10 Capital Journal, Salem, Tofte Offering Final Sermon Silvcrton Church activi ties fur special affairs for the coming week have been an nounced. Two pastorates are without a regular minister, Trin ity and Calvary Luteran, with substitute pastors in charge of the regular Sunday worship hour. Rev. James A. Tofte of Cnlvnry, is giving his farewell address to his congregation Sun day. Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr, form erly with Trinity, has moved from Silvcrton to his new work in Washington. Calvary activities are under direction of Elvin Almquist. chnirman of the church board, until a regular pastor is secured, rrayer service is Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and choir practice will be Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at Calvary church. During the Sunday school hour. September 25. will be a special guest of the First Chris tinn church, Miss Katherine fchutze, national guild youth director with the Yakima In dians, and former missionary In China when the Japanese In vaded the area, who will also speak at the 11 o'clock worship hour. The Christian Endeavor young people are asked to bring a guest and an article of clothing to the Sunday, 6:30 o'clock meeting for the duffel bag donation. A no-host eongre Cational dinner will follow the talk by Miss Schutzc. Ellen Circle WSCS, Methodist church, is to meet Tuesday, Sep tember 27, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at the James street home of Mrs. Norman Naegcll. Methodist church board meets Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock. September 28. Choir rehearses Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Beginning Monday evening the first meeting to be at Wood burn Lutheran, a refresher school for Sunday school teach ers of Immanuel, Trinity, Cal vary Lutheran churches of Sil verton, and Canby Zoar Luth eran, and Woodhurn Immanuel church. Instructions will be given by the presiding ministers for five succeeding Monday evenings. Trinity Lutheran choir rehearsal, directed by Mrs. Don Burch, is announced for Wed nesday evening at the church. Rev. S. L. Almlie of Imman uel Lutheran church, officiated in baptismal ceremonials at the Sunday forenoon worship hour lor I nomas Raleigh Van Cleave small son of Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Van Cleave, sponsors Mrs. Me lissa Goldberg and Mr. and Mrs. John Overlund. Dr. and Mrs. Van Cleave and their son and daughter, John and Mary Beth, entertained at Sunday early af ternoon dinner at their home for members of the christening party, Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Aim lie, John, David and Rachel. Mrs. Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. John Overlund and Phillip, Da vid and Caroline and the moth er of Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. P. O. Henderson. Immanuel Junior choir meets Wednesday at 7 o'clock In the evening, with the senior choir meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. Guest pastor of Rev. and Mrs. Gordon T. Bratvold of Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Rev. Wyman Bohl, Is to speak during the Sunday forenoon service, a missionary candidate fur the area of Ecquador, South Ainerlra, with his wife and daughter on their way there, llible study and prayer service are to be Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday, September 2a. evening service guest speak er is to be Miss Wanda Needles, a Silvcrton girl, who Is mission worker among rural youth. Promotion Day Sunday Lyons A meeting of the of ficers and teachers of the Lyons Methodist Sunday school was held at the community club house, to make various plans for the winter months and promo tion Sunday, which will be held Sunday. September 2!V Srayton Churches a,..it--rtv wmarfl Buckner. paator Sni'ii acfmol, in. Mornlni worahlp, U. lrin:ng hour. 718. Evening atrvlo. I, Church af Chrht Clj Freeman. PU to. rtit! ..rlinni, Hi Worship aervkr- 11 Ynuth Teilowahip, 6:10. Evenlni worahlp. fhntfh a! ChMM-L M Vitt mlnlater B:ro Miidv, 10 Morning worship, II. Kvt n na worAiiip, ft, MMhodltt Jnhn Morani. paator. 11 Ma ,""1 !0 Wor. :.lp aervire, 11. YoutA rel l.'a'i.fp, (130. Fining worahlp, 1. Attemfcl or find Hmf. Mrtvtn Stoek- n, pa for Hindu? Kftiool. 10. Morning fnlra 11. Ynnnir people'a meeting, 6:41 l.rnlni evanaellntlc nervic 7:46. ImmarnlRt Cnnrepllnn Cethnll y ttd, .hum,',. pHAitir. Sunday aerrlc: Me.". (a 6, 1 30 and f) So am. t. Partlrk'a Cathode (l.nal Fath I"m,W SciinrUlrr. paator. Winter ached 1ft, ?n1 and Mb Sundaya, maaa )n '0 ami trd and th Sunday maaa at I lo a.m. Our LnAi nf I tHr dee (larrlan) Father Irf-nnder Sr in ld'T. paator Winter ached tii. Int. 5nd and Sth Sundays, maaa 6 10 m ; r1 snrl ib Hundnya, ma.u 10:10 It.iplM Urine Wnkeman. pastor Bun-f-iy Frl-rnl 10, mnrnmg worship 11, Youth allow., tp 7, evrtilng lervlc t, Churrh f ChrM-Wm. F. Mnfst, min t!ir. iiihie -imoi in, morning woMhlp 11 Junior nseftinf 7. Yonni people' meet ing 7, evening terriers Methndut ehrrhnev Fremon Paul pnMor. Sunday rhro 10, morning wor- p 11, Junior Frllowshlp t. Youth pal. lowtMp 7. unday school t 46, morning wor- Oregon, Friday, Sept. 23, 1949 -Sawi A CliurclieS, Chrtotlan MUilnrr AllUnv North Sth at Oiinu. Hcrmtn J. Bom, putor. Sunday tcliool, MS. Mornlni irrvlcu, 11. Sermon, "On ol mven Tmnit uoa Hate." Kveninf .Mrv.ee, 1 10. ttrmoo, luut ipeftker, Rev. Hfnry Turnldi.. Saint Paal'i Ealirapal Church and Chemtketa. Tht Rv. Oorti H. Swift. B. D., rector. Holy communion 'In the chapeli, 7:10. Junior church and elauea, 9:30. Nuraery achool In pariah houae. 11. Prayer aervlea and aermon, U. Youth vea pers, 6. Th Bethel Baptlit North Cottaie and D. Rev. Rudolph Woylte, paator. Sunday achool at 9:45. Mornlni worship at 11. Sermon by the pator, "The Revealed Ood." Mualcal program by th younf people at 7:30. Central Churrh ml Chrht Ohemelteta at Cottage. M. C. Cuthbcrt.son. minister. Bible achool, lift a.m. PreachlnK and worship. 10.45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. St. Mark Evanaellcal Lutheran 343 N. Church. Rev. M. A. Of uendaner. D.D., Rev. John Baillen, paators. Sunday achool. 9:45. promotion day. Morning worship aervlce, 11. Sermon, "Two Master." 6 30, Luther leaiue. Christ Lutheran State atreet at 18th. C. R. Senilis, paator. Divln worehlp at 8:45, and 11 o'clock. Sunday achool and Bible clajutea at 9.50. Church of Jmiu Chrtut of Latter Day Saint 5th and Madron. Sunday achool. 10. Priesthood meetlna, 11:30. Evenlni aervtce, 8 30. I'nlied Penlaeoatal 44S Ferry. Rev. Na thaniel wiLson, paator. Sunday achool, 9 4ft. Morning aervlce, 11, Evenlni arvic 7:45. First ChrUtian High and Center. Min ister. Dudley strain. Awoclate minuter, Walter Naff. Church achool. 9:45. Morn ing Worahlp and Communion. 10:50. Ser mon, "High Conquest," Dudley Strain. Youth groupa, 6:15. Evening worship, 7:30. Sermon by Mlaa Katherln Schutze of White Swan Indian Mlaalon. Court Htreet Christian 17th and Court. W. H. Lyman, Mlnlater. Bible achool aa aembly, 9:45. Morning worahlp and com munion, 10:50. Sermon subject, "The Bet. ter Part." Christian Endeavor Hour, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:30. Sermon aubject, "The Life I Live." Knight Memorial Congregational Nine teenth and Ferry. Louli E. White, mlnla ter. Sunday achool. 9:40. Morning worahlp. 11. Sermon, "Queatlona and Anawera." Church-time nursery. Pilgrim Fellowship groupa for Junior High and Senior High young people, 6:30. First MethodMt Church and Stat. Pas tor, Drooka H. Moore. Church achool, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon, "The Quest for the Beat." First Evangelical Where Marlon croaa aa Summer. Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, pas tor. Sunday achool. 9:45. Morning worahlp, 11. Sermon, "Hlnderancea and Helps to Spiritual Growth." Evening Service. 7:45. Sermon, "The Temptation of Comprom ise." Flrat Presbyterian Chemek eta at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L. Ooodnberger. aaalatant paator. Church school, 9:45. Identical services. 9:43, and 11 a.m. Sermon by the paator, "The Man Born Too Soon." Youth lellowahtp: Junior High 5:30: Tuxi 6:30; College and business age, t. nenraanlied Church af Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Zloni league conven tion banquet, Marion hotel dining room. Saturday, 7 to p.m. Sunday-Church school 10 a.m. Preaching. Chas. H. Asher, 11 a.m. along league o:jo p.m. moie siuuy 7:30 p.m. Calvary Baptist 1230 South Liberty St, Victor Hugo Bwonl, A.M. Th.D., pastor. Sunday school. 9.45. Morning service, 11. Sermon subject, "Love on Trial." Eve ning service. 7:30. Sermon subjent, "Dis appointments," Baptlit Youth Fellowship groups, 6:30. Flrat Baptist Marlon at Liberty, Dr. Llovd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. c. s. nn'ckwedel, associate pastor. Sunday school, 0:46. Special Promotion day un der the direction of Marvin Clatterbuck, sunt. Morning worship, 11. "Wood or Oold." Dr. Lloyd Anderson, pastor, Youth meetings, 6:15. Evening gospei aervic. 7:30. Rev, Ralph Ooraline Ol Brazil, visit ing missionary. "The Parable of the Pro- ritual Son," Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson. Mo viea of Brar.ll and sound film, "Abra ham's Faith." H albert Mrmorlal Baptist On mil north of underpass on highway 90E. Rev. E. Brlckwedei, pastor, sunaay senooi, 9:4B. Morning worship, 11. Messnpe by the pastor. Young peoplr"s league, 6:30. Eve ning gospel service, 7:30. Four Cornera Baptist Stat and Elma. Sun rtay school. 1:45. Morning worship, 11. Arthur Wtllecke. guest speaker. Young people's meeting, 6:46. Evening service. 7:30 In charge of th young peopl from Flrat Baptist church. Salem Helthta Community Church Lo cated on Liberty road. Sunday school, 0:46 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Quest speaker, larl Bull of Salem. Leslie Methodist South Commercial at Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday school, 1:46. Sunday school Rally Day pro- m at 10. Morning service, n. sermon subject: "It Is Later Than You Think." Ynuth fellowship at 6:30. Evening aervlce, 7 .10. Sermon aubject; "All Things Made New " Central Lutheran Oalnes and North Capitol. O. B, Rundstrom, pastor, Broad cast. KSLM. 7:46. Sunday school, 9:46. Morning worship, 11. Junior Luther league in th parsonage, 6. Evening aervlce, 7:45. St John' Lutheran (Me. Rynorit 16th and A St. M W. Gross, pastor, Sunday school, I. Service at 10. First Spiritualist 346 North Commer cial Rev. Harry Raymond, speaker. Cir cle at 6:30. Services at 7:30. West Salem Methodist Third and Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church achool, 6:45. Worship, 11. Sermon, "Th Art of Guidance." Youth fellowship. 6:30. Young adult fellowship, 6. Talbot Community Talbot. Or. Rev, R. Roaers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sunday. Sept. as, ni hae been dents na led as Rally Day, especially In the Sunday school. A Rally Day program will be presented Divine worship. 11. Message: "The Self Life Contrasted with the Spirit-Filled Life." A special anniversary service will be held at 3 o clock. This is th first an niversary of th dedication of th Tal bot churrh. Rev. Gordon Jaffe of Albany will be the guest speaker. A male quartet from Salem will provide special music. The public la cordially Invited to attend. Touna neopi a troupe, i. Kvenint aervtce. 6. Sermon: "Ignorance ti Blisa or la It?" Institute mi Religious Selene and IMill- tnphy460 N Cottage St. Salem Wom an s elub. Bept. 28. "Whv Forgive Your Neighbor?" Rev. OUva Stevens and Tonl Van Ornum. Truth Center 363 N. Cottage, Evening service, 6, Tuesday. Sept. 17. Subject: Real Prosperity." Library II to 3. Jesus Name PrnUrniliUltll lli Mt Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school, Morning worship. 11. Afternoon tet- UiwMiip meeting. 3. Evening evangelistic First Churrh af Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa Sis, Sunday school at 11, Momltia service at 11 Lson-ertnnn subject: "Reality." Nursery for children up to 3 years of age provided during the morning servire Evening servlc at I. Lea sonsermon subject; "Reality." Sunday School Rally Planned, Mill City Mill City Presbyterian Sun day school will hold rally day next Sunday during th Sunday school hour at 10 o'clock. Thr will be a general roll call, class promotions and a short program. Dr. David J. Ferguson will speak at the morning church hour on th subject, "Many Youth Revival Series Closing Woodburn The Youth Revi val series at the Woodburn Foursquare church by the Maur-er-Johnson party will be con cluded this Sunday evening with services being held at the Wood burn high school auditorium. The musical program will be made up of request numbers by the audience and an on-the-spot recording of the Pearson Sisters will be made during the serv ice and given, to the person re sponsible for getting out the most visitors that evening. Services Friday and Satur day nights will be conducted In the Foursquare church, 1199 E. Lincoln street. Af'er a singsplr ation led by. Rev. Lloyd John son, an inspiring musical pro gram Is planned for each eve ning, featuring the music of the Pearson Sisters, well - known gospel radio duo. Other music will include vocal solos, duets, trios and group numbers with accordion, vibraharp and piano accompaniment. Karen Johnson, 7-year-old soloist, will also be featured. Rev. Roy Maurer will bring the gospel message. Saturday evening an all-musical jubilee service will be presented with one full hour of gospel music. A special feature will be the musical picture story with black light to portray the theme, "Christ, the Soul's Cap tain." Rev. Arthur Goble, pastor ol the Foursquare church, extends a cordial invitation to both young and old to attend these services. Woodburn Churches Chrlsltan E. Lincoln and Doud 8ts on Priest, pastor. 8.8. 10 a.m. Service L a.m. C.E. 7 p.m. Evenlni service 9. Assembly of God Second and Lincoln flts. Lester Gibson, pastor. S.8. t:45 a.m. Prearhlni 11 a.m. and ?:5 p.m. Y.P. (1:45 p.m. Free Methodist Young and Oaten Stg. Mrs. Roairllft B. DoURlas, pastor. 8.8. 9:49 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. St. Luke's Cathollr V. L. Moffenbeier, pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services 6 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Benediction atter 10:30 mass Sundays. The Reorranlied Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Garfield. Oeorse Omana, pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. zions league 7 p.m. Lecture study 9 p.m. Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east on Union school road. Earl K. Fenton, paa tor. Worship 10 a.m. S.8. 10:45 a.m. First Presbyterian Oarfleld and Third St. Earl K, Fenton, pastor. 8.8. 0:415 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Y.P. e:30 p.m. Church af God Third and Grant 8t Rnymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school to a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and i:00 p.m. Y.P. 7 p.m. St Mary's Eninropal E. Lincoln at Cu pid's Court. Clarence C. Slocum, Vicar. Churrh school 11:30 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. Bible Baptist Orange Hall. Settle mler and Harrltion. Karl Baker, pastor. 8.8. 0:45 am. Worship service 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y.P. 6:45 p.m. ' Immanuel Lutheran Harvtn N. Christ- ensen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts. Wor ship aervi'-e 11 a.m. 8.8. 10 a.m. ? an tor. 8.8. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. C.E. , .30 p.m. MM hod lit Public Library basement. Or- mal B. Trick, pastor. Church achool 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Foursquare- 11B7 K. Lincoln St. Arthur noble, pastor. 8.8. 6:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and 7:4ft p.m. Y.P. 0:46 p.m. Church mt Jesus Christ ml L. D. ft. I. OOF. hall. Sunday achool 10 a.m. Sarrament meeting 11 :30. Amity Churches Bant 1st Brure Wakeman. pastor. Bun- day erhool 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. sermon topic: "The Sun ot Saving Knowledge.'' Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. Kvenina service p.m. Topic, "After That the Judgment." Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, pas tor. Bible srhnol 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 1 p.m. Eve ning service p.m. Methndltt Rev. Fremont Faul. minis ter. Sunday irhool 10 a.m. Morning wor ship 11 a.m. Youth meettnga 7 p.m. Assembly of Ood William Beachy. pas- r. Sunday erhool S:4ft a.m. Morntne worsnip ii am. special youtn aervlce 7:18 p.m. Evening service 7:4ft p.m. ild Evangelism Fellowship The Snlcm Child Evangelism Fellowship will have their (all dinner at Mayflower hall it 6:30 Tuesday night, Sept. 27 when Rev. G. H. Jantzen, paator of the Mennonlte Brethren church, Dallas, will be guest speaker. Special music will be furn ished by the Crusarirr'i male quartet from George Fox col lege, Newberg. Other gueati will Include Mr. and Mrs. Clyde El lis, state directors; Mr. and Mrs. Art Nickel, child evangelism missionaries to the British Isles. An all day child evangelism conference hag been called for Sept. 28 at the Salvation Army hall according to Miss Mvrna Stover, city director. A no host luncheon will-be served at noon Spend a Great Day at First Baptist SI'NIpAY. 11:00 A. M. "Wood or Gold", Pastor Lloyd T. Anderson Rt'NDAY. 7:30 P. M. MKslonary Movies shown bv Rev. Ralph Gorsllne of Brasll. Pastor Lloyd T. Andenon will speak on:i "The Parable of the Prodigal Son". The Sound Movie Film, "Abraham's Faith" will be shown at the close of the service. Two Radio Broadcasts: 11:00 a. m. KSLM 11:00 a. m. KOCO First Baptist Church Ministers Issue Church Loyalty Recognizing the deep spiritual unrest which poueises the soul of man today, and the haunting sense of futility which it brings, and the primary need himself and in God, the Salem Ministerial association calls upon this community to observe the month of October as Church Dallas Churches Kvan,tlcl United Brethren R. Wll im Elmer, minuter. Relly aey In Blin dly echoo!. Ms. Mornlni service, 11. ser mon, w would Bunaeri. Toum fellowship, T. Kvank-eiutlo hour, 1:4B. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Bunday school, 0:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon: 'The Dawn of a New Day." Fellowship hour, fl 30. Christian Endea vor, 7, Evening aervlce, 8, First Presbyterian Earl William Ben- bow. D.D., minister. Sunday school, 8:45. Worship servire, 11. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Trinity l.itlheren Sundly irhool. 10. Di vine eervlre. 11. Herveit feetive.1 eervlce led by Rev. Kirl Uler. ptttor. MennanlU Rretnren 5. H. Jinten. nee- tor. Sundey erhool. S:4A. Worship ervlce. 10:45. Christian fellowship, 7. Youni peo ple's union program. ?:4&. Salt Creek Bntlt w.m-ni-e' W""f. pastor. Sunday school, 9:4S. Mornlnf wor ship. 11. Sermon. "The Sterner sp.i.'.s of Jesus' Messaae." Evening aervlce In rhane of younl people. 8. Mrs. Ralph Oorshne, missionary to Brasll, jvlll speak. Cvanaelleal Mennonlte BrethrenA. P. Toews. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Mom ma worship, 11. sermon, "The Mustaro Seed." Fellowship groups, 7. Evening ser vice, S. Message by Rev, C. Classen. Assembly of God Alfred R. Brown. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Christ Ambassadors. Junior church, vesper service, 1. Evangelistic ser vice. I. Apostolle Falth-hPorrest Damron, Inter im pastor. Sunday school, 9:30. Morning worship, 11, Sunday evening service, 7:50, First Methodist Clark 8. Enz. pastor. Church school. fl:4.V Morning worship. 11. Sermon, "Make Ready for Communion." TOUtn leuowsnip: intermediates, o.ju; seniors, 0:30. Grace Mennonlte J. J. Resler, paator, Sunday achool, 10. Morning worship, 11. Pre-prayer, 7. Evening service, 7:30. ser mon, "Recreation." Christian and Missionary Alliance O. E. McGarvey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:46. Morning worship, ll. Message oy tne pas tor. Sunday evening evangelistic aervlce, 7:4ft. Christian Science Sunday achool. 9:45. Morning worship. 11, Subject of the lea son sermon for the week la "Reality." Free Methodist R. W. Mccormick, paa tor. Sunday school. 9:4ft. Preaching aerv ll. Evening service, 7:45. 1. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P Han- ney, vicar. Church school. 10. prayer, 11. Holy Baptism, 12:30. Mornlng Church of Ood Henry Lou (ran, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Young people's meeting, 6.45. Evangel istic aervlce, 7:45. Seventh Day Adventlst Sabbath, school. 9:46. Sermon, 11. Falla City Methodist James M. Royer, pastor. Sunday achool, 10. Morning wor snip, ii. Rlckreall Sunday School 8upt. J. N. Thlessen. Sunday school, 9:30. Falls Cltv Seventh Day Adventlit-4ab- bath school, 9:30. Preaching, 11. Falls City Free Methodist Oilbert John son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, ii. young people a meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic aervlce, 8. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas tor. Sunday achool, 10. Morning worahip. ll. cnristtan Endeavor, s:jo. Church of Jetfui Christ of Latter Dav Saints Sunday school, 10. Becrament meeting, 11:46. First BantM Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship. 11. Training union. 7. Evening worship, I. Oak Grove Chanel Fremont Faul. min ister. Morning service, 9:45. Sunday school iouows. Youtn lenowsmp Sunday evening. Philips Catholic Father John Ba pastor. Mass, 8:16. Union Missionary Baptist Harmony community, W. A. Heard, paator. Sunday cnooi, iv. sermon, n. Church of Christ Bible study. 10. Com munton, 11. Bridgeport Sunder School H. Schmidt. superintendent. Sunday achool, 10. Sola Sunday Sehool Sunday arhool. :4. Worship, 11. Sacred Concert Sunday Evening A concert of sacred music will be presented Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock by Clifford C. Worm at the Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church. Worm will be accompanied by Miss Jean Ellen Query, instructor of music at Cascade college. Clif ford Worm has been director of music at the Englewood church and also at the Church of Christ at Multnomah. He was a stu dent of voice at Cascade college, where he also sang in the Cas cade male quartet. During the intermission per iods instrumental music will be brought by Drlbert Jepsen and Miss Jean Ellen Query. Promotion Day Program For Church at Liberty Liberty The Liberty Chris tian Church of Christ will have promotion day Sunday at 10 o'clock. The junior Sunday school will put on a program and the teachers will present certifi cates of promotion. Rev. Ellery Parrish will speak at 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor, with Don na Plenge, president, will meet at 7 o'clock, with Rev. Daryl Hunt in charge. The evening services will begin at 8 o'clock. The teachers' and officers' Sunday school training class will meet Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the church on Skyline road. Call for Period for more of faith in life, In "Loyalty month. Beginning with world - wide Communion Sunday on October 2, the people of Salem are urged to renew their devotion to the church, and their concern for the church, as the living witness of Him who came that men might have life and have it more abundantly. Today, increasingly, men of different churches and different denominations are coming to realize that the mighty affirma tions of faith which all wor shippers hold in common are of much greater significance for themselves, their churches, and the world than the secondary differences which divide them," say the ministers. "It is in com mon devotion to these great unit ing fundamentals of faith that the Ministerial association is ded icated, and to which it would call the churches of the city. That 'Man's need is God's op portunity' has been proven again and again. The church stands, never as an end in itself, but eternally as a means of uniting the need of men and the minis try of God. "That the church may better serve the needs of humanity and the glory of God, that individuals may be strengthened for the bat tle of life, that the moral and spiritual level of our commu nity life may be lifted" the Ministerial association urges the observance of Church Loyalty month. Youth Center Gets Attention of Club Representative of a number of churches will participate in a youth retreat to be held at Silver Creek Falls,. Sept. 30 Oct. 2. The retreat will be based on the theme. "Christ For Me' with Rev. Herb Anderson, pas tor of the Gladstone Baptist church, Gladstone, as the in spirational speaker. A feature of the weekend pro gram will be the campfire cir cle Saturday night when the young delegates will tell of their Christian experiences. Participating churches will include Kingwood Bible, Keizer Community, Bethel Baptist. Four Corners Baptist, Halbert Memorial Baptist and First Bap tist. Additional particulars may be obtained from Miss Phyllis Johnson, 1130 E street. Promotion Sunday For Presbyterians Rally Day and Promotion Sunday will be observed at the First Presbyterian church Sun day. There will be two Sunday morning services. At the 9:45 servire 175 children and young people, who will be promoted from one department to another In the Church School will be honored. The certificates will be presented by John L. Gooden berger, assistant pastor, who is In charge of the church school, At both services the minister, Dr. Chester W. Hamblin, will preach on the subject, "The Man Born Too Soon." Mrs. Dobbs, the organist, will play "Cantilene" by McKinley and Toccata by Pierne. The choir, directed by Professor Charles Stowell, will sing two numbers. Turner Churches Methodist Sunday school, 10. Morning vorship. 11. Dr. R. M. Oatke. pastor. poa&.. i.. . ENGINEERS' BOOTS Special 7.95 JIM'S SHOE SERVICE rvai IUWvOll ' aasaaaaaaaP JIM'S SHOE SERVICE Presbyterian Synod Meets The Synod of Oregon is spon soring a conference for church leaders at the First Presbyter ian church Sunday afternoon from 3:00 to 9:30 o'clock. Dr. Henry Green of Portland, the Synodical Executive, and the chairmen of the committees in volved have made plans for the conference. Approximately 80 leaders from a dozen churches In this valley area will attend to discuss and make plans for the fall and winter work in the field of the "Every Member Canvass," the denomination's New Life program, and the pro gram of the Sunday school. The devotional leader will be Dr. Robert Russell, pastor of the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church, Portland. His addresses will open and close the conference. Other leaders who will have a part during individual confer ence sessions will be Tinkham Gilbert, Salem, Dr. Henry Green, Portland, Dr. Charles Barnes, McMinnville, Professor John Anderson, Lewis and Clark college, Mrs. Earl Ben bow, Dallas, Rev. Kenneth Brown, Corvallis, Rev. nJohn Goodenberger and Dr. Chester W. Hamblin of Salem. District Sunday School Meeting The Hayesville district Sunday school convention will be held at Four Corners Sunday, Septem ber 25, on the theme, "Christ Preeminent." The program, which will open at 9:45 (day light time), will Include Sunday school for all classes, a worship service at 11 o'clock and a bas ket dinner at 12 45. A song service led by Miss Evelyn Austin will open the af ternoon's session at 1:45. The devotional period at 2 o'clock will be led by Rev. R. Curren. Rev. V. L. Loucks will bring the convention message while J. E. Clark will preside during the business sessions. Special numbers will be provided by Fruitland, Keizer and Brooks. Jewish New Year Starts at Sundown Rosh Hashono, the Jewish new year, starts at sundown Fri day, with local services sched uled for the Beth Sholom temple at 8 o'clock Friday night. The Hebrew term "Rosh Hash ano" is translated "new year." The holiday, a 24-hour period running from sundown to sun down, is held annually about this time of year. Cantor Solomon of Portland and Harry A. Brown of Salem will conduct the Friday night services in the Salem temple. Another service is scheduled for October 2 at 8 p.m., in observ ance of Yom Kipur, which means "day of atonement." Alliance Church Guest Speaker The Alliance church located on N. Sth at Gaines has for its guest speaker Sunday night the Rev. Henry Turnldge. His inter est and activity among Boys' and Girls' of the Sunday School Union, Y.P. Rallies and provid ing homes for unfortunate boys has made him known to a host of people. The pastor, Herman J. Bohl, has chosen for his morning theme "One of the Thines I Among a Certain Seven" which ....... Rlsht! Far thf hunting seasenl Genuine ealfskln with six-inch top. Buckle strap type with pleated top for snug fit. Your choice In rubber, cord or composition sole. All slsco. 175 N. High WORK SHOES TM wtlh fell warklaf OUf. Unil ttwhttlt wk thM. wftll VF.N TILATID DfHOLB. IHttmUtl Grmt tUra-wtlt MiMlraalUft. Elntrt. WiUnrNM with Arar-Tra tr tmHt All Boys' Shots 4.95 5.95 17$ N. High Si I verton Churches rhurrh ( Jesus Christ ml the LalUr Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school ai 10; evening service at i. Christian Irlenee Sunday school at 9:45. Services at 11. er-.ikeiliaa Tathr John J. Walih, pastor, iunday masses, I and 10. Week days, I. As.tmhlv ml God Berrel H Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 0:45. Divine worship, ll. Young people s society at s.m. - gel 1st Ic at I. rhurrh af Oat Rev. P. K. Nix. pastor. Bunday achool at 10: worship hour at 11; evening services at I. Seventh Day Adventlst Elder A. D. Chilton, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo cal elder, in charge. Sabbath school, Sat urday, g:30; morning worship at 11, Sat urday; Sunday evening evangelistic serv ice. I Marquam and Molalla Congregations, MiMhedlst Ri Kendall, pastor. Joint pas torate. Forenoon services at Marquam, afternoon at Molalla. Pllfrtn Holiness D. C. Olson, castor. Sunday school 9 45. Sermon by pastor, 11. young people meet at 7. svanaensiic sermon at 9. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates. pastor. Bible school 9:46 a.m., M. B. Ford, Supt., assisted by J. C. Bonner, narry vetier ana Lynn Neai. communion and sermon 11 a.m., guest speaker. Miss Katherine Schutie, national guild direc tor with the Yakima Indians, missionary in China at the time ol the Japanese in vasion. Christian Endeavor 8:30 p.m. Ouest night. Evening sermon 7:30 o'clock by pastor. Subject: "Worship." Methodist Ben F. Browning, paator. Sunday school 9:46. a.m. Norman Naeseli. Supt. Classes for different age groups, nursery for very small children. General worship hour 11 a.m. Sermon by pastor. Sperial choir music. Youth Fellowship. 7 p.m. Evening service B o'clock, sermon by pastor In worship and Instruction. Trinity Lutheran Substitute nastor. Sunday school and Bible clasj.es 10 a.m.. sirs. Marina Isaacson, supt. Divine wor ship 11 a.m., guest speaker. Rev. o. F. Braaten ol Salem. Confirmation Instruc tion. Miss Evelyn Torvend, director, Sat urday, senior class t a.m., Juniors, 10:30 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran 8. L. Almlie. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a.m Divine worship 11 a.m. Sermon: "How to Live." SDeclal mualc. Luther Laanue. 7:30 p.m.. topic for discussion: "Always striving tor tne uood." senior confirma tion elaaa t a.m., Juniors 10:30 a.m., Sat urday. Christian and Missionary Allianre Gordon T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m., Oscar flatrum, ' Supt., classes for all age groupa. Guest speaker ii m.m. morning worsnip, Kev. wyman Bohl. missionary candidate to South America. Young People meet 7 p.m. Speak er, Miss Wanda Needles, director of xouin Home Missions workers among rur al residents. Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte, pas tor. Sunday school and Bible class 10 a.m.. Miss Olaa Johnson. Bunt. Divln worship, special singing, pastor Tofte giving farewell sermon at 11 a.m.. Noon fellowship dinner, complimentary program for the pastor and his family. Church Services Set Woodburn The Sunday school of the Immanuel Lutheran church here will resume meet ings at 10 a.m. Sunday. Wor ship service will be at 11 a.m. and Luther league at 8 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1230 South Liberty Street TWO GREAT HEART WARMING SERVICES Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, pastor 11:00 A. M. "Lav on Trial" 7:30 P. M. "Disappointments" All-Youth Orchestra - Quartette 9:45 Bible Classes for all ages 6:30 p. m. Baptist Youth Fellowship KINGWOOD BIBLE CHURCH 1125 ELM ST. SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. ANNUAL BIBLE SCHOOL RALLY PROMOTIONAL EXERCISES INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS JUNIOR CHOIR IN SONG THEME: "The Heart of a Child". Dramatized with full stage setting. Children sow the seed, water the soil, and reap the harvest. Message: "Receive Me As a Child". Banish Cancer Fears By By J. H. WILLETT e ska Capital Drat Star No one will deny that cancer is a dreaded disease, least of all the medical profession who deal with it constantly. But fearing cancer will not prevent it, while physical ex aminations regularly will. Can cer is usually of long growth, and pain is not felt in the early stages. Symptoms however are usually present and for this reason a doctor should be told about any changes in bodily function when he is consulted for examination. Doctor! are anxious to do everything possible to reduce unnecessary deaths from this disease. You will relieve your self of needless worry if you entrust your health to them. CaorrliM THIS la (he I44lk at aerlee af tellerlsl aaTartleeaaenta osaaarlns In this paper aoek FrUar Capital Drug Store State Liberty Pbont 1-31 IS New Woodburn Church Opening Woodburn The Woodburn Methodist church will hold the first service for the opening of the new church as a place of worship Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The building, located on Young street on the site of the old church, destroyed by fire in April, 1948, is being used for the first time Sunday. Although the building is not completed enough work had been done so that meetings may be held in it. Charles Ogle, a member of the local church longer than anyone else here, has been asked by the official board to ring the bell for the opening service. Mr. Ogle Joined the church in 1891 and attended the first and last services in the old church. The bell in the new building is the one that hung in the old church. Rev. Ormal B. Trick, the pas tor, will have as his sermon topic, "Beauty for Ashes." Rev, D. fester Fields, retired minis ter and former pastor, will as sist in the service and the choir will present a special anthem. Program Being Offered Woodburn The Presbyter ian Sunday school is presenting a specially prepared program at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, to the whole church group and visitors dur ing the Sunday school hour. The worship hour at 11 o'clock will emphasize "New Life of the Spirit," with special music by the two choirs. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:45 a. m. 11 a m. Sunday School 9:50 a m. C R. Schulz Pastor i 4