y TKELIMINARV PLANS for the wnmrn's pari in the Community Chest campaign were outlined this week at a lunch eon for the leaders at the home of Mm. Conrad Paulson, Wednesday. Mrs. Paulson was chairman for the women's division last year and is adviser for the group this year. Left to right: Mrs. Charles D, Wood, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen and Mrs. Paulson. City's Dance Clubs These next few weeks find the dozen dance clubs of the city busy with plans for starting their new year. Among the first dances scheduled is the season's opening one for Tillicum club, next Saturday evening, October 1, at the Marion hotel. Dancing will be between 9 and 1 o'clock with Wulfer's orchestra playing. There will be a buffet set up throughout the evening. Carl H. Cover is president of the club this year with Carl Jordan as secretary treasurer. Trotters club announces its first dance lor Friday Oct. 7, at Glenwood ballroom. The officers, A. L. McCafferty, president; Joseph B. Felton, vice president, and Lee Ohmart, secretary, and their wives will be the committee for the first dunce. Wisteria club's first dance Is slated for Friday evening, October 14, mem bership notices going out this past week. Carl Aschenbrenner is president of the group for the new season. Waverly club hag planned a dinner dance for the evening of Saturday, Octo ber 15, as their first party of the new year, the event to be at the Marion hotel. Douglas Chambers is the club's president. Monday Night Dance club will begin its new year on Friday, October 21, a buffet dinner dance being arranged at the Marion hotel that evening. Second dance is to be November 18, and after that the dances will some the third Sat urday of the month, Claude Johns is MISS M4RII.YM POWI'R. ahnve, k the new ff Rainbow for Do. aoW Urn, t. f Rainbow for tilrla. Imtallmioa to k rat ! 4 5 Plan New Year president of the club this year. Bonheur members have announced their first dance for the evening of Oc tober 21. A. J. Crose is president of the club. Cama club also is planning its initial dance of the fall for October 21. Wil liam J. Sullivan is president of the group this year. Town club members are planning their first party as a formal dinner dance the evening of October 22 at the Marion hotel. Robert Drager heads the group as president. Arranged for the evening of October 29, Saturday, is the Subscription club's first dance as a dinner dance. John R. Caughcll is this year's president of the club. Another Halloween week-end dance planned October 29 is the Carousel club's first event. Melvin Bedsaul is this club's president for the coming year. The Cosmis dance group continues its monthly parties throughout the year, usually the third or fourth Saturday of the month, and has been sponsoring dances through the summer. Next dance is to be October 15. Glenn Bowman is present. The club is concluding its fourth year and has a membership of 40 couples. Mrs. Robert Letts Jones is visiting with friends in Pasadena, Calif., planning to return at the mid-week. JMrn-Miil.r atitdt. Ftclun irnrthT arivlw for ChariKtrk iwniMt, Order luntu ovMitn . Mi la to. daiuhtor el 7 raw J.crn -Miller studio plctur By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER "AYOR and Mrs. Robert L. Elf- strom are to be hosts this eve r ning at an informal reception to honor Mrs. Elfstrom's nephew, Dale Roth Leisy, and the latter's bride, who are here en route to Corvallis. The young couple were married Sep tember 4 at All Saints Episcopal church in San Diego. The bride is the former Jeanne Lupton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Murray of San Diego. Mr, Leisy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leisy of Portland. The vis itors are on their way to Corvallis to live this winter, Mr. Leisy to be a sen ior at Oregon State college. About 50 relatives will attend the in formal reception this evening at the Elfstrom home, arranged at 8 o'clock. The evening will feature an informal program presented by members of the family. Mrs. Homer Leisy of Dallas and Mrs. Elvin Herr of Silverton, sis ters of Mrs. Elfstrom, will pour and assisting serving will be several nieces. Mrs. Ernest C. Richards and Miss Lois Latimer vcp to be hostesses at the home of the former Monday evening for a meeting of Chapter AB, P.E.O. Sister hood, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis is to be hostess at her home, 340 Lane Place, Tuesday evening for Chapter BC of PEO Sister hood, the meeting to be at 7:15 o'clock. Jftftrn-MUIer ituoio plctur. HONORED Qi rrN fne the new hethrl of Joh'a Puthtfm to be Imtituied In Salem nel aturila erentnt. Ortober 1. Is Miat Mm Mae Manning, above, who la the aaiKhler of Mr. aad Mia, ttmm . Maaali. Many Women Volunteers ARRIVING TO HEAR Instructions on the Red Feather or janliatlon'j campaign right, Mrs. Charles Hansen, Mrs. William Loewen, Mrs. F . W. Plckhard, Mrs. Tea for Captains in Chest Drive To Be Tuesday Afternoon Event Captains in the women's division for the annual Community Chest drive, opening October 4, will be honored at an informal tea to be given next Tues day afternoon, September 27, at the Sa lem Woman's club house. Hours for the tea are between 2 and 4 o'clock. The club house has been donated un der special dispensation by the Salem Woman's club as part of its community service interest. Arranging the tea are the three chair men for the women's division, Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr., Mrs. George Spaur and Mrs. Elmer J. Church and their 15 leaders. Charles A. Sprague, local publisher, is to be guest speaker for the afternoon. He is a past president of the Oregon Chest, Inc. Pouring during the tea will be Mrs. Conrad Paulson, last year's women's division chairman in the campaign and adviser to the group this year, and Mrs. Charles McElhinny, active worker in the campaign. Several hundred women, all volun teers as are the leadership corps, will be in the field starting October 4 to do the residential solicitation for the campaign the doorbell ringing job of the drive. "y c? . J F (i f Alii The captains to be honored at the Tuesday tea are: Three Divisions ' South division: Mrs. Roger Schnell, Mrs. Stuart McElhinny, Mrs. George A. Arbuckle, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Jr., Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, Mrs. David Church, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. J. S. Imlah, Mrs. Dorsay Moore, Mrs. Ed Goeckner, Mrs. Fred Bernard!, Mrs. William H. Johnston, Mrs. Gordon Bar ker, Mrs. Howard Post, Mrs. E. A. Barn ford, Mrs, M. A. Pekar, Mrs. Victor Palmason, Mrs. George Keortge, Mrs. John Hughes. Central division Mrs. Sidney Schles inger, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs, Wil liam Bush, Mrs. John Woods, Jr., Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. James McClelland, Mrs. Joseph B. Felton, Mrs. Robert Gentzkow, Mrs. Wayne Perdue, Mrs. Gayle Stoddard, Mrs. Eugene Oliver, Mrs. Edwin McEwen, Mrs: Glen Steven son, Mrs. Malcolm Jones, Edward Roth, Mrs. James Schuler, Mrs. Vance Morri son, Mrs. Raymond Busick, Mrs. Rich ard N. Chase, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. Robert Letts Jones. North division, incomplete list Mrs. Edgar Morris, Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, Mrs. Ellis Buswell, Mrs. J. H. Holt, Mrs. Kenneth Muller, Mrs. Carl Soos. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Archie Elliott, Mrs. Emerv Lebold. Glenn Blanton, Mrs. Robert Smith, H. L. Gillette. Leaders Listed Leaders serving under the three chair men include: Mrs Charles D. Wood, Mrs. Klony Smith, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. Fred Snider and Mrs. Robert W. Gofm sen. all working with Mrs. Wilson; Mrs. W. C. Dyer. Jr.. Mrs. M. H. Saffron. Mrs. Bert A. Walker. Mrs. Charles McEl hinny. Mrs. F. W. Pickhard, serving with Mrs. Spaur: Mrs. William Stortz, Mrs. Robert Upson, Mrs. William Loewen, Mrs. Virgil Pade. Mrs. Charles Hansen, working with Mrs. Church. Among those in Eugene today for the University of Oregon and University of Idaho game were Miss Alene Phillips and Mrs. Raymond Williams, the latter of Portland. Mrs. Williams is to be house guest of Miss Phillips in the capital this week-end. Rainbow Installation Tuesday Evening New officers for Chadwick assembly. Order of Rainbow fnr Girls, will be installed at a public ceremony next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Masonic temple. Serving as the installing officers will be: Miss Gladys Fonck, the retiring worthy adviser, as worthy adviser; Miss Pebble DeSart marshal; Miss Betty Cooley, chaplain; Miss Dorisjean Shafer, recorder; Miss Virginia Benner, musician. Miss Marilyn Power heads the incoming officers as worthy adviser and other officers to serve the term with her include: Miss Dorothy Pederson, associate adviser; Miss Shirley Jones, charity; Miss Norma Hamilton, hope: Miss Donna Phelps, faith: Miss Dorisjean Shafer. recorder; Miss Elaine Stanley, treasurer; Miss Elizabeth Johnson, 'chaplain; Miss Jean Blackwcll, drill leader; Miss Marilyn Blakley, associate drill leader; Miss Beverly Benner. musician; Miss Roberta Graham, love; Miss Doris Helen Spaulding, relifiion: Miss Helen Reiman. nature: Miss Joyce Armstrong, immortnlitv; Miss Patricia Filler, fidelity: Miss Claudia Talmadge. patriotism: Miss Roberta Sjnding, service; Miss Vivian Chance, confidential observer: Miss Sharon Whitacre, outer observer; Miss Beverly Grabcr, historian; Miss Joyce Garlick, flagbearcr; Miss Patricia Elfstrom, soloist. For the program, Ronald Craven is to sing "The Lord's Praver." and Miss Elfstrom is to sing "Bless This House." and Miss Edna Mae Hill will play "Mala guena" on the piano. Ushers for the evening will be Misses Claudia andn Clarice Waters. In charge of gifts will be Misses Anne Forristal and Carol Fuhr. Refreshments will be served, Mr. and Mn. W. G. Burris. Mrs. D. G. DeSart and Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson in charge. Mrs. D. M. Eby and Mrs. W. L. Le.wis re to pour. k t-t mmtniiiiiaaiiaoiiii mm, 1 t Aid Community Chest L JestfJl-Miller Mndio picture, plan are these five leaders. I-eft to Fred Snider, Mrs. Bert A. Walker, A N OCTOBER wedding is planned nCa for Miss Shirley Louise Starke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B, Starke of Salem, who is to be wed td David O'Dea of Wichita, Kansas. Data for the service is to be announced later. Miss Starke is a graduate of SalenJ high school and attended Willametta university two years, then Washington State college one year. She is a menv ber of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Mr. O Dea, the foster son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ehrsam of Wichita, Kansas is a graduate of Kansas State Teachers college, Emporia, Kan., and has his mas ter of arts degree in psychology frort there. He has done extensive work ir educational psychology at Northwesterr and Washington State college. He ii on the faculty of the California Stati college at Fresno as director of place' ment. The wedding is to be an event id Fresno. T,' Mrs. John S. Beakey and son, Jack plan to leave about October 3 for Tuc son, Arizona, to spend the winter, ex pecting to return to Salem in June. Hi will be a sophomore in the high school in Tucson. Mrs. Beakey s younger daugh ter, Miss Beverly Beakey, left last weel for her freshman year at Oregon Stat college. The older daughter, Mrs. Rogcij Schnell, lives in Salem. Delta Zeta alumnae are to meet on Monday evening for their first fall gath" ering at the home of Mrs. Bjarne Erirk. sen, dessert to be at 8 o'clock, Mrs. B. L. Bradley assisting Miss Dorathea Steusloff and her grand niece and nephew, Ann Louisa and David Chambers, and Mrs. George Alexander and grandson. Gregory Stad ter, are at the beach at Pacific City this week-end. Leaving tomorrow for their home in San Francisco will be Mrs. Ray Worthy and son. who have been visiting here this week with her mother, Mrs. D. X. Beechler. A recent visitor at the W. P. Fuson home was Mrs. A. H. Kuelper of Hunt ington Park, Calif. a In Portland this evening to see the play "Streetcar Named Desire" an'yMr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., and son. Don. mr -.7- t rip I'M- I f 1 ' rot R OTHERS AT this week's Instruction meeting for leaders are shown here at the Paulson home, talking over plans. Left to right they are: Mrs. Charles McElhinny, Mrs. M. H. Saffron, Mrs. Virgil Fade and Mrs. Klony Smith. ONDAY brings the fall's first meeting for the Women of Ro tary, a luncheon to be given t the Golden Pheasant at 1 p.m. Invitation is extended to wives of all Rotarians to attend. 1 Ardo Tarem, who is with the Salem YMCA staff, is to be guest speaker and will show pictures of displaced persons camps in Estonia. Hostesses will be Mrs. Arthur Jones, , Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. Abner K. Kline and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. H. K. Pickens will decorate the tables. Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley is president for the Women of Rotary this year, the group meeting once a month. . At a party given for her last evening. Miss Beverly Briggs announced October 30 as the date for her marriage to Tra vis Cross. r The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Briggs of Long Beach, Calif, and Mr. Cross is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cross of Salem. Their engegement was announced this past year at Willamette umversity. Miss Briggs is a member of -Pi Beta Phi at Wilamette and Mr. Cross, who attended Willamette and Stanford, is a member of Phi Delta Theta. Last evening's party was a miscellan eous shower for which Mrs. T. F. Man kertz, Jr. was hostess at her Howard street home. The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Carl C. Schneider. At the party were Miss Briggs, Miss Evelyn Johnson, Miss Grace Shields, Miss Edith Fairham, Miss Maxine Mey ers, Miss Avis Roberts, Miss Yvonne Simpson, Miss Nancy Adams of Silver ton, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Margaret Allen, Mrs. Herbert Lucas, Mrs. Myrtle Briggs, Mrs. H. A. Cross, Mrs. Carl C. Schneider and the hostess. OSC Mothers Meeting Calendared for Monday afternoon is a meeting for the Oregon State College Mothers' club of Sa:cm, the event to be at 2 o'clock in Mayflower hall. Invitation is extended to mothers of all present and former students with snecial invitation to the mothers of new students enrolling at OSC. Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., president, will announce her committee chairmen for the year and plans will be discussed f'jr the new year's prorram. Ainoiv.! events being arranged by the club is a tea in October or November to compliment Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson of Salem, who is the state president for the OSC Mothers' clubs this year. Past presidents of the local group are being honored especially at the Monday gathering and they will take charge of the social hour anu tea with Mrs. Howard Smith and Mrs. John H. Carkin, the first two presidents, heading the group. Other past presidents assisting will be Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. G. A. Reeher. Mrs. Donald H. Up john, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Mrs George Croisan, Mrs. L. O. Arens. The DcMolay Mothers club will start its meetings this year with a luncheon at the Masonic temple, on the second Thursday in October. At this time the president, Mrs. Harry Bachle, will an nounce committee appointments and club plans for the year. Mrs. L. J. Stew art, vice president, has sent question aires to all mothers of DcMolay boys and as soon as these have been returned a list of the members will be compiled. Other officers are: Mrs. Fcrdig Hall, sec . retary, Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, treasurer. Unit No. 136, American Legion aux iliary, plans its regular meeting for next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock upstairs in the Salem Woman's club house. The Constitution and by-laws committee will fet in eharf. Drive Starting October 4 ?' ' -:-7'5k3k, Wiiw f . ii-J ' i i! ! ! 1 i -JUl Nile Fall Benefit Important event on the new week's calendar is the annual fall benefit to be sponsored by Salem club, Daughters of the Nile, next Thursday, September 29, at the Masonic temple. The affair is a two-party one, cards to be played in the afternoon, starting at 1:30 o'clock, and again in the evening, starting at 7:45 o'clock. Both bridge and pinochle will be in play and' a large number of prizes will be awarded. All proceeds from the benefit go to the work of the Shriners' hospital for crippled children in Portland, a project aided by the Nile groups. Mrs. Charles Boyer is president of the Nile club in Salem. Among those making reservations for the Thursday parties are: Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Carl Soos, Mrs. Vern Hasbrook, Mrs. John Dietz, Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mrs. Evert Givens, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Har ris Lietz, Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, Mrs. Wilbur Pintler of Stayton, Mrs. John S. Lochead, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. James Bird, Mrs. A. A. Feitelson, Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. Claude Post, Mrs. Jason Frizzell, Mrs. Robert Eyre, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Errol Ross of Silverton, Mrs. Maurice Butler of Independence. Visitors expected next week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker will be Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Jones of Pa sadena, Calif. The two couples were to gether on a trip a year ago to Victoria. Visiting at the Parker home this week were Mr. Parker's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Angeles. M. Parker of Los mm !!.! !! ! 'I 'I i I i I1 llllil I in n ; ifp ,v vL II- rirrii t ; 5V I- -! 1 1 "1 jI III J j eyya ONE OF THE MAJOR activities for Salem rluh. Daughters nf the Mir. earn year Is the fall benefit card narlv to he given next Thursday afternoon and evening, September 29. at the Masonic temple. Among rommiltee members ar ranging the event are these live, left to right: Seated, Mrs. Ctregorr Haefliger and Mrs. J, Parker Lineberry, and in back from left, Mrs. Carl Quia lad, Mrs, John GrajblU and Mrs. C. Ward Da via. .hZ I "wr-V-SS is! Jutrn-Mlller itudio picturt Due Thursday Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay will be special guests at several affairs through the coming week. On Tuesday evening they are to be at the dinner sponsored by the Republi- . can Women's Federation in Portland to honor Mrs. J. R. Farrington, president of the National Federation of Women's Re publican clubs. The McKays will be in Portland for another dinner event on Wednesday, at the First Presbyterian church there, hon oring a group of displaced persons who are attending colleges in Portland. Thursday afternoon Governor and Mrs. McKay leave for Seattle, Governor McKay to attend the Pacific coast board of intergovernmental relations there on Friday. Saturday afternoon the McKays are to be guests of Governor and Mrs. Arthur B. Langlie at the Notre Dame Washington game in Seattle. Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood is meeting Monday at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gus Moore for the fall's first event. Ten Salem women will be in Eugene Wednesday for the Oregon Women's Golf association tournament. Those go ing from here include Mrs. Harold M. dinger, Mrs. John Heltzel, Mrs. Werner Brown, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mrs. Claude Johns, Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mrs. Howard Wicklund, Mrs. Rex Adclph, Mrs. Marc Scale. The regular weekly day for the local women golfers will be Wednesday at the Salem Golf club. PS ; ,. ntiU THRFE CHA!RMi: Hi'AT) tile women's division for ttie annual Community Chest campaign in Salem this year and here they are looking over the map drawn tor the job. Left to right Mis. Elmer J. Church, Mrs. George Spaur and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr. Each has a group of leaders working with her, the leaders in turn lining up captains to serve with them. SEPTEMBER dinner meeting for the Salem Business and Professional ' Women's club will be an event of next Tuesday evening in the Cave room at the Senator hotel, the dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock. The health and safety committee is in charge of the program, Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, Jr., as chairman. Earl D. Houck, president of Port land Beauty Supply, Inc., Portland, is to be guest speaker, his topic to be "Good Grooming as a Step Towards Good Health." Erich Laetsch, newcomer from New York City, will demonstrate hair styles, Mrs. Laetsch to be the model. Mrs. John Verstecg will preside at the meeting as club president. Salem friends received announcement this week of the engagement of Miss Ma deleine Keene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene of Corvallis, formerly of Salem, to James Swarbrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Swarbrick of Idaho Fails, Idaho. The news was told at the bride elect's sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, du ring the week. No date is set for the wedding but it is planned to be Hi is winter. Miss Keene was graduated from Salem high school and has finished her junior year at Oregon State collctfc. Mr. Swarbrick was graduated from OSC last June and is affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega. He was a member of the foot ball team and active in other athletics. - - Social group for Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is to meet Tues day at the Masonic temple, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock. Reynolds Allen is to be guest sprakei to tell of his experiences at Shangri-La. Hostesses are Mrs. H. A. Gueffroy, Mrs. A. S. Hussey, Mrs. E. A. Tueski, Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mrs. Curtis A. Hale, Mrs. L. D. Howell, Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Mrs. Arnold F. Johnson. Mrs. Robert E. Pattison, Miss Laura Yantis. mm m . - mi it mm ii iSr Msr (I S-J w n I ? JfAl'n-Minr AhKlli Met ir Salem Woman's Club Style Revue To Be Staged Monday Afternoon A major social event to start of the now week will be the "fashion premiere" to be sponsored by the Salem Woman's club General Federation Convention Fund committee, Monday, in the group's club house. Dessert will be at 1 o'clock, follow ed by the fashion revue, Schlesinger's and Sally's stores to present the array of fall fashions. Mrs. Charles Clarke is to be commentator. Miss Dorothy Pederson is to give musical selections and will play the accompaniments for the parade of styles. Models for the fashion show will be Mrs. Donald Fisher, Mrs. Ross Coppock, Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney, Mrs. Sidney Schlesingcr, Mrs. M. H. Saffron, Mrs. Farley Mogan. Tickets fnr tiie event may be obtained at cither Schlesinger's or Sally's, or from members of the committee, including Mrs. Grant C. Rogers and Mrs. Estill L. Iirunk, co-chairmen for the event. Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Mervin Fidler, Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Henry Han 7.en, Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs. Frank Myers. Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. Reservations Taken Among those making reservations for the afternoon are: Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs. Scott Page, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. J. L. Franzen, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. Carl Chambers, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Mike Slcinbock, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Ralph Moody, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. William Newmyer, Mrs. Gregory Haefliger, Mrs. Floyd W. Shep ard, Mrs. George Gregor, Mrs. J. E, Webster, Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mrs. .1. R. McEvoy, Mrs. Charles Cole, Mrs. W. E. Martin, Mrs. Val Sloper, Mrs. Ellen Quinn, Mrs. W. F. Leary, Mrs. John W . Scott. Mrs. .lames R. Humphrey. Mrs. Howard Hnnsaker, Mrs. William McGil ehrisl, Jr., Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. Guy N. Hicknk. Mrs. John Graybill. Mrs. Ccnreo Walling. From Portland as guests will be Mrs. Myron V. Feig and Mr:. H. Lawrence Lister. At the door greeting guests will be Mrs. Mf-rlo Travis and Mrs. Norman WirHow. Following tile fashion revue, bridge and pinochle will be in play, guests he in ii-W'd to take their own table ac- c:- i,ori's. This is the finale efits given during chili's committee. in the series of hen the summer bv the S;ilrm General Hospital auxiliary an nounces its first meeting nf the fall fur October 4 at 1(1 a m. at the YWOA. Mrs. Curl F,. Nelson is president. The tnei'ling is open to all members nf the group. Plans will he discussed for the winter activities, including the annual fall silver tea, planned for early November. New Bethel for Job's Daughters Of interest to Masonic groups is the institution nf a new bethel of Job's Daugh ters next Saturday evening, October 1, Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, spmr firing the new group. 1 no meeting will be at 7:.1fl o'clock that evening in the Masonic temple and Interested members of all Masonic affiliated groups arc invited. Officers of the new bethel include: Miss Edna Mae Manning, honored queen; Miss Adeline Kmilhson, senior princess; Miss Helen Booth, junior princess; Miss .Sid.uy Krriiner. guide; Miss .loan lioyer, marshal: Miss Janet Lee Boyer, chap lain; Miss Claudia Waters, senior custodian; Miss Clarice Waters, junior custodian; Miss Laurel Herr, musician; Miss Marilyn Waters, recorder; Miss Marian Baum, librarian; Miss Ann Gallaspy, treasurer; Misses Justine Lewis, Carol DaMetz, Joan Bale, Patricia Van Ottinghnm and Marcia Maple, the five messengers; Miss Judy Shrock, inner guard; Miss Shirley McCauley, outer guide; Miss Rean Fletcher, historian. Jr.itrn-Mlller itudlo plcturo Among groups starting their new year in October will be Town and Gown club, Mrs. James T. Brand as president, the group planning its first meeting for October 27. The club is a combination group of interested townswomen and Willamette university faculty women working in the interest of the univer sity. Recent graduates group of the Salem branch, American Association of Uni versity Women, is meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mary Thomas with Mrs. Edward Dyck and Mrs. Francis E. Gaskins as co-hostesses. L. L. Balch is to be guest speak er to discuss the fall fashion trends. Arranged for October 10 Is the first gathering of the fall for the University of Oregon Mothers and Dads clubs of Salem, a joint dinner to be at the May flower. Mrs. Grant B. Fallin Is presi dent for the mothers, John R. Caughell for the Dads. For the Soroptimist club's luncheon meeting Wednesday noon in the Gold en Pheasant, Captain Walter Lansing of the state police will be guest speaker. He is to discuss safety enforcement. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cooper are an nouncing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Catherine Cooper, to Herbert Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bauer, No wedding date has been set. WOMEN VOTERS PLAN TEA The Salem League of Women Voters will sponsor a membership tea at 2:30 p.m. next Tuesday, September 27, in the home of Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, 219 W. Lincoln street. Members will have opportunity to ' meet the state League president, Mrs. James West of Portland. Mrs. West will outline the league's program for this year. Mrs. Arthur Bone is chairman of ar rangements for the tea. assisted by Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, Mrs. Garlan Simp sun and Mrs. George Swartzley Guests will be received by Mrs. Hal DeSart, Mrs. Arthur Sliffe and Mrs. Mark Astrup. Mrs. Harold A. Rose braugh and Miss Eleanor Stephens will pour. Newcomers to Salem are invited to the tea by Mrs. DeSart, president of the Salem league. One of the league's principal activi ties this year will be a voters' service program in which nnn-partisan presen tation nf information on legislation and candidates for office will he marie for both members and the general voting public.