Turkey Grower Urges Parity Corvallls, Sept. 22 W) Ore gon Turkey Improvement asso ciation member were told yes terday to work for elimination of weight discrimination In fed eral price supports. W. T. Geurts, retiring presi dent, said the existing regula tions were unfair to producers of heavy birds. He said any permanent . farm legislation should place turkeys on the same parity price percentage basis as wheat and other basic crops. Elected president for the new year was W. H. Schwedler, Portland. Les Schneider, Med- ford, was elected a new direc tor. Re-elected as directors were Loren Johnson, Scappoose and Paul McCowell, Sherwood Noel Bennion, Oregon State col lege, was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Several turkey project aides at the Oregon state expert mental station spoke. Dr. Paul Bernier, geneticist, said selec tive breeding falls Into two classes. He said all breeders can mass select for maximum weight and maturity in the shortest feeding time. But selec tion for higher fertility, egg pro duction and other characteristics rwas best left to breeders of ped igreed birds, he said. 5 Portlanders in Dope Peddling Ring Portland, Sept. 22 P) Detec tive Capt. William D. Browne said today a Portland dope ped dling ring had been broken with arrest of five men. The five, picked up under sec ret indictments returned by the county grand jury yesterday, were listed as Edward T. Helson, 55, both opium and marijuana sale charges; Gilbert J. Edwards, 28, Robert Brown, Jr., 21, and i Alone Kathleen Kerr, 11, of Onstead, Mich., a survivor of the Noronic disaster, hugs her toy bear in St. Michael's hospital in Toronto, Canada, where she is recovering from painful rope burns she received while escaping from the burning excursion ship. Authorities have not yet broken the news to her that her parents and brothers are missing. The ship fire killed 120 persons and many more are missing. (Acme Telephoto.) House Reiurns After Vacation Washington, Sept. 22 House members return today from a month's vacation, with enough unfinished business on hand to keep them here the rest of the year. They probably won't stay that long. "Around November 1" is the target date of congressional leaders for final adjournment. Despite messages sent to democratic members last week James Whitmore, 24, marijuana sale charges; Joseph W. John son, 31, sale of heroin. by party leaders, the house doesn't plan to transact any ma jor business this week. Party spokesmen explained that the recall messages merely were in tended to assure the presence of a quorum, 217 members. Republicans followed through with messages to their own members reminding them that the recess that started on Au gust 26 ends at noon today and that democrats had been told to be on hand at that time. While a dozen or more ma jor bills are pending, appropria tion bills furnishing almost $20, 000,000,000 will have top prior ity. They finance the military establishment, the interior de partment, the foreign economic recovery program and some miscellaneous federal agencies. Sawyer Paints Bright Picture Portland, Sept. 22 Secre tary of Commerce Charles Saw yer continued talks here with businessmen and federal agency officials today. The cabinet officer told di rectors of the Chamber of Com merce at a dinner meeting last night that he expected the econ omy to perk up and improve in the months ahead. This was based, he said, on the assump-: tion there would be no prolong ed strikes in basic industry. He said there were some soft spots in textile and metal work ing industries of New England and in scattered points of the south and mid-west. On the west coast, he said, the contin ued high production of fruits and vegetables was giving some trouble to both growers and packers. Commenting on the British devaluation of the pound, Saw yer said "I am inclined to think there has been an over estimate of the effect on our situation. There will probably be less price changes than have been anticipated in some quarters." Cuban Swims Across Gibralter Straits Tarifa, Spain, Sept. 22 (P) Eduardo Cortinas of Cuba swam the Straits of Gibraltar from Spain to Morocco today. Span ish naval authorities said he had beaten by five minutes the record for a single crossing. There was no indication whether the Cuban will make it a round-trip, as originally plan ned. The record is unofficial until the naval tug which accom panied him with official timers aboard returns to Spain. Carpio's record was 9 hours and 20 minutes. 7 Uranium Content Ore Discovered IBv th. AMOrlitfri PrfaO A uranium content well above government-set minimum for development has been reported 'found in ore concentrate taken from deposits above Salmon lake in northern Kittitas county in Washington state. The announcement was made yesterday by Homer A. King, an executive of the Big Dome Min ing company, after receipt of a report from the metallurgical di vision of the U.S. bureau of mines office at Salt Lake City. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1949 29 The report indicated the ores! ton. Government minimums arc contain two pounds of U-308 ala quarter pound a ton. The north central states of the United States have an unusual number of cases of goiter be cause the soil and water there is deficient in iodine. AOIA BBVG& yVC 750's AfOSTAfODEBA CABS V Delivered Here $1837 Sunt md LocalTms, ifmny, Extra Yes for the big Nash Statesman Air flyle above, the 3-passenger Business Coupe. White aidewall tires. Weather Eye System are op tional extras, prices may vary slightly in different communities due to transpor tation charges. All 1950 Nash Airflytes are new automobile values. Compare! Now yon can see the 1930 Nash Airflytes ! See the world's only cars of Airflyte Con structiona revolutionary development that brings you new safety economy and rock-solid roadabilily. See feel hear the difference in a single welded unit that's twice as rigid , . . free ot body squeaks and rattles that cuts the air with 20 less wind-drag than the average car of current design. Discover the dazzling new Airflyte power of Super-Compression Engines feel the cushioned smoothness of coil springing on ail tour wheels. Measure the difference in mileage over 25 miles to the gallon in the Statesman Airflyte at average highway speed! And now, in the Nash Ambassador you can have Hydra-Matic Drive and Select o Lift starting no clutch pedal, no shifting! See the world's newest interiors . . . with airliner reclining seats . . . Twin Beds . . . Uniscope safety . . . Weather Eye System. Even the prices are news I At your Nash dealer's now in two great 1950 series 1 Th Craaftif Singh Advance h Car Contntllta It 40 Uartl In Nash, the world's only car with Airflyte Construction, the entire frame and body, floor, roof, rear fenders, are built as a single welded unit. It is l'2 to 2'i times more rigid than ordi nary construction. Gives new safety, new economy, makes possible a smoother ride. NEW It's a Sky-Lounge! Reclining air liner seat (optional extra), plus Twin Beds . . . Weather Eye . . . new Roll-a-Lock curtain . . . knobs recessed. New pull-out glove drawer. Curved undivided indshield on all models. fYD&4-AfA77C DEY VOW AIMMBU? VTWf iVASff AMBASSADOR 7H SmTZSMAA r AMBASSADOR Ne Mofert, Dtumm Nm-Kthrmer Cere,, Defreff, AWi.goe THERE'S MUCH OF TOMORROW IN All NASH DOtS TODAY itfi 333 Center St. Salem Goes to Belgium Robert D. Murphy (above), former adviser' to General Lucius D. Clay in Germany, has been nominated by President Tru man as ambassador to Belgium. 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Plenty of free Parking Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p. m. Friday Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort at Sears 550 N. Capitol Street Phone 3-9191