AUTOMOBILES FALL OPENING SPECIALS 1947 Studebaker Landcruiser, R&H $1695.00 1948 Studebaker 4-door Champion 1695.00 1941 Studebaker 4-door Commander .... 395.00 1942 Studebaker Coupe (new motor) .... 695.00 1940 Studebaker 4-door (Commander) . . 690.00 1939 Studebaker 4-door (Champion) .... 495.00 1946 Plymouth 2-Door 1946 Nash Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 5-pass 545.00 1940 Plymouth 2-Door 495.00 1939 Plymouth 4-door 395.00 1939 Buick Sedan 595.00 BONESTEELE'S 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 3-9277 AUTOMOBILES 1MI Ohee. Aire aeden. radio, heater. irr flntahl, ?er low mtliut. 1 owntr. lou'll Ilka It ! o ltt Olda M club hydramatae drive. Ra dio, heater, WJ. waahera, 3 tone up holatery and linlah, low mlleaai, 1 own- ....(1946 D Ittt rontlae convert. Radio, heater, fot UihU, W.8. waahera. W.8.W. tires, 1 ton uphoUtery, low nlleeaae, beauty. mlt 1M8 E MM OUa N Club Mdramatlc drive, radio kaatar, lew UBhU, ton. upholaterr dart blua llnlah, W.. waahara. Driven nil TWO mllal be owner ' R INI Olde eonvartibla hydramatie drlre. radio, beater, chrome wheel rinia. eat cover, foe lifhU. V, 8. Royal Maa tar W.I.W. .tree, push button control!. Driven only 2(000 milea by 1 owner. A beautiful car MW B 14 Kntlleh HUlman eedan. Leather trim. 1 tone uphoUtery. Only MOO mllea, book rice 11095. NOW 11409. R 1944 Fart VI froupe. Perfect condition. aood rubber, 47 black llnlah. A dan- .11045 O W 1.4m etuk. Hadie. haatar, partaet . Al Mdltlon, aaat Mian (a ateai nu MS stuktrw ton. Una rut-bar. ekeHlT. A awaU motor. rati bodr I TOT VAN RKS AT Loder Bros. m4 (won rw) m. t-iM win - NAME YOUR OWN PRICE 14 FORD t TOW eow it ehejate. Brwwnla trenamUelon, 1 pad rt.r and. Spot IIU. Dark ,reen. MaohanlaaUT parfaat. ThU truck muat s. ao make na an after. Btan Baker Motors .w. eonim mow union Ph. MHI all Otto J.Wilson Co. "Presents' Hal frWVTROLBT "CARRY- ALL" lists IM 1DIOK ROADUArrUt imAnrrr with OTNAPLOW IIU IHT inlCK SUPER ZD AH ( MM 1111 BUICK ROADUAATER SEDAN 1JI ItT BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE 1HI IIU BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN- ETTE Low mlleaio 1188 MM BUIOX SUPER SEDAN IMt Iat BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN INI BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN INI BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 1111 CHEVROLET J-DOOR IIU , MB , m , m "AS IS" INI BUICK SPBOIAL SEDAN I OTTO J. WILSON Oommartlal at Center a: BT ORIOINAL owner: 1140 Char, biutneu aoupe. A-l condition. 1800. Pb. 8-8814. out AS BUCK Roedmemr 4-door eedan, 41.. ooo ml. AU erceaeorlee. A-l rood., moo 1441 Court, ta. Pbllllpa. am Ebner Motors to Buy IM t ID JAR LOT IM ft pour old ana. ittb St, Jaaetlon open tin u pa. ejil IAUTOMOBIHS 1095.00 975.00 SALEM AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS OT SELL . TRAOB TERMS 333 Pal ri round Road Phone l-OO CAE ACCESSORIES ttrea ft tubee at COM price. Flm coma flrat eervftd aa thla u a doaa-out aala Dealera welcomed. R D. Woodrow Co., 450 Ceoter. Signer Motors Fine Cars IBM CHRYSLER coups. A-l condition. 645 Ferry, q228 18 STUDEBAKER Reial deluxe 4 dr. ae- dan, equipped with overdrive, heater, hillholder and backup light. Haa been driven only 15,175 and naa had the beat of care. Look and rune nearly like new. Will take older car In trade and ar. range term on balance. McCalla, 1297 State. Dial 3-810B. q22 USID CARS WANTED Imntdlate eaib for food uied care. Oet mr offer before you aeU. McCall'a, 1297 State. Dial 1-8106. q23B 4 FORD auper deluxe 4 door sedan. A very food automobile for only 11095. Raay terms. See and drive drive thla car before you buy. McCalla, 1391 State. Dial 3-S108. q228 17 Plrraoath 4 door deluxe aedan In ex cellent condition In every reapect. Jet black paint, clean original upholatery, ahlnny chrome, heater, fot lights, apot lamp. Haa been owned locally and had the beat of care. Priced to aell at once. 11350. Easy terms. McCalla, 1397 State. Dial 3-810S. q338 'U CHEV. tudor Ueke after. See at 184S soutn commercial. q228 IBM PLY. coupe. 1175. Oood cond. Ph. 2-509B alter 4:00. Q331 SPECIAL 1939 Dodge coupe, motor flrat class, new tires, new paint Job. A Una looking car. Only 1495. Teague Motor Co. 353 N. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4173. 4228 BT OWNER: 1038 Bulck coach. This car in excellent condition. See It Sun day at Mi) N. Liberty St. q2S8 FOR SALE: 1940 Pontile Torpedo I ae- dan. 7000 mllea alnce complete overhaul. Pully equipped, 1825. Sunday only before 6 p.m. at 455 N. Summer St. q228 CHEV. Aero sedan, fully equlpt. Oood cond., clean. Rt. 3, Box 81, Dallaa. Olenn Mehl, t ml. S.W. ot Dallas on Liberty Rd. q3JS 41 DODOE led., R&H. '38 Chev. coupe. '37 Ohev sed. '37 Dodge aed. '33 Chev, These cara are In good cond. & are priced for quick sale. '38 Eaaex sed.. clean. '29 Mod el A ied cheap. Hardman Bros., 4 'A mllea north of Salem on Portland hiway. We buy, sell or trade for anything. Open 7 days a wk. from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. q228 Ron's Motor Co. "FOR REAL CAR VALUES A VALUE IN EVERY CAR" 194J Studebaker Champion, fl-door, Overdrive, clean. Mew rubber S79S 1940 Chevrolet Sedan. Radio beater. Reconditioned motor 1095 1940 Ford Sedan. Radio and heater 1595 1940 Willy ftsdan. Heater. Clean ..1405 1919 Bulck Club Coupe. Radio heat er 1495 19M Chevrolet Truck, IS ton. Van body ..11495 1937 Pont tee Sedan . 1987 Pontile J -Door. 1245 heat- 1290 Radio ItSf Chevrolet Sedan ...1135 183S Or ahem Sedan. New rubber ...3133 1831 Ford Sedan 3135 1333 Plymouth sedan, ateal top ....3135 1834 Chevrolet Sedan 350 1884 Chevrolet 3 -Door. Rebuilt no tor 345 1884 Ford Ooupa. Rebuilt motor, clean. 1838 Chevrolet PaneL 1833 Ford Panel. ' Ron's Motor Co. 140 S. High Ph. 8-4598 on I A U. to M P.M. 0131 N D0DG1 aeupa with a '38 motor. Oood Urea. Oheap. 335 I. Madrona. Tel. 1-3133 after I. oail FARM IQUIPMENT COOP TRACTOR 1 year old. driven leaa than 100 motor hour. Rex Klmaey. Rt. 1. Stayton. 44 mllea aaat of Stayton on N. Santlam hlrhway. a.c-230 FINANCIAL Peraonal Finance Co. Ill Itata. Rra. 135. Ua. - S-113 . M-1SI. O. R. Allen, Uir. 3333- I CASH $ $25 to $500 PTTRNTTTTRK, LiVBSlOCR QUTPMTNT LOAMS UP TO 1300 Hollywood Finance Co. lOTe" Palrtroundsi Road Heat Door to Bank Ha ParkiDi problem PhM 17013-144 II UlM-JWtl Floyd Ken rem, Ifcr. r PRTVATS yONTT Spec' a) Ratea and Term On Larter Loane Loaf and Short Tina Parmer, tj ROT H SIUMONS 111 Sontb Commercial St. F&one 1-1101 sn V FOR ATTRACTIVE PARI! LOANS ONLY 4 OR INT KR EST I to 40 Yea re and No Commiaelon Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS S44 Stata St. Phona l-lflt OENSRAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. S-lll and H ill and ROT R. SIMMONS , INSURANCE AND LOANS 111 S. Commercial St. Tel. 1-tlll FARM AND CITY LOANS and 14 fOCB OWN TCEMR of reparmact within reaeotv Caah for Real Batata CoetracU IM second Hortaaiej,. CAPITOL SECUR1TICS CO. Ml Pioneer Truet BKU. Ph. J-71M AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO, 11 S Church Par Una a Plenty FB, 1-1411 IM, Hew H-1M E-1M r AUTOMOBILES Pontiac Good Will Cars '41 Olds sedan $695 '38 Pontiac coupe $195 '38 Ford tudor $145 '42 Studebaker sedan $745 '35 Chevrolet Sedan $75 HERRALL-OWENS CO. 100 N. Llorrtr TRAILERS HI NTING TRAILER. Aluminum covered with lights V mattress. hitch, etc. 800x18 wheels. Ttrea In excellent condi tion. 1396 8. 13th. Ph. 3-6995. U32 NEW 3 wheel all metal tra'l-r. Rack and canvaa cover. 1335 Lee St. fteaa. zn ! WHEELED trailer, ball hitch, aood eond.,150. 1348 8. 12th. taaa ALL METAL 3 wheel trailer with rack. spare wheel & tire 175. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. t238 All Metal Trailer All modern, spun elaaa Insulated. 37-ft. tandem equipped with toilet and show er. U.sed 8 months. Like new. Price re duced for quick alr. Sleeps 6. 50A5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-6279. t230 BRAND NEW 1949 Vagabond 33-ft. Refrlf., elec. brakes, bottle gas ranee, I M0 under cost. Trailer Park Village. 5085 Port land Road. 1228 TRANSPORTATION WANTED: Teacher desiring to commute would like ride 10 miles Albany-Salem highway leaving Salem approx. 7:45 a.m. Ph. 2-834V x?28 DIRECTORY 4.DDINO MACHINES All makes used ens chines sold, rented repaired Ftoen 451 Court Phone 1-8773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair aerrlce new appliance Vlace'a Elect rle Phone Free estlmatea Trade-ins accented on 3-9239 197 8 Liberty St o AT-CR DOOR GRINDING) 'awnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter'e Ph 36833 o AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station tor all makea of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 1-6955 e MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aemce day phona t-9188 Nlgnt 3-1804 33" Center o Mike Panek. 375 S Com'l. Ph. 3-5181 Brake and wheel aligning specialists. 0233 Bl'ILDING CARPENTRY Remodel repair that home now Terms No down payment Phone 3-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Broa. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. 0242 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4308 0239 BulldoElng. leveling, road bide., clear ing teeth for brush. Vlrail Huskey. 1010 Pain-tew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. o239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 023S CASB REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al- makes sold rented, re pa'-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalk driveways, patloa, curbs, walla, tte Call 3-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley 771 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o233 DRESS MAKING Alt., 4reB maktnt. Oood lued clothra tor aala. 360 etata St. Rid. ST. 0244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce'a Electric for alectrlcal wlrlni, contracting, repalrlni, lal 4. Liberty SM3. 0 EXCAVATING A GRADING EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator 8erv!ce. Ph. S-3056. Lee Croxa, 1335 Pearl. 0333 Brelthauot'a for flower. Dial 3-8178. c rhel; atove b dle.t oil. Ph. 1-I1S6. Shell Oil Co L. T. Maxwell, dtetrlbutor 0241 FURNACE CLEANING Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount' ad. Ph. 2B662. United Producta Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. 0233' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT! J. R. Watklna Oo rroducta Free arerr 1717 Center Ph. J-Mla. INSULATION Johna-Manvllle. Phona 1-1748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert mualcal Intrument repair. All work fully Ruaranteed. JACQUITK MU SIC CO , Ph. I-4M1. 0244 JAINTOB SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Serrlce Floor Wailnt BulVdlnea Paetorlaa Romei BKtlrr.atea Without Oblleatlon AMERICAN BLDO. MA INT, CO. Ph. Salem 1-9133 LANTJSCAPT NL'ESERT F A- Doerfler tb Bona. Ornamentala ISO N. Lancaster Dr at Cor Pb 1-1322. o1 DELUX fiERVt Btlt Laundry. Jef feraon St.. Phone 23432. o LAWNMOWERfl Sharpened, auaranteed aenrlca. Ne power and hand mowera. Call Btrr? W. Scott. 147 S. Cora'l St. 023J' LAWN MOKEB StlARPENINO At rout door lawnmowar aharpentna Dastat the Mwnmvwer maa Pb 18133 MATTBE99E9 Capital "Bedding Phone 1-4041 ML'AIC LEA BONA Spaiilah h Raweiian Oultar. Mandolin, Banjo, ata. 1431 Court St, Pb. l-7!t OI40 OFTirE PX'BNITI'RB A 8TJPPUEII Daak eh t Ira, fllaa and flllnt attppuea. aafea, duplleatora and auppltea. deak lampa. trpewrlter itanda. brief eaea Flare Wire Recorder Roen 4M Court OIL BURNER HER VICE We tervlce all ittjm of humeri. Ph. 2863. United Product! Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work auaranteed. o233' TJfatrom'a are equipped to do your paintlna Phona 1-2491 PAPFRRANOINO Bxpert Paperhanelna and patntlna. R. J. Wood worth. Ph. I-Saat. Free aat. 0253' Jerry Johnaon. Ph. 34631. PAINTING" A PAPEBBANfJINQ Paintlna and paperhanrtne. Free eft! mate. Ph l-IMt, til Shtpptnr. oU0 PI CTU BE PR AMI NO Picture frmina RnUhaoo Paint Store Phove 1,6I7 PLUMB I NO Fieaer, 144 eV Com'L Ph. I-I01. 313 AUTOMOBILES Phone I-4UI. Wheal Futures Reported Firmer Chicago, Sepl. 24 VP) Wheat futures firmed in late trading today, with buyers finding of ferings scarce. Soybeans show ed more action than grains and dipped more than a cent at times. Cash wheat was steady to firm, and this encouraged some what buying. There was littl in the news to Interest traders, but they showed little inclina tion to sell most of the time. Government bids for cash wheat were reported unchanged. Soybeans slumped on hedge selling against purchases of cash beans in the country. Also lead ing to some selling was the be lief that more hedging will en ter the market Monday, due to harvest operations now under way. Wheat closed V4 to "i higher than the previous finish, Decem ber $2.12T4-,4, corn was Va up to y down, December $1.15- 'A, oats were unchanged to H up, December 87, rye was Vi lower to H, higher, December $1.42, soybeans were off 4 to 2Vt cents, November $2.25- $2,24 4, and lard was unchang ed to 8 cents a hundred pounds higher, October, $10.95. Junior Pafrolers To Ride Buses Free Members of the Salem school boy patrol will be allowed to ride city buses to and from their schools free of charge, and will probably be treated to one free movie a week. This news was accepted with glee by the junior patrolers in their meeting in the city council chamber Saturday morning. Salem Police Chief Clyde Warren, patrolman Herman M. Doney and Robert J. Davidson of the City Transit Lines all spoke to the school patrolmen Saturday. Doney, who has had extensive experience with jun ior patrols, gave the boys sever al pointers on safety. DIRECTORY PRVMNO-SPBATIrJO PhtUlp W. Belike. Ph. 1-1301. SAND GBAV1X Garden Boll, eruahetf rock, Shovel and draellne eieavetln,. Walllni Sand Oravel Co., Phone 1-8348. oa Valler Band At Gravel Co Silt, aaad ai 1 11 dirt Bacavatlna 10B above! eeta Tractor acoop Si truck, lor dirt aavtni Pll. office 34003, tea. 37141. o Salem Saw WrU. Ph. 8-3803. 1388 K 6th 0333 SEWEBS AND SBTTtc TANKS Bectrle Roto-Rootar. Kselualva Pateol Raaer herp atae Outtlna Bladaa CleaD Bewera or Drama Septta Task Cleaned Roaa. Ph 8-1171 ot S-S4M SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel. Septic tank, eleaped. Electric machine aervlca on awer end drain lines. Guaranteed work. U4S-8th St., Weat fialem, Ph, 3-7404. 0348 Mlke'e Septic Serrlce. Tanke cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewera. 1078 Iim St, W. Salem. Ph. I-8IM, I-SI37 0338 Vacuum Pumplni, no mtleate eharfe. Call ua collect. Todd', Beptla Tank Bervlae, 3545 State St. Phone 3-0734. o SF.WINO MACHINES New Home aewlnf machine aalaa. We repair all makea. Klniwood Elec 1081 Edeewater. Ph. 33363. o331 Boueht. aold. ranted, repaired EZ term. All makaa. W. Davenport. Ph. 87671. 0338' All makaa repaired, free eatlmatea Sinter Bewlnt Uecnlne Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3313. o TYFEWRITEBS Smith Oorona. Ramtnttoo ftovaL Onder. wood portable., ah makaa taed meohlae. Repalra and rant Roan. 440 Oourt. TRANSFER ST03UI3B oeel 8, DlataiMe Traaafar. atorata Burner 041a. coal brloueu. Truck, to Portland dally. Atenl for Beklna. Bonaa bold tood, moved to anywhere to US or Canada. Lamer Treaater Si Storage Ph 3-3131 a' VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blind, made to order or reftnletwd Reutholdl A3 Uwta 1-3838 Elmer The BUndmaa. Ph. 17331. WELL DRILLING Pred Wymote, Rt. 3, Boa 111. Ph. 1-1136. 0318 WEATREBSTRIPrTNO Praa eatlmataa. T. PULLMAN Pn. I S86S 0333 WINDOW SBADES Waababla. Roller Uada to order, t Day Del. Relaholdt 43 Lewu. Ph 33638. a WINDOW CLEANING Acme V'lndow Oleanera Wlndowa, wall, woodwork eleenod Ploora claaaed. waxed and rollanad. Pb 8-3337. 841 Court Lanfdoa, Culbertaoa and alaibar WOODSAWINO ATktnaTcroaa. Ph. 1-3(74 or 3-1178. WOOD S SAWDUST W..I Sal.m Fi.l Co Ph I-I0B1. LODGES fj l.O.Q. awn avery Wao- nwwaaj OLKni. viaators WW1 come King-wood No 04. AT. sc A M i-WMt Sslem. JtA. Degre Sept 26Ui, 7:30 pan. 13' Foundation Completed With the foundation already in place, workmen are laying sub-flooring for the new Lyle grade school in Dallas. The eight-room structure Is expected to be finished for use next school year. SALEM MARKETS Completed (rem reporle of Selen dealera Reedere. (Reelect dellr). Retell Fred Pi-Ires; Efg Maih-Uy Rmbblt Pel 11 14.30. Dtlr? FeedI3.70. Poaltrr: Buvlna prlcea Orade A color ed hena 21 -22c; grade A Leghorn heni. 18-19c: irade A roloted frvera. three ib. and up, 31-33c. Orade A old rooatera, 16c Etta Burlna Prlcea Extra larae AA, one: large AA. B7e; large A, 6S-fl8c; Medium AA. 56c; medium A. 64-68e; pulleie, 37-40c. 61'ic lb.; loaf. 53 ic. n holeiele Prlree Egg wholeiale prlcea 5-7c above these prlrea; above grade A generally quoted at 71c; medium, o3c. Butterfat Premium 64-66c. No. 1, 63c; No. 3, 57 ic; (buying priceit. Butter Wholeaala irade A. 17c: re call 72c. Sizes of Bomb Do Not Count New York, Sept. 24 (1 Russia need not possess atom bombs as powerful as American atomic weapons to be on about equal footing for atomic war. If the Soviets have the bomb, it is probably not as powerful as this country's newest bombs. But the power of the bomb usu ally does not determine its effec tiveness. A small bomb often can do just as much damage as a big one. A ruling factor in governing the extent of damage is the ter rain the hills and shape of the earth in the area where the botib Is dropped. The more powerful atomic bombs, if only one or three times more destructive than a small bomb, will not destroy an area noticeably greater than the smallest possible atom bomb. The United States today has A-bombs more powerful than our Japanese and Bikini bombs. That has been announced by the atomic energy commission. The U.S. bomb may be two or three times, or even ten times more powerful than any bomb the Russians may have. HoweV' er, ten times is unlikely so soon But, depending on the terrain the more powerful American bomb might not do any more damage than our first "baby bombs. Scouts Enjoy Trip To Coast Resorts Silverton Richard Brekke troop scriba, reported the trip to the coast resorts, with 20 going from Scout Troop No. 61, in cluding Larry Brown, Kerby Brown, John Mulveahill, Richard Brekke, Teddy Sweger, Herbert Starkey, Bill Starkey, Keith Bonner, Howard Poppleton, Jim my McBride, Kenneth Hahn, Jack Moon, Donald Bibens, Ken neth Kimsey, Paul Sturges, George Hoyt, Buddy Groah, Nor man McCullough and Alfred Blake. Furnishing cars for the two - day stay were Scout Master Charles Davis, William Starkey, Alvin Sweger and Allen Brown.lout charge. Funeral Services Held at Portland for Chet' Murphy Funeral services were held in Portland Wednesday for Chester G. Murphy, 73, Portland attorney and resident of Salem many years ago. Murphy died at a Portland hospital last Saturday fol lowing a lingering illness. A native of Salem, Chester Murphy was born February 3, 1876, and was the son of Judge J. J. Murphy, who for many years wasj rjaiuii oi ine urKon state au - rourt. The Murnhvii owned considerable property injboth of Portland; and two sis Salem for many years. iters. Mrs. A. J. Geisy and Mrs Chester Murphy received his!L G. Clark, both of Portland. education at Willamette univer-; sity and Stanford university from where he was graduated with bachelor degree in 1900. He attended Harvard Law school and received his law degree from there in 190.1. In college Murphy was an all- around athlete. He played on and was captain of the first Wil lamette university football team and at Stanford participated in football, baseball and varsity track and In 1900 was captain of Stanford's football team. At Harvard he coached and was a member of the football and base ball teams. Murphy was admitted to the Oregon bar In 1902 and had prac ticed In Oregon ever since. From 1908 to 1914 he was United States referee in bankruptcy and during World War I he served as athletic director for the YMCA In leave areas in France. Return ing to Oregon he served as chair man for the Hoover campaign In Oregon in 1920. Surviving are the widow, the former Angela Kinney to whom he was married in 1912; two mm Mrs. Booth to Take Gilts East County Superin tendent of Schools Mrs. Agnes C. Booth when she leaves early in Sep tember for Memphis, Tenn., to attend the national convention of county superintendents as representative of Oregon will go armed with gifts from every county in the state to pass around among tiie delegates. Oregon is extending an invi tation to the convention to meet on the coast this year and is tak ing this method of bolstering up its claims. Mrs. Booth has been advised that the Salem Chamber of Commerce will send small bot tles of maraschino cherries with an attractive label as Marion county's contribution. Columbia county is sending filberts. And St. Helens is add ing to that some samples of its famous hair tonic which is pre sumed to start hair for bald headed folk and has been subject of national controversy. Mrs. Booth says the hair tonic will be particularly acceptable as the two executive secretaries for the association are virtually hairless and she hopes to make some kind of an interesting pre sentation of these particular gifts at the convention. Hood River county she says. Is sending cider and she expects a startling array of Oregon prod ucts to be available for the dele gates. The convention is to be held October 9 through 12. Mrs. Booth is on the program as a delegate from Marion county as well as appearing at the con vention as representative of the state at large. Four Butchers Prevent Holdup Chicago, Sept. 24 UP) Police came to the rescue last night of a Californian menaced by four knife-wielding butchers who cut short an attempted holdup. The butchers were pummeling James B. Peterson, 19. of Oak land, Calif., when Detectives John Tyndall and Joseph Ponick ie arrived at the Clark Super Mart, 720 N. Clark St. The detectives said Peterson held his hand in his pocket as though armed in trying to rob a woman clerk. Then he tried to use another employe, Miss II een Fort, as a shield. But the Butchers, led by Edward Smo linski, nabed Peterson. Peterson was taken to a hos- ipital where 1 5 stitches were re quired to close a cut in his arm He was locked up and held with dauRhters Mrs. James Burt- 1 , . . James Norwood, a,,u mia Dr. Ray J. Pinson announces opening of hi.i PROFESSIONAL OFFICES for the practice of chiropody in all of iti phases. Office located at 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 20704 RECTAL TROLAPSI Piles Hemorrhoids Quick Relief No Hospitalization No Loss of Time Lasting Results Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center M. Balrm. Ore. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Progress Made On Dallas School Dallas While first and sec ond grade pupils in the Dallas elementary school are attending in split shifts to alleviate the crowded situation, workmen are making progress on the new Lyle school and next year the situation should be different. Foundations have been pour ed at the new school and forms are being removed. Some of the sub-flooring of the eight-unit structure is being laid as work men take advantage of the good weather. Barham Bros, of Sa lem has the general contract. At the grade school Mrs. Jes sie Heath announces that two first grade classes are using the same room, one group of chil dren coming at 8:30 am. and remaining until 12:30. The oth er class starts at 12:30 and the youngsters complete the day at 4 30 p.m. Four second grade classes are using the same system with two classes coming in the morning and two in the afternoon. A fifth second grade class retains a re gular schedule because its pupils are all transported by buses which are used by the high school also. The 137 enrolled In the first grade sets a new local record and 127 from the record-setting first grade class last year are now in the second grade. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Marks (By Valley Packing Company I Lambj 118.00 to 130.00 Feeder lamoa iia.oo to ua.oo Fwe !. 30 to 1 00 Cutter cowa SS.S0 to t 10.50 Fat dairy cowi 19.30 to 111 M Bulla 111.00 to 115.00 Calves, aood .300-430 Iba.) 116.00 to I1B.00 Veal (150-300 lba.1 top 111.00 to $30.00 Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, aublect to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland ai-flflc lb.. 93 score al-ac lb., to score. 57-60C. SO score, 55c. Valley routes and country points ac leas man mat. Butter Wholesale ron ouia cuoea wholesalers: irade 03 score. 03 cent; M score file; B 90 score, B9e lb.; C tt score, 56c. Above prlcea are atrlctly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oreaon singles 39-40c: Oregon I urn . loaf 43 -43c ; triplets l leas man ainsiea. Caaa (Ta Wholesalers) A grade large. 651 j-flo'iic: A medium. 65-58'ie; grade b lei-Re, small a grace, azttc. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Orade AA prlnta e-7e; AA cartons Me; A prlnta 87c. A cartona 68c; B prlnta Me. F.ffs Prices to retailers: orade AA large 74e dot.; certified A large. 68c; A large cue; A A meaium, aic; cermiea a, medium, 80c; A medium, 19c, A email 43c, cartons 3c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oreunn alneles 30-43c: Ore son loaf. I- 11). loafs 44'-4&c lb.: triplets. cents lass (nan singes, premium oranas, singles, 3lic lb.; loaf, bSMt. Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 34 lbs. S5-38c lb.; fryers 7U-3 lbs., 38-IOc; 3-4 lbs., 31c: roastrrs 4 lbs. and over, 31c lb., fowl, Lrghorna 4 lbs. and under, 17-19c, over 4 lbs. 30c; colored fowl all weights, 33c, roosters, all weights 13-1 Be. Kabblts Average to growers, live whites, 4-5 lbs. 18-31c lb ; 8-6 lbs. 11-lOc lb.; colored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does, 8-13c: dressed frvera to butchers. K-83c. Country. Hilled Meata Veal, top quality, 30-33o tb.; ether grades according to weight and quality with poor or heavier 30-35C. Hogs; Light blockers, 33-33e; sows 34 2flc. Lamba: Top quality, springers, It-tla: mutton, 10-I3c Beef: Oood aowa, 13 -33c esvnners cutters, 30-33e. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers par ewt ): Beef steers, good 50O-8O0 lbs.. 143-48, commercial. 835-41; utility, 35-41. Co we Commercial, 133-33; utility, $1 31; cannera-cutters, 134-36. Beef Cuts (Oood Steer i : Hind quarters, 155-57; rounds. 853-55; full loins, trimmed, 173-77; triangles, $31-33; square chucks. 83B-41; ribs, 153-55; forequarters. $37-36. Vest and calf: Oood, $38-39; commercial, I33-.16: utility, 826-30. Lambs: Oood-cholre spring lambs, $41 15; commercial. 136-43: utility, 833-35. Mutton: Oood. 70 IDs. down, $16-18. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-13 lbs.. $59-63, shoulders IB lba. down. 840-43; apare rlhs, 147-49: carcasaes. 833-34; mlaed wet Me 13 per ewt. tower. Portland Mlarellaneeae Casrare Berk Dry lSe lb. green 4e lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45r lb. Mohair 35c lb. on 13 -month growth. nominally. mars caives, joe id., according o weight, kips 35c lb., beef ll-13e lb., bulla fl -7c lb, Country buyers pay 3c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Frsnquettes, first quality Jtim i. 34.7c: large, 33,7c: medium. 37.3c: .frond aitnlttv Jumbos. 30.3c: large, 38.3c: medium, 31. 3c; baby, 33.3c; soft shell, first IS YOUR GETTING WORSE EACH YEAR? Wear a DOBBS TRUSS BULBLESS BEULESS STRAPLESS UkNTinCALl.t NTTltD NU OBLIGATIONS A OOH8S TRU88 a.I.e like aha .an. SANITARY, e.a a. w.m wall, ftatkioa Dm. ..I elrat the raat.r. ll enM. wit a eewca.e ..d. It..... eamiia tear, fM ne la aleee a talk e tell a anlna ef eaptare, Ui.e keeptn, Ike Hhm, e. eee. .part. Mingle Ootihle 12.AO Men, VYoatrn, Children 17.60 no matter what trnM eon note wear, yon owe It to yonraelf to corns see the DOHI18 THIS' Capital Drug Store Star and Liberty To Sell Your FILBERTS H. R. BUYER FOR ROSENBERG BROS Cr CO. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY AT SNYDER TRANSFER CO. 285 S. Cottage Saturday, Sept. 24, 194913 DEATHS leva Wllltaea terllaatu leva William EurUnden. at tha family reaidenca at 3314 North Pourth eireet, September 33. at tha aae ot 33 reara. Sur vived by parent, Mr. and Ura. Oeorva Zitr linden of Balem: brother, Oeoree Zur llnden, Jr., of Salem; two alatera, Mra. Ruth Moore and Un. Dorothy Dufioiee, both of Balem. Member ot Balem lod No. 131. BPOt and a corporal In tha Marine Corpa Reeerve. Bervlcea will be held Monday. September 30. at 3:30 p m. at the Howell-Edwerde chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment . in Beloreat Memorial park. Mri. Henrietta Math Mra. Henrietta Roth, lata TeiWent or 937 North Church atreet, at Newton, Kan tea. September 31, at tha age of Si yeera. Survlvlne are three deuahteri. Mra. Doro thea Stark of Balem. Mra. Annie Joae of Dei Molnee, Iowa, Mra. Ida Zuerener Ol Whiteweter. Kane.; five eon. Dave Roth of Moundrldge, Kana., and John and Will , Roth, both Whitewater. Kana.; Rev. Theo dore Roth of Whitewater, Kana., and manuei Roth of Arlington. Kana.; 34 grandchildren and 3T great grandchildren. Bervlcea will be held Monday, Sept. 3, at 3 p.m., at the Bethel Bap tut church with Rev. J. P. oitoff officiating. Interment In the Lee Mlaaton cemetery under the di rection of the Clough-Barrlck chapel. I .or C. Cos Iiom C. Cox, at the reaidenca at 1375 Fr an kiln atreet, September 34. Surviving are hta wife. NellU L Coi of Balem; four aona, Emery Cog of Halnea, Oregon, Kar nrit Cox of Her ml ton. Oregon, Robert Cox of Corvalln and Richard Cox of Sa lem; four brothers. Rev. O W. Payne of Cool Bay, Oregon, H. L. Payne of Her mUton. D. W. Payne of Tourhet. Wash., and E. C. Payne of Baltimore. Md.; and two alatera. Nan Biggins and Stella Brown, both or Oalax, Wiac. Announce ment of aervlcea later by Clough-Barrlck company. Robert I. Beell Robert E. Scott, at the residence at 30 Hood atreet. September 33, at the age of 41 year a. Survived by parente. Mr. and Mra. Joneph F. Scott of Balem and a bro- . Ihrr, Alvah Scott of Salem. Announce- ent of aervlcea later by Clough-Barrlck company. Mra. Margaret Barker Mra. Margaret Barker, late realdent or 1368 Nebraska atreet. at a local hoapltal September 33. Surviving are four aona, Herbert Barker, Charles Barker, Sidney Barker and Albert Barker, all of Salem; and two alatera, Mra. Edith Kunthe of Pistol River, .Oregon, and Mra. William Doy In England. Announcement of aer vices later by Cloueh-Barrlck company. OBITUARY Joseph Wilde buverion joaepn wnae, n, rriaay. a. tha home of hla daughter, Mra. Maria Lennera of Silverton. Born August 8, 1873, at Bt. Anna, Hungary, and came to tha United States In 1903. Lived In Mt. An- t gel until five years ago when he came to Silverton to make his home with hla daughter. His wife. Marie, died In 1944. -Surviving bealdea tha daughter In Silver ' ton are another daughter, Catherine Lit tel of Mt. Angel: and all grandchildren. Recitation of tha roaary will be at tha Un ger runeral home In Mt. Angel Saturday, September 34. at 6 p.m. and Sunday. Sep- lemoer 28, at a p.m. services win do neio. , Monday, September 36, at 8:15 a.m. at . St. Mary 'a Catholic church at Mt. Angel. Interment will be In tha Calvary cema tary at Mt. Angel. More Coulee? Power Coulee Dam, Sept. 14 WV The third generator in Grand Coulee dam's right powerhouse ' is expected to go Into service about October 1, some IS days earlier than previously annonuc- ed. It will Increase the dam s output by 1 jSiOOO AuPwattJj quality large, M.Tc; medium. 99.1a: aaa ond quality large, 17.3c; medium, 14.7a; baby ii.ic. Filberts Jambo. aoc lb.: Me. 3Sa: medium. ISc: email, 13a. SunMey m LOW IN CALORItS HIGH IN ENERGY RT VOIR fflVORITE fOOD STORE 'Made b the Bakers ef Master Bread" mftrif tojeeep fit! RUPTURE "On h Corntr" WALNUTS SEE JONES Phone 1-4966