Local Paragraphs Miss Tour Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier fail to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 6 P. M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Building Permit Leonard Turnbull, to erect one-story dwelling and garage at 310 Can dalaria drive, (12.000; James Minty, to erect one-story dwell ing and garage at 10J W. Culver lane. 112.500: C. R. Wilson, to reroof garage at 397 S. 12th, $50; Ernest Hippe, to repair dwelling at 79B S. 21st. 7S; Kenneth Ahrandt, to erect one- (tory dwelling and garage at 2245 Mill, $5,600; Carl M. Doan, to alter dwelling and garage at 247S Broadway, $1,000; J. B. Drive In, to alter restaurant at 2230 fairgrounds road, 100. I Open Office Ray J. Pin-! aon, D.S.C., a recent graduate! of the California College of Chiropody of San Francisco, is opening an office on the fourth floor of the Oregon building. Pinson has been a resident of Salem for approximately 15 j -and has a wife and daughter.! He received his degree after four years of study in the Cal- j ifornia college. Beach Use Disputed Clam diggers and private fliers will j have to share a short section of the beach on Netarts bay for the; time being because the state highway commission is unable to decide whether or not either Is entitled to exclusive use of the isolated sand. The Sportsman Pilots association wants the strip designated an aircraft landing! field but J. M. Devers, attorney j for the commission, believes clam diggers might have prior rights. The commission finally gave the pilots the sand, but on temporary basis in case any aggrieved clam diggers show up. Doctorate Granted Alan B. Smith, Salem Rt. 7, was among three Oregon students graduat ing from the University of Chi cago this month. Smith received his doctorate in philosophy. Hage Plane Victim Mrs. E. X. Wiper, 1830 East Nob Hill, has received word of the death of her brother, R. O. Hage, at War ren, Minn. He was the victim of an airplane accident and though no details were given in t he telegram, it is presumed that he was in a private plane. Hage, an attorney, holds a private pilot's license. State Demands Proof The Delake community will have to prove its D river, the abbrevia ted outlet of the oceanside lake to th sea, is the shortest river fct the world as it has proclaim ed. Th highway commission in Portland this week denied the request of the D-Rlver chapter of the Disabled American Vet erans for a sign at the new D river bridge proclaiming the river if th shortest in the world. It. H, Baldock, state highway en gineer, aays he has no proof of the assertion. Dancing Club Articles of in iorporation were on file today for the Carousel Dancing Club of Salem, a non-profit organiza tion. Signing the articles were Melvin H. Bedsaul, William Johnston and Betty Galloway. Moon Eclipse An eclipse of the moon, visible in Salem, may be observed on the night of Oc tober 8, Carl P. Richards, ama teur astronomer and an employe of th state highway depart ment, told members of the Ex change club Wednesday. He made the prediction at the start - of a talk dealing with mathe matical tabulations which en able astromnomera to predict eclipse information dealing with those he has observed. $75 Fin for Van Blericon ' Municipal Judge W. W. McKin ney assessed a $75 fine and sus pended the license of Ralph L. Van Blericon for 80 days Thurs day when a plea of guilty was entered on a reckless driving charge. Van Blericon, involved in one fatal accident as well as a collision with a parked car dur ing the past six months, was ar rested Tuesday on the reckless driving charge. Wednesday he pleaded innocent to the charge, but changed that plea at an ap pearance in court Thursday. Dresses, Lingerie Stole n Dresses and women's undercloth lng valued at $82 were reported stolen to Salem police by Mrs. Eulela Arnold, 775 Ferry street. An investigation was made. Blue Book Out Soon The 1949-50 issue of the Oregon Blue book will be ready for distribu tion in a short time, according to the secretary of state's office. Under an act of the last legisla ture the price of the new Blue book will be 50 cents instead of former price of IS cents. B0RN: The Capital Journal Welcomes the Following New Clttiena: eriLUOX To Mr. i4 lin. CrU S illtn, attvrm, rnnf 1. fcis m. it tha!m Ornrrtl honptttl, s bor. Bpt. SI SHArf Tf Mr. ind Mr. DflnB! Bluff, at S, Bof IS, ftt lh 8t!m Otntral hot. Sllal, Kr. S.j.1. II. TAOEB T Mr. u Mr Da! Ttr. rcut I. bi ?. at tha Salam Mamarlal kaapttal. t bor. apt. tl. TnP To Mr. and Mra. Wtftwr Tripp, laso Jrffarann, at ihr Baltm Mrtnortal (krlal. a Soy, SVpt. 31. MIX!MT Mr. ar-H Mra. ,rtm M-n. la 1"M Caarada Orlva. a lha Salam Manorial koapital, s airl, 4VrL St. Contractors Listed Certitt- cate of assumes business nameion a charge of attempting to ob-i for Mills & Kimmell, General; lain money by false pretensei.1 rnniraMnri h hppn Itlert wsthiu V&f4 unt in m the county clerk by M. L. Mills' worthless check in several and W. B. Kimmell. jlem stores while being followed . I by a detective. In the other MHini iii-,mirt n,.. lh., eharS of writins a been filed with the county clerk by D. E. Eva and Floyd E. Mc Keever that they are retiringjG Coble for plea. Bail was set! from McKeevers' Mobile Serv- at 250- ce. 7 . Reports Report re-jC Hunter Reports Report re ceived by the county court show that Victor Howard, Marion county predatory animal hun ter, during August killed 4 coy otes, 2 bobcats, 12 foxes, 4 ra coons and 1 skunk, working 25 days during the period. Rev, Fedje Returns Rev. Roy A. Fedje, Salem district superin tendent of the Methodist church, returned Tuesday from the Ad vance for Christ committee meet ing of his church held in Phila dephia. Prior to this meeting he returned from a six weeks' tour of Europe, visiting such countries as Scotland, England. Norway, Denmark and France. Building Permits Florence Knox, to reroof dwelling at S6S South 18th, $175; Art Sprout, to erect self-service laundry at 1180 Woodrow, $4500; G. I. Hill, to erect one-story dwelling and garage at 664 Catterline, $7, 500; G. J. Morson, to reroof dwelling at 871 North Front, $500; Laura Drill, to alter dwell ing at 885 N. Winter, $1800; R. C. Hunter, to repair dwelling at 565 South Liberty. $50. Return to Turner Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ackerson, who have been living in Eugene for the last two years, have returned to Turner. Their farm has been rented to the Raymond David son family which has moved to another farm north of Salem. Director Resigns Margaret Allen, summer director of pub licity for Willamette university. has resigned from that position to enter business. Miss Allen, who was a recent May queen and who later did graduate work at Stanford, has been re placed by Beverly Lytle of Al bany, Journalism major from the University of Oregon, who will be an assistant in the director of information's office. New Member Dinner A din ner meeting for persona who be came affiliated with th YMCA during the recent enrollment week effort will be held at the YMCA next Thursday evening. The dinner is under the spon sorship of the new member coun- cilling committee of the Y head ed by Berne Selberg. The new members will be introduced to YMCA staff members and then taken on a tour of the building. The committee will conduct a follow up program for a period of two months in an effort to orient the new members. Station Filinr Made Ken neth Takayama, route 1, Brooks. has filed certificate of assumed business name with th county clerk for Takayama Mobile Service station, 3175 Portland road. Salem Couple Licensed Guy H. Hampton and Cynthia E. Trimmer, both of Salem, have been issued a marriage license at Vancouver, Wash. Guns, ammunition, hand traps, blue rocks, cleaning kits, hunt ing knives, decoys, scopes. R. V. Woodrow Co. (Gil Ward, prop.) 450 Center. 227 38 V-8 shape, $25. 28555. Transmission, 1885 N. 4th. A-l Ph. 228 Th Marshall-Wells store in Hollywood will be open until 8 p.m. Fridays. 226 Rummage sale at the Knight Memorial church Friday 30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Laurel Guild and women fel lowship. 228 Chin Up Store. Has fresh ranch eggs that you have been wanting. Hand tied fish flies for fishermen. 1275 N. Church. Ph. 3-3018, Salem. 228 Classes to start Mrs. S. B. Laughlin's children's painting classes .will begin Saturday, Oct. 1 at 1705 Court St., hours to be from 8:30 a.m. to 12 o'clock noon. 228 Old dishes and clean rum mage. 389 N. Liberty, bBck en trance. 9 to 8 on Friday. Sat.. 9 I to 5. 227 2" turrent rate on your savings. Salem Federal, 560 State St Salem's largest Savings association Alice Givens, former owner of Bonnie Dee, now at Larsen's Beauty Studio. Sat. only, 233 Win guest ticket to the 1 sinor theatre. Read th Capital Journal want arts Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2 '4 ,ee FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 8. Liberty Ph. 3-4944. Exclusiv presentation. Imper ial wallpaper. R L Elfstrom Co. , Phora 22406 oefor. 8 pm. If au mias your Capital Journal. Two Check Cases Two (heck cases were brought befor. dis-i triet court Thursday, and a plea of guilty waa entered in one.' Roy C. Bruaas, a transient, was ordered held for the grand Jury check without sufficient funds.!- Anderson was a late rest- raniinn.H int rhr-tdent of 2590 Simpson street. !a I a Hi IMM Ivltf tail Ilia King Gusfav III; Taken from Train Stockholm, Sweden, Sept. 22j,tt!fi at Langlois in southern1 U King Gustav, 81, had to be carried off th train today on nis return irom a summer nott- day, prompting concern for his Surviving besides the widowjcal year, the commission map condition, lare three dauehtera. Dorothy iiwd J.S Ofifl nnn -mnrth r.t k Close associates of the kingiMae. Betty Louise and Florence saia ne was very weak, ana naa oeen auiiermg irom a com. u- mors that his condition was seri- ous circulated when other mem- bcrs of the royal family also returned to Stockholm, Martinet Due Here Alvaro wriBKoimni,r.i., recent- !y named intercontinental vice president for the YMCA, will be in Salem next Monday noon for luncheon with local Y officials S3? MlTzrlZ entire Corridor Bids i gaged in making a visit to Y's: Men's clubs of the Pacific coast and following his luncheon here will go to Portland Seattle and Yakima. At the latter point teL w.ll attend a district meeting of Ys Men scheduled for Oct. 1-2.U Norman Wtnslow, district prest- dent of Y's Men will take parti m the Yakima conference as will a number of other Salem men. Shot In Ear While 13-year- old Donald Van Hess was riding his bicycle along a Salem street an unidentified boy on the side walk shot a green pea through a bean shooter at him. The pea struck Van Hess in the ear, dead center, and wedged in the drum. Salem a f i r t aid squad tze themselves with the areas, took Van Hesa to a physician, Jthe type of work and the expect who removed the pea. The ed costs. A sample area has been youthful marksman, meanwhile.iestablished whereon prospective! had disappeared. . , , Chin-l'pper to Sing Opal , .j V snag lire hazard in the big burn r M Ch.n-up club, accompanied by is the lirst st in lhe f ti ggarfatC PianniilO Mrs. Emma Laswell at the piano,L.4 ,uhm)rf! h . ifvUHUW lUiililliy ,...11 ! I c 1 i Chm-up club on radio KOCO Saturday between i and 4 o'clock. Both women live in West SBlem. Grange Plans "Day" An ail day meeting of the home eco nomic club of the M a e 1 a y Grange will be held at the hall Monday, The day will be spent arranging articles for the rum mBge sale and planning for the annual agricultural fair. A paper sack lunch will be held at noon. Colng to Albany A large group of local republican wo men from Salem and vicinity plans to go to Albany next Mon day for the dinner meeting hon oring Mrs. J. R. Farrington of Washington, D. C, president of ihe National Federation of Wo men's Republican clubs. The lo cal group is planning to charter a bus, should 30 be able to go. Those wishing to go are asked to contBct Mrs. Lloyd De Groote, 3S724. Refinish your Venetian New tapes, cords and new paint Blinds during Fall cleaning, job will make them look like new, Reinhoidt & Lewis will pick up and deliver. Ph. 2-3638. 228 Dog supplies: Harness, col lars, soap, flea powder and dog candies, Shafer'a Leather Goods, 125 N. Comm'l. St. 228 Going to reroof 7 Our estimates are free. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 80 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-9B04. 226 Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary, Ken Potts Insurance Agen cy, 228 N. Liberty. 228 Rummage sale by Salem Mem orial Hospital auxiliary, Sept. 23 and 24. 129 N. Com'l, 226 Zonta' club rummage sale, Friday, Saturday, over Green baum'i. Benefit of Helen Yockey Memorial fund for hospital. 227 MUSIC LESSONS Accordion, Marimba, Guitars and Piano. Instruments rented while you learn. Wiltsey Music Studios, 1830 K. 20th. Phone 37188. 233 Win guest ticket to th El sinor theatre. Rad th Capital Journal want ada Watch for opening date of new dept. for beginners in pho tography. Henry's, 489 State. 228 Win a guest ticket to th El sinor theatre. Read th Capital Journal want ads. Rmma uta at fijta St t.th. f.rtVf rri ( Sgt. by Project group. 227- Orwlg'f Market has young fresh killed turkeyi, 3e; also baby beef for locker. 87e. 4375 Silverton Rd. Ph. 28128. 228 Nola Adams has returned toj ' ' L.r,en Beauty Studio. Phone 3-BOJJ. JSS'jgai,,,. Funeral Held For Anderson Portland K.nt ip Rtt Funeral services were held at the Ciouffh - Blfricic chapel Ss-jThursday afternoon for Lester Lemuel Anderson, Salem struction worker, who died at uaitas aunoay irom a neart at- A resident of Salem since 1839, Anderson was born Janu - aij j, mil, uirn unci, ai jthe son of Sarah Jane and D ifancv gadgets in the lavatories. 8.000.000 more than in ,,!" JJ,!s3shter of tn late Dan and W. Anderson. He was married to! Th. ,si fcii. ..i.i..nwi li.5t!8 5!o this in Au.l,BSrtl!.v- Una. wr.SA r,inr,.r r,irtt.Mi Lavma Sherbondy, survives him, at Concordia, Xans., December, 8. 1920. The Anderaona came to enn from Kansas in 1937 and;tn run4 tia -tu. Oreaon. It was from there thBti they came to Salem. H was a veteran of World War 1. June Anderson, all of Salem; two sons, Albert L. and Marion D, Anderson, both of Salem; four aiaters, Mrs. Charlea Niefert of Glen Elder, Kans., Mr. John Abraham of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Elsie Breitweiser Bnd Eli-l , i ,th f stvin Caji ) and three grandchiidren,! Marsha Jane, Leroy and There-! - Anderson, all of Salem. . i f f r r r i A tiffin tftf Klfl KHfll "'9 B;ds or e(mstrucling snag.; fjre coiioTS in the xiiia-i k b(jrn wi!J be d Oeto: , b ,h , , b(Jard , or.; , n' ' ,. .... ! L . " . J , P"'" - . ". - required to furnish all snag feli- ling equipment. The forestry de- partment has marked the corri dors in blocks, with each anag to be removed marked with yel low paint. All interested bidders are urged to visit the designated ear-isnag blocks in order to familiar bidders may cut a few snags to determine costs. Thl .fr.f f. ,..,: , . v., " T '!flortii American continent. Many Names for Arrested Transient Salem detectives boasted Thursday they had uncovered a transient vagrant who would put most feminine Hollywood stars to shame when it comes to changing names, at least. Th man was arrested in Sa lem and gave the name of Fred Harley Davis. Fingerprint rec ords nd police files, however, disclosed a record of some 33; arrests for charges ranging from; vagrancy to grand theft and In-; eluding one dope chBrge. Almost as numerous as the number of arrests were the num ber of aliases Davis used. With several duplications, they were: Fred Davis, Frank Leonard, Frank Davis, James Diggs, James Digg, John Brown, John Cava naugh, Tom Ravenough, John Ravenuel, John Bowman, John Revenel, Frank Herman, Fred erick Davis. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Min r. frt Jmu Hrfci i orc fomptatlnt ftll crvjI mJ irhi7Jn tritmnt tint tuk euntofJr I ftvor trfiU 4rn. MfttTl4 Jutr 1, t ?ottf vr, out. f Tat . 0. ShfritfatR. 4umiMti R motion of tJiAlTifi l.trae? far ixaut tiiitntr of vidtitt. Smith McMintts Hcfliji Bmp too. McM(lcr 4pIuU oixlrr nriJ, t6 H. Xmirrt, H.hintl r thttrt m! with eonljibulint l th- 4nwR,t of jifr; FrftTtTti U. Crwfo7f, ? Trd ftfftt, hrfJ ttfi jion support. com pit i (it erie,i n-i lnhumo in Bm. ProboU Court Albert W!tfr f 'jrtfintiij, Jkuw Trtwt tomoiftr itintM cut.rttn cf tii ctMt ChrU e-lr urlio t ih pron. Xltfwr Lmmnn m1vs vtlM t tAftt, Or Sfitkf'fl Lmmnrt BttmM xeutw. Mtth l. Kykr tjttt iit4 1 J5c, tn4 Jat M. Dvrc, Jr., Urr KfMf t4 J4tttiB BU tpprtuir. it 9 y Kvt6 U. Whit. riar4 U-CiU !a jtf ClkVTtnt JsfrlJi. r7i kr-rouni fit W;im B, VrCvSitb, 4minitJtiiM, tin, ivtirlac Otto6f J, irltullo). O'sttritt Court AwmH,f. t hrtifi won trtf Ml t tl 600. WTJljRl ahar .lh aiffiant o. cooia. rratii f Marrisf Llcentet ort Lrrnr M'-KiiinaT. I ."!fi! - V' ''"'L..""' l1 Cut Frills, Ceil State BuMng highway commissioners have! ,,;nnAi a..;!. rom tht Sa5em of(ice buading con-'planf fMj catlj toT n.w to h, opened November 7. pd tram th. oriemut d. - uf - ings were , air conditioning!0"- That was 8,fH5.u63 more vsttfm rt4 at lift ftftft -. r 'than in July, and was $.59,00B! terrsce whicii Chairman T. H. Banfirtd described as "a $24,000 j ,.H not" Ihe rfeer vesterdav of all bids on the fj building. The commission' hopes the new offers will be! Ore-jcioser to the $1,800,000 H wants! Jn u,i m i w. constructed tinder the federal; gid program in tb 5850-81 lis The bulk of the list ii for e- odary highway projects. Concert Fine; Crowd Small Only 61 persons attended the j that the dog was shot in thePc"-a aid in closing. He add-f Funeral arrangements r in Wednesday night concert ofipresence of Babcock's two Jit'iSe M hst he is seeking "better charge ot the Eingo Mortuary Gaie Page and Solito de SolisjgjrJs or that they picaded forsPi"d'i'on per ntt in csnnec-?and have tsat been cotnpieted in the high school auditorium, j preservation of the animKl. "In jtiw with state government." snetidtng fee arrival ot the but the two artists gave a per-! fact," he says, "the children arc Governor McKay foresaw SnVsdBiighter from California,, lormance that was worthy of ajbiit infants not over two yearsjprovement in opportunities lor crowd 100 times that sire. jold and 1 doubt if thev can ialkjshepp raisers and seed growers? . t Miss Page, a movie star, hadienough to plead for the dog. Butpn the vaiiey and revealed tkaisfynCiSi JCiflCcS a voice well qualified to sing the they were not tn sight when the some 200,000 more acres wold low, deep notes in some of thejincident happened. he under cuUivatton -when thejC Mr? Alhiit classics she rendered, and wai ''Bsbcwk's dog had been irfpn-present Wtllamette basin project ivi I H 5 MiUtil just as effective in singing thejtified as having killed a neigh-5a imished. i lizhter numbers Her voire and bors sheeo. When f went to thpijCinr. Rn. sa.a Funeral aervices WiU b hel facial expressions, trained by appearances in manv movies, were a definite highlight of the performance. Solito de Soiis, handicapped when he was forced to use an old piano after the grand piano had broken down, nevertheless displayed remarkable expression in his instrumental solos. The poor turnout was prob ably one o the smallest the ar tists had ever played before, but the applause was enthusiastic - throughout the program. Veteran concert-goers agree that Miss Page and Solito de Soils rank among the fmest entertainers to appear locally in several years. For Bounce Upward "If there's anything in the theory that Hbe farther you fall the higher you bounce,' then we should have a tremendous bounce coming at Ellensburg io morrow night," commented Coach Chester Sfackhouse of; Willamette university during a brief talk before the Salem Lions club Thursday noon. The coach was referring to last week's lop-sided defeat at Idaho while looking ahead to the game with Central Washington Bt Ellensburg, Wash. Planning a winning football team ia not a matter of a aingie season but i a program that ex tends over b period of three years, said Coach Stackhotae, He added that he and his associates hoped to build not only good ath letic teams but also Individuals who are a success scholastically and in business life. Count, Yomtn Called AUi!?w P8 cars, inches Marion cotiniv democratic wo- Bbov n rai!s nil ih men and their families are in- vited to a no-host supper at thei. Mayflower hall Saturday night ,t t vwt, iii K.t table service with a committee to furnish coffee and creBm, "- , Benson said they had oblain- , , , . jed money by that time, but re Technician fcamed-fUy B. B hfw lh ' McMammie, Cove, the new! - , i technician for th. Yamhill TL Jtxxl !l tJ t County Artificial ln,.mln.on JJi association. Headquarters have Born'id!( tmt' ft fQvei to been moved to the Davi. Vet- f"vat "S ho in erinartan hospital, according to near Searl' Ro- Rosg Cruickshank, president, t. .... Truax, who held the position, . Af?w h. room- recentiy resigned to enter th Insurance business. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Tfcttntday, September ZZ Organized Naval Resprve slurface unit at Naval and Marine corps in enir SMioti compiimenl t!S. Armv Reserves, at Army Reserve quonset hut!l' rrtdar. September ij Organised Beaiw Rerv unit at Savnt and Marin corps reserve training trawr. Salem Man C&mmantfft Announcement has been mad by the adjutant general office of the appointment of Cr.pt. Jeiwe A. Nunn of Ssim as commander of head quarters company, first bu.hon. !82nd Infsnvv. Oregon XstJona! (iuard at silverton. Nunn, veteran of the i wr.iion far t u tffai repiacea Lt. Max I. McMiliin, mm- Canada a counie of mM mander of th eompsny ainc. "'?',, f"P" activation. ho la to become liaison!1" finally wound up in Coltim- iofticer for heodoiwrters of ttw iSndbu, Ohio, where he waa appre- mtsntry ilh siatton at Bfiverton hended by police when he Bt The new commander of th com- tpmpfKj to commit suicide. Ben- SSL, SLTLIT i reid t Hsael avenue During! himself when he feared he was the -r he served in the European ;being afflicted with cancer. tneater with the !ir bstutlton ot ilia 47(h infantry. He h the Sii- r', 8Lnn,3 S,'.J"h "!"1! : snd Purple Heart with rttriBtuihdi Unit Citation. ! Tokyo, Sept. 22 ifi Cen. i the rear tires of logging truck. ; Douglas MacArthttr. oectmationiThe truck hd hmi oaorXaMt Jcommander, tndav waa aelecfedt with no ssr In the tires and the the first poslw.r honorary overhe.t.n, had uW thm to 'president of Jspsn t Soy Scouts. 'burn. inrAfifin Davmlk Take Bid JUOID Industrial payrolls took s bit, fama in Orecon during August.! The atate industrial accident! and not Str Staf- commission reported today that'" tripps. cnanceSSor -of She ifirms reporting to it had totsi ecneouer. who had decided on Payrolls oi iwb.4bb.7S3 tn Aug- "10" Augutt, 198. Th Multnomah county pay- w tron,n. Jim wii of-st JB- " tit IT II f WJJfn IOI1C AT UU1U I vtlJ VI Canine Killing Xrvifi Ward, dog license tt - charge has been demanded oi 'it demanded oi 1 1 j ti , x tzz ;Woodoum Fair the dog control boa Babcock of Turner th aiieged manner in hich Wrt chat Rhcokc da. tvK a .different version of the snci- dent than that given by Bab - cock in his letter to the county court. Ward denipn emhai!eallv house I told him this and that All entries, wish the excep - he was harboring an unlicensedhio'i of livestock were betne aog. amsraira ie nin - ing of the dog and in fact led it to a mt wav at the rjar nd of his orooertv which he said was ail right to kill the dog and I shot him there as indicated. Neither his wife or children were anywhere around. Last year Babcock owned another dog which kicd neichbor'B turkevB for which the dog control board paid in- demnity claims of J121.88. I could have hailed him into court . . euner tnayear ortastior nav- LltrX of ih doe himself nt m fm of the dog mmseif Bnd bs far as I know did so, to kill anyone's dog. . " ai bounds and destroy the prop erty of other people there is nothing else to he done in jus tice to the ssesghbarhaad stock owners. In this casa this jnan for two consecutive years main tained unlicensed dogs which destroyed valuable properly and it became essential to put them; out of the way and ft was done; in aa humane and as decent jnan-; ner bs possible." Benson Shows Continued from 1$ The two escapees then went to Turner, Benson claimed, and after determining the time of night a certain passenger train passed through that town they watted until the next nijfht, then climbed on the rods running be- ro?f AlT?J He then told thai they atayed "nti boBf Bxt SundBy, when they boarded b I boxcBr ""J5 '"""led to Portland, "',us'' I7"5?" rlfJQ, !. to Vancouver ac- there they went to Sestti?( enJ nficr two iays thfre travfJij $o Spokane via Yakima and EJ- From SfH(katie, ihe two esca peeg bosrdt-d bus en rouif to Missouri, Benson VeJJs, but Pin son bcam vpry jJf aijoarrf ihp bus and ihe pair was let off at a point which Benson believes was near Kellosg, Idnho. f Benson walked into B town to i buy bandages and drugs for ipjnson, and when he returned Pinson was delirious and dirt not recognize him, Benson re lates, Pinson died soon Bftcr, and Benson claims he spent the next morning burying him in shal low grave, using a shovel he had stolen from nearby mill. Benson aays he then continued Truck Tire Rant Salem citv firemen wer. called to She south , i A , ., nd of sotfw" atreet early mursoay atternnon to xtin- object of the law is to protect Lila aVwi tZ,l J & OI iV?? livestock from uncontrolled drsss Khoo! playground With Oregon; two uncles, E. C. iitl SThaTn ?!' Js?"? Bsdeha af tmaM, Wash., and Eoy "fly allowed tTJrl. 'CapfUl ir1, Rim, Or., 1 ('ntfRd from P-sx 11 Meanwhile government aourc s "leaded" th word that it was ' shoulder the r- woHHy for an unpopusar! program l rsstng living te!iaW;nsE 4 sadden heart attack rn f"'rhRC;while driving her car. - - .... . - ' r "i 7 I 'r""!t!of the ParfcersviSSe district, unrest, France too, was threat-j jened with strikes growing tmt i '. Albert HMt7nni e-r-rfir- of the non-communist forreJcha ( So tl 0raer &t Ouvner wtm force) SSEafl,a S4sf ana rved L . ?L tk' .ywert, asn !913 and a break out within month tM member Past Matron l'"7' Cantinawf frm Pftfr i vs "sr """" means o ex-jHoroer seutentter st tttttSGoro; pandifS Oregon agrtcuUtire Jsa tinier. Mit Drlla Webb et ! through increaatd efficiency jWoodhiirn with whom she mad whieh will enable farmers tojhcr home nd four grsndchil- i oduce more per acre. Governor dren. ijuogea curing the mornins. Thes livestock will not be tudeerf kJvbo ic3 81 ncr sorrw itsss t.l Ri.rf. Jri. il a,- f.;- . ..j w. Cook, Oregon City, Faravers Union end Grange exhibit C C. Miller, Gresham, livestock; S. Wesley Hansel!. Jr.. McMinn- vilie. ooen class crooV - rfh and WA: Cti V-,. oi t,- . Virgil Sexton and Mra. Charles Coe. both of Saiom Wa.r-. Uarden exhibii rue exmoita. Sfieeial ewn4, i5c!ijd), ft w . 3RR tar, Doris Aibin of Satem; he Thursday afternoon, emi-finBlsL,ather Mrs Minnie Mclvlrs ot Bt 4 an vwv ,SK?BW 5rs' fliJ"R!c .?5CJ!? i j iw v n. L1 :ai S at the An amateur tjroaram in tti divisions, those over and under!3 2 o'clock Saturday and will J2 years, will fee held tonisrhf sfeature the Silwrioo Saddle club The Paul Armstrong: school of ins aurtce wiii give a program Friday night at the North Mar- ion county fruit building. A corn on the cob estinir rait test will be held Friday night at fa'r wsis public 7 o'clock and single berry pie dance in the $85,688 Legion baii eating contest for tdiilit and Mins" oa fee highway, children Saturday night i 7:36 iair offering $H58 t?t o'clock. ' Iprizes and ISQS ribbonB this Th children', parade, which attracted 308 entries th. last Uinety and unptentents of n ttme it was staged, will be held'ny kitttia. ibttk m eatider the "Town Critr" of literary, theatrics i and radio fame. If we had the "Crier's" bell, we'd signal you toward the finest jewelry m town , rings, silver, diamonds and watches. "Ail is well" this hour end every hour; o fine watch tells you so. In watches we show the finest, yes, but "You Need Never Sacri fice To Own The Finest" at WooIIcott TntHtwSsy, 22, 1943 S !rt lanes rmnm Woedfeura Mr. Ada Settl- mifr prominent resident &t VaodbaTa fttf 4i yt.sn llsd isfrionir rreid-cnt of this vicinity. vfednewiay, September 2! , ihlL s,, KmterM sBiti Mr. SiettSemter wa H5 .'her she w foom December !28 3878. She was member of . . . rfBb of the chupter. She the widow of Zimer E. Settie mipr, whs disd September 4, 1939. Survivors Incfede c-t5 datigh ter, Mr. Elisabeth lmor ot San Gabrifi, Caitf.; ne sots, SSaturay ma!;tlfe8 at 10 o'clock - he Clotish-Barrick chapel . '. . , , ' . iRavoor stiWt earSy IRUrfSSay morsssnjt. Rev. Scth Hofsting- ?f Wlii V f x , ter!He!it fiU 5s the CiSy h'fSt Mr, Al . . A EatiVf Oregontan, Mr. Al- JB f? P- .BHr FT stnis w it. . bjws bjibbw - vin. Mrs. Alhifi was a JBembrr ?.f Yergreet! csapter or waoa&urts ana o tsse asenjorsai iMiii a.u-u i-stm fee we the husband. Mrs. S. L. Siriiols of Pendleton. !a!!l3 ii!e drum and bugle corps of fmt h. , Amertcati legion. Satem. The smP will ie!so P" oring open house of JWoodhanj Post Ho. 45 Bt Bight, yeBr' j?," BSty iivi' mi