Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 26, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday. Sept. 26. 1949 j
East Salem Clubs Start- j
Series of Fall Meetings
East Salem, Sept. 26 The Garden clubs and Home Extension
clubi of the communities are making plans at their first meetings
this fall in a new year's work.
Lansing Neighbors Garden club met at the home of Mrs. H.
W. Cole for the program planning meeting. The meeting was held
on the lawn under a large blacM
walnut tree which Is more tnan
90 years old. The first branch
es are high on the large tree but
the limbs touch the ground all
around making a natural set
ting where several tables can be
get and many meet lor a party,
A dessert lunch was served
by the hostess who then as the
new president presided at the
business meeting. The yearly
program books were filled out
and plans made for the ciud
chrysanthemum show in Octo
Members present were Mrs
Robert Ballard, Mrs. Herman
Rchm, Mrs. William Marsh, Mrs.
Halbert Kemper, Mrs. Roy Live
ly. Mrs. Marcia Aplet, Mrs. Ir-
vin H. Sion, Mrs. Bessie Zajic.
Mrs. Ben Rathjen, Mrs. Ed
Tobin. Mrs. R. O. Anderson, Mrs
L. W. Hann, the hostess and
guests, who will be new mem
bers of the club this year, Mrs
Rex Peffer and Mrs. William
Hartley. The next regular
meeting will be with Mrs. To
Officers from the home ex
tension clubs who attended the
training meeting at the YMCA
In Salem Thursday were as fol
lows: Central Howell chairman,
Mrs. Charles Johnson: vice
chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton
and secretary - treasurer, Mrs
Marcia Aplet.
Lancaster unit -vice chair
man, Mrs. Robert Fromm and
secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Dan
Sen art.
East Salem unit chairman,
Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson and sec
retary-treasurer, Mrs. Dan Stauf
Dayton Dlbbern, younger son
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dibbern
of Swegle community is at the
Emanuel hospital in Portland
where he has undergone sur
gery. Case of X-Disease
Discovered in State
The first case of X-disease in
Oregon cattle was found late
this summer in the northeastern
part of the state, according to
the division of animal industry,
slate department of agriculture.
Only one case, a four-months-old
calf which died, has been
found, says Dr. Chas. F. Hayncs,
state veterinarian. The case was
diagnosed as X-disease, also
known as hyperkeratosis, by ve
terinarians here, but a further
check was requested of the U.S.
Pathological Laboratory at Den
ver, Colo. That laboratory con
ducted an histological examina
tion and has reported its diagno
sis as hyperkeratosis to the Ore
gon officials at Salem.
A federal survey about a
year ago revealed X-disease In a
number of southern states. The
, . same survey said it had been
'v reported from 32 states. The ma
lady has caused heavy death in some states. In the sur
vey'' last year in five southern
states, 31 percent of 4120 cattle
studied had been infected and
mora than half the Infected ani-
For ovar Poor Dacada. Amancaa'
fFinaat Hani and Soft Cora or Cat
:loa Ramady. It Ramova. arhara
ethara PaaL Instant Raliaf. Doaa
not Kraporata. 60c and 35c. Adv.
TtJ Slate St., Sslfm
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When Others ftfl, M Miff OtllDMt
remedJea. Am tint cmm for 1000
rears t China. No matter vita what
UmenU ou tr afflkte-1 disorder
.intuitu heart, Imsts, lives, kklat
lu, tonitlpaUoo, ulcers, diabetes
rlieuuailim. tall and bladder, fefer
.kin. r trial eomplalnta.
Of flea Hoar t la
Tura. aetl Bat. Oalr
tU N. Canaan.!
Pliana tlRM
mals died.
Any Oregon herds found in
fected will be quarantined by
the department of agriculture.
Cause of X-disease has not
been established, though it has
been determined it is not from
poisoning by a specific plant.
Other items suspected but not
proved are a virus or fungus, a
poisonous mineral or a nutri
tional unbalance.
More People in
Churches Is Aim
"More people in the churches
of Oregon on October 2 than on
any other Sunday of the year
is the united goal of the Pro
testant churches of Oregon. The
occasion is the tenth observ
ance of World Communion Sun
day. According to Rev. Gilbert B.
Christian, executive secretary
of the Oregon Council of
Churches, Protestant denomina
tions hold their communion
services at different times of the
year, but on October 2nd all
denominations are urged to ex
press Christian unity by holding
the ordinance of the Lord's
Supper on the same day. This
worldwide observance begins in
New Zealand at the 10:30 a.m.
worship services and goes
around the world making that
day's communion table 25,000
miles long.
This year's service will usher
in 15 months of the United
Evangelistic Crusade in which
Protestants throughout Amer
ica will Join in efforts to reach
those at present outside the
church. The year's program
will include united preaching
missions, church attendance cru
sades, observance of Reforma
tion day on October 30, and vis
itation campaigns.
Farm accidents in this coun
try cost $36,000,000 last year.
A Few Vacant
Brooks, Ore.
Kind and Efficient Care
Phone 2-1116
Let Them Alone, and
They'll Come Home . . .
Decatur. 111. U.R Farmer
Charles Muirhead searched for
nine missing cows on foot, horse
back and in an airplane.
Friends who helped him look
for the cows trampled corn fields
and did $300 worth of damage
before Muirhead called off the
round-up. He said it would be
cheaper to forget the cows.
The next morning he found the
cows standing outside his barn
yard, contentedly mooing and
waiting for him to open the
gate and let them in.
Unemployment Eases
Washington, Sept. 24 (U.Ri The
bureau of employment security
L50t hit, "-riH
Auto or Personal CASH LOANS
Salem Afency: 460 N. Church St. TeL 34161
reported today that unemploy-lmonth In most of the nation's
ment eased during the past unemployment areas.
For Stuffiness,
Coughs of Colds
you know like millions of others how
wonderfully effective Vicks VapoRub is
when you rub It on.
Now.'s amazing, special relief when
there's much coughing or stuffiness, that
"choked-up" feeling. It's VapoRub in Steam
. . . and it brings relief almost instantly!
Put 1 or 2 spoonfuls of VapoRub in a
vaporizer or bowl of boiling water. Then
breathe In the soothing, medicated vapors.
Every breath eases coughing spasms, makes
breathing easier. And to prolong relief rub
VapoRub on throat, chest and back.
Use it in steam . . . Rub it on, tool
tf You Hov Hesitated
securing batttr Marine aciuaa rou
did Boi want to a seen wearing that
llttla haarim button" In your aar
bMltatt no lonearl It's out ( althtl
Mail Coupon Now
1933 StaU St., Salem, Or.
j W tinea aMIiatlea f weald Mfea
I ma Ureal ( InvtelMa Hearlne.
j rteaae laraUh ae villi (art hot
i tnfarmatlea aaoat laftalMa Bear
Fffi SGH
Oil Mill
Sunbeam Bakers Aim For I M "MaJ SUNBEAM ENERGY-RICH
LOnSldnl I mprOVeilieni Survey Snows That 3 Out of 5 Children lre Poory Fed
Improvements in Flavor, Texture,
Toastability, Freshness Increase
Davidson Sunbeam Popularity
Every year we find some new way to improve our bread.
Our aim is to continue, year after year, to bake bread superior
to any other. Davidson's policy of constant improvement has
made it possible for us to bring you a loaf of bread that is
superior on the following points:
tov tuic cra ri nrrm
Wholesome, riglit-from-the-oven
flavor that youngsters
love I
Silky-Smooth Texture
See how much easier it is to
spread with butter and jam!
Mmm, how tender and rich !
And our bread keeps that way
longer, tool
Extra-Tasty Toast
Toasts up golden-brown . , .
delightfully crisp outside . . .
tender and fragrant insidel
Golden-Brown Cruft
Rich and delicious I Lovely
to look at I
Autumn Gold French Toast
Blend i cup peanut butter
with Vj cup milk. Combine 1
cup milk, 1 tbsp. sugar, tsp.
salt and 1 beaten egg. Remove
crusts from 12 slices David
son's Sunbeam and spread
with softened peanut butter.
Dip slices quickly in milk and
egg mixture and fry golden
brown. Serve with syrup,
honey or cinnamon and sugar.
, iiaMHIH i V llliMIHi HMtii
Modern teachers of nutrition stress the importance of en
riched bread as one of the best, low-cost, body-building foods
your grocer sells. Buy Davidson's Sunbeam today, and avail
yourself of these four valuable food essentials:
1. Carbohydrates leading
source of energy for active
work and play and main
tenance of all body func
tions. 2. Proteins needed to build
nd repair body tissues.
3. I Vitamins for healthy
nerves end tissues and nor
mal growth.
Iron for rich, red blood.
In addition to all these im
portant nutrients, teachers
of nutrition point out that
bread is one of the most
economical foods. There is
no waste, either in prepara
tion for the table or in utili
sation by the body.
Over a period of years,
many teachers have observed
that the best students seem to
be those who enjoy a properly
balanced diet.
Countless studies by doc
tors, psychologists and child
specialists indicate that this is
true. And common sense tells
us that children whose good
health comes from proper
nourishment are more likely
to be alert, energetic and in
terested in their lessons.
Be sure your youngsters
have the advantage " of nour
ishing, well-balanced meals
each day. Give them plenty of
our wholesome, enriched
bread. Serve it at every meal
and provide a generous supply
for between-meals snacks.
Then you'll be sure your boys
and girls are getting enough
energy foods'
More children are attending our American elementary
schools this year than ever before. The millions of babies
who made up the high birth rate of the war years are now
old enough to go to school.
School authorities stress the importance of proper diet to
child's success. This applies not only to studies but to the
youngster's ability to get along well with his classmates and
teachers. A boy or girl whose diet lacks some essential food
element is not likely to have enough energy or interest for
school activities.
A survey made in one state
showed that three out of five
school children were not eating
a balanced diet. Most of these
children may have been eating
sufficient food, but not enough
of the right kind of food. To
make sure your meals are bal
anced, always serve Davidson's
i - -
Your children need energy
rich foods like Davidson's de
licious bread to keep them
strong and healthy. And they'll
love its appetizing, oven-fresh
Sunbeam's Improved
Freshness Makes It
School Lunch Favorite
Freshneu it one quality of our
bread that youngster really cheer -for.
Lunchboz landwichea mad .
with fresh-keeping Davidson's Sure
beam stay delicious and tender until
lunchtime. Sandwiches made with
our bread are always . . .
1. Easier to fix Make them
earlier; they stay fresh longer.
2. Better flavored Tasty when
packed ... still tasty when
3. More nutritious Full fresh
ness means full food value.
fJ? um
M5ZSris l;"u 'i 11 V... sMnr&
Tha vitamlna and minerals addael to Davldaon's luabtam brsad through
anrichmtnt art prepared by strict laboratory standards.
Aim Is Better Health
Nutrition survey fivt us dramatic proof of (ha Importance of bread enrich
ment as a public health meaaurc.
Tha Davidaon Bakery makes certain that an abundance of carbohydratea,
proteins, B vitamins and iron are added to every loaf of Sunbeam bread.
Each tempting, loaf of Sunbeam bread is enriched with vitamins and iroa
to meet bjch sovarnment standards.
Mak it a rule always to servW "Bread at Itt Bt." Davidion'i Sunbeam Is
fully enriched and double-guaranteed to be tha best you've ever tatted!
Compare Davidson's Sunbeam Bread for flavor
freihness and nutrition with tht fineit you'v. ever
.aun. Our policy of constant product improvem.nt
enables us confidently to predict that you'll aire.
Sunbeam Breast is "Bread At Its Beit!"
Dtvidson Btkint Company