Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 22, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Large Group
At Tea on
One of the chaminely srran
ged teai of the early fall was the
silver one given by the Women's
Association and the Wertmin
iter guild of the First Presby
terian church, Wednesday after
noon, at the home of Mrs. Rob
ert L. Elf strom.
A large crowd attended the
The autumn and harvest theme
were carried out In the unusual
decorations. The tea table was
covered with a green chintz
table cloth and the centerpiece
was of various types of begonias,
all in yellow shades, with vari
gated leaves. Yellow tapers also
were used on the table.
Pouring were Mrs. Douglas
McKay, Mrs. James T. Brand,
Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin and
Mrs. A. F. Marcus.
On the buffet was an unusual
arrangement of fruits with cones,
nuts, etc. In the hall was an ar
tistic arrangement of branches
of apples. Featuring decorations
in the living room was a huge
bouquet of hydrangeas in the
various shades of the flower at
one end of the room, and dark
red asters on the mantel. Zin
nias and other fall flowers also
were used about the rooms.
General chairman for this suc
r cessful affair were Mrs. Herman
Lafky and Mrs. Hobart Jackson.
Legion Auxiliary
Dayton At a recent meet
ing of the Dayton American Le
gion and auxiliary, it was de
cided to change the meetings to
the first and third Monday
nights of each month.
Serving with Mrs. Tom Huff
man, president of the auxiliary,
are: Mrs. Ernest Beichel, Jr.,
first vice president; Mrs. Eva
McDougal, second vice presi
dent; Mrs. Eileen Schultz, sec
retary; Mrs. Agnes Merrill,
treasurer; Mrs. Gertrude Gib
bons, chaplain; Mrs. Theressa
Thornton, sergeant at arms;
Mrs. Eva Pierce, historian.
Committee chairmen for the
year are: Mrs. Pauline Fowler,
hospital; Mrs. Grace Wiley,
community service; Mrs. Ger
trude Gibbons, child welfare;
Mrs. Willametta Schroeder, jun
ior girls; Mrs. Zetta Murphy,
juniors; Mrs. Lula Lichenthaler,
Americanism; Mrs. Catherine
Galer, poppy; Mrs. Elizabeth
W i 1 1 e r t, legislative activities;
Mrs. Ada Dresselhouse, national
security and music; Mrs
Blanche Rufencr, publicity.
akkivinu Thursday for a
few days visit here at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. T?l-
lea, Jr. were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Netzel and family of Rosehnrir
V They are cousins of Mrs. Rilea.
1 W
vmj. fir m
I 1 CY'
Wed September 4 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Crumme
were married September 4. The bride is the former Marilyn
Hjort daughter of Mrs. H. J. Hjort of Salem and Mr. Crumme
the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Crumme of Berkeley, Calif. The
couple are at home in Eugene, both attending the University
of Oregon. (McEwan studio picture).
OES Event
On Tuesday
Chadwick chapter. No. S7, Or
der of the Eastern Star, observed
friendship night Tuesday eve-!
ning. with officers of Salem
chRDter as special guests.
The worthy patron and star
points of Salem chapter assisted
in the initiation. Mrs. Mary
Watkins. Mrs. Leona Graham
and Miss Carol Cantway be
came members by initiation and
Mrs. Slyvia Bryan and Mrs.
Daisy Sims became members by
The worthy grand patron of
Oregon. Leslie Bass, was also a
special guest, as were Mrs. Paul
Hauser. oast worthy grand ma
tron of Oregon; Mrs. Alice Rune
grand representative to Louisi
ana: and Mrs. Fern Schuey,
worthy matron of Marylin chap
ter. Mill City. All spoke for the
good of the order, as did Mrs.
Claude Post and William New-
myer, worthy matron and wor
thy patron of Salem chapter.
Ronald Craven, accompanied
by Mrs. Craven, sang several
numbers. All those whose birth
days occur ir September were
honored by the worthy matron
Mrs. D. M. Eby.
An invitation was read to at
tend the installation of a new
chapter at Tigard on October
Refreshments were served by
the following committee: Mr
and Mrs. J. S. Murray, chair
men; Miss Ulva Derby, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Blackman. Mrs. Ber-
Mothers Group
Chl Omega Mothers' club of
Willamette university is to meet
Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. Louis du Buy. Invita
tion is extended to mothers of
new students in the chapter.
Refreshments will be served
at 10 o'clock. Mrs. du Buy is
president of the club.
tha Bergman. Mrs. Florence Pur
vine. Mrs. Daisv Mrlntvre. Mr
and Mrs. Mead Petteys. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Perry, Mrs. Let-i
tie iienre, Mr. ana Mrs. A. E.
NEIGHBORS of Woodc r a t f
will hold a business meeting Fri
day evening, September 23, at
the Woman's club house at 460
No. Cottage street. Everyone is
asked to bring a sack lunch.
Coffee and cream will be furn
ished. Members from Silver Bell
circle attended grand lodge in
Portland and witnessed the com
petitive drills put on by west
ern states drill teams.
GIRL SCOUTS of Troop No.
SO celebrated the fourth birth
day of their troop with a birth
day party at regular meeting
time Tuesday, in the Presbyter
ian church parlors.
The girls took part in a birth
day candle ceremony and were
presented with their member
ship cards for the coming year.
Plans for this year's program
were discussed and the birthday
was served for refresh Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1919 7
i. Mrs. Paul Bale is theleader o( Ule ,roop
Buck Saddles
Genuine white buck
skin with Spoulding
single piece soles and
Starting Tomorrow - Friday
481 State Street
WOODBURN The regular
meeting of Home Rebekah lodge
No. 58 was held Tuesday eve
ning at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs.
Sidney Cummings, noble grand,
presided after being absent sev
eral meetings on account of illness.
Plans were made to hold the
harvest festival for the I.O.O.F.
Home at the October 18 meeting
and members are requested to
bring quilt scraps, crochet
thread, yarn, canned food and
other articles for the Home to
this meeting.
Appointed as the refreshment
committee for the next meet
ing, October 4, were Mrs. J. B.
Gay, Mrs. Roy Kay and Miss
Rowena Cole. After the meeting
Mrs. Don Bell, Mrs. Claire An
dresen and Mrs. Addie Doud
served a watermelon feed.
received by Salem friends and
relatives of the birth of a daugh
ter, Tuesday, September 20, to
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. McWain
of Portland. The little girl has
been named Mary Lee. She has
an older sister, Judith. Grand
parents are Mrs. Homer E. Mc-
Wain of Salem and Dr. and Mrs.
Carl Hollingworth of Portland.
Republican Group
Plans Banquet
Albany Mrs. Joseph R.
Farrington, Washington, DC,
president of the National Fed
eration of Women's Republican
clubs, will be a guest in Albany
at a banquet and public meeting,
September 26, to be held at the
Albany hotel, according to word
received here by Mrs. H. C.
Rowlee, chairman of the Albany
Interested persons from Sa
lem and Junction City as well as
all precinct workers and Young
Republicans have been invited.
Mrs. Farrington is the wife of
the present delegate to congress
from Hawaii. In republican cir
cles, Mrs. Farrington has been
named to several posts of re
sponsibility. In addition to her Albany
meeting, Mrs. Farrington will
also meet with republican men
and women in Bend, The Dalles
and Milton - Freewater, accord
ing to the state president of the
federation, Mrs. W. F. Burns,
Portland, who is bringing Mrs.
Farrington to Oregon.
this time freedom of control.
in a Fashioned VASSAR
how. Vassarette features
"Free-Action" Botton Finish
ond garter attachments.
Eyes right for color! Tea
rose, White, Blue, or
Black. Luxury comfort to
be sure, but the price
is just 5.00.
Nonsense, you can't help
mentioning the BEAUTEE-
FIT Bra. "Intrigue" is
its name ... a creation of
Hollywood. Happy choice?
Of course, ond only 2.98.
has ihe
LOWEST PRICE in years on . . .
Irregulars of FAMOUS "PARK AVENUE"
and other famous brands
Regularly $1.39 and $1.69 Values
If Perfect
NOW! Amazingly Low
for ONLY ...
Choice of:
and other new
Fall colors
51 Guage 30 Denier
51 Guage 15 Denier
Some Are Perfects
SHOP EARLY for better selections
136 North Commercial Salem, Ore.
J" 83 KNOW IT WELL, she says,
If V" SY V I Pf when a SEAMPRUFE
$1 - X rl 111 SLIP is spoken of. She
1 "'Jw.. - h - 1 knows it's tailored from
5,,V"1 1 YV 1 tninilu n..,..sJ S "V BUR-MIL multi-filament
mm -,., i- Jk V P0Cla!ly P"-"ea f A crepe. Figure proportioned,
tf " C""""' I Otherwise Our reg. I I I If A too, for short, average and
, ff' V I I ... . JL O h f n tall. Sizes 32-44. 2.98.
11 V'll' If i$Yfl ex'ra value! We mean
1 1 ' (I I v qwolify in famout woven-
If l :- - l i4i I I tS l $ripe cottons, Sanforized
Iff! '4' zHBI Wit' PI (max.hrinkag 1X)for
ivff )1hI I I i '50tr wear mean 'y'e
J f; t t 'r 'is I I ' I ft ISS 1 in brand new dresses
I fc ,iCJL""'J wjf vl featuring Fall colors I
pa M wva,wy ,oo"in ,ypes' colors
! new pocket lnter..tlir J X I ond sizes for everyone.
' tide-swept dotoMs I Shop 'Till
Plenty of Free Parking button-front cla.slcl Q .0Q p M Prjday
Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort
C8 jrjJJJ 530 North Capitol St.
the whitest, smartest,
best looking uniform
under the nylon sun. Yes,
the BARCO is Belding nylon.
Expertly created with
set-in belt, zipper front
and action back. The
BARCO is 10.95.
They're special, these four.
But fall's fashioned more
Where everything in
Fashion's at
J Store for ladies