18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949 1 RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE TUESDAY P.M. r MAYBe rr sounds au.y mr. okay well use ir agreeoz-now-hebes i h hm- the more i see of this S SUCCESSFUL BIT PLAYER IN THEOF YOUR STAFF J SITTERS - rv-0-- f HE'S A WZONOO- BONGO! T MOVIES" UNDER ANOTHER NAME VCMOKER.'" 1 .i . , ' '1J . ' ( BUT WHATS THE 6IMMICK T, 1 -IT WOULD HURT MY PROFESSJONAUTHEYRE MUCH I CT -ri fj l ' "I ll ill " - ' C fRIDe TO BE EXPOSED AS--THE 7 PRETTIER A T A II TF J-e-k fiOSS OP A-A SQUAWKER- ANYHOW fSjJv J.4 II I i SS l I KSLM S I KGW hS3 ' K0C0 ".M KOIN CBS By (Chapter it Jay was wondering about Joe, his twin brother. Joe was a little wild and a devil with the girls and he must have gotten Into trouble. He was probably In Jail or he'd have tent the wire nlmseii. The train got Jerkily under way, pushing south a way before swing ing west, and Jay Allison relaxed in the seat and smoked. He changed trains at midnight, ate, waited an hour for the next one, and slept all through that leg of his Journey on It, cramped In the narrow seat. Just belore sundown the following day he descended stiffly from the third train and looked over the town of Ashbury. The station was about two hundred yards from the collec tion of buildings, some of them two story, and one the back of one of them had been painted In huge letters: rora notei. He was tired, begrimmed, nun gry. and his mouth had the bitter taste that comes of Irregular meals no exercise, and little sleep for lorty-eiRht hours. He strode to the desk and the middle-aged man behind It said casually, "Ain't see you around In quite a while, Joe. Been away, eh?" Jay was In the act of putting his name on the paper. He thought. Mister, you're not the first person who couldn't tell me and my broth er apart. Polks have had that trou ble since our school davs. But he didn't say the words aloud; there was something about this he didn't like, and an Inherent caution made mm pause with the pen. "Yeah, ain't been around for a wnne, was all tie said. Joe al ways said "ain't." and Jeered at him good-naturedly because of nis Detter usage of words. The pen scratched. Joe Allison Ashbury, Texas. "Giving you the same old room." the clerk said. "You know where ic is. meres somebody upstairs too." And the clerk grinned and wiiiKea signuicantiy. "Thanks," Jay said. He took the key. which luckily had the number of the ronm nn it Many cowtown hotels used keys that fit every lock, so that there wasn't much ase in numbering the leather tags. The Ford was progressing with the times. He took his duffel ass ana went up the stairs and down a dim hallway, whose carpet ing was worn and filled with holes from the marks of a thnusnnri hnnt. heels and spurs. He shifted the Daus, ana tne gunnysack contain ing his saddle and rifle and other gear slipped. It hit the floor with & crash. He put down the rest of the baggage with a muttered Impre cation and unlocked the door. As H swung open another one did too. He saw a head of flaming red hair and a pair of blue eyes; saw the startled look of a lovely face a.i a girl came out. "Joel" she breathed. "Oh, Joe darling!" He saw her rush toward him heard the rustle of her skirts, and then she was In his arms. She put both of hers around his neck and held him tightly and lifted up her face to be kissed. Some inner voice shot a warn ing through him. It said, You'd better be careful, fellow. There's something about this setup that doesn't fit Into place. Watch your atep. He wanted to tell her that he wasn't Joe but Joe's twin brother but he had to go slow until he found out what this was all about. He bent down and kissed her. feeling like a fool and knowing how awk ward he waft being. He had seen Joe kiss girls at nances. Joe took them eagerly In his arms and moved his head onrt murmured gently to let them know that this particular kiss was out of this world. He kissed them along the cheeks and nn l.hir h,u w then worked back down to their lips again. She stepped back from him. her j c i iu.mii u. went - sne exclaim ed In pretended Indlcnatinn must say that a month's absence hasn't made you grow mv (nnH. Or were there too many other nn m uuwn nome? "It's Just that I'm tired " h. ...m "I've been traveling." So Joe hrt R2623 ' Knlt-Kasy Mlttena The easiest of mittens to knit are those work ed on two needles. Any brRlnner or experienced knlt- ler can make this pair In practically rn n an fl " "mi' at all. Pattern Includes m tTT 4 'hree sises. " ' 'fil IS Pattern Envelope No. R2653 con- at tJ 'alns complete knitting Instructions -i r jfr stitch Illustrations and complete dl- Gl VN To ob,1' U"a pattern, send 20c "fKuw COIN8' "''"H Pattern number. ntty,, f 0 f ll T " 10 Peggy Roberta. Capital Jour- iv i "Sco'i c"ft'pn 8trr" s"n Frn' WILLIAM HOBSON supposedly been home for a month. The letters Jay had received from his mother each week had made! no mention of that particular lacm "Al least you could nave written, she said. He pretended a careless shrug "You know how It is," he said. wondering what her name was, how close she was to his orotner joe. "Being with the folks." "How are they?" He lifted his duffel bags and carried them In; anything to avoid her eager eves. I "Same as usual." he replied In I answer to her question. "Dad lost a few head In the waterholes; bog ged down In the mud." "So that's why you're two weeks late?" He nodded. He was on surer ground now. "I had to stay over and give the boys a hand." "Dad's in town." She stood in the doorway now while he re moved his hat and the loose tie at his throat. It was too hot to I wear a coat. "He's still not recon ciled to our getting married, but he'll Just have to like it. Well be going out to the ranch in the I morning. Now you hurry up and I get cleaned up and come on down I and have supper with us. "All right." he said. "But I've got to take a bath first. After two I days of dust and cinders, I'm as I dirty as a hog. ' I "I know, darling. But hurrv It up. Joe. It's been a whole month since I ve seen you. She went out and closed the door, and Jay Allison sat down I on the edge of the bed, his mind in a whirl. (To Be Continued) 2417 SIZES 2 Corilurov choir? Th, Ehnrt nt bolero-Jacket, circle skirted Jumper and prim rounded collar blouse total a wuiiurnui uiree-piece outnt lor school wear In sturdy cordurov (All In one pattern!) NO. 2417 IS Cllt in Xl? t A onri 0. size 4 mmiwr nnrf ivilurn 1 vilm 35 in.; blouse, IS yds. 35-ln. JUSt Ollll Tm (rllT.WIUTim FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions theV flr, Wat-inir nnw and nsn. styles to come. Over 160 practical, icasy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat ient ur.Mirnx inr nil ,,m unmam- ber, It's smart to sew your own and vc iiiuiit-y. urner your copy now price Just 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Cnnllnl Jnnrnal KclI ftl- slon St., San Francisco 6. Calif. mm km I I Ll IU 3 I 1 IAW II' 71 .r V'lll,.., 7$ J :- U , yJl KTSLL 3 LtiTir O bFr" ""l-i ' W EXACTLV-OUP fa?TEBgo'."Jl- hf' DONT BE BirrTON-SHOESk MY CHLD-Vi j D U BUT V3U WERE SAVIN TH' TRAMPS V' & COLLEAGUES OF THE "JUNQLE" f W MERBy LET US SAY OUR FRIENDS T F IN THWT "J0NQL6" WHERE VOU ONO f I ARE NOT THE PENNILESS BUMS RETIRE I ft KNOW ALL THE ANGLES -AND C ;.TI P Si ROCKY LIVE WOULD BE OUR J I OF VORE-THEY MERELY RETIRE ON VUdgT? I f PROFIT BY THEM i ' .. t.. CUSTOMERS ' - Ml FOR LONG STRETCHES OF TIME- F?S I If A TRAILER! 1 IT COSTS US NOTUING ! ME AND UIS PAMILV WILL LIVE I KAY WILLIE L - I' DO YOU TUINX MA.DE A. DEAL WITV4 IN OUR MOUSE IN EXCHANGE CaN DO ' . - . WE CAN AFFORD JyOLD MAN BARTER. FOR THEIR TRAILER UNTIL I V ANVTWIKIG! ) i I t SUCH LUXURY, . . FINISH MY COURSE IN , s. (J) ; ? zrw Km Mm ie ll u d umm .4 v osz-j :(te?3 w:. -urLi i KKjlKfeJ" -Vf7-t. A. J V I I I A 1' Ll r-.1-TTT-, ,.7 I I lf-".WjrC ii I 1 Li"? rvjtwWrTY MILLION .T- I r H BANG ONE. FUXW SO-irS ) ( RA-THtR.I ) I f AH NEVAH SEEN l iKEX SATISFIED WHEW.'T-AM TRIED T SACK. WILL TH' FIFTYBETTt KEPT V STRICT FIFTY MILLION, THAT YOURE COUNT THAT HK3H KIU-ION FIT IN IT (SEE. MXIR ( OUT IN ) BOARD ". ' ALL. AT ONCE?" I A YOKUM.OM MAH FINGERS ) .OR.YJILI- AH HUFTA JfSHuDDe'r.'.') ; TH' lOF'E.ALTH J RECKON IT'LL BE , THE, AN' TOES BUT J USF. MAH . T"IN'ERITANCE OPEN,) 'ERE IN QUITE. A SIGHT, V I INHERITANCE, S THEY ONLY S HAT BEFORE YOU IhUHPV AUSTRYLlA, 1 - ( QUITK.K') , IS YOURS- M BRANG ME. UP J TOO?) HAUL IT AWAY, f I YOU KNOW.'.', f , V- -IS L YOU i gf XX TWENTY- ( YOU PITIFUL S , f ' ) ) oIhe jJCj3L xJ y'"aaN p rrz-rrr"- . . . .it., PfWB T BlSK Vtl..f 4 VDODOING -BEH0MEIN ,....,,.. AIN'T ' ;;, 0 T jjj JWG .WX OVER THERE KiTEN I MINUTES.' TffiZFl TILLIE' : tK s,?, & Tirr5 wres wrfXjr JK - V ' rCfn iX'B rM"MBtHtii",i!. yy,gajVy,:;.- n I poLg, WHEN r joinEP THE CB6W IN A WAY IT'S AN ACT.. I REALLY wjT'Jif'A TATE. J OF THE COMET, I HAD A MISSION HAVE BEEN AT SEA A LOT WITH R 1 ASKED VOU ALL TO COME TO MY T'V . slVlfc S.IS Uf" ".l1 ? .fA5I W'iSL'SNr i i ii -i,f , -i n n -d-''''v-iDTt'.-'i; i 'vvei-l-thn oop i ci n . mk? ki r kn&i I MIND It I AMLMWWORTM'... I t WAN7tD roctrftway ) I THE P'tT" A3 MARTY. . ? ) I I Wl'U ' ' WHATMAOIMPUWltVEHMApt LL igAMMVXH rod A '4. MARTY WA W CRA1V y ' IM MlJECRETAy -rf- yOUTAEAJ08AIN0MASTfVVwH ABOUT' rsr-V "-'Mm!"T00P.N6 Y. r-P -'UYMVFHENOPAlNTINu T l NS, V 'j iSlf H Att AT t ---- I Knniirl4 Nwa Alaa Ala Bak HM Bak HM MrG Mallr MrGa Mallf Holly wa4 Thaalra rtapl Art rar Prlt Ar riiF Klnatra Klrattn Nawa al Warl Cava lead Cavalcade Ranald CiUmii Ranald Calmaa nil Town Bit Ta Nam Hsvm Sparta Pan final Band fVaiaa I I Ktraiiht Arr Ct. Mldnlftat Cl. MldBlcbt GkrlH HriUr J NrtbwMt Mvwt Muile Dtibi f M4. Ctatrll Otvik Kidra U Sky Bidtr la Skr 1 1 Cant mt MnU Carl iNtwt I Favrit (ttsry Pavorllt SUrr Falton LfwIiTjrT- I Sf lei Lcal Nrwf ) Nw 1 Muii Newi MOrriclkl DMccllvt Nwa Wai Moiaam Wat Muieam Wax MuiittB mm Off OtllclKl Otttetlvt It Rum Monan Or. IKukb Mortn Or. Isica Off' 1 1 Htralrht Arrw WEDNESDAY A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Morn. Newa Sam. Hodre Podf Srw 1A Muale. Tlmebeea. Newa KOIN Klerk W March Time Farm Time KOCO Block KOIN Kloch 4 Newa Farm Time KOCO Klock KOIN Klock :0B Newa Old Sonn Tea Bitter KOIN Klock .IA I Breakfast Ganc Old Sanaa Nasa B aorta :M I Maile Newa To a O bfaralaa Newa 45 j Top Tradee Sam Harea Tep O1 Marnlni Fred Beck 8:00 Bargain Coanter Smooth Maale Klna'a Craaadera Consumer Newa l&lHlae and Shine Smooth Maete Klna'a Cratadrra Newa .10 Sena of Ploncera lark Berch Wielern Melsdlea Oraad Slaaj :4ft Morning Special gKt Rldera Church In Wild amarr 9:00 Northwest Newa The'second a Time for Melody ' Warrtai 16 Quia Clab The Second Cap Time for Melody " :S0 Paator'a Call Hometownera Stan Sine Hfl" Trent :4A Wlleo Walta Time Newa J. Charlea Thorn aa Gl Snntor A:t News VlneentLopii N W Kn Big Slater Ifl 6 Goaael Singer Lara Lawloa Memorable Marie Perklag lll:S0 Music Roil c.i Heaaa Tune Time Toang Dr. Molaaa w ;45 Haiti Serenade Hoi teas Houaa SB Key a Guiding Light a- p. :M Ladica First Double Nothing Muale Marl Mra. Buries 11 :1ft Ladlee Flrat Doable ar Nothing Masle Mart Perry Mason R I :S0 Queen far a Day Today's Chlldrra Jan Garber Mnrah Drake I 1 :45 j Queen for a Day Light af World Vocal Varieties Brighter Day ij.:N Top Trades LifBeautlfel noUrwodMusis N" 1 "1:1ft News News Hollywood Muale Come A Get It I 0 m Northwest News Pepper Teang News Bright and Lit hi " :4ft Bob Bberly Show Happiness Ted Dale Presents Art Baker iM Tell Your NeUhbr" B.ckilai e Wife Mae's Melodies Barnyard Polllea & Harvey Harding Stella Dallas Mae's Melodtea Garry Moors :S0 Organ Reveries Lorenao Jones Mac's Melodies Garry Moore :4fl Blng Slnsa Wldder Brown Mae's Melodies Newspaper :M Against Storm AGlrl"Marrlee Mac's" Melodies Newspaper ,IA Against Storm Portia Faces Life Mae'a Mclodlea Meet the Mlosaa SO Muile Just Plain BUI Mac'a Melodies Meet the Mlaaa m :4ft Mulc Front Page Farrell Mac'a Melodies Tunefully Youri 3' :00 Ray It With Musle Welcome Travelers Mac's Mrlodfes News :I5 Say It With Muale Welcome Travelers Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey :80 News Aunt Mary Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey :4ft Soma of Tines Love and Learn Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Woman's Secret Movletlmo Arthur Godfrey 19 IF. Hemingway Road of Life Friendly Arthur Godfrey SO Behind the Story Rolllnl Trla I Brers Can Be Curt Mssaey :45 I News Sunny Side I Beautiful Ed. B. Murrow DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. lry Tuesday P.M. B:00. Saalrrrt I la.A Caaei 5:30. Johnny Lujacki :MI, Keeping Vp With Sports; d:IS, Home Edi lion; 6:30. Modcra Romancesi 1:00, Head line Edltlont 7:15, Elmer Davlai ?:, Ar thur Gaethi 7:45, Music by Bovero, S:Ml, Counterapyt S:30, Town Meeting; :M. Monitor Nrws; 0:45, Book Adventuresi 110:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15. Concert Hnurt 11:30. Memos to Tomorrow! 1Z:00, IXtra Roari 1:00, Slra Off. Wednesday A.M. t:00. Early Bird! S:45. Dirt Doctor! 1:M, Newsi 7:15, Band Boat 7:30. Bob Haaen Showt 1:IB. Time Tempoei B:lft. Martin Agronakyi 11:90. Zeke Mannera; S:45. Rid ers of the Purple Sagri 1:00. Breakfast Club! 10:00, Mildred Bedell) 10:15, Stars of Today! 10:30, Troplcanai 10:45, M odr Promenade! tl:00. Ted Malone; 11:15, Galen Drakei 11:30. My True 8 torn 1t:00, Betty Crockeri 12:15. Newit lt:30, Bauk hago Talklngi 13:4ft, Nancy Cralgi 1:00, Northweaternera; 1:50, Kay Weill 1:0. Brooks Garden Club Planning Fall Show Brooks Mr. Opal Rasmus sen will entertain the Brooks Garden Club in her home Thurs day noon for luncheon. Plans ACROSS 1. Vsetabl 4. Oriental 5. Old Fr.nch coin It. Positsa IS. L8a 11. Publlo - conv.jrmne IK. Action 17. Male child 18. Kind of maat It. Weary It. 2000 pounda 32. Exclamation U. Not any if. Eplo poem 17. Thre-toed loth . Rent 11. Fall to aep 1J. Merit is. wmied ST. Orated St. Small laae 40. City In Oklahoma 42. Infatuation 41. Alone 44. Medttata 44. Perform 48. tnillih latter 49. Goddeaa of tha harreat B0. Do without (3. Pronoun 65. Luton naUra 44. Ensllah acbool n. Take food 40. Market place 3. Wondering fear 41. Timber 14. Indian Hi. way II. Chop ij I wc p r r r r l g' 11 is lit ga TlSrl 1 1 1 KHt AP Ntwaf tatarta WERE RETURN FROr. tuSCWAN LOOSE' ANTICIPATING THE COMRTS Of PUfFLS TOWERS, BUT THE PLACE IS A rORLORN VACUU' V MRS PUFFLS 15 AWAY VISITINS HEP. SISTER.-"". DELIA THE MAID, WENT ON VACATION YESTERDAY AND PINKY, OUR. COOK. IS ALSO ON VACATION t-'iT 'I yl BG FAWNS I V " ww'"" J M l I AT'OGOWAM Jt BT i I 1 1 LODGE vit I gataeaaaxtannaat I Knai Ufanalag Little Sfaaw Faalara Starr Srwi Cklcaiaana Bk loam thaw It Para ta be linarant Pat O'Brita Maslral Jarbnal Rvalva Kntakt KFCaklng ftparlt Trark-Ilk Track 1IM Track I4M Tratk UkO Track HN HU tba Jeckaat HU the Jarkaak Drata Parade Drtit Parade Lowell Tboajaa Jack flatltb Mr. Mra. North Mr. a Mra. North Mrittrr Theater Mvirrr Tbcatra Bealah Clak IS IT-8tar Pinal Yoa and World Alrflo Orchestra Track UN wa Hal Mclnlyr Frontier Town Frontier Town Maale Yob Want Mnile Yea Want Noctarna Noctarna Noctarnt Not turn Serenade Orrbeatra Treasury Band Newi Silent Klaa Off 1190: KOAC. 650 lAAf Taeaday p.m. 5: rWH. I'pbcati 5:MI. 5.VI i tha ,VV) Sports Club; Northweaternera! lt:SA. Kay Welti 'Round the Campfiret 7:15. Evening Farm Hoar; S. Artistry In Claaalrai 8:15. UN Re view: R:SO. Great Kongo; :45. Logger a' Plro Weather Forecast! 0:00, Muale That Fo ri area i 0:45, Evening Medltatiansi 10:00, Sign Off. KOAC Wednesday p.m. 10:00, Newui 10:16, Especially for Women! 11:00, Concert Hall: lt:Ml. Newsi 11:16, Noon Farm Houri 1:00, Bide 'Em Cowboy i 1:15. Variety Timei 1:30, Thla Dan 1:46, Melody Lane i t:00. Cavalcade of Drama i X:1S, Memory Book or Maalci S:A0, News) 3:15. Music or the Matters! 4:00, Oregon Reporter! 4:15, Proudly Do Hall. Breakfast In Hollrweodt S:I0, laay Aee 3:45, Meet the Mcnjouai 3:00. Surprlsa Package i 3:3(1, Bride and Groom i 4:00, Ladies Be Seatedi 4:30, Add-aLlne. will be discussed for the fall flower show, the date, October 8, and is open to the public at the Brooks school gymnasium in Brooks, from 2:30 to 8 o'clock. There ii no charge for admis sion. lUAisnpniwununni HP tUFIOlOIT BIA L IU eLaiNHtiaalfir tiaiw t Ajaniie aESI l iasBi tbli a CU NlNOHt I Bp I A CJ" pifjnT: u ea t R kioiREaIwh'i pjTrt o v alajT uir ei a aiT a rImIribn PUaT yfx lelutlon of Yaatafday's Pwzle DOWN 1. Lasuma I. Female ahaat 1. Swlet . communa 4. Exlat i. Aacent t. PoaltlT nolafl T. tweet biacolt I. While I. Black 10. Mongrel dof 11. Engllab livor 11. Nolea 18. Attltudaa 30. Part played 81. Toward 32. Texaa mlaaloa 33. The lady of Troy tl. Perelan fairy 17. Mountain rldae It. Porenntar 80. Sailor 83. Poema 14. So. American rlvar II. Lure 18. Esrptlaa lltard 4L Wire couneelor 41. Ouraelvee 47. Ewedleh cola 43. ImprMaUon 11. Kind of rubber II. Greenland aettlement II. Beveraca 14. Own, &s. Gone by 17. Be under obligation II. Novel 80. Near 41. Article BUT WHAT ARE WE SOI NS TO DO FOR. CALORIES, PROTEINS AND VITAMINS f WHCJLL- COOk; 7 Rbrtm Ranch RhFlba Rancfe Hint Traak Baalaaaa Nai (5andTfllbi and"" Sllvtr Sawa Iiaak Waltaa