Grains Lag in Friday's Trade Chicago, Sept. 23 (Pi Brok ers couldn't get very excited about grain futures trading to day and prices were lower most of the time. Corn started firm, and then moved off fractionally. Wheat closed N to s lower than the previous finish, Decem ber $2.12'i-3ii, corn was un changed to off, December $l.Sk-Vi, oats were unchang ed to down, December 66 a, rye was 1 l, off to 4 up, Decem ber $1.43. and lard was 3 to 12 cents a hundred pounds lower. October $10.92-90. STOCKS By the Associated Pru) American Can 94S Am Pow At Lt 13 '4 Am Tel Ac Tel 143S Anaconda 37 Be nd I x Aviation 294 Beth Steel 28 Boeing Airplane 13 Calif Packing 3'- Canadian Pacific Cane J I Caiernillar 33 Chrysler 51 Ti Comwllh Ac Sou S Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zellerbath Dour la a Aircraft Dupont tie Nem General Electric General f ood " General Moton Goodvear Tire In Harvester - Int Peper Krnnerott . Llbby MrN A L Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward .... M'i NaMi Kflvlnator 13H Nat D.ury 34' NY Central 10't Konhrrn Pacific IT. P c Am Flhh 13, Pa Gas A: F!ec 33' Pa Tel & Tel 99 Perney J C Wi R?.cilo Corp ll r.nyonlrr 25': Hayonier Pfd Reynold Metal 19'. Richfield J Bafewav Storm I'l" Scars Kocimvl; 4" Southern Pacific J1, Standard Oil Co 6R Stud ("baker Corp 2211 Sunshine Mining Transamerlca 12H Union Oil Cal 31 Union Pacific 80 United Airlines 13' U S Steel 23 . Warner Bros Pic 13'. Woolworth 46'i DEATHS Steve William Zurllnden Steve William Zurllnden, at tht familjr residence at 2214 North Fourth at reel, September 32, at the age of 22 year. Sur vived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georit Zurllnden of Salem; brother. George Zur llnden, Jr.. of Salem; two sisters. Mrs. Ruth Moore and Mm. Dorothy DuBotse, both of Salem. Member of Salem lodge No. 336, BPOE and a corporal In the Marine Cor pa Reserve. Servlcea will be held Monday. September 26. at 2:30 p m. at the Howell-Ed wards chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment In Belcreat Memorial park. Mra. Louis M. Albln At her home at 208S Raynor street, Mrs. Lola M. Albln, September 23. at tht age of 45 years. Survived by husband. Our H. Albln of Salem; a daughter, Doris M. Al bln of Salem; and her mother, Mra. Min nie E. Melvln of Salem. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrlclt chapel Sat urday, September 34, at 10 a.m. with Rev, SeUi Huntirmton officiating. Interment In tht City View cemetery. , Mrs. Henrietta Roth Mrs. Henrietta Roth, late resident of 827 worm Church street, at Newton, Ken aas, September 31, at the age of 84 years. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Doro thea Stark of Salem, Mrs. Annie Job of Des Moines, Iowa, Mra. Ida Zuercher of Whitewater, Kans.: rive son. Dave Roth of Moundridge, Kans.. and John and Will Roth, both Whitewater, Kans.; Rev. Theo dore Roth of Whitewater. Kans.. and Emanuel Roth of Arlington. Kans.: 34 srandchlldren and 27 great grandchildren. Services will be held Monday, Sept. 26. at 2 p.m., at the Bethel Baptist church with Rev. J. F. Oltoff officiating. Interment In the Lee Mission cemetery under the di rection of the chapel. OBITUARY Mrs. Ada Settlemier Wood burn Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Settlemier, 72, who died at a Salem hospital Wednesday, will be held from the Rinio chapel at 10 o'clock Saturday, Rev. D. Lester Fields officiating and burial In the Belle Passl cemetery besides her husband. Elmer B. Settlemier, who died In 1939. She waa born In the Parkersvllle district Dec. 28, 1876. Surviving art 4 son, daughter and a sister. Nellie Mallnda Detnlng Albany Miss Nellie Malinda Demlnt. 86, died Thursday at 908 Lyon street following long Illness. Funeral services will be held at the United Brethren church In Philomath In charge of the Fisher funeral home Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be in the Ml, Union cemetery, Corvallls. She was born at Johnson Creek, Wis., May 13, 1863 and came to Oregon in 1911 and had lived in Lebanon and Philomath before coming to Albany In 1946. Alice Resell Harver Albany Mrs. Alice Roselta Server, 93. died Wednesday following a long Illness at tht home of her son, Charles Server, In Jefferson. Mrs. Sarver was born Sep tember 29, 1856, at Durand. 111., and in 1874 she was married to William Sarver. He died in 1922. She came to Oreaon sev en months ago from southern California. Survivors include four children, Charles O. Sarver, Jefferson: Ralph L., Edterton, Ohio; Byron E., Gardena, Cal.. and Mrs. Rxhard Adam?. Rock ford. 111. One sister, Mrs. Jennie Hewitt. Sherwood, and neph ew. Forrest 8. Campbell, Albany, also sur vive as do eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Tlie body will be sent to Rockford. 111., for service there. Burial will be in Durand. 111. The body was to lit in stale Thursday at the Fisher chapel in Jefferson. Ruby Vlelet ChrtMenaon Amity Mr.. Ruby Violet Chrlstenson. wift of Bernard E. Christenson. Corval lis. died in a hospital there Sunday ntiht, after a short liinw. She was born In Am Itr March 24. 1R83. of pioneer parents, Harvey and Josephine Jones. She waa mar ried to Bernard E. CiirWtenson. December 30. 1005. The family lived In Amity, New berg and Portland before moving to Cor vallls in 1911. In addition to her widower, she is survived by one son. Clifford Chris tenson, and two granddaughters, Corval lls: one brother, Herbert Jones of Orants Pass. Funeral service were held Wed nesday at Warnner-McHenry funeral home In Corvgllis with vault entombment at Mt, Crest Abbey Mausoleum in Saltm. Alfred J. Bur rout hi Sllverton Alfred J. Burroughs. 46. Mo lalla route 1, died Friday morning at tht Sllverton hospital from a heart condition. Announcment by tht Kb r herd, funeral home at Molalla, Mable Rath fllllale Stayton Funeral services fnr Mrs. Ma bie Rutn OUlesp:e. 10, of K.nts Valley. ho died at a Salem hospital Thursday Dicht, will be heid from the Wesleyan M-thodial church at Aumsvllle Monday at i o'clock under the direction of the Wed dle funeral home. Rev Aarhaus will offi ciate S.-e wss born at Burnt Wood Fb. 2. 1919. Surviving art her husband. Kr rest 8 Oilspie. two sons. Laarence and Ci.fford Oilsple. daushter. Mary Anna O.llesp.e. all o! Kln-s Valley: fath er. Fred Jon-. Monmouth. t0 brothers, E. lje.i Jones. Monmouth and Floyd Jones, Camas Valley. Farm equipment ltD TRACTOR TIRF. popular aires. s 00 and up. Monti omery Ward Co . , Salem. qbl27' COor TRUTOR Y year old. driven less nan iOO motor hours. Fei K:msey, Rt. 1, Star ton 4 miles east of I Stayton on N. Bantlem fa;ghwar. ab330 I AUTOMOBILES Ron's Motor Co. "FOR REAL CAR VALUES A VALUE IN EVERY CAR" 1941 Studebaker Champion, 1-floor. Overdrive, clean. New rubber lift 1940 Chevrolet Sedan. Radio heater. Reconditioned motor 1695 1940 Ford Sedan. Radio and heater ISM 1940 Willys Sedan. Heater. Clean , .1461 1939 Buick Club Coupe. Radio heat- tr 1496 1946 Chevrolet Truck, l1 ton. Van body IM96 1937 Pontiac Sedan 246 1937 Pontiac 3-Door. Radio heat er 1290 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 1136 1936 Graham Sedan. New rubber ...1126 1933 Ford Sedan 116 1913 Plymouth Sedan. Sttel top ...,1136 1134 Chevrolet Sedan 160 1934 Chevrolet 3 -Door. Rebuilt mo tor 166 1934 Ford Coupe. Rebuilt motor, clean. 1936 Chevrolet Panel. 1936 Ford Panel. Ron's Motor Co. 240 S. High Ph. 3-4S98 OPEN S A.M. to 10 P H. qa2B FORDS tf49 Club Coupe A sharp one. MM Club Coupe RAH Overdrive. Ill 17 Club Coup All equipped. IMS Mercury Club Coup Maroon, a dandy. MIX Ford super Sedan Special Interior. Club Coupe liixii Hot Rod Cut down lob In perfect condition. Cost I1S00 to build. Our spe cial price i486 Eisner Motor Co. 352 N. High Salem, Oregon q227 '31 DODOE coupe with a '38 motor. Oood tires. Cheap. 323 E. Madrona. Tel. 2-2192 aftr- 6. q228 FINANCIAL Personal Finance Co. 818 State, Rm. 12. Lie. - S-122 - M-16S. C. R. Allen. Mar. r228 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Coma Id or phone Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Road Neat Door to Bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 Lie N USei-AStl Floyd Keoyon, Mgr. r PRIVATE MONTY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tina Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial SL Phone 1-1161 SEE D3 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTER 1ST I to 40 Tears and No Commissi oa Leo N. Childs, Inc. , REALTORS 344 State St. Phono 1-966! GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 8-lSJ and M-JM and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial St. TeL 3-1161 t FARM AND CITY LOANS Oh", and S rotift OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. S-llvS r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 182 & Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-357 Lie. No. M-19 8-114 TRAILERS Ht'NTINO TRAILER. Aluminum covered with lights A mattress, hitch, etc. 00x16 wheels. Tires In excellent condi tion. 1394 S. lth. Ph. 1-6996. t2l2' NEW 2 wheel all metal trailer. Rack and canvas cover. 1336 Lea St. Reas. t229 WHEELED trailer, ball cond., 160. 1348 8. 13th. ALL METAL 1 wheel trailer with rack, spare wheel A tlra 176. Trader Louie, 3059 Portland Rd. t338 BRAND NEW n v,.bonl Il-tt. Rctrlr., tle. brftkw. bottle ffu Ttnie, I MO under ml. Tr.llct Park Till,,.. Port LnJ Road. taaa TRANSPORTATION WANTED: Teacher desiring to commute would like ride 10 miles Albany-Salem hlahway leaving Salem approx. 7:46 a.m. Ph. 3-8346. 1228 DIRECTORY 4.DDINO MACHINES AH makei need machine, sold, ran tad. repaired Roen. 4M Court Pboaa 1-6173 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service new appllanw. Ttnce's Elaetrta Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted an 1-9234 197 8 Libert? 8t AT-L'R DOOR GRINDINb 'awnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter1 Ph 26833 AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 163 8 Liberty Ph 1-4961. a MARION MOTORS NA88 SERVICE Towing service day phone 1-4344. RlgBt 3-1804 13 Center Mike Panek. 276 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-8161. Brake and whel aligning specialists. 0231 DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 1-3066. Let Cross. 1666 PearL 0233 Sraithauot's for flowers. Dial 2-4171. e Thai, stove dieel oil. Ph. 1-3186. Shall Oil CO L. T. Maxwell, distributor. 0341 FURNACE CLEANING Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ad. Ph. 34663. United Producta Co. 3031 Portland Hd. Reasonable price. e333 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT 4. R. Wat kins Oo products. Free de. tvery 1717 Center Pb. 3-6366. INFLATION Jobna-Manvllle. Phont 1-3744. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU- 8IC CO.. Ph. 3-4641. Q244 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Butldlnas - Factories Homes 4tlmate Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 1-9133 o LAN DSC A FT NURSERY I A. Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals. HQ N Lancaster Dr at Cor Ph 2-1322 o" DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 146 Jef ferson St., Phone 23453. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com ! St. o233 LAWN HOWER SHARPENING At rout door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmuwer man Pb 18833 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069 Ml' SIC LESSONS Spanish it Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1623 Court St. Ph. 3-7669 O340 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chair, files and tiling auppue safes, duplicators and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands brie.' cum larce Wire Recorder Roen 466 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all types of burners. Ph 28662. United Products Co. 3031 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. o233 51f itrom's art equipped to do roui painting Phone 2-2493 o PAPERHANGING Jerry Johnson. Pb. 34631, Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H J Wood worth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. o227 PAINTING A PAPER HANGING Palntlni and paperhanglng. Free esti mate, Ph 3-9513, 867 Shipping. o240 PICTURE FRAJM1NO Picture framing Hatch Phone I-468T Fisher. 444 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o333 PRUNING SPRAYING Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1208 SAND GRAVEL Garden Boll, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand ft Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Valley Sand A Gravel Co Silt, tend ft 1 11 dirt Exeavatlng 10B shovel ft cats Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 24002. rea. 17146. o Salem Saw Wrks, Ph. 1-7603. 1293 N 6th 0229 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS dec trio Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent Rasor fharp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers ar Drains. Septto Tanks Cleaned Reas. Ph 1-4131 or 1-6464 SEPTIC TANKS RT, P. Ham. Septic tanks cleared. Electric machine service on ewe. and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1143-8rh St., West Salem. Ph. 1-7404. 0349 Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Rewers. 1079 Eim St, W. Saiem. Ph. 1-9468, 1-5327 023 S Vacuum Pumping, no mlleagt charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 3545 State St. Phone 3-0734. o SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair all makes. Klngwood Elec 1091 Edgewater. Ph. 33564. o231B Bought, aold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Dtvtnport. Ph. 17671. o338 AU makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 1-3513. o TYPE WRITERS Smith Corona, Ramliigloo Royal. Under wood portables. AH makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, e DIRECTORY WOOD SAVTDI'BT W..I 8.1cm Pud Co. Ph S-4031. LODGES ft l.O.OJ. meet every Wed nesday night Visitors wel come Pacific Lodge No. 50, AT. & Sept. 23. 7 pb. LEGAL NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION In the City of Salem, Oregon Friday, October 14. 1946 NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN that on Fri day. October 14, 1949. a special election will be held in the City of Salem. Oreson. for the purpose of submitting to the registered voters of said city for their approval or rejection, an act to amend section 5 of (he charter of the said city of Salem so as to Increase the number of aldermen and the number of wards from seven to eight. Bald election will be T.eld In eacb ward of tlie city, beginning at 4 oclock In the morning and continuing until 6 o'clock In the evening of said day. The precincts in each ward shall have a common voting Place, excepting Ward 3. wherein there .shall be two voting place. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUN CIL of the City of Salem, Oregon, the 22nd day of AukiiaI. 1049. ALFRED MLINDT. Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon. NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION In the City of Salem, Oregon Friday, October 14. 1940 MFRt.ER ELECTION NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN that on Friday. October 14, 1949, a special elec tion will be held In the City of Salem. Oregon, for the purpose of voting upon the question of merter of the City of West Salem. Oregon, with the City of Salem, Oregon, which question will be atated upon the ballot as follows: "Shall the City of West Salem. Ore gon, be merged Into the City of Salem. Oregon by ammendlna the charter of the said Cltv of Salem so as to extend it boundaries to Include tht said City of West Salem" Said election will be held In the City of Salem and all thereof beginning at 4 o'clock :n the mornini and continuing un til 8 o'clock In the evenlnx of said day. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUN CIL of the City of Salem, Oregon, tht 22nd day of August. 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. . Recorder of tht City of Salem, Oreeon. The poling places for these elections .shall be at the following places: WARD 1. which Includes Precincts 0. 10, 15, 22 and 38, at Grant School, Market .st reet, between Cottage and Winter Streets: WARD 3, which includes Precincts 1, 11, 23, 27 and 29. at Washington School, 13th and Center Streets; WARD 3: There will be two polling places In this ward as follows: For Salem Precincts 16, 17 and 31. at the City Hall. Second Floor Corridor, Hlah and Chemeketa Streets; For the Kins wood precinct and all that part of the city in Polk County, at 1094 Klnawood Drive tentrance on Glen Creek Road i WARD 4, which Includes Precinct 4. 1. 12 and 30. at the State Heating Plant, 12th and Ferry Streets; WARD 5, which includes Precinct 1. I. 14. 21, 26. 32, 35. 36, 37 and 43. at May flower Milk DLstrs . Dairy Coop. Assn., 2135 Fairgrounds Road: WARD 6. which Includes Precincts 1. 3, 10. 20, 25. 34 and 39. at the New High school (Salem Senior High School), 14th and D Streets, and WARD 7. which Includes Precincts 4. 11. 18. 24. 31. 14, 40 and 41. at Leslie Junior Hlah School, Howard and South Cottage Streets. Sept. 23 and 30. niith Arnold, 1330 N list St , Salem, Ore., .32. Mary Ashbauth. Brooks, On ion. 133. Al Benson In trust lor Linda Benson. 346 Marlon St., Salem, Ore., .35. Cm He F. or Evelyn M. A u Trans in l run for Richard E. Aufreru. 1655 Slate, Saiem. Ore . .08. Bobby Bain. 300 W. Superior St , Salem. Ore., 1.75. Ruth Bain, 340, W, Superior St.. Salem, Ore., 3 96. Karl rnrud. 840 Union St.. Belem. ore, 3 73. Harold Bonner, .35. Theodora Bouf- fleur. 348 Leslie St.. Salem, Ore.. .15 C. H. Jewett or Marlon Brome. 340 S Win ter St., Salrm. Ore., .15. Jean tie Brown. 3 93. Set Frederick V. Bucaner. Stetlan Hasp.. USA Troops. Kod'-ak, Alaska, 4 05. Mrs. Earl O. Bushnell. 3245 N. Front St . Salem. Ore. .42. Pausta Cardenas. Rt. 1, Box 251. Brooks. Ore . 41. Larrance Ho bert Clark or Mae Frana Clark. Rt 9. Bog 431, Salem. Ore., 32. Veda B. Crati. oa. Ronald warren De Ross. oen. De livery, Salem. Ore., 1 21. Mary Jane Don. Odn for Richard. 161. Pre ton False Ebert. 496 Chemeketa St.. Salem. Ore . .35. Miss Winnie Erlcksen. Rt. 7, Bog 2.3-H. Salem. Ore.. .35. Robert Parmer, Rt. 4. Box 437, Salem. Ore., .34 James Harold Forrest, Rl. 4. Box 385. Salem, Ore.. .61. Mr. or Mr. Calvin Oase, 687 N Front St., Salem. Ore., .34. Coral Hamreus, Royal Court Apia. Salem, Ore., .35. Mr. or Mrs. Jack Hannaman, 3S6 N. Summer St., Salem, Ore., .36: Phyllis Harrold. 1820 Ferry St , Salem, Ore., .05. Arnoel M. Hicks, 135 Liberty Road. Salem, Ore., .25. Ruih Hildebrandt, 2172 Chemeketa St., Salem. Ore., .25. Mr. or Mr. L. E. Hobtw:, 3390 Hayden Ave . Salem, Or., .53. Johnie M. Howe, 405 S. 30th St.. Salem. Ore.. .25. Emma Judson, Rt. 4, Box 3-D, Salem. Ore., 3.74. Dr. or Mr. J. Charle Kennedy, 163 8 15th St., Salem, Ore., 2.35. Helen Rhea Kestley or Walter Kestley, Olendota Apt., 685 N. Summer, Salem, 1.38. Mrs. Inea J. Kirk wood. 557 Knapp St.. Salem. Ore.. .35. Mr. or Mra. O. W. Kleen. 1707 N. 4th St., Salem, Ore., .17. Lawrence L. Lambert. 406 Academy St., Salem. Ore.. 2 97. Ernestine M. Lents, 123 Evergreen Ave.. Salem. Ore.. 1.48. Cecil Martin, School for Blind. Salem. Ore., .33. Alma Merk. 1194 S. 22nd St., Salem. Ore.. 1.74. Vernon Merrick. Rt. 1, Box 165. Salem. Ore.. .52. Mr. or Mrs. Curll J. Meust-y. Odn for Mary Jo Meuiejr, 1740 N. 18th St., Salem. Ore.. 2 33. Mr. or Mrs. Viratl W. Moorhead in trust for Max Virgil Moorhead. 1707 Chemeketa St.. Salem, Ore.. .25. Oeo. W. Nelson. 545 Leslie St.. Salem. Ore.. 2.30. Morris N. Osborne, 670 Locust St.. Saiem. Ore., .25. Clayton Pat terson. 1240 Center St , Salem. Ore.. .44. Mike PeUcke. 825 Madison St.. Salem. Ore., .25. Mr. Roy Phllippl Odn for Bruce Philippl. Mehame, Ore.. 2.06. Ann Pinker ton Poole by D. W. Poole, 3.80. Mr. or Mrs. Bob Prauger. 1240 N. 17th St.. Salem. Ore., 2.75. Leo Wm. Robins. 641 N. 16th St.. Salem. Ore . 3.61. George Schwel- sert. 1155 Leslie St., Salem. Ore., .79. toward j snenan or Marguerite She nan. 3305 Portland Road, Salem, Ore . .35. James C. Siettler. fit. 7, Box 195, Salem, Ore., .35. Fern Stewart In trust for Ro bert B , Rt. 1, Stayton, Ore., 1.35. Thomas Wayne Tale. 2.69. Arvilla M. Turner, 333 N. Capitol St., Salem. Ore., .64. Eusta- gulo N. Olivas, P.O. Box 31, Brooks, Ore., 7a. Margaret s. weiser. 1810 Trade St.. Salem. Ore., .41. Roy or Valene Wells. 3000 Portland Roaa, Salem, Ore., 3.35. I Hex Wirt, 444 N. 14th St., Salem, Ore., 1.7S. Chk. Acct.: Andrew Lombeck. Salem. Oreson, 248.94, No Name. 20.00. Safekeeping : Z. Craven. Salem, Ore., ' Miscellaneous, Georae Fendrlch. Salem. Ore.. Bonds, Letters. Henry W. Helnzel man, Salem, Ore.. Misc. Papers. Safety Deposit Box Drilled: Bert Hovt. Salem. Ore.. Misc. Papers. E. C. Keyt. Sa iem, ore.. Misc. Papers. Alice B. Lane or Mrs. E. L. Myers. Salem. Ore.. Misc. Con tent. Mr. Geo. Moomaw. Seattle. Wash., Misc. Paperv E. J. Morissy, Salem, Ore., Misc. Papers. H. W. Shafer, Salem. Ore,. Mue. Papers. J as. E. Thrift, Salem. Ore Misc. Papers. Sept. 16, 33 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the County Court for Marion County. Oregon, has fixed Thursday, the 27th day of Octo ber. 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. at the court house in Salem, Marlon Coun ty. Orexon. as tht time and place of hear ing of objections, tf any. to the final account tiled by the underaianed in the entate of RAY GRANT, deceased, and for settling saia estate. DATED this 22nd day of September, 1949 J. K. WEATHERFORD, Jr. Administrator WEATHERFORD ft THOMPSON Attorneys Sept. 23, 40, Oct. 7, 14. UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRESUMED ABANDONED The following unclaimed deposits, in cluding deposits other than those payable on demand, are held by the Ladd ft Bush Salem Branch of the United States Na tional Bank of Portland, Oregon, of Sa lem. Oregon, as of July 1. 1949; the own ers of which have not for a period of seven successive years prior to said date, 'ai negotiated In writing In respect thereto, or b been credited with Inter est on the passbook or certificate of de posit on his or their request, or (c) had a transfer, disposition of nlterest. or oth er transaction noted of record In the books of the above bank or trust com pany, or di Increased Of decreased tht amount of the deposit: Name of Owner or Depositor and last xnown place of residence Svgs. Acct.: Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 23, 1940 11 tAdvertlsementi Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your (kin u irritated with pimplei, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanltonr Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale at Willett's Capital Drag Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 Relieve Menstrual Pain New Jill Tabs New Ask your druggist for further Information Northwest Drug & Chemical Products Co. 3108 S.E. 50th Ave., Portland TSANSFEF STORAGE .ocal Dlatanaa Traosf.r. atoraat Burner ella, coal At firlquru. Truck, tc Portland dally. Acnt for Beklns Howe bold food, moved to anrwn.r. In OB or Canada. Larmar Tranafar Si Storaic Ph 1-3131 o VENETIAN IIUNDS Salam V.natlan Blind, mada to order or raflolanad. Ralnholdt Utla l-sssa Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 3733S. WELL DRILLING Prod Wrmore. RU J. Bo t1. Ph. 1-5135 0339 WKATBEBaTRIPPING Pre, aaltmatea, T. PULLMAN. Ph. l-SMS 0333- WINDOW SHADES PHENOPLAST The NEW WONDER FINISH Make your Table tops or Concrete Floors PERMANENTLY BEAUTIFUL Stainproof, Scratchproof, Cigarette-burn Proof Pumalire Block & Supply West Salem Ph. 25643 'IOO EXTRA for 2 wnIi "ust In com" COSTS ONLY $1.40 Get $100 from Personal on sal- rp -, furniture, or car. If used re pay Personal in monthly amounts. If not used, return lt after 2 weeks and pay only $1.40 charges. I Loans made to par bills, medical expenses, repairs and other needs LOANS 125 to $500 on Auto T&nsonai FINANCE CO. 51$ Stale St. Room 125 C. R. AI.LEN, Mgr. Lie. 8-122 M-165 Phone 2-'M Waehable. Roller. Ifade to order. 1 Da? Dal. Relnholdt at Lewla. Ph 33631 oa WINDOW CLEANING Aeaa V.'lndow Cleanera. Wlndowa, walla at woodwork cleaned. Ploora cleaned, aied and pollihed. Ph 3-3337 37 Court. Lanadoe. Culbeneoo and Slather WOODSAWINO Alklna A Croia. Ph. 3-U74 or 1-II7I. o33 JTS ASPIRIN AT ITS BEST Bt'ILDINO CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home bow. Terms. No dowo pannent. Phone I-4JIS. BI'ILDING CONTRACTOR Alt Bros. Alio houses raised. Hew foun dMttuns. Phone 1-lWt. oSO ni'LLDOXINQ Dean Roblnaoo. Ph. J-61J7 t 3-4101 lit BuUdotlng, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. TirgU flusker. 10K Pairvlew Are. Ph. 1-1 H. Balem. ellt CARPFNTER WORK Carpenter work. Hew. repair. Ph. 11041. em CASH RIGISTRIU Instant deliver ( new RCA gash register Al mages sold, rtnteti, re pa. ed Roen 5 Cevrt Ph I-I7T1 CEMENT WORK Por etpert guaranteed aatlefaetlM sew or repair of foundation, gtdewaik. drive, tie Mrtte, wall, eu. Cat) rHIMNFT SWEEP Furnace chlmners vacu-jm cleaned. Fn.'ev TT1 8 list. Ph. t-717. elll DREM MARINO AU, drasi making. Oood used clothes Jot gale. 160 Btafe Bt. Rm. IT. 0114 ELECTRIC.!, CONTRACTINO Vine a E;ectrie for electrical wiring, contracting, re pairing, 117 B. Libert 03 e EXCAVATING e QRADINO Excavating e. grading. Bea Otjwa 4k Son 111 Rural Ave, Pb, JJOM. c43l Palmistry Readings Will tell your put present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and bufttneM Answeri all questions. Are vou worried? Why be In doubt? Special BadlnM V ir Open t a.m. 1 r1 to 10 p.m. Moved from 166 terry t 173 S. Commercial 4fe HAPPY NEW YEAR from tht , SQUARE DEAL Second Hand Store 263 Chtmekota St. OUR STORE WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY Wolf Cohen, Prop. Why Suffer Any Longer When mere fan uie ant Chines renedles- Amailng luccau for toot rears Chin Ho matter with what ailments ou ere afflicted Hsord re inualtta bean lungs liver, kidneys, gas, lonstlpatlon. altera, diabetes. rhensgatmm. gall and bladder, fever. ggisw amaje tomtMaJnu. CHARLIE CHAN CTrrvftsp nrRB co. Of flee Rears ta Tin aad Sat. Ontr t4 N CessmereiBJ Pbeae tlk ALftRg, ORB. HAPPY NEW YEAR In observance of Jewish New Year's this store will be closed all day Saturday, Sept. 24th. WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Capital Hardware & Furniture Co. 241 N. Commercial Sf. AT PENNEY'S Salem, Oregon SHOP Friday Night and Saturday Save Yourself Plenty Shop Penney's and Save with Confidence WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER HOSE LATEST FALL COLORS ALL 10096 PERFECT NYLONS MAIN FLOOR 2 pair 1.00 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS PLAIN COLORS AND WOVEN THROUGH STRIPES CRAFTSMAN BRAND NUCRAFT COLLARS SANFORIZED, SIZES 14 TO 17 MAIN FLOOR 1.66 MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS $1.00 DOWN HOLDS YOUR SUIT IN SHARKSKINS, FANCY STRIPES, TICK WEAVES FAMOUS J. C. PENNEY BRAND MAIN FLOOR $35 MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHORTS SANFORIZED SHRUNK FAST COLORS ELASTIC WAISTBAND GRIPPER FRONT. SIZES 34-40 MAIN FLOOR LORS 2 for 100 WOMEN'S KID GLOVES FULL PIQUE, STYLISH BLACK SOFT AND WARM FOR FALL A COMPLEMENT TO ANY WARDROBE MAIN FLOOR 2.98 WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES HIGHER PRICED DRESSES REDUCED OUTSTANDING VALUES SMART FALL FASHIONS SECOND FLOOR 7.77 WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES FULL ELASTIC WAISTBAND, SIZES S-M-L ALWAYS POPULAR BRIEF STYLE GOING FAST AT ONLY $1.00 MAIN FLOOR 1.00 BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS SANFORIZED, WOVEN THROUGH PLAIDS MADE OF STURDY COMBED COTTON FINE FOR SCHOOL OR PLAY SIZES 8 TO 14 MAIN FLOOR 1.44 LACEand PRINTTABLECLOTHS AN OUTSTANDING VALUE IN TABLECLOTHS HAND-SCREENED PRINTS 54x54 DAINTY LACE 72x90 MEZZANINE 2.00 MEN'S BROGUE OXFORDS STURDY TOWNCRAFT DELUXE BROGUES PEBBLE GRAIN, HEAVY LEATHER SOLES GOODYEAR WELT CONSTRUCTION DOWNSTAIRS STORE 4.99 PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M.