;, Largest Total ' In .39 Years Portland, Sopt. 27 The larg est total of cash awards ever of fered in ita 3D years $140,000 has been posted by the Pa cific Livestock exposition In North Portland for this year's show, October 7-15. The money will go to land products, livestock, horse show and rodeo contestants. Top cash will be the $60,926 distributed in livestock classes Another $8,000 will go to 4-H bovt and girls and $4,000 to FFA. Rodeo hands will compete for $ 1 1.350 and an equal amount of purses in their 13 perform ances. Horse show awards will total $22,000 with entry money aded. Adition of Palomino, Quarter Horse and Arabian stakes has boosted the total. Cutting horses, appearing for the first time at the Pacific In ternational in an event that has been thrilling rodeo throngs will have $2,270 posted in addition to entry money. Barfel Promoted to f Junior Engineer Post Kenneth Bartel. 2795 Hulsey road, Salem, now employed as transitman for the state highway commission In Salem, will be promoted to the position of Jun ior resident engineer in Rainier this week, according to the high way personnel department. Mr. Bartel will be in charge of construction projects In the Rainier area. Promotion is to be made as a result of civil service examina tion, Bartel being selected from among candidates certified by the state civil service commis lion. Mr. Bartel has worked con tinuously for the department since 1929, holding a variety of positions including head chain man, rodman, and materials in sppctor. y . ywf J'yw;'1 l J'W, Mm .1 American Women Spoiled, Over-Idolized by Men The most idolized woman in the world, America's Eve is by general consent the best looking and among the best dressed. She has a remarkably fine figure, is exceptionally intelligent, has more privileges, more legal rights and more property than women have held anywhere at any time. Yet, declares teland Stowe,'' in the October Reader's Digest, the American woman (thanks largely to men) is the most spoiled and self-centered in the world, the most aggressive and the least happy. She is less fem inine, less Interested in husband, home and family than are wo men of other lands. She Is the world's most expensive woman. She Is more restless and bor ed, and is less spiritual and has leu Individuality than women anywhere else on earth. These are conclusions, Stowe says, of a "distinguished array of psychoanalysts and sociol ogists, of most foreigners who have spent much time in the United States, and of an increas ing number of traveled Ameri cans." They are Stowe's conclusions, too, based on observations abroad and at home during 20 years as a foreign correspondent. His article Is condensed from Esquire. Do you doubt that the Ameri can woman is the most spoiled and self-centered In the world? Watch how "presumptuously she waits for some male to light her cigarette," and note that "the obliging male frequently gets not even a nod for his pains." If you think our women aren't aggressive, observe them at bar gain counters, Stowe suggests. Watch how they capitalize on the "women first" tradition in Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1919 11 railroad stations, elevators, buse and ticket lines. "It is only in America that women have a special prerogative to be rude." Unhappiness of our women Is shown, the author says, by scores of thousands of their let ters as published in "advice to tiie lovelorn" columns. These are read by millions of other women "presumably interest ed for similar reasons." Contending that our women lack individuality. Stowe ob serves that "only the most strong-minded succeed in resist ing the terrific pressures toward uniformity, "The fashion maeazines. the I beauticians and Hollywood ex pert a diabolical Influence, level ing down women of all ages." j "The odd thing is that most of lAmerica's males seem fairlv sat isfied," the author concludes. "Women are what they are be cause of a lot of unconscious or intentional help from their men." Commander J a m e s G. Wash (above), of Cambridge, Mass., was elected National commander of the army and navy Legion of Valor at 59th annual reunion in Asbury Park, N. J. GUESTS WELCOME BETTER TASTE! Smart hosts everywhere have switched to Calvert because Calvert Reserve tastes better. 0 Calvert reserve Blended Whiskey -86 8 ProoI-65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp.. New York City Cut Fuel Costs up to 25 with a 17U0-TIIERM Royal Heater with Power-Air Blower 5 Why track coat and aihca through the nous when you can heat without work or dirt, ai you cut fuel oil com up to 155?! Hera'a how tht Duo Therm Royal Heater doea in 1 . Pewer-Atr Blewer keeps more warm air io circulation aavea np to a full gallon- of fuel oil out of tTtry 4 you buy! Only Duo-Therm baa Power-Air. 3. Dua-Tharm Ixchulve vrnar mixci air and fuel oil in turn the right amounta for clean per forma net. Yarn get mar besi from ttery Jrofi a oil No mov ing parti it'a utterly silent! 9. A Special Waite StoM" la built right into every Duo Therm. This fuel saving device helps transfer more heat into your home. 4 Finger Ms ntral dial assures you workless, dirtless heat. You just twist the dial and get heat to order. A real money aver in changeable climates. In addition to the Royal model (shown above ) we bavt a fine Hoe of furniture style cabinet models, made exclu sively by Duo-Therm. Drop in. Select the Duo-Therm that will do the best job for you. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. 467 Court Street Hjfiifi ; ! A whiskey of truly rare quality. E J No more need be said than this: E a mixed or straight, "8 is great!" JUl S2J XX. V iiiictip g mm- ! wSfe Price $3.60 H Quart of lowest Prices because. we price everything at the lowest point that will yield a reasonable profit. But we go beyond this we have specials, too. So this ad brings you extra-extra values at all Salem Safeway Stores. Make it a habit to watch for Safeway ads don't miss a single opportunity to save extra money on your food budget. Along with lowest prices goes a guarantee on every item assuring you complete satisfaction. Be sure Shop Safeway! SEEDLESS RAISINS c,. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 25c SODA CRACKERS Sr.- ....39c CORN MEAL 19c PEANUT BUTTER a- 59c , SHREDDED WHEAT ,,2 ,,,29' of full meat value bemuse,, .. . excess bone and tat is removed from Safeway meats befort weigh ing. Every cut yon bay is guaranteed tender, juicy and delicious. Rib Steaks Irl, 79c l7X 69c Sirloin Steak Grt.b89cGr.md. 69c Pork Shoulder Steaks 49c Fresh BOLOGNA 39c SLICED BACON rdo:d... 49c " T 1 If I.AIIIII -iu. tun Nnnfftr FANCY-EASTERN-SUGAR CURED .tinned Hams ib. 59c 5-lb. can Lumberjack Brand Imitation maple flavor It's grand! HOMINY Banjo Brand white or yellow No. 2Vi Can 2 for 2-lb. pkg. Large white dry beans cut meal totts with these! ISEANS BEAMS - PORK AND Van Camp's In tantalising tomato sauce! Macaroni 300 can 25c 25c 10c 2V4-lb. pkg. Whits Star Cut suieyV PUREa Half gal. jug 9c Purex brand bleach removei italm! f2T of full value in produce because FANCY LOCAL GROWN TOMATOES 5c ib. APPLES Fancy Delicious 3 ib.. 25 c Green Onions Radishes Beets Mustard Greens Chard bunch .Safeway prices fruits and vegetables by tht pound. No need to overbuy in order to make your purchases come out in even "bunches" or "dozens.' CARROTS CELERY CORN REDCABBAGE TURNIPS PARSNIPS GREEN PEPPERS RUTABAGAS DRYONIONS SQUASH Danish Marblehead 4f Hubard lb. lb, YAMS Quality t.S. No. 1 10c BANANAS Golden Ripe ib 15c C!SONS SELECTED I BLENDED WHISKEY SSI PROOf GRAIN Kt'JTRAl SPIRITS GiBiON DXRUiNa COMPANY. NEW YORK. N. Y. , oo odiED ciCi 1 POTATOES! Netted Gems 50-ib. 98c I i i. i ' "i1 fiillliiillliii U "