Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 22, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept, 22, 1949
Gubser-Jones Wedding
j Sunday in McMinnville
Dayton In a candlelight ceremony at the First Methodist
Church In McMinnville on Sunday afternoon, September 18, at
4 o'clock Miss Doris Jones, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Jones
of Davton. was wed to Sgt. Norman R. Gubser, son of Mr. and
Mr. Ersel Gubser of Unionvale. The Rev. Lowell Ellis, pastor of
the First Nazarene church In
McMinnville. assisted by Rev.
Georee Millan of Unionvale,
' pastor of the Evangelical United
Brethren church, read the double
ring service.
The church altar was decorat
ed with an arch of white as
ters and greenery, with cande-
labrums and baskets of pink as
ters and snapdragons. The wed
ding music was played by the
church organist, and Willard
Frlesen of Salem sang.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was gowned in a
traditional white satin dress, de
signed with scalloped sweet
heart neckline, low waisted
' with fitted bodice forming a
point In front and back, and
shearing in front of the bodice.
A full skirt formed a long train
The dress had long sleeves with
pointed cuffs. The bride wore
a tulle veil with a crown of
orange blossoms. She carried a
bouquet of white roses, pink
carnations and stephanotis. con
tered by a white orchid. For
something old the bride wore a
ruby lavalier, a gift to her
mother by her father, before
they were married. She also
wore three strands of pearls, a
gift from the bridegroom.
Sister Attends
Mrs. Orville Neuschwanger,
the bride's sister, was maid of
honor. She wore a gown of
aqua marquisette over taffeta
and carried a nosegay of pink
button chrysanthemums.
Miss Anona Gubser, sister of
the bridegroom, and Miss Mary
Lou Robinson, were bridesmaids
and wore dresses of pastel pink
net over taffeta and carried pink
button chrysanthemum nose
gays. Mrs. Don Gubser, sister
in-law of the bridegroom, and
Miss Lois Rockhill, also brides
maids, wore pastel blue over
taffeta and carried nosegays of
pink button chrysanthemums.
The Junior bridesmaid was the
brides niece, Marlene Mitchell
who wore a blue taffeta and net
dress and carried a pink nose
gay. All the bride's attendants
wore halos of flowers In their
hair matching the color of their
gown. The flower girl was
Susan Jones, niece of the bride,
who wore a white taffeta gown.
Gary Neuschwanger, nephew
of the bride, was the ring
The best man was the bride
groom's brother, Donald Gub
ser. The ushers were Edwin
Junes and Myrl Jones, brothers
of the bride; James Richard
on and Marvin Lorenzen.
Miss Estelle Schroder and
Miss Bette Friesen of Salem
Bible academy, were the candle
lighters. The brlde'a mother wore for
her daughter's wedding, a two
piece burgundy suit with gray
accessories, and the bride
groom's mother wore a blue and
white crepe dress with navy
blue accessories. They both wore
rosebud corsages. Both the
bridegroom's grandmothers, Mrs
D. Lynn Guber and Mr. Alvin
Dickover, attended.
Reception Follows
The reception was held in the
church parlors. The table,
covered with a lace cloth, was
centered with a five tiered wed
ding cake, decorated with pink
rosebuds and silver leaves, top
ped with a soldier bridegroom
and bride ornament.
Mrs. Paul Mitchell, sister of
the bride, cut the cake and Mrs.
Ivan Gubser, aunt ft the bride
groom, and Mrs. Edwin Jones,
sister-in-law of the bride, serv
ed the punch. Miss Beth Hamil
ton, friend of the bride was in
charge of the guest book. Miss
Gilda Richards, cousin of the
bridegroom, and Miss Anna
Marie Rundstrom had charge of
the gifts. At the reception
door a huge white wedding bell
was hung. It was used at the
bride's sister's wedding.
For traveling, the bride wore
a two piece gray gabardine suit
with pink and black accessories
and white orchid corsage. The
couple motored to Spirit Lake
in Washington, after which they
will motor to Fort Bragg, N.C.,
where he will be stationed for
ten months.
The bride is a 1049 graduate
of Salem College and Academy,
where she majored in music.
She was the spring music festi
val queen at the Academy. The
bridegroom is a graduate of
Dayton union high school, class
of '46, and has been in the army
two years.
Miss Bodeen Is
Bride Sunday
Silverton A beautiful wed
ding took place at the Silver
ton Methodist church chancel
Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock
when Miss Verna Marie Bodeen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old R. Bodeen of Yamhill, and
Byron Charles Fry, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Fry of Silverton,
exchanged their nuptial vows
before the candlclighted altar
banked with pink and white
baskets and floor bouquets of
dahlias and gladioluses amid
lacy ferns. The Rev. Ben F.
Browning read the lines of the
double ring ceremony. Mrs.
Robert F. Fry, sister-in-law of
the bridegroom, assisted at the
organ by Mrs. Betty Hagen of
balem, sang. Mrs. Hagen also
played the wedding music.
Miss Gale Jackson and Miss
Edythe Holland in matching
floor-length gowns and wrist
bouquets lighted the tapers.
The bride, accompanied to the
altar and given in marriage by
her father, wore on Ivory slip
per satin dress, fashioned with
fitted bodice and sleeves pointed
over the hands and a full length
train. The fingertip length
veil was edged in old lace and
was held by a coronet of orange
blossoma and seed pearls. The
brlde'a only ornament was a
single strand of pearls, gift of
the bridegroom. She carried a
white Bible topped with a white
Honor attendant, was the
bride's sister, Mrs. R. Chris
Christenson, wearing pastel blue
satin modeled on long lines, and
a matching picture hat and long
mitts. She carried a basket
bouquet of pink daisies and
pompom dahlias. The brides
Junior attendant was a sister,
Miss Patricia Lou Bodeen, In
white lace net over gold satin
with matching large hat and
mitts. She carried a basket ar
rangement of yellow pompom
The bridegroom was attend
ed by his brother, Robert L.
Fry, as best man. Ushers were
George Hypes of Grants Pass
and Richard Bodeen, brother of
the bride.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Bodeen chose a burgundy
two-piece crepe dress with gray
accessories. Mrs. Fry, mother
of the bridegroom, wore a deep
blue wool two-piece suit with
pink and white accessories.
Each wore a corsage of cream
baby gladioluses.
At the reception for more
than 100 guests in the church
social rooms, Mrs. Lamar Bupp
of Monmouth assisted by Mrs.
Chris Christenson, cut the bride's
cake. Mrs. Ed Holden presided
at the op f fee urns. Serving
punch was Mrs. Maurice Van
Someran of Idanha. Table and
room decorations were in pink,
white and bronze late summer
flowers. Mrs. Tom Martin and
Mrs. Albert Tippner assisted
about the rooms. Miss Sylvia
Lucht was in charge of the
guest book. At the gift table
were Mrs. Eugene Durschmidt
and Miss Delores Fackler.
Serving the guests were Miss
Alice Miller, Miss Dorothea
Scarth, Miss Shirley Foote,.Miss
Marilyn Cullison of Oregon
City and Miss Barbara Smith
of Yamhill.
For traveling the bride wore
a mixture tweed suit with forest
green and dark brown acces
sories. She wore her wedding
orchid as a corsage. Follow
ing a trip to the coast resorts
and through southern Oregon,
Mr. and Mrs. Fry will announ
ce their future plans.
Nelson officiated at a marriage
in his court rooms Saturday,
SeDtember 17. Rnttii M. T.nntx
and Earl L. Knothe exchanging
their vows in a quiet ceremony.
Attendants were Arthur G.
Knothe and Miss Dorothy Yield
ing. MERRY TIME Huh Is tn tu en
tertained i'riday by Mrs. D. E.
Whitman at her Duncan avenue
home, dessert to be at 1:30
AUXILIARY to the United
Commercial Travelers was en
tertained Wednesday afternoon
for an informal gathering at the
home of Mrs. George Brown.
The October 19 meeting is to
be with Mrs. Floyd Colburn.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. United
Spanish War Veterans, will meet
Friday for a no-host luncheon
at 12:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Clyde McClung. 1865
South High street.
You Pay Lest ot Kailes
fall suit classic
Long, lean lines
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You're right In style with this
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You'll appreciate the smort
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Black, navy, brown, wine, green.
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S20 Court St PhoM 2-0512
Miss Rush and Mr. Case
Wed Sept. 1 7 at Gervais
Gervais The Gervais Sacred Heart Catholic church was the
scene cf the wedding of Miss Lucille Theresa Rush, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Rush, and Ralph Case of Salem, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Forsythe of Reno, Nev., Saturday evening, Sep
tember 17, at a 9:30 o'clock nuptial low mass. The couple ex
changed their vowi before a
high altar decorated with pink
and white asters and ferns. Rev.
Martin Doherty officiated at the
double ring ceremony. Darrell
Ferschweiler and Richard Leith
served at the altar.
Miss Joann Coleman, Mrs.
Joseph Coleman and Mrs. Rich
ard Meier were soloists, accom
panied by Mrs. Ross Coleman
at the organ.
The bride, entering on the
arm of her father, wore a white
slipper satin gown fashioned
with a long train, low square
neckline and long sleeves. Her
lace edged fingertip veil fell
from a pearl beaded head
wreath. She carried an orchid
on a white prayer book from
which fell streamers of white
satin ribbon.
Miss Roseann Rush, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor
and wore a pink faille gown with
drop shoulder effect bodice and
a three tiered skirt. She car
ried a nosegay of white asters
centered with a deep blue aster
and tied with blue satin ribbon.
Mrs. Alfred Nolan, sister of
the bride, and Miss Clara Man
ning were bridesmaids and they
wore blue faille gowns made
like that of the maid of honor.
They both carried nosegays of
white asters centered with a pink
aster and tied with pink satin
Joseph Coleman was best man
and James Coleman and Lloyd
Ferschweiler were groomsmen.
Ushers were Leroy Rush, broth
er of the bride, and William
The bride's mother wore a
maroon suit and black acces
sories and the groom's mother
wore a biege suit with brown
accessories. Their corsages were
white gardenias.
A wedding breakfast for the
wedding party, parents and of
ficiating clergymen was served
by Mrs. Sam Carter and Mrs.
Ray Kuhn at the K.C. cafe.
A reception was held at the
Sacred Heart parish hall. Mrs.
Richard Meier cut the cake. Miss
Barbara Jean Case, sister of the
bridegroom, presided at the
punch bowl and Mrs. Arthur
Richardson poured. Mrs. Clar
ence Grassman, Mrs. William
Koenig and Miss Jean Manning
assisted. Mrs. Joseph Coleman
and Mrs. Clyde Vachter had
charge of the gift table. The
guest book was passed by Misses
Dorothea Andrei and Mary
The bride chose a green suit
with black accessories for her
wedding trip to Crater lake and
the Oregon coast. To her suit
she pinned an orchid corsage.
The couple will reside in Salem.
Wedding Sept. 15
Scotts Mills Miss Audrey
Darlene Ettlin was wed to Allen
William Kraxberger, September
15 at the Christ Lutheran church
at Macksberg. Rev. William
Kraxberger, great uncle of the
bridegroom, officiated.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Ettlin
of Scotts Mills and the bride
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruno Kraxberger of Canby.
The bride wore traditional
white satin, with square quilted
neckline and long train. Her
two tiered veil was held with a
Juliet cap of lace trimmed with
pearls. She carried a cascade of
white carnations.
Miss Lois Boyd of Molalla,
maid of honor, wore a blue dress
and carried a cascade of white
carnations and blue asters.
The bridesmaids, Miss Shirley
Kraxberger, sister of the bride
groom, and Miss Norma Jean
Heinz of Canby wore pink
dresses. Their bouquets were of
white carnations and pink ast
ers. Little Francis Kraxberger was
flower girl. Her dress was pink
Best man was Stanley Keil
and ushers were Gale Christner
and Don Kreick.
The candlelighters were
Jackie Ettlin, brother of the
bride and Roger Hurst.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the church
The couple left on their wed
ding trip following the recep
tion. The bride wore a royal
blue suit with white accessor
The couple will make their
home in Eugene. Mrs. Kraxber
ger will attend the University of
A bridal shower was given In
honor of the bride recently by
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Open Friday Evening Till 9:00
Miss Willard
Wed at Albany
Albany On Sunday, Sep
tember 18, at 3:30 o'clock in the
afternoon. Miss Vida Lee Wil
lard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Willard of Albany, was
married to Glen Alan Mick, son
of the Rev. and Mrs. Orville F.
Mick, at the First Christian
church with the Rev. Mr. Mick,
father of the bridegroom, read
ing the single ring service.
Mr. Willard gave his daugh
ter in marriage. She wore a
white, brocaded faille wedding
gown, the skirt terminating in a
train. Her fingertip veil was
held in place with a wreath of
small, white flowers. Her only
jewelry was a strand of pearls.
a gift of the bridegroom. The
bride carried a crescent shaped
bouquet with an orchid center,
surrounded with white carna
tions and stephanotis.
Miss Donna Jean McVey, Kla
math Falls, cousin of the bride,
was maid of honor. She wore a
crocus shaded taffeta frock,
with fitted bodice, full skirt and
a double bertha collar. She car
ried a crescent shaped bouquet
of yellow flowers.
Miss Shirley Wilson, Albany
and Miss Delores Lee of Port
land were the bridesmaids, and
wore yellow dresses identical to
that of the honor attendant.
Each carried a crescent shaped
bouquet of lavendar flowers.
Miss Judith Gowdy of Eu
gene, in a white dotted Swiss
dress, was the flower girl.
Duane Otis Mick, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man.
The ushers were Thomas Ed
wards, Wesley Ishikawa, Don
ald Eastburn and Earl Willard,
brother of the bride.
Candlelighters were Miss
Maureen Mick, sister of the
bridegroom, and Miss Carlene
Mrs. Ted Hutchins, Spokane,
Wash., was the organist, play
ing the wedding marches. Miss
Dorothy Ganath, Yakima,
Wash., was the vocalist.
More than 350 persons attend
ed the wedding.
White gladioluses, yellow
marigolds and Michelmas dais
ies against a background of pot
ted palms and lighted candles
Miss Claire Kyllo and Miss Hel
en Wrolstad at the Wrolstad
home in Yoder. Lunch was
served by the hostesses.
were used as the decorations.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the church
dining room.
After a wedding trip to the
Oregon beaches Mr. and Mrs.
Mick will be at home in Eugene,
where Mr. Mick is to attend the
University of Oregon.
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