14 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Par Lin IBe per Line 1 time 4(w Per Lin ttmea 60c Par bin 1 month 13.00 Outaida ot Salem 18 per Una ptr day. Mln. IOe: I time mln. lOe I time mln. 11.30. No Refund MADE ILK la Local New CoL Only: Per Line 10c To PUc an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALI HOUSES SPECIAL Hew t-bdrm. home. Built-in wardrobe. LoU of kitchen built-in. Auto, oil furn. Owner need money (or business. Cut tin price to 310,300. hi week. Can be Men evening 'till 8:00 at 1005 Cot tage St. Will to FHA. 239 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Large living room, tile kitchen, bath uwtalra and down. Plastered basement and Kar ate. Hardwood floor, lota built-in, terraced back yard. Coat over 118,000 to build. Reduced to 113.500 for quick ale. For Information call 34547. a227" fMMED. FOBS, fc rm, house, latest dentin. tinglewood DUt. 18100. F.H.A. Ph. 24420. a 227 LOVELY I bdrm. home. North on 99 to 2140 Carlton Way. 233 TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. R., Din., Kit., Nook, 3 Bed., Double Plumb., Pull Base ment with Knotty Pine Play R., two flreplacei, dble. gar., 3 lot, fenced and landscaped. 1870 John. Ph. 3-B226. a22B VERT COMPLETE t room, upstairs Ioot d, F.H.A., 1 blk. to 4 Corner. Tel. 30037 279 tMALL t-BDRM. HSE. comp, redec.Elee. water heater. Elec. tove. Elec. ht. Small lot. Hollywood DUt. 13,760 cash. Ph. 34360. 670 Jefferon. a239 Keizer District $6950 New I bedroom hout. Utility rm. Hwd. fir. Elect. W. heater. Att. gar. Large lot. Easy term. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial. Eva. 3-9534 Ph. 3-4590 a227j BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOUSE Ixcl. Location, 4 bdrm., full tile bath. V bath dn. Best of new wall to wall carpeting throughout. Lite. din. rm., full dry basement. Hot water heat. 2 car garage. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. We are proua to nave tne privilege, oi mow Ing you this excellent home at the very reasonable price or gai.sou. pnone aeeau, ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Evening Phones 33B36, 27768 or 36704 a229 BY OWNER ' I BR. home at 740 Cascade Dr. Pinioned basm t. with party room, 2 fireplace. 112,000 Phone 3-5445. a228 Br OWNERNew-auburban 2 BR. houe. Lot of built-in, choice lumber. Price JB.OOO. Phone 3-5982. a227 89,000 VERY NICE 5 room suburban home on 114 acre close in on pavement, ha full dry basement St furnace, double garage, chicken house, bus by door. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 1-3849 Eve. 2-5260. a227' $2950 Iay term on thl unfinished house North. Outside complete and could be lived In a you finish the interior, Drilled well. Large lot. C. W. Reeve Realtor t 1. Commercial 81 Ph. -50 Evi. 3-S53S a227 EXCLUSIVE Thl 1 the most home for 18950 In Salem, 12000 down and only 150 a month. Immediate possession. There U nothing to do to this homeall the im provement are made. Living room, dinette, kitchen, bath, 3 bdrm., large g i rage, fenced yard. If you want a home In Leslie and business district, gee u today. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 37 YEARS IN SALEM tSO N. High St. Phone 3-4129 227 fafHW. WORTH much more. Mod. 3 Bdrm., aut. heat. att. garage, near bus A schools, easy terms. Ph. 36189. a330 GARAGE HKmEforaleTl acres'." 4600 cash for equity. Ph. 42573. a227 fcHMI. CliNodTrnTBR home V yr. eld. Keliter dlst. Living room, dining room, fireplace, inside utility room, at tached garage, auto, heat, lot 82x224. Beautiful lawn garden. 11500 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 9350. NEW modern 2 BR home East. Paved street, close to bu At school, $1350 down. Bal. FHA. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 151 S. High St, Ph. 1-4121. Eve. 3-5561 a228 AUTUMN SPECIAL About IS acre, Just off Pacific Man way north 12 miles; a very neat email house: good poultry house; fine well and masonry pump house; garaae, good variety fruit and nuts; nice yard: Out of state owner, flee it and make offer. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 141 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660 Eve. phones 3-4591-3-6605 a236 4 BEDROOM Only 3 years old Lame carpeted liv ing room and dining room, nook St car port. Over 1400 xq. ft. of floor jpace. Close in anburbnn location. ' block from bu. Owner will sacrifice for 4H500. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Ediewatcr Ph. 3-5109 Eve. 3-9958 339- IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to ell prac tically new home, 6 lae. rm., hdwd fir, thruout, auto-turn. pliied to alt rm. Unf In. uvula Ira. Stairway In. Breeneway, att.jnar. l.e lot. city water. t.nw down pavinent. FHA term Bslem Helrhta dl-.. 5 r.wald. S. off 9fE. a231 T1Y PHIVATE OWNFR I rm. house on 1 acre, city bu l'ne. I ft. drilled well. Small amount of fin lahing on house. Have 13200 In ilce. Will cut for cash, bal. $40 per mu or make offer. Leaving town. Write Capi tal Journal Box 433. aJB SR. HOfHE, 2 bathrooms, lae. kitchen, work shop, dble. caraae. exc residen tial dial., walking distance. 16.900. Wtll -11 furniture If desired. Bee owner after 4 p.m.. 149 ft. Liberty. 228 MUST LF.AVF BY OCTOnFRlsT ' H!M WILL buy my 41454 equity in 1 vear Old 3 BR home, pluMered. hdwd. ttm . 643 Blller Ave. Mapleton Arid 11 ion. a3J3 MOO. RM. touse with dinette, 3 bed rm , completely redecorated. 8m, family orchard. Approxtmata 1 acre. Immediate possession. I ' block to school, 2 bl. to Salem Mid nervals hi -school bus. Sm. down payment, bal. 140 mo. Call ner val 3071 eves, or writ P.O. Bog 242. OervsU. 33 15500. New, I bedrooms, utility room, garate. $7)00. 8 bedrooms, oak floor, laundry trava, garaae. 1mm. Pos. 7500. 2 bedroom, floored at He, oak floors, fireplace, automatic heat, tar as. 7S50. I bedroom, basement, fireplace, ak floors, all electric. P. II. Bell. Realtor REALTORS 361 Chemeketa St. Ph 3-4H96, 3-1545 Eve. 3.686. 2-2451, 3-7545 a2?9 ?M, NEW modern 3 PR ho. V!M. I tin 3 lots 6O0 Dn 9ajta. Nrw Ilia Rig en Hue. 10 A. lanos. MW I rm. tiooo Dn. Have otlirM, al-o Uaries WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 171 S. Liberty Salem Ph. 37IIJ e227 1 HOrair.a. 1 4 bedrooms. 93 WO: 1 3 bed rooms 4700. All plastered. Ph. 14534 23 Oregon, Friday, Sept. 23, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Abbott & Costello" PllU "Meet The Killer" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ABE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thl picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad in which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Elslnore Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Abbott Ac Costello" plus "Meet The Killer" joining soon to the Elslnore thea ter. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES lltlft 6TH BT. 2 bedroom house, modern, plastered, good lot. Do not disturb ten ants, shown by apt. only. $3350. SOUTH. S bedroom on one floor, elect, re frigerator built-in, nice setting with background of fir treee, Mi A. lot. 44950. Terms. HOLLYWOOD 6 rm. house, large lot, plenty of closet space, furnace heat, 41340 down, bal. like rent at 4i. R. K. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 8. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 a22B MAKE AN offer, must sell. New 3 BR. home. With Bendlx. Oo 3 blk. South on old 99E from 12th St. Junction, and Dickson's Mkt. To Idlewood Dr. 4th house left. Ph. 23219. a232 Open House Sat. & Sun. 3 bdrm. it f'place. Hdwd. fir. Inside Utll. 525 Illinois. a229 2 Acres West Salem 3 bdrm. home. Out of town owner must ell. Price $6500. General Real Estate 255 Center St. Ph. 3-3289. a227 CLOSE IN S rm. home. Hardwood floors throughout. Fireplace. Full dry basement. Oarage, $9500. WEST SALEM 1 bdrm. home. Gartnt. 15790. General Real Estate 195 Center St. Ph. 3-3289. 7" FOR SALE LOTS nil (Ml CORNER lot. Porms down for small house. Some lumber. Term. 780 Mis souri. aa229 FOR SALE OR TRADE view lot 80x140, City water. FHA approved. 11000 or car of equal value. Ph. 26158. a230 BY OWNER: Lot 70x112. south, city water, bus, restrictions; IBSO: 125 down, aio a month. Ph. 2-5211; eve. 2-3203. aa228 LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bu. close to school on Silverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. fl5 down. $15 per month. General Real Estate 235 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa331 BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Close to HavesvlUe school. Lot with water, electricity, bu service and fruit trees. $10 down 115 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Sun. St Eve. 2-8241, 3-9711, 2-2532. 2-3738. aa230 CORNER LOT, 100x187, sub., 4450. term. Owner. 200 B. 23nd St., Ph. 3-4836. aa228B FOR SALE FARMS BY OWNER. 10 A. farm. Clou In. Price 1 10,500. EZ terms. Ph. 2-1993. t338 PLEASANT LIVING B acres that offers real country com fort with all city convenience. 10 min utes from downtown. City and school busses. See this attractive 2 BR home in the grove of beautiful oak t ml. E of Kelaer school. Double aarage. chicken house, good shed suitable for small barn. Family orchard, all fruit At ber ries: excellent soil. Out of state owner ha authorised aale at 112,000. Drive by and liupert at your leisure, or call A. N. Duncan. Rm. 12, Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. tel. 3-9658. b338 1 ACRES -is Mll.Eftnorth of Salem. No building. Will trade on house. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. No. 6. bJ3S" TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 good acre clone in NE: very clean small two bdrm. house, garaae, poultry houAf, family fruit, pressure water, near school. Only M400. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. HIkIi St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. phones 3-45S1 - 3-6605 b326 A ACHt: of real good aoll 1 miles from Aumsvllle, new 5 room home el. wa ter heater, wired tor electric range, 2 car garaae, good barn, deep well, plenty wAter. 4 good cows, all thl for only $9000.00. Goodwin and MeMillin Realtors Pho. 3-4707 - 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 b228 69 ACRES A REAL FARM 18 miles out Wallace Road. Continuous Ownership for 76 yr. All cult, level ground. The house Is old but clean and mod. All outside bide, are new. This la really a beautiful place and only $15, 500. t3s ACRF.fl $975000 The barn'a full of hay, ao are these two fin Jersey rows. Averaie 3 BR house 3 ae. boysentierrte. 4 ac. filbert, 13 mile out Wallace Hrt A good deal. Phone 36660 FD LtJKINWF.AL HFAI, FRTAT 441 N. HUh SI. Rventng Phones 28704, 37769. 33616 b329 14 ACRR. email 4 room house, garage and pump house, 16x48 hen house, all bldas. 2 years old. Out Silverton Rd , I McCain, then N., last place on left 0779 FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRES I bdrm. house. Oaraae. Small barn. 18750. General Real Estate 355 Center St. Ph. 3-S36. bbJ27 TO ACRF.S of river bottom land. Stream, trees, good bldg. sites. $tf00 dn, easy term. Call alter I p.m. 3Ho bb3i BY OHNFt, 7 acre No. with income. Modern all electric home. Good bam tibl garaee Leaving state. Ph. 31657 Rt 3. Box 363. bb227 12 Acres Wallace Rd. Beautiful building tight. Fruit and nuts. Close in. General Real Estate 355 CENTER St. Ph. 3-3349. bb337" To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE $350 Down! 444 par month, new 2-bedroom suburban home. All hardwood floor. Wired for rani, jllec, hot water heater. Immediate possession. Close to store, bus and school. Mo. 391 Fairmount Hill New 3 -bed room home. Alt hardwood floors. Nice living and dining room. Large tar as, deep lot. Only 18.500. Will trade for older type 3 -bedroom. No. 364 Grand 3-Bedroom home with brtck front, covered patio, all hardwood floors, fireplace. Double garage, ,73 of an sere. Only 114,000. Will trade for smaller home or income property. No. 343 Must Be Sold! 3 -bedroom home on 1 acre of ground near pen 4 -Corner. Plenty of room for busl nef or residential court. Several nice outbuilding, close to school. Immediate pos eulon. Will trade on 3 -bedroom city home up to $6,000. Thl is very good buy t 18.000. No. 341 We Need Many Good Listings Now! REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Eve. A Sun. 2-3738, 3-9713. 2-8241, 3-2533, 3-5905 227 REAL ESTATE Be Happy Own Your Own Home and Business ! We have a wide variety of home, lots, and business proper tie uch a hardware store, grocery stores, service tatlon. apartment house, hoe repair hop. auto courts, combined service station St motel it trailer court, restaurant, confectionery, sporting good store, seafood tore, combined grocery store, At service station, motel with fishing equipment such as boats At motors also a large variety of su burban homes At farms diversified farming, Grade A dairies, and stock farm. We are In the position to exchange many of our properties. Also with low down payment and easy term. Por more Information on these 11 ting or any thing not mentioned, drop in our office for a friendly talk Ac we'll see what we can work out for you. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. JOHN ZEEB, MGR. 1653 N. Capitol GRABENH0RST SPECIALS CLOSE IN SUBURBAN 1 bdrm. inside utility, auto-oll heat to all rm,, nice yard, attached garage, $1,500 will handle. Pull price $8,950. CALL ROY FERRIS Older 8 bdrm. home, all on one fir., I1 set plbg., dble. garage, Igr. lot, beautiful setting. $1,200 will handle. Price $6,900. CALL PETER OEISER Excellent location, fully equipped. Total price $6,000, CALL BEN ROISEN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Eventntfs and Sunday Call Earl West 3-0608 - Roy Ferri 2-8010 - REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN 3 rm. home: att. garage; util ity rm. A. lanes, uio to ewegie, School, bus, and store. Price 13850. Terms. 3 BEDRM. HOME vacant. Near McKln ley School. $4500 $800 down. ATTRACTIVE 4 rm., 1 bedrm. home, nnlv 1 vrs. old. Price $4850. 10 ACRES. Suburban home. Year around creek. 3 bedrm. house. OH furnace: lire place. Barn, chicken house, family or chard, shrubs. Price $10,500. Terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 344 Stat St. Ph. 2-3663 Evening call: Mr. Voorhee. 3-4007 or Mr. Seder trom, 3-6789 c229 BEST BUYS KEIZER Almost new 2 bdrm. Upstairs could be finished. Large dinlna room, electric heat. Well worth $8500. Can be F.H.A. finance. Would trade for 3 bdrm. home near St. Vincent school or suburban acreage. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 2 HOUSES Both on one lot, 3 bdrms. each. Electric heat. Insulated. New. Bus ft school close. A good buy for 111,400, Term. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. GARAGE Completely equipped garage with 8 rm. living quarter in a good location. Very reasonable rent. Every thins; noes for only 12750. Will take car or trailer house part payment. Eve. ph, 2-0473 or 3-3568. 100 ACRES Close In North. Approximately 2 miles north of Salem city limits. Willamette At Amity aoll. Excellent for sub-dlvislon. No buildings. May consider central or astern Oregon farm In trade. Total price t31,50O. Eve, Ph, 3-9403 or 3-3558. GRADE A DAIRY 65 acre all cultivated. Very good 3 bdrm. home with basement. Excellent dairy barn, 35 cattle. All equipment. Good soil. Fenced & cross fenced. Every thing goes for $35,000. Very attractive terms. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. 3035 Portland Rd. c229 SALEM SUBURBAN! 2'4 ACRES! GLORIOUS VISTA OVER LOOKS 8AI.EM! FRONTS 3 FINE ROADS' NATIVE TREES ENHANCE HOMESITE8! MODEST DWELLINOSI RESTRICTEH DISTRICT! ONLY $7500 SUPERB 32 ACRES! 4 rm NW In famed EOLA HILLS! FRONTS good road! 25 A. In big bear ing cherries, pears, fruit. 7 a. open. MANY FINE BLDG. SITES WITH VIEW! SALEM ROUTES! NOW ONLY $8500. COUNTRY HOME! GRAND 15 ACRES In EOLA HILLS! 10 minutes from LAUD Ac BUSH! SPLEN DID DOUBLE PLUMBED 3 B R. HOME. Full bsmnt., furnace, etc. BARN. Fnm. fruit fit nuts. 15.000. C.W. Stuller, Exc. Broker WAI.LACI ROAD. m. N. 0( 6rllf! C238 2 Bedroom Furnished $6300 Full Price Enalewood 8 block from school, cor. lot. Elec, stove - wa-ititnn machine - Elec. relrli. - Complete fumUhlnii - Imme diate posseMlon Ey term - Will sell unfurnished. Want a Farm? 3 bedroom modern home Lame chlx house aaraae and pump house on 10 acres north - close In - only $6400 full price, Ive. Ph 2-7985 Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bide. Ph. 3-9217 Real Estate - lnnsurance - Mtg. Loan c327 FOR Tom RAVIN Oh investment buy m nrr mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. a mine security yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Invest or 5v We make all col lection tor you U desired. STATE FINANCE CO !SS ) Hlfh e WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property 1 for sale, rent or eirhang ItM it with u We have all kinds of rash tuer TATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S Hlgb St ea WE ARB In need oi tooc nouses to eell in or near saiem u rou wish to itst your property for sale see tl RABIN HO EST BEOS., Et At TORS 1S4 liberty St - Phone 3-3471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE A. AM. cultivated. Beautiful build ing tle. reasonably priced, sale or trade for properly priced on like reasonable basia. No blue sky. Phone 3-1663 eve nlna. cb329 TKADE 3 A on Silverton Rd Small $ rm. house. Bu br door. Value 1000. For 3 bd. rm. house in city, 1970 Broadwa cb338 TftMiR -47-tT Liberty home trailer and rash for houe nd arreage or small restaurant. Write R .1 DevtU, Tree Vourt, Vancouver, Wash cb338 OR TRtrtl: Kqulty In all modern ! BR suburban home, terse mltn rm . r chen wiltl dinette. Laree lot falls ft. Will eonslder larae trailer hou rood cond.Call at 101 Lansing -a 12 Journal Want Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES (REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-3031. e227 Peter Oeiser 3-9968 Ben RoKsn 1-1471 cJ17 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHADY LARGE tract suitable for subdi vision or trailer auto park. 1 mile North Call 31160 evening. Cd229 ESTABLISHED exclusive local business- no selling, good profit for only 3 hrs. of your time a week. $1500 Investment, secured. Act now. Write box 427, Capi tal Journal. cd228 APT. HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. Close to State House At Shopping Center, base ment, steam heat. No. 3 gone. Income MiO per month, $35,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 1A4 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440, d227 HAYESVILLE grocery store St fixture. 2 gas pumps, 8 cabins. On highway 99 norm. tit. i box 14S. pd. 34319. cq-ht All Furnished Auto Court Consists of 5 unit beside Owner's LIT. qtrs. Has 05 ft. 99C So. Hlway frontage. Almost 2 Acres in this tract St plenty of room for expansion. Price $32,000, which include all furnishings. Another Nice Auto Court Close-In on 99E North, consist of 9 units and nice 3 B.R. home, on 1 Acre of ground St plenty of room to build other units or for a trailer parlc. Price $39,000, which Includes all furnishings In the rentals. Will consider taking house in trade. Kiggin. BURT PICHA, Realtors 97 N. High St. Eve: 3-931)0 Ofllct: 5-36(9 td217- NELSON NEWS 99 E RESTAURANT Well established restaurant N. of Sa lem. New equipment and good business. Owner must sell because of health. $4500 total price ,1i cash. DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Well established dry cleaning plant, close In, bldg.. land At equipment. $38, 000. Show good Income $10,000 will han dle. Wonderful opportunity for fam ily. 20 ON INCOME PROPERTY Income property that will show better than 20 net return on 121.000. A real opportunity for semi-retired couple. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men who Specialize 702 N. High. Ph. 3-4822. cd227 BEAI'TY SHOP, excellent location. Oood uslness. Ph. 2-3867 eve. cd:29 SALE OR LEASE large lot on Fairground Rd. near bank. Ideal for used cars. 3 jidrm. lnback. Term. Ph. 36189. cd230 Choice Building Sites ONLY A FPW BLOCKS FROM SCHOOL. SEE OODEN. WEST END OF EVER GREEN ST., MILL CITY, ORE. cd230 FOR RENT Store space In Elslnore The ater building. Inq, Mr. Pressler, Elslnore Theater evenings. cd227 $1200 2 A. Keizer dlst. Good bldg. site. Beit of sol). Store and city bus. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Commercial St. Eve. 3-9536 Ph. S-4590 Cd227 sacrifice downtown Restaurant. worth investigating. 431 Front St. Wood burn. Ore. Telephone Main 134. cd227 FOR LEASE or sale, new store building. eoxno, at 44 Marion at. pn. 3-432B. rd238 GROCERY MEATS For sale or trade. Living luirter. Oood clean stock. Comn. fixtures. Sacrifice for quick sale. 15500 will handle. 2 ilor south of post office, Hubbard, Ore rdJ38 FURNITURE FOR SALE BREAKFAST table St 4 chair. 780 Mis souri. d229 KIDNEY SHAPED green mohair daven- port(lth new sprint cushion. Also large oil circulator tike new, with outdoor furl tank. Cost $80. Selling price, $49 50. Ph 3-S708 or 3-773 d238 WANTED FURNITURE I'SFD Ft RN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices Valley Furn. 385 N, Com'l. Ph. 27473. da314 IF Voir HAVE FI-RMTIRIC. appliances, porting goods, etc.. to sell A want TOP PRICES be ure to tail TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. $-8551 dv or 2-4407 eve, da23S HKillF T rRICI paid Phone Olenn at Woodr Auction Market Ph 3-8110 da AUCTIONS AUCTION EARLY CONSIONMEVT FOR Sat. Sept. 24, 11 a.m. 3610 Silverton Rd. I pc. dining rm. suite, very ntce. Frit tdaire retri., ml circulators, electric heater, wood ranee, baby bed. double bd complete, electric appliances, new all steel cabinet sink with fittings, complete unit: linoleums, vacuum clean ers, electric washer, new 7x7 tent. Oli ver typewriter old. but OK1, Pan American saiaphone Roofing paper, outside whit paint, new tat. pipe. A in. Fruit and vegetable. Misc. et eerv kind. Joe Burke Sale Barn S mile east State Fairgrounds SMKRY ALDERMAN, AUCTIONEER 4td337a FOR SALE HOUSES Salem $4:ool bdrm. - llv. rm. kitchen - bath block house plastered on Inside - Very neat and clean - View property - lot 45x135 - city water - 4 pear trees - 1 filbert trees - berries Furniture can be bought for 4400. I10O0 dn.. 164 a mo. Fairmount Hill $7950 Large lot 92x75 EnilUh tyle - 1 bdrm. - living -din ing rm.. kitchen. bath dn. full bath up Inside and outside fireplace elec. heat - beautiful yard wun haae tree fenced View property. You can't beat this buy! for a home and location. Near Leslie School $8900 3b drrn. - living - dinette - nice klthen - bath fireplace - oil heat - at tached caraae - good location close to schools and bu - 8 year old. Suburban Salem Heights Dist. $13,300 I'i yr. old modern style - 2 bedroom llvlng-dlning rm. lane kitchen - fireplace elec. heat big lot show you a beautiful home. CALL OR SEI A. A. LARSON, REALTOR OFFICE 2-862B 191 S. AUTOMOBILES FALL OPENING SPECIALS 1947 Studebaker Landcruiser, R&H $1695.00 1948 Studebaker 4-door Champion 1695.00 1941 Studebaker 4-door Commander 395.00 1942 Studebaker Coupe (new motor) .... 695.00 1940 Studebaker 4-door (Commander) . . . 690.00 1939 Studebaker 4-door (Champion) 495.00 1946 Plymouth 2-Door 1095.00 1946 Nash Sedan 975.00 1941 Chevrolet 5-pass 545.00 1940 Plymouth 2-Door 495.00 1939 Plymouth 4-door 395.00 1939 Buick Sedan 595.00 - BONESTEELE'S 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 3-9277 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKER MEAT. Baby beef on hoof. Your choice. Rt. 2. Box 241. mile south Qntnhv Corner Store. 228 LTV ESTOCK W A NTE D BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147 ea231" RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top price 3985 Stale, fn. j-hh. eo PETS REGISTERED Collie pups. Male and fe male. Reasonable. Rt. 3 box im rn JJ353. FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Good clean sawdust Dry slab or green for furnace Green edging $5.50 load. Double I10.0C Dry edging $8.00 load. Ph. 35333 ee233 FOR SALE Old growth fir wood $14 per cord del. Ph. 2292 Gervias. ee228 SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, aistnautor. ee249 SLAB WOOD, mill run, $8 per load. Hand picked, lU per load, rn. aner a p. m. 37751. 236 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End St Block Wood. Ph. 16444 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple. 4" fir. 1" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ec' West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 18-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Flem 2-4031 Abo pick up wood at 1625 Edge water St.. West Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAcH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 4H PARMENTER red pullets, J2 each. Rt. 7. box 365. I'i mile E. of Greenappie Mkt.. B9E. 1239 FAT HENS Ph. 3-1298 1232 Id 1-YR.-OI.D New Hampshire hens, 11 laving pullets. 6 Lesrhorn hens. 160 Fair haven Ave. Ph. 4-2603. 1228 NEW HAMPSHIRE red breeding roosters. 5 months old. 15. Ph. 2-6330. f228 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Fry or Hen now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee1 Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate or future deitverr Hatches every Tue Fot Hatchery. 8830 Stat St Ph. 3-49A4 1 PRODUCE TOMATOES U Pick. L. Zlelke. Near Ro berts school. Ph. 3-1578. ff232" CAI'LIFLOWER 1.4mtle. E of Kelrer school. J. C. Mount. 3195 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 2-0046. ff228 FILBERTS I'-PICK 10c lb. or ready picked 12c. Nice. lge. nuts. Large trees At heavy crop. 238 Fisher Rd. Ph. 21316. ff229 CORN, SWEET Golden Bantam, U pick. SE. of Walling Gravel, 2173 8. 19th. Phone4-2782. tt230l GRAPES. V PICK. 4o lb. Bring container. 3845 Portland Rd. If237 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-pirk $1 bu. man. Box 32. Ph. Jelleraon 504. ff243 CITI'MBrRS. you pick. 2c lb. Arthur Evans, Rt. t. Box 284 a.t Clearlake. SWEET CANNING Tomatoes. L. H. Zlelke, at Roberta School. Ph. 31578. ff228 TOMATOES 7IU Bu, U-pick. Imlah Fruit iarm, miie on wauace ra. rn. 20.174. f(231 t ORM.ON ALFALFA 1ST A tND CI TT1NO NOW RF1NO DF I.IVFRFD WRITE IIM . 3RD, BFD, OREIiON OR PH. 40.W. ff230 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNING. Jl'ICl AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 3-7173 ff32B EASTERN ORIOON Watermelon 3c each, all sites. Green Apple Mkt. I miles N on 99 Highway. ff23l TOMATOES, cucumber, fresh eggs. Fri gs srd Fruit Farm. 4 mi. N. Kelrer school. 11240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service lor mau iota, Pnone I-3M1 Lee's Hatchery. ff TOC PICK Stokesdale canning tomatoes $1 00 per bu. J585 N. River Rd. (Close ln ff277 HELP WANTED mT COOK WANTED. 383 Slate. Spa. No pnone cans. g7g EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted Good salary. State qualification in let ter. 436 Capital Journal, g22l IFOR SALE HOUSES Heights - View property - nice garden space. Let us ANDY HALVORSEN HIGH ST. HOME 3-7183 I AUTOMOBILES SALEM HELP WANTED WANTED Filbert pickers. 9 mi. east on Aumsvuie nignway at silver ran junc tion. 50 acres, smooth ground. Big crop. 2Va and 3 cent. Geo. Hull, ph. 34294. g228 ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you, Write Capital Journal, Box 422. ' g251 HELP WANTED MALE RADIO At Television technician. Must be good and have some tools. Ph. 26943 after 6 p.m. ga229 REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED BY LEADING Auto Insurance Co. FULL OR PART TIME OPPORTUNITY EXISTS TO BUILD A STRONG AGENCY FOR THE FUTURE. CONTACT Bill Osko at 46 COURT ST, PH. 3-5661 ga227 WANTED Combination spotter and press es Valet Cleaner. Phone 2-4521 or 3-3274. ga227 EXP. SLAUGHTER house and backroom man, all latest equipment. Wade Meat Co., Independence, Oregon. ga227 WANTED Studious high school boy, will ing to stay in nights to live In town for board, room St small wage. For inter view call at 4730 Harcourt Ave. or Ph. 2-735? after 6 p.m. g227 HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY UNDER 45 to work part time In store and assist with nousework. call State Employment Office 3-9288. Mrs. Johnston. gb220 WANTED Lady to watch children and do light housework in my home. Full year job If satisfactory. R. M. Skelton, 2070 Jelden St.. Salem. gb229 WOMAN for housework and care for chil dren. For room, board and wage. Ph. 2-7526. gb229 WE ARE NOW registering women to work in the reviscerating dept. Oregon Tur key Growers, 696 Bassett St. gb228 FOUNTAIN GIRL Apply Reed Drive Id. 898 6. 12th. gb228 LADY to work on telephone. Must be 23 yrs. ot age. Good Income. 22B N. Com 1., Rm. 203. gb227 GIRL OR woman for housekeeping. No cook inn or wasnmg, Apply Marilyn Shoe Store. gb228' WANT LADY living in Keiaer Dlst. or on route to eaiem to care lor 2 year old girl days. Your home. Ph. 20062. gb228 WANTED Woman as companion for el derly lady in country home. Work very light. Call after ft p.m. Ph. 2-3170 or 21197. gb227 WANTED: EXP. cook St housekeeper for 2 aauits. no wasning or ironing. Modern conveniences. Good salary. Ph. 38617. gb230 EXPER. WAITRESS wanted. The Spa, 382 state, no pnone can. gb227" WANT WOMAN for light housework and care ror amaii dovs. rn. z-um4. go.? EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Strept Phone 2-1488. cf WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: REAL Estate Salesman! Work from one of Salem beat located of fices. Ph. 24664. gc229 AGGRESSIVE young married man with automobile wanted by local representa tive of national concern. Prerequisite: neat appearance. Pleasing personality and a desire to make a better than av erage income. This is a selling position. Experience helpful but not necessary. Phone 2-3872 for appointment. g228 TWO MEN to work as a team to aelt. as semble and install the new PRE-CUT ornamental railing. If you are mechan ic enough to use a hacksaw and a screw driver vou can reallv make money with thl proposition. Write Box 430, Capi tal Journal. gg236' EXPERIENCED lurnlture salesman, list exp. A qualifications. Writ Box 394. Capital Journal. ggB WANTED POSITIONS WOMAN with experience as receptionist would like 3-7584. h229 and doctor's office nurse position In Salem office. Ph. INFANT CARE in my home. Trans porta- tion furn. Call after B:30 p.m. 240 River street. Ph. 2-6075. h229 3 -bedroom 14600. 23JO h233 BY OWNER New modern house. Floor furnace, aaraat. Hyde St. CHILD CARE. day wk. Ph h2.8 Oregon Tree Service Phooe l-14 h330 Fi'LtToR part time job Janitor work. Ex perienced. Ph. 3-4318 h331 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper needs employ ment immediately Can operate all of fice and bkkpg. machine. References. Call 3-3564. h327 CHILD CARE. 183 1. 18th. Ph. 288:6. h243 TREK WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W, H. McAllis ter, l Trad. Ph. 3-14M. b33t AUTOMOBILES HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 1949 Nash Ambassador Custom 4-door Sedan THIS CAR IS LIKE NEW. HAS RADIO. AIR CONDITIONING AND UN. DERCOATINO. 4,800 ACTUAL MILES. SAVE ItOO. 1946 Ford Tudor, clean, low mileage, a steal at $1095 1941 Buick Super 4-dr. Sedan, R&H, real clean $ 845 1941 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe $ 825 HAS RADIO AND HEATER. NEW MOTOR AND PAINT. THIS ONE SHOULD BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. PRICED RIOHT. 1939 Ford Coupe. A little dandy. Take it away for $ 465 1942 Willys Sedan $535 NEW MOTOR, CLEAN THROUGHOUT. JUST THE CAR FOR REALLY ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION AND HONEST VALUE. SEVERAL OLDER MODELS - PRICED RIGHT TRUCKS 1942 Dodge VA ton LWB $800 BROWNLIPE TRANSMISSION, STAKE BODY. THIS TRUCK IS IN PERFECT SHAPE AND READY TO GO. 1936 Dodge V2 ton flat bed. Reasonably priced at only $ 250 PICKUPS 1946 International ton with duals $ 795 ANDERSON'S USED CARS TRADES TERMS BANK FINANCE 240 Center St. Phone 3-3734 0.227 VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCKS 1947 Ford 2-ton, C.O.C. 2-speed. 8.25x20 tires. 1948 Ford 2-ton, 2-speed. 8.25x20 tires. 1948 Chev. 2-ton, 2-speed, 5 -speed Clark. 8.25x20 tires. 1948 Chev. H4-ton. 7.50x20 tires. 14-ft. flatbed. DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford 2-ton, 2-speed, 8.25x20 tires. 5-yd. bed. 1940 2-ton, 2-speed, 8.25x20 tires. 4-yd. bed. PICK-UPS 1947 Ford 1-ton pickup. 1948 Ford -ton stake. 1948 Ford &-ton pickup. 1944 Dodge -ton pickup. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for small chUd In my home. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 1-6796, h227 Mimeographing-Typing POES. 665 Nortb 16th. Phone 3-3641. h233' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h230 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wiht doser. Ph. 3-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS A FEW vacant rooms. Well equipped. Best oi care, tioimea nest nome, urooKs, Ore. Ph. 2-1116. jk227 HEATED DOUBLE Bdrm. Kitchen St home privileges. Working girls or students. Ph. 3-3683. Jk228 SLEEPING ROOM with kitchen priv. Re fined lany. 1505 Mission St. jkkzs- PLEASANT ROOM, priv. home, kitchen priv. Employed lady preferred. Ph. 3-7465. 1550 State. jk228 SLEEPING ROOM for rent. 980 Parrlsh St. Jk228' LARGE SLEEPING auitable for 1 or 2. Private home. Close in. Ph. 2-7823. jk228 NICE SLEEPING rm. Ph. 37558. Jk230a t SLPG. rm. Women or girl. Outside ent. Bus at door. Ph. 39731. Jk227 SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 SLEEPING rm. for rent. 1157 N. Capitol. jk218 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE 2 or 3 rm. furn. apt. Close to Capi tol. Air confl. Heat, hj rerry ot. jpw EMPLOYED WOMAN would like to share attractive 4-room home with employed woman over 25 year of axe. Ph. 2-6766 eve. St weekends. Jp22B FI'RNISHED basement apartment. 1201 S. commercial. jpaa NEW 3 ROOM court apt. unfurn. except ranee At refrig. Beautiful view. Refer ence. Utility room. Ph. 3-3367. Jp228 LARGE t RM. furn. apt. 1 or 3 employed women or couple. 130 East Ave. Pn. 34505. Jp227 COt'RT apartments. New, clean 3 room bath. Rang At refrig. 1346 8. 12th. JP228 Dl'PLEX New, strictly modern, Exc. lo cation. 462 S. 20th. JP338 CLEAN SMALL furn. apt. 230 8. Cottage. JP227' TWO RM. Fl'RN, APT., private bath. All electric. Adults, use Chemeketa. 1P337 NEWLY DECORATED heated apt.. 3 ad.- ulu, at 359 N. Liberty. Apply up to 7 p.m. Jp22g l-ROOM APT., S bdrm. and garage, util ities paid. Ph. 3-603. JP227" FOR RENT HOUSES WILL RENT until June my beautiful turn. 3 bdrm. home, on neat, a nrepiace. High class neighborhood. Close in. Write Box 431 Capital Journal. Jm22 BUT LIKE RENT Excellent opportunity to buy this well built 2 BR. ranch atvie home in King wood Heights from owner. Some down payment and balance like rent. L R. with fireplace. D.R., kitchen, bath. Ite. utll. Bendlx and dUhwaher. 3 block to bu. lt street above Fair Oaks. 1701 Longview. Jm239 3 RM. HOt'E with double plumbing near Unlverelty. 3 BR. upstair could be rented for aleeping room to student. Inquire Burt Picha. Realtor, 378 N. High St. Phone 3-3648. Jm337- S BDRM. ROME lo Englewood. 7t. 367 N. H:gh. Jm227' MODERN Ft'BN. cottage. 1 bdrm. 2 ml. . oi srook on hoi cottage after I p.m. Jm339 Fl'RNISRED f BR home. auto. beat, hot water. Adiita, in. pn. 34370, jmBJg I AUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-3147 0.337 FOR RENT HOUSES 8 BDRM. furn. home. Electric dish waah- iumiuHc ou iurnace, electric water heater, double garage. 990 per month. Ph. 3-6137. tm228" WHY RENT? 1200 down. Movo right in. Nice 2 bdrm. homes. Hardwood floor. Lovely kitchen. Furnace. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church pn. 2-7643 Eve. or Sun. 1-0126 jm TO LEASE for cash. Modern furn. house. 10 acre with barn Ac poultry houe. Possession at once. 10 mile cast of Sa lem. Inquire McClay store at McClay. A. C. Hawkins, rt. 5, box 337. Jm228 FOR RENT 2 -BR. unfurnished house five mile north. Call 3-4364. Jm327 CLEAN BR home. Fireplace, full base ment, garage. Phone 31939, 975 K. 5th. ges.oo per month. Jm2.10 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS LG. 1 RM. furn. Apt. Private ent. Kit., Shower Ac Refrigerator. SM. I RM. furn. Apt. Private Ent. Kit., Shower, utilities furn. except lights St laundry. 245 Union. Ph. 24491 after 4 J229 RM. furnished. Private entrance. Worlc- couptg preierreq. rn. 3-3708, )219 OFFICE, desk space. Con, loc. Ph. 39133 J243' BUSINESS WOMAN wishes to share" her home with refined woman. No amolcrr. Phone 2-4756. J227 FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montcome?' Ward. 4 POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial tue. Howser Bros. Ph. 1-8648. TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand r Wa eU everything to comp let the lob HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 1-3646 1 1QQP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE "paces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. 1 TRAILERS 12.00 per day Bowser Brov mw p littn, west saiem. BUSINESS EM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. j V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine, Reasonable rates. Free pick up At delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 1 30 N Com'l. Ph. 33513 WANTED TO RENT MODERN 2- or 8-BDRM. unfurnished he, up to 175 per month. Reliable. teadil employed and I can guarantee your home will be kept In first clasa condi tion. Writ particular to Cliff Shelton 540 Mill. Salem. joaai REFINED COI PLE wish to rent atrlctlv unrurn. rm. houoe. Consider buying later. Can give excellent ret. Ph. 20657 or 1925 N. Liberty. i32a WANT a 3 rm. furnlhed apt. or amalf (uuflc, iq aamis, no cmraren or pets. Ph. 2-0821. 1227 WANTED Double garage or small bulld- iiib. nnit no us capital Journal. Ia231 WANTED: Furnished Pullman tot. r mall furnished modern house for sin gle man. Write Box 429 Capital Jour-ni1- ia231 IMMEDIATELY need 3 bdrm. unfurn. h"7 Ph. 4-2631 Ja229 PHYSICIAN family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. uniurn. nous, win lease. Call 20319. J228 NON DRINKING Couple want partly furn apt. or house, not over 145 mo. One child. Writ or come to 959 Center J a 327 EMPLOYED eoupls need unfurnished I or 8 bedroom house. Reference. Call dvg 3-4131, Eva. 1-6406. )330 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED: Board and room near city cen- " """wj mm rrioay, rn. j-?v ; 1)329 (Continued on Page 15)