Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 23, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women
6 Capital Jnurnhl, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 23, 1949
Married September 17 Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Jr., the
former Carolyn Carson, was a bride on September 17. She
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carson and Mr. Wilson
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, all of Salem.
The couple is to reside in Corvallis this winter, both attend
ing Oregon State college for their senior year. (McEwan
studio picture)
Miss Baldwin Is
Wed at Canby
Aurora The First Christian
church in Canby was the scene
of the wedding of Miss Joan
Francis Baldwin, and Howard
Arnold Gardner, both of Can
by, Saturday evening, Septem
ber 10. Rev. John J. Stone read
the service.
Pink and white gladioluses in
floor baskets formed the setting
for the wedding ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of
white lace with train. Her full
length net veil trimmed In lace,
fell from a tiarra of seed pearls.
She carried a white Bible topped
by a lavender orchid tied with
satin streamers with small Van
da orchids attached. She was
given in marriage by her
brother, Jerry Baldwin.
Mrs. Duane Zacher was mat
ron of honor. She wore an orchid
taffeta gown and carried a cas
cade arrangement of pink carna
tions. An Identical bouquet was
carried by Miss Alma Brown of
Aurora, maid of honor, who
wore yellow satin. The brides
maids, Miss Carol Rose and Miss
Roberta Schneider wore aqua
brocaded gowns. Their cascade
rrangements were of yellow
Dale Plummer served as best
man for Mr. Gardner. .Kenneth
Chrlstensen, Don Stajgr and
Byrl Plummer ushered. Mrs.
Earl Oathes played the wedding
music. Miss Betty Hostetler
For her daughter's wedding.
Mrs. Eva Baldwin wore gray
sharkskin with a corsage of
Vanda orchids, and the bride's
maternal grandmother, Mrs. Will
Hodgson, wore gray-green shark
skin with a pink rosebud cor-
At the reception afterwards,
Mrs. Arthur A. Schneider serv
ed the bride's cake, Mrs. C. O
Lewis poured and Miss Gladys
Johnson presided at the punch
Mrs. Gardner, who has made
her home in Canby four years
graduated with the 104!) class of
Canby Union high school.
Mr. Gardner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner of Pine Ridge. S
D.; and nephew of Mr. and Mrs
d State Teachers' College In
I). H. Gardner of Canby, attend
Nebraska and attended Washing
ton State College last year. H.
will return to Washington State
late this month to begin his stu
dies In veterinary medicine
Pullman, Wash., will be the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner
following their wedding trip to
Lake Couer d' Alene, Idaho.
Legion Installs
Lebanon Mrs. Clarence Con
ner was installed as president of
Santiam Unit SI, American Le
gion auxiliary, at a formal cere
mony Tuesday evening, at the
Legion hall. Mrs. Vcrnice Schultz
of Florence, district president of
this area, acted as installing of
ficer, assisted by Mrs. Blandene
Other officers seated were
Mrs. Betty Ouderkirk, first vice;
Mrs. Beatrice Crandall, second
vice; Mrs. Alice Youman, secre
tary; Mrs. Ruth Parton, treasur-
Mrs. Ella Wood, chaplain;
Mrs. Marjorie Long, sergeant-at-
A supper at 7 o'clock preceded
the Installation.
An extensive mem b e r s h 1 p
drive is to be conducted during
the next two weeks under the
membership committee, headed
by Mrs. Opal Lyon and Mrs.
Betty Ouderkirk, it was announced.
Higinbotham, president, assisted
by her officer team and Mrs.
T. P. Heidenstrom as Installing
sergeant-at-arms. has accepted
the Invitation of the Mt. Angel
American Legion auxiliary to
install officers there Tuesday
evening. September 27.
Delbert Reeves Unit No. 7,
American Legion auxiliary, has
a program planned for the Gold
Star Mothers of Silverton on
Monday evening, September 26,
at the hall.
Visits Here
Visitor here from Cannon
Beach this week has been Mrs.
Nicholas R. Donlon ns guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Kelly. She will leave Sat
urday, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly ac
companying her to Portland.
HOLLYWOOD Lions club
auxiliary met Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Marvin
Clntterbuck, Mrs. R. S. Tower
W. W. McKinney, municipal
Judge, was guest speaker, dis
cussing juvenile delinquency.
Mrs. A. J. Crose. Mrs. Paul
Hale and Mrs. P. W. Baker were
named delegates to the Salem
Council of Women's Organiza
tions. .
Mrs. Ross
Home from
Orient Trip
Being welcomed home after
four and one-half months in the
Orient is Mrs. Custer Ross, who
arrived here the first of the
Mrs. Ross spent three months
in Japan, visiting her son and
daughter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs.
Douglas Ross, and their little
daughter, and touring Japan. Lt.
and Mrs. Ross live in Washing
ton Heights in Tokyo. Mrs. Ross
visited other places in Japan
and reports the country very
beautiful and as one appearing
not to be a nation that has been
conquered. The people of Japan
worship General Douglas Mac
Arthur, she reports.
From Japan, Mrs. Ross sailed
to Manila and Baguio and the
party she was traveling with
completely circled the Philip
pine islands. People there are
very cheerful and determinedly
going ahead, rebuilding and
cleaning up after the war, Mrs.
Ross reports.
After the Philippines trip
Mrs. Ross' ship went by Hong
Kong and on back to Japan and
home, arriving at Seattle in the
Miss Irwin to
Wed in Alaska
Aurora Announcement Is be
ing made by Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Irwin of Canby of
the engagement of their daugh
ter Miss Virginia Irwin to Rich
ard H. Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Cole of Tacoma.
The wedding will take place
early this winter at Fairbanks,
Alaska, where Mr. Cole is now
engaged in construction work
and Miss Irwin has two-year as
signment as a public health
nurse for the Alaska territorial
Miss Irwin three weeks ago
completed a post-graduate course
in public health nursing at Uni
versity of Washington. She was
salutatorian of her class when
she graduated from Canby Union
high school in 1942. She attend
ed Willamette University at Sa
lem for two years and then en
tered University of Oregon Medi
cal school for nurses training.
She served at the Multnomah
county hospital, and received
her Bachelor of Science degree
at the same time she completed
her nurses training. After that
she served 15 months at the Hilo
Memorial hospital in Hawaii,
returning to the mainland last
spring to take the public health
nursing course in Seattle.
Mr. Cole graduated from Ta
coma high school and attended
the College of Puget Sound for
one year before Joining the medi
cal corps of the U. S. army, serv
ing in the Philippine Islands for
two years. Toward the end of
the war he received an appoint
ment to the U. S. Military Aca
demy at West Point and started
preparatory work at Amherst
College in Masachusetts. After
the war he resigned his West
Point appointment and entered
University of Washington from
which he received his bachelor
of science degree last June, then
Joined the construction company
in Fairbanks.
Miss Irwin expects to sail
from Seattle Saturday for Alas
ka. She will spend a week at
Juneau, the territorial capital,
and another week at Anchorage,
before going on to Fairbanks.
The date for the wedding will
be determined after Miss Irwin
arrives in Fairbanks.
SPANISH club announces its
meeting for this evening at 8
o'clock in the Salem YWCA.
Mrs. W. W. Chadwick is to show
pictures taken on her recent trip
to Alaska.
Charter Bus
Salem unit of the Oregon Re
publican Women's Federation
has chartered a bus to take in
terested people from here to the
banquet at Albany, Monday
evening, honoring Mrs. J. R.
Farrington, president of the Na
tional Federation of Women's
Republican clubs.
The bus is to leave the Grey
hound bus depot at 5:45 p.m
Monday. Reservations may be
telephoned to 33724 on or be
fore Saturday.
All republicans are invited to
the Monday banquet to be held
at th( Albany hotel at 6 :30
Wedding Set
For Oct. 15
Announcement is being made
of the approaching marriage of
Miss Charlotte Frances Zielin-
skl, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy
B. Zielinski, to Arthur M. Mc
Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
McKay of St. Paul, Ore.
The nuptial mass will be said
Saturday morning, October 15,
at 9:30 o'clock in the St. Vin
cent de Paul church in Salem.
The bride-to-be is a graduate
of Sacred Heart academy and
attended Oregon State college.
Mr. McKay was graduated from
St. Paul high school and served
a year in the army.
GERVAIS Mrs. Lloyd Seely
was hostess to the Junior Wom
an's club last week. All mem
bers were present. Mrs. Donald
Hood was a guest and became a
member of the club. Mrs. Or
ward Hoye will entertain the
group in October.
it $ W
iti f
Recent Bride Mrs. Loren
Rolie, the former Amy Lou
Espe, was a recent bride it a
wedding in the Immanuel Lu
theran church at Silverton.
She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Espe of Silver
ton and Mr. Rolie is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rolie
of Salem. (McEwan studio picture.)
Robert E. Rawson
1310 S. Liberty
Phone 3-3058
Dr. Ray J. Pinson
opening of hil
for the practice of chiropody
In all of lti phases.
Office located at
428 Oregon Bldg.
Phnne 10704
mom conmimottm you
popular- ppicedHpIocpr coved ifan Take.
the PATTERNS: smartest you've- EYC
5EEN I TAKE. THE- scRvreet': YOU cur A
THE. OOt-O EAL: tfOOQ. (iUAflANTTf r
SATttrAcnoN ca. youa money back l eec
Woman's Club Plans Show
Mi W
PAYh tti ' 1 Bis
Forty were out for the semi
monthly dessert and card party
of Sojourners club Thursday it-
ternoon at the balem Woman s
club house. Mrs. Jordan John
son was a quest.
The collegiate football motif
was carried out in decorating,
each table being set with the
colors of some college or univer
sity. Winners at cards were Mrs.
Marcella Davis, Mrs. Lisle Dem
pewolf, Mrs. Jordan Johnson,
Mrs. Russell A. Forrest, all in
bridge, and Mrs. O. A. Olsen in
pinochle. Mrs. George Crockett
was chairman of the hostessei
for the afternoon.
Mrs. J. E. Webster, Mrs. Wil
liam Greif and Mrs. Frederick
Fleury were announced as new
For the next meeting, Mrs.
Milo Taylor is to be chairman
for the hostesses.
These In Style Show Monday Attracting much interest for
next Monday is the fashion show to be sponsored by the Salem
Woman's club at the group's club house, starting with dessert
at 1 p.m. Fall styles and hats will be presented by Sally's and
Schlesinger'i. Among the models will be these three above,
left to right, Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney, Mrs. Farley Mogan and
Mrs. M. H. Saffron, shown here trying on hats in last eve
ning's dress rehearsal for the show. Mrs. Grant C. Rogers and
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk are co-chairmen for the benefit on
Miss Tish and
Mr. John Wed
Grand Ronde Roy Tish of
Greenleaf, Idaho announces the
marriage of his daughter Miss
Leva Tish to Harvey John, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. John of
Grand Ronde.
The wedding took place Sep
tember 9 at 8:00 p. m. in the
Friends church at Greenleaf,
Idaho. A dark blue velvet back
ground with white baskets of
gladioluses and yellow roses
adorned the pulpit, where the
young couple were wedded by
Evangelist Hubert Nordock.
Organist was Mrs. Alva Tish of
Greenleaf. Mrs. Harvey Kocher
of Okanogen, Wash., and Mark
Roberts of Greenleaf sang. As the
young couple knelt at the altar,
Mrs. Kocher sang, "Facing the
Future with Jesus."
The bride was attired in white
slipper satin with a nylon yoke,
long pointed sleeves and train,
with a fingertip veil held in
place with a coronet of white
pom-poms. She carried an arm
bouquet of white carnations.
Mrs. Arnold Shaver of Mo-
lalla was matron of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss Louise
Fivecoat and Miss Nadine Fodge,
both of Greenleaf. They wore
yellow taffeta gowns with pic
ture hats to match and carried
nosegays of pom poms, shaded
from bright yellow to brown.
Candlelighters were Misses Dor
othy and Violet John twin sis
ters of the bridegroom. They
wore yellow gowns.
Alvin John was best man.
Mervin John of Grand Ronde and
Marvin Marwock of Greenleaf
were groomsmen. Ushers were
Glen and Ralph Tish.
Misses Hazel Beeson and
Carol Gossard were in charge
of the gifts. Mrs. John Roberts
served the wedding cake to ap
proximately 350 guests.
Mr. and Mrs. John left for a
wedding trip to Crater Lake and
will be at home on their farm
east of Valley Junction.
Koch Sisters
Birthday Feted
Dolores Ann Koch, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Koch,
celebrated her fourth birthday
anniversary on Tuesday after
noon with a party for her little
friends at the home of her par
ents. Games were played outdoors
and pictures were taken of the
cake and party group. The
color scheme of pink and green
was carried out and a decorated
birthday cake centered the table.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Koch, assisted by Mrs. Cecil
Manion. Those bidden to wish
Dolores a happy birthday were:
Rosemary Manion, Tommy Hoy,
Carol Ebner, Peter Jepsen, Jan
ice Ebner, Bobby Miers, Jimmy
Manion, Gary Manion and Gloria
Koch, Dolores' older sister. Ad
ditional guests were Mrs. Glen
Miers, Mrs. Cecil Manion.
Gloria Koch, the older sister
celebrated her tenth birthday
anniversary Saturday afternoon
with a party at the home of her
The afternoon was spent in
taking pictures and games were
played outdoors.
The table was centered with
the traditional decorated, can
dle lighted birthday cake. The
yellow and green color scheme
was carried out in the place
appointments. Fall flowers were
arranged about the rooms.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Koch, assisted by Mrs. Ross
Jones. Those bidden to honor
Gloria were: Janice Ebner, Kath
leen Wilson, Victoria Schmidt,
Miss Post
Shower Feted
Honoring Miss Shirley Post,
who is to be married October
23 to Harold McCauley, Mrs.
Don Baker entertained Wednes
day evening at a shower at the
home of Miss Post's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Post.
The shower was a miscellane
ous one. At the party were Miss
Post, Miss Jean Doolittle, Miss
Lois Burris, Miss Lola Mae Win
decker, Miss Shirley Livesley,
Miss Vana Martin, Miss Mar
garet Sweetland, Mrs. H. Lesler,
Miss Charlotte Post, Miss Doro
thy Kerns, Mrs. B. Barry, Miss
Patricia Macamara and the hos
WOODBURN Evergreen
Chapter No. 41, Order of the
Eastern Star, will meet in regu
lar session Monday evening,
September 26, at the Masonic
Temple. A no-host dessert lunch
will be served after the meet
ing by Mrs. R. C. Enos, Mrs.
Lois Gaviola, Mrs. Margaret
Hastie, Mrs. Clair Andresen and
Mrs. Lewis Paulson.
NAVAL LT. and Mrs. A. H.
Vetter, residents of San Diego,
Calif., have been house guests
of the C. W, Stullers on Wallace
road the past week. Lt Vetter
is Mrs. Stuller's brother.
FIRESIDE class of the First
Presbyterian church Sunday
school is sponsoring a no-host
cnnwr and informal evening
Friday at the church, the sup
per to be at 6:30 o'clock, loiiow
ed by games and an Informal
program. Mrs. William Bush is
chairman of the committee.
IN PORTLAND this evening
to attend "Streetcar Named De
sire" are Mr. and Mrs. Linn C.
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Jean Brandt, Louise Henderson,
Glenda Lee Barker, Sally Hoy,
Judy Woods, Jeanette Sprong,
Jacqueline Docrfler, Carol Flick
er, Rosemary Sprong, Carol Eb
ner and Dolores Ann Koch,
Gloria's little sister.
Slipping Around
Whiting and
Jimmy Wakely
That Lucky Old
Vaughn Monroe
The Knork Song
Tommy Dorsey
Bodr and Soul
Billy Eckstina
Sow That I Need
Frankie Laint
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High 3-163)
Shop With
Salem's Own
In Monday's
and Save!
rio oiluH ciike nilxfyjj yi
is as fine in flavor f'tfnfh
aiml texture n flp;,lA
i Cinch tnte, inix.'?. I fcy I
f wvMivloft Stodyrt. MlwwaptK MMwH I I
Salem Nursing
3595 D Street
Something new, some
thing different in car
ing for patients of the
most delicate type.
Ph. 2-3853
Miss Bernice Struckmeler,
A Few Vacant
Brooks, Ore.
Kind and Efficient Care
Phone 2-1116
for School and Office
Smart Shop
And Heaps More Where
THAT Came From
Where You Get
(and the best food tn town)
(including choice of
entrees and desserts)
1:00 P.M.-8:30 P.M.
Every Day Except Sunday
v Gofn' Places?
Toke along your own personal heaven . ,
Faewua's woodsy woyfaring Woodhvo for
,o tongy touch to your new wood-hued foil taihioo
L -c-
Porfwn Bxtrtsarcnnoira 5. 8. IS.
In pwsa-perlect "FobergenV 2.50
Cologne Ixtroordlnalra 2. 3.50 S.
ensemble o "Fabergene" and cologne 3.50
rxtSwBTrWr roff jHlHjtlCltd
fOldl CIN'H TiMl
optrrtt st em