Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 27, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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Mystery Cloaks 'Ghost City'
Buried Deep in Jungle
London UR In the dense jungleland of Kenya Colony there
is a "ghost city" of unknown origin which the Colonial Office
said may soon become a tourist attraction in East Africa.
Gedi, the mystery city of Kenya, was discovered 25 years ago.
It was overgrown by a tangle of dense tropical Jungle.
No reference to it exists ir.x
the historical records of the Ken
va coast. But officials of the
colonial government here re
counted how they visited the
mini ton vparx nan at a RDot
about one and a half miles in- lhat traders from Malaya were
On Way to Court Henry M. Blackmer (right), 80-year-old
oil millionaire, enters an elevator in the U. S. post office
building, in Denver, Colo., en route to a federal court room
where he Dlead guilty to income tax charges. At the left is
' his son, Myron, and in the background the elder Blackmer's
wife. Blackmer spent a quarter of a century in self-imposed
exile in Europe after fleeing the country to avoid testifying
in the Teapot Dome oil scandal. (AP Wirephoto)
Plea of Guilty
By Blackmer
Denver, Sept. 27 P) Aging
Henry W Blackmer, who fled
to Europe to escape testifying
in the Teapot Dome oil scandal,
pleaded guilty in U.S. district
court today to an indictment
charging income tax evasion.
District Attorney Max Bulk
ley then moved that four per
jury indictments pending against
the 80-year-old millionaire oil
man be dismissed because of in
sufficient evidence.
But Circuit Judge Orrie L.
Phillips declined to go along
with arrangement Immediately.
He said he would make a thor
ough study of the case to "sat
isfy my own Judgment and con-
The Atlantean Research Cen
ter said all their available data
indicated that Gedi was a city of
Malay origin.
"We have records which show
land and ten miles south
Malindl on the Kenya coast.
science" before dropping the
perjury cases.
He deferred sentencing on the
income tax plea and released
Backmer under $5,000 bond.
The defendant's attorney, Har
old R. Roberts, said Blackmer
could not remain in Denver's
mile-high altitude because of
the condition of his heart.
Blackmer was charged with
income tax evasion and perjury
in tax returns filed from 1920
through 1923. He has paid $3,
670,784 back taxes and penalties.
Body Identified
Ocean Lake, Sept. 27 P) A
body washed ashore here has
been identified as Willard E.
Linn, 31, Boring, Ore., one of
three victims in a Sept. 11 acci
dent off Pacific City. The widow
identified Linn yesterday. Mrs.
Linn was one of six survivors of
the capsizing.
They said that African tribes
men shunned the area in the
belief that it was haunted and
gave it the name snauri Aine-
va ' which literally means "Bad
Colonial officials said investi
gations and conservation of
Gedi are now being planned by
Prof. J. S. Kirkman, warden of
Kenya's historical sites.
"The city covers about a hun
dred acres," according to coloni
al officer Antony Haler.
"There are five mosques, a
ruler's palace and a number of
large houses, one of which
might have been a school
Among the ruins have been
found jars and pottery from
China. Siam and Annam. Tree?
were growing through the roofs
of the temples and there were
ghostly sounds and an errie at
mosphere all about."
It is thought that Gedi may
have been an Arab town be
cause there were many built in
the 12th century when Arabs
migrated from southern Arabia.
But unlike all Arab cities in
East Africa, Gedi is not on the
sea coast.
The Kenya government plans
to take over the area as a na
tional park. "There is a terrific
fascination about the place," an
official said. "It could be made
into a wonderful tourist attrac
tion. It has never been estab
lished how the place originated
or why it was deserted.
"It may have been deserted be
cause of plague or possibly
costal raiders drove out the in
habitants away. It may be 300
year old or possibly 3,000. There
are absolutely no records even
of its existence today but we all
know it is there off the beaten
track, overgrown by jungle and
an aura of mystery."
of going to East Africa in the year
izuu. Hie curator of the muse
um in Nairobi has minutely de
scribed the pottery found in the
ruins of Gedi which provided
eidence that the city was occu
pied by traders from the East.
The architecture indicates
they were Mussulmans. They
may have been Islamic but the
fact that the city is not on the
seacoast is contrary to Arab
traders' practice," the Research
Center said.
Vandenburg to
Enter Hospital
Washington, Sept. 27 flJRi
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg.
(K.Mich.), is planning to enter
a hospital shortly for tests to
determine whether he must
submit to a major operation for
a lung lesion.
His physicians were reported
to have urged him for months
to take the step. He has de
ferred action because of the pres
sure of senate activity. Most
key foreign affairs measures in
which he played an Important
part now have cleared the sen-1
ate. '
He was expected to enter a.
hospital at Ann Arbor, Mich.,1
probably sometime this week.
Capital Journal. Saiem. Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949 19
Civil War Cruiser
Goes to Junk Pile
Gets New Workers
Slayton Jesse M. Boothe,
who has been with the Pendleton
woolen mills for the past 22
years, will be the new overseer
of weaving at the Paris woolen
mills in Stayton. Also coming to
the local mills to assume his du
ties Monday, is E. G. Stephens
who has been assistant superin
tendent of the Portland Woolen
mills for a number of years.
and the boat was turned over to
k salvage company si Erie, Pa.
The boat was built in 1843
and christened the U S S. Michi
gan. During the Civil War, the
Mirhipan ctnnrl inmrH ntn inkn.
Cleveland. UP Efforts by the iTOn's isiand jn L-,ke Erie and
foiled an attempt to liberate
over 5,000 Confederate officers.
The ship was considered for
scrap in 1942 when scrap metal
was being collected. However,
President Roosevelt said. "Mem
orials such as the Wolverine
(Michigan) constitute a distinct
Western Reserve Historical So
ciety to save the old U.S.S.
Wolverine, the only armed cruis
er on the Great Lakes during
the Civil War, have failed and
the vessel has been scrapped.
The society tried for several
years to raise a fund that would
Ua ..kin k t,... -
i monument ' to the navT forces l'l whc? .'. f greater
-t .u. ii. u . value than the tntnl
ui nit: iivu ci i . uuwfrr, iiui
enough money was subscribed
Mt. Angel Dairy Herd
Gels Reclassification
The registered Ayrshire dairy
herd of the Stephen Hemshorn
estate, Mt. Angel, was recently
reclassified for type by Offi
cial Judge E. W. Van Tassell of
Wenatchee, Wash., who gave the
herd a score of .842, placing it
among the top 10 per cent of the
breed on type characteristics.
According to an announcement
made by the Ayrshire Breeders'
association executive secretary,
C. T. Conklin of Brandon, Vt..
the herd of 23 purebreds includ
ed 12 'Very Good' females, which
is the second highest rating
given any Ayrshire; 7 'Good
Plus' and 4 'Good'.
There are now over 30.000
herds of Ayrshires in the United
States and at least 717 of these
have the distinction of being
classified. The Hemshorn Ayr
shires comprise one of 11 classi
fied herds in this state.
Woodburn Smith's Corner
Grocery at the intersection of
Harrison street and Settlemier
Avenue here has been leased to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andresen
Miss Gladys Smith and her bro
ther, Pete Smith, have operated
the store for about three years.
They have no defini'e future
TWVafed Shell Premium is the most
powerful gasoline your car can use!
Activation makes
the difference
Shell ipliu molecule Shell Kiemivtl
nki the nn aviilible crude tanitt
tht molecules by iplirtinn ihem end
rearranging the atom according to
Sheirjformtilifori perfectly hilinced
(inline. The rewilr hell Premium,
tht noil powerful geiolmt oul
car can itei
YES, many of today's engines have been
stepped-up . . . they call for more powerful
gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most
powerful gasoline your car can use Shell
Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can
top its power in your car!
This is made possible by Shell's own, spe
cially produced power components and by
Shell's own blending methods!
Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more
power for today's more powerful engines. So
you get a gasoline that's "activated" 3 ways!
I . Activated for knockless powarl
Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full
throttle. Shell Premium delivers full, quiet powcrl
3. Activated for fast "getaway."
Shell Premium delivers the extra power tou can
no "balking," no "stuttering" you gol
3. Activated for full mileage.
Shell engineer "balance" Shell Premium to that
every drop of fuel goes to work for you I
my ousiness
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A Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucky
National Distillers Products Corporation, New York 65 Grain Neutral Spirits
Ural AlMrt tee
At Your Service!
rOR YOUR . . .
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OR SEE US AT . . .
889 N. Liberty
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This is the young lady to call or see when you want a telephone moved, a directory listing have any service questions.
Meet a girl who knows the answers
-4 " 'jnM
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1. She's a "Service Representative". ..and just as the
title suggests, she is your personal representative in your
telephone Business Office. Every one of our millions of
customers in the West is served by a particular young
lady. In the files of your own "Service Rep" are facta about
your service. With this finger-tip information, she can
answer questions promptly ...and help us meet your needs.
3. It has taken many, many people. ..scientists, man
ufacturer, linemen, operators, Service Representatives, re
pairmen. build your telephone into the valuable servant
it is today. And as a team they're working to make it still
more valuable. keep your telephone a real bargain to
day. And it is. Alter all, a few pennies still buy a ca
'rf'WvS-i ija
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2. Her training is the kind that never really stops. For a
Service Representative must know the ins and outs of the
telephone business to serve you best when you are chang
ing your address, when you need information about a bill,
when you have a complaint. You can be sure she will always
use her ability and training to help you get the greatest
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Your telephone is one
of today's best bargains
The PaCifiC Telephone (2p andTcraph Company
A .fr&. if."." '" 1