10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. Sent. 27. 1949 oar TO SEf COUNTRY Paratrooper-Doctor, Dog Hitchhike Alcan Road Chicago, Sept. 27 M When Capt. Hobert J. Wiese received word of his transfer from Anchorage, Alaska, to Tampa, Fla., he decided to ee the country in between. So the captain, a 27-year-old paratrooper-doctor, started walk ing down the Alcan highway with his Chesapeake retriever, Brownie. Frank Walker (Portland about 4:45 o'clock j Monday afternoon. Walker had complained of be Fishing Boat Sends Out Distress Signal Seattle, Sept. 27 If) Distress signals from the starlight, a 65 foot fishing boat, which struck a rock near Tillamook, Ore., were received by the coast guard here today. Coast guard headquarters re ported that the Cutter Balsam was now en route to the disabled craft which radioed that it was taking water. A coast guard spokesman said the home port, destination and names of the men aboard th. vessel were unavailable. Dies Suddenly Mt. Angel, Sept. 27 Frank Walker, 55, veteran of World War I and past commander of the Mt. Angel post of the American Legion, died suddenly at the Veterans' hospital in ing unwell earlier in the day and It was decided to take him to the hospital. He was being given a preliminary examina tion when he died of a sudden heart attack. He was born In Mennomiene, Wis., May 7, 1894, and with his parents located on Howell Prairie in 1904, the family later moving to Mt. Angel. He was married to Tillie Hammer in 1920, Surviving are his widow and two sons, Lloyd Francis and Cyril Walker and two grandchildren, all of Mt. Angel; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Kirsch, St. Paul and Mrs. Elizabeth Kei fer, in California. A third son died in infancy. Announce ments later from the Unger fu neral home. miles along their way. They took a train to Great Falls, Now the travel-weary pair rests at the Wiese home before proceeding to Tampa. They'll leave October 2, but their hitch hiking days are over. Wiese will drive an automobile loaned him by a friend. The captain expects to Join his new outfit, the Fifth air rescue squadron, in Tampa, October 6. Brownie, will join it, too. Wiese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wiese of suburban Mont., then hitched rides to Kenil worth, left Anchorage Au-! Minneapolis gust 6. He carried a 60-pound The captain bought a canoe there and paddled down the Mississippi to Davenport, la., taking 17 days to make the 400 mile voyage. From Davenport food pack with his shaving kit, fish hooks, cartridges and dog biscuits on Brownie. Some 70 free rides and 22 days later, the hitchhiker arriv ed in Okotoks, Alberta 2400 James Buchanan was the only bachelor to become president of the Uuited States. he and Brownie took another train to Chicago. Hay Bridge Crack up Two persons wrce Killed ana six aeriously injured in a head-on collision between two autos on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay bridge. Three persons in volved in the accident are shown. It was the second major accident on the bridge in one day. (AP Wirephoto) New Apartment Houses Planned Tentative plans have been made by the Robert Coates Con struction company of Portland for three apartment houses in Salem, totaling about 80 units, many to be of two bedrooms. One would be located in south Salem, one near the Hollywood district, and one near the- Capi tol Shopping Center. All, it is laid, would be equipped with elevators, and the living units would rent for from $75 to $85 The construction company if Interested also in acquiring the ground for the buildings. Final arrangements are to be made with the federal housing admin istration. The tentative plan was an nounced through the Chamber of Commerce. Plans for construction of a lix-story 101-unit building at North Winter and Union were recently announced by Victor N. Jones,' Seattle architect. Salem Officials Will Go to League Meeting City Manager J. L. Franzen, Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom, City Engineer J. H. Davis, several other city officials, and Gover nor Douglas McKay will be among those attending the an nual meeting of the League of Oregon Cities in Portland Sep tember 28-October 1 inclusive. The convention will be at the Multnomah hotel. Governor McKay will speak at the 10 o'clock session Thurs day. City Attorney Davis will preside at a meeting of the building regulation section at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mayor Elfstrom will preside at the mayors and councilmen sec tion at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Chapter Opens Season Monmouth The first meet ing of Tillicum chapter, DeMo lay, was held in the Masonic temple in Independence. Pre ceding the meeting a covered dish dinner was served with parents and Job's Daughters as special guests. Following a short business meeting, the temple was opened to visitors and Her man Johnson of Salem was the principal speaker. His topic was citizenship. 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