14 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Thursday, Sept. 22. 1949' VI - v 4t a i it j a f i fit iT " ' ( ' I I WU1 Blackmer's Return Recalls Teapot Dome Oil Scandal Boston, Sept. 22 Wi Henry M. Blackmer today wag reported at the New England Baptist hospital. The 80-vear-old oil tycoon was taken immediately to the hos- pital after he flew here yesterday ending 25 yean of exile in Europe. I Atiacnes ai me nnspi.ai r.-- quitted of cnarg(., that he gave lUM'U IU KIVC B ll met on Fall the bribe. Doheny died in! 1835. Fall was released In June. 1932. after serving nine months condition but indicated it was not serious. The multi millionaire finan cier key fiuure in the Teapot Dome scandal during the Hard-! jn Santa Fe prison. He left there ing aaminiMriimm m kit- in an amouiance, a sick man. Isnil .1.1 Rescue Efforts Fail Priest administer last rites of the Catholic church as rescuers fail in attempt to revive Robert Howe, 8, and Michael Gallagher, 7, who were drowned in Poestankill creek near Troy, N. Y. Gallagher fell into the water first and Howe was drowned while attempting to rescue him. Rescue efforts were hampered by the creek's cliff-like walls which rise to 100 feet. (Acme Telephoto) tor in Russian language and his tory. A year or so later he was named to the faculty of Johns Hopkins University as a teacher of Slavic languages. That gave him an idea, and in 1945 he came here and set up his own school. He was the whole faculty and offered courses in Russian, Polish and Czech. "The classes were held in one room and I had seven pupils,' he said. "The next year I had five teachers, and we instructed in nine languages. One of my prize pupils that year was Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy of Wiscon sin." The third year there were 30 teachers and 20 students. The next year there were 35 profes- HE BUILDS A MENTAL ARCH Anatol Doesn't Make Much Money, But He Does Good By HARMON W. NICHOLS Washington, Sept. 22 (U.fi) Anatol J. Schnciderov figures he's way up on Harvard University. At the end of its first 30 years. Harvard boasted only 30 pro fessors. After Just three years Schnciderov had 3(1, too. The fact that he also had only 30 students, he contends, is entirely beside the nnint 4 The middle-aged, Russian born scholar and teacher is tall graving and of medium build His diction in English leaves a few vowels to be desired here and there, but, whes it comes to the tongues of Eurasia, he's the old master. Presently, he operates what he calls the Institute of Slavic and East European Studies here. It's non-sectarian and is sup ported mostly by gifts from friends of the arts. The fields covered include en tomology, languages and adult studies. Actually it's a gradu ate school a small one. Schneiderov who has no use for the crowd In the Kremlin, isn't exactly a soldier of fortune, but he's done about everything you'd expect one to do. He studied in Petrograd (now Leningrad) and got a degree in civil and military engineering. In World War I he was station ed In Manchuria. After the "Russian revolution he stayed there as I combination report er-photographer for a Russian newspaper. ' In 1928, he went into the pub lishing business in Shanghai.! There he studied English, Chi-! nose, old Russia, and Hebrew! and became fluent in all of( them. j He came to the United States in 1941 to seek contract with our government for an armor piercing shell. The deal fell through. He enrolled in George Washington University for an advance degree in electrical en-1 ginecring. "I felt pretty small along about then," he said, "the dean of the school heard me out and iuggested It would be wise to enroll in the Freshman English class." In two semesters he managed to head his class and lose 17 pounds. "Mostly from sweating out the English course." he said. Later the late Dr. Sidney B Hall, director of the extension department, persuaded him to Join the faculty as an instruc- 1S44 at the age of lieved undergoing a psysical He died in checkup. i83. Blackmer's attorney said plans Sinclair, who had been ac still call for him to fly to Chi- cusfd of paMlng along more th,n cago and then board a tram for Denver, where he is due to face!" . ' i" six federal charges of income taxi"11 ln exchange for a lease on evasions next week. ! government oil fields, was ex- Immigratinn inspectors who ! onerated. Later, however, he saw Blackmer when he alichted:served Kvtn months in Wash from the transAUantlc airliner 'niton district jail for contempt yesterday said he appeared !of the senate refusing to an- outwardlv at least in good""" q"ons ai a neanng ln physical condition. His sudden return to this coun 1929. Investors in If S fio inqs Bonds will gel more Hun 2 S billion leim- 9S't. These Mitiorhil Industrial Conference Board figure? show hotu pdimetd s will increase yeir by yedr. An Af Nawtf-Nturat Pictvfroph J.VNOT LIKE MOST MOVIE STARS Van Johnson Prides Self On Being 'Like Anybody Else' pot Dome scandal. Two of Blackmer's oil associates, Ed ward L. Doheny and Harry Sin clair, were involved. Blackmer slipped away to Eu rope in 1924 rather than testi fy at a congressional inquiry into the Continental Tradinc company. He was a director. It was disclosed in a Cheyenne. Wyo., court that the company made $2,000,000 through a pa per transaction by purchasing oil from one company and sell ing it to another. The profits were used to purchase Liberty bonds. Government detectives said some of the bonds were traced to Albert Fall, secretary of the Interior in the Harding administration. Fall was convicted of accept ing a bribe of $100,000 from Do heny in the leasing of the Elk Hills naval oil reserve, part of the Teapot Dome field. He was sentenced Nov. 1, 1929. to a year in prison and fined $100,- 000. In the same' court and before the same judge, Doheny was ac- sors. Last year 24 languages were taught. In the term about to open, 48 languages will be offered. Eventually he hopes to be able to offer 97 all of Eur asia. His theory is that there never should be more than five to seven students in any one class. Schneiderov knows he could make more money as a plain old professor, but he thinks that he's doing some good. He feels, he says, a satisfaction "in build ing a mental arch between peo ple and civilization." It .Ss l 'v -iF 2 & By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood (U.R) Most movie stars pride themselves on being unique, but Van Johnson picked off one of the year's plum roles because he's just like anybody else. Mctro-Goldwyn-Mayer chose Johnson to star in "Battleground" because moviegoers say he reminds them of the boy next door. I m beginning to feel like a statistic!" Johnson grinned. But the bobby-sox idol proved he's still the same plain guy he always was when he went home to Newport, R.I., for the 15th annual reunion of his alma ma ter, Rogers high school. One of the first things he did when he got to his father's house was to put two movie fan maga zines in the kitchen window. "It used to be a signal," he ex plained. "The girl next door and I were great movie fans. We went to shows together and swapped magazines. Putting them in the window was the signal it was time to swap." The girl next door saw the signal, too. She rushed over and invited Johnson to lunch with her husband and three children. At the class reunion, Johnson remembered both the first and last names of his classmates of 15 years ago. "An elephant in size and memory," he shrugged. One of the "bunch" had open- BEST SELLER AT GROCERS EVERYWHERE prttdwcH lffhti. Htm, ityl Cwrtr-O. SMtlMll and If you suffer from B-VITAMIN DEFICIENCY symptoms like Arhrson and Revln Joke A smiling Dean Acheson (left), U. S. secretary of state, and British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin. toast each other at dinner given by the City of New York in honor of the president and delegates to the United Nations general assembly. The opening session of the gen eral assembly was held at Flushing Meadows, N. Y. (AP Wirephoto) Quality MEATS lit North Commercial PEERLESS MARKET "At City Bus Stop" Courteous Service rhone 3-5704 CHOICE MILK-FED VEAL Veal Roasts lb. 49c Veal Steak lb. 55c BREAST OF VEAL lb. 29c PI HE Ground SC Beef JJ PI UK 0 Pork j9C Sausage ,b- I.ARCiK Juicy 0C Franks lbJJ Seasoning A A Bacon 1 1 C Squares ,b- 1 1 l.llllr rig Link Sausage lb' 49c Heart Lean SIDE BACON lb 39c FRESHLY DRESSED o FRYERS o HENS o RABBITS new BEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA may do wonders for you I-oti of ptxtplt who hiv so d a infer hont in iheir body till can not ffm i lot iht entrk, rannot pull iVmtrltr out of nvrvout, vfr fatigued Mout-on-Tour-fttM itump, ti thi your .rouble? Your condition may b dut to the limplt farl that yoi do Bni (ft enough B-vitamint and Iron m your food. Of rourt, yor condition may be due to tome other rauae. to it it ie to commit your dorter. But if mild itamin B and Iron daneien ties art iht origin of your eniaarifa, then Reiel Special Formula way do thi importance of B Vitamina. Every body knows the importance of Iron in your diet to help your body maintain riVA, red bfood, Veil. jul one capul of Bexel Special Formula a day tthat'i all you take) giea you not only tht important B vitamina, but alo J rimes the minimum daily rn quirrment of Iron. Betel i a tcientifir product and is offered with a money back guarantee! Take Bexel Special Formula for 30 days and if you don't feel definitely better, you may return the bottle and trend trt for foal Everybody knows we will refund your money. Fred Meyer ed a small drugstore, and John son and his wife dropped in for lunch. They sat at counter stools batting the breeze with the own er. Business got its biggest bo4 since somebody teamed onion with hamburger. The movie star's only conces sion to success was spending two hours at exclusive Bailey's Beach. Harder to crash than Fort Knox," he commented, remem bering the days when he was happy to do odd jobs there. Although he was picked be cause he typifies the average guy, Johnson was thrilled by hjs "Battleground" assignment. "There really isn't any star in the picture," he said. "It's Just about 12 average guys. I cross section of America. I'm suppos ed to be of Swedish descent. John Hodiak'i folks came from the Ukraine. Ricardo Montalban is a Mexican-American." Others in the cast were chos en also bescause they could be the young men found in any of the 48 states, at home in New York or Walla Walla. "There's no hero in the pic ture, either," Johnson added. "It Just presents a bunch of typical Americans. .What a wonderful experience, playing in a picture where there's no 'star.' Every body plays second fiddle to ev erybody else." Australia Is the smallest con tinent and the largest island In the world. Rally Program Planned Lyons Plans are being made and a program arranged for Rallv dav and promotion Sun day wnicn win De ncid a Lyons Methodist church tember 23. The DroEram be held at the Sunday school hour. n Sun- at the I h Sep- m will lAdvtrtUemtnli Men,Women!01d? Get New Pep, Vim Feel Years Younger rv rx Mtni nfaftuffud, Mat en ThoiiMBfe flUMd wbt a llttla ptpplix np Uk CHirei tint doiit. Codujm wai uu owl u 40. lo. 0. for bodr oM Jut bwu; low la !; 1m iupi'lemntrj 4op VI tamta Bj. Jcluin. Mw "tit Mquntr mUv f- Try Ottrti Tonlt Tublm tot pep. jrouaftt faallai, tola vary tW. At alt drui tores avtrywhart In 8lem at Ftm! Meyer1'- Plump 'n' juicy and all meat! Taste hoar good, plump and Juicy Arvoui Prankfurtere are They're made freah every day In Portland aeasoned )uet the way yoo like 'em here In Oregon. Armour Frankfurter are -maaf, too nothing but fine baef and pork and seasoning I Portland-made to Oregon's taste 0. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Frankfurters ; o leader in America's finest line of sausage Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cosh More Carry Lots of great values here this week! Look at the prices we have on grade "A" milk fed veal or compare our prices on Eastern Ore. Hereford beef cuts; or if you want to fill your locker better look these over it will save you money. Freshly Ground Hamburger )b. 33c EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD B F Arm Cuts Blade Cuts ROAST Rump. 35c Eastern Oregon Hereford T Bones )b 59c Special Grade "A" Veal Roost b. 39c Special Grade "A" Veal Breast ib. 19c Tender Skinless WIENERS ib. 39c Fresh Country Sausage ... 33c Eastern Oregon Hereford Rib Steak ib. 49c Eastern Ore. Hereford New Yorke rs ib 69c Special Grade "A" Veal Steak b. 45c Special Grade "A" Ff Veal Chops ,b. 37c Limited Supply f Sliced Bocon,b JJC lender Young Eastern Oregon Herefordi. We have lots of these very desirable and Bp hord f0 Ist ,ma" '"' Bstter Buv NOW! Lb.33c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Phone 2-9237 T iTf" nTsCC Grand Island Burbanks Extra Quality Commercial Grade. 10 ib, 33c BREAD I'ffifcte.". 19c KLEENEX IZ 2pkt. 35c MILK xVc".;,' e.ch 10c CRISCO , , t, 85c TUNA FLAKES M, 25c PEAS iTtV" 2 for23c Dl IkiDltf Ikl s""y fy Quality o 1C. rUfVirlXin Large No. IVi com J com AjC PINEAPPLES..,. 29c SARDINES ESS 2fnr 45c FRISKIES K r.,,2,.,,. 25c DILL PICKLES 49c CIGARETTES c.r,.n 1.45 Deviled Meat 3,.. 25c A ll" k i I V r illsbury White or Devil's Food WAIXC IVllTV Just Mi and loke k9. JJC TOMATOES .vepr'.,,,.., 69c Prices Effective CAULIFLOWER pagnowWhlt' 7c Sep" 2M3?24 GREEN PEPPERS t.T ""' 2c Shop and Save ' OUR SPECIALTY FARM FRESH EGGS Strictly Guaranteed Fresh Daily from Nearby Farm. t BASINGER'S 13th a STATE STS. MS N. Liberty il