Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 23, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Leahy Puts Webfoots and Beavers in Win Column
Frank toabr
(fieftd rMtlfl Meh at Notrt Damp, who makes fcla radictioru awluaivalf
In tha Capital Journal I
When two of the nation'! finest football coaches assume their
positions on opposite sides of the gridiron, and each li riven an
suitable distribution of top calibre talent, the pigskin prog
mostlcator hi nresented with an Indisoluble conundrum.
8uch is the case tomorrow when the Univer
sity of Michigan plays host to their rivals for
state and national honors, the Michigan State
"Spartans." We have done considerable research
as to the capabilities of each squad and find them
to be just about equal. Knowing full well that
Bennie Oosterbaan and "Biggie'' Munn are two
of the outstanding members of the profession,
our opinion is that this all-important contest will
end In a tie score.
Dr. Eddie Anderson will be handling the
coaching reins in his 200th game as "Red" San
ders U.C.L.A. "Bruins" make their initial ap
pearance against Big Nine competition.
Illinois will find Jowa State stubborn, but reserve strength
should overcome the "Cyclones."
Big Nine stork is expected to soar as Wisconsin, Minnesota,
and power laden Ohio State chalk up victories over Mar
quette, Washington, and the University of Missouri. Two of
that conference's most logical title contenders will meet to
morrow and we believe that Northwestern has too many
veterans on its squad to he sidetracked this early by Purdue.
Remaining Midwestern contests favor Miami (Ohio), West
Virginia, and Hardin Simmons over Wichita, Ohio Univer
sity, and Cincinnati University.
Bostonians will be treated to the first appearance of the
number one adherent of the "Split T" formation as Oklaho
ma invades the aerie of the Boston College "Eagles." From
this corner It looks like Oklahoma m one of the weekend's
highest scoring games.
New Englanders will enjoy the victories of Boston University,
Yale, and Holy Cross, at the expense of Syracuse, Connecticut,
and Oeorgetown. The East will suffer in intersectional struggles
as Stanford and Texas subdue Harvard and Temple. Top flight
Eastern oontenders. Army, Columbia, and Cornell should remain
m auch by overpowering Davidson, Amherst and Niagara. The
seaboard's closest conflicts will see Villanova and Pittsburgh edg
ing out Penn State and William and Mary. We leave the area
with the selections of Colgate, Rutgers, and Princeton to defeat
Buffalo, King's Point and Lafayette.
Favorites in the Southern and Southeastern conference will
make their debut tomorrow and we shall be most interested in
hearing how Tulane downs Alabama and North Carolina defeats
North Carolina State.
"Breathers" are no longer apparent on the majority of
southern schedules and important matches support Missis
sippi, Georgia Tech, Kentucky, and Mississippi State to best
Auburn, Vanderbilt, L.S.U. and Tennessee. Duke, Georgia,
Maryland and Florida should not have quite as much diffi
culty with Richmond, Chattanooga, Virginia Tech and the
Southwestern defending champion, Southern Methodist will
have to go ail out before downing Wake Forest. Baylor and Rice
should make it unanimous over Southern conference members
as they upset South Carolina and high riding Clemson. T.C.U.
and Texas A it M will make their title aspirations known by
subduing Oklahoma A & M and Texas Tech. "Darkhorse" Arkan
sas is expected to tune up easily by rolling over North Texas
State, while Denver, Kansas, and Kansas State are chalking up
wins over Colorado A & M, Colorado, and Fort Hayes.
Pacific Coast leaders, California, U.S.C. and Oregon are
predicted to keep the slates clean in their contests with St.
Mary's, Navy and Idaho. Oregon State, Washington State,
and Santa Clara are favored to defeat Utah, Montana, and
San Jose State. St. Bonaventure's trip to San Francisco will
prove worthwhile as Hughie Devore's lads gain the decision.
Our own "Fighting Irish" open the season tomorrow as we wel
come Indiana into the Notre Dame stadium. Particular concern
is manifested over the large number of boys from the South Bend
area on the "Hoosier" squad. Such outstanding local lads as
Ernie Hugged, Bob Stebbins, "Slub" Witucki, Bob Robertson,
Sam Winston and Ernie Kovatch are very likely to provide us
with some unoomfortable moments as they endeavor to display
their best wares before the home folk.
1 -fogy
' ; ' -. . I
1 .
RPVII PrICCPr Ken Carpenter, Oregon State's top
L6fU r UJJWI date for a.American honors, lets
fly an
aerial as he prepares for Saturday night's mix with Utah at
Salt Lake City. Carpenter was one of the traveling squad of
37 that boarded a plane from the Salem airport at II o'clock
Friday forenoon for the scene of battle. The club will return
here about 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Mort Vows Vikings to
Play Interesting Game'
Coach Lorcn Mort of Salem
high school's football squad did
not predict victories "right down
the line," but he did assure
members of the Salem Breakfast
club Friday morning that the
Vikings would play an interest
ing game. His talk was far from
As for Friday nights contest
with the Klamath Falls Pelicans
at Waters park, Mort indicated
that his club would stress speed
in an effort to outfoot the oppo
Klamath is "big and rugg
ed," according to information
relayed to Mort by Coach Ted
Ogdahl, whose Grant high
school club of Portland won
over the Pelicans by a single
Stars Whip Suds to Snare
Coast League Championship
touchdown margin. Mort said
he did not believe there was
much difference in weight be
tween the two outfits.
Vern Gilmore, boys' physical
director, in outlining the situ
ation at Waters park, reported
there would be no reserved seats
for Friday night's initial encoun
ter. Later, if the situation war
rants, reserved seats may be
provided. Due to the manner in
which the field is laid out, seats
in the right and left field bleach
ers will be particularly good
vantage points, Gilmore stated.
The right field bleachers
will be used by the visiting
students, the left for the home
supporters and the center for
the adults.
Every effort will be made
to keep standees off the side
lines since their presence there
would obstruct the view from
the stands.
Page 8 Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 23, 1949
'Never Say Die' Cards Hit
By Stretch Driving Brooks
The St. Louis Cardinals, down I ,i . . c . i ,o
through the years, have gained mujur jiunui.iyi
reputation as a "never say BllNl .,,
die" team. national leagu
Baseball fans are wondering
today if the present crew of
Cardinals will live up to the
saying made famous by their il
lustrious predecessors.
The Cardinal spirit should be
low. They suffered one of the
most humiliating defeats in their
long history last night, a 19-6
trouncing at the hands of the
second place Brooklyn Dodgers.
W L Pel. w L Pet.
St. Louis tt 54 .833 Nrw York 71 77 .480
Brooklyn S3 58 .828 PlttAtmrsh 64 82 .438
Phlldlphl. 78 71 .523 Cincinnati 60 87 .408
Beaton 72 75 .490 Chicago 50 80 JOB
B tn A.vociatpd Prrjia)
W L Pet. Behind To PUT
Ne-W York 92 52 .639 10
Boaton 01 55 .623 S S
Remaining achrctulef:
New York: Home (61 Bonton 3. Phil
adelphia 3. Away (4) Boaton 3, Wash
ington 2.
Boston: Home I2 New York 3. Away
6j New York 8, Washington 3.
w L Pet. Behind To Play
St. Louis 93 54 .633 7
Brooklyn 93 55 .628 6
Remaining schedules:
fit. Louis: Home (2, Chicago S. Away
(51 Chicago 3. Pittsburgh 3.
Brooklyn: Home i2i Philadelphia 3.
Away (41 Philadelphia 3, Boston 3.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 92 52 .639 Phlldlphia 78 69 .531
Boston 91 55 .628 Chicago 60 85 .414
Detroit 85 63 .574 St. Louts 50 98 .338
Cleveland 82 63 .566 Washlngtn 46 99 .317
Riulls Thurirtay
Philadelphia 3, Chicago 3.
New York 3-4. Cincinnati 1-1.
Brooklyn 19. St. Louis 6.
Boston 0, Pittsburgh 1.
New York at Washington postponed,
(No other lames scheduled!
the Cards before 30,765 fans at
Sportsman park, the American
league pennant picture remain
ed unchanged. The first place
New York Yankees' scheduled
night game with last place Wa
Coming on the heels of a 5
0 beating the previous night
the Cardinal pennant outlook,
which was peaches and cream
Wednesday aft e r n o o n , has
curdled somewhat.
The Cards now are only a half
game in front of the charged-up
Dodgers and they have seven
games left to play to the Dodg
ers' six.
While the Dodgers mopped up
IBv the Associated Press)
That Hollywood bubble which
many had predicted would burst
long ago proved Hseir puncture
proof the long shot Stars today
are champions ff the Pacific
Coast league.
The Stars trounced Seattle last
night 7 to 4 and marie the league
standings five up and four to go.
Tor a club that generally was
picked to finish no better than
fourth or fifth, the Stars looked
like champions at both ends and
the middle of the pennant chase.
Their win last night was the sev
enth straight and 22nd in 28
Manager Fred Haney, gen
erally credited with master
minding the Stars to the title,
was given the hero treatment
after the drridrr. About half
f the 7.374 fans helped car
ry the popular manager off to
the oentrrfiold flagpole where
a makeshift pennant was hoisted.
O PCL Standings
fPy th AARftCtAtrXl PrM
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Ho.lrwno-d 107 7ft (in 8n Dlrio S 90 .50R
OftkUnd 107 111 Ml Ann Prin M 9 AM
Roframnttj R (IIV Pnrltind 8 100 ..S4
Seattle H 00 .508 LoftAnttlJ 12 III .191
(iimh Thirtir
Hollvwood 7. rVillIf 4.
Oakland 7, Portland ft
Srtcramrnto 13. 8a n Franc Urn 1.
Loa Ant. 3, San Dtrte 1.
O Official Box
Ma ng rum, Palmer
Enter Q-Finals
Of British Golf
B tira lit r.e
An.M in.j
Brot la"
1 0
0 4
1 10
1 1
Oaks' first four runs were scored
by four of the five first men at
The Sacramento Snlons won
their fifth straight and handrd
San Francisco their seventh Din
straight loss in walloping the
Seals 12 to 1.
Cece Garrintt hit two homers
and gave the Los AnReles An
gels a 2 to 1 victory over San
Diego. Cal MrLish scattered six
8 13 0 WtlAnn.M
4 10 3 LavttKto.S
4 3 7 0 Rupp.rf
4 110 Krytukl.l
4 3 10
4 18 0
4 111 Martin. 2
0 0 0 0 Candinl.p
3 10 1 Krrr.e
1 0 0 0 Trul.p
0 0 0 0 VnRobva"
- Arnrrtrh'" 0 0 0 0
Total 38 13 34 4 Nlon P 0 0 0 0
Portland TotaU 3 9 17 13
Sinilrd lor Tost in 7lh
"" Ran for Ronayx tn 7th.
Popped out lor Dirlil in 9lh.
"-Run (or Btirahcr In 9th.
Portland ftftO 401 O00--S
Hit 00ft M3 1 13 13
Oakland 400 100 3ftx 7
Hit." ,M3 010 .10x 9
Winnlni pltchpr: Trvt: kwLni pltchfr:
Mrlrt In
Pifhl .
Walto n Heath. Eng.. Sept. 23
b h o a Oakland HU.R1 Lloyd Mangrum and John-i
ny Palmer teed off today in the
quarter-finals of the British
match play golf championships,
while fellow members of the
1 "U.S. Ryder cup team were busy
5 I J pointing up reasons for hurried
1 trips home. 1
All of the players denied
that they have withdrawn
from future British tourna
ments hecause of the devalua
tion of the pound.
Bob Hamilton, who withdrew
from the match play champion-!
ships at the end of the second
round, said he received a mes
snue from America that his child
R H FrBbSoL... in Ho riih-H tn Smith.
ampton and boarded the Queen
Enlarged Card
Squad to Meet
Preps on Friday
A squad that has been en
larged through the acquisition
of five new members and one
that has shown improvement in
recent drills, will represent
Sacred Heart high on the grid
iron at Mt. Angel Friday night
at 8 o'clock. The Mt. Angel preps
will provide the opposition.
New additions to the squad are
David Mack and Tom Brown,
linesmen; Koy Lulay, Roy Green
and George Bauer backs. Ed
Jergis, a 180 pound freshman
tackle is expected to give con
siderable impetus to the line.
Don Zenger will direct the
game from a quarterback spot
against the Preps, Father John
O'Callghan, director of athletics
reports. Another change will be
the shifting of Jim Heenan from
tackle to right half.
The tentative lineup for the
Mt. Angel tut: Colleran and
Ecker, ends; Don Mack and Tom
Monsky, tackles; Riley and
Derosier, guards; Daniels, center:
Zenger, quarterback; Heenan
and Wiemals or Schlagater, half,
backs and Lancaster, fullback.
shington was rained out. The se
cond place Boston Red Sox, who
trail the Yanks by two games,
were Idle as was the rest of the
American league.
Brooklyn belted Red Mun
ger and five St. Louis relief
pitchers for 19 hits. The Dodg
ers scored In every inning ex
cept the second and seventh.
Carl Furillo led the massacre,
driving nome seven runs on
three doubles and two singles.
Gil Hodges knocked home five
on three singles. Duke Snider
contributed two doubles and
two singles to the attack that
saw all but Pee Wee Reese and
Spider Jorgensen collect at least
one safety.
Lefty Joe Hatten. who had
failed to finish against the Cards
in six previous starts, glided to
his 12th victory. Hatten allowed
two hits over the first five
rounds and then eased up and
granted eight in the last four.
Two of the Card hits were hom
ers by Stan Musial his 34th
and Tommy Glaviano.
Jackie Robinson of the Dod
gers regained the circuit bat
ting lead from the Cards' Enos
Slaughter. Robinson banged
out two hits in four trips to
boost his mark from .342 to
.343. Slaughter went hitless in
five tries and dropped from
.345 to .342.
Both contenders are Idle to
day. They resume action Satur
day night with the Dodgers en
tertaining Philadelphia and the
Cards playing host to Chicago.
in o t n e r national league
games the Pirates blanked the
Boston Braves. 1-0, behind Mur-
ry Dickson; Chicago edged Phil
adelphia, 3-2, and the New York
Giants divided with the Reds in
Cincinnati, winning the first
game, 3-1, and dropping the se
cond, 8-4.
Beavers Take Air
From Salem, Cub
Houck on Trip
A 37-man traveling squad of
Oregon Staters boarded a char
ter United Airlines plane in Sa
lem Friday morning for a trip
to Salt Lake City and Satur
day's game with the Utah Red
Among the delegation of Bea
vers leaving on the trip was
Carlos (Cub) Houck, OSC quar
terback, who starred in Salem
high football, basketball and
baseball teams.
Coach Kip Taylor drove his
squad through long workouts
this week in an effort to put his
team in the prime -for the Utah
clash. The Beavers took a 33-
13 defeat at the hands of UCLA
last week.
Grid Jamboree
Opens Portland
Season Friday
Portland, Ore., Sept. 23 U.R)
The Portland high school foot
ball season will open tonight at
Multnomah stadium with eigh'
prep squads playing four-one-
quarter games.
The annual football jamboree
will start at 8 p.m. with bands
from each school marching on
ihe field. Drum majorettes rep
resenting each Portland school
will draw scrolls which will pair
off teams for the one-quarter
length games. The scrolls will
also determine schedules for the
balance of the season.
Grant high school leads in
early predictions as the team to
beat in Portland this year. Jef
ferson won the Portland cham
pionship last year but lost to
Grants Pass in the state title
The teams playing the one-
quarter games tonight will meet
again Monday on their respec
tive school fields to play the re
maining three quarters.
0 I
. I
T(wt 3 14 1 4 03
NHunn 7 I 0 I 0 D 0
Runv stmpf. Thoman. Rurgr 1, Wn
li'r, WiLan. LavnRMtn 3. Rapp, Chrtxlo
plir 3. .Iri..n ITrrprn- Thnmi. nnroli.r
Padre hits t.O notch his eighth. Aiwnn and Krvlm.Kl. I.ftt on ha..M; Port.
. , . , ., , , , ... land fl: Oakland . Two banf lut.v Ba.Mn-
Friday night s schedule withl.iu s. wii,o. iionu- run: ciuiatopiifr.
A. (r, U.o pair,, il.-lf YV II 1 1. 1 nroba ble oitl'liers: Sea 1 1 lr I Char- ! sl"""- Tlwaa S.crlllc. hit. Marlln
, .. , . ,. ,, 'Sliilm b.r. WlUion 3. Arnnrh. Run.
Ramsdell knuckle - balled the ley Sehanz 20-17) at Hollywood bud m aiumr. Tnoma. R, j
Rainiers to notch his lKlh win., ll"n Molndor 14 8). Portland 'V"frR' T'T ''.v
.... . f, . Anti i I'mpira. Barbour, orr and Enaaln. At -
For once his males hit behind1 (Vine Di Bibsi -14) at Oakland gait,
him, Retting 11 knocks, inrlmt- -' Oettel 3 01. Sun Franciscoj
inn a welcome pinch homer by i thieve iscy 1.VI4) at Sacra-
Murray Franklin, r ranklin 1 menm v nun i.niespie in- i.i r. Lou PRINGLE CLUB
umai CMmr in tnr viKHin inrtinn " " " " .... . ... ,
with two aboard to widen the " t San Diego (Jess Flnres Members of the Salem rhap-
ehamps' lead. i-iui. iier oi ine irnnu waiton league fncPd Honry Cotton,
The crown la worth SIMM !"' ho.,d ,hplr ''in of SrP' British title-holder.
w""ir ""i urn ' IX i ip in till- nrw . IIIO np.i.r in mp
"TJr K., '"'-' rrinl, park district. The meet- Co-captain, Mariano Stalloni
Ramdfii and andioc ling, called for 8 o'clock, will be and Jack Miller of the Univer-
followed by showing of motion sity of Dcleware football team
C'mon Bums
C. Carter
has been a baseball fan most
of his 48 years, but he has
never seen a World Series.
This year the shine parlor
manager at Stillwater, Okla.,
made plans early. He placed
a piggy bank In his establish
ment and customers have been
donating small change toward
a trip. Carter Is strictly a
Brooklyn booster, and believes
Bums will be in the series.
Far West League
Mnrv for his return home. A I I
Skip Alexander explained ho MlienUUnte Up
would pass up the Daily Tcle- San Francisco. Calif.. Sept. 23
graph tournament at Leeds next aj.P) Far West Baseball league
week "in order to get back to 5Cc.nttend;mce increased 31.151 over
my wife and little daughter. iast year, figures issued by Pre
who was only two days old .;t Jerry Donovan showed
when I flew to England." ' today.
Alexander, along with Sammy ' . nrrPase was registered
Snead and Clayton Haefner. was despite the fact that only six
eliminated from the match play lriims finished the last third of
I tournament yesterday. tne season.
ZAAK WALTONS TO MEET! Mangrum's quarter final op- The league drew 222 293 Daid
ponent today was smooth-strok- admissions in 1949 as compared
ing Charlie Ward of Little As- , , 1R48 ,,, f lf,i.i42. Klam-
ton. Birmingham, wnne rainier
Heavy Odds Favor
Gophers to Trim
Washington Team
Minneapolis, Sept. 23 VP)
Washington's Huskies, psy
chologically favored by local
odds that pick them to lose to
Minnesota by 20 points, whip
ped through a two-hour work
out behind closed gates on the
Gophers' home field yester
day. Another workout was sche
duled today.
The heavy odds against the
Huskies reflected the strong
local belief that the Gophers
are headed for the Rose Bowl
this year. It also reflected con
fidence in the all-veteran team
of seniors which Coach Bernie
Bierman will start against the
sophomore-loaded Wash ing
ton varsity.
ath Falls topped other teams in
.attendance totals with S8.176.
tn the Urn as well giving
them rrark at the f.ivnnn
Governor's rup playoffs.
The Oakland!, who made a ' " sn i
. u . . . , . San nigo . ApO nni floo -1 4 0
rare of It tn the final months., MrLu,n . urbtl,. e. ,, ,
also won. trimming Portland 7 """
to . Pinch hitter Maurire Vanl. fl,o , iwo - i i
Bobay's two-run single in the """""1" i tu i-it 14 1
i-rmpv. trilling 17, and nroegfr. hoi
nmh and Ratmondt
i wrre high school teammates.
eventh was the clincher. The
Taste the new
"It't tht Tolk
c4 t Town"
hy o d ii
1 i : u r .iti.
fi -v.
Admission 1 .00 Students 50c or ASB Ticket
i,M ia'".galgt .. .1, 1"' a' aa gtifj 1
Hell tell you
Calvert's milder, smoother
taste switched him
(or keeps I
CALVT.RT RK5FRVB BlrndMl Whtukry
Pf-5 Ormln Neutral Spint
Cftlrt Pwjllff!! Corp., New York City
Correct for Newport
Hlh Low
1:3.1 a.m. 8.0 7:48 am.
1:54 p.m. 8.8 8:20 p.m. -1.0
3:23 a.m. 7.7 8:25 a.m. 0.0
2:31 p.m. 9 0 8 07 p.m. -1.3
3:14 a.m. 7.3 9:04 a.m. 0.8
3 09 p.m. 9.0 8:56 p.m. -1.4
4:07 a.m. .7 9:46 a.m. 1.4
3:49 p.m. 8.7 10:50 p.m. -1.3
5:04 a.m. 6.2 10:33 a.m. 2.1
4:35 p.m. 8.3 11:48 p.m. -0 8
8 08 a.m. 5 7 11:31 a.m. 3.8
5:29 p.m. 7.7
7:22 a.m. 5.4 0:52 a.m. -0 5
6:38 p.m. 72 12:45 p.m. 3.3
8:38 a.m. 5.5 ' 2:03 a.m. -0.1
1:52 p.m. 8.8 3:11 p.m. 3.3
Enthusiastic Bearcats
Aim for Rebound Winner
If Coach Chester Stack
house's Willamette university
Bearcats fail to throttle the
Central Washington Wildcats
at Ellensburg Friday night it
will not be because of any
lack of enthusiasm for the
When the squad left for the
scene of conflict early Thurs
day afternoon it was evident
they were determined to get
this game on the right side of
the ledger. Coach Stackhouse,
in a talk before the Salem
Lions club shortly before
boarding the Ellensburg
bound bus, made no predic
tions as to the outcome. How
ever "Buck" Smith, line
coach, ventured the opinion
that the boys were improving.
. The game Is scheduled to
start at 8 o'clock (pst) and no
broadcast of proceedings Is
slated for this area.
Willamette's first home ap
pearance is booked for Sweet
land field Oct. 1 against Chi
co State, a newcomer to the
Bearcat schedule.
A five game schedule for
the Wll 1 a m e 1 1 e university
Bearcubs has been announced
by Coach Stackhouse. The
Jayvee 11 will open its season
against Reed college on Sweet
land field October 7 in an af
ternoon session. Additional
contests slated: University of
Portland at Salem, Oct. 14, 3
p.m.; Linfield at McMinnville,
Oct. 24, at 3 p.m.; George Fox
college at Salem, Nov. 4, 3
p.m.; Pacific university at Or
egon City, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m.
Good Entertainment
For All the BIG Ones
U R thy'r ha mortett looking thor-
Nr oughbred town ihoei that ivtr stepped
between you and Solem'i coming
Stout, yet flexible outer-soles with firm
Court support st arch. You walk on shock ab-
sorblng foam rubber. Trradsmooth In
llb,rtT ,ol' "' wrinkle or crack.