' A "'Mill English Lop Jo Ann Redford groomi an English lop owned by Ed Schoeberl of Long Beach for Los Angeles county fair, Pomona. Ears of these rare rabbits are 26 inches long. Four Corners Baptist Church Host for Sunday Convention Four Corners, Sept. 22 Guest speaker at the Four Corners Baptist church Sunday for the morning service will be Dewey Davis. Immediately following the morning service there will be a covered dish dinner at 12:30 o'clock in the church annex. Bring your own table service. Beginning at 1:30 o'clock the Sunday school convention will be held In the church. At the evening service the young people's gos pel team will conduct an Evan gelist service. The Lincoln school Mother's club meeting has been postpon ed. The date of the meeting will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Layton, Jack and Claud Layton, 685 S. Elma, spent Sunday at the George Riggs home in Independence. Visitors in the J. C. Mayer home, Durbin avenue, were Mr. Mayer's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schwa der of Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Thorsell of Portland visited in the Albert Brant home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Her man, Kay and Clifford have re turned from a trip of several weeks spent in California, Ari zona and New Mexico. Mrs. S. D. Hovey and Miss Inez Hovey, 4180 Durbin ave., left Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Hovey's mother at Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. James G. Taylor and daughter, Sandra Lee, of As toria are visiting the Oliver IKickmans In Four Corners and the A. A. Taylors In Salem for several days. Other visitors in the Rickman home this week were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wil liamson and Miss Naomi Wil liamson of Strawn, Kansas. Dedication Planned For Crowfoot Church Lebanon Dedication services for the new Wesleyan Methodist church in the Crowfoot district were announced Wednesday by Rev. Frank A. Wing. The new church, recently completed,, is located one block south of the Crowfoot school. Rev. Wing and family have moved to Crowfoot frpm their former home in Van couver, Wash. Price Index 1 Drops 13 Cents New York, Sept. 22 U.K The Dun & Bradstreet wholesale food price index dropped 13 cents in the week which ended yesterday. It was the widest break in more than seven months. The drop cut the index to SS.72, lowest since July 19, and wiped out most of a net gain of 19 cents since the index started rising on July 12. This week last year, the index stood at S6.82. Breaks in the prices of edible oils and declines in grain and livestock markets were largely responsible for the big drop. The previous widest decline was a drop of 22 cents in the week ended Feb. 8. Of the-31 foods used in com piling the index, 17 moved downward, 11 were unchanged, and three increased. The index is the sum total of the wholesale price per pound of each. The commodities which de clined were flour, wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, hams, lard, coffee, cottonseed oil, cocoa, beans, rice, steers, hogs, lambs and butter. Unchanged were cheese, su gar, tea, peas, peanuts, eggs, mo lasses, currants, prunes, milk and raisins. Those which advanced were beef, hog bellies and potatoes. Visitors in Liberty Liberty Mr. and Mrs. John Haskins on W. Browning Ave., had as guest this week her niece Miss Beverly June Bowers, of San Jose, Calif., and her sisters, Miss Faye and Hazel Newton, and Mrs. Maude Drane of Co quille, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Billings and son Tommy of Se attle, Wash., are house guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Billings on Rt. 9. I BORDENS COTTAGE CHEESE I V BUiT SAIAP! Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday. Sept. 22. 194A T5 rCT FV WS&OUS FRUITS X &of AWCO WITH CAEAMy 1 OA I BORDEN'S J VajTTAee cheese! OUT OF THE I UK BfbL I OW.TON AND I etra p 1 'V V 0 WW w m w lill vm c a m i e k Jl V COTTAGE CHEESE W SMcfc ytrr ftpt whan yew rtfi pockog. Thr rt Juicy, dlctd ptan, pachi, chr rltt and plnvopplt Imidt mixed with imooth lord n't Cettog ChMM. Wonnndtrfwll And H'l at your food (for now! IMJEJiCJrlEl! Offer made to introduce our bright new package Cef this tpecial package while dealer' tupply latti! Offer cannot be extended! ACT NOW. Your dealer h. only a limited number of these special Peet'e Soap packages that contain money-saving coupons. Offer cannot be extended once they are sold out. NO LIMIT. Buy several packages. Each has a money-saving coupon right inside. When you buy Peat's Soap again, just give coupons to your dealer. Each coupon saves you 10 cent a box. ?ZeTs Gives WHjfJf-fy -- n I I Pact's cost less per 1 I TIMI OVID l f IMMOVIO I J ounet than moat other W j For 30 years, Pret's hM No soap waahe elothea UQ leading brands. A f. w been ouUUnding for Its ytl "biter than the new, Oi yichntleauda. M7jjPT- , fyl DELICIOUS FOODS Prices effective Fri, Sat. Sunday STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Open Sundays Friday and Saturday Nights to 9 P.M. TOILET SOAP Biggest Value in Soap in Handy Pliofilm Bag WESSON OIL ks; 59c STRAINED HONEY 5 - 69c Sweet Eats Brand SWEET PEAS 10c Sweet Pickins Tender and Sweet DEL MONTE CORN 2 29c Cream Style 303 TUNAFISH --- 23c MORRELL'S SNACKS PANCAKE FLOUR 10 HUNGRY JACK, IVi lb. pkg., 27c 4 lb- bo9 41 C 10 59c 12 0Z. CAN LB. BAG 31c 83c Pineapple No.2can Kitchen Parade Crushed 23c Duo Brand, Tuxide, No. Vi can, 25 C White Star Tuna Solid Pack, No. Vi can, 37c Grated, No. Vi can 31 C Pink Salmon Harpoon-Fine Quality CHnQ PeOcheS 19c No. 1 tall can J'W , PINEAPPLE CHUNKS No. 2 can 27c RED ALASKA m m Sockeye Salmon JjC Bumble Bee, Fl Tall Can Maytime in Syrup BARTLETT PEARS 1Q, No. 2 H can Triumph in Syrup 1 BOILING BEEFKend 18c RIB STEAKS LPoo;ndndTende' 45c BEEF TONGUES Stt 29c PORK HEARTS lb 29c SAUSAGE Country style, lb. 35c CANNING SALMON Weighing from 3 to 20 pounds LB. 29c Del Monte Preserves Flavorade Fruit red SNAPPER (Fresh) nqr Loganberry Punch Bon'lc" F,"et LB" 1 lb. jar - - -1 9c 3 pkgs. 10c FRESH OYSTERS 65c I I r J Willapa Harbor PT. NALLEY'S TANG Roth's Pork Sausages SCOT TISSUE f. Salad Dressing 37c TOILET PAPER pi"tjr 27c Skippy Peanut Butter J 33c 5"rtJ ,.b.iar 33C NALLEY'S CHAMPION CANNED MILK Tall can IOC FLY SPRAY Salad Dressing fffiri I ARM0URS 5 DDT Al m TOMATO JUICE 23c iqc. Quart Jar tOv J CAMPBELL'S Large 46 01. eon , MISSION MACARONI PRODUCTS Macaroni-Spaghetti 17c 27c 33c All type 14 ei. pkg , Large 24 ox. pkg BEST BET BRAND 24 lb. pkg MISSIONETTE EGG i"7 NOODLES, 1 lb. pkg At C SPRY SHORTENING 3 185 Finest Vegetable LUX FLAKES For your daintiest washable LIFEBUOY For warm-weather freshness RINSO XL 3 Times whiter washing action T af akk A LARGE SIZE CANNING TOMATOES Local, Firm and Rip QQm Full Bushel Box 70C SWEET BELL PEPPERS Green' 2 lbs. 1 5 C CAULIFLOWER Large Snow White Q Heads, lb OC SWEET POTATOES Fancy U. S. i C No. l' 9 Ibt. JLDC VEGETABLE SALAD MIX First of Season 1 A Cello Bog, each IUC POTATOES 89c Washington Netted Gem 50 lb. bag DIXIE FRYERS 1.49 Fresh frozen, young and tender. Each . . Chopped Mushrooms Shady Oak 2 ox. can . 10c HALEY'S Vegetable Stew with Beef No. 2Vican. .35C era B0RENE Gran Soap 79c Giant Pkg. 28c 2 i7c RrrVPP?CN LARGE SIZE 2 Bath Siie 1 LUA TOILIT OSJwAf America's most popular 3060 Portland Road 3720 East State Street