Auxiliary Helps inCC Taking an active Dart in the work of the Community Chest this year are members of Unit No. 136. American Legion aux iliary. Mrs. George Spaur, one of the members, is one of the three women's division chair men in the campaign. Last evening at a meeting of committee chairmen and offi cers at the home of Mrs. Bert A Walker, president, the auxiliary captains to work with Mrs. wal ker as a leader in the drive were named, including Mrs. Joseph B. Felton, Mrs. Robert Gentzkow, Mrs. Wayne C. Perdue, Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard and Mrs. Eu gene Oliver. Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., also is leader in the campaign and auxiliary members working in her group include Mrs. Dale Bever, Mrs. C. M. Arnert and Mrs. Richard N. Chase. At the meeting last evening plans were made for the regu lar meeting of the auxiliary next Tuesday evening in the Sa lem Woman's club house. WORD HAS come to Salem relatives and friends of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William Malotte Smith at Ema nuel hospital in Portland, Tues day, September 20. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smith of Salem and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Magruder of Corvallis. I ' j : ; Tally Ho . . . The turf brown velour derby as designed for fall by Mr. John. 5$ ns Projects Planned Mrs. W. G. Burris was host ess Tuesday to Sigma Kappa Mothers club, the group meet ing for luncheon about a table attractively decorated with pas tel asters. The group discussed its plans to assist the sorority-'s chapters at University of Oregon and Oregon State college. At the meeting were Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. D. G. DeSart, Mrs. For rest Holmes, Mrs. A. H. Fish, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, Mrs. R. J, Davey, Mrs. G. A. Keener, Mrs. Burris. On October 18, Mrs. H. J. Eastman will entertain in the group at Dallas. Couple Wed On Saturday The marriage of Mrs. Ella Voves to Axel Donnelly was sol emnized Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at a service in St. Jo seph's Catholic church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating. For the wedding the bride wore a navy blue suit and hat with beige accessories and a cor sage of Talisman roses. Mrs. Alfred Forman attend ed the bride. She wore a gray suit and hat with corsage of pink carnations. Alfred Forman was best man for Mr. Donnelly. Immediately fol I o w 1 n g the ceremony, the brides son and! daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Voves, entertained at their home at a dinner for a group of 17 relatives. Later, the newlyweds enter tained Informally for relatives and friends at the Marion hotel. The couple left by train Sun day morning for Menlo Park, Calif, to spend the winter. Preceding the wedding several 1 parties were given for the cou-i pie. A group of relatives and close friends gave a surprise par-j ty for the couple at the home of the bride, presenting the couple with a silver coffee set. Mrs. Barbara Karst entertained a group of IS at a shower for the bride, and Mrs. E. H. Burrell was hostess recently to the UD club at an afternoon of bridge and a shower for the bride. joining them there for Ihe event The visitors left Tuesday for the east. Their son-in-law and daughter entertained at dinner for them Saturday evening, and on Sunday, Mr. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott, en tertained at dinner for the visitors. Rites Early In August Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brady were married August 4 in the First Baptist church. The bride is the former Mildred Storslcy, daughter of Mrs. A. Obie, Beause jour, Manitoba, Can., and the late James Storsley, and Mr, Brady is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. Brady of Moose horn, Man., Can. The couple will reside in Salem. Capital- Journal, Salem Ore,, Wednesday, Sept. 21, IMS ? before going en to White Shrine fvenf Willamette Shrine No. 2, Anne Cooper, daughter of Mr.freturneo from their weddmr White Shrine of Jerusalem, met;and Mrs. Lawrence L. Cooper.jtrip to Reno and Laka Tabs at the Masonic temple Monday 1025 E. Tenth ave., was wed and left Wednesday for Pert evening. Mrs. Wilbur James Francis Dembrosky.i land to make their home Mr worthy high priestess and Stan- i son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Bom-; Christian is to complete work ley Brown presided. fbrosky, also of Albany. The;for hss University of Onsen Appointive and honorary of-iRev. Father Lawrence J, Saal-ldesree in th rxtentirm ficeri ot the Supreme Shrine; feW, Portland, cousin of Ihe! Tk. i. s, .ui.. i. were introduced and escorted to bride said the nuptial mass. A; i par. the east, Mrs. Abner K. Kline,5 reception followed at the Al-jents' Mr- snd Uts- u- of the supreme redisricting barty hotel. Mr. and Mr. Bom- of Sublimity and his parents, committee, ' Mrs. Pearl Speer.fbrosky will live in Albany. ;;nr itt!j Mrs, L. R. Christian at district aepmy, airs, wiiour? T , Pintier. lucrem naee Sianlev , o IKS, Lawrence Brown, supreme, king's guard,'Chris!ian (Marjorie Tate have Portland, Mrs. Kline. Mrs. Sneer. Mrs. Pintier and Mrs. E. T. Arm-f i strong gave reports of their trips? with the supreme worthy high priestess, Mrs. Zelma Kah, to Portland, Vancouver. Washing-, ton, Tacoma, and Victoria, B.C. After the meeting the mem bers were entertained by the singing of solos by Rev. Walter Knaff, accompanied by Mrs. Knaff. Refreshments were serv ed by the following committee. Mr. and Mrs. James Booth, Mrs Nacy Peed, Mrs. Sarah Vincent, Miss Laverne Kantner. Mrs William Mills. f Wedding at Albany Albany Saturday morning, September IT, at St. Mary's Catholic church. Miss Mary Fete Anniversary Gervais Mr. and Mrs. W. Edcr of Gervais were surprised on Sunday when their children gave them a dinner at their home, in honor of their 32nd wedding anniversary. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Adelman and Tommy, from Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Eder of Silvcrton; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Duda and Don- fee shop. Subject of the ad dress will be plans to date for Lebanon's new hospital. Local hospital facilities were taken over more than a year ago by ny, from Mt. Angel; John Brock the Mennonites. of Woodburn and Miss Irene Eder of Gervais. BPW Club. Lebanon Dr. Allan Erb of Colorado, adviser to the Pacific! Mission of Mennonite churches,! will address the Business and Professional Women's club at its first fall dinner meeting. Wednesday evening, at the cof- high school. Mrs. Edna Lenox is the chair man Ineharge of the meing pi man in charge of the meeting plans. Business matters will include planning for the B.P.W. district conference to be held in Leb anon on October 23, Between 75 and 200 members of this dis trict are expected for the ses-t sions to be held at the r : t r z VISITORS here over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Peters of Forest Hills, N..Y., as guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Peters had been in San Fran cisco to attend the photographic trade fair. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Travel! Country Club of Cali fornia finely stripes red and black Andross worsted for this beautifully fitted jacket; sleek, slimming all-wool gabardine skirt. Leslie James hat. Salem Nursing Home Newly Decorated 24 hour nurse service Dignified Courteous Service to all types of patients. Call at 3S95 "D" Street, Salem To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 say GIBSON "ART" Yes; at leading stores where famous Gibson Cards are sotJ, the beautiful new 1949 Christmas boxed assortments are now ready for your selection; Again you'll find the heartwarming Charles Dickens Series, lovely Currier and Ives prints, and Gibson's exclusive Steel Engravings. And with them, many colorful new designs that will win your heart and your friends' deep appreciation. At Christmastime, you'll be glad you chose Gibson the name that says you've sent the finest. makes news at Arbuckles cooperates with LIFE, the magazine of fa mous brands, in presenting new fall shoe styles fo rthe fam ily! This ."LIFE-Lines" event will continue from SEPTEMBER 21st to OCTOBER 15th fyf . f- ' -1 . ,. - t - t Mt0r ? This smart suede shoe, named "Diane," according to Dewey Hamm, is one of many beautiful pat terns which appeared in a full-color, double-page spread in LIFE on September 19th. Arbuckles have dozens of LIFE-advertised Naturalizer Shoes to show yout . '' ' i ii il'nrflu mm ii urn i sn niimnn ttaSiIiteiw Dewey Hamm and some of the sales staff of Arbuckles. Bob Dcnnison and John Bates, look over the colorful LIFE advertisement announcing the Roblee Rally. This important event, starting September 2Sst and end ing October 15th, brings a brand new group of smart Roblee Shoes for men to Arbuckles in a fall showing. See these beauties soon, men! This is one step in Arbuckles skilled,, expert method of fitting your youngsters' shoes. The leading brand at Arbuckles is Buster Brown . . . the name that has meant top quality in children's footwear since 1904. And you will find the se lection at Arbuckles most complete. rom September 21st to October 15th Arbuckie is cooperating with LIFE in this special presenta tion of our outstanding coifectton of new fa!! patterns of top quality shoes for the whole fam ily! These shoes are the products of Brown Shoe Company, one of America's largest and oldest shoe manufacturers. They ore oft nottonolly pre ferred brands which hove been seen many times in LIFE, the nation's most wtdeiy-read weekly' magazine. Here ot Arbuckles are "The best things tn LIFE." Bring the whole family to Arbuckles to see the famous LIFE-advertised brands you see below, during our special September 2 1st to October 1 5th "Life-Lines" event. We promise to show you the smartest footwear of the fal! season, at prices that make qualify and smartness o solid voluef Remember, LIFE is helping us make news ... wonderful news in quality shoes far you? j rfc I tan- -t 3V Dewey Hamm, the manager of Arbuckles, and hii assistants. Bob Denntton and John Bates, are put ting the finishing touches on the LIFE banner which hangs outside their store. This banner identifies Arbuckles as headquarters for famous LIFE-advertised brands ot footwear. 481 State St.