Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 22, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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    Coach Takes Officials to Task
18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22. 1949
Stars Clinch Sure Tie
For Coast Loop Pennant
I Mr aha AaaoclaVfd Pnul
Th. Hollywood Stan have as
cured themselves of at least a
tla lor the Pacific Coast
League pennant, but they had
to work overtime to let It.
The situation grew hotter
than a day on the equator last
night, with second place Oak
land losing to Portland In a 13
Inning marathon and Hollywood
taking 11 innings to dispose of
By the time the smoke
leared, Hollywood was five
games up on the Acorns with
five games remaining on the
schedule. And In both cases
It was first class baseball, even
by Major league standards.
Bespectacled Gordy Maltz
berger, who looks more like an
accounting clerk than a base
ball pitcher, toiled the full 11
innings for Hollywood, giving
up eight scattered hits. Guy
Fletcher, Seattle's 23 game win
ner, went 10 Innings for the
Seattle punched across a freak
run In the top of the 11th, but
Hollywood came back in the
bottom half to load the bases.
Frank Kelleher singled the first
pitch from Charley Schanz, Flet
cher's relief, sending in two runs
and winning the ball game, 2 to
At Oakland, the proceedings
were even more grotesque,
Frank Austin's line drive single
in the 13th drove in two runs to
give Portland a 8 to 5 victory
Joe Brovia's pinch hit homer
In the ninth tied the game up
with three Oakland runs. Port
land used three pitchers, the
Oaks two.
Hollywood can win the flag
outright by winning tonight.
Elsewhere on the circuit, the
San Diego Padres edged Los An
geles, 5 to 4 and Sacramento
dumped San Francisco, 5 to 8
Orestes Minoso's long fly
scored Bobby Wilson with the
winning run in the ninth as San
Diego's Kewpie Dick Barrett
hung up his 11th triumph of the
Thursday night's schedule and
probable starters:
San Francisco (Con Dempsey,
17-13) at Sacramento (Ken Hql
eombe, 18-10).
Seattle (Denny Gatehouse, 10-
J at Hollywood (Willie Rams
dell, 17-12).
Los Angeles (Cal McLIsh, 7
11) at San Diego (Red Adams,
Portland (unavailable) at
Oakland (Milo Candlnl, 19-9).
Official Box
PCL Standings
(By ttia Aaaclta4 Preaa)
w L Pet. W t. Pet.
Hollnvood 104 76 .583 San Dlaio M 89 .511
Oakland 101 81 .655 Ban Fran 84 98 .482
Saeramnto 9T 85 .533 Portland 83 99 .438
Saattla 91 99 .511 LoaAnaU 31111.390
Rtsalti Wednesday
Portland 8. Oakland S. fit lnntnaa)
Hollywood 2, Scattja 1. '11 lnnlnia,
Aaeramanto 5, San Pranclaco 1.
San Otaio I, Loa Anctlea 4.
San Francisco, Sept. 22 U.M
If the games In the San Francis
co bay area are any indication,
the new football substitution
rule is going to become one of
the most unpopular In the book.
The rules committee during
the winter decided against the
single substitution while the
clock was running this year, but
instead of prohibiting it, they
Just sock a five-yard penalty
every time the coach runs in a
new man.
It is called delaying the
game. But the delay actually
comes from the Infliction of
the penalty, and the crowds
have booec lustily every time
the referee started marching.
In the Oregon-St. Mary's tilt,
Coach Jim Aiken receipted for
the five-yard penalty 18 times,
just so he could sent In man.
fill! fit HfliTIP Marty Marlon, of the Cards, is tagged out
VUI Ul IIUIIIW t home plate by Dodger catcher Roy Cam
panella In the first Inning of the St. Louis-Brooklyn game
played in St. Louis. Umpire Stewart is calling the play. The
Cardinals won 1-0. (Acme Telephoto)
University Alleys
A tut In, M
4 fl I
t 1 1 0
t e
12 0 0
111 WIUmi.m lift
I 10 I Uvntto.1 I 1 I I
iiio tupp.i-r iioo
0 1 t 0 KryhoHkt.t I 116 1
till Pudattt c 4140
BnAlTuikl,I 1114 ChMtpr.ef 1110
OUdd.c 4 110 JinMn.lf 4 0 0 0
I I I 1 Martin. I
10 11 H.rrUt p
110 1 Arntrtch'
110 0 Krr.c
1 0 0 0 Thompxn.p 2 0 0 2
VnHotu-e 10 0 0
Dueilmu.lf 10 0 0
Tylor" 0 0 0 0
U 14 SO 14 TotnU 40 11 M 39
Monwrtxl lor Flemlni In 0th.
Oroundtd out for Jtiurn in ltth.
Took tiilrd atrikt Oucrtsbou In 11th.
Hn for Ftdsott In 0th
iortUnd 000 001 003 000 1 I
Hit 111 101 201 100 214
Oftkiund oio oos ooo ono i o
hui oio 014 ioi oio a la
Winning pltchtr: LUi. Loini pltehtr:
Thorn pfion.
Pitth Tp Ainu Kr Bb So
L'nn SS 21 4 0 4 l
rirmtnc 2) 7 0 1 0 2 0
LUkR 20 1 0 1 1 a
Harrbit t-plut IS 4 11 4 I 4
Thorn pAon 6 15 2 2 1 1 0
Run: Htickrr 2, BiAirmki, OUkl, Atu
tin. BrovU. Wilson. L(vgctto, Hupp, Kry
hoskl. HarrUt. Error: Martin. Hit by pitch
r: Thomas (by Harrut). Lrt on baaM
Portland 10; Oakland 0. Two but htia:
WcnntT. Krrhoakl. Lavaaetto. K.-rr. Hpp.
Hom rurw: Brovla. Bacrlficf hiu: Bhupi,
Wfiinrr. Runs batted In: Hnjlnikl. Lava
Oftto 7, Kryhmkl, Christopher. Brovla 2.
Anatln 2, Kerr. Double plavs- Austin,
Basliukl. hj, WlUon Martin. Kry.
hoakl: LavanHo. Mart n. Wilson. Thomp.
Mon, Martin. Kryhoskt. Tim 3 OS. Um
pire: rnarln. Orr and Barbour. Attrnd
nc 4,014.
(11 lnnlnas)
aVitttl 000 000 000 011 I I
ollTWOAd ooo 000 OOO 02-2 0 0
natahtr. Sahant 1 11 1 nl Orauo;
Maltibtrtat art Sandlock.
as PTancUM 100 000 0021 11 I
Aacramanto 030 001 10a I 0 0
Llan, llnglttort (ft and Rrorkar, Mal
totta, Johnson (0 and Ralmondl.
Lna AnralM too 102 000-4 0 t
tan Dioio 400 000 OOt- ft I 0
IWlrandBtirbrink: Barrett and Moort.
You'll find that
a better buy!
Ot.VKRT RKSKRVK Blmdrd Whlakry
S8.S Proof Ormtn Nrutrsl Rplrlu.
OalvTt DuutttTt Oorp, Nr Yorfc city
VT.i I
Salcn Liana Na. I fl Sholseth 422,
Young 433, Todd 440. Halvontn 371, Po
mcrojr 405; Hollywa4 Liana Na. t (1
Lanu 37, rortcr a, imuu .
433, Don aid ton 402.
Salem Liona No. t t Oeddaa 340,
Beamsttr 422, Bmlth 404, Holmes 4S6.
Starred 400; Moaaa Na. 1 (1) Thompson
483, Prunk 404, Russell 413, Bmyres 450.
Prudants 400.
lam Lions Na. 1 (I) Portsr 410. Hen
derson 405. Hoy 530. lauert 370, Hostel
433; Jr. Chamber (0) Schmidt 300,
Behaefftr boo, Wedel 523, Zifler 003.
Kiwanls ( I ) Calvert 413, Hutchison 330,
I Ineberry 351, Plckrell 393. Stretgman 371;
llollywaod Llona No. 1 ft) Borkman 381,
Hanna 430, Mootry 344, Olllaspla 450,
Collins 430.
High Ind. game, Bob Gerdes, Salem
Lions, 904; high Ind. aeries, Bchaeffar, Jr.
Chamber, 580; hlih team game, Junior
Chamber, 2401.
'New Racket' '
tenls champion Riohard (Pan
cho Golzalea holds a fist-full
of greenbacks after signing a
one year contract in New York
to tour professionally under
direction of Bobby Riffgs, In
ternational tennis atar. Gon
zales has been guaranteed
$60,000 for the 1949-50 sea
son, or an option of SO per
cent of net gate.
Acme Telephoto
Ind. Ace. Comm. Na. SO-t Aahby
429. Oallagher 353, Riches 401, Harris 432,
Uustafson 427; Hi-Way No. 1-t (0) Fax
son 404, King 424, Roake 400, Oatfby 339,
Merchant 403.
Ind. Are. Comm. No. 10-1 (2) Savage
427. Baker 445. Oerdon 413, Porman 365,
Hullork 350; Tat Comm. No. 10-1 41
Brldgea 233. Strrrett 330, Loekard 207,
Wallace 307, Batter 370.
Sec. of State No. 10 Orant 400. Mil
ler 452, Porter 400, King 521. Schultte
Tax Comm. No. le-z (0) junney
We 1st 1 321. Mason 400. Robb 408.
Johnson 005.
Printers OSPD () Krejl 025. Mllner
io. B. Stone 394. McCrary 304. Mills Ml:
Perettry Na. OS (0) Maul 407. Ladd 300,
Kwlng 423, Carta 407. Phlpps 340.
Library tai Keea 4i, want J7s. Ryan
380, Elgin 003. Hlllerlch 490: Hl-Way No.
1-1 (0) Towal 270. Rostell 302, Kayser 413,
Hamilton 347. Griffiths 434.
High Ind. game. Elgin, Library. 213:
high ind. serifs, Elgin. Library. 003; high
team game, See. of State, 2273.
Capital Alleys
Cllne'e f0 W. Cltne, Sr. 010. Olney,
Sr. 130, Stratum 010. Bone 483, Oslund
500; Capboerd Cafe (I) Henderson 648.
White 470. MeCluakey 570. Evani 050.
uioat on.
LaVan'e Cafe of MeMlnnvlMe (1) Myers
538, Hyals 137, Kraft 400. Minder 510, O.
Olodt 556; Salem Hardware 1 Thede
577, Phlpps 480, lgan 403, B. Valdai 075,
w. west ovj.
Mart l) CrliweU 030. Oregory 021,
Reeves 5S3, Beal 509, Hodges 521; Acme
Motor Co. T Mlrlch 573, Olney, Jr. 485,
Irons 563. Stelnbock 400, E. Hsrtwell 023.
Woodry's Fnrnttare (1 ) Kitchen 605.
dinger 472, Perry &O0, Adolph 491: Starr
Plumbing of CorTallla ) Kennedy 540.
koss smj Thornton 650 coa 077, sensing
er 563.
Maple's (It B. Valdeg 641. Woodford
544, Wick land 549. Don Page 638, H. Page
591: Capital Bedding Ci) Young 525, Willi-erson
000, Nuber 009, Larson 516, Foulln
High team aeries. CuDboard Cafe. 205S:
high ind. series. Frank Evans, 659; high
inu. game, yans, aoe.
Duckpin Bowling
Warner Motors o Ed Owen 269. How
ard Broods 323. Bob Hulit 336, H. B.
Churrhman 360. Spurt Bp.tgle 274: Cadillac
(4) Charlie Campbell 300. nutl Heady 367.
Herbert Berry 350. Don Bowers J60. Bob
Pry 389.
man niif tnniera ii jonnny vooier
377, Hal Wilson 312, Prank Jones 384. Dal
las K)aer 300, Prank Snalgrnva 463; Kaiser
Fraier (. Lou la Nelson 380. Ed Lyle 454.
Bill Ham by 404, Rati roster 356, Mike
Fleck 356.
Bulek (il Wayne Suarki 114. Harry
Wilson 372. Dorvan Holt 412. Dnvs Moon
304, M. Van Drll 493; Oloamobll t.D
Wavr.f Dnwnev 370. Frank Chftkarun 432.
I. Surratt 371, Bill Shurh 273, Dewey
Batimgart 371.
pord (?) Vern Boock 46. Arnold
Holmes 336, Bob Burns 368. Glenn Bchroy-
ar 406, Boh Martin 130; lludaon (t) Herb
Harold 476, Al Whln 411. K:v Ettsr 206.
Hob Shurk 347. Morris KoNe 370.
HIkIi team serit'N. KHl.ier Eraser, 1071;
hlKh team lame, Knlxer, 73(1; high
Ind. wrlti. M Vflii IVlt 493; high Ind.
game. Prank Snelgrove 313.
Piletr Hamorrhoids
Quick Relief
No Hospitalization
No Loss of Time
Lasting Results
Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic
Naturo-Rectal Specialist
11(4 Center St. Salem, Or.
Football Shorts
In 1921-23, Gil Dobie pro
duced three undefeated, untied
football teams in a row for
Notre Dame has had nine
undefeated and untied football
seasons since the sport was intro
duced In 1887.
Crystal Gazer Selects
Top West Coast Games
The crowd was disgusted with
the penalties.
It certainly makes the game
look like more and more of an
officials' procession.
After the week-end openers,
the only real mystery in this
region is: How can Cat get
away with being off-side
without ever being called?
Why can't the headlinesman
see Cal offside?
It's been going on for three
years now, but after what those
midwest officials did in calling
the Bears at Pasadena on Jan. 1,
no one thought they'd still be
getting away with it at Berkeley.
Rival coaches have been
unrolling the movies and cry
ing their eyes out. Last Sat
urday all the scouts were up
set, and generally they pay
no attention to 1 i 1 1 1 e things
like offsides. Some say the sun
gets in the head linesman's
eyes over at Berkeley, and
why don't they get on the oth
er side of the field?
Others are certain that the
large and vociferous Cal rooting
section right behind the lines
man ii enough to make jilm
think three times before he
throws his hankie and the last
think is too late.
It isn't a coached beating of
the ball, because It's always
just one or two men. Anyway,
the other schools are getting a
little riled with it and figure
Ab Curtis, the new commis
sioner of officials, ought to
get a look and then Issue a
special memorandum to Cal
head linesmen.
In nine seasons under Gil
Dobie, Washington never lost a
football game.
San Francisco, Sept. 22 W)
The Far West comes up with an
impressive slate of top and what
shape as close football games
this week-end. peering into a
still gleaming (17 wins, 4 losses
and 1 tie last week) chystal ball
this Is what we see
In the important Saturday en
gagements, Southern California
to trim Navy and Stanford to
beat Harvard. It's the initial
showing for both Navy and USC
this season. They finished sky
high last year, Navy tying Army
and USC holding Notre Dame
dead even. USC by 13 points
Stanford by 13.
Other selections
College of the Pacific over
Loyola by 1.
Willamette over Central Wash
ington by 7.
California over St. Mary's by
Minnesota over Washington
(at Minneapolis) by 8.
UCLA over Iowa (at Iowa
City) by 6.
Washington State over Mon
tana by 17.
Oregon over Idaho by 7.
Oregon State over Utah (at
300 Men's Worsted
$40 $45 $50
Wonderful Buys in Pure Virgin Wool,
Quality Tailored Suiti
260 South 12th Street
Salt Lake City) by 1.
Santa Clara over San Jose by
Puget Sound over Pacific Lu
theran by 7.
Eastern Washington over Mon
tana State by 6.
Whitworth over St. Martins
by 10.
Pacific U. over Western Wash
ington by 13.
Whitman over Brtish Colum
bia by 6
Linfield over Humboldt State
by 12.
College of Idaho over Idaho
State by 10.
Southern Oregon over Lewis
and Clark by 6.
Nevada over Portland by 14.
Many years ago, Hawaii,
Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands were overrun with the
mongoose, introduced In thai he-
lief it would exterminate rats.
The mongoose, however, proved
more destructive than the rat.
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Sierra Chocolates
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Asst. Flavors. This Week End
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and Candy Special Store in Salem
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poisonous matter to remnln In your Mood,
it may cnunf nniniimi lanrkftrhc, rheunw.Ua
ptJns, leu pnins, loss of pi'p mid rnnry, get
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eyts. hpfttliirht-s and dixzinr, Pmiurnt or
runty asjie with smartinti ami burning
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your blood, Utt Uoan's I'llLa.
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