n H AUTOMOIILIJ Hudson City Churcb Chemeketa, Street Salem, Oregon ear Dt4: Juit fw line to ltt you know that thine tr looking up around her. Mr. Shrock wia evtr tht ther day and mentioned that It wu about time that w set some nrw a: ins since our present one art a lit tit shabby. Ouui It won't be lom before wt havt that New Look around hew. Befoi 1 forget, 1 want to tell you about tho food Used Car that w havt aueb ai: 1144 Cadillac with Hrdrametle Drive, radio, heater, and aun visor. 1941 Poottac Sedan tt with whit wall tire and tha workj. 1141 Pord Custom Club Coup. 1141 Chtr. Panel that a fallow drov out from Ourry, NT. 19a Hudson Super SU Sedan with haaUr, radio, and overdrlva. 1936 Bulck Sedan that run iood for only I9 buck, and besides wt tot a lot of other good ear, I tot to lo now aa a customer la coming. Will writ you mora next week. Tell everybody "Hello" Bnd aak then to drop In when they are In town. Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman P.I. I (oriot to WU you about the dandy yellow 49 Studebaker farm truck that w have with only 8100 mile on It. q237 EVERYBODY'S GETTING EXCITED ABOUT OUR USED CAR JAMBOREE JOIN THE CROWDS AND SHARE ' THE ECONOMY! SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE $ Today's headlines: A near-new 1949 Ford Line Coupe. 8000 miles. Colony blue. Undercoated. Seat coven. Heater, WS tires. WAI NOW $1745.00 $1649.00 Here Is a bell ringer: 1949 Ford Custom Sedan. Low mileage. Like new Colony blue. Heater, undercoat, WS, washer, low pressure tires. Cost new $2079.00. WAS now $1995.00 $1810.00 Seeing is believing. Here a daisy. 1947 Plymouth 4-door Sedan Special deluxe, radio, heater, clean as a whistle. Really a lulu. WAS NOW $1395.00 $1345.00 We have it. Your heart's desire! 1949 Willys Jeepster, like new. Heater, canary yellow, all chrome trim, overdrive, 25 miles per gal. WAS NOW $1645.00 $1545.00 More Late Models at a Tremendous Saving Pint-Size Prices for Jumbo Size Bargains 1938 Chcv. 2-Door. A dandy $245.00 1940 Pontiac Coupe. Mecnanic's special $395.00 1942 Willys Americar Sedan $275.00 1637 DeSoto 2-Door. Good transportation $145.00 1937 Pontiac Coupe. Runs good $165.00 1947 Crosley Pickup $395.00 1934 Ford Tudor. A steal $65.00 THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Center at High Valley Motor Mart FNON1 I-I14T HIGH SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT 1935 Plymouth Sedan, new paint $273.00 1936 Chev. Coach, runs good $195.00 1930 Stude Sedan, good motor $195.00 1985 Chev. Coupe $125.00 1935 Chev. Sedan $135.00 1984 Ford Coach i $85.00 The Best In low priced cars can be found at 3020 PORTLAND ROAD PHONE 2-7023 FOR RENT HOUSES I BDRM. ROME In Enclewood. US. 367 N. Hifh. JinMV fioDERN Fl'RN. cottage. 1 bdrm. 2 ml. N. of Brooks ta 89K. Rosa Cottage after t p.m. Jn22' 1 BDRM. lurn. home. Electric dish wash- er. automatle oil furnace, electric water heater, double garage. M per month. Ph. 1-1137. )m228 I ROOMS partly (urn., not modern. 62 WU llama Ave. 1U fbH LEASE 3 bedm. house en North fliimm.tr. Call M761 alter P. m. Jm33f fTENlSHTD t BR home, auto. heat, hot water. Adults. ISO. Ph. 34370. )m22B' WHY BENT? 8300 down. Move rltht In. Nice 3 bdrm. homes. Hardwood floors. Lovely kitchen. Furnace. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 40 H. Church Ph. 27642 Bra. or Sun. 1-0136 Jm TO LEAKE (or caah. Modern furn. house. 10 acraa with barn St poultry house. Poaaeaslon at once. 10 miles east of Sa lem. Inquire McClar store at McClay. A. C. Hawkina, rt. 6, box 337. jm22l FOR BENT 2-BR. unfurnished houae five mile north. Call 3-4384. JmJ3l ATTRACTIVE modern cottage, abort dis tance from Salem, beautiful view. Ph. 3-1577 after Tj.m1 Jm226" cYkaN S BR home. Fireplace, full base ment, garage. Phone 31930. 7$ N. 6th. til 00 per month. Jm230 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS t RN. furnlahad. Prlvit. tntranre. Work In, eeupla pr.frr.a. Ph. a.nBa. 1219 Srnci, dui acaca. cost. loo. Pn. m JJS' fcUSINlStl WOMAN wtah.a to Ihara har noma with rtflned woman. No mokfr. Phon. I-4HI. JJS7 Vlnoft IANDKM tor rant UonUomer Ward. J POWBK TOOL r.ntala for horn. and in guinal tu. Howaar Broa. ph Mill to DO o ,oo4 Job rent a food floor aand r W, .all trtrrthlu to aomplala thf low. ' sowgrm bbow . pb. ii ) OOD CIBD PIANOI. n l Stiff. ! 6mcl apacoa asd daak apaeaa. Pa. S5693 r huiUM n.oo par dar BowMr Iroi Mlo Uth. Waat SaKn. I' fcusryiss bm. tat rent. B. L. tuff. ) T PRtVB truekj. taia. PB. 1-HOl. I' INnil ILtCTtlo portakla aawlnf ma. hinaa. Raaaonabla rat.a. Prta pick bp at dallffarr lnf.r 6wlnc Uachloa Co 1 W Com I Ph J3S11 f WANTED TO RENT FOR THE WINTER: Furn. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. modern home. Ph. 26262. jaJ36' Frays 2 giru ages l7 it I year-TNoi destructive. Am looting for furn. trailer houat to rent. Fleas help me torn one. Ph. 21147. Jal' M FINED COrPLE vuh to rent atrictlv unfurn. I rm. houte. Contider burint later Can gle eaceUanl ttt. Fh. a:.7 or 1221 N. Liberty. JaJ2S Want TO rknt a s:neie or Jouaie fr ate in west Salem. Ph. 2-1413 i:s t OR 2 RR unfurn modern houae Will d V 10 lag auitae.e piaot, Pn, J-': . ftfMT ft. la3l J I AUTOMOBILES AT CENTER SALEM q327 WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN urgently n--H I BR houae, Reaaonabl rental. Pn. 2-30S6 or 2-7401. J.: I WANT a 2 rm. furnished apt. or am all house, two adults, no chiWrea or peta. Ph. 2-0631. 1237" WANTED! Double garage or small build ing. Write Box 438 Capital Journal. Ja3ll WANTED: Furnished Pullman apt. or email furnished modern houae for Bin gla man. Write Boa 432 Capital Jour nal. Ja2ll RELIABLE young coupl need (urn. apt. Pletae ph. 27142. Ja326 IMMEDIATELY need 2 bdrm. unfurn. rise'. Ph. 4-3831. JaSSI PHirSICIAN ft family daalr 2 or I bdrm. unfurn. bouse. Will leaae. Call 30311. jaaai NON DRINKING Couple want partly lurnT apt. or house, not over 141 me. One child. Write or coma to 659 Canter. J337 EMPLOYED couple need unfurnished 1 or 2 bedroom house. Reference. Call daya 3-4121, Evea. 2-1406. Je330 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED: Board and room near city cen ter. Monday thru Friday. Ph. 2-6346. JJ32I HAVE A VACANCY for Invalid woman. Cll 2-7615. JJ238 IN PRIVATE home In country. No smok er or drinker. Writ Capital Journal. BOX 43. JJ249" LOST AND FOUND LOST: ONE sack Onion Seed, tagged F H Woodruff ft Sons. Inc., between Sky line and Orchard Heights. Reward. Paul Doran. Phone 1IF13. Rt. S Box 690 Salem. k320 LOST Small brown St whit dog, daach hund St terrier, In vicinity of South 14th. Ph. S-SSlf. k320 LOST 2 yr. old spotted Guernsey heifer with horns tipped off. From Boon pia ture at Aumavliie. Write Oao. M. Tooker, Rt. ft. Box 444, Salem or call Roy Wil cox, Aumavllle. k33l LOST: "TRIMP." White, shaggy, wire- nirro ivrnor. uc. rewara. rn. nne. Mr. Orfen. k227 MISCELLANEOUS LE RPRtNOErt, mB'a hatter. 484 Court. Wa cloat Saturdara 13:10. nlll DINTAL PLATS RrPAIR t f!R (IRVtCI Ot HOST CASE DR BARRT 8EULKR DlNTlaT Adolp. BUla attata A Oontt.ralaJ flu trd.ru-phona l-ttll BUILDING MATtRIALS WATERPROOF WALLBOARD Perfect for kitchen St bathroom wn Si flooring. ft. C. O. Lone. Ph 35821. one mile north of Kieter. ma23 SIDING New as beat as skiing lit a. Cedar jhake.t in carton 112 a. C. O. ixng, Ph 2-ISlt. On mil north of Kipc-. ma;29 SHINGLES No. 1 67 76 . C O Long, pb. 15621. Cm Bile nort l Kitaar. stusi" 1 I AUTOMOBILES BUILDING MATERIALS" GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. Si- -J v""11, "Pe juoo. ma249 INCH C St better tlnUh lumberT4"" to 10 width. Ideal for cabinet & window frame material, 1130 per thouiand. 2 It. framing 3x4. good stud material, 126 V iouJ!.ind Ph- 3mi- EPP'n Lumber Co. Cio Fisher Rd. maaao Hilt OVERHEAD ioor. complete with ... Dimwiin. very reasonable. Bt dorfa. 2095 Fairground's Rd. ma32 NEED LUMBER?" 4 larger amounts. Builder are realising substantial savings on all gradea of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x6 ship lap 117 per M: 2x6'3x8-3xl0 $15 par M. No. 3, 2x4 ahlplap 136 per 1A. Price in cludes dflivery. West Sam Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma34B DOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors? . at special price. Keitn '". rront at wourt at.. Salem, ma1 CEDAR GL'TTERK-Jiut received small ..v. u. n.iu 1.1 nri, iriau, icieari a ftleht-knoti 3,,x4" Cedar guttera. Keith ""i- rrmi court at.. Salem, ma' CEDAR SIDING Now Shipment x8" and i-... irM;ir juninf. an graoea. Keith Brown. Front St Court Sts.. Salem, ma" RAVW n. innnun Lei Ward tlve you complete IN STALLED prtca on your roofing need! Wide ranee of color Call our ouuidr salesmen for free aatlmat Phone I-J191 MONTOOMERT WARD OO. SALEM. OR SOON ma AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, , L- insiBiiauon cost. PUM 1LITE. West Salem. mMs REINFORCING STEEL! and Blok-Mesh In ' wiame. rUMIUTE, West Salem. m22 CHIMNEY BLOCKS St Foundation BlockT ru.iwit, nest ttaiem. me226 NEW SHIPMENT piut board V ic- tiii ' ft Roc lath (l UONTOOMBRT WARD SALEM . ma ALL'MA . LOCh. ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOLI. The modern permanent roof ing Be your dealer of CaU Diet. 2-8401 ma273 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your eon- "tlot na carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 26 Lena Ave Ph. 34836. Free parking. ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sq. No. 3, 8 in. clear, suitable for rooia or aiaewana. Ted Muller, Ph. 8a lem2-llBa. Salem-Indep. Road. ma1 NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS Order bulba now. 1491 7th St., West Salem. Ph. 2-0614, mb2Jl FUSCHtAH, Camellia and PerennfrUa? 440ft Portland Rd., corner of Claxter. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DOUBLE VITREOUS China laundry trays, r mun wiin uno, uoi. swing laucet fittings. Like new. Ph. 32576. n226 OOOD DEER rifle, 2 boxes of shells. Cheap. nun n. wpitaga. n237" I COATS else 13 or 14. Black Chesterfield na uny iweea. Brown squirrel fur coat. Man'a blue striped suit and blue tweed ault. Ph. 26501. n228 1 DOUBLE sash window. Each glass 34x24. ... ivinv. M-M WINCIIRSTER Carbine. Like new Ph. 26781 evenings after 6. n228" HOT WATER Heater, with 22 ft. copper con ana connection. Eurena vacuum aweepar, good condition. Some carpen ter tooli. Ph. 3-6900. n227 10-06 BPRINGr IELD Custom eporter. Red- iieiu sign. exceu. cona. 185. Ph, 27542. n22 MASTER GRANDE portable washer. Ex ceiieni condition 213. Ph. 20342. n3S6 SMALL t'PRlC.HT piano In very good con dition. A bargain for cash. 16B0 S. Cot- fit St. n226 lOMI ENFIELD Sport tr. Exreliant. WiTl trade for metal turning bench lathe or garden t"ctor:Call va. Ph. 24302. n226 BOUGHT NEW, used momhaTV" piece Blltwell Living Room Suite. piece blond bedroom suite. Gibson refrlg. with freer r locker. O. E. electric waaher wun aluminum tub. 356 K. Superior. Ph. 22502 n IKS- NEW WOOD circulator heater. Fh. .1-0233 after 6 30 pn. or Sundays. nJ26' DAVENPORT 630. Oakburret 630. Oak rocking chair 16. Floor lamp 63. Study lamp 61. Gate leg table chairs 610. Folding bath tub 66. Dlihea St picturrs. 1227 Court. n227 LARGE ESTaVbHEATROLA clrculailns oil heater. New condition. To trad for smaller oil circ. heater In like condi tlon. Ph. 1-0167. 607 Norman Ave. n228 NEW 20-06 deer rift. 246 UnlonStrcali after 6 p.m. n226 ONE K-M Hmm Orrman Mauser carbine. Ph. 3-7336 alter 7 p.m. n222 WELSH collapsible babv buggy, like new. Reasonable. 1520 N. IStli. nJlfl DEER RIFLE, Uknew JdOaaage. Tel acoplc atghtJ. 8S5 Thompson Ave. n228 westinghouseri:frig., 7 eurfCLike new. 1125. You can t brat this one. Trad er Loule:2055 Portland Rd. n238 MONTAG wood ranre with oil "converter. 634.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. H236' THAYER BABY BUGGY, Like new. PhT 2-5013, 850 Saginaw. n226 OIL CIRCUL. heRter or trade for rugrPliT 7-3453 or 715 Ferry St. n338 WINCHESTKR22-2o.Lever action. Fair cond. box ahells. 645. Ph. 2-2406. Mrs. Church. n328' WOMEN'S RL!TOreJ.eaA.coatisT 42. Mtn'a brown ault coat, alfe 42, punt sine 36-30. 1401 7th atreet. West Salem. n226a L'SED ELECTRICrefrrerator's." Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.373 Chemeketa. n251 LSFD ELECTRIC ranges. YEATIR AP PLIANCE CO., 375Chemeketa. nlftl OIL CIRCULATORS, drMtifally "reduced price. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n231 HUNTERS ATTEST ION Psave" your tame in a Deepfreese Home Preerr. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n2il ALL FAMOUS makes of small appllancea. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 37ft Cheme- fceta. nasi tsr.D WASHING machines. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Ctiemekete. n351 FI-Asfl-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin tin for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n2Sl' SEWING" MArillEr Free WestTnVhouae. YFATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chm- eketa. n2il Wr.TINGHol E radio phonoeraph eon aolej. As lil'le as M 50 YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Cnemekeia. n351 NFW RFMINGTON, Mlel 721, 30 06 awtna mount and Kl-s Weaver eVope. 1160 664 S 2lst. Ph. 35567. n316 l KN tlt Orand P.ano. P?-.one 34641. n227 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILE Pontiac Good Will Cars '41 Olds sedan $695 '38 Pontiac coupe $195 '40 Ford coupe $395 '37 Ford sedan $195 "38 Ford tudor $145 '40 Lincoln sedan $395 '42 Studebaker sedan $745 '39 Willys $165 HERRALL-OWENS CO. 60 N. Liberty FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! 36-25 DEER RIFLE Sheila. Rt. 4, Ph. 3-6136. n338 BEFORE YOU BUY your furn. or appll ancea be aura to eome out At let ua show you how to save dollars. We buy sell and trade. Hardman Bros.. 4 Mi miles north of Salem on Portland hiway. Open 1 days a wit. from a m. till p.m. n336 DOUBLE GARAGE doors, complete. Oood cond. 610. Fh. 2-7643. 310 S. 33rd. n336 BMM MAUSER, good condition, Sporter stock. Price 160. Ph. 2-6631. naaa 30-OA ENFIELD rebuilt Ilk new. 1770 Lee St. P" FOR SALE: Shells for foreign St odd cali bre rifles. Also several rules, iraues considered. V. M. Beckett, 1510 So Winter St. Phone 3-4913. n326 WALNUT DINING act. originally cost 3350, now ISO. See at Thompsons, Rt. 2, Riverdale. on mile aouth of Roberts. n227 WHAT WILL YOU TRADE tor a beautiful old vlolinf Trader Louie. 206ft Portland Rd. 22T HUNTERS Aluminum Camp Trailer with trunk In back, built-in tee box. table, etc., has lec. Uinta and heater, radio antenna, Innersprlna mattress and sprint, spar tire and heel, bronse screens and ad Justable wlndowa, will sell cheap. In quire 6ft N. 16th St. after 5 30 p. m. Phonc2-ft340. n226 NEW 11 GAUGE Browning auto, ahotgun with case. 30-30 Savaie Carbine in ex cellent condition. Ph. 27025 after 6 p. m. n227 ALMOST NEW Montgomery Wards Delux 3 cu. ft. refrlg. Ph. 23277. n7- BABY BUGGY. Large si. folding. Oood condition. Reasonable. Ph. 37631. p237 NEW USED musical Instruments At spinet St grand ptanoa at redueed prices. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 1-4641 n244 MONTAG WOOD CIRCULATOR In good condition 82ft. call J-sosa. no OIL CIRCULATOR. Good cond. 2 barrels. 1565 N. Llberty.Phone 2-6523. m-ti 3O-0f SPORTER, Weaver scope, hand- carved stock, mekie-piaied action, i. Patterson, lit Marion , after 6. Phone 1-6152. "337 8-IN. TILTING arbor saw and stand, 135. Phone 3-6459. nm ISA BABY BUGGY Used 1 months, 615. Ph. 2-0081. 4166 Hudson Ave. n230' SEWING MACHINES, New Home electric 66.95 St up. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances EMPIRE FLOOR FURNACE, 80,000 B.T.U. for butane OAS. Thermostat con trol, practically new, used 2 mons., orlg. cost 1142.50 for - 198.60. Jeffcott, Rt. 1, Bx. 367, Independence, Oregon. 8228 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pip and Tile reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kinds river soil, pit-run, gravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREOON ORAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phon 1-3417 n342 MOD. 94 WINCHESTER 32 special 145. Mod. S Remington automatic 10 cat 17. Phone 3-5578. n228 USED SEWING Machines. Reaaonably priced. Ph. 2-2139. ' Ralph Johnson Appliances H245- FL'LLER brushes, 174ft Grant. Ph. 1-8367. n244 STEEL CLOTHESLINE poets, railings In mock St mad to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n342 TRI'CKERS com and gat It, pit run and '111 dirt, 60c. Bill 60c. Commercial dand and Grave) Co. Ph. 11966. n337 WALLING SAND ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mil concrete, garden Hand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 2-8349 SALEM SAND . U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing DlUntnc Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 16 B W yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat Doter D-6 Cat a Doaer D-4 Cat as Docer See us about ditching by tht ft. Phon Dare 1-9408 Bras 3-63 or 1-4409 Salem Ores on n USED OIL burner and btoweig. Priced to sell. Ph. 286C2. n233 SEWING Machines Electric or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n338' LUMBER 3x4'a by Jitney load. 610 per 1.000. You haul. Independence Lumber Si Mfg. Co, loc. Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Otbeon and Montag Appiancea at Oevurti. d FENCE POSTS, poiea, all types Shingles fertiliser St flatrock Phillip Sroa. Rt 6 Boi 118 Ph 31458 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED )unk batteries. Paring 11.75 Retread Tire Service. 330 So. Lancaster na23i WANTED furnltur vo flu repair Le Bro. Pure lUflnlahlag C ih 2-1001 L'SED FTRNITTTRK Phone 1-9123 PERSONAL STANLEY Horn Products. 66ft Cross. Ph. 3-5448. p347 I WILL NOT be responsible for any dbta other than my own. Owen W. Easter, Wlllamlna, Or., Rt. 1. p326 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others hag filled. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affaire of life. Special reading 13.00. Located Just aouth of Hubbard on Hlehwar 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for alga Reading Dsilr and Sun. pi 50 AUTOMOBILE ONF i ton OMC. Ptrkup worth 11000 Prlrcd for quirk ,al. Call art.r t p m. L.o K. Ol.r, Ma Orant 8t. silver. ton. Ora. q3S l,4 Donne p.n.l. Cic.ll.nt cordltlon. . oa al aTf a. cora'l alternoon m WIU. TRAOt ' Plymouth a door for a s-ooor or win i.u lor tail. Ph. 201.0 Abbott at Coat.llo" plua "M.t th. Klli.rr .226 TOR CRrAP tranaporta'tlon at thla '21 Ch... 4-Ooor tfedao. Ilto. I2U N. bruka. a22 ln PORD DPLIXI 2-Dr, ap erli'.ral el.an ear. 152, state St. .22a ta pnN'TIAC l-piM. eoupe. Verr aood looking car. P.al Paraala thia m Ph. 2J4K2. .221 ia model a ataka bdtrutk. MS )" Oardas Jtd. uv AUTOMOBILE Phon 3-4113. AUTOMOBILES n CHI'V. 2-Door Sedan. 606 N. Cottaie. Call between 5 and 1 p. m. Q226 Eisner Motors to Buy SALE! MUST SELL SALE! "12" CARS "12" Listed Below! Prices Lower. Terms! You Make Your Own! '48 WILLYS STATION SED. '48 FORD PICKUP, i, TON '47 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN '46 FORD TWO DOOR SED. '48 CHEVROLET SEDAN 47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '42 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN '42 PONTIAC SEDAN 41 BUICK COUPE SED. 40 BUICK COUPE SEDAN 41 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN 40 CHEVROLET SEDAN Note: We have also 50 Series Packard, at $2525 Salem. State Motors Inc. PACKARD DEALER 340 N. High 227' rOR SALE Ford 6 186 3 Ton. 26.000 miles. Fruehauf van body, Anthony hy- u.auiic mi, i. ii gaia, a.aion s-apeed akle. 631195. Excellent, rlean condition. Write Redmond Appllancea, Inc., Red mond, Oreeon, for drtalla. q227 46 CHEV. 4-DRrsedan. Xxcerecnd. 1O.S0 Norway after 1 p.m. q23o WANTED) Clean uaed cara. Bob Uarr" 3160 South Commercial a Eisner Motors to Sell $ USED CAR LOT ISO Jk your old on. 13th at. Junction Open till 10 p.m q24l 1940 CHEVROLET. Special Delune 4 doni aedan. Radio, heater, defrayer, teat covara, mile guard. Exceptloiallv clean Jnalde St out. Motor excellent. Good tlrea If you want a car you ean drive thous ands of mllM without a nlncel f tx penaa aee thla one. too Spruct fit 0.22S ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL TRAOI TERMS 333 Palr round Road Phone 3-64 &4 CAR ACCESSORIES tlrea St tubea at coat price. Firxt coma lirat aerved aa thla it a clone-out aale. Dealera welcomed. R D. Woodrow Co., 4S0 Cfnter. q Eisner Motors Fine Cars OttoJ.WilsonCo. "Presents" 1949 Chevrolet "Carry All." 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. 1947 Buick Super Sedan. 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. 1948 Buick Roadmaster Sedanett. 1938 Buick Special Sedan. 1938 Buick Special Sedan. 1947 Buick Super Convertible. 1937 Buick Special Sedan 1947 engine. 1939 Buick Special Sedan. 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. 1948 Buick Special Sedanett. 1946 Buick Super Sedan. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan. OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER HOT ROD FORD Thia cut down Job cot IlifH) to build. iu aharp In every detail, our price 1481V. Eisner Motor Co. 353 N. Huh Salem, Ore ion 0337 aSFT-RE AHOSARI.E Offer takejT'my 40 Packard "6", radio, heater and over drive. Sea at Ills Madlaon. 4337 WW f HRVSLhR eoupe. A-l condition s Kerry. Q32D" 1 KTI HrntKIR Rial deluxe 4 dr. ae dan. equipped with overdrive, heater, hill holder and backup Hint. Hue been driven only 15,17(1 nd hi hid the beat of care Looka and runa nenrlr like new Will take older ear In trade and ar rnnae terma nn balance. MrCaila, l?i7 A-ate. Dial J-aiOI. 9.338 USED CARS WANTED Immediate eah for aood wnvl cara. Oet mr offer before you ell. McCali a. 137 Stale. Dial J-81M. a.338 'M PORD auper deluie 4 door aedan. A very aood automobile for only HOBS. Paay ternui. See and drive drive thU car before you bur. McCalla, 1337 S'ale Dial 3-8103. .3?8 41 Plvmeuth 4 door drl ne aertan In ex- elnl condition In every reapect. Jet buck paint, eiean ona.nal uphouitery ahlnnr chrome, ht'r, fn lnhU. apol lamp Ha been o nd locally and hid the beat nt care. Pr.-ed to aeil at once I11.S0. F.jt terma. UcCaUa, lit 7 Stare Dial 3-8108 0.228' M HEV. tudorMake offr.Se at 1844 Snutn Commercial. 338 PI.T.toupe.ll7T 6nod-eond Ph 2-SU8 after 4 00 ,,51 It MODM. H. '41 Pord- crl entine. 4 aned trarwrntMion Tfw tire, new palot. I ISO. 17M H. It id St, ftalem. Ore 337 AUTOMOBILES L 1141 Cher. Aero aedan. radio, heater, trey flnlahl. very low mlleaie, 1 owner. You 11 like it I1I4S O l4 Oida IS club hydramatac drive. Ra dio, heater, WA. waahera, I tone up holatery and flnlah, low mile aee, 1 own " )t45 D l48 Ponllae convert. Radio, heater, foe Ulhu. W.S. waahera, W.I.W. tlrea, 3 tone uphoutery, low mlleraie, beauty, only I103S E 1948 oida 31 Club hydramatte drive, radio heater, foa UlhU, t ton upholaUry. dark klua flnlah, W.S. waahera. Driven only 1800 mUaa by 1 owner I314& R IM7 Olds convertlbla hydramatic drive, radio, heater, chroma wheel rinse, aeat eovera, foi llihta. U. S. Royal Ma ter W.S W. tlrea, piuh button controls. Driven only 39000 miles by 1 owner. A beautiful car 13046 B It4 Entllih Hi lima n aedan. Leather trim. 3 tone upholstery. Only 8000 mtlea, book price le. Now 11483. R tM Pord VI coupe. Perfect condition, aood rubber, black flnlah. A dan- O iMt Hadten club. Radio, heater, perfect motor. Al condition, aeat covara (t ateal at) HIS IM7 Packard aedan. Fine rubber, perfect uphoUtory. A awall motor, a real body (look) I1S0 MANY OTHERS YOU CAN FIND AT Loder Bros. TOUR OLDS DIALIR 1410 Falraroun4 road (apan avail 4U C.ntar St. Ph. I-1W0 - 3-H1I Ron's Motor Co. "FOR REAL CAR VALUES A VALUE IN EVERY CAR" 1343 Studebaker Champion. S-door. Overdrlva, clean. Nrw rubber 1796 1340 Chevrolet Sedan. Radio St heater Reconditioned motor JrtUft 1940 Pord Sedan. Radio and heater UDl 1140 Wlllya Sedan. Heater. Clean ..I486 1331 Bulck Club Coupe. Radio heat er 1406 1941 Chevrolet Truck, Pi ton. Van body 1195 1937 Ponttae Sedan 245 IMT Pontiac 3 -Door. Radio At heat er 1290 ' 1931 Chevrolet Sedan i3f 1911 Oraham Sedan. New rubber ...1135 1931 Ford Sedan Hi 1933 Plymouth Sedan. Steel top ,...1138 1914 Chevrolet Sedan 1914 Chevrolet a -Door. Rebuilt mo tor .181 1334 Ford Coupe. Rebuilt motor, clean. lil Chevrolet Panel. 1931 Ford Panel. Ron's Motor Co. 240 S. High Ph. 3-4598 OP1N ( A.M. la 11 r II. .331- FORDS IMt Club Coup A aharp one. 1018 Club Coupe HrVH Overdrive, ion Club Coupe All equipped. Vjm llercury Club Coup Maroon, dandy. Ford super Sedan Special Interior. HMD club Coupe I KM Hut Rod Cut down Job In perfect condition. Coat 11800 to build. Our spe cial price M96 Eisner Motor Co. 383 N. Hifh Salem, Oreinn Q22V 1949 Dodge y2 ton PICK-UP Substantial discount 478 miles Stan Baker Motors S W. CORNER UNION HIOH )33T- NAME YOUR OWN PRICE 1948 FORD 2 TON Cab St chassis. Brownie transmission. 1 epeed rear end Spot lite. Dark creen. Mechanically perfect. Thla truck must to to make u an offer. Stan Baker Motors S.W. CORNER HIOH UNION Ph. 3 34el 0,323 41 DOnTiR aed , RAH. '33 Chev, coupe. 37 Cnev ed. '37 Dorlae aed '33 Chev. These ear are tn food rond St are priced for tjutck sale. '29 Emcs ed . clean. '2ft M"d. el A aed , cheep. Hardman Bros . 4'fc mUaa north of Selem on Portland hiway. We bur, sell or trade for en t hint Open 1 deri a wa. from i n. till 9pm 4331 SPECIAL Dodce coupe, motor first class, new tires, n paint )ob. A fine lookinc car. Only 1411. Teajrue Motor Co. 153 N Comm l. Ph. 1-4173 e.131 34 DODOP coupe with a 39 motor OpvhJ tlrea. Cheap. 331 K. Madrooa. Tel. S-H93 fur . iit Capital Journal, Salem. Ort FARM EQUIPMENT I'ftrD TRACTOR TIRES, popular alrea. 5 00 and up. Montaomery Ward St Co., Salem. qb237 COOP TRACTOR 1 year eld. driven leaa man 100 motor hours. Rex Kimaer. Rt. 1. St ayton. mllea east of Sisvton on N Santlim hitiway. qb330 BOATS t PT. Ol TBOARD V-bottom Runabout. Neel aora. Also spertl sun lamp. Port able radio. 333 Jefferson, Ph. 3-ftlSft. qi32Sa FINANCIAl BILLS UNPAID? 1 add your ob'.iaatlona J par them off in a lump euro with a loan from Personal I then make Just one reaaonabl payment each month $25 to $500 on Auto Up to $300 on Salary Furniture Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solves a problsm, phon or com In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 318 State. Rm. 123 Phone 3-3484 C. R. Allen. Mir. Lie. S-1J3-M-1SS r22S $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 3300 Com In or phoc Hollywood Finance Co. IMS Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank, No Parking problems Phon .7033 Lie N USflB SJtl Ployd Kenyon, Msr r PRIVATE MONEY Bpecal Ratea and Terma On Laruer Loans Loni and Short Tim Payments ROT H SIMMONS 133 South Commercial St Phon 3-3161 BEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST 3 to 40 Teara and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stat St. Phon 3-3633 OBTNERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. B ill and M-33S and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 B. Commercial St. Tel. 3-3161 T FARM AND CITY LOANS 4Ii and 1 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Caah for Real Estate Contracts and Second MorWacea. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldi. Ph. 3-1181 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. ID! 8. Church Farklm a Plenty Ph. 3-14S7 Lie. No M-151 8-114 TRAILERS NEW 3 wheel aU metal trailer. Rack and canvaa cover. 1335 Lee St. Reas. t223 VV H EE LED tra 1 le r "ball hltehi food cond., ISO. 1348 9. 12th. t328 ALL MKTAL 3 wheet trailer with rack. spare wheel St tire 7l. Trader Louie, 30SB Portland Rd. t33B BRAND NEW 1041 Vagabond 33-rt. Refrlg., alee, brake, bottle gas range, I MO under cost. Trailer Park Village. 1085 Port land Road. 4331 TRANSPORTATION WANTED: Teacher dejtlrlng to commute would like ride 10 mllea Albany-Salem highway leaving Salem appro. 7:4ft a m. Ph. 3-flHII. 238 OIRECTORT DDINO MACHINES All makes iioed miehlnu aold. rented rapalred Roen 481 Court Phnne 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE PXECTRIO ROME appllane repair relce new appllanecsi Vlace's Kiecrrtc Phone Free est 1 mates Trade-ins accepted or 3-923B 1ST 8 Liberty St o 4T-UR DOOR GRINDINti awnmowr eharpenlni and repairing Dciter'a Ph 3AB33 AUTO RATllOS A ut honied Warrant) Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co . 1 1.3 8 Liberty Ph 3 89S3 o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phon S-II66 Nlgm 3-1804 33" Center o Mlk Panek, 318 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-1161 Brake and wheal aligning spec la lists. 0333 Bl'ILUlNCl CARTENTRT Remodel, renalr that horn now Terms No down payment Phone 3-4360. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Rri.Limr.iNG Dean Robinson. Ph 3-0837 or 3-4308 0239 Bulldoalng, leveling, road bide., clear int teeth for bruxh Virtll Huakry, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 3-I146. Salem. o23B CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 3-3091 o239 t'AlH REniKT3TR9 Instam delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes aoid rented, re Os ed Roen 456 Court Pft 3-8173 o IKMFNT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks drlvewava. patloa, curba, wall etc Call 3-4850 o t'lllMNKY KWKEP furn see rhlmneya vsruum cleaned Etv'ey 171 S ait Ph. 3-7176 o23J IIRFSK MAKINfl Alt., dres makinc Oood uaed clothes for sale. 380 State St, Rm. 37. 0244 .l.fX'TRK Al CO NTH ACTING Vlnwa Electric for elertrlcal wiring, contracting, repairing, 131 8. Liberty l X( AVATINO A GRAOING Fxravnlitig A) grarllng Ren Otjeo it Rnn 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. 0323 X TF. R M I N A TO RH Cockrosrh. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3M8 Le Crrws, 16SS Pearl. o23S Bteitfiauot for flowers DiaJ 3-9173 f M EL OIL i'hel. stove At die.el oil. Ph. 3-3166 Shell Oil Co L T. Mane!!, dutrlbutor 0241 Ft RN'UE CLEANING Olant vaeuurn marhine. Trailer mount ed Ph. 38(irt3 United Products Co J03" Portland Hd. Reaonable price. 0213 7l'l7lMl).D PRIIIUCTH J R WatkitiA Oo producta Pre 6 lverr 1717 Center Ph 3-3393 IN- I I tllON Johnit-Mnvn;c Phone 3-3748 oa INSTRI Ml NT RF.PAIR Exiurt m u ir a I hit raiment repair. At; wnrk fully ruaran'eed. JACQUITH Mt). SIC CO. P.i 3-4til oitl ItlMtlR M RVK E Window Cleaning Janitor Servte Floor w stint R'H!dines Factories - Home F-tirt.iitM Without Obligation AMERICAN BtDO MA TNT CO Ph Salem 3-9133 0 Journal Want Ads Pay Thursday, Sept. 22, 1949 23 DIRECTORY LANDHCAPr NIESERT P .V. Doerfler At Sons. OrDamentala 189 H. Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1323 o DELUX SERVE SiXP Laundry. 4a Jef ferson St.. Piione 33453. o LAWNMOUFRK Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com'l St. 0333" LAWN MOWER 8n4RPENINO At youi door lawnmower aharpeolng, Deitar to lawn mil war man Ph 38838. MATTRESSES Capita Beddiag Phupe 3-4069 MUSIC LEHSONa Spanish At Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1833 Court St. Pb. 8-7J88. OFFICE R RXITt'RK Bl'PPLIEtl Desk chairs, (lias and (Mini auppliea, tafea. duplicators and supplies, desk lam pa typewriter stands brief ease, lerce Wire Recorders. Roen ftf Court. o OIL Bl'RNFR SERVICE We service all types of burners. Ph. 2863. Unltrd Producta Co. 3031 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. o333 f strom's are equipped to do roar painting Phone 3-3493 PAPERHANGING Jerry Johnson. Pb. 34831. Expert Paperhanging and painting. R. J Woodworth. Ph. 3-8888. Free wt. o33T PAINTING aft PAPER HANGING Painting and papcrhanitng. Pre astl marc, rn i-.iii, 937 Shipping. o340 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Butcbaoo Palot Store, Phove 3-6681 " PLUMBING Ptshe r. 64 4 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o333 i'ri'ning-sphayTng " Phillip W Belike." Ph. 3-1208. o329' !AND A OEAVH. ' Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand Gravel Co., Phone 3-9349. Valley Sand St Ora vet Co But, aand to f II dirt Excavating 10B shovel to caia. Traetor scoop to trucks for dirt gaoelnt. Ph. office 24003, res. 37146. o iAWS Salem Saw Wrka. Pb. 31803. 1393 N 8th 0339 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric . Roto-Rooter BzcIuaJr FaUni Raaor fharp Steal Outtlng Bladoa, Clean Sewera ot Drains. SepU Tanks Cleaned Raaa. Ph 8-W31 w .64W SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Beptla tanaa olearewC Electric machine service on war anal drain lines. Guaranteed work, 1143-Stb St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 34S Mike a Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service 00 Sewer. 107S Elm St, W. 810. Pb. 3-908, 1-1331. 238 Vacuum Pumping, no mlleea barg. Call us collect. Todd'a Septic Tank Service. 3345 Stat St. Phone 3-0184. SEWING MACHINES New Horn sewing machln sales. Wt repair all make. King wood Elec, 1091 Edaewater. Ph. 35569. o331 Bought, sold, rented, rapalred. EZ terms. All make. W. Devcnport. Ph. 17611. 33r AU makes repaired, free atlmataa. Singer Sewing Machln C. U0 Mo. Commercial Ph. 3-3313. TYPEWRITERS Smith Oorona, Remington Royal, Coder wood portable Ait makna uaed machine Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court. TRANSFER 8 STORAGE ocal to Distance Transfer, at or a. Burner oil, ooal to briquet, Truck te) Portland dally, Agent for Bekln House hold goods moved to anywhere in 04, h Canada Larmar Traoaier to Stora, Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or refmiAhed. Relnholdt St Lew la I-3B3I. E1bibt The Blmdman. Ph. 37338. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Ht. 2, Box 111. Ph, 3-8138. 0339 WEATHFltSTRIPFINd Free csilmatas. T. PULLMAN. Pb. l-396( 0233 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Dar Dei Relnholdt As Lewi ph 33839. 0' WINDOW CLEANING Acme V. Indow Cleaner Window, walla to woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Pb 3-8331 341 Court Lanxdoc. culbartaoo and Mather WOODKAWING Atkins St Cross, ph. 3-3874 or 3-6178. o23t WOOD to KAWDUST UIDGKS fjp I.O.OJ meets every Wed ne.sday aitfht VUltors wl come A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. 6s vA A.M. EA. Degree Friday, Sept. 23. 7 pb. 227 i,m;.i TN THE DT5THICT COURT"" OP THE UNITED tH ATrd FOR THE DISTRICT OP OHEOON. In the mailer of Donna Wlck- lanorr, Bunkrupl: No. B-30226 In Bank ruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Cred tors. To tue crtxlitors ol Donna Wick- lander of 3375 View Ave., Snlm, Oregon, oanxrupi: ICE 1 hereby si. en that said Donna Wlrklander ha. been duly ad- JUdKed a b.iiiKrupt on a petition filed by iter on September , i49, and that th first niaelini of tier creditors wilt be held ut Room 225, U. 8 Past Office Bide., Sa lem. Oregon, on Sopti-tnbcr 30, 1949. at 2 00 pm PST. at wtiirh place and time the ;itd creditor may attend, prov their claim. apin:nt a truvee. appoint a rommtttre of creditor, examine th bsnKrnpt, and lrnn...ict Mirh other bust- nes rnsv prinerly mine before aald meetitin, Da led n( :nralll. Oreeon, Sep tember ina. Letter O. Oehler, Aeferes In Bankruptcy, NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION In the City of Salem, Oregon Friday. October 14. IIH9 NOTICE HEREBY M OIVEN that on FH iy, Oc'ooer H. l:i m, a special election will be held in tue city or Salem, for th purpose of tubniittinif to the registered oter or sata city ior their approval or rejection, an act to amend aectton 8 of tiie cluirter of lite c.ty of Salem 10 increase me numocr of alderman and the number uf v.srds from seven tw til iit Said election will be held In each ward ( in nr.. ueaimulua kt a oclock In th nominal and continuing until 6 o'clock In tue evening of said dar. The precinct In each ward :iall have a common voting jiece, excrpunat wara t, anereia ther ifisll be uu '. uUnit fl.icr BY UHDKH P THE COMMON COUN CIL of the C.ty of Silem, Oregon, tht) 22nd day of Ant- iM. 1'MJ Al.HtFD Ml'NDT, Hecord'T of th City of Saletw, O ret on IN THK DISTRICT COURT OP THsf i:n. rtu n l Ai t.a ton the district of ORTOUN In th matter of Hsriey Char Pillor. B.trurm't. No B-Jo;io In Bank ruptcr. Notk of Plrt Meeting of Cred itors. To tue t red tors of Hurley Charpil- ot Si.'.erton, O!''on, a bankrupt: NO- I ICE I herffiy n'.rn t:iat d Harley Cur i::oz ha b--:i duly ad.'udeed a rjnkiu;i' on a petit. on filed by him on Setle:nber 6. 1 . and tliat t ie fir.'t meet of hJ crel Lors will be held at Room VS. P,t (. ft re B.1g., Salem, Orenoo, on September 30, liii, at 3 15 pm. PS I at whU-h i !ce and time the aa.d cred itors mar anend, prote their c'alm. ap po.nt a tnve api'O nt committee of rriNlitor. exsxni t:ie bankrupt, and tran sact S'lfft ol.ier bu.ines a may properly come bfr aald meeting. Dated at Cor valiu. Oreinn, September 19. 1949. Lat ter O. Oeoler, Jteitre la Kankruptor.