SO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday. Sept. 22. 1949 ay rare mm "ISO 1 MLY 11 c A IAY 1UYS A MEffl IE A VEEST AT W W NOW EVERYONE CAN AFFORD TO SLEEP ON REAUTYREST, Sleep as you've never Slept before Chat right! Pay flfetho Ing Down, last lOe a Bay oa ear approved credit. We've made It easy for yea te hay a mw Beaatyrcut for only 9SD.S0 . . . Also Matching Box spring tor uly H.S at lM a day. dnTf' w Month I N. """ v$r EQUIVALENT TO 10c A DAY A fif AO-POOF J L JYjC f . JJZ'tu " iwi ' , -'l- j ! "..'.V 'ApjR - P Famons ( oiiifor. . . . Ihirabiliir Now! WW this fabulous alter ia la effect . . . see this fameat . . Had act why Reantyreat la entirely different thaa aay elfcer mattress made. The secret of Beaalyreat romfort Moo aader Hie saver . , . HT Individually pocketed rolls. And the baslest colls yea I ever aaw hoeaasa oaeh one aeta la dependency , , . every earve a( year had eats lea a ma swppert. Wo ooald tell yea a handred rimes aver ahoat the weaderfal earn fart and eaaliiy feafare fnnnd only la a Simmon Beantyrest . . . hat the hoot proof la the world la for yoa to try it. Aad that'a eaaetly what we waat yea ta da . . . Bleep ea It for alfhis, aad W yea dea't tMwk Ifi 04M af the fiaest mattresses aad eao of the hlMeet Parlor vetoes oa the market, we'll plek It ap . . . Rlmmons and WOODRY'S take aM aha lees ... yoa lea aethlasj! 1 ITi Note These Other Beautyrest Features Three-Star CRUSHPROOF BORDER. Sit on it all you want it won't tag! Beautyrest border it comfortable, too. Feels just like the middle. In "Torture Tests" by United States Testing Company, Beautyrest far out-lasted all other mattresses tested. Convincing proof why Beau tyrest is best. These tests back up the 10 year guarantee. k All FELT upholstery layers end layers of it! Precision tufting keeps upholstery in place keeps it from shifting- eliminates uncomfortable lumps. Absolutely no substitute for Beauty, rest. No other mattress like If. No other mattress gives yeu to much for your money. Woodry Furniture Co.. 474 So. Com'l St, Salem, Ore. Plwae lena bm the followinf Simmon's Hems: Bone , Rlae Green Twta Doable Mottren Box Serhif U S.M Mtk I0e a day NAME ADDRESS ... TELEPHONE EMPLOYER .