George Spaur Acting Forester funeral of the late forester held' Wednesday afternoon. , Lyons Lodge Plans scouii. It was also decided to! Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1949 11 I meet at the hall September 21, for the purpose of canning fruit and vegetables for the old peo ples home. At the close of the evening re freshments were served by the committee, Helen Anderson, Mabel Bass and Effie Heineck. 90 Percent of Animal Whips Made in Little Factory Nash Cuts Price $140. The reductions apply to the company's new 1950 model cars which go on display in dealer showrooms tomorrow. Bridge Club Guest ' Boy Scout Benefit Lyons Faith Rebekah lodfie Detroit, Sept. 22 (P) Nash Motors today announced price reductions ranging from S73 to Dayton The Kroweldeen 1 Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Floyd Willert. Mrs. Paul Londershausen and Mrs. Clare Heider were special guests. By VIC JACOBS The state forestry board has met at the hall with the follow BOY'S WOOL SCHOOL Mackinaws & Jackets Virgin Wool 3.95 750 Gay Multi Color Plaids Large Assortment Sizes 2 Through 16 THOS. KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. 260 South 12th Street ing officers in the chairs, Frances McCarley, noble grand, Blanche Wagnor, vice grand, Garnett Bassett, secretary and Celene Taylor, treasurer. Beulah Lewis was installed as warden to re Moundsville. W. V.. U.RIn . the frowning shadow, of the state K i9Vto the post of .cUni penitentiary, meres ou.y uiiu pni wn. n.p. lurcvcr . . forestcr un(ii , n.rman,nl state forester until a permanent Three tables of bridge was in being cracked. For it is at this plant that 80 per cent of all animal whips are made products ranging from the 65-foot lash especially styled play with high honors going to Mrs. Londershausen. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell held low score. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Wright in Newberg. Refreshments were served by the hostess. appointment can be made. Gov. Douglas McKay told the lAaverlUrmniu v KILL ATHLETES FOOT "TE-OL BEST SELLER" SAYS J. C. PERRY, DRUGS HERE'S THE REASON. Til term trows dfep!r. You muit REACH It to KILL It. 1E-OL. conttlnlni flo pprcfnt alcohol. PENETRATES. Rchr mnrf irrnts. Your 3se bick from iny drusBut If not pleased IN ONE HOUR. board that a memorial to the in the early 1920 s lor uougia late Nelson Rogers should be es Fairbank's use in the "Mark of Ships Collide place Mildred Carr who is un able to attend due to illness. Plans were made and a date to set later for a supper for the Boy Scouts and their parents. This is to be an outstanding af fair as the Rebekahs sponsor the San Francisco, Sept. 22 W) The British freighter Lochgarth and the Charles S. Jones, a Richfield tanker, collided early today off the northern California coast, but neither was damaged. tablished. He said it should be Zorro" to the riding crops toiea by the horsey set. The "whip factory" Is what they've labelled the plant but for all official intents and pur poses it's the J. C. Bardall Co. in keeping with the accomplish ments of the state forester who died Sunday. John Glidden invented the first practical barbed wire in ine uoara memuers held a brief meeting after attending the 1872. a rirumki I r iTurn mrnfii incnc' Here, 1. nogerson ana nw 45 employes eschewing mod ern assembly line methods braid and fashion by hand the leather "persuaders." Admiral Richard E. Byrd used specially-made dog whips on his first trip to the North Pole and the two succeeding ex peditions to the South Pole. Roy Rogers, a top celluloid cowboy, uses Bardall whips in his flick ers. Most of the leather ropes used in teaching dogs for mili tary service during World War II were also turned out here. The greater portion were air mailed to overseas K-9 training 4V- Although it supplies the 7 globe, the plant s business is con J centrated principally in the 1 west. Ranchers both -dude and orthodox beat a steady f path to the whip factory's door j bringing orders for singular de-signs. One of the more recent spe cials was a 35-foot rodeo whip for a Wyoming rancher that took almost a day to make. Four hours was required for the braiding job alone. In 1939, a 65-foot whip was fashioned for the Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey Circus ringmaster, The plant maintains Its own tannery using grease, oil and soap to make the leather going into Us products soft and pli able. Every worker in the factory some with as much as 25 years service is a specialist in his field. That includes the cutters, braiders, sewers and button makers. "String" cutting in which a razor-sharp knife is used is the most intricate part of the pro cess because of the uniform thickness in which strips must be cut from the tanned hides. The plant also produces nose bands, lariats, dog leashes, canes riding quirts, lanyards, black jacks and policemen's billies. In business nearly three-quarters of a century, the Bardall enterprise operated inside the r state penitentiary until 1935, when Congress passed the Ha-wes-Cooper law forbidding the operation of private industry Inside penal Institutions. Church Council. Guest At Mrs. Finley Home Dayton The Woman's Coun cil of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. J. L. Fin ley with eighteen members and one guest, Mrs. John Diehm of Redrock, Okla., present. Mrs. Vernon Foster, assisted by Mrs. Oliver Callahan and Mrs. Clete Gell, had charge of the devotion al period and lesson. Mrs. 11a Paris and Mrs. Cal lahan are leaders for the con tests, which involves attendance, reading and membership. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Callahan October 20, with Mrs. Frank Foster as the leader. Re freshments were served. Ediger Hospitalized Hopewell Jamie Ediger of Hopewell district, who has been ailing for about two montht and .receiving treatments and exam inations at Veterans' hospital, Portland, entered the hospital and will remain in bed until recovery is more lasting. He served during World war II in the Seabees in navy overseas. ( His wife and small son are stay- ' ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Stockhoff, In the Wheatland district. Painting and Decorating Years Eiperlence In Salem We Paint Homes Office Buildings For Vz Less Phone 3-7552 5!r ii a.. vl cookies better. lYiawo u i """'bshl'i . Prices in this ad are effec tive through Sat., Sept. 24. We reserve the right to limit quan tities. No sales to dealers. Look at the seal on the end of the loaf Monday's loaf will say "MONDAY," Tuesday's loaf will say 'TUESDAY" ... and so on through the week. This way you can SEE and KNOW for yourself that Mrs. Wright's Bread is FIRST DAY FRESH the day you buy it. It's dated FRESH and costs you LESS. SAVE ON EVERY LOAF! Mb. Loaf 1 4C Wheat lJ4-lb. Loaf 9C White or 0 ft or Miscellaneous Values PITTED CHERRIES. Honeybird No. 2s 29e TOMATO JUICE, Sunny Dawn 46-oz. 25c PEAS, Stokely's No. 303 Can 18c PEAS, Sugar Belle, fancy No. 303 Can 15e CHERUB MILK, Evaporated Tall Can 10c ROYAL PUDDINGS. Variety Pkg. e WHEAT HEARTS, Sperry 28-oz. Pkg. 28c WHEAT HEARTS. Sperry 46-ei. Pkg. 43c DELRICH MARGARINE Lb. 33c NUCOA Lb. 31e 2-Lb. Pkg. ole ALLSWEET MARGARINE Lb. 31c GRADE 'A BUTTER Per Lb. 69c FRESH EGGS. Grade A Ige. Doz. 75c FRESH MILK Quart 19Vie SUNNYBANK Margarine "Plastic tablecloth offer" Lb 31e Details at S.f.wjy Fig BARS White or Wheat i 'Ait nc Pkg. x G. E. Frosted flul Til LIGHT GLOBES 40 and 60 watt ea. 12c 75 and 100 watt ea. 15c PEANUT BUTTER, Beverly 12 -ox. Jar 35e MAYONNAISE, NuMade Pt. 39c, Qt. 67c CHINOOK SALMON Paraco brand 29' No. V2 Can. GREEN BEANS MORRELL'S SNACK SHORTENING Swilt'ning Shortening Kitchen Craft Flour 87' Kraft Mayonnaise Gardenside brand Standard New pack Delicious in sandwiches 2 " 291 3?sl .00 ROYAL SATIN Now offering a treasure chest of Spring Flowering Bulbs. $1.00 Value for only 25c. Get full details on Royal Satin cans at Safeway. 3-lb. Can 69' 3-Lb. Can 69' Pint Jar Only SODAS, Busy Baiters SODAS, Krispy Craclters GRAHAMS, Pirates' Gold CORN MEAL, Mammy Lou CHEESE. Dutch Mill BORENE SOAP, Gran. 2-lb. Boi 45e Mb. Box 27e 2-lb. Box 53c 2'j-lb. 21 e 2-lb. Loaf 95c 24-01. Pkg. 28c BREEZE CHEESE Smooth Cheese Food Mb. fCC Loaf Edwards Coffee Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee Can ' 2 Lb. 39' 97' a... Bag 1J S V40c 89c Bab, 79c WHITE MRG C SOJP TELEPHONE - EXTENDED & WEEKS 19 .OOO 00 ; worth of Westinghouse Home nw"a" SaliffW Von "'"'" " . i t on tun--- mum White Magic soap Granulated 23-01. QLf Laundry Soap pKgj. I V i MM UBBY'S CANNED MEATS VEAL LOAF 7-or. can 29e DEVILED HAM can 19e DEVILED MEAT-14 can 10c VIENNA SAUSAGE 4-01. can ....19e CORNED BEEF HASH-No. 2 can. .35c PARD DOG FOOD cant 35' Your dog will love it! CAMAY Beauty SOAP Reg. J Q5C Bath Bars J for size bar 11 RINSO r.niiW.d SOAP 28' with the new sunlight ingredient 23-oz. Pkg. OXYDOL SOAP Granulated Laundry Soap Giant siie "ZEt package r GLOSS STARCH ARGO BRAND 16-oz. Pkg. 12' Snowdrift SHORTENING 3-lb. Can 85' BEEF POT ROAST e" lb. 59 '' e" lb. 55 ROUND STEAKS " """ lb. 79 c." b. 75 RUMP ROAST lb. 75 "e"" " lb. 69 SIRLOIN STEAK "" lb. 89 c- " lb. 69 SIRLOIN . TIPS lb. 89 "c.-.." b. 85 RIB ROASTS lb. 75 " c"" " lb. 45 RIB STEAKS ' lb. 79 ' ....' b. 69 CORNED BEEF lb. 39 C Beef LIVER u. 39e APPLES Tokay Grapes 2 J9c Tender and flavorful Short Ribs lb. 19 Ground Beef lb. 35c Steak ,!:-. lb. 89c Steak lb. 65 Yeal Breast lb. 23( Lamb Leg lb.79c Pork Sausage lb. 55' Pork Steak lb. 59( Yeal CHOPS Rib or 7Te Loin Cuts lb. Crisp Jonathans 4 lbs. 25 C Fresh Ortlcys 4 lbs. 25 C SQUASH DANISH lb. 3e HUBBARD lb. 2 c MARBLEHEAD 3c Oranges veimnw lb. 12c Cabbage rrerll lb. Ac Cauliflower lb. 15c Crisp Celery lb. 5c Sweet Corn GoIdrn lb. 5c Parsnips Turnips POTATOES U. S. No. 2's 50-lb. Sack 98c lb. 10c lb. 7c Sweet Potatoes Juit ofri'ved 3 ib. 25c