Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 21. 1949 Committees In AN Group Announced At the meeting of the board for Salem Women' Army and Navy league, Tuesday after noon, plans were made for the winter's program, and Mrs. George Spaur, president, an nounced her standing commit tees for the year. The board meeting was at the home of Mrs. Henry Meyer with Mrs. Spaur, Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. M. H. Saffron, Mrs. T. W. Har disty, Mrs. Raymond Olson, Mrs. Richard N. Chase and Mrs. Robert Browncll attending. First big event for the mem bership will be a tea In the early part of October to honor new officers and members with prospective members to be bid' den. Last year s officers are to arrange the tea, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., as chairman. Mrs. Spaur announced com mittees as follows: General service Mrs. Frank Keating, chairman; Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Francis T Wade. Program Mrs. T. W. Hardis- ty, chairman; Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton, Mrs. Robert Gentz kow. Social Mrs. Leonard Hicks, chairman; Mrs. H. L. Riches, Mrs. Forrest Bodmcr. Membership Mrs. Raymond Olson, chairman; Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. S. D. Hoffman. Hospitality Mrs. Robert Brownell, chairman; Mrs. Far ley Mogan and Mrs. S. D. Wiles Alumnae Meet Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae were entertained last evening by Mrs. Maynard A. Nelson and Mrs. Stanley Dilatush at the Nel son home. Mrs. Stuart Thede gave the program, telling of her trip east. Late refreshments were served. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Keith Flory, Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson, Mrs. Francis Smith, Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mrs. Robert Ticrnan, Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mrs. Howard Arnot, Mrs. Gilbert Groff, Miss Shirley Hill and the two hostesses. Fort-Garner Wedding Sunday In a simple ceremony at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Scp, tember 18, In the Four Corners Community hall Mrs. Lucille Garner was wed to Henry Fort, M. C. Cuthbertson officiating Mrs. Viola Henne sang "Always" and Mrs. Opal Bayer sang "I Love You Truly," Mrs. Zella Lomax accompanist. Bob Rob erts gave the bride in marriage For her wedding the bride wore a blue crepe afternoon dress and carried an orchid on a white Bible. Her attendant was Mrs. Arthur Frantz, who wore an afternoon dress of black crepe with a corsage of garde mas. Judy Frantz, dressed in blue taffeta, carried the ring on a white satin pillow. George Dwyer was best man. The mem Ders oi tne wedding party are members of the Chin-Up club of Salem. . Following the ceremony fcl low members and friends ex tended congratulations. There were many out-of-town visitors from Portland and other places. The couple cut the cake and friends assisted with the serving There were 170 present. Following a wedding trip they win reside in Salem. SPIRITUALIST Sunflower elub i meeting Thursday be tween 1 and 5 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Bruijn, 1925 North 5th. w"'T 71" 7 v ' j I U 0l District DAR Meeting Here Thirty-six attended the meet ing of District No. 2, Daughters of the American Revolution, at the Senator hotel here, Satur day. Mrs. C. B. Wilson of New berg presided as district chairman. Miss Christine Pipe of Albany was elected the new district chairman and plans made to hold the district event in the fail of 1950 at Champoeg. Announcement was made that the annual state conference is to be in Corvallis in March. Mrs. G. I. Hyslop of Corval lis, state first vice regent, and Mrs. E. C. Apperson of McMinn- ville, a past state regent, were state officials attending the ses sion. Charles A. Sprague, local publisher, was speaker for the luncheon, his topic being on con stitution day, the discussion lead ing into the subject of world government. The national DAR at its last congress opposed world government, at least for the present. Mrs. Ruth A. Hern don, regent of Chemckcta chap ter, DAR, Salem, presided at the luncheon. Mrs. David H Cameron of Salem was soloist for the program. Attend Play A group of five Salem women was in Portland this afternoon to attend the matinee of the stage play, "The Streetcar Nam ed Desire." In the group were Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. Tom H. Dun ham, Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Mrs. William H. Lytic, Mrs. A. D. Woodmansce. Among others taking in the play this week have been Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. Leah Hogue, Miss Ada Ross and Miss Helen Lane, who went Tuesday night; Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith, who went Wednesday after noon; Mrs. George Emigh, Mrs. George Scales and Mrs. Harold Busick, who joined Mrs. Emigh's mother, Mrs. George A. White of Portland for" the performance this afternoon. Planning to attend the Satur day show will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrcll, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst and Dr and Mrs. William Burrcll, the latter of Stayton. Hampton-Trimmer Many Salem friends will be interested to learn of the mar riage of Miss Cynthia Trimmer to Guy Hampton on September 15. The simple wedding cere mony took place in the Metho dist parsonage in Vancouver. The bride was dressed in a beige suit with brown asses sories. Her corsage was an or chid. Accompanying them to Vancouver were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hnmmack. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hampton left for a wedding trip to Nyssa. They ex pect to make their home in Phoe nix, Ariz. Committee Meets Contact committee of the Sa lem Memorial Hospital auxiliary met for its first session Inst eve ning at the home of Mrs. Jacob Foos. Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, auxiliary president, met with the group. Other names are to be added to the group and an other meeting scheduled. The auxiliary is sponsoring a 'rummage sale this Friday and Saturday at 129 North Commercial. PAST NOBI.F. Grands club t of the Rebekah lodge is meeting J this evening at 8 o'clock in the f IOOF temple. Visiting past i Mary Hammark Is to show pic tures taken on her trip to Eu rope last year. Following the business session snd program, refreshments will be served. Mrs. Richard VanPelt being chairman of the committee. v.: 4 '- ,4 1 A: ' - J i v f p ' ' V' . v g si Tells of Betrothal Miss Shirlce Reimann, above, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Reimann, Salem, announced her engagement to William H. Green, son of Lester M. Green of Eugene, at a party at her sorority at Oregon State coilcge last evening. (Jcsten-Millcr studio picture) Miss Reimann Tells Engagement To Mr. Green at Sorority Party A surprise for her Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters at Oregon State college last eve ning was the announcement of the engagement of Miss Shirlce Reimann, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Reimann of Salem, to William Green, son of Lester M. Green of Eugene. The news was revealed when Mrs. Oscar C. Christcnsen, Jr., (Mary Ricmann, sister of the bride-to-be, and Mrs. Lester D. Green (Marylou McKay), sis- AH. i Miss Medler To Be Wed Mrs. Grace Medler of Wasco, Oregon, is announcing the be trothal and forthcoming marri age of her daughter. Miss Phyl lis Joy Medler of Salem, to Harold Adams, son of Mrs. Peter Lorenson of Salem. The wedding is planned for December around the Christ mas holidays time. Schimberg-McReynolds Wedding in Portland From Portland comes an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Joan Lenore McReynolds of that city to Richard John Schimberg, son of Mrs. Nora Schimberg of Eugene and J. P. Schimberg of Salem. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McReynolds of Portland. The ceremony was solemnized September 10 at the First Pres byterian church in Portland, Dr. Paul S. Wright officiating. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a satin dress in champagne color with brown accessories. She carried white orchid over a white prayer book. Miss Beverly Beelor was the bride's only attendant. Dale Brugger of Eugene was best man. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. ter-in-law of Mr. Green, both of Eugene, presented a short hu morous skit, the engaged cou ple's names being found on a miniature rolling pin. Miss Reimann is a graduate of Salem high school and is a soph omore at Oregon State and mem ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Green attended schools in Pendleton and is completing his senior year at University of Ore gon where he is member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Paris in the Fall . . . Mme Jean Bianchot designed this tweed cloche to complement new short hairdos. Many to Attend Style Show Thursday Nearly 260 reservations have been made for the fashion show to be sponsored by the Salem Junior Woman's club tomorrow at the American Legion club, Grace's women's apparel shop to present the new fall styles. Dessert will be at 1 o'clock, followed by the style revue and bridge for those wishing to re main to play cards. Those play ing bridge are asked to take their own accessories. Proceeds from the benefit are to be used by the club in pro moting its playground program for the city. Additional rsesrvationi for the Thursday party include those of Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mrs. Maur ice Heater, Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs. George Scales. Mrs. Stuart Chrisholm, Mrs. Wake field Walker, Mrs. Sam Speers- tra, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. Ed win McEwen, Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden, Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard, Mrs. James L. Payne, Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mrs. Lewis Lorenz, Mrs. Harold Dunsmoor. Job's Daughters Meet Monday Eve Job's Daughters held their meeting Monday evening and escorted to be given honors were Miss Carolyn Eckersley, past honored queen; James Darby, dad adviser for DeMolays here; John Stark, district deputy for tne grand council, DeMolays; Mrs. D. M. Eby, worthy matron for Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, and Jason Friz zcll, worthy patron for Chad wick chapter. Initiatory degree was given Miss Sharon May Fleming and Miss Patricia Jean Stark. Under special dispensation, Miss Mary Campbell as guide and Miss Jackie Jones as mar shal were installed in their re spective offices. Miss Eckersley being the installing officer. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by Misses Patricia Burris, Phyllis Scott, Jean Herrig, Lynn Bur- rell, Nancy Morefield and Bev erly Johns. m THE BOARD for the Salem Zonta club is meeting for a din ner session Thursday at 6 o'clock at the Marion hotel. Alumnae Meet For Dessert The Alpha Chi Omega alum nae opened their fall activities with a large group of alumnae present for a meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Wil liam L. Phillips. Sr. Mrs. George Hanauska, and Mrs. Richard Hartley, two of the nine hundred Alpha Chis attend ing the record convention of the fraternity at Huntington Park this summer, gave highlights on the event. Blue prints for the new chapter house to be com pleted this fall were inspected by the alumnae and plans were discussed for a rummage sale to be held October 14 and 15. Present at the meeting were Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, Mrs. Wal lace Bonesteele. Mrs. William Carlson, Mrs. William Crogham, Mrs. Lloyd Griffiths. Mrs. Rod ney Fety, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Frank Guerin, Mrs. William L. Phillips. Sr.. Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Independence; Mrs. George Hanauska, Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Ed Liod, Mrs. Bur ton A. Myers, Mrs. Douglas Par ker, Mrs. Gerald Robison, Mrs. George Scymore, Mrs. Ralph Smithers, Mrs. J. W. Stanley, Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. Waldo Zel ler and Mrs. Iva Kirk. New alumae and out of town guests honored were: Mrs. Richard Hartley, Salem; Mrs. Robert Phillips, Salem; Mrs. Cecil Dunn, Dallas; Mrs. J. A. Inglis, Dal las: Mrs. Joseph Moreland. Sa- Dessert supper preceded the business meeting, hostesses be ing Mrs. Lewis D. Giffith, presi dent of the group, Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs. Frank Guerin and Mrs. Phillips. MRS. MACK HOKE of Pen dleton was a guest of Mrs. David Bennett Hill last week, the two spending the week at Neskowin. Mrs. Hoke returned to Pendle ton, Sunday. Formula for a Double Life . . . touches of whimsy in Coro's massive 30-inch chain necklace and matching bracelet and hat-clip earrings. Her twin at the right wears a new tweed patterned silf scarf by Glentex, plus Coro's gold-coin pocket-fob. For Tea-Dancing . . . autumn brown taffeta is highlighted by the smart lines of this two piece suit. The collar dips low, the skirt flares full. By Linsk of California. JiTHRIfTX. li wool jersey and velvetwn d. sned In St. Louts. Goes to par ries or town with n i , l ... - rid up or down. j WHY PAVa MORE. St Jwph Aipttin It m pur. 12 UhVfc Off tn thp or vr acctpt 1m than th St Jopb ...... , , , yJll , me i n ivtr icnpl M tlun lilt St Jownb Dean s tea In a two-pier outfit : of "Aplrtn at Its bMt" Buj You Don't Have To Be a GLUTTON... To Enjoy the Double Satisfaction of knowing you can have . . . for 99C (Including choice of entrees and desserts) NEW BUFFET DINNER DOWNTOWN ON STATE STREET 5:00 F.M.-8:30 P.M. Evtry Day Excapt Sunday 1 asalMaTMIfllW the newest most distinguished Broadloom fashion in years ARBIZOI A masterpiece of design ... a masterwork of weaving! Alexander Smith's Barbizon introduces a completely new fashion in textured carpeting. For the design is created, not with different colors, but with yarns of different texture, dyed the same subtle shade. The plume and scroll design of deep, plushy wools is set against a background of tightly twisted yarns. And, to add to the richness of the pattern, the design is sculptured, to further the bas-relief effect. Now, for the first time, you can carpet your home with a broadloom that combines the beauty of textured pattern, and the luxurious depth of pile. Barbizon is so new that there is still not enough for all who want it. So come as soon as you can to make sure of securing enough of the color you want to carpet your home. Available in deep green, grey, beige, rose and blue. EXPERT MECHANICS FOR CARPET AND LINOLEUM IFTOIiOTOKE CO. 1425 Edgewater pn. 25456