Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 23, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept, 23, 1949
M.fU v& 7K
Braves Bid Chiet Farewell Chief Bill Kidwell (standing,
right) of the Willamette chapter of the Indian Guides, YMCA
organization, reads the charter of the tribe as he prepares
to retire as chief after serving in that office for a year. The
organization, started a year ago, is one of those getting Com
munity Chest funds. Others in the picture reading left to right
are Francis Smith, Mike Smith, Jake Foos, Donnie Foos, Dave
Kidwell, Gus Moore, Danny Moore, Spike Brownell and Bob
Brownell, the newly elected chief.
Big Braves to Aid Little Ones
In Community Chest Drive
Red Feather donations (Community Chest) are going to help
ene group of little boys in the YMCA the Willamette chapter
of the Indian Guides in addition to many other "Y" groups.
Too young themselves to help with the actual drive the Little
Braves of the group will be represented by their fathers, the Big
Braves, when the drive starts.
The Indian Guides is one of
the 156 groups that meet at the
"Y", which this year is asking
a $28,183 contribution from the
Community Chest to carry on its
many activities. Having as its
purpose more constant father
son relationships, the Indian
Guides is composed of boys be
tween the ages of six and nine
and their fathers.
It is a rule that the Big and
Little Braves (fathers and sons)
must attend the meetings to
gether and ' never separate and
the slogan of the club is "Pals
The Willamette chapter, or
ganized a year ago, is the first
chapter of Indian Guides In Sa
lem, but plans are for the organ
ization of other tribes to form
a "long house." Heading the
group the first year as chief was
Bill Kidwell and named chief for
the next year is Bob Brownell.
Big event of last season for
both the Big and Little Braves
was the overnight trip to the old
YMCA camp at Oceanside. Here.
sans tepees, the Braves camped
under the trees and stars. They
coked their meals over a camp
fire and additional entertainment
included fishing, swimming and
Little Braves In the Willa
mette tribe are Mike Smith, Don
nle Foos, Dave Kidwell, Danny
Moore and Spike Brownell.
Big Braves are Francis Smith,
Jake Foos, Gus Moore, Bill Kid
well and Bob Brownell.
Lindow Jersey
Wins Award
Columbus, O., A Ton of
Gold Certificate has been award
ed a registered Jersey cow own
ed by Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Lindow, of Independence. The
award went to his cow Volun
teer Noble Alice, which has pro
duced 2,338 pounds butterfat
more than a ton in four years.
The certificate was presented by
The American Jersey Cattle
During the test period Volun
teer Noble Alice produced more
than 214 times as much butter
fat as the average dairy cow In
the United States. All her tests
were checked both by Oregon
State College and The Ameri
tan Jersey Cattle Club.
Mrs. Morgenthau, Jr.,
Dies in New York
New York, Sept. 22 W Mrs.
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., wife of
the former secretary of the
treasury and a niece of former
New York Governor Herbert H
Lehman, died yesterday. She
was ST.
Mrs. Morgenthau, a close
friend of Mrs. Franklin D.
Roosevelt, died at a hospital
where she had been under treat
ment for a liver ailment since
August SI. She had been 111 a
long time.
Her husband, who also was
In the hospital for a slight heart
ailment, was at her bedside
when she died. Also there
were their three children,
Henry. 3rd, Robert and Dr. Joan
Elizabeth Morgenthau.
Mrs. Roosevelt will deliver
the eulogy at the funeral serv
American in
Poland Missing
Washington, Sept. 22 W) An
American architect has been
missing mysteriously in Poland
for more than a month. The
state department twice has asked
Poland to explain.
This was disclosed last night
by a state department official.
He identified the missing man
as Herman H. Field, 38, director
of building plans for Cleveland
college, downtown branch of
Western Reserve university, at
The state department gave this
account of the case:
Field went to the Warsaw
airport on August 20, planning
to fly to Prague. Friends saw
him to the airfield. But when
the plane reached Prague he
was not aboard.
Czech officials said his name
originally was on the flight man
ifest but had been stricken off.
Crew members said he was not
on the plane.
The state department asked
the Polish foreign office to make
an investigation on Sept. 13.
A second request for Informa
tion went to Warsaw Sept. 17.
Field's English wife, Kate,
and their two children, stayed
in London while he traveled on
the continent.
U.S. Civil Service Opposes
Personnel Provisions of CVA
SDokane. Wash.. Sept. 23 J. The United States civil service
commission does not approve of the personnel provisions of the
proposed Columbia valley administration, it was revealed her
The commission s stand was made public in a letter written by
its president, Harry B. Mitchell.
He is the father of Rep. Hugh B.
Mitchell, D., Wash., stanch sup
porter of a CVA.
The letter was written to Sen.
Dennis Chavez, D., N. Mex ,
chairman of th. senate commit
tee on public works, and copies
were circulated by Rep. Walt
Horan, R., Wash.
Farmers lo Gel
More U.S. Aid
Portland, Sept. 23 W Ore
gon farmers will get $335,000
more next year in the federal
conservation program.
That will boost the total for
the year to $2,479,000, the state
production and marketing com
mittee said yesterday, adding
that rates of payment would be
about the same, but the amount
to a single farm could increase
from $750 to $2500.
Clackamas and Wasco coun
ties may become test grounds
for a new conservation plan. In
stead of treating each year as
an isolated unit, the new plan
would set up a permanent im
provement program for a farm.
Payments would be made for
the part of the program carried
out each year.
Prison Association
Urges Improvements
Portland, Sept. 22 A special
committee of the Oregon Prison
Association, working on the pre
mise that the improving state
penitentiary picture can still be
brightened considerably, began
today in Portland to prepare a
list of recommendations for pre
sentation to the state board of
The report of the committee,
headed by Mrs. John Catlin of
Portland and including two
members of the state legislature,
was expected to ask the board
for changes in prison procedure
based on suggestions appearing
in a recent series of newspaper
articles on the penal institution
at Salem. Mrs. Catlin Indicated
that he group would advocate
improvement in segregation, dis
ciplinary methods, vocational,
recreational, and religious op
portunities and health care.
"In brief", Mrs. Catlin said,
'we hope the time is near when
each inmate can be treated as
man instead of a number."
Dies In His Airplane
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 22
lP) Daniel R. Wells, 48, Ever
ett, Wash., died of a heart at
tack last night just as he was
taxiing across the Vancouver
airport in his private plane. The
plane cam to a safe halt.
Cooley Brothers Are
Given Farewell Party
Hayesville David and Ro
bert Cooley were honored guests
at a farewell party given by the
Teen-age club. The Cooley boys
left Thursday for Seattle Pa
cific college. They were pre
sented a farewell gift by the
Present for the affair were
Margaret Katka, Bernita Tuers,
Wilma Karsten, Joan Zielenski.
Lorene Karsten, Betty Zahara,
Janice Siddall, Helen Black.
Kay Westley, June Barnes, Shir
ley Wellbrock, Shirley Brown,
John Henning, Ronald Hamann.
John Versteeg, Robert Coolev.
Milo Tibets, Rudy Wellbrock.
David Cooley, Galen Siddall and
Junior Strozet. Guests were Tom
Dodd, Jim Noren and Paul Coo
ley. The chaperones for the eve
ning were Mrs. Victor Cooley,
Mrs. A. Katka and Mrs. G. Sid
Almost three-fourths of pe
destrians killed in traffic acci
dents ar struck down between
5 p.m. and 8 p.m. during the
seasons when thes hours are
Make that winiry-cold !
Porch a pleasant cold j
weather room. Well pro
vide the Sash you will need
for an inexpensive, easily
built, warm Porch inclo
sur. Porch Sash will not
only make your Porch
warm; it also will keep
your other rooms warmer,
and vou will reduc your
fuel bills.
Mitchell criticized section 15
(A) of the bill sponsored by Sen.
Warren G. Magnuson, D., Wash.,
identical to Rep. Mitchell's CVA
measure in the house.
"The commission is strongly
opposed to the exception of the
officers and employes of the
Columbia valley administration
from the civil service laws , , .,"
Mitchell wrote.
"The exemption of an agency
from the civil service laws
causes a duplication of effort
with respect to recruitment of
government personnel, with re
sulting loss of economy and effi
"Th commission is of the
opinion that th best method of
assuring that appointments in
the proposed administration
shall be made solely on the basis
of merit and efficiency is to re
quire application of the merit
system prescribed by th civil
service act.
Proposed CVA legislation pro
vides for the properties and
functions of the Bonneville Pow
er administration, the army en
gineers and the Bureau of re
clamation to be transferred to
the CVA.
28th Giant Plane Completed
Seattle, Sept. 22 OP) The
?8th Boeing stratocruiser 21
ton, 80 to 80 passenger plan
was completed yesterday, the
company announced. It. marked
the halfway point in the con
tracts for 56 planes.
Employ Physically
Handicapped Urged
Gov. Douglas McKay and
Mayor R. L. Elfstrom of Salem
joined in endorsing the fifth an
nual observance of "National
Employ the Physically Handi
capped Week", October 2 to 8.
The governor issued a statement
and the mayor a proclamation.
"To say that I endorse the
"employ the physically handi
capped" is like saying that I be
lieve in Oregon or in the United
States, the governor said.
"Whatever my office can do to ;
speed rehabilitation processes, to'
return disabled veterans and!
civilians to production and suf
ficiency for themselves and
their families, will be done. I
not only endorse the calling of
attention to the subject but I
have Insisted that all state de
partments give full consideration
to qualified, though disabled,
job applicants."
The mayor's proclamation of
ficially sets the week aside in
Salem for observance of "em
ploy the physically handicapped.
Helen Hayes7
Daughter Dies
New York, Sept. 23 J.
Broadway grieved today over
the death of talented Mary
MacArthur, 19, who had plan
ned to open in a new play in
November with her mother, Ac
tress Helen Hayes.
Miss MacArthur, who made
headlines even before she was
born as the "act of God" baby
of Miss Hayes, died last night
in Lenox Hill hospital after a
short illness caused by a virus
infection. At her bedside were
her father, Playwright Charles
MacArthur, and her mother in
whose footsteps she aspired to
Th toupl has en other
child, an adopted son, Jamie,
10. MacArthur Is best known
for his hit, "The Front Page,"
which he co-authored with Nov
elist Ben Hecht.
In 1929, Miss Hayes was
forced to withdraw from the Jed
Harris play "Coquette" because
of her pregnancy. Legal squab
bles developed when Harris
closed the show, and Mis Hayes
contended that her baby was an
"act of God."
4 Oregonians Face
Deportation Hearings
Portland, Sept. 23 W) Depor
tation hearings will be held Oc
tober 3 for four Oregonians, ac
cused by the immigration service
of belonging to subversive or
. . , makes your favorite
drink richer, mellower.
$025 $o60
Thre ar Portlanders Karo
lina Halvorsen, Casimiro Abso
lar, and Hamish Scott McKaye.
The fourth is John L. Stenson,
West Linn. All are long-time
residents of Oregon.
A committee organized to de
fend the four said it soon would
circulate petitions asking the Im
migration service to atop depor
tation proceedings.
'Vince's Electric'1
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
AI90 Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
lit! itnott tnmn. u moor. is turn saitui sfuitj. kmhm omniums, inc.. . 1. 1
Full Fashioned
15 Denier
51 Gaiuje
nil Boston's
M Bottle
jJ U. J. r.1 N.. 1 Jt.107
Mr. Boston jj
( Fine Wines )
SH,Y St fL,
i muscair rJ M r 4i )
Mj. Bo,! on Ditier Inc b&ton,
Doctors Find Body Odor
On 13 Parts of Body
4MMw V ?
Hi) v'mM
Soap with purifying Ingredient
gets skin cleaner,
fives air-over protection.
It's true-though few people real
ize this unpleasant fact! Body
odor is not confined to the under
arms. To guard popularity you
must give 13 parts of your body
top protection.
Popularity it priceless. Don'l ever lose itl
The cleaner you get every part
of your skin, doctors know, the
safer you are from "B. O." (body
odor). And by comparing daily
baths with different soaps they
found one soap Lifebuoy Health
Soap gets skin cleaner, ftops
I irEDITAV CeU Skin Cletr
"B. 0." as no other leading soap
can. It protects popularity bestl
Lifebuoy's purifying ingredi
ent makes it more effective
against the "invisible dirt" that
brings on "B.O." Lifebuoy guards
all 13 trouble spots where body
odor occurs.
Get that clean, etean Lifebuoy
feeling 1 Buy big NEW bath size
Lifebuoy at your store today.
So mild so GOOD for tout skint
Lifebuoy is milder ... wonderful
for delicate complexiongi Enjoy
the rich white lather from Life
buoy's coconut oil. Make friends
with Lifebuoy today 1 Another fint
productof Levtr BrothertCvmpany.
s No Other Leading Soap Can
Fall Is her and now is your chance to buy Begonias at a
great saving. They are all in full bloom and you choose your
own color. Be ready for next spring by getting your Be
gonia now. We are clearing all of our several thousand Be
gonia plants. Remember for every two that you buy, we will
give you one free. "Your Choice". Com one come all, the
year's biggest Begonia sale is on.
B Seeing You at
3225 D Str.f
1225 Cross Coblncti . Fromei Ph. J-5953
Saturday, Sept. 24
in observance cf th rtligiout holiday.
Open Monday ot usual.
325 North Commercial
9 A.M.
If you're moving .
Want To Know A Secret?
You can save up to
Half on your moving
bill if you
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Gas & Oil Furnished
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