Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 26, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 2fi. 19491 Wolf Pack CheWS
Portland Pilots
53-27 on Sunday
' ' HOT
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Portland, Sept. 26 ,Uni
versity of Nevada pounded its
way to a 53-27 win over Port
land university here yesterday,
but not before the losing Pilots
had staged a final eight-minute
uprising that netted three touch
down tallies.
The final flurry also saw
Johnny Subda race 97 yards
with a Portland kickoff for his
second touchdown of the Neva
da total.
(f' -iff k'--
' f x4t n- V
f I"
Prize Tarpon
Capt. Bill Styron, of Southport, N. C, snows
the 122-pound silver tarpon he hooked off
the Cape Fear river on the North Carolina coast after a 55
minute battle.
High Bids Hold
Up Construction
Of Beaver Park
Portland. Ore., Sept. 28 UP
General Manager William G.
Mulligan of the Portland Beav
ers' baseball club today said the
construction of a new ball park
was being held up by high bids.
Mulligan said the club will an
nounce its plans on park con
struction within the next week
or 10 days. One contracting firm
reportedly bid more than $1,
000,000 on the project.
Arthur (Slick) Morton, in his
first season as football coach, is
the 20th gridiron mentor at Mis
sissippi State.
PCC Grid Race Narrows as
Six Unbeatens Eye Future
San Francisco, Sept. ? (UP)
The great leveling-off process in
west coast football gets under
way this week-end.
Six major unbeaten teams left
after last Saturday'! engage
ments all put their unblemished
two-week-old records on the
line against experienced and
able foes with the chances good
that there will be an upset or
two recorded before nightfall.
How good Is Ol' I'SC? Has
Stanford got a polnt-a-minute
machine? Will the t'CLA
Bruins continue their surpris
ing march? Is Oregon REAL
LY' that good? Can Califor
nia continue to win with those
"long gainers" as her only
weapon? How will WSC do
in the big time?
Those questions may be an
swered come Saturday night.
Right now, most of the un
beaten teams have looked im
pressive. One of the great mys
teries is the Stanford attack that
has scored 83 points in two
games and kept its own goal
line uncrossed.
The Indians, who drubbed
Coast Loop Knots 4th;
Saltzman Wins No. 23
(By the AiioctAtMj Prfti)
The Pacific Coast league end
ed in a tie for fourth place.
Which means that Seattle and
San Diego play a single game
tonight to see which goes into
the $35,000 Governor's cup
playoffs. The playoffs start
Wednesday among the four top
teams. The Padres will start Red
Adams tonight but the Ralnlers'
choice is unknown.
The Padres beat Los An
geles 12 to 0 and 4 to 1 Sun
day behind the effective twirl
ing of Veterans Jess F lores
and Dick Barrett. Flores' win
was his 20th of the season.
Orestes Minoso was big stick
man with three homers In the
two games.
Seattle split a pair with the
champion Hollywood Stars. The
Stars took the opener in 10 in
nings when Frank Kelleher
singled in the winning run for
a S to 4 decision. Big Charley
Schanz allowed but four hits in
winning the second one 2 to 0.
It was Schanz' 22nd win.
Hollywood's final pennant
winning margin was five
games over Oakland which
dropped two to Portland 8 to
4 and 9 to S. Hal Saltiman
notched his 23rd win of his
freshman year In the loop with
a seven hit Job in the night
cap. BUI Taylor, Oaks' rookie,
got two home runs in the sec
ond game. He got two Friday
night to give him a record of
four homers In the only two
games he has started for the
Third place Sacramento won
Its ninth straight game In deal
ing a twin loss to San Francis
co, the Seals' 11th straight loss
incidentally. Bill Wilson, Jim
Tabor and Joe Marty hit hom
ers to cop the first 6 to 1. In the
nightcap, the Solons vised three
pitchers. Each worked three In
nings and each gave up one hit
apiece In winning 1 to 0. The
Solons' lone tally was unearned.
PCL Standings
IBy the Auoclated Preu
W L Prl. W L Pet
Hollywood MR 78 .fiBI San DlfRO 9ft 92 .508
Oakland 102A.1 .856 Portland 85 102 .454
Sacrmnto 102 86.946 Bun Fran 64 103 .441)
Seattle 09 02 AOS Loi Am 74 113 38ft
Yttterday'a Kiults:
Portland 9. Oakland 3.
Seattle 2. Hollywood 0.
San DieRO 4, Loi Anitelea t,
Sacramento 6-1, Ban Kranclico 1-0.
atsirdar'a ftrorea:
Lot Angeles 7-6, 0-3 flat iimi 12 In
nlnnai .
Hollywood 10, Seattle 1.
Sacramento 4. Ban FrancKco 1.
Only gamei ached uled.
San Pranclaco 000 000 0000 I I
Sacramento OO0 000 Olx 1 4 0
Uelton, Dicker (6i and Tortnay; John
xon. Salvo Mi. Conger (Si and Swedman.
tjK ' : -v4- xrr
UCLA Tops Hawkeyes
UCLA's Ernie Johnson heads
around left end for a 10-yard
gain In the I'CLA-l'niversity of Iowa game In Iowa City's
Klnnick Memorial stadium. UCLA combined a sparkling
aerial offense and Hawkeye mlscues for a 41 to 25 win, (Acme
7 .f
t " v-., A. v,st M
Harvard, 44-0, Saturday, get
something a wee bit tougher
this week as they take on a
Michigan club that ground
past Michigan State for its
24th consecutive victory. This
la the game that will tell
whether Coach Marchle
Schwarts has a wonder-team
or Just a group of fine sopho
mores. USC, which clicked to perfec
tion in whipping Navy, 42-20,
takes on Washington State in a
Pacific coast conference game.
The Cougars already have two
wins, 33-0 over Utah State, and
13-7 over Montana. The cali
ber of opposition they face this
week is to be somewhat differ
ent. The best game of the week
may be the UCLA-Oregon tilt
In the Los Angeles Coliseum
and it should attract nearly a
full house. Coach Red San
ders of the Bruins wasn't ex
pected to have much this
year, but In two tilts he wal
loped Oregon State, and then
turned around Saturday and
thumped a good Iowa team,
41-25. Oregon turned up
with a 41-0 triumph over
After returning an opening
Oregon kickoff from their own
25 to the Oregon 24. the Vandals
from Moscow were never a
threat. Their claim of the
strongest team in 25 years burst
asunder there on the Oregon 24
Oregon's fast moving back
field trio Fullback Bob San
ders and Halfbacks Woody
Lewis and George Bell plus
the passing of Quarterbacks
Earl Stelle and Jim Calder
wood gave the Ducks full con
trol of the contest on the of
fensive. The line stalled every
Idaho drive after those first
few minutes.
The Ducks romped to one first
nprinH tnnphHnun bHHpH gnnth.
--, -
I .er in tne spennn anH nirkpH un
two in the third. Reserves add
ed two more in the final quar
California, winner over St.
Mary's, 29-7, gets Its first Pa
cific coast conference test
with Oregon State, which
thumped Utah, 27-7.
The Beavers displayed unex
pected strength, particularly in
their ground attack. They buck
ed the line, interspersing ground
plays with short passes, to the
first three touchdowns.
A spectacular run, when Half
back Dick Gray caught a Red
skin punt and ran it 75 yards to
the goal, accounted for the final
Oregon State score.
Only a rash of fumbling mar
red the Oregon State style.
The Beavers gave Utah its
first' touchdown in the opening
minutes, by fumbling the ball
on the 17-yard line. Utah took
over and drove to the goal in a
few running plays.
Several other times, the
Beavers began threatening to
drive, only to lose the ball be
fore scoring.
The Beaver attack did not
begin to click until the sec
ond period. Then they be
gan the first line-buck-and-pass
drive, with Fullback Dick
Twenge crashing over the last
five yards.
In the third period the Bea
vers really uncorked an as
sault, scoring three times.
The teams with records al
ready blemished haven't a very
bright future at least for this
week. Washington, soundly
trounced by Minnesota, 48-20,
plays host to the toughest boys
tootball the Notre Dame
Irish who walloped Indiana as
a starter.
All little Idaho has to do to
get back on the win trail is to
invade the southwest and take
on a Texas juggernaut that
thrashed Temple, 54-0, In its
opener. Montana may do bet
ter, taking on Utah State in a
Friday night game.
La Grande Power
Crushes Ontario
In Prep Hi-Light
(Br the AMocUttd Prtu)
The La Grande Tigers became
the most prominent candidate
for the 1949 state high school
football championship today.
The Tigers whomped their
third straight opponent last
night to become the highest
scoring team in the state aver
aging 50 points a game.
The latest victim was Ontario.
which had only the consolation
that it accomplished what two
previous opponents couldn't.
Ontario scored against La
Grande. The final tally: 47-6.
The defending state champ
ion, Grants Pass, gave notice
it wouldn't relinquish the title
easily. The champs trounced
North Bend, 26-7.
There are other strong teams
in the running, too. Medford
bowled over Tillamook, 47-0;
McMinnville walloped Beaver
ton 35-14; Hillsboro defeated
Oregon City, 25-0; Hood River
trimmed Sandy, 35-0. In a game
the day earlier, Eugene downed
Springfield, 26-0..
mere were a few surprises
last night. Marshfield was held
to a tie by Myrtle Point, 14-14.
Lebanon also held Albany to a
deadlock, 6-6. Corvallis showed
growing strength by nosing out
Bend, 14-13.
Portland schools drew a paid
attendance of 28,378 for their
annual jamboree, in which each
school plays one quarter. The
games will be completed Mon
day. The quarter scores: Lincoln
8, Jefferson 0; Roosevelt 13,
Benson 0; Grant 7, Washington
0; Cleveland 0, Franklin 0.
Wow! Inspired by San
Francisco's China town, this
artvogue "good luck dragon"
sport shirt is for men only.
But who can say it would look
any better on a male than on
Dancer Diane Shinn. (Acme
In Spain and Italy the profes
sion of perfume and glovemaker
were combined for centuries.
Tag Team Show
Slated Tuesday
Jack and Dale Kiser will team
up against Tarzan Zimba and
Buck Weaver in a tag team
event for the weekly mat show
Tuesday night.
Preliminary to the main
event will be two bouts: Carl
Myers vs. Dan Dugan and Pierce
La Belle vs Jack Lipscomb.
Through Service wltsouf f rosier
ONE WAY, only ...$4.35
ROUND TRIP. only. $7.85
There Art Ne Lower Feres I
410 N..
Chiirck St.
r.. i-Mii
Most coses
of Myopia
Can be cured
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If allowed to
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Dr. S. A. Wheatley
725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469
Painting and
20 Years Esperience
In Salem
We Paint
Homes Offices
For Vz Less
Phone 3-7552
Seattle 000 020 101 0 4 10
Hollywood ooo ool M0 l- U 1
no inmn
FWrher. Karpel Oalehntise and
nrajmn. Hue lie, Roy Rattwiell i'.
Halvenn 10' and Paepke, t'nvr (.
tVattW- 030 000 O 2 t 0
Hollywood 000 000 00 4 1
Vhani and Warren: Oliver, Olaen (8'
and Paepke.
Portland 033 110 101- I IS 0
O.iklntid 000 040 000-4 7 S
I.nn Ll.ka and Fernandez Pahle,
T"!f 0. Tiiomuaon i' and fltieely.
Portland 041 011 09 11 0
Oakland 100 003 O-l 7 0
Sallzman and Oladd. Perrareae, Har
riat 4, Tou t6i and PUeahnl.
Ioa Anielea 000 000 000 - 0 10
Husky Touchdown sa
hard running
.ashiiiRton fullback,
ft the croud on Us heels as he nrara the end of a 97 yard
trek for a Husky touchdown In the first quarter of the Minnesota-Washington
name In Minneapolis. Two unidentified
Gophers follow in vain pursuit. In spite of such a good Wash
ington start, Minnesota rolled up a 48-30 victory. (Acme Telephoto)
003 10 OU-12 14
H and Burbrtnk;
Ste thena. Broil
T'.rtrr and Moore
t-w Anelra 1W 000 01 1 1
n Oieeo 103 000 1-4 ft I
ft'atkln. Kelly ill and Burbrtnk Bar
rett and Rllehie.
Bm FranelMf 010 OOfl 0 t 0
.irramenlo 00S 130 s 0 1
Lfn and Brorker: Prettii, Liirman 4
Hnl H.imnndl PUimho
by the
Pumilite Block
and Supply Co.
of Weil Salem
We wish to retract statements
mane in our advertising and
through our sales department
The aale of this product by at
is being dMrontinurd as of
Srranahan Wins
Western Amateur
St. Louis. Sept. 28 t1 Frank
Stranahan won his second west
ern amateur title yesterday,
capturing the final SB-hole
match with Walter Cisco, 5 an'l
$$ MONEY $$
4H Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finan'e Co.
153 S. High St. S-216 M-221
The DttCO-HEAT Oil Burner gives you
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And because, we vt been factorv-trained by
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Your Installation can be made
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