Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 26, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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YWC A Activities Varied; not
Limited to Youth of City
Located in the 700 block of State street Is the YWCA, one of
the Community Chest supported organizations, which serves as
a gathering place for many of the youth of the city.
The YWCA's activities, however, are not limited to the younger
generation. In addition to sponsoring clubs within its organiza
tion, it serves as a Katlierintr
place for organized clubs and their place on the YW's calen-
classes. Here, too, is provided
housing for young women new
to the city and in need of em
ergency housing.
The building provides rooms
for 10 permanent guests and has
room for six overnight guests.
The rooms and kitchen privi
leges are given the residents for
a fee of $12.50 monthly.
. The YW is used by several
organizations not connected with
the YW for meeting places and
these organizations by paying a
small fee may arrange to have
the use of the kitchen. Organi
zations connected with the YW
have kitchen privileges without
payment of any fee.
Among the outside organiza
tions now using the YW for a
meeting place are the WCTU,
DAR, Business and Professional
Prayer club, Friends Church
and the Unitarian church.
The YWCA, which this year
needs $15,000 from the Red
Feather Drive to cover its de
ficit of the year, offers a varied
program, aimed at training
youth for leadership and devel
oping tolerance for all races and
A number of clubs are organ
ized within the YWCA with pro
grams planned for each. Among
the activities is the program for
young adults. One of the spe
cial clubs organized under the
YWCA is the young peoples' so
cial group of boys and girls
from Fairview home. This club
meets every two weeks for danc
ing ond small get-togethers.
Yearly social or semi - social
events held by the YWCA
include a tea for new member?
in the spring (the active mem
bership list of the organization
now is about 300); the smorgas
bord held in November cele
brating fellowship and prayer
week and international week;
and the hanging of the greens at
Christmas time.
In the past years summer
eamps have been held for the
girls but this year Teen-Treks
were substituted. Longest of
these trips was one made by
27 girls from July 18 to July
22. On this trip the girls were
taken around the Mt. Hood loop
and into the Metolius river area.
Unorganized over night week
ends at Camp Crestwood on
Route 9, Salem, were also a part
of the summer program for
girls' group at the YW.
Educational classes also have
dar and are open to any interest
ed persons, who pay a small fee
to help in financing the classes,
which are not self-supporting.
On the list of classes for this
year are one in Spanish, one in
textile painting and one in ceramics.
The country with the densest
population is Java, with 737
people to the square mile.
Atlantic Union
Answer to Bomb
Chicago, Sept. 26 (U.R) Three
scientists said today that there
can be no agreement with Rus
sia on control of atomic arma
ments and that the only alterna
tive to war is the establishment
of a supergovernment of the
North Atlantic nations.
"And even then we might
have war," Dr. Harold C. Urey,
one of the leaders of the United
States atomic bomb project,
Dr. Samuel K. Allison, di
rector of the U. of C. institute
of nuclear studies, and Dr. Leo
Szilard, professor of Bio-phys
ics at the U. of C, agreed with
Urey at a news conference.
Any war would probably last
at least ten years, the scientists
"Anyone who thinks it would
end in ten minutes is making
a terrible mistake," Urey add
ed. Dr. Thorfin R. Hogness, di
rector of the University of Chi
cago's institute of radio-biology
and bio-physics, said, however,
that the possibility of agree
ment between Russia and the
United States should not be en
tirely discounted without fur
ther attempts.
"Although we'd have to con
cede even more than we have
been willing to so far." he added.
"There isn't the slightest use
of even discussing it with Rus
sia now," Urey said. "We
couldn't trust them anyway."
Urey said it might be a month
or it might be five years before
Russia has a stockpile of bombs
comparable to that of the Unit
ed States. There is no wav of
knowing how much uranium
Russia has or how far its tech
nological developments have
carried it.
He said it is possible that Rus
sia may even develop a bomb
superior to that of the United
The news conference was held
at the University of Chicago,
where the U.S. atomic bomb was
A small vial of rose perfume
can have as much as 200 pounds
of roses in it.
Flying Eagle .Patrol
Taking Outing Trip
Salem Heights The Flying
Eagle Patrol of scout troop 19
at Salem Heights went on a trip
that they won earlier in a con
test with the other patrols for
advancement and attendance in
They left Saturday, and drove
part way and then hiked four
miles to Pamela Lake where
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 28, 1949 11
they spent the night. Sunday
they hiked to the cove and back
to the car. Clark Lethin was
in charge of the boys. Scouts
going were Bruce Lethin, David
Morgan and Mark DeCew.
Enjoy quick raliW ind
peedily remove Aching
corn with thin, cushion
Inf Ut. BctaoU's .ii
pad. Cot but trifle.
I '
Keep cold drafts from
your home, retain heat
more easily in your rooms,
with our window-insulating
Storm Sash. Amazing, how
they cut down heating ex
pense. Because they scien
tifically place a dead-air-insulating
"armor plate"
between winter and your
& 1225 Cross
Cabinets - Frames
Ph. 3-3933
toQrroa ther witched
tttMM-CalYri Resrr
Himoothi always I
it ftmnva Btonded Whisks?
- Oram Mtutrml spirit.
isn corp., nw yoh city
Oft WT
kitchen floor
rikj) aT Ja esiHDtt women jpcw
'etpeod ewer MOO hours to your
;krtotMB mry ytri What bettor
"ran son to treat yemntn to the beet
pnoivum money can buy Nairn
Inlaid Linoleum! For Nairn gives
roc lb netful resilience, the en-
elurinf beauty yon demand in fine
tinoMwn . . . plus the patented du-
tlex felt backing. This exclusive
eking ends your worries about the
buckling, cracking, bulging or blis
tering that often mar ordinary lino
leum when wood floors underneath
xpand and contract as they oor
snally da
Yet, when you choose Nairn,
you're choosing the linoleum of a
lifetime And the time to make
your choke is right now. Never be
fore has Nairn offered such a com
plete "rainbow-range" of colors . . ,
such a variety of stunning combina
tions! See your favorite floor cover
ing dealer today. And while you're
there, don't forget to ask for your
free copy of Nairn's wonderful new
decorating book: "Answers to the
Moat Frequently Asked Questions
oo Home Decorating." Congoleum
Nairn Inc., Kearny, N. J.
"New" h 0ffrW trod Mori
Like a melody..
and. you'll be the pretty girl in
Sing a song of fashion!
A chorus of praise for style!
A ballad to celebrate the prices!
Left, Glamor music needed to accompany this menswear
stripe in hard finish. Note the short jacket,
cuffs, straight skirt. Demi-Sizes 39.95
Right, Modish scored a serenade with this flattering
. tailored straight-back coat. All wool hard-f inish sheen
gabardine. Fall's true colors . . . wine, teal, gray,
brown, green. Demi-sizes 49.95
Symphony of color . . . navy, beige,
brown, green, wine, military blue,
gray. Hard-finish sheen gabardine for
active school or casual wear.
Regular sizes 49.95
A rhapsody, If you please!
JOSELLI'S supreme 3-piece crea
tion. All wool check. Heather or
brown. A lyrical price, too. Coat
or suit alone 35.00. The gorgeous
eneemble 65.00
Regular sizes
Harmony sweetens music. Fashion
tailoring makes a sweetheart
of this JOSILLI. Gabardine or
worsted flannel. In the rhythm of
fall fashion. Junior sizes. 49.95
You can waltz to party, concert or ball
in fall's newest suits and coats from the store
where everything's in fall fashions at
Here's the size of it . . . all
sizes. Demi: 10-18. Half:
1412-2212. Junior: 9-15. Regular
10-20. Every size for
very figure.
A downbeat given by JOSELL?.
This dream suit is foshion-styled
In all wool worsted check or gabar
dine. Half sizes 49.95