Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 26, 1949 9 CHARGE IT NOW- BELTED AND WRAP-ARO PAY IM KIOVFURFPI XS T T I I II 1 II V T I f T I mJ U I i 3 WRAP-AROUND TO AT QTVI P 1 r i oil ul. COATS DRESSES ?g. $49.9o $:E95 lJ HLW V WfA k. I'iJMnV w&M I A i a ill 1 KOvOUVLj0 f It WJ. ! V ,a E.O.M. CLEARANCE i lUBBOS FINE SHOES & iso seq this V? Meat- ous makes. and ' ance. ,1 i i ues. I I 1-41 IKP 1 ( IIIUIO, I hriday & 6.95 Re9. $10.95! ous makes! Low, m cn i: sizes ! 1 . lines. a clearance of oro ..-i0t .aeted. to 1.95 ..e strand peo ; ,u .Hioestcne Reg- . ,turai box CO1 $37.50, ' v .' P" heCldA Save $10.00 on your new fall mat fi.u.M. orinss vou inese savings for the last four days A SQe of high foshion at o low price! In the month. , The mucn-talked-of faille (a very Fitted and wraparound styles , . . in the nonular wool fleeces smart as wel1 05 s,urdy fabnc) 15 with patch pockets . . . high used to good advantage in t roll neck or collar styles . . . Hrtpc n.. :.,. nnH two r belted and ful back ... r I I U L A sryies in oruwri, yiccri, uiutiv. - 10 A coat fashion you II be proud to wear. .... . ,. tU. ... j gabardines in the group. 12 to 20. High quality plus all the exciting de- 3 tails of fall fashion tor now ana through winter. In Wine, Brown, Black, 2ND FL00R Teal, Beat, Hunter s Gren etc. 10 s to 20. 2ND FLOOR DIMENTIONAL SLIPS 049 Tripod. aroin ' (tl 00 ' Comevo y ..,,1 b0X er- . u.,lb V.9W U-a P0U11VI , nle condeo , Three taction.- VJX" ... " i linX 1 . nd O A famous brand much hiaher Dric of E.O.M, s brand of dimentional slip . . . irregulars of the iher priced ones are on sale during the four days i. at only $2.49. White, pink, black. F n KK 1 A I I ICC YALULJ WOMEN'S SUITS Reg. $49.95! Wool gabardines and cover d efects such as the tai 1 1 ..TV.D -.A MSTA DRHSSE5 . . g Rayon Jersey Gowns $79 $39.95 WOMEN'S SUITS. Reg. 49.95I Wool gabardines and coverts . . . tailor ed efects such as the tailored collar, slash pockets. Wine, grey, hunter's green, new browns. 1 0 to 16. 2nd floor WOMEN'S BLOUSES ... $2.98 Reg. $5.95 to $7.95! Famous brand . . . SDecial Durchote for E.O. M.! White and wanted shades. Tailored and X uory Reg. $2.98 Jersey rayon gowns . . . also a very well known make . . . noted for it's good styling ond fit. In yellow, blue, pink. 32 to 38. , blue, pinK. to jo. Full Length Foundati Reg. to $24.50 $1.49 4 i io riDDea piaia rayons . . . aiso some piain shades. Main floor. WOMEN'S GLOVES . . pr.$l. D. AAF New winter weight fabric gloves in the finer qualities go into E.O.M. sale at this low price. New shades . . . all sizes. Main floor. ,au T nOVW - ,-,4 $5.95 V TOILET WATERS . . . - $1.25 Reg. $1.75 3 ez. lizt . . . choice of two fragrances. PLASTIC PLAY SHOES $1.00 Notion department features these for E.O.M. Stitched with . m. t i i . r a a .. '- : 1 nylon yarn. rtuDoer soies. anes to o womn I I SALE OF ODD BUTTONS each 5c I Values to I Many odds . . . perhaps just the deeorc Values to 49c! Many odds . . . perhaps just the decoration you need in the lot. Notion dept. Main floor. 1 4 REM A AVIS n.Aix rnijiu ! ! Wool, rayons, cottons! Many wool lengths for girls skirts etc. 4 1 69 I rov UU ,on xo 0 tl fabrics- 3 fuU cut, etc. Now . . . your opportunity to be fitted the finest foundation at the price of ordi ary ones. NYLON . . . SATIN . . . LASTE Take our word for it ... if you wish sle A- a tUata exrirl in trtO tfl n- ary ones. NYLUN , , . J A I UN . . . las i ca. Take our word for it ... if you wish sleek corseting ... see these early in the sale! 2nd Floor. Full Length Foundatii dressy styles. Sizes 32 to 38. 2nd floor. For triromta. noo- A UMBRELLAS special $2.50 0 Al' TTT LPB-O C ' M.98! v . D B0XES, ODDS O $li00 C0L0KTUL TB96 16 ribbed plaid rayons . . . also some plain B'R , ttTV.IsSILS .teW cover YU? 00 valu- ihad... Main floor. T"3TTiI. U l-1 ..,00'. ...... inQf . ,nver to comp "' Reg. 53u nns.dP "Sit .hop. 1 LnVPl. AA Biaji0 t,E8K8ETs.-.-;--;;-;,;;;:.;;;:.P."."k 0ownsto'r- rt stair. $1.UU CTJBTAU" OAKLtiAr x s Pa5tei shade, o. , . TTTOES 7 Wall bon0 ' flW Smi oncUo OPO V BAB. C onty) Dtol, rhintx. WQ- 2 . cnes Color o"- ltiu- rj- ,,iu M . .. nn,tairs,ortn..d. Q Irreaulars of regu lar $1.50 nylons! Al sizes . . . want- 50c om every ;H OUTING FLANNELS yd. 35c ,n sU.,o. Oo' ort vty 59C j Reg. 69c yd.! i 0 V gc stomp.d or t . J For nitegowns, pojamas ... a fine quality for fall ond winter use. Plain pink, Linen sea w lj blue, striped. f bue se,s V TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY I t mm.w mim. i ''nntuuMM wiiisiiiiw'M'--iu-'lw"AlM..i.wl iw . v . .dr..: - it- rn-r ii miiHBimsw nii m ons t 1 J SO 1 1 NYLON HOSE fall shades: -sheers for oll- n ii r n n P wear! Main Floor. t