tO Capital JonraaT. Salem. The HOUSE on lw Chapter 20 The tail light of the cab stand Ing In front of number Eight Lilac street glowed dully red in the darkness as Hald came to a stop behind It. Bhutttng orr his motor, he slid Imm behind the back of the car. In the darknews, he had caught a glimpse of Holway stand ing on the sidewalk. Holway saw him and led the way up the steps. Switching on the hall lights, he took Hald't coat. There was no sign of any of the servants; the house was as silent as a tomb. "Any new developments?" he asked as Holway led the way to the study. "Nothing much. That's why I wanted to talk to you tonight." "What's on your mind?" Hald finally asked, as he seated him self in the chair beside the dehk. a little to the left of Holway. Hol way didn't answer Immediately, but eyed the other speculatively. Hald fought down a vague un easiness. There was something about Holway tonight that wor ried him. "Were you ever any good at nur sery rhymes, Hald?" came the sud den question. "Why?" Hald countered with mounting tension. "I believe there was one about a spider and a fly," the other re plied softly. "Maybe you remember ft?" "You should have known better, Hald, than to try a double game with me. You're not smart enough." Holway's tone was mocking now. With a sudden motion Haid started to rise from his chair. Hol way's hand made a quick darting movement toward the half open drawer of the desk. When he withdrew it, he held an ugly-look' lng .38. There was not the slight. est tremor as he pointed it at Hald. "I said once before, get to the point," Huid spoke coldly. "Don't carry tills joke too far." "I'm afraid you don't quite un derstand your position." Holway's tone matched his expressionless zeatures. ' You re a bungler. Hald and a fool, and unfortunately for you, you ii never nave an oppor tunity to correct your mistakes 2 admit that for a while you had me looiea. With the recommeri' Cation from Chicago that you brought me, It was practically a lead-pipe cinch that I'd take you on. xou covered up your Dack trail all right, but you weren't quite careful enough." He laughed mirthlessly. "You've got the Mar tin girl to thank for that! She thought she was being so clever. Pretending not to have met you efore that day In the bar, and then later running to me with her suspicions. She practically warned me against you." He shook his head. "You should never have taken her to Connecticut, Haid. That tiDDed your hand. No one eke In the gang would have dared to ao tnat, or would have had any reason to." Haid made no answer, and Hol way continued. rrooaDiy its given you some satisfaction that you've wrecked the organization. By tomorrow 1 11 be a long way from here but I keep auixeiuug. jonigni i oaiance the books, and what I do tomorrow can't possibly be of Interest to jrou." "Holway" Hald's voice was very fluiet "why was Cherry killed." A flash of emotion crossed the other's features, causing the hard mask to drop for a second. "Did you kill her?" Haid pr imed relentlessly. "Or was it done on orders from higher up?" Holway looked at him strange- "No. I didn't kill her. If I ever thought " He seemed suddenly afraid of what he had almost aid. He went on hurriedly. "I don't know what you're talk ing about." "I think jrou do, Holway," Hald wMiuiiuec. -la give it some inougiu u I were you. I think jou'll find It flu." Hald had accomplished what he had hoped for. He had put a doubt in the other's mind. Holway was no longer so sure of himself. The Con but Ho.v'. mH . reC - won, put HOiwaya mind was no ''A Ore., Thursday. Sept. 22. 1949 LILAC STREET ppph RAYAPn longer occupied solely with the target. Slowly and carefully Hald be gan to gather himself together. There was no use in waiting any longer! He realized that he had less than one chance In ten to Jump the gun, but at least it was a chance. For the fraction of an instant, Holway was off guard. At the same time Hald lunged forward. As Hol way saw him coming, he Jerked the gun and fired point-blank. Nothing happened. It misfired! I Frantically he Jerked the trigger again. The roar of the gun going off filled the room, but It was too late. The full force of Hald's body struck Holway, throwing him off oaiance. They went down in heap of twisting, tearing arms and legs. The force of his elbow strik ing the floor Jerked the gun out of Holway s hand. Something glinted In Holway's nana. Haid could see the wicked curve of the paper knife that he had previously noticed on the desk.1 Doubling his arm in a short stab bing movement, he aimed it ati Hald. There was a ripping sound ! as it tore uirougn tne ciotn ot pocket. Betore Holway could untangle it. Hald. with a terrific wrench. Dulled I his hand free. Holway's body al most touched the muzzle of the gun as Hald fired. With a ludicrous look of surprise on his face. Hol way remained standing. Then, as I if In slow motion, he sank to the floor. "Got anything to tell me. Hoi-1 way?" Hald bent closer. "You naven't got long." I think you were right about Cherry," Holway managed with an, effort. "He played me for a fool like all the rest." A spasm of cougning seized him. "He'll be at Jake's. Haid." he whispered, clutching at the other's arm. "It's up to you, now. Mark it 'account rendered.' for me." Gravely Haid stood up for a mo ment looking down at the dead man. Then, picking up the phone i rum me oesa. ne dialed a num ber. (To be continued) 2028 SIZES II . 19 Flared-In Back! The iiill.lw.k ' bolero and big pocket skirt teaming up to make one of the smartest suits of the season! For that added touch try scalloped calot and bag No. 2007 In contrasting or matching fab- iiu. ii wo separate patterns). No. 2028 is cut In sizes 11 13 is 17 and 19. Size IS, 25. yds. M-in No. 2007 is cut In one size. Calot and bag, i yd. 3S-ln. Just out! The FALL - WINTTiTn FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat- ior an ages. Kemem ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. hi ice juaw cents. i To Obtain this nactfrn innl on In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and rone num ber to Peggy RoberU, Capital Jour- na1' 828 M,Mton Stt 8n Fran, ctsco 3, Calif. r RUprorer Know-How Now that the children are back in school, your thoughU will be turning to fall cleaning and dec orating. With this clever how-to-do it patlrrn, slipcover making for many types or cnairs ana coucnes U made crystal clear. Pattern Envelope No. R27IW con tains directions for making slip covers, measuring, fitting and aew- inir color and fabric suggestions and trimming Information. To obtAln tn ratttern send 20c I in coins, giving pattern numoer your name, address and rone num ber to Peguy Roberts Capita Jour nal 8.' Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. J HAT IAS r r if. ,,t .... ' i ' ".'T . P - S COMB TO LOOK OVER J -ILL TELL "THE WOW- SOUNDS LIKB 1VVC ALMOST! ON J 111 v ' riS - THIS BABY SITTERS' CHOKER" YOU'RE J THE BAD HA LP Of ENTRUSTEDLET15- 3 I SEMINARY wmmmrK HERE f A DOUBLE-FEATURE OUR UTTLE f xlL ? m SBib I BILL 7 PARUN6 TO A J U i Wl L f i l7l X5k rf 1 - -Slf ( MAN WITH A S ' I r ill A '1 im :i i r j jtl Am u wet . . it'-siv WAjav ' v- ' -J I 7 " 13-iniUJ r?i Xk )r ft fiaK h-TfcSS 1 U Ki3iy WU M TiT 0 ' ' ' t FOR A SMALL CXJTU tX3 VX) SUPPOSE B 5f SURE, DOC-BLTT BUT Y2U MAKE ii J! p Hi, ROCKY- T 60METIMeS, ROCKV, I HPWE VOU COULO FURNISH M6 ENOUGH I H VOU AND ANNIS ( fOuaLET'S LOAD J" W THIS ) ANNIE-HOWOV, A BUSINESS LOBSTERS. COLesLCW, ROASTING EAR, B H AND MISS LENA- U UP ANO START FOR I TM P I WHERE MISS LENA- ' DEAL TO POTATOES AND OTHER MATERIALS FOR 1 Bk THArS ONLY I) THE BARGE. EH? ) Q ill H lUjOCj DISCUSS-i. ttET FORW? THREE"- y sii.. m ti ii i fc ii m ii r. i riM - i t - A 1 I ' . . . . - U" J : n , . . . I A :W SET IM TOUCH TOR A. COLLEGE fMUtSBLE BATH SEND ME MY PER CEMTASE THERE- ARENTT ENOU6HV 1 I S 1 WITU YOU ALL. TO 60 TOUOJ CAMPA16M OF THE TAKE SO 1 CAM SO J YEARS LEFT FOR YOU I :" T DAV.WILBUR.WMEREV, WUA.TS COO-IS READ SCHOOL AMD LEAHSlJX TO LEARM VWHAT i t H vHAVE VOU BEEKiXoialfl IMS ? fp-W TO SO AUO ' wSOMETHIWS sNOURELACIWS0 m I f' IT WCRt TH' OLD YDKUM I EOTTVINUTI f AH'TOPESSMHNEe40PEBTTpTISY, I II nri.njcr.Mf TuADhn ) ' 1 1 TVvi.'T-Le ae CQArnrAL-M I wuswunrLreijO'mFM HC1"VTun r&c:e rr1 w II I tS EX. CAP1N' IT.r BETO' I L LE'S ALL LIE DOWN.SO WHEN A I GOLDEN STAIRS ALTHOUGH ) HAS LIVED SO ,-KIN AH GO T j K EX ! I 7 MIDKjiGHT ONE, YOKUPI J I TH' CHOSEN ONE FLOP, ' t IT'LL WORRY ME, UP Y3NDEH LONG, VO' IS TH' CARNIVAL -S I WIU. Mik.l', I TH' CARCASS WON'T j HOW VO' TWO SWEET; EXPERTS AT IT.T 1 AT PI N E APPLE ) ' '--J 'PfT I RATTLE TH' , t-STS. BRAINLESS CRITTERS VO KNOWS HOW OUNCTION rff rjFFF r GOT A GOODOH BOV J DIVE OFF A iWM INTO THAT V WATFR T rfNOvV ( Cncou t'm ' M JOB FOR VOU WHAT THIS FOKTV jAFp-rHisV wate''wt BUT THAT f VOU DON'T THINK ' NOT TAKING yj AS A STUNTMAN po r FOOT (R&f FORTY-FOOT rffl& WATER'S ONLV 1 WANT VOU J ANV CHMKEsd, T ,N TH!,iitt?5v'( HAVE TO uFi:'yX CLIFF? WlS, ABOUT AN TO npniAM . 0 ANV WAV I ft, rp"s"sfasiasMr''" i v I l 'Mf.:. o.v tvz 4M ' C r rtWiv CAV we MlcSMT BS LOO MERE, SALTY.. SINCE J FT ISN'T FAItf, T KNOW, tfTW- ' R P0 MDU MEAN THAT MX) TMlNl WECC TO PICK HIM AND TM F"lt? NT T MWt i THOSE 0UEEI? LV BUBBLES II SANWAL IS A IMBOfmWf.HOW ) PILOT UP BV ASHORE UJAT VOU AFTEP' WE HELP FROM AUL A6AIN! . 03ULBM6 BE,SALTy..THEy AT THE CAPE. .FOP ALL WS WHAT VOU KEAFTEP? ) muSiai K?Ss, JtKsZ S PAPiCEP THAT THEV WOULD KNOW, THE REAL AGENr MAV rw - ESSl wiwTt 2'i'ljGZFZA j b6p1n$,bv iki TA ST,LL BE iWi3 us TTvS n 'Xrt Y J pB- 8 ;l "HI U WJ(U w o t:,y-; v S? 1- - 1 1 JI --Jl ! jAjf I WtlCCMl W WfTlK,MTHAVtN." f 11 I MT I'M NOT MtO.1 TO TAAl TMl fWlTlON. )0M.') I 1 AM JU'-A llTTU ANNOYE0. J i T-J M MCU MOTHtK'.tHl AotNLY THAT VI ON A 6R t ETi NO CARD1 gSz-' ' 1 AURE Wu- I HAVt NOT THl AV'. I i! 1 7 Tvl-" A MNTOUMAllMCOMMENDE0 11 LT rL'JV. SLIGHTEST INTENTION OF Clf.jN ! I'lVVAr . . , . i " Ss I I X- o, r-i: Y'" 1V& 1 KIED 70 We, B5EN IOOK1NQA OUR THAVo YOUR WORRY ! OUST M YOURE TOO LATE - Nl .. I I :ls . -J r-l . 1 .aCc- as RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY KSLM JT'KGW It BO I Hi-till.. Arrow ftlralght Arrow Cent. Midnight ;Cat: Midnight KlrtBi ra4 Mulial CachUU llmar Ptttrian Gftbrlri Heater In w Nti Kambler Bam bier Ntlaan 11 if Naitan Cddy Maila Irani Anitt Itn Tvrrt Cama Pfrrr Con Fr Harlna Frad Warinc 1 DriBl ( Mad. I Charles gflvaa Hl In the Morgan Manner 1 Heaeleng Ceesldr HtHltni Caasldr David Beoo Shaw Davit Bos Shaw Hinatrn-Klralra Nawa ( W.rl4 Mfrcdllh Wtlaaa Mart d It h Wllaan Now Maiaa! Nawaraat Mill MhiI Nawt rta Pan FlnaJ Band t Land Band Wmon Fulton Lewis Jr. I Select Local News San Haraa Wai Huitaaa Wu Kinw HH Hiaanm Adv. of Falcon Air, mt Falcon Rata Marian Bee Morgan Bill on FRIDAY 6 A.M. Nwi Sammarr Farm Tlaaa BOtN Slaak Tlntakcapar Paraa Tlaaa Nawa March Tlaaa Tba Old Santa BOCO Klark Nawa Newi Nawa KOCO Klcck Prd Back Nawa .Smooth Masle Tea Blltcr Coniantar rtawa Braakfait Gan Smooth Mala Nawa I aorta Art Bakar Braakfaat Ganf Bldtra mt laaa Top ' MoralBf Garrr Mooro Toa Tradaa 8am Ha yea Nawa Garry Maora Bans In Coantcr Second Coa Klni'a Craiadora Vocal Variation i Riia Rhino Stroud Con Ktni'a Craaadrra Vocal Varlotlaa Sona of Plonecra Jack Bcrch Western Melodlea Newa Morning Special Nawa Cburrh In Wild Bosemarr N W Newa Hoatoaa Baaaa Tim for Melody" Wondy War row Qals aah Haeleaa Haao Time for Melody A an I Jeaay Pa it or Call Marin Band "tars fllnr Helen Trent Wllea Walla Tim Marino Band J. Chaa. Thomaa Our Qal Bandar Ntwa Lopes Oreo. N W Newa Big 'lister " Gospel III ngar Lopea Orch. Memorable Maal Ma Parkin Perry Como Today's Children Tune Tlma Yonnt Dr. Malon Walt ernad Lor? Lawton WI Keys Galdlni Light Ladles First Double or Nothing Music Mart New Ladle First Ooabl ar Nothing Music Mart Com A Get H Queen for a Day Now Jan Garbor Norab Draka Queen for a Pay Light of World Vocal Varlotlaa Jrlghtor lay Top Tradea Ufa twaatlfal Hollywood Musli" tnd Mre. Barton News Boad -f L fa Hollywood Maslo Perry Mason N W News Pepper Toung New Bright Light Bob Eberly Show Happlnaaa Ted Pal Presents Alr-flo Tell T'r Neighbor Backs taca Wlf Mac'a Melodic Newspaper of Air" Jobnaon Family Stella Dallas Mac'a Melediea Newnpapry of Air Organ Bovarlea forenaa Jane Mac'a Melodlea Mail Ploaso Blng 8lng Wldder Brawn Mao' Melodlea lanefnlly toart Against the Storm A Olrl Marries Mao' Melodies New Against the Storm Portia Faeea Llfo Mac' Melodies Meet tba Mlaaag Muilo Jutt Plain taall Mae' Helodioa Meet tba Mlseaa Musi Front Pag Far rail Mae' Melodic Bobort Q. Lewi Say It With Maslo Welcome Traveler Mae' Melodies" Bobort Q. Lewis"" Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Mar's Melodic Kobert Q. Lewi News Aunt Mary Mac'a Melodies Bobort Q. Lew) Song af Times W Lov di Learn Mao' Melodlea Bebert Q. ! Paltoa Lewis Jr.. Woman Secret MotIo" Tlma Cart Maosoy Prank Hemingway Sunny Side Phllaaopber Uttlo thaw Behind tba Story News Brers Can B Club IB 'New Kaltenborn Beautiful Edward Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: REX Thursday P.M. 6:00. Keeping Up With Bportai S;IB, Homo Edition I Newst BtM, Modern Romances! 6:00, Head Una Editloni S:1B, Elmer Davlsi :X0, Da mon Kan yon Theatre; 7:00, Counterspy t First Hundred Yearsi S:0fl. Orlclnal I Amateur Hour; S:l. Music for Dreaming) 0:iKl. Richfield Reportrri u:l.t, Intermrssoi :SO, Concert Houri 10:B0, Memos to To- 1 morrowj 11:00, Xlra Hoarf 11:00, Sign (Off. Friday A.M. :0t. Newai S:IB, Band Boxi B:S0, Bob Hasen Show; :4S, Tim Temposi 7:15, Martin Agronskvi 7:30. Keko Mannerai 7:4R, Riders af tho Purple Sage; B:00, Breakfast Clubi 0:00, Mildred Bedell i 0:15. Stars of Today i 9:M, Trapleanai :. Melody Promenadoi 10:00, Ted Malonet 10:15, Galen Drake i 10:M. My Trno Story i 11:00. Batty Croekort 11:15, News i 1I:B0, Baukbage Talking! 11:45, Nancy Cralgi lt:00, Northweater nersi lt:M, Kay Weoli !:. Braakfaat la Hollywood i 1:M, Easy Acoa; :4A. Meet the Brotherhood Gathers Unionvale Rev. George Mil len, pastor of the local church, ACROSS L Paraona t. Snow runnor I. Grown bop 13. Puff up 13. Fox 14. Weird S6. Corrode 16. Uncle i Sootek 17. Shirkers 40. Wicked 41. Feminine name 44. Tribe of Israel: variant 47. Verae of two metrical feet 49. Creek pillar 60. Opening 61. Siamese cola 42. Frame for drying skins II. Samuel mentor 64. Honey maker 55. Chariot 4. Rubber trea IS. Mora tendar 14. Small aur- roundinf areaa 15. Present Iff. Conaumed) tO. PorUbl shelter 11. Como nearer 24. Ltkelp SC. Air: comb. form 17. Fort i flea t loo 11. Sounds of pain iff. Author of "Peter Pan" mill W szzjzzziztzz: j, 'it illil !L Z Z !l Z ill To wsT- M- si ! i S3 V; S4- ' IT AF Ncwrftofvr.. ROOM AND BOARD I VONT GET MIDNK3MT, I ll get a nights REST ON Tne PaCkinG EXCELSO. IM USEDTO -I CANT GO ANCJTMcK. night on that PROVING GHOUND FOR. NlMTMAR5 SLEEPING BREAKUP PUFFLS - K0C0 r'KOIN Bar thai Banal. Baas fcaaataj Bbrlnaa Baaaa Baalaa Ring Craah Caa lf Bnilnaaa Haw Nawa Candia Llfbt and lnaanaa Uftr BaaMM Nawt Crlaaa Phatac Bill Itara Crtan glial ;. Pat O'Brlaa PlaFhaaaa Maaleal Jarhaai Plarnaaa Ivalva Bnlfhl Plrat NUhtov PaalbaU Pranhat Plrat Wlchtt Trark'lIM Lawall Thaaiai Track I4M J inillh Track MM Mr. Baas Trach im Mr. Ba Trarh I4M Pt ftat Phial Track I4M P B I Nt.. p a t gfcln Pawn Banaa Parana Pranllar Town Saraiaada Prantlar Town Van d I ha WarM Muili Ton Want Orahaalra Maila Tan Want Orahatra Noetnrna Sllaal Naelarna Narlnrna Narlnrna aim Oil TO 4:45 P.M. U90; KOAC, ftM KOAC Thursday P.M. :0t, On lb Upbeat t 5:60, 5M Sports Clubi 0:00, Newsi :1B, Dinner Melodwsf :M, 'Round tho Campflrot 7:15, iTonlac Farm Hoari S:00, Aelatlon la tho Newst 5:15, Great Songat 8:30, Program Caaadai 11:46, Loiters' Fir Wsalber Porocast, Newa; :00. Maal That Endurost :, Eve ning Meditations) 10:00, Sign Off. KOAC 10:00, 1 la 4:U p.m Tba Nowai Milt, k- peelally tar Warns! 11 :0a, Tb Concert Hall; 13:00, Newai It: 15, NM Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboyi 1:15, Variety Timet l:Sfl, Melody Lant t:M, Cavalcada In Drama; t:45, Memory Book af Maale, 1:00, New. MonJoas i S :00, Surprise Paokarot t Bride and Groomi 5:00, Ladle B Soatedl X:M, Add-a-llnei 4:M, Sulrr4 Cage I 4 Yukon Challenge. and several members attended the Brotherhood meeting held at Lafayette Monday evening. Solution of Ytoterday Pusals DOWN 1. Fit together i Medicinal plant t One who toils a atory 4. Praelpttoiio . At anp timet oontr. , StAtloruurp part t Aalatlo peninsula t Small flab t. Slipper la Masculine name 11. Snug bom 17. Else Iff. Metrle land measure 11 Jury list 23. Shipping eat 34. Era 16. Before: preftE 15. Bureaus 29. Direct 10. Denoting the) maiden name SI. Passageway . Cook lo an oven 16. Card gam 11 Mountain rldre iff. Charge 40. Rim 41. Smflll bortl it. Body of So. Africa warrior 4B Additional 44. Shepherd' pip 41. FUp 4. That girl By Gent Ahern TUCP,E UNTIL 4 I'LL IVCK. i BUT AT LEAST . WO GO VMTM VOU TWEY"R SERVING BEN PASTE, BEETS ANO cnaaucTTCs tVC RPPtsI N4 HERE ASAiN TDM&rr Foe. TOWERS 1 FJl P L Ml? A L a9 LfE E Kilo R B( giLANnip ni i PBlieR TfTlgllW K SIT t nHsJe i mQaIq w t a ba aBaTpTT t B$ a w 1 -AS.fR A TltQ e tit lqt r a vi ' i NUMltTR A T gfl IPAT A vjEffS T O ffHffi L A pIaIpUtIeIrIsIeUs l y j y f