"1 X Dedication of Tabernacle Due Dedication ceremonies for the newly constructed Evangelistic Tabernacle at Garden Road and Park avenue will take place at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon with Rev. Atwood Foster, district suerintendent, A s e m b 1 ies of God as the principal speaker. The congregation is abandon ing Its property at Ferry and 13th streets which It has occu pied for a number of years. The new church is of pumice stone construction while a Sun day school building now under way is of Interlocking concrete block. The entire church plant is above ground with the auditor ium being easily available. Many class rooms are includ ed in the plans for the accom modation of a completely depart mentalized Bible instruction division. The two and a half acre tract of land on which the church is located, will provide ample park ing space for automobiles. Rev. Walter S. Frederick, pas tor, will preach the first sermon In the new church sanctuary at 1J o'clock Sunday morning. A series of dedication week meetings will begin Sunday night with Rev. Chas. J. Weston of San Francisco, the first KnPfllfPr. H Will nrasnh Tuesday night. Others to appear are Rev. Victor Trimmer, Wed nesday night; Rev. Ely Persing, Thursday night and Rev. Dwight McLaughlin, Friday. The choir leader is Dick Louthan; orches tra director, Ollie Schendel. Organist to Be Presented Oct. 7 The choir of the First Christ Ian church will bring to Salem John McDonald Lyon, brilliant young organist for a concert In the sanctuary of the First Chirst lan chuch, October 7, at 7:30 p.m. Still a young man, Lyon has achieved a position of dis tinction in the front rank of American organists. His playing of Bach is refreshingly clear and bright, meticulous in phrasing, and free from undue heaviness. He received his musical edu cation and training at University of Washington, Trinity College of Music, London, and Royal Schools of Music, London, and studied under Marcel Dupre, professor at the Paris Conserva tory, and with the late Louis Vlerne, organist of Notre Dame cathedral. Y OCE Borrows 1,453 From State Library I Oregon College of Education. Monmouth Oregon College of Education makes exceptional use of the state library at Salem, figures released by William H. Carlson, director of libraries, revealed today. In a report tendered to Chan cellor Paul Packer of the Board of Higher Education, Carlson's count showed 1,453 volumes borrowed from the state library by the Colleges of Education. More than half of this number were used by OCE to supplement Its own library of 30,790 vol umes valued at $53,464.54 as of June 30. California Bishop at Vatican The Most Rev. A. J. Willin ger (center), titular bishop of Bida and coadjutor of Monterey Fresno, Calif., examines decorations of a Swiss guard follow ing his audience with Pope Pius XII at the Pointiff's summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, Italy. Bishop Willinger is in Italy for his ad limina visit to the Pope. (AP Wirephoto) Legion to Make Plans for Year Speaker at the Monday night meeting of Salem post No. 136, American Legion, will be Theo dore K. Pierson, director of the industrial arts department and coordinator of the cooperative part-time training program at Salem high school. Pierson's subject is to be "The Kid From Across the Tracks" and interested veterans are in vited to attend and hear his talk. Also Legion members are urged to bring guests. During the evening a number of reports are to be made and plans made for the post's pro gram for the year, including the party for members and their wives October 17 and the annual Fall Frolic October 24. Reports will include: Com mander Kenneth Potts on the new rules regarding membership and dues; Earl Ahlers, scout chairman, on the new projects for Boy Scouts; Charles Creigh ton on the booth and program of the post at the Oregon state fair; and Jan Janisick on the post housing project. R. F. Dwyer on Forest Board Appointment of R. F. Dwyer, vice president, Dwyer Lumber company, Portland, Ore., as a member of the Salem forest dis trict advisory board was an nounced today by A. P. Collins, district forester of the biireau of land management. The appoint ment was made by Regional Ad ministrator Daniel L. Goldy to fill the vacancy created by the death of Richard E. DeCamp. Dwyer is a recognized leader in the lumber industry and is now president of the Pacific logging congress. The Salem district advisory board which serves in an advis ory capacity to District Forester A. P. Collins with headquarters in Salem was established April 14, 1949, to render assistance in connection with the adminis tration of the O. & C. lands lo cated in the Salem forest dis trict. This district contains ap proximately 400.000 acres of land located in Benton, Clacka mas, Columbia, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill counties. Aumsville Teachers Will Be Welcomed Aumsville The first meeting of the Aumsville P.T.A. will be WELCOME ON RALLY SUNDAY Parents and Children Come Together First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L. Goodenberger, Assistant Pastor 9:45 a m Church School 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. IDENTICAL SERVICES "The Man Born Too Soon" Sermon by the Minister Baptist Circle Guest Dayton The Baptist Mis sionary circle met at the home of Mrs. Sina Christensen with a good attendance. The devo tional period was conducted by the pastor's wife, Mrs. Wolfe. The rest of the time was given to the guest speaker, Mrs. Col lens of Carlton, who has been in Japan as a missionary for el even years. Her talk was most interesting. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Public WorkTBill Passed by Senate Washington, Sept. 24 (JPV The senate has approved a $100,000. 000 program for planning public works projects all over the coun try. The bill, which has been called an "anti-depression measure" in congress, was passed yesterday by voice vote. It now goes to the house. It would make federal funds available to states and communi ties for advance planning of needed public works projects. President Truman recommended such a program last July, as a safeguard "if the business down turn should become more serious." Tarem to Direct Men's Program Ardo Tarem, recently arrived VMCA secretary from Europe, will head the business men's program at the Y during the fall and winter months. He will pro vide massage service, individu alized exercises and solarium su pervision for business men each afternoon from 4 to 7 o'clock. Tarem has had many years experience in the field to which he has been assigned at the Sa lem YMCA. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Sept. 24, 1949 11 Toys Are Collected j For Christmas Relief ! Woodburn The national Ca tholic Welfare conference-war relief service is asking the Ca tholic people of this community to help the poor children of for eign countries to have a happy Christmas by sending in all the old or new toys outgrown by their children. The toys may be sent to the Knights of Columbus or the Catholic Daughters of America I by October 15. A box has been placed in the vestibule of the local Catholic church to receive j the toys. kmm-j Imiiin-ninri'ii'i'iiiirtii in nnin3 Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY olin dliarleS Jlwmad and The Kings Men Monday through Friday 9:45 a.m. KOCO- 1490 KC held in the school auditorium Monday night. A teacher recep tion will be held following the regular business meeting. All parents are especially invited to attend and meet the teachers. Preview at Portland Art Museum Tuesday Members and guests of the Portland Art association have been invited to a preview of the exhibition of paintings, water colors, and prints by Max Beck mann on Tuesday evening, Sep tember 27. The reception will take place in the Museum gal leries at 8:30 p.m. The exhibi tion opens next day to the pub lic, being scheduled to remain through October 23. Mrs. Walter Gordon, chair man of the reception and those pouring will be Mrs. Walter Church, Mrs. Allan Hart, Mrs. Robert S. Howard, Jr., and Miss Emily Child. Rainbow Girl Installed Dayton Carol Cobun, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Co burn was installed as "Patriot ism" in the Order of Rainbow for Girls in McMinnville. She is a sophomore at the Dayton un ion high school. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:50 a.m. "Why Not Try Prayer" 6:15 p.m. Young People 7:30 p.m. "Whole-Hearted Christianity" This Service Broadcast Over Station KOCO First Church of the Nazarene Center at 13th Orville W. Jenkins, Pastor "HOWARD W. SWEETEN IS COMING" DEDICATION OF EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE ASSEMBLY OF GOD MARKET ST. AT PARK AVE. SUNDAY, SEPT. 25 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sermon "What Does Jesus Mean to You?" The Pastor's First Sermon In the New Church 3:00 p.m. Dedication Service Rev. Atwood Foster, Oregon District Supt., of the Assemblies of God, ipeaker. 7:45 p.m. Rev. Chat. G. Weston of San Francisco, former pastor, speaki DEDICATION WEEK, SEPT. 27-30 Outstanding West Coait Paitori and Youth Leaden Speak Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., Rev. G. Weston, San Francisco. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., Rev. Victor Trimmer, Dynamic Youth Leader Thursday, 7:45 p.m., Rev. Ely Persing, of 1 nicnmona, tanr. Friday, 7:45 p.m., Rev. D, W, McLaughlin, Taeoma, Wash. Saturday Radio Program Over KSLM 5:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. Welter S. Frederick, Pastor - r -. - - ,rji- rz: ; -,t. .-..-rr Maybe you like smiling babies? Sorry to disappoint you, but I've got a lot on my mind. There's something wrong in America . . . and I'm the chap who is getting hurtl Our Constitution says that no one can be denied the right to worship God. I'm an American! According to the Constitution I have the right to learn about God, to hear the Bible Stories, to be taught the Christian Way of Life. But here's the hitch. While the Government can't deny me the right to attend Church School and Church MY PARENTS CAN. They can rob me of my most sacred right just by neglecting my spiritual needs. Did you know that about half the children in America are growing up without religious training? And yet there's a church in every village! Yessir, I'm serious! Instead of talking about juvenile delinquency, we ought to do something about it. We ought to crowd our churches with children . . . and parents! And we ought to start Sunday! '' it a .7 ' enarach... " .'O;'or or, .u , for. -.."out. 0 food c '". u "rch..erz:"a. ai"t.. w,iy- It ,. "a,n ol "."" 'ac,or . -unr.v,. T( mocrqcy " "out a and ' should I, tat..,'?' Tor ,:; '. or.- ,7 tot- mmun;""""n. lal. ' ' J." Hi. ' - "ad you, fl,M-" ' W ,0 ch, "l ,oro' on7 :.'9 church v :..nd n''n. 'tiv:" and d you, d,u! ? ..M.,k "lllltw foil. Jl"1 "'hiw iy""T .... i'"T .... trfl,, ' ClPtr v. , t-M . a. a tam, i,.u, ti. This Series of Adi It Being Published Each Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society end the Salem Ministerial Attoiet(o, Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Buiinaii Establishments! mmJ It CAPITAL DRUG STORE Prescriptions, Drugs, Sundries R. L. ELFSTROM CO. Furnitura and Point ROBERTS BROS. Department Stora BISHOP'S Men's st Boys' Clothlnf SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 117 leuth Commercial SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. i' a iirnfi'il '