Middleweight King Looks For Shot at Heavy Titlist By OSCAR FRAI.EY tUDUe4 Prtu Sporu Wrtttr) New York. Sept. ZS (UN- Weight difficulties which have plagued him throughout hii box ing career had Middleweight Champion Jake Lamotta cast ing covetous glances today at the light heavyweight title and a possible future heavy weight championship fight with Ezzard Charles. Preparing for his crown de fense against Frenchman Marcel Cerdan at the Polo Grounds next Wednesday night, Lamotta again was having difficulty making the 160-pound limit. He refus ed to disclose his avoirdupois but reportedly still had five pounds to shave off. At 28, the squat, flat-nosed Bronx bull is finding it In , creasingly difficult to pare down. He could go inside the ropes at a fit 170. So it is that Lamotta, a throwback to such old-timers at Kid McCoy, Jack O'Brien and Sam Lang ford who never quibbled about spotting weight to a rival, is looking toward a fu ture in the heavier divisions. "I'd like a crack at Freddie Mills for the light heavyweight title," he said as he finished his ' 66th round of boxing in prepara tion for Cerdan and still was five or six pounds over the limit. . "Then, maybe, there'd be a chance for a shot at Charles." An iron man of the ring, the bull has been working furious ly to take off poundage. And he has vented much of his spleen on his sparmates. Buddy Moore, a 215-pound heavyweight, went one round against Jake in the training gym and had enough. Jimmy Taylor, another target, was sent crashing through the ropes. Jarring Jake hammered out a minor fortune with his fists but never could get a crack at the middleweight crown. Most of the men in his division feared the husky Italian and Jake was forced to fight welters or light heavies. It was a condition which caused him to be known as "the best middleweight In the welterweight division." Then, suddenly, he was the lone American hope against Cerdan. Rocky Graziano was in exile for failure to report a bribery attempt. Tony Zale had hung them up. So Jake finally got his shot and won the title in June with a technical knock out in the 10th round. It almost came too late, that change. For Jake had quite a struggle making the weight even then. Now it is just that much tougher. Therefore he is peer ing toward the heavier divi sions. Jake has tangled with light SCORES in the ALLEYS (Complet Rciulti) Capital Alleys SFARS LEAGUE Craftsman (It Barker 471, Klein 4flfl, Williams 390, Mosolf 327: J. C. Hlfglna D Ambrose 674, Slerp 355. Salstrom 450 Oslund 532. Coldipot f Drve 500. Patton 397. He.1 eey 408, Bevlns 356; All Stat GH sar 460. Hawlce 481. Clark 376, Relhl 442. Horn art i Cook 516. Cooper 396, Roach 392, Forbes 431: Pllitrlm 3) For strom 472, Smith 407, Jansen 462, Oough 463. Ken more S) Dwyer 396. Adami 462, "Wenger 450. Rundhaug 527; Harmony House 3 Pitsor 383, Dave? 506, Paufeen 365. Hill 439. High individual (tame, Ambrose, 231; high individual series. Ambrose, 674; high team game. J. C. Hlgglns, 834; high team series, J. C. Hlgglns, 2223. REARS WOMFN'R LEAGUE Kerrybrooke (2) Nelson 252, Osko 363, Lane 311, Salstrom 340; Honeysuckle 1 Crouch 166, Oough 387, Forbes 366, Hill 372. Royal Purple (D Allen 355, Woodward 313, Baughn 393, Hlldebrand 269, Wedel 212; Charmode (3) Edwards 233, Fleet wood 131. Walnwrlght 328, Halsey 356. Hawke 294. High Individual game, Oough, 174; high Individual series, Forbes, 396. Duckpin Bowling COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Tweed ie Oil (0) Jim Delanv 369. Ira Short 376, Carl Flood 375. Les Dolce 398, bye 371; Willamette Valley Bank (4) Harry Ewlna 342. Keith Kave 501. Bob Jungltng 344, Camel Walding 406, Flicker 428. Willamette Amusement (O) Howard 8mith 340, Roy Robinson 416, Wilfred Weller 312, Glen Blanton 383, Howard Mills 389; Quality Used Cars 4 Mose van Dell 390, Emil Schols 395, Royal Paw ley 543, Frank Snelgrove 365, B. B. Sue grove 450. Gleanon-1 Bakery (0) Art Woelk 336, Ken Maguren 390, Don Nash 376, Marlon Oleason 404, Joe Kuschnlck 276; Tip Top High team series and mmr. Quality Used Cars, 2134 and 778; high ind, series and game. Royal Pawley, 543 and 214. LADIE8 CITY LEAGUE Senator Beauty Shop (2 Hodges 391, Scott 398, Rodakowskl 318, Thomas 391, Adolph 437; Cupboard Cafe (I) Olodt 303, Elliott 425, Pease 287, Thompson 443, Boyce 504. YWCA (0) Gardner 315. Schuessler 336, Butts 367, Phillips 311, Ayera 276; Keg Irttea (3) Dawson 509, Anderson 411, Putnam 3W. Meyer 475. Sandy's (0 Bain 348. Doerfler 349, Bays 331, Sparks 265. Bell 332; Irma'a :t Kaneskl 369. Vlttone 348, Loken 352, Archer 328, Whit taker 366. Qui sen berry's Drugs (I) MrElhaney 402. Evans 353, Pugh 455, Black 384, Ken nedy 450; Good Housekeeping (2 Olney 420. Albrlch 440, Duncan 450, Jones 514, Possehl 461. Golden Pheasant (8) Clark 480, Thrush 416. Muellhaupt 463. Laird 428. Oarba rino 469; Wlllard Art Tile 0 Oibb 437, Lawless 383, Cosman 462, MUIord 371, Wtllard 363. High team series. Oood Housekeeping. 3283; high lnd. series, MavU Jones of Oood Housekeeping, 514; high lnd. game, Wllma Clark of Oolden Pheasant, 193. Scio Opens Grid Season in Game With Halsey Scio Representatives of five Linn county high schools met at Halsey this week to schedule the fall football games and also make preliminary plans for the basketball jamboree later in the year. Scio opens its season against Halsey here Saturday afternoon at 2.15 o'clock. The football games are: Sept. 30 Harrlsbur at Halsey; Shedd at Rrownxville and Scln bv. Oct. 7 Brownsville at Harrisburg; Hal aev at Scio: Shedd bye. Oct. 14 Shedd at Harrisburg; Scio it Brownsville; Halsey bye. Oct. 21 Harrisbum at Scio; Halsey at Shedd: Brownsville bye. Oct. 29 Brownsville at Halsey; Scio at Shedd: Harrisburg by. EUGENE GRIDDERS DRUB SPRINGFIELD BY 26-0 Eugene, Sept. 23 (IP) The Eu gene high school football team defeated Springfield last night, 26-0. heavies before. Billy Fox knocked him out, but it was a scandalous performance with Lamotta fighting despite a training injury. And Cleve land tight fans still remember the night Jake had light heavyweight Jimmy Reeve out cold at the bell and lost the decision. It caused a mi nor riot which they stopped by playing the national an them. Thereafter, Jake was billed in Cleveland as the "Star Spangled Banner." i Ducks Plan Work To Prep for 13th Coast- Loop Win Eugene, Ore., Sept. 23 (IP) The Oregon Ducks will take a final workout today before op ening their conference season here an opener that will see them seeking their 13th consecu tive conference win. The Ducks had power to spare on the ground as they downed St. Mary s in a non-conference game IGst week, 24-7, but Coach Jim Aiken indicated yesterday they may need a passing attack against Idaho, a team strong enough to run up a 79-0 score over Willamette last week. It is expected to be the strong est Idaho team in years. Aiken worked his team on passing yes terday, and scheduled another air session today. Idaho is expected to work out here today also in preparation for the Saturday contest. SHS JAYVEES TO PLAY SACRED HEART CARDS The Salem high Jayvee grid- ders will meet Sacred Heart's Heart's Cardinals Wednesday at Leslie field for their first game of the year. Under Frank Leahy, who coached from 1941-43 and since 1946, Notre Dame had won SO football games, lost three and tied five up to this season. Poor Judgment Charged For Using Rookie Umpire St. Louis, Sept. 23 (U.R) St Louis Cardinal Manager Eddie Dyer today charged that Nation al league President Ford Frick used "very poor judgment" in assigning a rookie umpire to the vital Card-Brooklyn Dodger series. But. Dyer, added vehemently, not that nor the 19 to 6 licking suffered by St. Louis last night will prevent his team from win ning the National league pennant. "I want to say this and you can quote me," Dyer said. "I think Frick used very poor judgment in using Lon War neke in this important series. I'm not alibi-ing since we got the hell beat out of us. But Warneke is just up and simp ly doesn't qualify for a big job like this one." Warneke, a former star .pitch er for the Cardinals and the Chi cago Cubs, was plate umpire in the game last night. He charged 12 walks to the six Card pitch ers. Catcher Del Rice protested the fourth balls vehemently and eventually was tossed out of the game by Warneke. The smashing defeat by the Dodgers seemed to make the Cards more mad than afraid in these final days of the bit ter National league race. They still led by half a game in the standings, with seven games yet to play against Brooklyn's six. Fpafiirprl winimprc Jy- e,t a,,d Jean Fuzsimmons, ICdlUICU jnillllllUJ granddaUghters of former heavy weight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons, take time out for the photographer. Precision swimmers, they are featured in Elliott Murphy's Aquashow at Flushing Meadows, built in 1939 for the New York World's Fair. hii free time eoaching square dances for the movies. "Square dancin's more than just good clean fun," he said. It's sort of a fountain of youth. 'I guarantee you anybody who takes it up and keeps at it will live 10 years longer and have a better time while he's hanging around." Carmel Brush Fire Levels Large Area Carmel, Calif., Sept. 23 VP) A brush fire was burning out on the ridges above Carmel vallev today after menacing the homes of 3,900 persons and levelling outbuildings and water towers. The main Carmel valley high way along the coast of central California was a refuse pile of charred fence posts and toppled telephone poles. The telephone company saved its new $130,000 dial exchange, however. Scores of residents saved their homes by spraying them with garden hoses. Fifty acres were to have been burned over purposely in a range improvement project. But the flames got away from the uremen and started sweeping up the whole valley, 12 miles from this artist colony. Bernie Bierman and Chris Cagle are former Mississippi State head coaches of football. Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Friday, Sept. 23, 1919 9 Item for First Day of Autumn Rapid City, S.D., Sept. 23 (IP) Contused by unseason able warm weather, nature is doing a backward somersault in the Black Hills country. The aroma of cherry, plum and apple blossoms fills the air. Lilacs, sjiirea and other spring flowers are blooming. Even the small culls Mrs. Norbert Dekerchove left in her field are sending up new shoots. One rancher reported the spell of freakish weather has hit his flock of geese. They're laving eggs supposedly not due until next spring. New Reicon Rural Route Maps, $1.50 With Sept. 1,1949 Changes at 201 S. High St. or your favorite bookstore ! 3 Want More Efficient Heat? Let us show you the DclcoHeat Conversion Or! Burner with the exclusive "Rotopower" unit! Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 3-8555 1085 Broadway 1 1 Authorized : Representative CAUGHT ON FAST Stayton B Team Scores 12-6 Win Over Silverton Stayton The Stayton high school "B" string, comprising freshmen and sophomores, de feated a similar squad at Silver ton Thursday afternoon 12 to 6. It was Stayton's first full length contest and Coach Herb Booth was well pleased with the result. Silverton and Stayton each scored a touchdown in the sec ond period. A run of approxi mately 40 yards down the mid dle gave Silverton its six points. A pass of approximately 20 yards from LeRoy Showers, a halfback to Dick Cox, an end, was responsible for one Stayton touchdown. Another aerial, this time John Mack, fullback, to Cox, in the third period, gave the winners their second. All conversion attempts failed. At the end of the game Stay ton was on the Silverton 10 yard line as a result of a run by Dwight Shelton. A twisted knee forced Carl Hamilton, r e g u la r Stayton quarterback, from the game early in the first period. The only losing football season Notre Dame has had since 1888 was 1933, when the Irish won three lost five and tied one. Hollywood's Gone Crazy Oyer Square Dancing Hollywood, Sept. 22 U.R) The whole town's gone crazy over square dancing. And the man who started it all said today every body's healthier and happier except the bartenders. "Square dancin' and boozin' just don't mix," said Sherman Sanders, Hollywood's No. 1 caller. "And the boys in the saloons tell me business has dropped off 20 to 40 per cent since ev erybody started swingin' their partners." Not since some one invented gin rummy has anything caught on so fast in Hollywood. Movie stars and millionaires, professors and pupils even a few newspapermen are kick ing up their heels the way gran ny used to do. But they do it in roomy gym nasiums and private game rooms and dance halls. There's no spare space in Ciro's for a fast grand-right-and-left or a swirling do-so-do. "You can't cool off between rounds with a scotch and soda, either," Sanders said. "Cuts your wind. And believe me, sis ter, you need all you got and more besides to keep up with me." He allowed that he knew more than 300 different calls and some of 'em were regu lar rip-snorters. "First time these movie stars ! and high-horse society folks come in they wilt to a frazzle in a half hour," Anders said. "Next time they're good for two or three hours. And by the time they've been comin' regular for a couple months, they get mad if I call the dance off before midnight. "You should see some of those old-timers! Why, I've got grand mas and grandpas over 70 who can dance the legs off these young jitterbugs." ... Sanders said his real profes sion is show business, but he's been collecting square dance lore since he was three. I ve seen square dances in every state in the union, plus Mexico and Canada," he said.. "I must know 'em all by now." He picks up extra change in FISHERMEN! LISTEN TO DON HARGER KOCO 6:45 this evening tell you where fishing is best. See our stock of Moulded Ply Boats and Johnson Motors. 5 H.P. now Terms of course SALEM BOAT HOUSE Phone 3-9303 100 Chemeketa We Fix 'Em Promptly Using Genuine Repair Parts on All Makes Sea BUCK BRADLEY MOORE'S Bicycle & Sport Shop 237 N. High Street "The neatest bike repair shop on the coast." ...as a hound's tooth! -that's PRES-TOLOGS THE CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL crnrni Your lawn takes o"btaling" from hard ust during tlit summtr and the toil works overtime to provide vital tUmtnti of nouriihmtnt Pesky weeds, too. art luit wailing their chonct to "take over" a weakened lawn. That's why Fall it tht btit time to rebuild tht soil with a feeding of MORCROP. Autumn rains and tvtn ttmptraturti tnablt MORCROP to gtt down to grass roots so that you can rtvivt tht gross naturally as Fall growth btgins. MORCROP Is tht compltft fertilizer., developed in tht Northwtst for Northwest oils and growing conditions. wj m Hi GET 'EM FROM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or 24431 CALLING ALL WOILS! week FOR A ROYAL TYPEWRITER 9 w lutrtntt our print on n portables are as low as any local tort, chilli or mail order house. ROYAL I'NniRWOOD CORONA PORTABLE II Etclte.lv R'preMtiUflvt far tht Rom! R tan da re Writer of llltfiblt Utttra KAY Typewriter Co. "AfrM frem lh Sfiitr !!" 121 North H(h Dial l-M k.. relax with Sicks' Select LE m v;- eV t m MM i Stubbys, Quarts and Cans by the case. Stubbys and Cans in the handy 12-Pak. Wherever beef it sold. MM ? 1 '..W- m W.T 1 " - - ' Ml 9 Til 311 v . BUY-TRY-COMPARE with ANT BEER from ANYWHERE tiCXST BRCWtNO COMV . SALEM. MCOOM TWINS DISCOVER DOUBLE. SATISFACTION! Both'Men wMore'. Jolh prefer CARSTAIS WHWejijeflsjgfjpEBIBEygiPl PpREFERS CARSTAIRS-P 'V PREFERS CARSTAIR5' . I PREMIUM FLAVOR L?' Xl EXTRA SMOOTHNESS U JJ JJr Liiiimii .'. .' mnmmmm mhi i it tts i .. S7Inmh Wirtrrr" Identical twins snrl moderate drinkers, certainly do mil a free on everything. But when il comes to whUl.ey lliey are two men with a single thought . . . Camialrs . the perfectly balanced lilrnd. You, too, will find Carstairs W liile Seal a matchlfiM blend ... light and smooth. You'll agrve its unique flavor is so mellow and magnificent! Today... why don't ynu discover CarMaiiV dniihlf satisfaction . . . The Man ysUo Cares... says CARSTAIRS mile Seal CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO, INC. BALTIMORE, MD. BLLNOtO WHISKIY, E6.8 PROOF. 72ft GRAIN NEUTRAL SPlRltt CAnstuns 7?' WhllcSrllj j I