Captain of Burned Yessel Heartbroken Toronto, Ont., Sept. 22 (U.PJ The captain of the Great Lakes steamer Noronic, which burned at its dock with loss of at least 130 lives, may never com mand ship again, company of ficials said today. The Canada Steamship lines said that Capt. William Taylor, master of the vessel, was "so broken up by the disaster, he couldn't even go downtown to tell the fire commissioner what happened." Taylor probably will retire now, several years ahead of schedule, the spokesman added. Australia produces 27 percent of the world's wool and 57 per cent of the merino wool. Tokyo Rose Lengthy Treason Trial Will Soon Be Ended (dUor1 Mot: Thi lonieit traon trial la th hUlorr of tin Untt4 Sutra U ycld to conclude thlj week when jurors debet the late of lire. Iva Toturl D'Aquino, herfe4 m ibe varum Tokyo Roe. Th loUowlai dlapatcn eummtme lb lou pro edlnu.) By DAVID J. LEONARD Un:tl Praea Staff Corraipondeat) Ean Francisco, Sept. 22 U.R) Tokyo Rose may learn before the week is over whether she committed treason with her broadcasts to U. S. troops Defense and prosecution lawyers had almost run out of wit nesses, evidence and words after S3 days of trial and bulky transccript which ran about 6,000 pages or more than 1,' 800,000 words. It was likely that the jury of six men and six women would get a chance to vote on the guilt or innocence of slim, dark-haired Mrs. Iva Toguri d' Aquino by Friday night. The 13-year-old University of California graduate was re markably calm during her 11 week ordeal in court. Only twice while undergoing a rigorous cross-examination by Prosecutor Tom Dewolfe did Tokyo Rose lose her oriental stoicism. Then she buried her head in her hands and sobbed. On almost every major point, the defense and prosecution were in complete disagreement. Both sides conceded that Mrs. d' Aquino went to Japan from Los Angeles shortly before Pearl Harbor to "visit relatives." Opposing counsel agreed she was caught by the war and stayed in Tokyo for the duration and that she worked for Radio Tokyo a san announcer on "Zero Hour," an English-language pro gram of jazz and a slangy com mentary beamed to allied troops in the Pacific. But there, agreement between the government and Defense At torney Wayne M. Collins ended and the jury will have two distinctly opposite stories to choose from. The government claimed that Mrs. d'Aquino committed eight "overt acts" against the U.S. It asserted that she and other Ra dio Tokyo employees mapped a deliberate propaganda program designed to lower GI's morale; that she broadcast such state ments as "Now your troop ships have been sunk. How are you going to get home?" And tan talized sweating soldiers in the hot Pacific jungles by remind ing them of ice cream sodas, cold beer and "best of all a long, cold drink of water. The defense claimed that Mrs. d'Aquino was in a secret alli ance with three allied prisoners of war, who wrote the Zero Hour scripts to aid the allied war effort and help other pris oners. Collins produced 25 witnesses and 19 lengthy depositions to support his contentions that Mrs. d'Aquino was only one of many women broadcasters who used ' the sobriquet "Tokyo Rose"; that she never broadcast any of the specific propaganda barbs named in the indictment; that she took food, medicine, to bacco and reading materials to allied prisoners at great person al risk; that she was forced to broadcast because of "mental torture" from Japanese army of ficer! and secret police. & m PICKET PANCAKE Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept, 22, 1949 9 V FLOUR ""fir' WANT ' STREAK-FREE BLUIN6? Rain Drops rJiiiolves instantly right in your sudt! Never itreaki or spots . , . you need no separate bluing rinse of any kind. '3SI "Cinch -.- Cake Mix . -' is the finest f I have f ever used." I : top Mrs. Jm MltWv a - . . . - ' 8 1 ri P . trM WMCt KBi-OWfe NrWlWWEJBUlflAr YOUR 600P MORMNc-'hAMt! Teal Kellogg's improved 40 Bran Flakes are erlsper, tatterl Supply whole-grain vitamins, minerals, and extra bulk. Many diets need this to help prevent constipa tion. Delicious way to encourage "good morning" habits. Let the whole family enjoy KeUogtft Bran Flakes ... la the white, red and green ptckage. VbB - & louri$Jhg?Yes.f Madthm gtnvft KWogg way MOTHER KNOWS BESTI tt&yiy I YOUR CROCWS 10 lb. bag 7Q Take advantara of thli low nrice. It 1 i 3L. JELL-IT IGA SNO-KREEM - av T. ft Youvt niT ruts m w mw i 1 1 w mm m mm w ---- - . -- mm K X in II I SJ14 til I II I fooo costs lately is K llUVI iAMiT""' il l II k RWAR.KABIE, MARY M .V ),,, BM Ts x o I Icr-M con WW i-ffl I I I , . . 1 I U1 I V I V' - 3 jrf,", Borden's mvm(W?W v hemo WWX- .sLjTIME S?C M V)OLLY1)a17 . f II bZZA I WW m mr- n 20e EMULSORIZED SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING QUAKER OATS 3 35 Special low price. Six delicious flavors A gelatine you'll favor SHORTENING 3 - 75c Its a pure all-vegetable shortening. Try It for successful baking. "nmatntntiiiiil LUX FLAKES 28c For your daintiest washable LIFEBUOY 2 23 PARD DOG FOOD, 2 J5c This Is National Dog Week for BATH SIZE Drink Your Fill of Vitamins JUNKET FUDGE MIX Chocolate or Penuche Pkf. . 33c SPECIAL LOW PRICE IGA SOAP GRAINS 23c Get a toy bar of soap for the kiddies in each package. I iNwitLMl FN Ht tMrftCt ' GJ-IJr by t Ml, KWMswklui, i mm tmr i (altm. each 35c PETER-PAN PEANUT BUTTER 12 oz. jar 35c It's Nutritious JUNKET FREEZING MIXpkf.12c Chocolate Vanilla Maple mm MAKES DISHES SHINE wilHOUr WIPING Large Package 28c IVORY SOAP Large Bar 2 - 27c IVORY SOAP Medium Bar 3 ' 25c B0RAX0 8 o. 1 C ean ' ' Leaves Hands Soft and AStarrJiMtbct jlogj nct wad, out. m .1 5UT5-IN dsrotjofa months ; of repeafe waitings 1 1 make Vi gal 'only lie BORAX CHIPS 22 oi. pkg. 28c Thin flakes thai give 70a quick tuda and amaxlnf cleaning power. SOAP SWEETHEART Buy the bath size for economy. 2-;-::23c WITH VITAMINS SEALED INI Uncle Ben's 12ol ok, ' " LONG GRAIN I6C DIPEW IIIUL SOAP SWEETHEART Discover the floating lift of Sweetheart. 3 a 23c YOU GET I MORE for mom wmi lrow Pkg. Whitens, brightens, does not streak. mil vjhitf inT BACKERS 2 7C IJLU" II 111 t p. IV Use with your dainty salads, with cheese or with soup. JELLYBEANS 19c You'll want some of these for the kiddies. SHREDDED WHEAT--17' GLIM For Greaseless Dish Washing Plenty for 50 dish washings. 33' ARMOUR BEEF STEW 59c 20 os. con . Real home style stew In 10 minutes. SLICED DRIED BEEF 31c 2'i oz. far. Wafer thin, most delicious beef. IGA MINCED RAZOR CLAMS No. IVi con. . . . 43c Delicious flavored white clams at their best I Nabisco. . . Start the day with this delicious energy food. HEADQUARTERS FOR P KINDS TODAYI TOMATO . Qg nwahw 1 MM SMia J 2a C Tmlrjw- J sf( ' mm I cWteNaa I , CMeAwSsl fOsMMB 4 I Cfch-.i m,imm A i Vt)(1sjaaasjB)( M Specials for Friday and Saturday SUNKIST LEMONS Dozen 39c For en abundance of Vitamin C DELICIOUS APPLES 2 , 25c Red, red extra fancy fruit. SWEET ONIONS 4,. 19c The sweet Spanish type for slicing. CELERY HEARTS 21c Enjoy the sweet, tender hearts of the celery. HIGHLAND MARKET 800 Highland Ave. BROADWAY GROCERY Broadway & Market Open Sunday SCIO FOOD MARKET QUALITY FOOD MKT. 17th and Center CARTER'S MARKET 17th and Market St. STATE STREET MARKET LEMMON'S MARKET 598 nrth Commercial 81. KEN GOLLIET Mrh.-ima, Ore. Open Sundays PEARSON'S FOOD MKT. 194 No. Commercial MODEL FOOD MARKET 111 North High St ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 North River Road CENTRAL CASH MARKET Monmouth, Oregon RONNER'S GROCERY Gervais, Oregon EQUALL'S GROCERY FOOD MARKET Independence. Oregon CENTRAL CASH 1MT. MONMOUTH OREGON This IGA Food Store Is a fairly new member of the Independent Grocers' Alliance but by con Verting to a self-service, cash and carry market and adopting IGA's policy of selling every Item at a small margin of profit everyday of the week, has gained the reputation of the place to buy your food nerds and save money. If you live In Monmouth or surrounding terri tory, make It a point to stop at the Central Cah Market, check the price of Item after Item and see what you can save,