Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER 6 Capita Journal. Salem. Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22. 1949 Oak Knoll Club Elects Wednesday New officer! for the Oak Knoll Ladies' Golf club were elected Wednesday as follows: Mrs. R. G. McKarland, presi dent; Mrs. Samuel Miller, first vice president; Mrs. Clinton Buiter second vice president; Mrs. Tom Starbuck, secretary; Mrs. Don Huff, treasurer. In the presentation of awards, Mrs. McFarland was given the Marge Fulgham cup, Mrs. Ice land LeFors being runner-up. In the consolation tourney on the cup, Mrs. Kenneth Jacohson won with Mrs. Randolph Hilton as runner-up. I The Oak Knoll tourney award went to Mrs. Hilda King with Mrs. Wesley Stewart as runner-up. Following the day's play the group was entertained at lunch eon by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash by at the clubhouse. ... Miss Mansur Is Recent Bride Dayton Miss Lois Ardcll Mansur, daughter of Mrs. Betty Mansur, and the late Carl Man sur of Stevenson, Wash., was married to Walter C. Shippy, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Shippy of Dayton, in a candlelight, double ring cere mony, performed at the Steven son Methodist church, on Sun day afternoon, September 11 at 4 o'clock, before a large group of friends and relatives. Rev. Charles Molsee of Carson, Wash., officiated before an altar decorated with pink and white gladioluses. Tho bride, given in marriage by her brother. Dale Mansur, wore a white wool gabardine suit with cocoa brown accessor ies and a corsage of red rosebuds and carried a white Bible with a cascade of red roses. Mrs. Carl Copper. Jr., of Van couver, Wash., wai matron of honor and wore a pink gabar dine suit with a corsage of white carnations. Jack Gell, Dayton, was best man and Ronald Shippy and Dick Phillips wero ushers. Miss Patsy Miller and Mrs. Ed Galloway sang before the serv ice and during the ceremony, accompanied by Mrs. Erwin Kechn, who played the wedding music. At the reception following the ceremony, Mrs. tloya snippy, and Mrs. Ray Mansur of Boise, Idaho, aunts of the bride and bridegroom, cut the four-tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Chester Le Marr of Mission Bottoms, and Mrs. Harold Stoutenberg of Unionvale, cousins of the bride groom, poured. Mrs. Lois Beck on had charge of the guest book. The bride, a graduate of the Stevenson high school class in 1947 has been secretary to R. C. Sly, attorney. The bridegroom, recently discharged from the U.S. navy after four years, has been electronics technician, 1st class, at Patupcrt River, Md. After a trip around the Olym pic peninsula the young couple will make their home in Cor vallis. where he will enter Ore gon State college. Guesls from Oregon were: Mrs. Jessie Vernon, Dayton, aunt of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sloulenberg, Un ionvale; Mr. and Mrs. Chester LeMarr, and sons, Alex. Byron and Francis Lee LaFollette, Mission Bottoms; Mr. and Mrs. Clctes Gell and son Jack Gell of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parder of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Buzzrll and family of Salem: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Con way, Portland; Donald Gordon of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black and family, Port land: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spencer, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Linus Linnscntt. Portland. At Soroptimist Roroptimist club members heard an interesting talk on city government by Miss Mary Brady at their luncheon meet ing, Wednesday, in the Golden Pheasant. Miss Brady, a mem ber of the club, is secretary in the office of J. L. Franren, city manager Miss Gertrude Arheson, new executive director at the Salem YWCA, was a guest at the meet ing. A program Is planned for next Wednesday's luncheon, also. MRS. Wlll.lAM GARDNER was elected to take the degree f chivalry at Monday's meeting of Salem Behekah lodge No. 1. A memorial service was held In memory of one of the recent ly deceased members, Mrs. Jen ate Knight. The Three Links elub will hold its meeting Friday at 2:30 o'clock. The Ladies auxiliary, Patriarchs Militant, will meet on Thursday night. The Past No ble Grands club will meet In the lodge hall Instead of at the home tit Mrs. Jeanie Morris as previ- j Women Voters Meeting Notices are out from the lo cal League of Women Voters for a tea to be given next Tuesday afternoon at the West Lincoln street home of Mrs. Bruce Spaulding. Mrs. James West, Portland, state president, is to be here with the Salem group for the meeting, slated for 2:30 o'clock. Engagements Announced Several engagement announ cements have featured the week. The engagement of Miss Vir ginia Erb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Schmidt, to Charles Sherwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherwood, is being announc ed. No date has been set for the wedding. Both young people are students at Salem high school. Bisbee-Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shepherd are announcing the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Lois Shepherd, to Donald Bisbee. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bisbee of Independence. No date is set for the wed ding. The bride-elect is a grad uate of Salem high school. Mr. Bisbee was graduated in June from Oregon State college. Johnson Reynolds Announcement is made of the approaching marriage of Miss Mattie Reynolds, Salem, daugh ter of Mrs. Gertrude Reynolds of Fahlequah, Okla., to Jay W Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Johnson of Salem. The wedding is planned for October 23 in the First Presby terian church with Dr. Chester W. Hamblin officiating. V- l tf -vJVnx ' ' ' Recent Bride The marriage of Mrs. Rolland J. Van Cleave, the former Patricia Ruth Densmore, was solemnized Septem ber 16. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Densmore, Jr. of Scio and Mr. Van Cleave is the son of Charles Van Cleave, also of Scio. The couple will live in Salem. (McEwan studio picture). Golf Event At the Salem Women's Golf association day, Wednesday, winners in the day's play on low putts included: Mrs. J. H. Thompson, class A; Mrs. Glenn Stevens, class B; Mrs. Donald McCargar, class C; Mrs. Orval Lama, class D. The final play on the cap tain's trophy will be next Wed nesday, State Fair week having caused the play to be extended a week. Next week, too. a group from here will be in Eugene for the Oregon Women s Golf asso ciation piny. AAUW Events Mrs. F. A. Massec is the new fellowship chairman for the Sa lem branch, American Associa tion of University Women, it is announced by the president, Miss Elise Schroeder. Mrs. Mas see will be introduced at the luncheon meeting of the AAUW Saturday at the Marion hotel as will all the other committee chairmen for the new year. Attending the state AAUW board meeting in Eugene this past week-end from Salem were Miss Schroeder, Miss Beryl Holt, state legislative chairman; Miss Eleanor Stephens, state histor ian; Miss Joy Hills, state educa tion chairman; and Miss Con stance Weinman, the local treas urer. LYONS Friends were in terested to hear of the wedding of Jess Wasser Jr., former busi ness man of Lyons, now resid ing in Portland, and Miss Nancv Jean Richards, also of Portland. The wedding was an 8 o'clock candlelight service Saturday, those of the maid of honor. September 17 at the First Chris- Thomas Cooper, Salem, cousin tian church of Portland. of the bride, was best man. Hen- Miss Cooper Is Bride at Morning Service in Albany A wedding attended by several Salem friends took place In Albany last Saturday morning when Miss Mary Anne Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Cooper of Albany, was married to James Francis Dombrosky, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dombrosky, also of Albany. The rites took place at H o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church at' Albany, the Rev. Lawrence J Saalfcld of Portland, cousin of the bride, performing the double ring ceremony. White gladio luses and asters decorated the altar. The pews were tied with white satin bows. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ivory satin wedding gown with net yoke trimmed with lace. The skirt was caught up in front showing a slip of satin embel lished with ruffles and lace. The skirt fell in a full train. The double veil was of imported French illusion trimmed with lace to match the dress. Com pleting the bride's costume were five strands of pearls. The bride carried a bouquet of cas cading white single gladiolus blossoms with green puffs, tied with white satin ribbon. Miss Betty Voytck was maid of honor. Her dress was of white marquisette over satin. She carried a cascading bouquet of pink asters with green puffs. A headdress of flowers to match the bouquet completed her cos tume. Two Bridesmaids Mrs. Ray Harris, jr., and Miss Georgine Plattner were the bridesmaids. Their dresses were of white marquisette over satin, identical to that of the maid of honor. Mrs. Harris carried a cascading bouquet of yellow asters with green puffs with headdress to match. Miss Plat tner carried the same type of bouquet of orchid shaded asters with green puffs and also a head dress to match. All the attend ants wore white mitts to match their dresses and each wore single strands of pearls. The Misses Marilyn and Patty Schlcchtcr. cousins of the bride, in white taffeta dresses, were flower girls. Their flowers and headdresses were the same as ry Cooper, Salem, and James Ammon, Albany, ushered and Ted Snyder received the guests in the vestibule. Robert Cooper, brother of the bride, lighted the candles. Altar boys were Rudy Derrah and Dennis Barrett. Wayne Meusey, Salem, was the musician and also sang be fore the nuptial mass Reception at Hotel After the ceremony a recep tion was held in the large din ing room at the Albany hotel, with more than 200 guests pre sent. Decorations consisted of white gladioluses and yellow marigolds. ihe refreshment table was centered with a four-tiered wed ding cake edged with white as ters and fern. Mrs. Robert Dove of Salem and Miss Mary Dom brosky, aunt of the bridegroom, presided at the table. Mrs. B. H. Saalfcld, Eugene, aunt of the bride, cut the cake and was as sisted by Mrs. Martin Schlechter, Mrs. Teresa Cooper of Salem and Mrs. Frank Saalfcld. Those who served were: Misses Ethlen Tunison, Barbara Densmore, Shirley Osburn, Joan Saalfcld. Miss Wilma Cosier passed the guest book. Mrs. N. S. Allard and Mrs. Clinton Huffman had charge of the gifts. Music for the reception was furnished by Miss Adeline Ehrlich. The bridal couple left, after the reception, on a wedding trip by automobile to be gone ten days. For going-away the bride wore a green tailored suit with copper accessories and pinned to her shoulder was a spray of cop per shaded roses. Both the bride and bride groom were graduated from Al bany high school. Mr. Dombro sky is employed by the L. E. Snell Co., at Albany, and the bride by the Albany branch of the U. S. National bank. RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE SWEATER SEASON! i I WEEDS At Seen In SEVENTEEN ROLL NECKS 100 VIRGIN WOOL . . . BABY-KNIT STYLE in these new sweaters by Peggy Parker. In all the wanted pastels and, of course, white. Come buy your new sweater in this high quoliry ond save! SHORTS SLEEVE PULLOVERS LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS ... $3.98 M.50 $5.98 DOWNSTAIRS It's a Mademoiselle Exclusive $24 95 Fashion-right, In radiant San chilla tissue crepe . . with plunging neckline and stand ing collar of the smartest stylet. Two tiny jeweled pins highlight the bodice ... the skirt is graced with flattering petal pockets and soft un pressed pleats. Smart sophisti cation for the "five-feet-four and under" miss. In fall shades; black, brown, florin grey, sable taupe, teal, sig norywine, campiello green. Y (7 PLAID SHIRT Aristomoor Rayon Fabric We don't hove enough superlatives to describe this beauty. The exclusive plaids ore exquisitely colored. The tailoring's magnificent convertible collar, action-back pleats, extra long tails. The fabric's the kind you dream about colorfast, wrinkle-resistant, hanky washable. And It's all yours at a trifling little price! Sizes 32 to 40. Famous SHIP n SHORE quality as seen in LIFI MADEMOISELLE and SEVEXTEEX A ' V -- MOM 1 r I INSIST'? WuetA. Twice as warm... twice as smartl Face the coldest days in Youthmore's newest success a full length storm coat of dashing natural camel fleece . . lined throughout with silky, toasty-warm Alpaca and topped with a luxuriant, shoulder-wide collar of deep brown v ) Matara Mouton. A "must" for country, for campus, for winter sports! a ilisi $I35 . It W0tBi viwff $725 I 1 . ; high fashion notes ... in two tones of gray Seldom will you find a suit so simple ... yet so dramatic! Youthmore does it for you in a fine yarn- dyed worsted, in the season's most successful color gray adds two dashing Parisian hip panels in darker contrast, to match the cigarette-slim skirt. Choose this suit for its elegant, sure flattery, its superlative tailoring! v usiy announced. k