g2 Capital Journal, Salem, CLAMiriKD ADTIRTISINQi Per Uu lfte Par Line I times 40c Per Lin f lime 60 Ptr Line 1 month f 3 00 Outsid oC Salem 15t per line per day. sit. He; 3 Umu mln. SOe times mln. No Refunds MCAUERK km Loaal News Col On It: Per Lino 30c T Fltet am Ad Fhon 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Colonial Home with View EXCELLENT Interior and exterior finish, shingle roof, 1st. LR., DR., Sun rm., nii ale rm., tiled kit, and cook, pantry, all hdwd. flr. dwn., Vtn. blinds In sua rm. and nook, k bath dwn., full bath up and ahwr., carpeted stairs, I BR. up, full basement, oil furnace with hot wo'.er heat, 2 car urate, city water sod elec. well. Weather stripped and insulated overhead. Lae. outside fireplace, very well landscaped, le. tree. Lawn sprink ler. Located on acre In Salem's bet ter dist. Bus by door. See this today. 1 17,900. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Sitcluslve Lifting - Personal Service 164 . Com'L 8t. - Ph. 38389, Eve. 37440 a326 SPECIAL Mew 3-bdrm. home. Built-in wardrobes. LoU of kitchen bullt-lna. Auto, oil Jurn. Owner needs money for business. Cutting price to 110,200, hi week. Can be aeen evenings 'till 8:00 at 1096 Cot- j tagc flt. Will 10 rHA. a229 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Lane Urine room, tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Plastered basement and gar age. Hardwood floors, lot built-in, terraced back yard. Coat over t' 8,000 to build. Reduced to 112,500 for quick wale. For Information call 34347. a227 1 FOUR bedroom houe, Vi acre of land, 1630 Brook. 16000. 3 new 4 bdrm houses, 3310 Broadway, A. E. HeasJey, owner. 2305 N. Liberty St. OWNER BUILDEh SPECIAL 3 B.R. home, fireplace, radiant heat. attached garage, ke, Llv, Rm., picture window. All masonry eonstr. Small down pymnt. Approx. 360 per mo. will handle, Real buy. On Cha Ave. off Liberty Kd. Neighbor to wast will show or call 3-1761. 326 SvVNER transferred. Modern home 3 'A yr. 3 bdrm. on one floor, 1390 Jeffer son St. Ph. 35228. a326" REDUCED $1750 WONDERFUL VIEW FROM ORCHARD HEIGHTS Mice 1 Bd. rm. home, on beautiful lot 66x130. Excellent lawn and shrub. If you want an attractive home at low oat with a aommandlng view of the whole valley, city and mountain, al for 18760, this home merit your at' tentlon. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 15109. Evt, 39939 a226 Bt OWNER, K I m wood Mtj. New 3 bdrm.. hardwood floors, fireplace, term. Will consider offer. 1701 Long view. Turn right off Edgewater, Ph. 39506. tnd street left. a226 IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to sell prac tically new home, 6 Is, rms., hdwd. fin. thruout, auto-f urn. piped to all rms. Un ite, upstairs. Stairway In. Breeze way. att. gar. Lae. lot, otty water. Low down payment. FHA terms. Salem Height dllt. 685 Bwald, S. Off 09E. ft 226 KM MED. POSR. b rm. house, latest design, tfnglewood Diss. 16100. F.H.A. Ph. 24426. a227' LOVELT 3 bdrm. home. North on 99 to 2140 Carlton Way. 233 TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES PracMcany new. Llv. R Din., Kit., Nook, 2 Bed., Double Plumb., Full Base ment with Knotty Pine Play R., two fireplaces, dble. gar., 2 lots, fenced and landscaped. 1970 John. Ph. 3-8226. a228 r.KY COMPLETE 8 rooms, upstair loot ed, F.H.A., i blk. to Corners. Tel. 20037 21t Vf.UY NEAT comfortable 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, good corner lot. Will trade or sell. 37500. MEW, 3 bedroom, oak floors, fireplace, all electric, 1mm. pos. This Is a lovely home. 312,000. t A. wtth nice I bedroom house, hard wood floors, 2 fireplaces, rumpus room In basement, automatic oil heat, bu at door, 113,500. P. H. Bell, Realtor Ml Ohemeketa Bt. - Ph. 2-1545, 1-4R96 ve. 1-2451, 8-7565. 2-6686. B226 Small I-BDRM. Hse. eomp." redec.EleeT, water heater. Elec. stove. Elec. ht. i Small lot, Hollywood Dist. 13,750 cash, i Ph. 36860. 670 Jefferson. a229 fitWW. WW LBR. HOME N. E. Hasflre- , plae. H. W. floors. Lot 70x130. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with I STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors j 1M . High t. Ph. 1-4121 Kve. 2-5208 m a226 I $H.M. ATTRACTIVE late fauurtmnig N.rl on lOOxlBB lot. 2 large bedrooms. Fruit tree, garorn space. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 168 S. Htgb St. Ph. 2-4131 Kve. 25206 a226' !!. NKW I ROOM homa cloaa to Mc Klnlry School. Attached aaraaa. Ready vo move into. Call O. V. Hum. with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors US S. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eve. ann6 . aJd Open for Inspection 3330 SUNNYVIKW AVE. Nfw l year old vry modern 3 bdrm. home. Large 14x22 living room with circulating flrrplece. 10x10 dlmtt Breullful kitchen with breakfast nook, aeparated by brrakla.it bar and lots of Built-in. Large utility room with ta Uonary Wfuli tuba. Attached gar sue. HUhly poiiaht'd hardwood Iloora thru out. Nice buck and front lawn enrliwd bv ranch tvle fence. Lot 5Sx37 ' Garden er-ot at rear of lot. Very well cniwirutUd. Thu home ta In excellent condition In e.ery detail. Reaaon for idling, leaving atale. fjit Keizer District $()!50 New I bedroom huiiae. Utility ri lira. Plect. W. heater. Alt. gar, lot. Ea.vr terma. Hwd Large C. W. Reeve Realtor .M5 8. Commercial. Eve. S-ftAH Ph. 1-430 aim Englewood Drive Buv Drlre by 1040 Market Rt. Call or if Interested tn thin fine J-HH. home with rplace, hdwd. flra., bml., fine t Iota of fruit treea. Cloa to b.u and atorea. ID500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Bt. Offtoa h. J-iWfll - ivea. raw or MIMS r. miW BKAfJTIPUL COLONIAL HOUHK Karl. Location. 4 b.trm full tn. ,.., bath dn. Bent of new wall to wall f arpeUng throughout. I.Ke. din. rm . full dry basement Mot water heat. 3 rnr garage. Heautltul lawn and hrubi We i nave me privilege of ahw Ing you thti excellent hr-me at the very readable prire of 31M. Phone S6a0 KD LUK1NHKAL HKAI, E8TATK 4J3 N. Nigh PI evening Phonea JIsju, ant or M704 - a32 BY OWNER I BR home at 746 Cascade Ir. FlntAhed bAm't with party room, 3 fireplace I1J.0O0 Phone 1-5445. aaan BV OH'M.R New auburban t "RR."ho.it " Let ot bullt-lna, choice lumber. lrioe tr mo Phone 1-569. a237 fa.nnAwVFRT NICE I room auburban home r." I' acre cioe ta on pavement, ha full dry baement A furnace, double araee, chicken hnue, bua by door Geo. A. Walters, Realtor fi64) t. Commercial !- v. J 1164. a3J7 Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1 949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Abbott & Costello" Plui "Meet The Killer" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERB ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thia picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 2j words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Elsinore Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE beat statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Abbott & Costello" plus "Meet The Killer" Mining soon to the Elsinore thea ter. All entrtefl bernm t.h. nrnu ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges Is final. Employees of the Cunital jour. nal. The Capitol or Hslnore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES $2950 Easy terms on this unfinished house. North. Outside complete and could be lived In as you finish the Interior. Drilled well. Large lot. C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 S. Commercial St. Ph. 1-4590 Eve. 3-8S38 a227 EXCLUSIVE This 1 the most home for 18950 in Salem, 32000 down and only 150 a month. Immediate possession. There Is nothing to do to this home all the Im provements are made. Living room, dinette, kitchen, bath, 8 bdrm., large garage, fenced yard. If you want a home In Leslie and business district, see us today. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 37 YEARS IN BALEM J5 H. High St, Phono 3-4139 .227' ABOUT 8 YEARS OLD. 1 bdrm. down, up. Att. garane. Fireplace. Bus 1 h Price only 36900. Small down nnvm-t bal. lets than rent. Immediate posse- ATTRACTIVB I ROOM HOM E with basement, oil furnace. 75-ft. front lot Only 2 yrs. old. Price 18950. Reasonable irrmx. 1 YEAR OLD ranch type home. Large llv. rm. with fireplace, large dining room, 2 large bdrma., kitchen, utility uu lurnace. Alt garage, a lots. Shrubs. Keixrr nut Priy. iiinnn LEO N. CHILDS, INC., KJUALTUKS 844 State St. - Phone 2-3B63 Bvenlnga Call: Mr. Voorhces. 2-4007, or Mr. Seders trom, 3-6789 a228 Terms or Trade 11008 or good trailer house. Will make uuwn payment on neat 2 bdrm. home, Only 3 yrs. old. Near new Capltola ouiiuui. 3iou. rim price. STROUT REALTY iatn- Ph. 2-5323. a226 3MMKI. WORTH much more. Mod. 3 Bdrm.. u.. neai, mu. garaiie, near bus & acnooia, easy lerma. Ph. 36189. a 230 OARAGE HOUSE for aale. 1 acres. 1600 r qul1"- 4357J. a227 RWOfl. CLEAN modern 2 BR home Vk yrs. um. iteizer oist. Living room, dining room, fireplace. Inside utility room, at tached garage, auto, heat, lot 82x224. Beautiful lawn & garden. 11500 down. Call StanlfV Rrnmt. nrlth State Finance Co., R'ltors t. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3-5561 ft228 NEW modern 2 BR home East. Paved irpci,, cione 10 ous ei school. 31350 down. Bal. F.H.A. Call Stanlf nrnurn vllV, State Finance Co., R'ltors i3s B. Hign St. Ph. 3-4121, Eve. 3-5561 228 NEW MODERN 8 BR home South. Fine lo cation. 24QQ down. Ol.DKR TYPE s BR home South. Dble. car. Le tot. $1000 down. Ed Byrkit & Co. Realtors 307 N. High. Ph. 3-3101. a326 AUTUMN SPECIAL About 2H acre. Jiwt off Pacific high way north 12 mlW: a very neat amall noiwe : good poult ry hnuje : fine well and masonry pump house; garage, good variety frulta and nuta: nice yard: Out of atnte owner, s.-e it niir! rnke offer. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. ph. J-7M0 Eve. phone a-riIH-I-flflf(5 7W 4 REDROOM Only 9 yeara old. Large carpeted llv Ine room and dining room, nook A car nun. over 1400 ri. rt. of floor pnce. CIoa tn auburhan location. S block from bua. Owner will aacrlflce for $8.00. Call Pon Cleary. Walter Musgrave. Realtor 1J1! Fdgewater Ph. H-HIM Eve. S-099 aa?S IMM.rOSSESSION" Out of atnte owner here to aril prac tically new home. 6 In, rm., hdwd fir, thruout, aiito-furn. pined to all rm. Unfin. uiwlnlrn. Atatrwa In. Tireccewnv, Rtt. gr. I.ue lot, ctty water. Iiow down pavment. FHA terms flnlem llelght dist. M.t FwnM. fl off U3E. a331 RY PRIVATE OWNER 8 rm. hoiue on I acre, city bua 're 64 ft. drilled well, finall amount of fin Uhtng on house Have 11200 in place Will cut tor cash, bal 140 per mo or make offer. Leaving town. Write Capi tal Journal Box 435. j2(t S R R. HOCftF., a bathroom, lae. kitchen, work shop, dMe, gnraie. exc residen tial dUt., walking distance, fl poo. Will sell furniture If desired, flee owner after 6pm., 144B R. Liberty. a:3fl TREATIES Rmall, well-built. Plastered house, mo dern, with cook stove and oil circula tor, on Sllverton Road near new Lin coln School at 13695. Neat, clean I R R. furntahed tlou4 Mi valuable corner lot. both atreetj pared. West Salem ont ISP50. HURT PICHA, Realtors 379 H. Hlth Rt Offtc 1-3649 Eve. J.53MI a?36 $1000 DOWN Rcautiful well planned home, Fireplace many feature, uood net hbor hood. Be Proud to Own Thl exceptionally beautiful homa. Vtt large living and dlnlne rm. 3 bdrm.. I fireplace, full hnsement. Rumpus rm. Radiant heat, Double urate, Landscap rd corner Among line home. 11800. Lib eral terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church ph. 3-7643 Eve. or Run. 1-0133 aJ36 M)mv.4 ACRE. Excellent toll. House. 3 ixlrms . iiv. rm , dm. rm. Very good kit. Attached earate Fruit room. E A MclH-AUFMN Edw. A. Dyck - Realtor tn K. Commi. Ph. .3U, l-laoj, 1-anM 1 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS DUTCH COLONIAL 1 bdrm. plua den, clue In locitloa. excellent condition thruout. Ite. lie. rm din rm . Ac kltolien. open etatrcaae. hdwd. fir., wall-to-wall carpet, tlreplaee full baaetnent, hot watr heat, beautiful yard, dble. farafe. Priced ruht. Call Ror Ferrla. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES Spacloua sunken llv. rm., lie. din. rm.. aunnr brktat. room, den lower floor fin ished In beautiful Japanese cumwood. Tut bath plua 1' aeta plumblnc bdrma Biald'l quartera, oil hoi water heat, dble. saraca. Thl 1 without equal. Call Peter Oalaar SPECIAL An unuauallr fine home located clow to state CapltoV apaetoua rm.. 4 bdrma fun baamt. fireplace, aprlnkllna ayatem. beautifully landscaped, home In excellent condition, dble. saraae. Specially priced to aell at lla.ooo. call Petar OeUer GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 1-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Earl Wet 1-0608 . Roy rem 2-8010 - Peter Oelser J-fiOBI . Ben Rolaen 3-2471 FOR SALE HOUSES SALEM HEIGHTS 14100. 1 bdrm. - llv, rm. - kitchen bath - block house plastered on In side Very neat and clean - View prop erty lot 85x135 - city water - 8 pear tree - 7 filbert tree - berrle - Fur niture can be bought for 1400. IIOOO dn. 165 a mo. FAIRMOUNT HILL 37950 - Large lot - 92x75 - English style - 1 bdrm. - llvlng-dinlng rm, kit chen, bath dn - full bath up - In side and outside fireplace - elec. heat -beautiful yard with shade trees - fenced - View property. You can't beat thia buy for a home and location. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 18900. S bdrm. - living - dinette - nice kitchen bath fireplace - oil heat -attached garage - good location - close to schools and bus 8 years aid. Suburban Salem Heights Dist. 313,200 - Vk years old - modern style - 2 bedrooms - living-dining rm - large kitchen - fireplace - elec. heat - big lot - View property - nice garden space. Let us show you a beautiful home. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN A. A. Larsen, Realtor Office 2-8629. 191 S. High. Home 3-7163 a226 MUST LEAVE BY OCTOBER 1ST I2S0 WILL buy my 1454 equity in 1 year oa z im nome, piastereu. nawa. lira. 542 Bliler Ave. Mapleton Addition. a233 FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE OR TRADE view lot 80x140. city water. FHA approved. 81000 or car of equal value. Ph. 26159. aa230 BY OWNER: Lot 70x112. south, city water. ous, restrictions; ou; z& aown, tio a monthPh.-5211; eve. 2-3203. aa228 LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bua. close to school on Sllverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 315 down. 115 per month. General Real Estate 225 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa231 BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Close to Hayesvtlle school. Lot! with water, electricity, bus service and milt trees. 110 down $15 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Sun. & Eves. 2-8241, 3-9712, 3-2532, 2-3738. aa230 CORNER LOT. 100x187, sub- $460, terms, i. 3-4836. aa228 Owner, 200 S. 22nd St., P FOR SALE FARMS LOW PRICED STOCK FARM. Over 500 acres, rolling valley land, close to Sa lem Coast Highway. Approx. 100 A. cultivable, bal. timbered land with plen ty spring water. Oood PLASTEREO 2 BR. home, wired for elec. ise., Rood lae. barn, milk hse., and other bldgt. I nc Is. Bendix washer and John Derre tractor. Priced to sell quick. 30. PER ACRE. VERY EASY terms. OVER 100 ACRES on Little Lucklamute River, about tt rich bottom loam, Irri gable. NEW 5 rm. hse. and smaller hc, rented. New small barn, pltry. hse. and outer DKigs. $11,000. ONLY tj00 DN. bal. at bF. SEE IT NOW l Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. - Ph. 3-8389, Eve. i-H0 b22S TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 good acre close In NE; very clean am an two txirm. house, garage, poultry houe. family fruit, pressure water, near school. Only J64O0. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phona 3-7660 Eve. Phone 3-4591 - 3-6605 b32R lit ACRES of real good oll 1 mile from Auiiiaville, new ft room home el. wa ter heater, wired for electric range, 3 car garaHe, good barn, deep well, plenty water, 4 good cow, all thla for only tHOOO.OO. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors Pho. 3-4707 - 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 baas $1000 DOWN 8.1 Acre;, creek, about orchard, 9 ml. out, you'll have lot of walnut to prunes If you buy this now. Full price 14950. A 63 and a 34 Acre farm for awap for cltv property. Wlint have you? Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 319 N. Hlah St, Eve: 2-5300 Office 3-3649 b228" 69 ACRES-A REAL FARM " 13 miles out Wallace Road. Continuous Ownership tor 76 yrs. All cult, level ground. The house Is old but clean and mod. All outside bldus. are new. This la really a beautiful place and only $15. 600. 13'i ACRES $0750.00 The barn s full of hay. so arc these two fine Jersey cows. Average 3 11R house. 3 ac. boy sen berries. 4 ac. filberts. 13 mltei out Wallace ltd A good deal. Phone 26880 ED LUKINHEAL HKAL ESTATE 443 N. Hi nil St Evening Phones 38704. 37769, 3.1816 b339a ACREAGE 8'i acrrs. S under cult. 6 rm. house barn chicken h.se.. bunk hc, faniliy orchard. 7 mt. out S.uih River Road. S8500 20-ACRE FARM Thl 30-acre farm, close In cast, bM of deep drk soil. All In cult , year ronn stream Mam. outhulldln fair, house not much but livable. Oood p'.ace. priced risM. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. Ph 3-64S8 - Eve. 3-5397. 3-69(11, 1.433 b3J6 56 A. unimproved located about 10 miles cast on Paved road. Fenced tor aheep. Year around water. Price 13500. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131 Evt. 3106 19 ACRFn, amall 4 room house, garage ana pump nouse. 16X40 hen hniisc. all bldas 3 years old. Out Sllverton Rd., 1 McCain, then N , last place on left. bJ39 RARrllTft and hutche. Reasonable. 1-0333 after 3 30 p.m. or Sunday Ph. FOR SALE ACREAGE RV OWNI'R: Subvirban acre, amall mod- crn home, V. blind. 80' well, fruit tiio. close to achool, store to bus. btauiu tut ahrubberT. fruit, nut to berne 7000. Ph. 1-0135 tve. Rt. 1. b.l 171 336 TO t ACRES of rirer bottom lnd Stream, trees, gmxl bi,tg. sites. I1SO0 dwn, easy terms, Call alter 9 pm. 3110 bl329 V OHH, 7 acre No aim Income Motiern all electric home 'Oood barn utile garare. Leaving aiate. Ph. 3'7 Rt. I. Bom 363. bhUT IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR HALE or rent. 20 acres near Aums viUe. Joe Hllla, Rt. 2, Aberdeen, S. D. bb226 REAL ESTATE Medium Priced Homes Neat small, compact 3 bedroom home with attached garage, Northeast 857a0. Term.v Business & Home Good large business lot, tone 3, with small 2 bedroom home on the back, lo cated on North Front street. A good location for a garage, bakery, cabinet shop, etc. $5250. Excellent terms. Ex clusive. Call Joe. $6500 Excellent location for a Stat Woiker or for Income property. 2 oedroom. plaster home with fireplace and full basement with furnace. Exclusive. State Veteran A sound 3 bedroom home with auto matic heat, north. Ha passed FHA loan requirements. Owner Is an ex-marine and will sell to reliable State Veteran ror small down payment. Home has been appraised for $7,000. Exclusive payment. Home ha been appraised for $7,0u. Ex clusive. $7,000 New, plastered 3 bedroom home in the Kelzer district. Hardwood floors, auto matic heat, located out of flood water district, on a paved street, will io FHA and can be purchased for small down payment. Exclu.sice. $7500 Oood two bedroom plastered mme in the city, paved street, city bus by door, only 2 blocks to grade school. A good value, with terms. We must show this one by appointment. Exclusive. Call Joe. Suburban Acreage Three bedroom home with full dry basement, wood fornace, 2 acre ground, small barn, plenty of family rrult and nuts. This place located about 2 miles out on the South River road. has good garden soil, and Is out of the high water district, about a mile frum the river. The place ha been rented, and needs the care of an owner. Dis- tnnt owner willing to take In car. 'Tall er or accept small down payment, bal ance like rent, f Property now rented for $65 per mo. $7500. Exclusive. Special Northeast 3 bedroom home, fireplace, at tached (fa rune, beautiful large fenced in yard. Home has about 1050 sq. ft. tnd is In first clasx condition. Inside and out. A buy at $8950. Acreage We have several good acreages, one In particular we think Is outstanding. It is well located Northeast, the surround ing area I restricted and well outlt up. your choice of 4 to 6 acres. Exclusive. $10,500 Beautiful ranch style home In the Man' brin Oardens. LR, DR. fireplace, Beau tiful yard, FHA financing if desired. Owner might consider good late mfdel car, as he Intends to buy one anyway Exclusive, Englewood New 4 bedroom home, in an older es tablished excluflive section of the En glewood district, city sewer, water, bus, about & blocks to the Englewood grade school. Just try to beat ht one a '11.700. Shown by appointment oily. Call Joe. 80 Acre Farm An outstanding farm, full and nomjlete act of modern good buildings, all land in cultivation, year around stream with Irrigation right, most of thia farm in bottom land. 1049 crop consisted of need flax, oat, com. oats to vetch, string beans, cherries. Ground ha raised mint at one time. Thl one wa a aurprle to me considering location, but seeing ! believing. Owner would consider rade for Salem property, suburban acreage preferred. 117.600. Exclusive, See Joe. PLENTY OP MONEY TO LOAN We are interested In placing money at 4 to 4' on good valley farm, must have 40 acre of land in cultivation. We also make loan on city property. FHA, etc. Name your own term within lea aon. Business Opportunity We have a mall businea opportut'ltv in outh Salem, for $3900. Exc. location i and would be a good setup for a coupie. Doughnut, aandwiche. Icecream, etc. WHAT ARE YOUR NEEDS? If you don't see omethlng that Inter est you in the above we have plenty more, especially do we have a good trad ing section, let us know your needs, 1 mayoe we can be of help. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. S-83lg. Kve M Bourne 3-7317 or Mr. McQueen 3-8476! C226' ATTENTION Bargain Hunter 9500 DOWN on mis 4 yr. nome (3 BR. I to . ACRE, NE. for only 96500. Elec. kitchen, elec. iiroirr. inns, oarn, immea. Post, More land available POM.TRY A SMALL DAIRY FARM, 13'4j num. n PNvm i snori drive out S. Riv er road. Sev. acres of fruit and ber ries. New elec. water aytt. Excellent pary. oing. vamaoie not hse. Yr. gtream, tlfl.SOO. Terms. CHOICE ACRE HALF Near new Salem vnoi.. uon miss mis attractive plast, hse. ilnsulatedi. surrounded by charm ing lawns, big shade trees, shrubs A flowers. Roomy pltry. hse., garae. BEN- IJIX OOKS. Immed. post. $8000. Low uu, pnyim Larsen Home & Loan Co. Ksrlu.lv. Llatln. . Prmonal Servlr. 14 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-838; Eve. 3-H40 raa' 2 Bedroom Furnished $0300 Full Price Englewood 3 block trom achool, cor. lot. Elec. atove - wanint machine - Elec. refrlg. Complete furnishing - Imme diate possession - Bay term - Will sell unfurnished. Want a Farm? 3 bedroom modern home - Large chix house garage and pump house on 10 acre north close tn only 10400 full price. Eve ph. 3-7081 Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Blda. Ph, 3.9317 Real Estate In nu ranee - Mtt. Loan .... C337 NELSON NEWS CROISAN CANYON HOME 1 1000 DOWN Almoal 1 A with some native timber tn back. 2 bdrm. home rustic built, full bml.. furnace, good private W. aya tem. Thu mould be a liO.000 property If the yd. had been kept up properly. The price now is 18000 on terms, 11000 down. LESLIE SCHOOL HOME 16300 Le. LR to OR. kit.. 3 bdrms., util rn, on lt fir. bdrm. with kitchenette ud lair. Oa fir furnace, wired for elec. rane. had. fir . V. blind, att. gar., pvd. t . li nibs, fruit trees. I30O0 down. Can be furnished for 17350. Near bus Leslie S 10 ACRES IN PRIMT 1500 Here is a tract that is ery suitable tor am. acres te subdivision at S the prlct be-n paid for bare subdivision land NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men who RpMtalire 701 R. High Ph. S-4631 aJII REAL ESTATI Be Happy Own Your Own Home and Business! W have a wide variety of homes, Iota, and business properties such as hardware store, grocery store, ervlce stations, apartment houses, shoe repair shops, auto courts, combined service station it motel to trailer court, restaurant, confectionery, sporting good stores, seafood stores, combined grocery store, At service station, motel with fishing equipment such a boat to motors also a large variety of su burban homes to farm diversified farming, Orade A dairies, and stock farm. We are In the position to exchange many of our properties. Also with low down payment and easy terms. For more Information on these listing or any thing not mentioned, drop la our office for a friendly talk wa ll see what w can work out for you. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. JOHN ZEEB, MGR. 16! N. Capitol REAL ESTATE rott YOUR BAVIN Gb investment buy a tlrt mortgage on real aetata. Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amoant 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investor 8. We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO . 158 8 High e BEST BUYS $5700 SPECIAL Very good older type home In a choice location North. Bus front door. School 1 block. Store 1 block. Basement, large lot. 2 weeks possession. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33556. 3 BEDROOM Very clean old home. Double corner lot. Suitable for eourt. Very close to school, store to bus. $1200 down. Total price only $5000, Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33558. SMALL BUSI. BLDG.. Almost new, auttable for almost any small business. Immediate possession. Very well constructed. Located on very busy street. Total price only $050. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33558. 15 ACRES 8 acres clover. 300 filbert trees. 160 prunes. 3 rm. house In good condition. $2500 down. Total price $8500. Ph. Eve. 89403 or 33558. 10 ACRES 4 rm. modern hou.e. oarage. Large chicken nous. Amity soil. 4' miles from Salem. No waste land. Total price only $6400. Eve. Ph. 39403 or 33558. AI Lsaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596 3035 Portland Rd. c226 Homeseekers Agency Specials 2 bedroom modern home, some furnish ings. As low as $600 down. Price $3950 Part acre and 5 room and bath. Nice lawn and shrubs, etc. A dandy buy at $4500 Here's a fine little acreage. 3 acres, all cleared between Sllverton and Salem. New irrigation well. 4 room and bath, plastered, floor furnace, wired for range, elec. water heater, etc. Reduced to $4900, easy terms. 19 acres, nearly all cultivated. Valley land, good 3 bedroom, plastered home with fireplace and basement. 8 stan chion barn. Machine shed and other buildings. Irrigation well, etc. . .$9500 Equipped restaurant with living nuar- I ters and 5 room new residence on about li acre land on 99E, near Salem. Real estate, equipment and stock goes for $15,000 Call or write for our sale list Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON C22fi' WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE If your property ta for sale rent or exchange list it with us W have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 Htgb St ea WE ARE tn need 01 gooo nousea to aell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for aale are GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ca WANTED Suburban lot with water. Ph. Z-U4U.I. . ca225 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BY OWNER. 10 A. farm. Close JD. Price S10.500. EZ term. Ph. 2-1993. b228 TRADE 2 A. on Sllverton Rd. Small ft rm. house. Bug by door. Value 16000. For 3 bd. rm. house in city. 1970 Broadway. cb228 TRADE '47-27 Liberty house trailer and cash for house and acreage or small restaurant. Write R. J., Devitt, Trees Vourt, Vancouver, Wash. cb228 OR TRADE: Equity in all modern 3 BR suburban home. Large living rm., icl', chen with dinette. Large lot 80x125 ft. Will consider large trailer house in rood cond. Call at 108 Lansing Ave. cb!2S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHADY LARGE tract suitable for aubdi vision or trailer auto park. 1 mile North .an ji 100 evenings. edaas GROCERIES, meats, lockers, living tsuar inn. nu in ine same ouiioing. L.Ocaiea in small town between Salem and Port land. Owner has another business. Write Capital Journal box 453. cd220 ESTABLISHED exclusive local business- no selling, good profit for on v 3 hrs. of your time a week. $1500 Investment, secured. Act now. Write box 437, Capi tal Journal. cd228 APT. HOI'SE to OFFICE BLDG. Close to aiate House to Shopping Center, base ment, steam heat. No. 3 lone. Income 3440 per month, 335.000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Persons! Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. d227 SALE OR LEASE large lot on Fairgrounds Rd. near bank. Ideal for used cars. 3 Bdrm. In back. Terms. Ph. .16189. c.d230 Choice Building Sites ONLY A FFW BLOCKS FROM SCHOOL. SEE OODEN. WEST END OP EVER GREEN ST., MILL CITY. ORE. cd330 FOR RENT Store space In Elsinore The ater building. Inq. Mr. Pressler, Elsinore Theater evenings, cd237" $1200 V A. Keirer dist. Good bid, site. Be -it or son. store and city . bus. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 cd227 SACRIFICE DOWNTOWN Restaurant' worth invent iga ting. 431 Front St. Wood burn. Ore. Telephone Main 134 Cd237 FOR LEASE or sale, new store building, lasnv, mi tty aaarion ei. rn. a-teao. Cd238 IT'S TRUE Tou can buy g nearly new stucco du plex each has llv. rm.. 2 B R . kit., with nook. bath, garage, good well, 10 ft. 99 Hlway frontage. Only 16500. but hurry' Appointment only. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Offic: 3-3649 Eve: 2-3190 cd226 GROCERY MEATS" For sal or trade. Living qmrteM. Good clean stock. Comp. fixtures, flacritice for quick sale. 500 win handle. 3 do-irs south of post office, Hubbard, Ore edJlt tsiNe-aeaeaeaesete FURNITURE FOR SALE KIDNEY SHAPED green mohair daven port with new spring cushion. Also large oil circulator like new. with outdoor fuel tank. Cost 190. Selling price, 149 !S0 Ph 3-6706 or 3-7673 d33B WANTED FURNITURE rsFR EVEN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices Valley Furo. 385 N. Com l. Pb 37473. da334 IP TOt' HAVE FIRNITIRE, appliances, swrtlng goods, etc., to sell want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRAI5FR LOUIE 305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-858 davs or 3-4407 eve. daSSS" iik;he-t prices paid Pone oientiai Woodrr Auction Uaraet Ph 3-8110 da Journal Want Ads Pay (REAL ESTATE Ph. 1-1011. rI17' C227" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK wwaia nt. at, Baor beef on hoof. Your choice. Rt. 3. Box 241, mile south Qulnby Comer Store. e228 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED llvaitock buT.r. X. C. aicCandllah, 1127 S). it. Ph. -JH7. ..211 RABBITS WING'S RABBI TRY need rabbit. Top pricr jho state, fit. J-14BB. eb242 PETS COCKER PUPPIES. Dist. Kleter OC226 REG. SPRINGER SPANIELS. Very good cair a-ae7. or i-isog. ec236 FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Oood clean sawdust Dry slab or green for furaaco Oreen edging $5.50 load. Double $10.00 Dry edging $8.00 load. Ph. 35333 ee233 FOR SALE Old growth fir wood $14 per coroaei. rn. 2292 Qervia. ee22B SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186! oneu uu t,o. L. r. Maxwell, dist Han tor ee2f9 SLAB WOOD, mill run, $8 per load. Hand Picked. $11 per load. Ph. after ft p. m. 3"51. ee236 CALI HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Olese' and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends to Block Wood Pb 3644 ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash to maple, slab and edgings. Ph 31458. West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, U-JN.-CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater Bt.. West Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 1J" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR BtoH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 31298 f226 NEW HAMPSHIRE red breeding roosters. 5 months old. $5. Ph. 3-6330. f228 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs- uuy. uratr rrys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers custom Dressing a specialty. Phone opi. uee s natcnery. f 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for Immediate or miure neuvery. Hatches every Tues Pox Hatchery. 9630 StaU St Ph. 3-4089 PRODUCE f iLDtKTs U-PICK 10c lb. or ready picked 12c. Nice. lge. nuts. Large trees . iimij nup, rfjo nsner a. fa. ai;u. ff229 CORN', SWEET Golden Bantam, U pick. SE. of Walling Gravel. 2175 S. 19th. Phone 4-2762. ff230 GRAPES, ITPICK. 4c lb. Bring containers? 3845 Portland Rd. ff227 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-pick tl" bu. u:n, box sz, rn, jerrerson 504. If243 CUCUMBERS, you pick. 2c lb. Arthur Evans, Rt. 3, Box 284 at Clearlake. ff227 SWEET CANNING Tomatoes. L. H. Zielke. fI328 at Kooeru 3chool. Ph. 31578. TOMATOES We Rn. U-pick. Imlah Fruit larm, mile on Wallace rd. Ph. 20374. H23P E OREGON ALFALFA 1ST A ?ND CUTTING NOW BEING DE. L1VERED WRITF 1450 . 3RD, BEND. OREGON OR PH. 405W. 11230 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 2-7173 ff22B EASTERN OREGON Watermelon 39c each. 11 sises. Oreen Apple Mkt. 3 miles N. on 99 Highway. ff23i TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Frl gaard Fruit Farm, ml. N. Reiser school. ((240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lots. Phone 2-3861. Lee's Hatchery. tf TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. Q. M. Gorman. Jefferson. Or. Ph 3- Tf22 YOU PICK Stokesdale canning tomatoes 31.00 per bu. 3583 N. River Rd. (Close Inl HELP WANTED n 1 r.u r iiDert Pickers, bo acres on Aunsvtlle Hlway. Shaw Junction. Geo. Hull. Ph. 3-4294. i326 FRY COOK WANTED. 382 State, Spa. No ij.iuut cans. g32Ri WANT FILRERT pickers. Ph. 35211 eves. g226 EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted. uood salary, state qualifications ln let ter. 426 capital Journal. g32S WANTED Filbert pickers. 9 ml. east on Aumsvuie nignway at silver Fails Junc tion. 50 acres, smooth ground. Big crop, 3 ' and 3 cents. Oeo. Hull, ph. 34294. g238 56 MEN AND WOMEN FULL OR PART TIME The factory rep. of a Toledo multl million dollar corp. is in Salem to In terview men and women for positions In our 1949 and 1950 expansion pro gram. Applicant must stand investi gation. FULL TIME unskilled workers work 40 hrs. per week. Average earnings from 1350 to 3325 per month. Skilled work ers average from 1633 to fR00. PART TIME unskilled workers work 19 hours per week. Average earnings from no to l?0 per week. Skilled workers 160 to 190 per week. TO QUALIFY Must be neat in appearance and be able to furnish 1 ref. If you are sin cere and have a desire to succeed come to Senator hotel, Friday eve., p. m. Ask for Mr. Glrtman. Out of town write to bog 431 Capital Journil. g326 ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No perience necessary. We train you Write Capital Journal. Boa 433. g251 FILRERT PICKERS, good crop one Over HELP WANTED MALE REPRESENTATIVES" NEEDED BT LKAD1NO Auto Insurance Co. FULL OR PART TIM E oppoRTi'Nrrr exists to build a STRONQ AOFNCT FOR THE FUTURE. CONTACT Bill Osko at 488 COURT ST. PH. I-S88! taaai WANTro Combination apotter and preaa er. Val,t Cleaner. Fhont 1-4511 or s-1374. aUI AUTOMOBILES PRICES CUT To Keep Used Cars Rolling GOOD TRADE-IN ON OLD CARS 1949 Lincoln Sedan Coupe. Lots of extras $2695 1947 Lincoln Sedan. Best buy in town $1693 1940 Lincoln Sedan. Mercury motor $593 1939 Lincoln Sedan. Radio & heater $443 1949 Mercury Sedan $2195 1947 Mercury Sedan $1195 1937 Ford Pick-up $195 1937 Willys Sedan. Lots of cheap transportation. Good motor $165 SPECIAL 1949 Mercury Convertible. 7000 miles. Has everything. $2295 There Is a Good Buy Waiting for You AT Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER PH. 38011 J7 VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCKS 1947 Ford 2-ton, C.O.C. 2-speed. 8.25x20 tires. i4B ford 2-ton, 2-speed. 8.25x20 tires. 1946 Chev. 2-ton, 2-speed, 5 -speed Clark. 8.25x20 tires. 1946 Chev. H4-ton. 7.50x20 tires. 14-ft. flatbed. DUMP TRUCKS 2949 Ford 2-ton, 2-speed, 8.25x20 tires. 5-yd. bed. 1940 2-ton, 2-speed, 8.25x20 tires. 4-yd. bed. PICK-UPS 1947 Ford 1-ton pickup. 1946 Ford y4-ton stake. 1946 Ford te-ton pickup. 1944 Dodge -ton pickup. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION HELP WANTED MALE EXP. SLAUGHTER house and backroom man, all latest equipment. Wade Meat Co., Independence, Oregon. ga227 MAN TO Install gutters to down spouts, Must be exp. Judson's 279 N. Com'l. ga22fl WANTED Studious high school boy, will ing to stay in nights to live In town for board, room to small wage. For inter view call at 4730 Harcourt Ave. or Ph. 2-7357 after 6 p.m. ga227 HELP WANTED FEMALE WE ARE NOW registering women to work in the revlscerating dept. Oregon Tur FOUNTAIN GIRL Apply Reeds Drive In, 691 S. 12th. gb228a LADY to work on telephone. Must be 23 yrs. of age. Good income. 229 N. Com'., Rm. 203. tb227 GIRL OR woman for housekeeping. No cooling or wanning. Apply Marilyn's Shoe Store. gb228 ARE YOU INTERESTED In going into ousiness lor yourself? Real opportunity to build permanent business. Write Box 3L b226 WOMAN OR GIRL for light housework. care tor cniraren. rnone 3-6162. ib227" WANT LADY living in Kelrer Dist. or on route to saiem to care lor 2 year old girl days. Your home. Ph. 20062. gb228 WANTED Woman as companion for el derly lady in country home. Work very light. Call after ft p.m. Ph. 2-3170 or 21197. gb227 WANTED: EXP. cook to housekeeper for 2 adults. No washing or ironing. Modern conveniences. Oood salary. Ph. 36617. gb230 EXPER. WAITRESS wanted. Tltt Spa. 382 State. No phone calls. gb227 WANT WOMAN for light housework and carefor2sniall boys. Ph. 2-0594. gb228" EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 380 8tate Street Phone 3-1488. it WANTED SALESMAN TWO HEN to work as a team to sell, as semble and Install the new PRE-CUT ornamental railing. If you are mechan ic enough to use a hacksaw and a screw driver you can really make money with thia proposition. Write Box 430, Capi tal Journal. gg228 TIRED WORKING FOR OTHERS? Would you like the satisfaction and independ ence of your own business? We can probably arrange a good Rural Locality or City District for you In City of Sa lem. Large llnesome 300 household farm products. Well known. High grade. Buy on credit at wholesale sell at re tall. Large profits. Write today. Rawl eigh's Dept.. ORI 155 216L, Oakland. Calif. gg226 IF VOr ARE AN HONEST energetic salesman who wants to earn real money, where possibilities are great, you are the man we want. Call in person. M. K. N. Furniture Store. From 1 to 6 P. M. gg226 TIRED WORKING FOR OTHERS? Would you line tne satisfaction and Independ ence Of VOur own business? We can nrn. bably arrange a good Rural Locality or -iiy uisirict lor you in uiy oi BBiem. Large line some 300 houiehold-fi-m Products. Well know. High grade. Buy timu bv "noirnfiie sen at retail. Large profits. Write todat. Rawlelgh'a, Dept. OR1-155-216L. Oakland. Calif. 86226 OPPORTUNITY to take over West Salem as Fuller smart dealer. Our former dealer, now in college made 1345 last month. Phone 3-6357 between C and 8 P. m. 1,221 EXPERIENCED shoe clerk for part time in lamny shoe store in Salem. Write Capital Journal, Box 424. gg226 EXPERIENCED lurniture salesman, list exp. qualifications. Writ Box 394. Capttsl Journal WANTED POSITIONS WANTED: WORK. 4 JTt. axper. renaw op erator In or nearBalem. Ph. 28833. haaa CARE OF MOTRFRand baofalter" jea lni hoapltal. Ph. 11057 evaa. haas CHILD CARE.llan aTwkT Ph. 1-WlT hj; Oregon Tree Service Phona 1-148 h330 EXPERIENCED KtRVICI atatlon man would Ilka to takeover atatlon or work. 8 nava naa io rra. ot eaper. oood refer- ence. Mr. Oeoraw Aahler. RL L Boa t aubllmltT. Ore. hia Fill OR part time job janitor work. Tj per enoed. Ph J-4318 hail rmplOT- all ol- ..,rrai.Miu BOOKkeeper need! .mi ment Immedialelr. Can ooer.t an Ilea and bkbpt. aaaehlnea. Referenrea I AUTOMOBILE) PHONE 3-3147 4337 WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING By a man that knowa how. 35 jeara tn Salem. By a Journeyman. We guarantee to pleaae you at nrleea that will aur PrUe you. Ph. a-572. mjj CHILD CARE. 1B3 g. Itth. Ph. 2687. h2" TREK WORK, topping trimming, remov viz' j"" w H- mcaiiu- Trade. Ph 1-USI. "ih1" ii??-"1 'm" chl,d ln y hom' INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp Ph. 3-6-95" h227- Mimeographing-Tjpinj? r.o ..a norm nth. Phona S-3B4S. - h233- TELEPHONE CAILS TAKEN. 24 hr. len- rf .wmcr pnone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h230" NEW LAWNS prepared and aeeded. Llfht tractor on rubber wlht dozer. Ph. J-8127. h251 JKTriVORKwanted. Ph. 2-4850. h- FOR RENT ROOMS AoW.r.aCB ,r0mS- equipped. Best of care. Holmes Rest Hnm. n..,. Ore. Ph. 2-1116. "ni.15?. "lB-f fL Bdnn . Klthi home Ph. 3-3683. "U'"Ug ,,ni " 'tUdS 8Lr?ElG ROOM wh kitchen prlv r Jldjadyjst fission St. jk228 MTA110,)"' pmThome. kitch7n 3-7466. 1550 "State. . SLEEPING ROOM for rent. 980 ParrighSt: ik2?S LARGE SLEEPING suitable for I or l7 - "l.t nome. uiost In. Ph. 2-7823. - Jk328 NICE SLEEPING Rm. Men. 448 ot. Rear Woodrow Bldg. after 3, P. m. Jk226 PSJEPINO rm.Ph. 375587 Jk330 SLPG. rms. Women a .ci. .....r ntusatdoor. Ph. 39751. " Jk227 PL AioIa , E"EHroom for genll mamJ050Jiora-ay. Ph. 2-4547. jk22i SLEEPING RObMSrPBTV433Tlk2T SLEEPING rm. for rent. 1137 N. CaplfoT Jk228 LRENT APARTMENTS SMALL Ft'BN. APT. Prt,. ahower Pri ent. Otllltlea lorn. 140 mo. P. j-mjI: . IP23f P. H. Bell, Realtor an nh.i..... Ph. I-4B88. 2-1S45. 'ViH181"1? ,bMml" apartment llol . fODERN apartment. OentraUj locat.0 rn. 3-HB7, . - .mi,, neautuui view. Refer- encea. utllur room. Ph. J-SS87. jpsaa. omen or eouple. 1340 Ea.t Are ph . M5ts- .. )paai DUPLEX: New. elua In. Ground Jloor. in cludina automatic oU heat. h. -s:it ' to 7 p.m., 7 to ,.m. onlT. Jp2l8 8-RMS. with bath, el. Hove ln di,,t, furn. Adult. Ref. , , ' .S5 Portland Rd. ' S-RM. baaement apt. with llrepleaa. new. 1r decorated. Alao aleeplnt rm. lor aentleman. Ph. J7380. inu bath. Ranae At relrla. 1341 a. lain. JP318 jpaai FI RN. APT. for I or 1 r-i..- ., . Ml. furn. Ph. JD301. 780 N.'chureh - inaai CLEAN SMALL (urn. apt. 3S0 S. Cottin' JP337 TWO RM. FI RN. APT., on,.,. k..w .n aleetne. Adulla. list ohemeket.: ioaat N,uH.lT..D,J.r2Bf"" ""TiTTi ad.." -"". appij up to 7 p m. Jp328 RM r JP337" Mrmt. and tarate. utllT - )p;27. t Mrri T f-,rn. apt,. u,. furn. w, """ "" 'l"t Par.nu. 8S S. 18 I - jp230 '1 y (Continued on Page 23) V.U I'lNV