18 Capital Journal. Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVIlTIIINOt Pw Una IBe Per Line I timet 40c Per Lint I time. 0c Per Lin t month 13 00 Outelde ot Salem loo por lln. per Oar. Mln. SOe: S time mln. SOe I ttmej mln. 11.30. No Refund READER. In Local Newa Col. Onlr: Par Lint 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MAKE AN Oder, muit cell. New 3 home. With Bendlx. Oo 1 blki. South on old 99E from 12tb St. Junction, end Dlrkion't Mktt. To Idlewood Dr. 4 th hous left. Ph. 33319. 333 Open House Sat. & Sun. I bdrm. A fplae. Hdwd. firs. Inside tit II. 625 Illinois. a229 SPECIAL New l-bdrm. home. Bmlt-la wardrobe. Lot of kitchen bullt-iru. Auto, oil furn. Owner need monev for business. Cutting Price to (10,300. his week. Can be Hen evenings 'till 1:00 at 119ft Cot- tage St. Will io FHA. W EbvELY 3 bdrm. home. North on 99 to 3140 Carlton Way. 3J3 VERY COMPLETE 5 rooms, upstairs floor ed, P H. A., 1 bit. to 4 Corners. Tel. 30037 in MALL S-BDRM. USE, comp. redec.Elee. water heater. Elec. atove. Elec. ht. Small lot. Hollywood Dist. 13,160 cwh Ph. 36360. 670 Jefferson. a 229 BEAUTIFUL COLO NIAL HOUSE Kxel. Location, 4 bdrm., full tile bath. j bath dn. Beit of new wall to wall carpeting throuRhout. Lge. din. rm., full dry basement. Hot water heat 2 car in rase. Beautiful lawn and ahrubs. We are proud to have the privilege of ahow- j reasonaoie price oi aiu.suu. rnone zooog. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. HlRh St. Evening Phonea 33836, 37769 or 38704 239' 9A.VM). WORTH much more. Mod. 3 Bdrm., aut. heat. att. Bar age. near bus A school!, easy terma. Ph. 36189. a230 4 BEDROOM Only 3 years old. Larva carpeted liv ing room and dining room, nook A car port. Ovar 1400 sq. ft. of floor space. Close In suburban location, ft block from bus. Owner will tacrine for 18600. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edge water. Ph. 3-3109. Eve. 3-9939 a329 IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner her to sell prac tically new home, 6 lge. rms., hdwd. firs, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rms. Unfln. upstairs. Stairway In. Breeze way, att. tar. Lse. lot. city water Low down payment. FHA terms. Salem Heights dlst. 585 Ewald. 8. off 99E. a231 MUST LEAVE BY OCTOBER 1ST 1260 WILL buy my 11454 equity In 1 year old 3 BR home, plastered, hdwd. firs.. 842 Bliler Ave. Mapleton Addition. a233 JfonT RM. house with dinette, 3 bed rms., completely redecorated. Bm. family orchard. Approximate 1 acre. Immediate possession. Vk block to school. 3 bl. to Salem and Oervals hi -school bus. Bm, down payment, bal. 140 mo. Call Oer vals 3073 aves. or write P.O. Box 343. Oervals. a232 M00. New, I bedrooms, utility room, garage. 17300. 3 bedrooms, oak floors, laundry trays, garage. Jmm. Poa. $7500. 3 bedrooms, floored at tie, oak floors, fireplace, automatic heat, gar age. 17350. 3 bedrooms, basement, fireplace, oak floors, all electric. P. H. Bell, Realtor REALTORS 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4896. 3-1545 Ive. 3-6686, 3-3451, 3-7565 33B OPEN HOUSE 3330 SUNNYVIEW AVE. New 1 year old very modern 3 bdrm. home. Large 14x22 living room with circulating fireplace. 10x10 dinette. Beautiful kitchen with breakfast nook, separated by breakfa.it bar and lots nf bill It-Ins. Large utility room with sta tionary wash tubs. Attached garage. Highly polished hardwood floors thru out. Nice back and front lawn enclosed by ranch style fence. Lot 55x247 i . Garden spot at rear of lot. Very well constructed. This home la In excellent condition tn every detail. Reason for selling. leavtngtate. a229 rBDRM. HOME, fine location. Must sell. Price 34150. Call 3-3688. t230 FOR SALE: Beautiful mod. elec. heated home, furnished, has lovely bdrm. and dining rm.aet. elec. range, re frig.: gar age, chlckenhouse, trees shrubs, Inc. 1 acre of land close to town. Only 16500. MT. A NO EL LAND CO. Ut. Angel, Oregon a230 Fairmount Hill Choice A comfortable 3 bdrm. bungalow lo cated on rear of fine lot at 1735 Fair mount tve., tall firs; house neat elean: room for another home. Lot wnrth better than half the price of 16150. Terms. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-56.16 731 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-6170. 3-7534. a229 BY OWNER 3 room ranch type home, two years old. Hdwd. firs. lit. att-, garage wiih utility room, nice law n and walnut trees, lot 15x221. FHA loan, MS so per mo. Will accept good '48 or '49 hou.se trailer on part down payment. Call 3-3791 or 3-832J. a 3 BEDROOMS " " Itafe location for young children, quiet secluded. Basement. Oil furnace. Fire place. Trees of all kinds. Owner will runlder any fair offer. 3260 8. Comm 1. St. Phone 2-S!)!6. a2;t0 EXCLUSIVE JliHT listed for a quirk sale 9 BR h.ime located at 555 Union St. Here is your opiHirliinliy to buy a home rinse In that should Increase In value. Busi ness location l'leasc do not disturb occupants. Shown by appointment oniv. Will make good rental. Only 16H.S0 f.sh K:ilns BURT PICHA, Realtors 919 North High St. Phone 3-)64t Eve. 3-5S90 a229' TODAY S BEST BUYS About tli acres, just off Pacific high way north 19 miles: very neat mall houe: good poultry house: fine well and manry pump house; garage, nod variety fruits and mil, pic vard Cyil of state owner. See It and make SALEM REALTY CO. FFLTOFS 149 Nnrth High At. Phrvie 3-7860 Eve. Phones 8-4591-3-6605 es.ii Y OWNKR; 3'i BR. house on "creek Kl re Place, garage gas furna.-e. gas rang included 16700 $1400 down. 7 no, ph. Salem 3-4651, $ to 10 pni T J37 $4950 $500 Dow n t bdrm new!? decorated home Rase tnent, sawd tt burner, garage. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors Sl SiateRm. . Ph.3-9201. aJin $5250 t hedroomi. unf. upstair, large rrmS I R A DK kit. bath, utility Bush school district. Only 91400 down Sea us If you re look ng for easy terms. ENGLEWOOD The price of $9,150 make this one of the best bivs In town. Hdwd floors thruoul. Fireplace, automatic forced air heat. 3 bedrooms, lane attached sar Bff. fenced yard. Do not wait too lont before seeing this house CAI I. D L BISHOP Chas Hudkins & Son O'er 31 Yeats in Salem 50 R. lb St. Ph. 1-4139. SI31 Oregon, Monday, Sept. 26, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES WEST SALEM 4 BR, dbl. plumb., til flee. 2 ear gar.. inide utility. A or trade, income prop erly- P.n one 2-9807 or wrltt Boi 431 Capital Journal. 31 111130 Excellent new home. Two nice bed' rooms. Lovely kitchen. Beautiful hdwd. Mr, thru out. All electric. At t ached garage. Small dwn. pymt 97WJ0 Just completed, ft rm. hsme with attached garage. Nice qjlet dist net in town. Hdwd. firs., auto heat, ifioo noun. $50O Nearly new 5 rm. home with hdwd fir.., full rmnt. basement. Double garage. Make offer for down pay. mrnt. Lot, car, am a 11 cash amt., etc. Balance FHA. I.AO-Oldr type plastered I bdrm. home In good d.stnrt in town. Corner lot. Garage. iS00 down, 150 per month. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center At. Ph. 3-4553. Eve. 3-8651 a330 $500 Down A cute place, nearly new 3 BR, larte living rm., tile bath A kitchen, nice yard, claw to bos A chool. Small monthly payment. An Exceptional Buy 3 BR, fireplace, a hoti.se in first class shape, nearly new. larae lot, Me Kin ley school. Harnfice price this week. 200 Down 3 BR hnose. hardwood floors, attach ed Karaite. Immediate. pacAsion. L. K. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7643 Eve. or Sun. 2-0126 229' CHEAP Move tn and complete. Rake shake ex- trrior. 3 bdrmx.. att. gar. VjA. good soil. Price tsrtso. two down C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Com' I. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 a231 Market St. Property 3 fine lots. Well made 2 bdrm. house. Extra rm. in ba.sen.riH. Fireplace. 19500. Nice Country Home 1 A., comfortable 3 bdrm. home. Borders lake. Plenty of family fruit. 19250. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol. Office Ph. 3-3862. Eve. 2-2147 or 2-8836. e231 4 ROOMlim sr:. 2 years old7o. H. Gooo Turner, Oreeon. a231 FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE have 7f)0 equity In 2'i A. unfinished, but livable house. Large chicken house, rxtra lumber, 6S-ft. well, Full price, $1500. 1300 dn., 1350 year. O. E. Junceau, Rt. 9, Box 490. City. "230 Mix I OO CORNRR lot. Vor irudowrTfoT small house. Some lumber. Terms. 780 Mis souri. aa229 FOR SALE OR TRADE view lot 60x140. city water. MIA approved. $1000 or car Of equaljvalue. Ph. 26159. aa330 LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus. close to anool on Sllverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. $15 down. 115 per month. General Real Estate 235 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa231 BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Claw to Hayesvllle school, lot with water, electricity, bus service and fruit trees. 110 down $15 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Sun. & Eves. 2-8241, 3-9713. 3-2532. 3-3738. a330 FOR SALE FARMS M ACRI H n Ml ITS north of Salem. No building, will trade on house. Inquire JJ01 N.JCapltol, Apt. No. 6. b238' TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 good acres close in N E.; very clean small two bedrm. house, garage, poul try house, family fruit, prewiure wat er. ninr .school. Ontv t64fio. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North HI ah St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 3-4591 - 3-6606 b231 69 ACRES A REAL FARM 13 mile out Wallace Road. Continuous uwneranip lor 18 yr. All cult, level ground. The house Is old but clean and mod. All outside bldgs. are new. This la really a beautiful place and only $15, AOO. 12'i ACRES $9750.00 The barn's full of hay. ao are these two fine Jersey rowa. Average 2 BR house 3 ao. boyaenberr.es, 4 ac. filberts, 13 snuea out wauare tta. a good deal. Phone 26(160 ED LUKINBKAL REAL ESTATE 443 N, Hlh St. Evening Phonea 28704, 27169, 33836 b339 19 Af'RKS, small 4 room house, garage and pump house. 18x46 hen house, all bldss. 2 years old. Out Sllverton Rd., 3 McCain, then N.( last place on left. b229 FOR SALE ACREAGE l ACRE close in. Inquire at 401 Oregon Blflw. bb231 $1500 3 acre, good wHI On bus line. CIosp to srlmol I.rirae h.se. with 4 bdrms. up stairs mitiniMird. Terms C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 . Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-3081. bb3.11' I TO tn At'RKA of river boltom land. Htrram. trreji. good hlrig. sites. $1500 dwn, easy Irrma. Call after 9 p.m. 31160. Mi239 ! REAL ESTATE HI III HRW S rm. home; att. garage; lit ti ll V rm. A land Clo.se lo Swegle School, bus, and stores. Price I38;0. Terms 3 HKlMiM. HOME vacant. Near McK In ter Sclim-l, MMHi IHttO down. ATI H ACT IV K 4 rm . 1 brdrm. home. Only 2 yri, old. Price HUM). 10 ACHKS. 8iibui bun home. Year around rrerk. 3 liniitn. tiou..e. Oil furnace; fire place. Il.u n. c;iicltrii lnui.e. family or cii.u d. mii ii.v I'r.cr li..00. Terms. LEO N. C1IILDS, INC. 344 State St Ph. 3-3683 Eeiuiit.i call Mr. Voorhees. 3-4007 or Mr. Sffderslroin, 3-6789 c229 B EST BUYS KKIZKR Almost new 3 hdrirt Upstairs could be tiin.iiied Large d.ivng room, electric her well worth M.tn Can be FHA finance ttvild fiatle for 3 bdrm home near t. v nceni school or S'iburban acreage. T e I oi:j or 3-1559. 2 HOUSES B.Mh on one ini, 2 tnlrms. each. Electric heat Insulated. Nen. Bus A school rloe A f.ntl buy tor 111.400. Terms. Eve. Ph 2-0 ,i ot 3- OARAGE Cumpleielv ei nipped garage with $ rm living quarter in a atwd loi-ation. Very re..Min.tlle rent. Fvervtlilng goes (or onlv t:7.ni W.il iaWr car or trailer house as rait pa incut, (vg. Ph. 3.tf4?8 or 100 ACRES Clrve- in Nrth iproimatelT 3 miles n.'rih ol Jirm .i-v nn:u. Willamette A Am it --il. client tr aub-div islon. Nn hiiMitig-. Mav consider central or eastern otc.n tatm in trade. Total pi ice Ml Kir. I'll or $-$. GRADE A DAIRY 65 acres all cultivated. Very good 9 bdrm. home wiih basement. Excellent dairy barn. 35 calile. All equipment Oood soil. Fenced A cross fenced Every thing goes for .m i00. Very attractive terms. Eve Ph 1-9111 or $-3556 Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Tn. I-7I10. M.. IMS Portland f33 To Place Classified Ads Phong 2-2406 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS In Business Zone on North 4th A S bedroom home on a lara lot S6123. Small doan payment of 11500 move, jrou in. Are You Tired of That Apartment? If so look over this neat 3 bedroom home for $1350. Owner will accept 11500 down and balance like rent. Good deep lot and nearly Immediate possession. Can You Top This? A good I bedroom home with hug living room and dining room, fire place, auto, heat on a lot 80 -238 in a bu.sine.ss i:ne Here s a place with many possibilities for the future. JUST THINK ONLY 18950. Sparkling Colonial Home In wonderful condition throughout. Very attractive living room and dining room, sunny kitchen overlooking spacious lenced-m back ye re. 4 bedroom upstairs, lVi plumbing, a pic and span basement with auto, heat; sprinkling system and outdoor lights . Very line location. FARM SPECIALS 217 Acres Excellent Soil 150 A. under cultivation, mostlr Will, and Amltr .oil; all fenced, buUdinaa old. beautiful buildlni alte. Priced to erll. Term. 73 Acre Central Howell Farm All equipment included. 4 bedroom modernized hou.se, 10-Atanchlon barn. 3 chicken houses, land all tiled. Liberal terms 133 Acres Carlton Silt Loam 110 A. cultivated. 15 A. Ladlno clover, irrigated. Large modern home 10-atanchion barn, room for more. 38 80 chicuen hou.se. A good farm OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 77 uourt street Evenings: 2-3488 - 2 - REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR RAVINGS investment buy lint mortgage on real estate Salem V nclnlty Examine security yourself A mo .in is 1500 to teveral thousand dol lars, net investor 5 We make all col lections for you 11 desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S HUM e WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IS SELLING IP YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SELLING YOUR HOME, Farm or Acreage. Contact our office. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553 ca229 PRIVATE PARTY haT'llOOOfoVdown pay ment on house. Make an offer. Write Capital Journal, box 455. ca231 WANTED TO BUY From private party, Older nouse on small down payment. Vi cinity of "Mission St. South Com mercial. Ph. 3-3655. ca230 NOTICE! If your property la for sale rent or exchange, list It with us We bave all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 8 Hlgb St WE ARK In need oi gooo nouses to sell in or near Salem If you wish to list your property for aale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ca- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE tO A. ALL cultivated. Beautiful build ing site, reasonably priced, sale or trade for property priced on like reasonable basis. No blue sky. Phone 3-1663 eve nlngs. cb229 TRADE 350 A. Diversified farm. Close to Salem. Will take going business. Price $22,500. All clear. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 94S 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590 or 3-3088 Cb231- TRADES WANTED IF YOU WANT TO TRADE YOUR PROPERTY FOR OTHER REAL ES TATE CONTACT OUR OFFICE. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553 cb239 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHADY LARGE tract suitable for subdi vision or trailer auto park. 1 mile North. Call 31160 evenings. cd229 Investors Attention Shows about 9 net return on about $20,000 investment major oil company service station. 15 year lease. See J. W. Brasher for details with. Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 417 CourtSt. Ph. 3-4115. ed231 N EL S ON N E W S 99 K RESTAURANT Well established restaurant N. of Sa lem. New equlpmt. A good business. Owner must sell because of health. I4S0O total price. t cash. DRY CLEANINO BUSINESS Well established dry cleaning plant, close in. Bldg., land A equlpmt. $38,000. Shows good Income. 110.000 will han dle. Wonderful opportunity for family. 30 ON INCOME PROPERTY Income property that will show better than 20 net return on $21,000. A real opportunity for eml-retlred couple. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 703 North High. Phone 3-4622 Cd229 OLD FOLKS HOME LARGE CEMENT BLDO.. 62x36. All equipment, stock, land, bldg., goes In sale. Employing I employees. THIS IS A REAL MONEY MAKER IN OOOD TIMES OR BAD. FULL PRICE ONLY 135.000. pAT TJ ATU T A XTT" n CULiliAlfl LAND CO, ' 1663 Center St. Ph. 3-4552. Eve. 2-602.1 Cd229' IIAVESVI1.I.E grocery atore A fixtures. gaa pumps, cabins. On highway Off North. Jit. 7 Box 145. Ph. 34319. cd332 BFAITY SHOP, excellent location. Oood ousinesj. ph. 2-3867 eves. cd229 SALE OR LEASE large lot on Fairgrounds no. near Dang, meal jnr used cars .1 Bdrm. In bark. Terms. Ph. 36189. cd230 Choice Buildinpr Sites ONLY A FEW BLOCKS FROM SCHOOL SFE OOMEN. WEST END OF EVFR OREEN ST.. MILL CITY, ORE. cd330 FURNITURE FOR SALE " RRKtKFAST table A 4 chairs. 780 Mis souri. d229 DOt'Ill.K HOLLYWOOD bed. perfect cond. Heasonably priced. Call 3-7530 after 5 30. d23 1 . M lloV, ANY dnn. taole With four ; chairs and i BR dresser. A barg.iin i Call before 10 am. or after 4 p.m. Hl Wilber St. dJlO WANTED FURNITURE I SFO FURN, lmmed. appraisal. Highest 183 N. Cotn'l. Ph da334a prices Valley Furn. 314T8. IF YOU HAVE FI'RMTI RF. appliances, sporting goods, etc., Io sell A want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRADER lOUIE, 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8558 davs or 3-4401 eve. da335 HtGHE'T PRICES paid Thou Glenn at woodry Auction Marget Ph 1-51 10 da AUCTIONS AUCTION Tuos., Sept. 27. 8 p.m. Glen wood Ballroom, 9flE N. Furniture new A ued: appliances; large lot of power A shop tools; gifi Itpms; sewing machines. See Tuesdays paper for Itemired lUt. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer WE PAY CASH OR SELL ON rrrrrfrrr frl 1 y dd33t FOR SALE LIVESTOCK"'"" TRIE: S YR. Sarirtle ponv for milk ccw pav difference. 3499 Cherry Ave. Phone 4Ji LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND IK ENtFO livestock buver R C. McCandlUh, 1137 S 93. Ph. 3-614? RABBITS WINO S KABIllT.T nrM r.MMta. Top PETS REOITFRFD Colli pnpi Male and fe male. Reasonable, Ru I Box 179 Ph 3333. tcJJI' I REAL ESTATE 8053 Phone 3-4115, 2-4116 3-5998 - 3-3633 PETS MOORE 'iTTROi'lf lf i.r, & supplies, la, var.ety. tiptxial on KecLtord k Oup ples. Open evemncs unlil 9 n m Rt S box 483 on Macleay rd. Ph. 2-7321. ec230 i OOHf RMAV PIVSCllf R Male, age 14 mom its. rnone a-'Jtn alter 5 p.m. at ec233 FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Oood clean sawdust Dry slab or green for furnace Oreen editing $5.50 load, Double I'.O.OC ury edging $8.00 load. Ph. 35533 ee235 SHFLL STOVE DIESEL OIL7h3-3186" Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrloutcr ee249 SLAB WOOD, mill run, $8 per load. Hand picKexi, $u per load. Ph. after 5 p. m. 27751. M236 CALL H1QHWAY FUEL FOR Dlase: and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph. 16444 ee- PHILLIPS BkOS Old fir. oak, ash & mapte. slab and edclnsa. Ph 314i8. West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCRKKNED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVKRIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone FUern 2-4031 ALo pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St.. Wast Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27443 I 16" Slab Wood and Edgings r Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" InMde Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H ORfcEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 18 PARMENTER reds pullets, 12 each. Rt. 7. box 365. I'fc mile E. of Greenapple Mkt.. 99E. . f229 NEW Hampshire pullets for sale. Ph. 2-3409. (231 COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298. 1334 FAT HENS Ph. 3-1298 f233 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs- nay. tjrner r-rya or Hens now at spe rlal quantity prices for your lockerg. Custom Drcsiiid a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee's Hutihery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 f PRODUCE TOMATOES U Pick. L. Zielke. Near Ro- berts school. Ph. 3-1578. 11232 GRAPES 4c lb. You pick. Bring contain- ers. wainen. 3845 Portland Rd. II234 T O MA T O ES AN DP E PPE R S CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER. PH. 2-7172 ff234 EASTERN OREGON potatoes. Get your wtnter supply now. $1.25 per hundred. Bring own sacks for exchange. Al Ped, Rt. 7, Box 149. Ph. 3-1580. 3' miles north of underpass. ff230 $1.25. Ph. ff2ao FILBFRTS IT-PICK 10c lb. or ready picked 12c. Nice, lge. nuts. Larfw trees A heavy crop. 236 Flaher Rd. Ph. 21316. ff229 CORN, SWEET Oolden Bantam. SE. of Walling Gravel, 2176 Phone 4-2782. J Pick. . 19th. ff230" TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-plck $1 bu. Box 32. Ph. Jefferson 504. ff243 TOMATOES IV Bu. U-plok. Imlah Fruit farm, milt on Wallace rd. Ph. 20.174. 11231 E OFFCON ALFALFA 1ST A ?D CI 'T TING NOW RFINO DE I.IVFRFD WRITF I45A . SRD, BFD OREGON OR PH. 405W. 11230 Fll.ltFRT AND Walnut drying. Sprctal service mr amaii lots. Phone 3-2861. Lee's Hatrhery. ff i. 4.STFRN ORF(iONW'alermelon 39r each, all sires. Oreen Apple Mkt. 2 miles N. on 99 lllBhw.iy. f f331 TOMATOIS, cucumber, gfiiird Flint Farm. .tcl'nnl fresh ecus. Frl ml. N. Kelzer ff340 HELP WANTED ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excel lent opportunity, No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal. Box 422. g251 HELP WANTED MALE . HHP WWTFO: Man to work on poul- Small house, water, lights. cirts and milk furnished pin salary. No children. Must furnish reference. Joe Atrhlnson, Canby. Ph. 13512. Rt 3. box 433. g230 RDIO A Televlnlon technician Must be good and have aome tools. Ph. 2094,1 afer pw cn3J1 HELP WANTED FEMALE HOT UNDFR 45 to work part t. me In atore erd aita' with hoiif-ewofk. Call fl'a'e Fmplovment orflce .1-9268. Mr Johnton gli22P W ANTE O Lad yTo" wa't c hc h lid r r n"a nd do lk'it housework in my home. Full year Job If satisfactory. R. M. Skelton. 3070 Jelden St . Salem. gb29 WOMN for housework and care for chil dren For room, board and wages Ph. 1-T5.NI. gb329 t CilHl.s with fountain lunch experience BAB Bowling ailevs. S0H5 Portland road gbJ30 W lTI D: I XP. cook A houekeeper for 3 ail ult No w ahing or ironlr.g. Morn convc nieiu-e. Oood sa'.ary. Ph Jfl'17 c M0 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACKMt'NT AGENCY OFFICF ANTI CLERICAL POSITIONS f"rf'"' P"ione 2-14S8. gf WANTED SALESMAN W4.NTF.n- RE L Fxtate Salenman' Work from one or Salem a bent located of. flce pn. 24M4. a, J29 EXPI RIFN4 ED lurntliire iilwrnun,"" 11st eo A qualifications. Write Bx 94 Capital Jo.irnai g To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 325 SOUTHVIEW PLACE I bedrms.. llr. rm., nice kitchen, hall and bath. 1 yr. ,o!d. Go out Liberty Foad to Southview place and turn runt, price 17400. CALL ROY FERRIS. VIEW AND BEAUTY Very attractive view home situated on a pretty corner, oak madron a and fir trees. Ranch style fence. 3 bedrms, ' bsmt . ftrrplare. ex cellent view, garage Price (11,600. iJOOO down and t'i per mo. CALL PETER CEISER. APT. HOUSE LOT Close to Willamette University, state bid-, shopping district and Bish school. 73 8 by 156 5 feet. No. 3 residential ion. CALL COB URN L. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Earl West 3-0601 Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 Bpn Roisen 3-3471 WANTED SALESMAN Food Supplements Sales representatives: Men and women to sell high potency vitamins with natural organic minerals. Experience desirable but not necessary. Manu facturer's name associated in this field for thirty-eisht years. Write Box 4.13. Capital Journal. g230 WANTED POSITIONS BRICK block work of all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros.. Ph. 3-8347. h234 PRACTICAL NI'RSE, day or night nurs ing or nay nigms. rn. z-soiu. njji GOLDF.N CROSS sweet corn, 20c doz. Ph. . 2-1326. ff231a EXPF.RIENTED and capable business man desires employment with established local concern. Thoroughly experienced In finance, credits, collections, salps and merchandising and office routine. Desirous of assuming responsibilities. 41 yrs. age and married. Box 437 Capital Journal. h234 WILL CARE for your children In my home, days only. 950 La For Drive, King wood Heights. Ph. 2-2818. h231 KAIN BROS., form work. Contractors. Remodeling, Phone 2-8115. h234 FAMILY Ironing to do In my home. per hour. Cash A carry. 1180 E. Rural. h23I BABY SITTING. Adult. Phone 3-4367. h231 "2-39847 h231 EXPF.R. practical nursing. Ph. MIPPLE AGEP lady wants baby sitting. pn. 24748. can eve. ri222' BOOKKEEPER Good ex per. A refer. Wr.te Capital Journal Box All. h230 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. WOMAN with experience as receptionist and doctor's office nurse would like position In Salem office. Ph. 3-7534. h229 INFANT CAKE In my home. Transporta tion furn. Call after 5:30 p.m. Ph. 2-6075. 240 River street. h229 BY OWNER New modern 2-bedroom house. Floor furnace, garage. 34600. 2330 Hyde St. h232 Oregon Tree Service Phone 3-1496 h CHILD CARE, 183 S. 18th. Ph. 28876. h243' TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235 FULL OR part time Job Janitor work. Ex perienced, pn. 3-4218. n:-3i Mimeographing-Typing TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. h230a NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Llnht tractor on rubber wiht dozer. Ph. 3-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 3-4547. Jk229 HEATED SLEEPING rooms. 1906 N. Summer. Ph. 2085ft. Jk231 ROOMS for rent. Ladles only. Kitchenette priv. 320 Statesman St. Ph. 3-5210. Jk233 SLEEPING ROOM. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 3-1477 Jk230 HEATED SLP. RMS. for men. Tel. A priv. ent. pnone 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. JK234 WARM ATTRACTIVE room for employ ed gentleman. Reasonable, Ph. 3-4248. Jk234 CLEAN, LARGE llht housekeeping room. oatn. women. iO90 H. winter. Ph. 3S905. Jk231 SLEEPING ROOM, 2nd fir. H A C water. 461 JJ.H.gh. Jk230' FURN. hskpg. room on 1st floor. Use of refrlg. Lady. Close to bus. Ph. 2-5545. Jk231 NICE SLEEPING rm. Ph. 31558 S LE E PI NO ROOM sTPH. 3-4335. Jk230 JM3T FOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE X RM. apt. Priv. ent., priv. bath. Gas, stove, elec. refrlg. 419 8. 19th St. JPMO riors ultra-modern new apt. Ph. 2-7011. Jp233 3 RM. PARTLY furn. apt. 1 sleeping rm. 360 N. Capitol. Jp229 LG. I RM. furn. Apt. Private nt. Kit.. Shower A Refrigerator. SM. 1 RM. furn. Apt. Private Ent. Kit.. Shower, ut lilt leg furn except light a A laundry. 24ft Union. Ph. 24451, after 4. JP230 EMPLOYER WOMAN would "like to share attractive 4-room home with employed woman over 2ft years of age. Ph, 2-6766 evr.jfc weekends. jp229 S RM. UNFURN. apt. Range and refrlg. Adults. 6.15 N. Summer. Jp230 BACHELOR will share 2 rooms A bath uoMalr with emp. man. No drinkers. Writ Box 438. Capital Journal. Jp331 t ROOM FURN. apt. Priv. entrance7 util ities paid. Emp. couple. 1208 Court. JP339 FOR RENT HOUSES Wil l. RENT until June my beautiful furn. 3 bdrm. home. Oil heat. 2 fireplacei. H.th class neighborhood. Clone m. Write Box 431 Capital Journal. Jm22fl TO "Ant'LTeToNLY Modern 7 bedroom house, close In. Electric heat. Quiet surroundings. No drinking. Available October 1st. Reply Box 434, Capital Journal. jm230 UNFURN. SUBURBAN 3 bdrm home. Aut heat, electric water heater, electric dlh washer. Fenced In vard. Double garage. $76 per month. Ph. 3-6117. Jm33l 4 BEDROOM hdine at 3610 B'ok S 85 per month. A E. Heaaly 3306 N. Llhertv jm2il CI. FAN 3 room house, unfurnished except electric range. Oarage. 165. Adults. Aiailable Oct. 1st. 634 N. Church Jm2J9 BUY LIKE RENT Excellent opportunity to buy this well built 3 BR. ranch style home in King wood Heights from owner, Some down payment and balance like rent. L R. with fireplace. DR, kitchen, bath. lge. util. Bendix and dishwasher. 3 blocks to bus. 1st street above Fair Oaks. 1701 Longview. Jrr229 MODERN FURN. cottage. 1 bdrm. 3 ml N of Brooks on 99E. Rose Cottage after P.1" Jm229 NEW t BDRM. suburban house with ele. neat. o.lnds. hardwood floors. 3 blocks l to c.ty bu. 5 blocks tn new Linco'.n 1 scr-ool. 4545 State St 170 per month. t-oMi.trir no eais or ooas. pn. mu, Jmlin1 FORRENT MISCELLANEOUS MOD. RM., 3 bed rm. house. At Wa- conda. Phone Oervals 307$ eves. J2.0 S RM. furnished. Private entrance Wotk- ins couple preferred. Ph. 1-3.89 i3; OFFICE, desk apace. Conf. loo. Ph. 39 1 IS . .. JJ45' FIOOR 9 ANDERS for rent MonWomer Ward 'OWfR TOOL rental fcr noma and n diuuiai tue. Boweet Rroe. Ph. 1-1646 r I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE DINE A DANCE CAFE. TO RELIABLE PARTY See Mr. Rc.ss COLBATH LAND CO. 1683Centfr St. Ph. 2-4552. J229 TO DO good Job rent a good f!ooriand r We Mil everything to complete the HOWSER BROS - Pn. 3-3646 "OOP (.'SEP PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 'JFF1CE spaces and desk spaces Ph. 35692 r TRAILERS I2.C0 per day Howser Bros 141u b 12th. Weal Salem. BUSINESS BM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. I' DRIVE truciw, cars. Ph 2-9103. SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma clonus. Reason ao.e rates. Free pick up A delivery Slner Sewing Machine Co WANTED TO RENT MODERN 2- or 3-BDRM. unfurnished hse. up io o per month. Hriiable. steadily employed and I can guarantee your home will be kept in first class condi tion. Write particulars to CUfI Shelton 540 Mill, Salem. Jq232 CLOSE IN l room furn. apt. Range A reing. a.is w. winter. jp229 ELDERLY COUPLE Wants to rent unfurn ground floor rooms. Call at 1343 Wilbert. ja230 LAWYER, WIFE A 1-year-son need 3 B.R furnished house or first floor apt. Write Boxj432 CapitalJournal. ja233 WANT TO RENT small "houseTVlose to grade school. By the Ut of Oct. Ph -?:3??1.'.. Js230 LOST AND FOUND LOST: ELGIN wrist watch. Hjalmar Dav- tuicu on dock, jtewara. Ph. 31028. k229 LOST Large black cat. Corner Center A Summer. Ph. 3-4466. Ic231 LOST Small brown A white dog. dasch" hund A terrier. In vicinity of South 14th. Ph. 3-8519. JE229 LOST! Brown alligator wallet by hUh school boy. Sept. nth. Reward. Ph. 4-2304 after 6 p.m. k230 Miscellaneous LES SPRIN;ER,rricn s" hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12 30. m244 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpo Bldtc. State A Commrvlal Sts SALEM Phone 3-3S11 m BUILDING MATERIALS WATERPROOF WALLBOARD Perfect for kitchen A bathroom walls A flooring. 7'sc ft. C. G. Long. Ph 25821, one mile north of Klezer. ma229 SIDING New asbestos siding $10 so. Cedar shakes in carton 1 13 sq. C. G. iiong. Ph 2-5821. One mile north of Klezer. tna?29' STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement, double hung A commercial types. PUMILITE. West Salem. ma229 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heat form A Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE, West Salem. ma229" CHIMNEY BLOCKS A foundation blocks, PUMILITE. West Salem. ma229' ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials, PUMILITE. West Salem. ma229 SHINGLES No. 1 17.75 Sq. C. G. Long, ph. 35821. One mile norU ot Kelzer. ma:29' GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. Si gurdson. Phone 31160. ma249 13x12 OVERHEAD door, complete with all hardware. Very reasonable. Bat dorfs. 1093 Fairground's Rd. ma229 NEEDTUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builders are realising substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap 117 per M; 2x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M. No. 3. 2x4 shiplap $36 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 31593. ma249 DOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at pec:a) price. Keith Biown. Front A Court St.. Salem, ma CEDAR GUTTER SJ i ist rece 1 v d sin all stock nf hard to get grades, (clear) A tight-knot i 3"x4" Cedar gutters. Keith Brown. Front A Court St., Salem, ma' CEDAR SIDING New snrpment ix8" and xlo" c-dur siding, all grades. Keith Brown. Front A Corlrt Sts., Salem, ma' SAVE "orROOFINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED prlca on your roofing needs - Wide range ot cors Call our outside talesman for free estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTOOMF.RY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREOON ALU MA - LOCIW ALCMINUM LOCK ollINOLE Hie modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dist, 3-6401 ma272 DEAR CUSTOMER, !nit on your con tractor and caipcnter using the finest old prowl h vertical grain vellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at uicx Meyer Lumber Co. 23 Lena Ave Ph. 349.19. Free parking. ma" RED CEDAR SHINGLFS , High Mountain or Coa.t Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVKRKD ANY AMOUNT 100 iqs No. 3. i in clear, suitable for foofs or sideTalls. Ted Muller. Ph Sv le-n 3-!1 Sa'm-Indp P-sd ma' NURSERY STOCK D till IAS Order bulbs now, 1491 W.t Siter Ph 2-0M4 fth Pt . mh2ii fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD usfn elerrnc range I4P 75. Oood ued refrig T4 95. Terms. 337 N. High Ph. 2-7941 n329 ALMOST NF W w.h:ng machine, good condition. Ph. 2-T384 alter ft. nJ.'a' 33 H P. 100-!b. pressure boiler for sale. 201 8. H.eh. Ph. 3-9303. 1,279 -Tl RE g.E. table model radio. Fox fur collar, worn twice, and play pen With "oor. All reasonable.Ph2-0632. P227' DFI'R RIF1E Savage 99. Reautv. Real buy. Pop Agate Shoo, 9980 Portland Rd. 3j VFD riFCTRIC refrigerators YEATFR APPLIANCE CO, 375 Chemeketa. n3Si l!FD ITECTRIC ranges. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. STChcmrketa. nISl' OIL CIRl'l'l A TORS, drastically reduced prfces YFATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251' HI VTFRq ATTFNTIO S a v e" y oil T ggrre I in a Dep'reer H.-ie Freeter. Y EATER ATPtlANCE CO. 375 Chmekete. nlM' II. FAMOU rraic. or smal appliances YFATER ATPLIANCE CO., 3T3 C.1re- 'S 2M iTXt WAHIN'G machines YEATER AP PLIANCI CO, 17ft Chemeketa, ttJSl AUTOMOBILES Don't Overlook These Low Cost Transportation 1040 Lincoln Sedan . . 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1937 Chevrolet Coupe 1937 Willyi Sedan ... 193S Ford Coupe .... Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER PH. S3012 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES: Free Westinghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 379 tnem eketa. -! WESTINGHOUSE radio phonograph eon soles. As Utile as $89.50. Y EATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251' NEW A USED musical Instruments A spinet A grand piainu at reduced prlcea. JAQUITH MUSIC CO, Ph. 3-4641 n344 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin ish for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATEK AP PLIANCE CO., 315 cnemexeta. nsai SEWING MACHINES. New Home electric. (89.95 A UP. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances 11345' SEPTIC TANKS. Concrete Pipe and Tile reinforcinx steel, mesh and coloring, All kinds river soli, pit-run. gravel. crushed, sand and mixes. OREOON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3411 B342' MOD. 94 WINCHESTER 33 special 145. Mod. 8 Remington automatic 10 cal $15. Phone 3-5578. n228 USED SEWING Machines, Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances X'LLER brushes, 1745 Grant, Ph. 3-8351. D244 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post, railings in stock A made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n242 1 TRUMPET, excel, cond. Reas. Billie French, 1340 Nebraska Ave, n SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all makes, pn. j-mn. na- DRAG SAW: Wards heavy duty. Cut 3 cords wood. Sell cheap. Call Falls City 368 or Rt. 2. Box 111. Dallas. n229 ME P. REFRIG. Bargain. Good cond. Ph. 3-6630. n231 CAR POLISHING with WAX SEAL con tains longer lasting CARNUBA wax cleans A glazes in ONE application. Sold separately or with polishing strv. Reas. Ph. 3-2344 n231 NEW ENGLISH style saddle. Sale or trade for shot gun. Ph. 2-1520. l?331 UMBRELLA TENT, good one-rm. kero sene rir. heater, double bed mattress. dresser, single folding steel cot, sleep ing bag. uoume steel loiaing camp bed. No phone calls. 575 N. Capital St. w n231 PARLOR SIZE Grand Piano, good condi tion, no pnone cam. B7B i. uapuoi o. n231 BEN'S 2ND Hand and Rummage Store, 208ft N. Com'l. St. n234 KRAG 30-40 and Shells 645.00. 190 8. 14th. B331. WALLINO SAND A GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, fc-yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. t-9249. PAIR BINOCULARS for gale, N. 4th St. 140. 1188 B239 31 CAL. DEER RIFLE, $30. Wilier bike $60. Ph. 2-2355 after 6 p.m. 1.231 SINGER ELECTRIC cabinet sewing ma chine. Guaranteed machine, htoroughly reconditioned with new walnut cabinet A motor. Perfect condition. Bargain, $132. Terma arranged. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. n233a SALEM SAND A. U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental lb B yds 10 B A, yds. D-? Cat A Doxer D-fl Cat A Doser D-4 Cat A Doser See ut about ditching by thi ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Evas 3-8344 of 3-4400 balem Oregon n 30-(Ml ENFIELD Sport r. Excel. Will sell or trade for metal turning bench lathe or garden tractor. Call eve. Ph. 2-4309. n330 GAS FLOOR furnace. Nearly new. Com plete with thermostat, V blinds, other items, cheap. Ph. 3-9058. 149ft S. Liberty. nJ30 II 2x13 . 14 FT. l 8 3x8 - 11 ft.: 1 4x6-3 ft.: I 4x6 - 13 ft. Nov. elty drop siding. Covers approximately 800 sq. ft. Ph. 2-3006, 342S Livingston. n333 WINCHESTER 30-30. In good cond. Call a fter 8. 4154 Clark Ave. Ph. 3-8316. n329 DELUXE GAS stove, oirl'i winter eoatA orchid corduroy ault. Nearly new. Ph. 2-2637. n6Tryori: n310 316 WIN.. 3ft Rem , 30 Rem. auto., with copes. Ph. 3-6563. n333" :s-J DEER RIFLE for sale. Otto Tlnn, Rt. 4, box 690. W of Pen Annex. Ph. 2-8139. D230 iw-se-wTncheste r iTne. io-oT with scope. 33 special. 594 N. Liberty. nJJl SO -06 SPRINGFIELD aporter. Call eve. 633 Ferry en., apt. 303. n230 MAYTAG WASHER Washes good. 155, Kenmore vacuum, good cond., $30. Ph. 3-4766. n230 LATE MODEL Kenmort washer. Excel lent cond., $65.00. Ph. 1-4601 after A SO P.m. 250 USED OIL burners and blow tie. priced to sen. pn. aflcoz. n333' LI MBER 1x4 by Jitney load. 310 per i.ui-r iou ubui. uiavpmnence Lumoer A Mfg. Co Inc. Independence, Ore GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Olbsor and Montag Applancag at Oerurtx. e FENCE POSTS, pole, all typaa 0h log leg fertiliser A Hatrock Phillip iro. Ri 6 Box 118 Ph 31459 ) WANTED MISCELLANEOUS n'R NEED junk battarl... Paring 11.71 Retread Tira flcrrlc 130 So. Lancaster 0.131 aTANTID ToniHttr. t (To. a rapatf Lm Bro. Pur. Raflnlabio, C -Ti 1-TOC1 IED FI'kVTirKK Pnnne S-tlU INVESTIGATIONS William W. Cruiksjiank DETCETIVE AGENCY 3G0 State St., Rm. 203 Civil, criminal, private, dom estic, commercial, industrial and insurance investigation!. REASONABLE RATES TELEPHONE 2-794S After 6 p.m. & Sundays call Stayton Blue 148B. Journal Want Ads Pay lAUTOMOBILtS ... .$100.00 $ 50 00 .. $ 25.00 .. .$195.00 ....$150.00 ....$150.00 PERSONAL STANLEY Home Products. 855 Cross. Ph. 3-5446. P347 MADAM MORA ' GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others ha failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of life. Special reading $3.00. Located Just soulji of Hubbard oo Highway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally and Sun. P350 AUTOMOBILES ONE Ai ton O.M.C. Pickup worth 91000. Priced for Quick sale $850. Call after $ p.m. Leo E. Oler, 400 Grant St. Silver ton. Ore. 0,33ft ' CHEV. 4-DRTsedaa." Ixcel'cond. 1054) Norway after 7 p.m. Q330 WANTED: Clean used car. 2160 South Commercial Eisner Motors to Sell FOR SALE One 1941 International one half ton pickup truck. A-l condition. Apply Garwood Products Company, Mur lark and Bassett St., West Salem. Phone 2-1579, q232 MODEL A panel. Good dear wagon. Call eve. 633 Feerry St. Apt. 303. q333 Otto J.Wilson Co. "Presents" 1949 CHEVROLET "CARRY ALL" fists 1948 BUICK ROADM ASTER SEDANETT WITH DYNAFLOW 324ft 1947 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1S9S 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN 1131 1947 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE 189S 1948 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN' ETTE Low mileage 179S 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 159S 1939 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 162ft 1037 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 491 1931 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 48ft 1937 CHEVROLET 3-DOOR 39ft "AS IS" 1936 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 3100 OTTO J. WILSON Commercial at Center 0339 BY ORIGINAL owner: 1940 Che v. business coupe. A-l condition, 1600. Ph. 3-3914. q22 '441 BUICK Roadmaster 4 -door sedan, 46.- ooo mi. All accessories. A-l cond., $1500. 1467 Court. Wm, Phillips. q3J9 Eisner Motors to Buy IA0 USED CAR LOT ISO your old one. 13th St, Junction. Open till 10 p.m q24i 41 DeSOTO Convertible. All the ex tras. 6 pass. $100 dn. See Gerald HaU. East Salem Fire Station. q231 K-7 INTERNATIONAL truck With 33 ft. semi, joo goes WIU) truck. 2350 N. Church. q23i 1949 MERCURY Sedan, 10,000 miles. One owner car. ttaoio, neater, overdrive. Cash price 6194ft. Phone 3-9010. 4331 48 CHEV. m ton true kTll kVne w High" torque motor, deluxe cab; only 8000 miles. Louis Zlellnskl. At. 1. Rr no Salem. 1st house W. of Haxel Green School. 4331 1949 DELUXE Che. Club Cpe. Perfect vuuu.tivn. n.n. gist. lSOO if. 33rd. Q3.ll 1M PONTIAC with 36 Chevrolet motor. io. see ac iv Mill Bl. q2.10 ZEEB'S USED CARS OT . AKLli . TRASI TERaia Mi Palrcrmnda Roa4 I-S4M CA ACCESSORIES tlraa A tub,, at v.tc. .ir.. com. mar aerved u thla ta . clM.-out aala. Dralrra w.leom. R. D Woodrow Co.. 4M c.ntrr a Eisner Motors Fine Cars IMS PLT. coup.. 1175. Good eond. Ph. CHEV. Afro acdan. (ullr tflulpu Oood ttthU t ml. s W. al Dallaa on Llbrt .1". )3 MOTORCYCLEi. SCOOTERS 'j'HIEZER.100. 50 H. th. qa231 CHI'SHMAN Airborne motor acoour. D' winameld. uaed only rnontha. ao. Ph. a-oa7. qaaa4 FARM EQUIPMENT coop TRACTOR 1 r.ar M. drlnn tau man 100 motor houra. Rex Ktmaar. Rt. 1. atarton. 41, mil., eaat of Sta.ton on N. S.ntl.m hlahwa.. Qbasft" FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 fTfWNTTTTRE. LrVESTOCT SQUTPUrVT LOANS fj TO 1300 Oomt in or Phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairground Road Next Door to Bank No Parking problem Phone 91033 LI N M169-4U9I Floyd Kenyon. Utr t PRIVATE MONEY ptcal Rate and Term On Larger Loan Long aod Short Time PArment ROY Ha SIMMONS 191 South Commercial St Phono 1-1191 SEE DS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4H INTEREST I to 49 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. RZALTOR8 144 Rial. H. Prion. t.ttn r OINERAt, PIJ4ANCI CORP. LOANS Lte. S-lll and 14. It and rot r. atniofa rOSURAMCt AND LOAItR US t Comm.relal St Tel J-lltl r (Continued on Pag 19) i