12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINOi Pf Uni , 15e Per Line I times 40e Per Lin 6 timeg 60c Per Lint 1 month 12 00 Outside of Salem 15o per lint per day. MId. 30c: S timet mln. 30e time mln. 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Local New Col Only: Per Lint 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 1616 6TH ST. 2 bedroom house, modern, plastered, good lot. Do not disturb ten ants, ah own by apt. only. 13350. lot TH. 3 bedroom on one floor, elect, re frigerator built-in, nice letting with background of fir trees, ft A. lot. 14950. Terms. BOLLYWOOD S rm. house, large lot. plenty of closet space, furnace heat, $1340 down, bal. like rent at 4. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 B. Commercial Ph3-8841 s228 jlAKE AN offeYTmust sell. New 2 BR home. With Bendlx. Oo 2 blks. South on old 99E from 12th St. Junction, and Dickson's Mkt. To Idle wood Dr. 4th house left. Ph. 23219. a232 Open House Sat. & Sun. S bdrm. ft ('place. Hdwd. firs. Inside Utll. 525 Illinois. a329 SPECIAL New 2-bdrm. home. Built-in wardrobes. Lota of kitchen built-in. Auto, oil furn. Owner needs money for business. Cutting price to 110,200, his week. Can bo seen evenings 'till 8:00 at 1095 Cot tage St. Will go FHA. a239 LOVELY 3 bdrm. home. North on I to 2140 333 Carlton Way. TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. R., Din., Kit. Nook, 3 Bed., Double Plumb.. Pull Base ment with Knotty Pine Play R , two fireplaces, dble. gar.. 2 lots, fenced and landscaped. 1970 John. Ph. 3-8226. e228 VERY COMPLETE 5 rooms, upstairs floor ed, F.H.A., 1 blk. to 4 Corners. Tel. 20037 .279 SMALL t-BDRM. HSE. comp. redee.Elec. water heater. Elec. stove. Elec. ht. Small lot. Hollywood Dist. 13,750 cash. Ph. 36360. 670 Jefferson. a229 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOUSE Excl. Location, 4 bdrm., full tile bath. i bath dn. Best of new wall to wall carpeting throughout. Lge. din. rm., full dry basement. Hot water heat. 3 car garage. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. We are proud to nave trie privilege oi snow ing you this excellent home at the very reasonable price of 821,500. Phone 26080. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Evening Phones 33836, 37769 or 38704 a328 BY OWNER I BR. home at 140 Cassfcde Dr. Finished basm't. with party room, 3 flreplacrs. 112,000 Phone 3-5445. a22S a - .- 16500. WORTH much more. Mod. 2 Bdrm., aut. heat, att. garage, near ous v schools, easy terms. Ph. 361B9. a230 tSfino. CLEAN modern 2 BR home Vh yrs. old. Kelzer dtst. Living room, cuning room, fireplace. Inside utility room, at tached garage, auto, heat, lot 82x224. Beautiful lawn ft garden. I160O down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 1S3 S. Hllh SI. Ph. 1-4121. Eve,. J-J5I1 .228 W-tAO. NEW modern 2 BR home EhM. Paved street, close to blu At ecnool. 1130U aown. Bal. F H A. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 a. Hllh St. Ph. 1-4131. Eve,. 1-5591 328 AUTUMN SPECIAL About 34 acres, Just off Pacific high way north 12 miles; a very neat small house; good poultry house; fine well and masonry pump house; aarage, good variety fruits and nuts; nice yard; Out of state owner. Hee It and make offer. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 14 H. HUh St. Ptl. t-1880 Eve. phonea 2-4591-2-6605 .228 4 BEDROOM Only 3 years old. Large carpeted liv ing room and dining room, nook ft car port. Over 1400 sq. ft. of floor space. Close In suburban location. V4 block from bus. Owner will sacrifice for $8500. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave. Realtor 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 1-5109. Eve. 3-9939 a22B IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to sell prac tically new home, 6 lge. rms., hdwd. firs, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rms. Unrin. upstairs. Stairway In. Breegewey, att. gar. Le. lot, city water, law down payment. FHA terms. Salem Heights dLit. 585 Ewald. 8. Off 09E. a23t BV PRIVATE OWNER I rm. house on 1 acre. City bug l'ne. 84 ft. drilled well. Small amount of fin ishing on house. Have 13300 In place. Will cut for cash, bal. 140 per mo. or make offer. Leaving town. Write Capi tal Journal Box 425. a238 I B R. HOUSE. 2 bathrooms, lge. kitchen, work shop, dble. a a rase, exc. residen tial dtst., walking distance, 16,900. Will sell furniture If desired. See owner after 8 p.m.. 1449 8. Liberty. a22B MUST LEAVE BY OCTOBER 1ST 32IMI WILL buy my 3145 enulty In 1 year old 2 lift nome, plastered, nown, nrs., 542 Blller Ave. Mapleton Addltiona233 MOD. 6 RM. house with dlnrtte, 3 bed rms., completely redecorated. Sm. family orchard. Approximate 1 acre. Immediate pn-wesslon. 14 block to school, 2 bl. to Salem and Oervata hi -school bus. 8m. down payment, bal. 140 mo. Cull Oer vnts 2073 eves, or write P.O. Box 242, nervals. a333 15500. New, 1 bedrooms, utility room, gnrsae. 87300. 3 bedrooms, oak floors, laundry trays, aarane. Imm. Poss. 17500. 2 bedrooms, floored el I Ic, oak floors, fireplace, automatic heat, gsr- ane. 7350. 3 bedrooms, basement, fireplace, oak floors, a!) electric, P. II. Roll. Realtor REALTORS 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-48U6. 3-1545 Eves. 2-6686. 2-3451, 3-7565 a 339' I MOINES. 1 4 bedrooms. 83.100. I 3 bed rooms 64700. All plastered. Ph. 26524 ail 38 FAIRMOUNT HILIj One of Salem's finest residential dis tricts 3 I). R., full basement, fireplace, prked riaht at 19250. P' II A. ENGLEWOOD Another I BR. home In an excellent dis trict fine yard, fireplace, oil heat, move In immediately, 111,050, PH. A. AUBURN Nice I B R. suburban home. Junior farm stse, elrts to school ft city bus service. Yea, only IMM. DUrLEX Late built, each unit has 1 BR, I.R.. kit., bath At garage, elec. heat, aood wed, utility rm., 1M1 ft. 99 Hiwa front ae. a steal at fM0. Crawford BURT PICHA. Realtors 371 N. High St. Ev: 2-M90. Otf: S-lMft OPEN HOUSE 8330 SUNNYVIEW AVE. Nrw 1 year old very modern 3 bdrm. home. Larse 14x32 llvlna room with circulating fireplace, 10x10 dinette. Beautiful kitchen with breakfast nook, separated by breakfast bar and lots of bullt-lns. Large utility room with sta tionary wash tubs. Attached garaae. H ihlr polished hardwood floors thru e it, Nice bark and front lawn enclosed by ranch style fence. Lot 55x247 v Oarden spot at rear of lot Very well onstructed. This home ts In excellent condition in every detail. Reason for gelling, leaving atate. a339 f ntlRM. HOME, fine IwatlonrMust sell Price 14750. Call 1-3888. 330 To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 Ore., Saturday, Sept. 24, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES rOB SALE: Beautiful mod. alec, heated home, furnished, has lovely bdrm. and dining rm.set. elo. range, refrlg., gar age, ehlckenhouae. trees ft shrubs. Inc. 1 acre of land close to town. Only 16300. MT. A NOEL LAND OO. Mt. Angel Oregon a230' OPEN HOUSE 2 P.M. TO 5:30 P.M. North oo M highway to 1140 Carl ton Way, Just north of Saving Center jtore. Lovely 2 bdrm. home. Lane living room, dlnlnt room, kitchen ft nook, utility room, plas tered garago attached. Lane porch facing north. Hardwood floors thruout, Coved linoleum, fireplace, electric heat, lota of bullt-ina. 4 fruit trees land scaped all In. a32ft Fairmount Hill Choice A comfortable 2 bdrm. bungalow lo cated on rear of fine lot at 1735 Pair- mount ave., tell firs; house neat ft clean; room for another home. Lot worth better than halt the price of o;mj. Terms. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-53 231 H. Hiah Eve. Ph. 3-6770. 3-T53. .323' BY OWNER i room ranch type home, two years old. Hdwd. firs., 1st. att., garage with utility room, nice lawn and walnut trees, lot 151223. FHA loan, 148.50 per mo. will accept good '48 or '49 house trailer on part down payment. Call 3-3797 or 2-8223. a 3 BEDROOMS Safe location for young children, quiet secluded. Basement. OH furnace. Fire place. Tree of all kinds. Owner will consider any fair offer. 3260 fi. Comm'l. St. Phone 2-5996. a230 FOR SALE LOTS FOB SALE I have 1700 equity In 7 A. unfinished, but livable house. Large chicken house, extra lumber, 85-ft. well. Full price, 81500. 1300 dn., 1350 year. O, E. Junceau, Rt. 0, Box 490, City. a230 60x100 CORNER lot. Form down for small house. Some lumber. Terms. 780 Mls- wurj. aa239 FOB SALE OR TRADE View lot 80x140, city water. FHA approved. $1000 or car of equal value. Ph. 28159. aa230 BY OWNER: Lot 70x112. south, city water, ous, restrictions; saw; aaa aown, gio a month. Ph. 2-5211; eve. 2-3203. aa228 LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus; close to school on Silver ton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down. 315 per month. General Real Estate 335 Center Ph. 3-3233. Ml BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Close to Hayesvllle school. Lot with water, electricity, bus service and iruii trees, iiu down no per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Sun. ft Eves. 2-8241, 1-9712, 2-2532, 2-373B. aa230 CORNER LOT, 100x187. sub.. 3450, terms. uwner, jw b. azno. nt., rn. J -4836. ae228 FOR SALE FARMS BY OWNER. 10 A. farm. Close In. Price 110,500. EZ terms. Ph. 2-1993. b228 M ACRES 18 MILES north of Salem. No building. Will trade on house. Inquire 007 N. Capitol, Apt. NO. 6. b238 TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 good acres close In NE: very clean small two bdrm. house, garage, poultry house, family fruit, pressure water, near school. Only 16400. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phono 3-7080 Eve. phones 3-4591 - 3-0808 b229 15 ACRES of real good soil 1 miles from Aumsvllle, new 8 room home el. wa ter heater, wired for electric range, 3 car garage, good barn, deep well, plenty water, 4 good cows, all this for only 19000.00. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors Pho. 3-4707 - 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 D22S 69 ACRES A REAL FARM 13 miles out Wallace Road. Continuous Ownership for 76 yrs. Alt cult, level ground. The house Is old but clean and mod. All outside bldgs. are new. This Is really a beautiful place and only 815, 800. 12' ACRES 19730.00 The barn's full of hay, so are these two fine Jersey rows. Average 2 BR house. 2 ac. boysenberrles. 4 ac. filberts, 12 mnea out Wallace ho. a food deal. Phone 26680 ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 443 N. High 81, Evening Phones 28704, 27769, 33836 MM 10 ACRES, small 4 room house, garage and pump house, 18x46 hen house, al) bldgs. 2 years old. Out Sllverton Rd., 3 McCain, then N., last place on left. b229 FOR SALE ACREAGE PLEASANT LIVING ft acres that offers real country com fort with all city conveniences. 10 min utes from downtown. City and school busses. See this attractive 3 BR home In the grove of beautiful oak 1 ml. E of Kelzer school. Double gareie. chicken house, good shed suitable for small barn. Family orchard, all fruits ft ber ries; excellent soil. Out of stale owner has authorised sale at 112,000. Drive by and Inspect at your leisure, or call A. N. Duncan, Rm. 12, Ladd Si Bush Bank Bid, tel. 3-9658. b228 II TO M ACRES of river bottom land. I Stream, trees, good blrig. sites. 81500 i awn, eany terms, call alter g p.m. 31160 REAL ESTATt St'RI'RBAN 3 rm. home: att garage: util ity rm. S A. land. Close to Sweile School, bus, and stores. Price 13850. Terms. 3 BEDRM. HOME vacant. Near McKln ley School 14500 1800 down. ATTRACTIVE 4 rm.. 1 bedrm. home. Only 3 yrs. old. Price 14850. 10 ACRES. Suburban home. Year around rreek. 3 bedrm. house. Oil furnace; fire place. Barn, chicken house, family or chard, shrubs. Price 110,500. Terms. LEO N. CHILDS. INC. 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evening call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom. 3-8789 e23 SALEM SUBURBAN! 2 ACRESt OLORIOUS VISTA OVER LOOKS 8A1.EM' FRONTS 3 FINE ROM NATIVE TREES ENHANCE HOMKSTTrS' MOnrT DWELLINGS! RESTRICTED DISTRICT! ONLY $7iS00 SUPERB 32 ACRES! 4 miles NW In famed EOLA HTL1-SI FRONTS good road! 35 A. In big bear ing cherries, pears, fruit 7 a, open. MANY PINE Bl.DO, BITES WITH VIEW! SALEM ROUTES! NOW ONLY 13000. COUNTRY HOME! GRAND 19 ACRES In EOl.A HII.IA' It minute from LADD A RUSH! SPLEN DID DOUBLE PLUMBED 3 BR HOME Full bsmnl., furnace, etc. BARN. Fern, fruit ft nuts. 115.000 C.W. Stuller, Exc. Broker WALLACE ROAD. Hn.rl.e4 bridge 318 FOR TOt'R SATIN Qb investment buy a tint mor tease on Mai estate, Salam ft Ttclnlt. Examine securtl yourself Amojnte IA00 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 1. We make all eol Wione for you U (Wired sTTATl ITNANCl CO 1U S. jjtf ft FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE CANDALARIA HEIGHTS 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25, 1949 220 Candalaria Boulevard and 245 Candalaria Boulevard 3 Bdrms., liv. rm., din. rm., hall & bath, large lot, dble. garage, auto-oil heat, 2 nice homes to look at in Salem's fastest growing district. GRABENH0RST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Salem Heights 14100 1 bdrm. - llv. rm, - kitchen - bath - block house plastered on Inside - Very neat and clean View property - lot 85x135 - city water - 8 pear trees 7 filbert trees - berries Furniture can be bought for 3400. 11000 dn., 165 a mo. Fairmount Hill 17950 Large lot . 82x75 - English style - 1 bdrm. - living-dining rm.. kitchen, ' bath dn. - full bath up Inside and outside fireplace - elec. heat - beautiful yard with shade trees - fenced - View property. You can't beat this buyf for a home and location. Near Leslie School 18900 3b drm. - living - dinette - nice kitchen - bath - fireplace oil heat - at tached g erase - good location - close to schools and bus 8 years old. Suburban Salem Heights Dist. 313,300 1 '4 yrs. old - modern style - 2 bedrooms - llvlng-dinlng rm. large kitchen fireplace - elec. heat - big lot - View property - nice garden space. Let us show you a beautiful home. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN A. A. LARSON, REALTOR OFFICE 3-8629 101 8. HIGH ST. HOME 3-7163 a228 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS KEIZER Almost new 3 tdrm. Upstairs could be finished. Large dining room, electric heat. Well worth 38500. Can be F.H.A. finance. Would trade for 3 bdrm. home near St. Vincent school or suburban acreage. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 2 HOUSES Both on one lot, 2 bdrms. each. Electric heat. Insulated. New. Bus At school close. A good buy for 111,400. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. GARAGE Completely equipped garage with 8 rm. living quarters In a good location. Very reasonable rent. Everything goes for only 12750. Will take car or trailer house as part payment. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 100 ACRES Close In North. Approximately 2 miles north of Balem city limits. Willamette ft Amity soil. Excellent for sub-division. No buildings. May consider central or eastern Oregon farm In trade. Total price 131.500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. GRADE A DAIRY 65 acres all cultivated. Very good 3 bdrm. home with basement. Excellent dairy barn, 35 cattle. All equipment. Good soil. Fenced St cross fenced. Every thing goes for 135,000. Very attractive terms. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. 3035 Portland Rd. , c229' WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IS SELLING IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SELLING YOUR HOME, Farm or Acreage. Contact our oftlce. ' COLBATH LAND CO. 1683Center St. Ph. 2-4552 ca229 WANTED TO BU Y From pr 1 va t epa rtyT older house on small down payment. Vi cinity of Mission St. St South Com mercial. Ph. 2-2855. ca230 NOT1CEI U your property is for sale rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St ea WE ARE In need oi gooa Douses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for aale see GBUBENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 10 A. ALL cultivated. Beautiful build ing site, reasonably priced, aale or trade for property priced on like reasonable basis. No blue sky. Phone 2-1663 eve- lnings! cb239 813,000 3 BDRM. modem home. A-l shape. Englewood dist. On city bus line. Close to church; grade. Jr., high schools: St arocery store. Has auto, oil air condi tioning furnace. Hardwood floors thru out. Beautiful yard, shade trees, out door fireplace, patio, small garden space. Larxe garaae and work shop. Will trade for 110,000 2- or 3-bdrm. home Si 12000 cash. A-l shape. Good location. On edge of Salem city limits. Close to city St school bus, Prefer about acre lot. Ph. 2-4159 day time. cb228 TRADES WANTFn IF YOU WANT TO TRADE YOUR PROPEHTY FOR OTHER REAL ES TATE CONTACT OUR OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4552 cb229 TRADE 2 A. on Sllverton Rd. Snialfs rm house. Bus by door. Value otlO. For 3 bd. rm. house In city. 1970 Broadwav. cb228 TRADE '47-'fV Liberty house trailer and cash for house and acreagp or small restaurant. Write R. J. Uevltt. Trees Court, Vancouver. Wash. cb2J8 OR TRADE: Equity In all modern 2 BR suburban home. Lame llvlna rm., r chen with dinette. Larae lot 80x123 It Will consider lame trailer house in pood cond. Call at 108 Landing Ave. co.28 BUSINESSJPPORTUNITIES SHADY LARtiEl'rrsuitable for'subdl vlsion or trailer auto park. 1 mile North, Call 3116Q evenings. cd239 oLFOLKSIIOME LARGE CEMENT BLDO.. 82x36. All equipment, stock, land, bid., aoes In sale. Employlna 8 employees. THIS IS A REAL MONEY MAKER IN OOOD TIMES OR BAD. FULL PRICE ONLY 133.000. See Ren Colhath COLBATH LAND CO. 1483 Center St. Ph. 3-4553, Eves. 3-692J cd229 ESTABLISHED exclusive 'local business no selling, good profit for onlv 3 hra of your time a week glnoo investment, serured. Act now. Write box 437, Capi tal Journal. oi3J8 H4YESV1I.1.E grocery store"" fixture! 3 gas pumps. I cabin. On highway 99 North.Rt. 7 Box 143. Ph. 24.119. ci13.13' BEAUTY SHOP, excellent location-Good business. Ph. 2-3667 eves ed22f SALE OR LEAKE large lot on Fairgrounds Rd. near bank. Ideal for used cars. 3 Bdrm. Jn back. Terms. Ph. 3l6f. cd2J0 Choice Building Sites ONLY A FEW BLOCKS rilOM SCHOOL. SEE OODBN. WEST END OF EVER GREEN ST.. MILL CITY, OHE. cd230 FOR LEASE or sale, new store building, jiow, m m Marion m, rn, i-esifv cri238 GROCERY MEATS For sale or trade. Living u'teM Good lean stock. Comp. futures. Sacrifice for ejulck sale. I5.M will handle. 3 do-us outh of post office, Hubbard, Ore fU?t FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 NICE ft piece walnut bedroom set. tt has extra lane sire mirror Cost ftp will sell for IM 3351 Simpson, Call at I'M. (1331 IFOR SALE HOUSES a228 FURNITURE FOR SALE BREAKFAST table ft 4 ehalrs7780 M sourt. 4229 AMAHOGANY din:n VaDle with four chairs and a B.R. dresser. A bargain. Call before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. 1343 Wllber St. d230 KIDNEY SHAPED green mohair daven port with new spring cushion. Also large oil circulator like new, with outdoor fuel tank. Cost 30. Selling price, 149.50. Ph. 3-6708 or 3-7672. d228 WANTED FURNITURE USED Fl'RV. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices. Valley Furn. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da234 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances, sporting goods, etc., to sell St want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE, 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8558 days or 2-4407 eve. da235 1IIGI1EFT PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Marset Ph 8-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKFR MEAT. Baby beef on hoof. Your choice. Rt. 2. Box 241. t mile south Quinby Corner Store. e228 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea231 RABBITS WINO'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices 39H.1) state. Pli. 3-1489. eb242 PETS MOORE'S TROPICAL fish ft supplies, lue. variety. Special on Red words ft Gup ples. Open evenlnns until 9 p.m. Rt. 5, box 483 on Macleay rd. Ph. 2-7321. ec230 DOHERMAN PINRCIIER Male, are 14 months. Phone 3-04H after 5 p.m. or Sat. c233 REGISTERED Collie pups. Male and" fe male. Reasonable. Rt. 2 Box 179. Ph. 22353. e,-229 FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Good clean sawdust Dry slab or green for furnace Green edRlng 15.50 load. Double I10.0C Dry edging 18.00 load. Ph. 35033 ee23j FOR SALE Old growth fir wood 314 per cord del. Ph. 2292 Gervlas. ee228 SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. Biieii oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrlautor te249 SLAB WOOD, mill run. 18 per load. Hand picked. $11 per load. Ph. after ft p. m. 27751. ee236 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph 26444 ee PHILLIPS BhOS Old tlr, oak, ash ft maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edRlngs. Ph. 314h8, ee" West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN- DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 2-4031 AL'o pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee" TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 16 stab Wood and Edglnes Creh. Cut Screened Sawdust IJ' Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 18 rARMENTER reds 'pullets. J2 each Rt 7. box 3db. 1's mile E. of Greennpple Mkt., 99E. (2J9 FAT HENS Ph73-1298 t232 18 l-VR.-Ol D New Hampshire hens. U laying: pullets. 6 Leshorn hens. 160 Fnlr haven Ave. Ph. 4-2603. 1228' NEW HAMPSHIRE red Vending roost fraT 3 months old. 15. Ph. 2-6230. I22B NEW IHMI'SHIRKchTcks everyThurs day. Order Frys or Heng now at spe cial quantity prices for vour lockers CuMom Dressing a specialty. Phone 23861. Lee's Hatchery. ( NEW n.UirsiilRE chicks for immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery. 1830 State St. Ph. 2-49P9 PRODUCE TOMATOES U Pick. L Zirlkf. Near Ro berts school. Ph. 3-1578. f(333 EASTERN OHHiON potatoes. Get your winter supply now. 11 2i per hundred. Brina own sacks for exchange. Al Pei, Rt. 7. Box 149. Ph. 3-1580. 2's mile north of underpays. ftiJO DITKH. a pair 13. Small ones 1125 Ph. 2-3Tfl. ffa.10- CAI'I.IH.onER-ir4 miles l" of Keller school. J C. Mount, 1393 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 3-0048. lf"" PIiniRTS r-PHK tOc lb. or readv picked 13c. Nice, lge nuts Large trees A heavy crop. 2.18 Fisher Rd. Ph. 21.U. fl229 CORN. SHUT Golden Bantam, UplckT SE. of Walling Gravel, 3175 6. 19th. Phone 4-2782 f 1230 tomatoes a buTVr-tonl!-pirki bir n-n. Bix 13. Ph. Jefferson 504. ft 243 SWEET rtNMMl Tamatee. LT H. Eleke! at Roberta School. Pn. 31578. ff2J8 TOMATOES W RarU-pick.Xm1aiirniit farm, l mile on Wallace rd. Ph. 30374. ff231 E ORFOON AIF41P4 1ST ft tNO CI TTINO NOW BFtNO PH ItVfRtn WRIT I4.V . SRD. SEND j ORK.ON OR PH. 41MW. U2S0 I HUH NT AND Walnut drying. " Special 1 service for small lots. Phone 3-2861 iet a natenery. ji REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS SMALL BUS. BLDG. Located at Intersection of Liberty and Skyline Roads, across from United Fruit Growers. An ideal bu. location. Offered at sacrifice price of 33.950. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. ENGLEWOOD 3 bdrm. hone with full basmt., newly painted, nice yard close to all schools. This price is only 19.500. TO SEE CALL EARL WEST. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS Well-built attractive home, 3 bdrms. hwd. firs, thruout, brkft. room, auto-oil heat, dbl. garage. Truly a fine home. Price 813,900.00. CALL PETER OEISER. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN 3 bdrm. Inside utility, auto-oll heat to all rms. Nice yard, attached garage, 31,500 will handle. Full price 38,950. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Geiser 3-0988 - Ben Roisen 3-2471 REIMANN FOR 3 - Bedroom . 1 stanchion barn, ah B.OO0. WiU trade for 2-1 3 - Bedroom on 1 acre east. Lots of room. 1 stanchion barn, shop, small ehlx house. Close to school. Close In. Nice yard. 18,000. WiU trade for 3 -bedroom la town. No. 341 on one floor. All hardwood floors. Deep Large bath with blue fixtures. 6 blocks to 3 - Bedroom with 'i basement. Auto oil heat. Fireplace, offer on No. 304. 3 - Bedroom oloer type home in excellent condition. Very good and quiet location. Would make a good ttntal. j,500. viU trade on 2-bedrom southeast. ndltlon. Very toot ' on 2-bedrom tot View Lot llixiis city water, trees 11,200. No. 630 View Lot 80x140 South 11,300. NO. 622 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street pn. 3-9203 Eve. & Sun. 3-9712. 2-3738, 2-8341, 3-2532, 3-3905 c228 PRODUCE YES STRAWBERRIES! Excellent for Jam or locker, 10c basket you pick. Good berries, clean picking. 1 mile west & 1 mile north of Kelzer school on paved road toward Lake Brook Hop Ranch. Picking 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. only. Otherwise by appointment. Phones 2-8790 or 3-1164. Weeks & Beardsley Nursery Sc Berry Gardens. ff228 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO, JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 2-7172 ff.2281 EASTERN OREGON Watermelon 39c each, all sizes. Oreen Apple Mkt. 2 miles N. on 99 Highway. If 231 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh engs. Fri gaard Fruit Farm, ml. N. Kelzer school. ff240 HELP WANTED FRY COOK WANTED, 382 State, Spa. No pnone cans. guv EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted. Good salary. State qualifications In let ter. 426 Capital Journal. g228 WANTED Filbert pickers. 9 mi. east on Aumsvine nignway at ttuver rails junc tion. 50 acres, smooth ground. Big crop. 2 ',4 and 3 cents. Geo. Hull, ph. 34204, g228 ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time, Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal. Box 422. g251 HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED: Man to work on poul try farm. Small houe. water, lights, es and milk furnished plus salary. No children. Must furnish reference. Joe Atchlnson, Canby. Ph. 12512. Rt. 3, box 433. ga230 RADIO ft Television technician. Must be good and have some tools. Ph. 26943 after 6 pm. ga22B HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY UNDER 45 to work part time in store anu assist wnn nouseworit. can State Employment Office 3-9286. Mrs. Johnston. gb229 WANTED Lady to watch children and do llaht housework in my home. Full year Job if satisfactory. R. M. Skelton, 2070 Jelden St., Salem. gb229 WOMAN for housework and care for chil dren. For room, board and wages. Ph. 2-7526. gb229 B I Q CH R I ST M ASC ARti" VALUES 50 for 11 WITH NAME! Make big profits on quick sales! 31-Card 11 "Leader" Assortment sells on sight pays you up to 100 cash profit! Reli gious, Humorous. New PLASTICS, Fi esta, Everyday, others. Imprinted Nap kins. Floral Notes. '"Leader" on approv al. Plus FREE Imprint samples. 6TYL ART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 52, Los Angeles, Calif. gb228 1 GIRLS with fountain lunch experience. B ft B Bowling alleys. 3085 Portland road. gb230 WE ARE NOW registering women to work in the evisceratina dept. Oregon Tur kry Growers, 696 Bassett St. gb228 FOUNTAIN GIRL Apply Reed's Drive In. 698 S. I2th. gb228" GIRL OR woman for housekeeping. No cooking or washing. Apply Marilyn's Shoe Store. gb228 WANT LADY living in Reiser Dist. or "on route to Salem to care for 2 year old girt days. Your home. Ph. 20062. gb228 WANTED: EXP. cook ft housekeeper for" 2 adults. No washing or ironing. Modern conveniences. Good salary. Ph. 36617. gb230 WANT WOMAN for light housework and rnre for 2 small boys. Ph. 2-0534. Rb228 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3f0 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: REAL Estate Salesman! Work from one of Salem's best located of fices. Ph. 24864. gc229 AGGRESSIVE young married man with automobile wanted by local representa tive of national concern. Prerequisite: neat appearance, pleasing personality and a desire to make a better than a v eraae income. This is a selling position. Experience helpful but not necessary. Phone 3-3872 for appointment. gg228 TWO MEN to work as a team toTell. as semble and install the new PRE-CUT ornamental railing. If you are mechan ic enough to use a hacksaw and a screw driver yon can really make money with this proposition. Write Box 430. Capi tal Journal. gg238 EXPERIENCED lurnlture salesman, list exp ft qualifications. Write Box 394. Capita) Jo,i:n.i; gg Bid D VII. Y PRoriTsira7e"over 13.00 on each order. Represent larae manu facturer selling men's made -to-order shirts direct lo wearer. No exjerlence needed Part or full time. Complete out fit FREE. Write today, Packard Shirt Co, Trrre Haute, tnd. ag23t WANTED POSITIONS M I Dill F ob lartv wanubaby":ttlng. Ph. 24748. Call eve. h.229 BOOKKEEPER Good exper! ft refer. Write Capital Journal Box 435. h230 INTERIOR PAINTIN'O.r Exp." PhT36796 h35S WOMAN with experience as receptionist and doctor's office nurse would l.ke portion in Salem office. Ph. 3-7584. h239 INFANT CARE In my home. Transporta tion turn. Call after I 30 p.m. Ph. 3-6075. 240 River street. 1.239 BY OWNER New modern bedroom house. Floor furnace, garage. 84800. 23.10 Hyde St. h233 Oregon Tree Service Phone 3-1496 h230 CHILD CAReTi 63 S. 18uClTlM7l7b343 I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE lot. Fireplace, large kitchen. Bendix goes. school. Good terms. Price 313,800, No. 340 large lot. Lots of closet space. Make i WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllls ter, 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235 FULL OR part time Job Janitor work. Ex perlenced. Ph. 3-4218. h231 WILL CARE for smaU child In my home. Ph. 37142. h228 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S, 66S North 18th. Phone 1-3643. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- Jwniw pnone opr. tn, 3-&OT3, nzao' NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wiht dozer. Ph. 2-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS HEATED DOUBLE Bdrm. Kitchen ft home privileges, working girls or students. Ph. 3-3683. JH228 PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 3-4547. Jk229 ROOMS for rent. Ladies only. Kitchenette priv. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 3-3210. Jk333 SLEEPING ROOM. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 2-1477 Jk230 SLEEPING ROOM, 2nd fir. H ft C water. 481 Ji. High. Jk230 NICE SLEEPING room, business gentle man, neat ft ustC water. 255 Center St. Jk228" SLEEPING ROOM with kitchen prlv. Re- iineu iBQy. ions Mission St. Jk228 PLEASANT ROOM, priv. home, kitchen priv. tmpioyea iaay preferred. Ph. 3-7465. 1550 State. Jk228 SLEEPING ROOM for rent. 980 Parrlsh St. Jk228 LARGE SLEEPING suitable for 1 or 2. . Private home. Close in. Ph. 2-7823. Jk228 NICE SLEEPINO rm. Ph. 37558. SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335T" SLEEPING rm. for rent. 1157 N. Capitol. l2J FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 RM. APT. 2nd floor. Lady preferred- 1""; JP228 STRICTLY MODERN apt. Central loca tion, very close In. For a couple or 2 gir ls468 N. Winter. Jp228 3 RM. FURNISHED apt. with private bath. Ail electric. Ph. 2-0540. jp228 LARGE 8 RM. apt. Prlv. ent., prlv. bath. uas, stove, eiec. reirtg. 419 S. 19th St. JP230 NICELY FURN. 2 rm. gpts. Ambassador apts, sso N. Summer. Jp228 SPACIOUS ultra-modern new apt. Ph. '"1- JP233 8 RM. PARTLY furn. apt. 1 sleeping rm. 360 N. Capitol. Jp229 LO. 1 RM. furn. Apt. Private ent. kit.. Shower ft Refrleerator. SM. 1 RM. furn. Apt. Private Ent. Kit.. onower. utilities rum. except lights ft laundry. 245 Union. Ph. 24451 after 4. JP230 EMPLOYED WOMAN would like to share attractive 4-room home with employed woman over 25 years of age. Ph. 2-6766 eve. ft weekends. Jp229" FURNISHED basement apartment. 1201 S. commercial. Jp228 NEW X ROOM court apt. unfurn. except range et reirig. Beautiful view, Refer ences. Utility room. Ph. 3-5367. Jp228 COURT apartments. New, clean 3 rooms s nam. itange ft refrlg. 1348 S. 12th, JP228' DUPLEX New. strictly modern, Exc. lo- cation. 8J s. 20th. Jp22r NEWLY DECORATED heated apt.. 2 ad.- uiva, t jm n. uneriy. Apply up to 7 p.m. JP228 2 RM. Fl'RN. apt. Close In. For 1 or 2 employee people. Ph. 3-7240. Jp228" 3 RM. UNFURN. apt. Range and refrlg. aouiis. OJ3 n. summer. Jp330 ROOM Fl'RN. gpt. Prlv. entrance, utll- iiins paia. amp. coupie. izog Court. ip229 FOR RENT HOUSES WILL RENT until Jung my beautiful furn. j onrm. nome. on neat, 2 fireplaces. High class neighborhood. Close in. Write Box 431 Capital Journal. Jm229 MODERN 4 RM. unfurn. house, wired for range. Afluit. oarage. 145.00. 1-rm. furn. cabin 130, not modern. Lights, wa ter. 55 Highway Ave. Jm228 TO ADULTS ONLY Modern 2 bedroom house, close In. Electric heat. Quiet eurroundlnts. No drinking. Available October 1st. Reply Box 434, Capital Journal. Jm230 BUY LIKE RENT Excellent opportunity to buy this well built 2 B R. ranch style home in King wood Heights from owner. Some down payment and balance like rent. LB. with fireplace, DR., kitchen, bath. lge. utll. Bendlx and dishwasher. 2 blocks to bus. 1st street above Fair Oaks. 1701 Longview. Jm239 MODERN Fl'RN. cottage. 1 bdrm. 2 ml. n. oi Brooks on 99E. Rose Cottage after P m. Jm229 FURNISHED t BR home. auto. heat, hot aier. Adults. ISO. Ph. 34370. Jm329 3 BDRM. turn, home, Electric dish wash er, automatic oil furnace, electric water heater double garage. 890 per month Ph, 3-6137. Jm226" WHY RENT? 1300 down. Move right in. Nice 2 bdrm. homes. Hardwood floors. Lovely kitchen. Furnace. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 490 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eve. or Sun. 3-0121 Jm TO LEASE for cash. Modern turn, house. io acres with barn ft poultry house. Possession at once. 10 miles east of Sa lem. Inquire McClay store at McClay A. C. Hawkins, rt. ft. box 337. Jm238 NEW 1 BDRM. suburban house with e!c. neat. v. u.ir.o. nariwoo floors. 3 blocks to city bus, 9 blocks to new Lincoln school. 4S4J State St 170 per month. Positively no eats or docs. Fn. 3-1 13V Jm339 FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN 1 bdrm. house to couple. 486 6th St. Independence, Ore. Jm228 8 BR. Fl'RN., aU electrical. Insulated new House. 185. 958 Mornlngslde Dr. jm328' CLEAN 3 BR home. Fireplace, full base ment, garage, rnone 171 H. 8th. 888 00 per month. Im230 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS MOD. RM., 3 bed rm. house. At Wa condg. Phone Oervais 2073 eves. J230 3 RM. furnished. Private entrance. Work ing couple preferred. Ph. 2-37W. J329 OFFICE, desk space. Cony. loo. Ph, 39133 J246' FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery warq. j POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use, Howser Bros, Ph. 1-1646 1 FOR LEASE DINK ft DANCE CAFE. TO RELIABLE party, See Mr. Ross . COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553. J339" TO DO a good Job rent t good floor sand r wo sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. . ph. 3-3646 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. DFF1CE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 35692 r TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 s 12th. West Salem. J' BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J' V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. J singer ELECTRIC portable sewing mi- cn-.nes. Reasonable rates. Free pick up A delivery S inner Sewing Machine Oo 130 N Com'l. Ph. 33512 J WANTED TO RENT MODERN 3- or 3-BDRM. unfurnished hse. up to 175 per month. Reliable, steadily employed and I can guarantee your home will be kept In first class condi tion. Write particulars to Cliff Shelton, 540 Mill, Salem. Jq233 REFINED COUPLE wish to rent strictly uniurn. s rm. nouse. consider buying later. Can give excellent ref. Ph. 20057 or 1925 N. Liberty. Je228 WANTED! Double garage or small build ing, write Box 428 capital Journal. Ja231 WANTED: Furnished puiman apt. or small furnished modern house for sin gle man. Write Box 429 Capital Jour nal. ja331 LAWYER, WIFE ft 1-year-son need 2 B.R. furnished house or first floor apt. Write Box 432 Capital Journal. Ja233 WANT TO RENT small house. Close to ' nvjc oviiuui. si biia Mb OI ict. n. 2-3931. Jb230 IMMEDIATELY need 2 bdrm. unfurn. hse. rn. 4-ztj3i. Ja228 PHYSICIAN ft family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. uniurn. House. Will lease. Call 20319. ja228 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED: Board and room near city cen ter. Monday thru Friday. Ph. 2-8345. JJ228 HAVE A VACANCY lor invalid woman. Call 3-7615. JJ228 LOST AND FOUND LOST: ELGIN wrist watch. Hjalmar Dav is engraved on back. Reward. Ph. 37028, k229- LOST Small brown ft white dog, dasch hund ft terrier, In vicinity of South 14th. Ph. 3-8519. k229- LOST! Brown alligator wallet by high school boy, Sept. 17th. Reward. Ph. 4-2304 after 6 p.m. k230 LOST 2 yr. old spotted Guernsey heifer with horns tipped off. From Boone pas ture at Aumsvllle. Write Geo. E. Tooker, Rt. 5. Box 444, Salem or call Roy Wil cox, Aumsvllle. k228 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb B Id k. State ft Commercial Bts SALEM Phone 2-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS WATERPROOF WALLBOARD Perfect for kitchen ft bathroom walls ft flooring. 7vc ft. C. G. Long, Ph. 2?i821. one mile north of Klezer. ma229 SIDING New asbestos siding 110 sq. Cedar shakes in carton 112 sq. C. G. Long, Ph 2-5821. One mile north of Klezer. ma?29 SHINGLES No. 1 17.79 sq. C. G. Long, ph. 25821. One mile nortV of Kelzer. ma229 GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81- gurdaon. Phone 31160. ma 24 9 12x1$ OVERHEAD door, complete with all hardware. Very reasonable. Bat dorrs. 2095 Fairground's Rd. ma229 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform ft Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. AU fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma 228 REINFORCING STEEL1 and Blok-Mesh In 4" ' ft 8" Widths. PUMILITE. West Salem. ma228 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builders are realising substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap 117 per M; 2x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M. No. 3, 2x4 shiplap 136 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 10.")0 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 noORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at special price. Keith Blown. Front ft Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grades, (clear) ft ftight-knot 3"x4" Cedar gutters. Keith Brown. Front ft Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR SIDING New shipment HxS" and xlO cedar siding, all grades. Keith Brown, Front ft Court Sts.. Salem, ma SAVE Oft ROOFING Let Ware's give you complete in STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colora Call our outside salesman for tret estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft OO. SALEM. OREGON ma ALl'MA - LOCA ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dist. 3-6401. ma272 DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 3ft Lena Ave. Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7.73 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqs. No. 3, 8 in clear, suitable for roofs or sldewalls. Ted Muller. Ph. Sa leu 2-llf6 Sslem-lndep Road ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St., West Sslem. Ph. 2-0314. mb23l FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lena ave. n337 GOOD USED electric range S"t7S. Oood ued refrlg 374.95. Terms. 337 N. High. Ph. 2-7941 n229 ALMOt"neW concrete block maker 85CT Viking cream separator lift. 3 white rabbits 31 each. William M. Roth, 1740 Oxford. South side of Paulug cannery. n228 ALMOST NEW washing machine, good condition. Ph. 3-7964 after ft. n22 35 H.P. 100-lb. pressure boiler for aale. 301 8. High. Ph. 3-9303. n329 DrtR "RfFI.E "sheliCilLberTiooT Like new. 653 Thompson Aie. n338 Journal Want Ads Pay fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS t-Tt'BE G.E. table model radio. Fox fur collar, worn twice, and play pen with floor AU reasonable. Ph. 3-0633. n327 DEER RIFLE Bgvgge 99. Beauty. Real buy. Pops Agate Shop, 1980 Portland Rd. w32 89-M WINCHESTER Carbine. Like new. fti. 38781 evenings after e. n228' WESTINGHOrsE REFRIO., 1 CU. ft. Like new. 1125. You can't beat this one. Trad er Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. n328 MONTAG wood ranie with oil converter. 34.50. Trader Louie, 105ft Portland Rd. n238 OIL CIRCUL. heater or trade for rug. Ph. s-.m or 7i& rerry St. n238 WINCHESTER 33-20. Lever action. Fair cond. box shells. 345. Ph. 3-2406. Mrs. Church. n228 WOMEN'S SUITS, dresses ft coats, else 42" Man's brown ault coat, sixe 42, pant sire 36-30. 1491 1th street, West Salem. n328a USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 376 Chemeketa. n351" USED ELECTRIC ranges. Y EATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n361 OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced prices, x EAIEH APPLIANCE CO., 378 Chemeketa. n351s HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your gam in a ueepireeze Home Freeser. YIATER AffLiiANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n351 ALL FAMOUS makes of small appliances arrbuinuG bu., S7& oneme keta. n3l USED WASHING machines. Y EATER AP- rwfinus uu., aia cneraeiieta. n25l SEWING MACHINES: Free WestinghouseT xcaih Af PLiiANCE CO., 37S Chem eketa. B25i WESTINGHOUSE radio phonoaraph eon t-i-iAnuc to., 375 Chemeketa. a251 55-35 DEER RIFLE ft shells. Rt. 4. PhT hub BEFORE YOU BUY your furn. or appli ances oe sure to come out ft let us show you how to save dollars. We buy sell and trade. Hardman Bros., 4' miles north of Salem on Portland hiway. Open 7 days a wk. from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. n328 NEW- ft USED musical Instruments ft inei oc arena punu at reduced prices. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 3-4641 n244 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin- is n tor your noors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. Y EATER AP- ruAHUE co 375 Chemeketa. n251 SEWING MACHINES, New Home electric. vee.Vif ax UP. m. J J 13 V, Kalph Johnson Appliances n345 EMPIRE FLOOR FURNACE, 50,000 B.T.U, lor uuiAnt uas. Thermostat con. trol, practically new, used 3 mons., orlg. coat 1142.50 - for - 198.50. Jeffcott. Rt. 1, Bx. 367, Independence, Oregon. D22S SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Tils reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kinds river soil, pit-run, gravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1403 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 n342a MOD. 94 WINCHESTER 33 special 145. Mod. 8 Remington automatic 10 cal 17. Phone 3-5578. n228 USED SEWING Machines. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances FULLER brushes, 174ft OranL Ph. 3-8357. n344 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings in atock ft made to order. 1145 H, Liberty. n243 tuiliu UHAVEli LU, CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways. vc incut, rewj mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. -yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9249. BALEM SAND A CJRAVZL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 16 B Mi yds 10 B 4 yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat A Doser D-4 Cat ft Dozer Sea us about ditching by the ft. Phono Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-826 or 3-4400 satem Oregon na 30-06 ENFIELD Sporter. Excel. Will sell or ...nc iv uicHi turning- oencn lathe or garden tractor. Call eve. Ph. 2-4309. n230 r.AV winnat r,... .. ",lt' muwij new. torn- vie. wivn tnermosiat, V blinde. other Items, cheap. Ph. 3-9056. 1495 S. Liberty. n330 11 Sxlt - 14 FT. 1 8-3x8-11 ft.; 1 4xb - 9 ft.: 2 4x6 - 12 ft. Nov eity drop sWing. Covers approximately 800 sq. ft. Ph. 2-3006, 3425 Livingston. n233 WINCHESTER 80-30. In good cond. Call v-iars. Ave. fn, 2-8215. n229 DELUXE GAS stove. Girl's winter coat ft wicum corauroy suit. Nearly new. Ph 3-2637. 608 Tryon. n230. 848 WIN., 35 Rem.. 30 Rem. auto'., wftH tS-js DEER RIFLE for sale. Otto Tlnn7 "'j,' w of Pen Annex. Ph. 1-8129. n230 SO-SO WINCHESTER rifle. 30-08 with scope. 3i special. 594 N. Liberty, naaa SO-lW SPRINGFIELD sporter. Call eve. 61 s" "lljr "I. api. iflM. 33n GOOD USED lavatory complete with fix- -u . m. .ay. o j c 01 . - n238 MAYTAG WASHER Washes good. I2JL nenniurv TBCUUm, gOOO COnd., 120. Pll. 3-4766. ti2.1(l LATE MODEL Kenmore washer. Excel lent cone. ea.iw. pn. a-4608 after 6-30 P-m- n23fl UED i?,L burnra nl bloweig. Priced v ... ru, ooq.. n533 SEWING Machines Electric or TreadieT orll" on an maaes. rn. 3-7071, n228" 'WBER 2x48 by Jitney load, 810 pe? inQ,'Pnaenct Lumber ft Mfg. Co., Inc.. Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier Olbn and Mnntai inni..... -. n ..,r,.ilvtJ ,t vjevurtE. rrscE posts P01M. ,n p shlMl - ttrtlllur a flatrock Phllllu Broa R a Box 118 Ph 314S8 n. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batterlea. Payln, 11 73 Retread Tlr. Strvlc 330 So. Lancaster. ne:3l WANTED furniture u rn. rDatr L. Bro, Puro R.flnl.hta, c. h wool. PERSONAL STANLEY Home Products. 535 Cross. Ph. 2-3446. P247 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than my own. Owen W Easter. wlll""na.Ore., Rt. I. P2J8 MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others has failed Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of life. Special reading 12.00. Located Just south of Hubbard on Highway 89E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dail and Sun. p?IS0 AUTOMOBILES ONE N ton O.M'C. Pickup worth ifooo" " "ir mev. van tuft v p.m. Leo E. Oler, 400 Orant St. Silver ton. Ore. 48 CHEY. 4-DR. Sedan. Excel tend. 100 niff i p.m. qao WANTED: Clean used cars. Bob Uarr" 2160 South Commercial g Eisner Motors to Sell FOR IALI On. 1MT International Oflf half ton pickup truck. A-l condition. AppIt Oerwood Product. Company tlur LJ 'J . t, W.,t gl.m. Phone 3-1 173. MODEL A panel. Ooodd.fr vasoo. C-.ll' eve. 63 Errr at. Apt. 303. oil (Continued on Page 13)