I I I i 4 S i! 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 26, 1949 DOUBLE TROUBLE By WILLIAM HOBSON (Chapter 1) They had started loading cattli aboard the three small paddle- wheel steamr-re at daylight that morning. Two had already disap-rw-ared down the river toward tlu Gulf and now the third lay moored tight to the big river-lront wharf, gruntingly content like a sleepy hog In a cool mud wallow. Out a short distance. Jay Allison helped the five other riders hold the angry, bawl ing steers while dock hands hur riedly threw up the portable load ing chutes over the broad ramp leading into the steamer s hold. Jay wiped at the sweat on his face and then spun his horse to go after a steer that had tried to break out. Aitnougn It was only 10 o'clock he was drenched with sweat and his horse was lathered and wet. That was what the hu midity could do. He thought, this is an awful way to make a living, and maybe Joe was right when he said I was crazy not to come with him. In the di&Unce a dock hand crawl ed up on the chutes and waved his old hat. Perk Holeman called out. Okay, boys. Let's crowd em!" They started the crowd, and as the bawling animals bunched closer against the wide wings of the chute the dust rose and became a mass of plunging horses and steers and cursing riders. The loud whack of quirt and rope against chapped legs and red rumps mingled with the "hoh-hoh-hoh's" of the shouting riders. A big steer braced himself at the mouth of the cnute and re fused to budge further. The rid ers spun and whirled to fight the remaining herd should they try to break, and Jay knew they were In for trouble. But one of the dock hands drove a long pole with a aharp point In through the fence and punched the steer In the flank. It let out a bawl and lunged Into the already well filled hold, and present ly the others followed. "That boy," Jay grinned at Perk, ehe foreman, anent the dock hand, 'is the best cowpuncher here." Perk wiped his face with a sleeve. "Well. I guess we got 'em. I don't know what you boys air goin' to do, but me, I'm headin' straight fer Moseley's to git myself the biggest mug oi cold beer hes got in the house. Lordy, but I'm dry!" They trotted over to where, two hundred yards away. Mosleys sa loon squatted on a corner. They swung down and clanked kito the coolness and Mosley came ovr, a big easygoing man in a dirty white apron. "Don't say It," he chuckled. "This weather is too hot to drink whiskey. It's beer weather from the word go. You boys get "em loaded all right?" Jay nodded. "They'll be in the Gulf by tomorrow morning and ready for transfer to outgoing ves sels. That's surt one Job I wouldn't want." Moseley hart been busy draw ing mugs of foaming beer. He pu! one In front of Jay and said, "Sav. that reminds me, Jay. The station agent was down here a lew min utes ago looking for you. Got a telegram for you. I told him he'd better leave it here; said if he went traipsln' out there on foot around them steers they'd likely run him down and make mince meat outa him." He reached into the till and brought out a yellow paper. "Here you are." Jay said. "Thanks," and took the telegram. He moved on a bit fur ther along the bar and heard Perk's significant chuckle. "One of them blllie doo's from some skirt, heh?" Jay opened the missive and read the agent's handwriting. It read: Jay Allison. White Oak Ranch, Mud Bank, Texas. It is Important that you come here at once concerning a matter I cannot mention. Tell no one about this and contact James Swlnnerton, Ashbury, Texas. Jay put the crumpled paper In l shirt pocket and picked up his drink of beer. Ashbury. That would have to do with Joe. his twin brother, since Joe's last letter to him had been from there. Jny thought of the terrible humidity here, of the malaria and scurvv and pellagra, and wished now that he had gone earlier In the year when Joe had begged him. Thevd never been separated before, but at the age oi twenty-five men often pre erred to keen more to themselves jlood didn't count so much u It once had. "Anvthine ud?" Perk asked. "Noshing partloular," Jay said carelessly. "Polks want me to come home for a family reunion of all the relatives. I can Just about make t 11 I get the evening train out. He put down the beer. "Well, boyi. I ve got to go nunt up tne old man and get my time. I'd better get go ing. 1 11 see you before I go. He found Hanson, the owner, down In the town's only hotel, set tling up with a dark-eyed dark- faced Spaniard who spoke English very brokenly but who paid off in gold. Jay didn't have to be told where those cattle were going. Beef for fighters in another of the many insurrections breaking In Cuba or Mexico or one of the Central Amer ican countries. They were hungry down there, they were resentful of the Spanish rule. The Cubans were trying to do something about it. "So you're pulling out?" the own er said. ' Hate to see you go, .Jay, but a man owes a duty to his family. Any time you're back this way and looking lor a Job, come out and see me." (To Be Continued) Sanders Is Teaching Amity Lowell Sanders, a student at Linfield college, has begun his duties as practice teacher at Amity high school. He teaches history and administration. The Soft Touch Two piece look for Fall Introducing a smart com bination of the softer shawl collared Jacket over the new slimmer skirt. Heart shape bag No. 2891 makes a fine finishing touch! (Two sep arate patterns.) No. 3042 Is cut in sizes 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44 and 48. Size 18, 4V yds. 39-ln. No, 2651 is cut In one size. U Yd 35-in. Just out! The J-ALL- WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over ISO practical. easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all aaes. Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money, order your copy now price Just 20 cents. Send 2Sc for PATTERN with name. Address ana etvle Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 52 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5, Calif. - R2729 Fahinnd fnr rail xt .u. w.. smartly styled beret and bag In felt, one of the amartest autumn fab rics. Rasy and Inexpensive to make the set will give you a good start on winter accessories. Pattern Envelope No. R27J eon tains complete sewing Instructions tissue pattern for hat and bag. ma terial requirements and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern send Joe In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and sons num ber to Peggy Roberta. Capital Jour- ' nal. KM Mission Street Sn Prart- i oiaco I. Calif. MOURE AS JUMPY Ac A MOUNTAIN GOAT, CHOKER.'' I MENTION V PUBLICITY A NO YOU COME ARAHT AT TMC SCAMS--1 IFLASH A WBISTW4TCM CAMERA LAND YOU WRECK IT'-VtAVBfc OJVE OCT SOOD MASONS FOR ACTING ( I oont blame mr bibbs. STeve- prankly. FOB NOT WANTING TO kcveAu Hlor MI55 KARSON- METHOOS TO COMPETITORS ,' 9THAT loN T MY REAL REASON.' 117 I-I OONT WANT MY PICTURE )Lt IISCEN tN HOLLYWOOD llOrrriivA TITT AE I WM' r-U fXTUW I ' f ill B J FREE SAMPLE EWJi SHINEE ' - Caui o "SP RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY P.M. KSLM .iE KGW .S KOCO IT KOIN B-Bar-B Ranrh B-Bar-B Banea T Mil Tens Mis Gabriel Heater Newa Mail Mafia Fa,'---I'r.-- W TIION "TVHC n n UDrt INTO ( SHORE RtSmuPAKT' 1 OFOOUPSE rr sounded ctwreY t rr waj. work. first-but uAPiruzoRoen my child- T MCWT WORK I i!i--S ft I 3 THIS ROTTEN HULK VPUAIrTT"! OS ( FOR THE FOOO-VOU AND LENA jt'i a. ARE MBRVELOU5 COOKS- fPMOEBE.MEKeSA LETTER CROM SAST WESTERN 1lVERSrrV ACCEPTING LIN THE BARBER VC0LLE6E BT AND you BOTH HWE CHBRM- ?Lp W AND ROCKY HERE CAN SET YCsJ- gFFSI B AU- THE FOOD VtXTU. NEED FROM FSj I TUB PI6H WHARP WHERE HE J ' WORKS AT WHOLESALE' (3 Swri N1 Mutual Muaia Muiii FulUn Law la Jr. Stlccl Local Nawi Nrwa Muala 11 M T B A It b a Hrrt'a to TaU Tbla Dar 11:00 1 Siia Off Oa nayalel Neva Vale Piraalaaa Vaiet ( r.raalaaa Mmlcal llalra Mailt falraa T B A T B A CantantrA Haur CantantaA Haur Data Oarraway Dava Oarrawar Hlnalra A Elra.an N'sn (- Man 'a FbsBIIt I Ona Man'i raaallr Tfltphona Haar Tclaphana Haar Henry Braadaa Saaa Hayaa Sparta rasa Pinal Mualral Moderaa Bob Balna QmIoU Stmt Wax Mawaai Wat Maacaaa Wai Maaauai Sim Off IBhylha Kaacb Bhrlbai Bancs Blai Craoa Bailaaaa Ntws Candlftiakt Hvar Nawa Troplrana Pat O'Brien Maileal Jarkaot Evalrn Knlabt Monday Olrbark. Track 190 Taek 14M T-ack MM Track 14W Track im Track U0O Neva Leo Trarr Frank Baca Prank Baca Matle Yoa Waal Mutle You Want Nacturno Narlarna Not tar no Noctarno Sin Off Kna& Manalnc Initio boa Bob GarraA Nowa Radla ThoaUr Radio Tbealer Radio ThoaUr Radio ThoaUr My Friend Ira Mr friend Irmo 3 Boa nawc Bhoar Bob Hawk Show Lowell Tbornaa Jack Smith Shaw Talent Seoata Talent Seaata Inner Randan Inner Saaelaaa Boalah Ctab IS -Star Pinal You and WarIA Airfla Newe Orchoatrm Serenade Chicatoaaf MldnUht Prolada film Off TUESDAY 6 AM. TO 4:45 P.M. vo'kin dompth' t fifty million fifty million in sis a lot (no this bm ah 16 tw ) matter what ycxum,. -its fifty million fyNjwiTHaJT 1NVUTI- WE'Ll UZWE TO RUSM BECAUSE. TUE TERM BEtolNS WEXT WEEK , AMD OOJT WAKJT T TO MISS AMYTW1MG y i rr WONT TAKE U3MS IttPAOe WIUJtBUT WUAT ARE MX) bCWb TO DO ABOUT A PLACE FOR US TO LIVE r A (1 1VE BEEN SAVING TUAT AS A SURPRISE t5 LOOK OUT THE WINDOW !) P r 10: HAVE. VCKJ f OM,tHORC-AH ) BROUGHT Jj A1.LUS BRiKrGS S ANYTHING tOMETHIN' ALONG J TO IDCNTIFV 1 TPROVE AH IS YOUBSEJJ7 A VOKOM. AS A V YOKUM?) f f mah rftcr look at Vthats ) tM.- REAL.CESeOOWlKJt, NOT VOKUM FEET BKaGERN J EMOUGH MOST PEOPLE'S WHAT y WHOLXuAia rry I zlsktT HAH MAID.7-WATCH f? J YOU'RE A OOW.'.-AORDINAHY & YOKUM. HOOMtN SKULL. WOULD ALL RrGHT. OF CRACKED LIKE A THE caar-BuTA 7 HIN'ERiTANCE VOKOM SKULL llSYOURS,TOU CRACK'S TH S, POOR RADIATOR. f SOU. INttTCAD.'? Waiter, what kinoVwhv im afraid to V well, ' 1 canV.' Toh, that's f IISIN?!""!!!" Si OFA PLACE 15 TMlS?jDON'T IT MIGHT BLOW J EAT THERE'S InOTAFLY THAT'S THE W BZ'ZV. 1 THIS STEAK IS f-f VCHJ n AWAVyVVDUR A FLV SlPfTHATS nRST W BZZ"2 J lH lN A RAl j37 u, ''twC BUBBLES SEEWEO HM-M-m! TO THOSB HOCkS, EM f-M W!a9L;WJdBf ItLSUPE HOW SHOW MB WHEPE TUB 1 TO 60 STRAI6HT OUT, THANK VGU, ME HEARTV..VOtlVE H E 1 BE 6 LAP TO BI6 FISH SVMAM.RUSTyi THEN CURVED TO TH 60T 9WARP EVE9! I THINK YOU'VE w COM sTJ -mM WEA WHAT ALL Sewa Mm. Tlmekeapor March Time Newa Nowa Breakfaat Oaa Breakfaat Ganc Top Tradea Barcaln Counter Muala Sona of Plonoera Morn Ins Special Newa Quit Club Paitor'a Call Rideri of tba P.S. Newa Woman of the wk Wiloa Orsanalltoa Your Walta Sercn. Ladlea Pint Lad lea Plrat Queen far a Dar Queen for a Par Old Sanaa Old Bonn Newa Saaa Bayea Smooth Muala Smooth Muala Jack Berch Sasc Ridera Seeond Cup Second Cup Hometownera Newa Top Tradea Newa N W Newa Bob Ebeblr Show Tell Tear Nefrbb. Harvey Hardlns Organ Reveries Bint Stmi Acalnat Storm Aralnit Storm Music Muile Sar With Music Say With Music News David Rom Palton Lewis Jr. Frank Hemlnaw. Behind the Story Carmen Cava Hero Vincent Lopes Lora Lawton Dick Hayme Easy Lis ten In r Double or Nothing Double er Not Mm Today's Children Llsht of World Life Beautiful News Pepper Tonne; Happiness Backstare Wife Stella Dallas Lorenao Jones WidderBrown A Girl Marries Portia Faces Life Jast Plain Bill Front Pace TarreD Welcome Travelers Welcome Travelers Aunt Mary Love and Learn Woman's Secret Road of Life Vincent Lope Sannr Side KOCO Block KOCO KJock Tea Bitter Newa A Sparta Top Motniae Top a' Morn Ins; Haven of Rest Haven ef Rest Western Melodies Church 1p Wild Time for Melody Time for Melody Stars Sine J. Charles Thomas NW News Memorable Masla Tune Time M Keys Musie Mart Musle Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varieties Hollywood Hollywood Ted Dale Presents Mac's Melodiea Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae'a Melodies Mae's Melodies Hae's Melodiea Mae'a Melodiea Mae'a Melodiea Mae'a Melodies Mac-s Melodiea Movie Tim Philosopher Bveri Can Bo Beautiful Newa KOIN Kleek KOIN Klork KOIN Klock KOIN Rleek News CBN News FredBcrk Consumer News News Grand Slaaj Rosemary Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent ' ' Oar Gal Sunday 7 Bis Sister Ma Perkins Dr. M alone G aid in Light Ind Mrs. Burton Perry Mason .Nor ah Drake Brighter Day Newa Come Get It Briichl A Light Art Baker Barnyard Follies" Garry Moore Garry Moore Newspaper Newspaper Meet the Missus Meet ht Mrssas Tunefully Tours News Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Oodi rey Arthur Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Curt Maeaey B Marrow KEX DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC. 850 Monday P.M. S:M. Seulrrel Keeping Up With Sports 1 Home Edl tlon Newsi 0:30, Modern Romances! i:mi. Headline Edition t 7:1ft, Elmer Davlsi 7:W, Kate Smith Calling! :M, Lone Rangert S:3n, Kate Smith CalUng; :M. Railroad Houri p:S0, Kate Smith Calling) P:4S, Henry J. Taylori I0:M. Richfield Re porter! 1t:IS, IntermessoT 1:S0. Concert Houri 11:S0, Memos la Tomorrow 1 lt:00, Xtra Hour 1:00, Sign Off. ICV Tuesday A.M. :), Early Blrdi l LA 7:Uo, Newsi 7:15, Band Beit 7:30, Bob Haien Bhowi Time Tempest 8:11. Martin Agroaskyi S:, Soke Manners! :!. Stars Sing; 9:00, Breakfaat Clubt 10:00. Newat 10:IR, Stars of Todayt 10:M, Tropleanai 10:A. Melody Promenade! 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:15. Galen Drakei 11:30, My True Btoryt 1t:00, Betty Crock er; 11:15, Newsi It: 10. Baukbage Talking 1 1?:45, Club Tlmei 1:00. Nerthweeternersi 1:80. Kay Westi t:00, Breakfaat la Holly wood! I:St, Eaay Aeeat :4S, Meet the ttQAC Mond PM. :. On the rW iipbeat; S:50, $M SpoHs Clobi 6:00, Newsi :15, Dinner Melodlasi :S0, Musle ef Cseehoalevaklat T:15, Bvenlac rarm Heart S, Artistry ha Claaoiesi S:1B, Defense Report! 8:M, Great Bengal :M, Musle That End ores 1 9:48, Eve ning Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off 1:M, The Especially for The Concert Hall! lt:M, Newa 1 It: 15 p.m.. Noon Farm Hourt 12:1S, Polk County Agenti 12:110, Spot Markets! 11:4.1. E. R. Jack man, Crop specialist; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy 1 1:15, Variety Timet 1:30. Melody Lanei S:00, Cavalcade at Drama; t:15. Memory Book ef Music 1 1:00, The Newsi 1:16, Musle ef the Masters! VfkC Tuesday A.M. P WMt ni, i:i.v Menjoaat S:0A. Surprise Packer: Bride and Grooms 4:00, Ladies Be edi 4:M, Add-a-Llne. 1:M, Scat- Taylors 8 ell Home Amity Mr. and Mn. Caryl Taylor, have sold their home three miles south of Amity, to Charles Compton of the Fair view community. The Taylors will locate at Klamath Falls next week. M1 sTtlc ri aIbiaTtI ACROSS L Word of lamentAUoa I. Terrible I. Employ 12. Compose U. Ireland 14. Chum 15. Rise and fall of the aea 18. Autumn (ami 18. Feminine nam 20. Reposes 11. Irritable person 12. LrRe body of water 24. Limb 25. Claima 30. Pastures 82. Wrath 33. Withered 14 Artilleryman 8T. Long narrow Inlet 88. Dnlt of work 89. Sailing vassal 4L Asiatic peninsula 44. In what plaoo 4L. Musical prelude 4t. Point of tho compass (0. Wager It, Genus if tho oliva tree 12. Grafted: heraldry 88. Exist 84. Tear 88. Underworld river DOWN L Portray dramatically tflHlAW fe e rUl ovieUA da l3wlAiviRK6P 1 t E3y' UVq Aic 'o V AITDsl I nHoipIa RE 6 A LlTp L gAV BIN Iqn'eHa LEBAlNiEL 6 InIaPtMlIeCIbIeIp Ei' I !gBowQgBlS8 IfilapHTp 0RTjTVS r ainn s t D vri6A I jAMcUglsl1sUENp Solution el Saturdsy's Puale t. Burme,. hfll dwelltr t. Member of e city sov-.rnment ZZZDi' S ;i I I si'i uA i I I 1 I'wJ I I i. Small flxh 8. Postponinc 8. Pre.a 1. Short fot A South American city I. Dinner court 8. Poisonous tree, of Java, 10. Sodium chlorlda IL Old cloth measurea 17. Edible seeda 19, Ripple afraiiift SI. Soft mineral 22. Plana aurfsco 23. Rainbow trout 26. Before 27. Noncom missioned officer IS. Great L 29. Bum 11. Expression of contempt IS. Public apeaker SR. Regret V 40. Favors: archalo r 41 African antelopa 42 Finished 48. Network 44. Small sinjtnf bird 48. alexkan rubber ra 48. Pirpen 49. Lone Star tata: Abrw fOLlOW Mt.MMSO'MARE! MAMA WHtT05Et J J1 &tt!DOVOUfCWE,,l.lTTll if. uf DID T MI06tT WAi AJ. PELLAGRA" HEARD WHAT eobETn J WORRIE0.TOO!--SHE) WE SAID ABOUT HER ANDB0UT TO LKN0W MOTHER AND THE OLD DRAGON ? fiTW ROWN TO TH C J DAUGHTER HAVE Ml CHARE--MRi. WORTH H J i? TOSEOUR NEWHOUSE MOTHER' f HELPHERGET UNPACKED AND SETTLED- -TXEN DELIVER THIS' IIS DISGUSTING i fJICTTO (3REAT CAE5AR.T- 1VE BEEM SHOUTINS Down HERE LIKE A VEGETABLE HAWKER. I are OU THE ONLY Oli MERE IN PUFFLE TOWERS DELIA 7 V hTTTT) V r until wow vc; ri rr im AN HOUR I'LL DO A ROCKET .TAKE-OFF ON W VACATION Visiting HER SISTER 'PINKY LEFT LAST WEE-'." AND i 5 AID I D STAY AND WATCH THE HOUSE UNTIL. YOU TERMITES CAME BACK INTO THE WOODWORKS Iture SOLE BOSS NOW. JUDGE mm