St, 2ll FOR SALE HOUSES Manbrin Gardens 9 A l bdrm. home In thl addition of beautiful well kept home. A low a II 000 down L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7843 Eve. or Sun. 3-0126. 230 IVSOOT HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Lot 60x160, nice lawn and shrub, auto, ht., 3 bdrm.. f-plc. dinette, attach, ga., storage apace, pvd. tt. Really a buy at thla price. 810.500. A CUTIE 400 N. 33rd St. Baam. with plumb., oil fur., 3 nice bdrms., lota of bullt-lna. firer-lc Ig. kitch. House la fully lnsl. I yn. old. Lg. ga., corner lot, dlatant owner aaya aril. 110,600. ON BEAUTIFUL N. 1BTH ST. Full, baam., oil ht., lg. din. rm., 3 nice bdrm a., pvd. at. and wks., good paint Inside and out. lot 50x137 Reat. term. 810.700. NO. 3 ZONE Part, furnished, full basm., 4 bdrma., top condition, loc. on State Bt. Ph. 36680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-7769, 2-8704. 3-3836. a235" FOR SALE. LOTS 3 SI B. LOTH, N.. Ideal for amall nurs ery. Rd. at front and back. Ph. 3-0181. ae233 FOR SALE I have 1700 equity In 2'a A. unfinished, but livable house. Large chicken house, extra lumber, 65-ft. well. Full price, $1500. 1300 dn., 1350 year. O. E. Junceau, Rt. 9, Box 490, City. aa230 FOR SALE OR TRADEVlew iot80xl40 city water. FHA approved. $1000 or car of equal value. Ph. 26159. aa230 LOTS-WITH WATER, electricity, bu, cln.se to school on Silver ton hlzhway. Why pay rent. Build your own horn. l down. 113 per monin. General Real Estate 225 OnW Ph. l-328. a231 BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Close to Hayesvllle ohool. Lot with water, electricity, bu aervlca and fruit tree. 110 down 115 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Sun. it Eve. 3-8241, 3-9712, 2-2532, 2-3738. aa230 FOR SALE FARMS 84 Acres with Beautiful Home App. 70 A. under cultivation, 30 A. bent grass, 46 A. seeded to fescue. Year round creek, beautiful 3 BR home 1 floor house 1600 aq. ft. 2 fireplace, auto air cond. oil furnace. Bath plus shower & stool in basement. Insulated double garage, barn, hen house, paved road 8 ml. from Salem. Full reduced price I22.500. See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201 b230 NEW FARM MNTINGS: Very good 52 acre farm: best of soil, variety of fruit and berries. Includes machinery, live stock, and household furnishings. Locat ed about 10 mile north of Salem. Good bulldlniis. Priced to sell at $23,000. For more Information call or see Oscar Sederstrom with Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors I ACRE and good 3 B.R. home at the edge of town, this Is a good buy at 18500.00, 5 Acres and small new home about 3 miles from city. There are other build inns, and the price only $7500.00. 15 Acres 10 miles from Salem, new A room home, deep well, all the water you want. 1901)0.00. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 b232 FOR SALE 70 acres, 30 under cultiva tion, year around stream, 5 acre of clover and fescue. 11500 and best car offered for down payment. Also 13000 worth of stock and equipment on very eay terms if wanted. Write Capital Journal Box 441. b33S Hfl ACRES-ltt MII-ESnorthof 8aiem.No building. Will trade on house. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. No. 6. b238 TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 good acres close in N.E.; very clean small two brdrm. house, garage, poul try house, family fruit, pressure wat er, near school. Only 18400. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North HlRh St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 2-4591 - 2-6605 b331 FOR SALE ACREAGE i ACRE close In. Inquire at 401 Oregon BldH. bb231 $4500 3 acres, good well. On bus line? Clos (o school. Larae hse. with 4 bdrm. up stairs unfinished. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor B4 9. Comm'L Ph. 1-4590. Eve. 2-3tflB. bbSIl REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $800 Down Almost new 2 bdrm. home In Enalewood Dim, Elrctrlc heat. Insulated, part hard wood Honrs, itaraae. Inrge lot. Immediate possession. Total price only 18500. 4'i Interest on balance. Priced for quick sale. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. $7950 Full Price Rrand new, east. Electric heat, insul ated, weather stripped. V blinds, hdwd. floors. 8tU sq. ft. floor space. Attached artrnRc. Private well. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 10 Acres Modern 5 rm. house built In 1945. Barn, oliciken house. Amity soil. All cultivated. Cliv.e in north east. Toial price only 11)1)00. Will trade for city property. Eve. Ph. 3-9403, 3-3558. 5 Acres, $3500 Amity soli. Almost new 3 rm. house. Oak drove settln. Owner leaving statt. Al most immediate possession. Ev. Ph. 3-!403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7830, 3-4598. 3035 Portland Rd 5M3' NELSON NEWS LESLIE SCHOOL HOME Uf. LR ft DR. kit.. 2 bdrma.. uttl. rm, on 1st fir., bdrm. with kitchenette no. stairs. Oas fir. furn., wired for elec. ranae. siaira. lias fir. hirnace. wired tor elec. ranae, hdad firs,, V blinds, alt. tar., pvd. shrubs, fruit trees. J000 down, can be had furnished tor 16550, near bus Price 18300. 3 BOHMS N. 1450 DOWN Comb. LH ft DR. full bath. L, trav. floored attic, oil furnace, wired for ranae. elec. W. Mr., Innutated, W. atrip prd. hdnd. firs., lot 60x129. Can gtart with 150 down payment or pay 9815 down ft pay bal. I.M per mo. Prlc 18950. 20 A. EQUIPPED 815.000 13 A. filberts. 7 to 17 yr. old. A. ! nut 15 yr. old. mod. 1 bdrm. home, lae. barn, chicken hse.. brooder hse. 3 well with 1800 ) capacity per hour. Equipment include Olhtr Clcirac with NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Special! 702 N. Hlah Ph. 3-4633. c230 PAIRMOI NT Hill, DISTRICT: Oood t bedroom home ailh enclosed front porch, also sleeping porch. Omnet basement: oil furnace. Nice lawn. tirub. large !iade tree.v Pnl 7 ft 50 . MH(.. I.Oi RlllItlNU 8 ITT ABLE FOR ri.HH Stone fireplace: balcony; m equipment: beautiful ettln among lge. tree Year troupnd creei, located on Hiahwar 99; appro. acre of land. Price moo Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 144 -State St Ph. 3-36t Eve. 3007. c332 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1910 MARKET STREET 3 bdrm., mail-to-wll carpet, liv. rm., din. rm., beautiful kitchen, hall tt bath, automatic Induction tie, beat, corner lot. This home ha very thing. CALL ROY FERRIS. LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT Older 3 bdrm. home, all on on floor. 1 1 ets plot.. dble. garage, lge. lot, beautiful getting. 11.300 will handle. Price (6,800. CALL PETER OEISER. NEW 3 BDRM. HOME LOCATED EAST 8 bdrm. all on 1 fir., hdwd. fir, thruout, nice lge. II v. rm., din. rm. Inside utility rm. with extr lavatory, aarai attached. Tht home i an excellent buy at $11,600. CALL EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 194 South Liberty Phone J-2,11 Evenings and Sunday. Call Carl Weit 3-1133 Boy FerrU 2-1010 . PeUr Geuer - Ben RoUen J-2l 230' REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS In Business Zone on North 4th A I bedroom home on a larte lot 68132. Small down payment of tlSOO move, you In. Are You Tired of That Apartment? If so look over this neat 3 bedroom home for 17350. Owner will accept 81500 down and balanct like rent. Good deep lot and nearly Immediate possession. Can You Top This? A good 3 bedroom home with hug living room and dining room, fire place, auto, heat on a lot 80238 in a business Bine. Here's a place with many possibilities for the future. JUST THINK ONLY (8950. Sparkling Colonial Home In wonderful condition throughout. Very attractive living room and dining room, sunny kitchen overlooking spacious fenced-in back yard, 4 bedroom upstairs, IVt plumbing, sple and span basement with auto, heat; sprinkling system and outdoor light . Very fine location. FARM SPECIALS 217 Acres Excellent Soil 150 A. under cultivation, mostly Will, and Amity soil; all fenced, building eld, beautiful building site. Priced to sell. Terms. 73 Acre Central Howell Farm All equipment Included. 4 bedroom modernized house, 10-stanchion barn, 3 chicken houses, land all tiled. Liberal terms. 133 Acres Carlton Silt Loam 110 A. cultivated, 15 A. Lad! no clover, irrigated. Large modern home. 10-stanchion barn, room for more. 2880 chicken house. A good farm for 135,000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Street Evenings: 3-3488 REAL ESTATE FOR, TOUR SAVINGb investment buy a flrt mortgage on real estate Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnta 1500 to cevera) thousand dol lar, net lnvestora 5. We make all col lection for you 11 desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S Hlfh t WANTED REAL ESTATE 10 TO 20 acres or more. Must be south, have view over city and mountain. Pas ture for horses, some tree and water. No buildings wanted. Within ten miles of Salem. Have nice lot with 3 car gar age on Falrmount Hill that can be trad ed if wanted, or new, modern 6 -room nous on S. Cottage. Or will buy out right. Write P.O. Box 509, Salem. ca334 TWO OR THREE bedroom house, south, suburban preferred, under $8500. Write Box 439. Capital Journal. ca232 PRIVATE PARTV h $1000 for down pay ment on house. Make an offer. Write Capital Journal, box 451k ca231 WANTED TO BUY From private party. older house on small down payment. Vi cinity of Mission St. ft South Com mercial. Ph. 3-2655. ca230 NOTICE) If your property l tor aaie rent or exchange, list it with u Wr have all kinds o! cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S Hlgb St ea WE ARE in need oi gooo nouses to sell in or neat Salem If you wlb to Hat your property for lale aeo GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St.- Phone 3-2471 caa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE 250 A. Diversified farm. Close to Salem. Will take going business. Price 122.500. All clear. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590 or 2-308B. Cb231 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DUPLEX STEAL I Slde-by-iide. late-built, pumice block, stucco exterior, plaster Interior, each unit with L.R.. 3 BR., kit. and bath, ga rage, wired for elec. range, elec. h. w.. good well and pressure ay a tern, utility rm., 150 feet hiway frontage. It'a well built, but in need of a handyman to do minor repair and painting. Full price 18500. terms. Crawford BURT PICHA. REALTORS 379 N. High St., Eve. 25390, Office 2169 cd3J0 $6,000. CONFECTIONERY Pi rat claaa equip., location and lease, book a are open for your inspection. Phone 2-8680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. cci235 American - Chinese Cafe Large grade A Cafe fully equipped ft UP to date located on 99 E near Salem. Ha modern 3 rm. living quarters In cafe bid. Also extra bldg. with nice apartment ft double garaae, buildings ft equipment practically new, lot of park ing space, Can be purchased for $7500 down ft easy payment, No phone in formation. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 6. Commercial cd331 Investors Attention Shows about I; net return on about $30,000 investment major oil company service station, 15 year lease. See J. W Brasher for detail with. Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-4115. cd231 HAYESVII.I.K grocery store ft fixtures. 3 gaa pumpa, s caoini. un nignway n North. Bl. 7 BOX 19. Ph. 24319. Cd232 SALE OR 1.EA5E large lot on Fairgrounds Rd. near bank. Iriral for used car. 3 Bdrm. in back. Trrma. Ph. 36189. cd230 Choice Building Sites ONLY A FEW BLOCKS FROM SCHOOL SEE OODEN, WEST END OP EVER OH FEN ST.. MILL CITY. ORE. cd230 FURNITURE FOR SALE PRACTICALLY new double bed with hot aprlng and maltreat. 150 00. Call at 3040 N. llth atraet, Salem, after 6 30 p m. d232 DOI'BLE HOLLYWOOD bed. perfect cond. Reasonably priced. Call 3-7330 alter 5 30. dttl Vm.UIOGANY dtntn. tanle with four chair and a B R. dresaer. A bargain Call before 10 a.m. or alter 4 p.m. P43 Wtlber 81. d330 WANTED FURNITURE USED FVRN. Immed. appraUal. Highest price Valley Furn. 365 N. Com'l. Ph. J7473. da334 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances porting good, etc., to aell A want TOP PRICES be aure to call TRADER LOUIE lo,S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-U5I day or J-4407 eve. da335 HIGHIfT PRICES paid Prion Glenn al Woodry Auction Market Ph 1-S110 da LIVESTOCK WANTED nor:n ani tK'KNarn Uvtcvk buv.r C. C. MrCandlUh. nil 8 rn .u? RABBITS ini mnniTUT n.Mj rwu. Top prlrw, SM Ht; Pn VMM PETS OLRMAN POINTER. 1 mo.. 3. Ph. rSJl MOORE'il TROPIC AlTf Uh"upplie. lge, variety. Special on Redaword A Oup plea. Open evenlna until t p m. Ri. S. box 43 on Maclea rd. Ph. I-7U1 ecJJO nnaiaMiv pii-h ut is month. Phone I-.4I1 .Iter 9 ri IFOR SALE HOUSES I REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE AUCTION Wed. Sept. 28, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. 18 piece blond dining rm. et 1 5 piece blond bedroom et 1 5 piece walnut bedroom set 2 Deluxe Montgomery Ward range 15 ft. refrigerator :1 fl ft. Calvanator refrlg. 2 Boys' bikes f) 2 Washing machines 1 Public address sysetem 1 New National Rotary sewing ma chine 1 Domestic treddle aewlng machine 1 Piece breakfast set 13 piece bedroom set Several box springs ft mattresses One lot of restaurant dishes ft silver ware Several oil circulator 1 New 14 ft. semi-V bottom boat. Davenos ft chair :1 Inch table saw 130 amp. light plant 1 Cement mixer with motor. Fresh veg. ft fruits Farm machinery Chickens ft rabbit Calves ft veal Feeder ft weaner pig Cows, heifers ft bulls LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located l'i Mile East of Salem on Stlverton Road To Buy or Sell Call 3-098." dd330- AUCTION" TONIGHT Glenwood 4 miles North on 99E. Don't miss it Large lot of new ft used furniture also large consinnmenta of tools. Lot 1 Elec. grinder ft table g Saber saw ft table 7 in. table saw ft 3 blade 3 hand saws Misc. Item Lot 3 Bench grinder Large vice Outside mike Bench tool chest Body ft fender tool Bray sander , Elec. welder Small tools screw drivers, wrenches etc. Lot 3 2 metal office desk 6 office chairs Lot 4 Washer Console radio Oil heater Kerosene range Wood range Lot I Bedroom suite Daeno Dinette set Deep Sleep I. s. mattress Floor lamp Table lamn Walnut desk Vanity Electric range Lrae amount of gift item Sewing machine aH Alarm radio Many other item too numeroua to mention. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer We bur outrlirit or aell lor you on ..ernnmlMlnn, ddaso- FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Oood clean aawdust Dry slab or green for furnace Green editing 15.50 load. Double l.uftC Dry edging 18.00 load. Ph. 35333 ee23.t ""JL-1. RTOVE D:SF.L OIL. Ph. 30187 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlatriautor SLAB WOOD, mill ran, 18 per load? Hand "rr lo- "er 5 p m ei3B CALL HIOHWAY PUITL FOR Diesel and Stov Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry PiaiDtr End A Block Wood. Ph. 16444 PHILLIPS BhOS Old rir, oak, ah A oiapl. C fir, ir lab and edging. Ph 3i4is. West Salem Fuel Co. W LN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, U-IN. CLFAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OTL Phone Stlem 3-4031 A 10 pick up wood at 1533 Edgewater 8t West Salem ee' TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27443 ir Slab Wood and Edging Preh Cut screened Sawduat 11" Inld Milt Wood Dry Wood ASK POR SAH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW Hampshire pullet for ial. Ph. 1-309. fltl. COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-198. 1234 FAT HENS Ph. 3-1298 tm NIW HAMPSHIRE rhirka verThur. day. Order Fry or Hen now at pe nal quantity prices for your locker i Custom Ore mlng a specialty. Phone 32861. Lee s Hatchery. t NEwHRMPSHIRIehlckj for immediate w rut tire deliver Hatches every Tue Pea Hlcrry M3A Stau S Ph -4i4 J0UrnQ WO-lt AdS Pay AUTOMOBILES FALL OPENING SPECIALS 1948 Studebaker Sedan. Champion $1595 1648 Studebaker 2-Door Champion. R&H 1595 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser. R&H 1695 1948 Studebaker 2-Door Commander. R&H, 9000 miles. . 1895 la42 Studebaker Coupe. New motor 795 1946 Plymouth 2-Door 1195 1946 Nash Sedan 975 1938 Ford Sedan 425 1939 Plymouth Sedan 445 1940 Studebaker Sedan. Commander. Overdrive, R&H . . 695 1946 Studebaker !-2-ton Pickup 995 1946 Studebaker 1-ton Pickup 1095 BONESTEELE'S 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 3-9277 SALEM O230' PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Coupe, R&H $1795 '46 Chevrolet Sedan $1095 '41 Olds Sedan ; $645 '38 Pontiac Coupe $195 '38 Ford Tudor $145 '42 Studebaker Sedan $695 '35 Chevrolet Sedan $75 Herrall - Owens Co. PRODUCE GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn, 20c doz. Ph. 2-1326. I"-"' TOMATOES U Pick. L. Zielke. Near Ro berts school. Ph. 3-ia.n. uj- GRAPES 4c lb. You pick. Bring contain- s. Walden, 3845 Portland kg. hj- TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNING. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER. PH. 2-7172 f 1234 EASTERN OREGON potatoes. Get your winter suppiy now. yet uni. Bring own aack for exchange. Al Ped, Rt. 7, Box 149. Ph. 3-1580. 3'.4 mile north of underpass. f f 230 DUCKS. , pair IS. Small one 11.25. Ph. 2-2796. CORN, SWEET Golden Bantam, U pick, at,, oi nailing Phnno 4-2782. 11230' TOMATOES a bu. or ton, U-pick 1 bu. Tnn Rn 32 Ph. Jefferaon 504. ff243 TOMATOES 7.1e Bu. U-pick. Imlah Fruit , 1 n. nr.lli rA Ph 5017 II231 E OREGON ALFALFA 1ST 2KD CUTTING NOW BEINO DE IJVERED WRITE 14.W S. 3RD, BEND. OREGON OR PH. 405W. II230 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service lor small iois. rnona t-iooi Lee' Hatchery. tj EASTERN OREGON Watermelon 39c each. all sizes. Green Apple Mltt. '4 mnea n. on 99 Hlahway. ff23I TOMATOES, cucumber, fresh 8g. Frt- aaara nun raim. mi. . school. "240 HELP WANTED ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Exeeiieni opportunity. no ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 422. 251 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Licensed barber to run shop until February 1st. Apply at. lou i Bar ber Shop. Box 124, Fall City, Oregon. Phone 251. 8232 HELP WANTED: Man to work on poul try farm. Small house, water, unta, epits and milk furnished plus salary. No children. Must lurnish reference. Joe Atchiason, Canby. Ph. 13512. Rt. 3, box n. 8230 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPANDING LOCAL manufacture firm needs versatile young woman, musi oe capable tvpist. Excel, permanent posi tion for the right person. Phona 3-8659 for interview. gt232" WANTED Woman to stay ith conva gb231 lescent. Phone 2-9811. GENERAL housework. Ref. 695 N. Libertv gt?J&' WOMAN TO LIVE In home and do light housework and child care. m a. win. Phone 2-0403. gb235 GIRL WANTED for housework. Call at 1420 Market. Oood wages. goj GIRLS with fountain lunch experience. BAB Bowling alley. 3085 Portland road. gb230' WANTED: EXP. rook & housekeeper for 2 adults. No washing or ironing. Moaern conveniences. Good salary. Ph. 36617. gb230 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 30 fltnle Street Phone 2-1488. f WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED man for camera dept. Mast know photographer. See Mr. Braach at Sear, Roebuck A Co.gg230 EXPERIENCED lurniture salesman, list exp. At qualification. Writ Box 394. Capital Journal. ga P'ood Supplements Sale representative: Men and women to sell hlah potency vitamin with natural organic mineral. Experience desirable but not necessary. Manu facturer' name associated in this field for thtrtv-etaht year. Writ Box 433. Capital Journal. g230 WANTED POSITIONS TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. INM ftt T OPT- RATOR JOHN PAYNE 348 8. Church Ph. 1-6014 bJ32 IRONING done In my home, 80c per hr. Ph. 4-2063 any day but Sat. h233 MECHANIC wishes permanent work. & yr. experienced on diesel and l'i yr. on ins. Hon. din. from the navy. Sept. 22, 1949. Ph. 3-8326. J?33S BRH K "block work of all kind. Ex perienced, competent mason. Call Davidson Bros.. Ph. 3-8247. h334 ! liia or itav nlshu. Ph. 2-8519. h23t !r.x PI RIFNC I D and capable business man desire employment with established local concern. Thoroughly experienced tn finance, ered.t. collection, sale and merchandism and office routine. Desirous of assumlni responsibilities 41 yrs air and married. 'Box 437 Capital Journal. h214 WII I, CARE tor your children In my Home, ia.i only. M) La For Drive, Km wood Hetihu. Ph. 3-2111. hJJl K.VRN BROS., Contractor. Remodeling, form work. Phone 3-8113. h334 RMlIT tron ne to do in m home 10c per ho'ir. """1 A carr I1M E. Rural RARV SI11I.NU. Adult. Phone -' b331 IAUTOMOBILES TERMS Phone 3-4113. WANTED POSITIONS EXPER. practical nursing. Ph. 2-3984. h231 BOOK KEEPER -Good experl & refer. Write Capital Journal Box 435. Ii230 INTER IORPA I NTING . Exp7Ph73 -6796 , Oregon Tree Service Phone 2-1496 h230 CHILD CARE, 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. h243 TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. In, op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235 FULL OR part time job Janitor work. Ex perienced. Ph. 3-4218. h231 Mimeographing-Typing TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h230 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Liuht tractor on rubber wlht dozer. Ph. 2-8137. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-48,r0. RESORTS Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph. 26013. hh2s0 FOR RENT ROOMS BUSINESS DIST. Nice Ireplnn rm. lor gentleman. Heat, H k C water in rm. 255 Center. jk22- pTeASANT-SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk235 LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la dy or couple. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3-8459. Jk235 NICE SLEEPING rm. Men. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. After 3:00 p.m HEATED SLEEPING rooms. 1906 N. Summer. Ph. 29855. jiu.ii ROOMS for rent. Ladles only. Kitchenette prlv. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 3-5210. SLEEPING ROOM. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 2-14.7 Jk230 HEATED SLP. RMS. for men. Tel. & prlv. ent. Phone 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. k234 WARM ATTRACTIVE room lor employ ed gentleman. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248. ik234 CLEAN, LARGE light housekeeping room. bath, women, iobo n. winter, rn. jsaua. Jk23l SLEEPING ROOM, 2nd fir. H & C water. 461 N. Hiah. Jk230 FURN. hakpa. room on 1st floor. Use of refrlg. Lady. Close to bu. Ph. 2-5545. Jk231 NICE SLEEPING rm. Ph. 37558. Jk230 STEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S-ROOM APT., with bath. Close In. For Ingle. Phone 2-6094. JPJO S RM. basement apt. 135 per month. Ph. 3-3611. JP230- PARTLY Fl'RN. apt. 2 rm. A private bath A garage. S35 per montn. 1374 n Capitol. Ph. 3-8400; JP232' FVRN. apt with private bath. Adult. 1595 8. Comm'l. JP230' CLOSE IN I room furn. apt. Range A JP230 refrlg. 535 N. Winter. LIGHT housekeeping rm. and kitchen- ette. 1810 Trade St. JP232- LARGE II RM. apt. Prlv. ent., priv. bath. Ga, stove, elec. refrlg. 419 S. 19th St. JP230 LG. 1 RM. furn. Apt. Private ent. Kit., Shower A Refrigerator. RM. 1 RM. furn. Ant. Private Ent. Kit.. Shower, milltie turn, except ngnia laundry. 245 Union. Ph. 24451 after 4. JP230 3 RM. I' N Fl'RN. apt. Range and. refrlg Adult. 635 N. Summer. jpjJO" BACHELOR will ahare 2 room A bath upstair with emp. man. No drinker. Write Box 416. Capital Journal. Jp23l FOR RENT HOUSES 12(1 PER MONTH will rent cottage. Close to Salem. Interior newiy paprrea ana painted. Running water. Electric Itahts, inside toilet. 1 bdrm., unfurn. rxrrpt for oil heater. Ph. 3-1577 after 7 pm. Jm232 FURNiVhfd" 2BR home. Auto heat, hit ater. Adult. $80113-4370. Jm232 Fl'RN. 1 bdrm. house tn iutet coianle. No pets. Close in. Call after 2:30 p.m. Ph. 3-7645. Jm330' MODERN unfurn. except ranee, ref rig. A furnace, 4 rm. duplex. 3 block No. of Cpital bldg. No children or pet. Olve ref. Box 442 Capital Journal. Jm230 BUY LIKE RENT Excellent opportunity to buy thl well built 3 B R. ranch atyle home in Klna wood Height from owner. Some down payment and balance like rent. LR. with fireplace. DR.. kitchen, bath. Ue. utll. Bendix and dishwasher. 2 blocks lo bus. 1st street above Fair Oaks. 1701 Long view. jm335 1ROOM furn. house. 125 per month. Rt I. Box ftT Brook or call 3272 Oervais after t p.m. Chas. Barrett. Jm232 3RDRM. house. Some furniture. 3:ft0 Portland Rd. jm232 ToT ADULTS ONLY Modern 3 bedronm house, close in Electric heat wu -1 lurroundinas. No drinking. A ii ask October Ut. Reply Box 434, Capiial Journal. jm:30 tNFt'RN.8UBl'RBAN 3 bdrm. home. Aut. heat, electric water heater, elrctrto dmh washer. Fenced In yard. Double garage. 175 per month. Ph. 3-6137 yu2M- I BEDROOM hou at M.W Rrook 9 9. per month. A E. Heaily JJOi N. Liberty jn.JJl FORJUNTHOUSES NEW t BDRM. auburban hooi with elec. heat, V. blind, hardwood floor. 3 block to city bus, S block lo new Lincoln school. 4545 State St. 170 per month. Positively no cat or dog. Ph. 3-1125. Jm230 F0?REN'1 MISCELLANEOUS 3 A WITH 3 BDRM. house. Full basement, wood furnace, Garnce In basement. Soring water, barn, brooder and chick en house, garden. Balance In pasture. On Vila Spring rd. Ph. 3-6213. 1330 8th St., West Salem. j233 MOd7 R M . , 3 bed r mh oils . At Wa conda. Phone Oerval 2073 eve. J230 OFFICETdWk apace,Convioc. Ph. 39133 J4S FIOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Vtntd. ) POWER TOOL rentals for home nd in dustrial use Howscr Broa. Ph. 3-3646 I" TO DO a good lob rent a xood floor and r We ell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS . Ph. 3-3646 t '-OOD CSED PIANOS. II. L Stiff. 3FFICE space and desk ipace Ph. 25692 TRAILERS 12.00 per day Howser Bros 141u S 12th. West Salem. J BUSINESS R.M. iur rent H L Stiff. I DRIVE trucks, cars Ph 2-9103. LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reafotiab.e rates. Free pick up A delivery Slnser Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com I Ph 33512 J WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE elderly couple wants unfurn. hou.se. Best of care. Permanent. Ph. 3-5543. Ja232 3 OR 4 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Wi dow and daughter, both working. Call 2-6422 after 6:00 p.m. Ja2J2 WANTED by an employed lady. furn. apt. not to exceed S40 a mo. Write 440 Cap ital Journal. Ja232 MODERN 2- or "s-BDRM. "unfurnished hse. UP to 175 per month. Reliable, steadily employed and I can guarantee your home will be kept in first class condi tion. Write particulars to Cliff Shelton. 540 Mill, Salem. Jq232 ELDERLY COtPLE wants to rent unfurn. ground floor rooms. Call at 1343 Wilbert. Ja230 LAWYER, WIFE A 1-year-son need 2 B.R. furnished house or first floor apt. Write Box 432 Capital Journal. Ja233 WANT TO rent small house. Close to grade school. By the 1st of Oct. Ph. 2-3331. Ja230 LOST AND FOUND LOST Ring with 6 keys. Return to Nel son plumbers. 355 Chemeketa Street Reward. k230 LOST Larce black cat. Corner Center A Summer. Ph. 3-4466. k231 LOST! Brown alligator wallet by hlsh school boy. Sept. 17th. Reward. Ph. 4-2304 alter 6 p.m. k230 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES DR HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolph Bids. --State A Commercial 8t SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIALS AETNA STL EL Door Frames, assembled. one unit. Low Installation cost. PUM ILiTE. West Salr.n. ma230- REINFORCING STEEL and Blok-Mcsh In 4", 61' A 8" widths. PUILITE, Weal 8a leui. ina230 ROCKLATII. PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma230" GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. Si- gurdson. Phone 31160. ma249 NlED LUlfBER? 4 larger amounts. Builder are realizing substantial savings on all erades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap 17 per M; 2x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M. No. 3, 2x4 shiplap S36 per M. Price in cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, IO.'iO Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 'OORS Flush interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at special price. Keith Brown. Front A Court St., Salem, ma' CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grades, (clear) A Uleht-knot) 3"x4" Cedar gutter. Keith Brown. Front A Court St., Salem, ma" CEDAR SIDING New shipment xW and 4Xlrr cedar sldtn?. all grades Keith Brown, Front A Court SLs.. Salem, ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for fret estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM, OREGON ma AH" MA - LOCA ALOMINUM LOCK oHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer oi Call Diet. 3-6401. ma272' DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using me imest old growth vertical grain yellow Ilr finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939. Free parkin. ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqa. No. 3, 8 in clear, suitable for roof or sidewalls. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 2-1 IPS. Salem-Indep. Rond. ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St Wrst Salem. Ph. 2-0514. mb231 fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MINK dyed Iur coat. 880 Electric ave. nJ32 II FT. STAIRWAY with post A railing all in good shape, $20, 2252 Simpson, Call at rear. n230 ENFIELD 3-0 K2 5 scope, $80." 980 N." 17 H232 MAHOGANY PIANO with lovely tone. 1690- S. Cottane, n233 2 r.IRI.s' niCTCI.ES for aale. cheap. Ph. 3-5355. n233- ii CUBIC FT, Bcnl uprlalit deep freezer. Special price $475. 337 N. High. Ph. 2- 7941. n232 00 RUM., new JS.i. PhT 3-8021. 1.232 WALNUT caiclea table, six chair. Phone 3- 5202 alter 6 p.m. - D232 NEW 270 drs-r rifle with 4-power acope. 1175. Pn. 2-4319. n232 GOOD decrrifle, .31 caliber A rcloadinV outfit. i25. H. Wiens, Rt. 8, Box 120. Glen Creek drive. n230 LADIES' $40 black coatTstre 46," $257Man' blue top co.it, sire 40. Good cond., 110. Ph. 4-2f)fi3 any flay but sat. n230 SHELLS "fnr forriVnAodd Va!:bVrrlf1es Sackrtt. 1510 So. Winter, Ph. 3-4fil2 HAND V.Rt.D 30-06, with scope. Excel Imt condition. 118 Marlon after fi p.m. Upstairs apt. n232 USIDFI.ECTRIC refn77rators. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251 USED ELECTRIC rnnrs. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375Chemeketa. n251 OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically "reduced prlcrs. YL'ATErt APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Clif mrkcta. n251 HUNTERS ATTENTION ; T Si eyoiir" game in a Df erf r Home Frecrer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 373 lirmekft. n251 AIL FtMOUs makes of small appltanceT YEATLR APPLIANCE CO., 373 Cheme keta. n23I USED TV.WIIIXcrtnarhinesT YEATER AP PLIANCh CO, 373 C.irmtkrla. n3ol SEWING MAt'HINrs; ree Westinghouse. YEATER AI'PLIANCK CO., 375 Chem eketa. n251 I WFTIM,HOl F. radin plionoararh eon noI... A. Unle f3 .SO. YEATER AP- PUANCF. CO., 3T.' C.emrkrta. n251 NEW 1 D in jjlcal Instruments plnr: A ;rnnd r.Ai! at rMuced prices. JAQL'ITH MUSIC CO.. Ph, 3-4641 nlt4 PUSTl-KOtt: Tie C l.M for M'j." floors. 1'opiiane-llke fin . oodv. nrk or Lpo--rd. YFATER AP-'m:-k('t. nal PL 1 AM.1" CO ILL1S brunt, 1743 Grant, Pa. 3-8337 nJ44 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES. Mew Home elect rie, 189.03 A UP. Ph. 33 138. Ralph , Johnson Appliances Jl34P septic TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Til reinforcing eteel, meh and coloring. All kind river ol), pit-run, gravel, crushed, and and mlxe. OREGON O RAVEL COMPANY 1406 N. Front St. Phone 1-3411 B342 USED SEWING Machine!. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE post, railing In tock A mad to order. 1141 N. Liberty. n34S 1 TRUMPET, excel, cond. Reu, See Bilhe French. 1340 Nebraska Ave. 1.330 SEWING Machine, electric or treadle. Service on aU make. Ph. -1L n354 MED. REFRIG. Bargain. Oood cond. Ph. 3-6630. nl CAR POLISHING with WAX SEAL con tain longer lasting CARNUBA was clean A flats In ONE application. Sold eprate)y or with polihlng irv. Rea. Ph. 2-23U, Ml NEW ENGLISH style aaddl. Sale or trade for hot gun. Ph. 3-752iX tMl UMBRELLA TENT, good one-rm. kero sene clr. heater, double bed mattress, dresser, single folding ateel cot, sleep ing bag. Double steel folding camp bed. No phone call. 576 N. Capital St. n2Jl PAH LOR SIZE Grand Piano, good condi tion, no pnone calls. 070 . capitoi Bt. n231 KRAG 30-40 and Shell $45.00. 190 8. 14th. n2.il WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, cement, ready mix concrete, garden 'and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. H-ya hoval and drag line. Ph. 3-9249. n WIZZER BIKE 160. Ph. 2-3355 after 5 p.m. n23l- SINGER ELECTRIC cabinet aewlng ma chine. Guaranteed machine, htoroughly reconditioned with new walnut cabinet A motor. Perfect condition. Bargain. $122. Term arranged. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. n233 S A LEM 8 AND fl. U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Diuhttu Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental lb B V yd 10 B- yd. D-7 Cat A Doeer D-fl Cat A Doier D-4 Cat A Dozer See u about ditching by the ft Phone Day 1-9401 Eva 3-836 of 3-4400 balem Oregon er 30-06 ENFIELD Sporter. Excel. Will aell or trade tor metal turning bench lathe or garden tractor. Call eve. Ph. 2-4309. n330 GAS FLOOR furnace. Nearly new. Com plete with thermostat, V blind, other item, cheap. Ph. 3-9056. 1405 0. Liberty. n230 11 ZxtZ - 14 FT.i 6 3x6 - II ft.: 1 4x6-9 ft.; 3 4x6 - 12 ft. Nov elty drop siding. Cover approximately 800 sq. ft. Ph. 2-3006, 3425 Livingston. n33i DELUXE GAS atove. Girl winter eoat A orchid corduroy ult. Nearly new. Ph. 2-2637. Jl0TfyO": B230 318 WIN., 35 Rem., 30 Rem. auto., with scopes. Ph. 3-6583. n233 L1-3.1 DEER RIFLE for alc. Otto Tlnn, Rt. 4. box 890. W of Pen Annex. Ph. 2-8129. n230 OSO-WINCHESTER rifle. 30-06 with scope. 32 special. 594 N. Liberty. n23S 30-tw SPRINGFIELD aporter. Call ere. 633 Ferry St., apt. 203. n230 MAYTAG WASHER Wahe good, 126. Ken more vacuum, good cond., 320. Ph. 3-4766. n230 LATE MODEL Kenmorg washer. Excel lent cond., 165.00. Ph. 2-4606 after 6:30 V-m. n230 USED OIL burnera and bloweia. Priced to sen. rn. 38663. n233 LUMBER 2x4' by jitney load, 110 per ,vuu. iuu oui. snaepniacnce LBDlDtl att re. I o f A Mlg. Co., inc., Independence, Ore, GENERAL ELECTRIC Otosleg. Qlbaon and Montag Appiancei at aavurtl. n FENCE POSTS, pole, all type. Sbtzagle. lertuizer et iiairoca. rouiip dro Rt. 6. Box 118. Ph. 31468. o WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED junk batterle. Paying 11.71. Retread Tire service, no so. Lancaster. naaBl wanted furniture vo glue A re air. Lea Broa. Furn Reflnlabini Co Ph, 1-7001. USED FURNITURE, Phone 9 -41 196. n I N VESTIGATIONS William W. Cruickshank DETECTIVE AGENCY 360 State St., Rm. 203 Civil, criminal, private, dom estic, commercial, industrial and insurance investigations. REASONABLE RATES TELEPHONE 2-7945 Aiter 8 p.m. & Sundays call Stayton - Blue 148B PERSONAL Stanley Home Products. 6SS Crew. Ph. 3-544. P34T. MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where other ha failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of life. Special reading 12.00. Located Just south of Hubbard on ' Hishway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for lgn Reading Dally . and Sun, pa so 1 AUTOMOBILES WANTED: i T. panel truck or aed. del. Al so nave 1947 Deluxe Ford aed. for Bale. Write box 439 Capital Journal. qJIH CAR AUCTION TONITE7:30 BRINO YOUR CARS. TRUCKS OR TRAILERS. NO SALE, NO COMMIS SION. East Salem Auction Center 1033 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-1?" Q230 Buy of the Week Will trade equity for your ear If clear on '41 Packard dn. '130." Term can be arrnaed on balance If you have ap proved credit. Ph. eve. 3-0416 e.2ia FOR SALE or trade: 1038 Old coupe. Ra- cio ac nraier. rn, -3B0i, e.332 MY EQUITY in '46 Croeley. 1 than 106 miles. 5o. low monthly payment. 3466 StateSt. Phone 3-7582. 4233 41 M. DELUXE Chey. bustnea coup". Clean In ft out. Oood rubber motor. Price 1625. Ph. 2-6076. jjj ONE ton O M C. Plrk'ip worth liooo! r'" aaie ao. can after I p.m. Leo E. Oler. 400 Grant Bt. BilTer ton. Ore 33j ig chev 4.DRrsedanriiereon4l. leso J?i f ,ttcr pm' 330 Cleat, used can. Bob UirrT 2160 South Commercial Eisner Motor to Srll roB SAiilbni 1647 Internationgl oner ..... Hump rura. a-1 condition. Apply Oerwood ProducU Company. Mur. Phone 2-157). 233 MODEL V panel."oooddeer wagon. Ci:i eve. 813 Feerry t. pt. 303 ami '(Continued on Pogg 21) v